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Con cept of Di sa bi l i ty : Disability is an im pair m ent that m ay be cognitive, developm ental,

intellectual, m ental, physical etc. I t affects the ever yday activ ities of the individual to a

consider able am ount. I t m ay be pr esent in an individual fr om bir th or occur dur ing one’s

li fetim e. Disability has differ ent m eanings in differ ent societies of the w or ld. Disability is an

injur y that r estr icts the functions or m ovem ents of an individual. I t is the consequence of an

im pair m ent caused to an individual. Disability is a m edical condition w hich does not per m it

an individual to per for m any activ ity or m ovem ent in a nor m al w ay.

Con cept of Di sor der : Disor der is usually used for m ental disabilities. Disor der is any

ailm ent that distur bs the health of an individual. Disor der cr eates hindr ance in an

individual’s per for m ance and r educes his efficiency. I n the beginning disor der seem s to be

or dinar y but they usually gr ow or spr ead in a har m ful m anner in an individual. M ost

pr obably, a disor der can not be detected on tim e, as a r esult of w hich, a sim ple disor der is

changed into a disability . A disor der disr upts the nor m al functioning of an individual.

T ypes of disability

Cogn i ti v e Di sa bi l i ty : I t is a neur ological disor der that cr eates hindr ances or obstr uction for

an individual to stor e, pr ocess and pr oduce infor m ation. T his ability can affect an

individual’s ability or capability to r ead, com pute, speak and w r ite.

T he individual’s, w ho have this type of disability , usually have follow ing sym ptom s:

i) M em or y disor der : An individual w ho has auditor y pr oblem s or difficulty in r em em ber ing

som ething that he hear d, said or saw befor e som etim e.

i i ) H yper activ ity : An individual w ith cognitive disability m ay not have attention for a long

per iod. H e finds it difficult to stay at one place.

i i i ) Dyslex ia: An individual w ith cognitive disability m ay ex hibit dyslex ia. I t m eans he m ay




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have difficulty in w r iting, r eading, speak ing, etc.

I ntellectual disability : I t is a disability char acter ized by significant lim itations both in

intellectual functioning (r easoning, lear ning, pr oblem solving) and in adaptive behavior ,

w hich cover s a r ange of ever yday social and pr actical sk i lls. I ndeed, this disability is r elated

to the individual’s thought pr ocess, com m unication, m oney, lear ning, pr oblem solving and

judgm ent.

Physical disability : it is a lim itation on individual’s physical functioning, m obility , dex ter ity

or stam ina. Other im pair m ents such as r espir ator y disor der s, blindness, epilepsy and steep

disor der s, w hich lim it other facets of daily liv ing ar e also included in physical disabilities.

Physical disability m ay either be m otor deficiency or sensor y im pair m ent.

Ca u ses of di sa bi l i ty

a) G en eti c ca u se: Abnor m alities in genes and genetic inher itance cause intellectual

disability in childr en. Som etim es, diseases, i l lness and over ex posur e to x -r ays m ay cause

genetic disor der .

b) M en ta l h ea l th pr obl em s: pr oblem s such as depr ession, bipolar disor der etc. m ay lead to

disability . T hey tend to be som e of the m ost m isunder stood disabilities.

c) A cci den ts: Accidents m ay occur anyw her e, anytim e and to anyone. T hese accidents m ay

happen at w or k place, on the r oads or in the air . T hese accidents m ay lead to disability .

T y pes of di sor der s

a) Attention Deficit H yper activ ity Disor der (ADH D)

b) Sensor y pr ocessing disor der (SPD)

c) Autism spectr um disor der (ASD)

d) Oppositional defiant disor der (ODD)

e) Obsessive com pulsive disor der (OSD)

A tten ti on Def i ci t H y per a cti v i ty Di sor der ( A DH D) : i t is a gr oup of behavior al sym ptom s

that include inattentiveness, hyper activ ity and im pulsiveness. I t is m edical conditions that

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affects how w ell can som eone sit sti ll , focus and pay attention. T he individual w ith ADH D

have som e pr oblem s focusing in som e activ ities. T his type of disor der is found m or e com m on

in boys than in gir ls.

