Page 1: HELE2STA- W E E K L Y H E R A L L . MAN HO · the ring. The parties appeared in good con dition, though the Mother was much


H E L E 2ST A - W E E K L Y H E R A L L .

L O C A L H E W S .Ftaes the M y He»R m April U.ArriraUaf GantoM * Wym**»

One oi] Garrison 4t Wyml’s ball trains, loaded with goods for Helena merchants, ar­rived lost trig*-* This is die train that left Corinne in September last and succeeded in reaching the Crow Creek Deride, when cold weather and the heavy « n r storms effect e- adly blocked A in, rendering further progress towards its destination an utter ianpuasildicr. Seven months from Corinne to Helena la not exactly fast freight time, bat radar the cir­cumstances the trip was made as expedi- tionsty as possible The axea looked loan and lank, bot « 2O nrocto better thmt aright be expected, after enduring the barddiips a t a winter anprecedented in aererity. F ra c h t­e n have lost money, especially Garrison k Wyat, who had large contracts to fiO and have Hwirfari suffered heavily, not only äs the long detention o f «heir

Vf-rSiU.-T'-S “ ■MB’* Mtair.

'•Jrkna, consequent » later, and the in-

r; ̂ . . • - -d agricultural em-, u - ’i ngl y varied dur , a series o f yriae

i highly exciting intL .lr ...... -c . ! ’ -V. - Our citizen? havej m , ft- ... a. :o cool over the terri- „ . use Hash House the other ere%~

ua»a the whole town is agatn agitated by mnntt w affair o f a ««»îlar likeness, bat with even more disastrous results. After a dili­gent iiqu iiy into the preliminaries of the fight, we are able to give the folio wing as the true account. About a month ago Mother Honkins and M a d a « AJam moved into a abaaty in the m ^Mralanoit of the Reduction W orte, for the purpose of furnishing ‘ to the worhmra o f the West End. The joint