T he var ious causes of ADH D ar e as follow s:

a) G en eti c f a ctor s : I t is not a disor der that passed socially . Studies show s that par ents,

siblings, and childr en of people w ith ADH D m ay be up to five tim es m or e lik ely to have the

disor der than the people w ho ar e not r elated to som eone w ith ADH D.

b) B r a i n i n ju r i es: W hen a baby’s br ain is dam aged befor e or after bir th this could m ak e the

baby m or e lik ely to develop ADH D later on.

c) L ow bi r th w ei gh t: I t is obser ved that childr en w ith low bir th w eight ar e m or e lik ely to

develop ADH D.

d) T r a u m a a n d br a i n di sea ses: T r aum a dur ing bir th and br ain diseases m ay lead to develop


e) Di et : T her e ar e a num ber of evidences w hich show s that tak ing a par ticular type of food

or food additives play a significant r ole in causing ADH D.

Sen sor y Pr ocessi n g Di sor der is a condition in w hich the br ain has difficulty in r eceiving

and r esponding to the infor m ation that com es in thr ough senses. I t r efer s to the w ay the

ner vous system r eceives m essages fr om the senses and then tur ns them into pr oper m otor

and behavior al r esponses. Sensor y Pr ocessing Disor der m ay affect one sense such as touch,

sight, taste or m ovem ent. I t m ay also affect m ultiple senses. I n fact, the per son m ay scr eam

w hen touched or m ay vom it or dive under the table after hear ing the sound of a leaf blow er

outside the w indow .

T he var ious causes of SPD ar e as follow s:

a) G en eti c F a ctor : Studies indicate that childr en bor n to adults w ho have Autism Spectr um

Disor der (ASD) m ay be at a higher r isk to develop SPD. Scientists allude that the cause of SPD

ar e coded into child’s genetic m ater ial.

b) L ow bi r th w ei gh t: I t is also consider ed one of the causes of sensor y pr ocessing disor der .

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c) E n v i r on m en ta l f a ctor s : Usually , childr en w ho ar e adopted often ex per iences sensor y

pr ocessing disor der due to som e r estr ictions in their ear ly lives or poor par ental car e.

A u ti sm Spectr u m Di sor der is a disor der that affects developm ent. H er e, the w or d spectr um

r efer s to the r ange of sym ptom s and their sever ity . Gener ally , the young childr en w ith ASD

have difficulties w ith com m unication, language, social sk i ll and behavior . I n other w or ds,

Autism Spectr um Disor der is char acter ized by social inter action difficulties, com m unication

challenges and a tendency to engage in r epetitive behavior .

T he var ious causes of Autism Spectr um Disor der ar e as follow s:

a) G en eti c f a ctor s : I t seem s to play a ver y significant r ole. T he fir st thing is that som ething

happens at the tim e of fetal developm ent that alter s genes and secondly child inher its

pr oblem atic genes fr om one or both the par ents.

b) E n v i r on m en ta l f a ctor s : I t is not cer tain that envir onm ent causes ASD. B ut m other s

ex posed to high level of pesticides and air pollution m ay also be at a higher r isk of having a

child w ith ASD.

Opposi ti on a l Def i a n t Di sor der is a set or gr oup of behavior al disor der s called disr uptive

behavior disor der s. I t is called by this nam e because childr en w ith such disor der s alw ays

tend to disr upt those ar ound them .

Physicians define this disor der as a patter n of disobedient, hosti le and defiant behavior

dir ected tow ar d author ity figur es. T he individuals affected by this disor der usually r ebel,

ar gue w ith adults, r efuse to obey and ar e obstinate.

T he var ious causes of Oppositional Defiant Disor der ar e as follow s:

a) B i ol ogi ca l or G en eti c f a ctor s : Childr en ar e m or e susceptible of developing ODD if they

have a par ent w ith a histor y of ADH D or ODD.

b) P h y si ca l f a ctor s : the pr esence of ODD tr aits has been link ed to the ex istence of abnor m al

am ounts of som e br ain chem icals. T hese br ain chem icals, k now n as neur otr ansm itter s, k eep

the br ain chem icals them selves balance pr oper ly .

c) Psy ch ol ogi ca l f a ctor s : Childr en m ay develop ODD if they don’t have good r elation w ith

par ents or have neglectful par ents or have inability to develop social r elationship.

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d) Soci a l f a ctor s : Oppositional Defiant Disor der m ay be due to inconsistent discipline,

divor ce, pover ty, chaotic envir onm ent I the fam ily and ex posur e to v iolence.

Obsessi v e Com pu l si v e Di sor der is a m ental health disor der that affects people of all ages

and w alk s of li fe. I t occur s w hen an individual gets caught in a cycle of obsessions and

com pulsions. I t can be said that per sons w ith OCD ar e plagued to constant thoughts of fear s

that cause them to per for m r ituals or r outines.

Obsessive Com pulsive Disor der is a type of m ental disor der that causes r epeated u unw anted

thoughts. T o get r id of unw anted thoughts, he/she per for m s the sam e task /activ ity again and


Ca u ses of Obsessi v e Com pu l si v e Di sor der : T he ex act cause of Obsessive Com pulsive

Disor der is sti ll unk now n. R esear ch studies suggest that ther e m ay be a pr oblem w ith the

w ay one par t of the br ain sends infor m ation to another par t. Ser otonin is the chem ical in the

br ain that sends m essages fr om one par t to another . I nsufficiency of ser otonin m ay help in

causing Obsessive Com pulsive Disor der .

A dv a n ta ges of ph y si ca l a cti v i ti es f or ch i l dr en w i th Speci a l n eeds

a) R edu ced l ev el of a n x i ety , str ess a n d depr essi on : physical activ ities m ay help in

r educing the level of anx iety, str ess and depr ession of childr en w ith disabilities.

b) I m pr ov ed soci a l i n ter a cti on : physical activ ities pr ovide am ple oppor tunities for

im pr oving the social inter action am ong childr en w ith special needs. Social r elations ar e

developed dur ing involvem ent in physical activ ities.

c) B etter em oti on a l a n d psy ch ol ogi ca l h ea l th : physical activ ities ar e beneficial for childr en

w ith special needs because such activ ities im pr ove psychological and em otional health.

d) Cogn i ti v e ben ef i ts : physical activ ities lead to cognitive sk i ll im pr ovem ent in childr en

w ith disabilities. T hese activ ities allow them to discover and access str engths that cannot be

challenged in the classr oom setting.

Str a tegi es to m a k e ph y si ca l a cti v i ti es a ccessi bl e f or ch i l dr en w i th speci a l n eeds

a) M edical check -up: i f w e w ant to m ak e physical activ ities accessible for the childr en w ith

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special needs, w e need to under stand the type of disabilities of childr en and for this pur pose

com plete m edical check -up of the childr en is r equir ed. B ecause w ithout com plete m edical

check -up, the teacher s of physical education cannot com e to k now about the type of

disability child is facing.

b) Activ ities based on inter ests: Physical activ ities m ust be based on inter est, aptitudes,

abilities, pr evious ex per ience and lim itations of childr en w ith special needs. T he teacher s of

physical education should have deep k now ledge of lim itations, inter est and aptitudes of

childr en.

c) Differ ent instr uctional str ategies: A var iety of differ ent instr uctional str ategies such as

ver bal, v isual and peer teaching should be used for per for m ing var ious types of physical

activ ities. B y this childr en get oppor tunity to lear n by their ow n and becom e independent.

d) M odification of r ules: R ules can be m odified accor ding to the needs of the childr en. T hey

can be pr ovided ex tr a tim e or attem pt to per for m a physical activ ity .

e) Specific envir onm ent: For special needs childr en the ar ea should be lim ited. I n case of

childr en w ho have autism , they m ust be pr ovided specific ar ea because they m ay need som e

tim e to r elax .

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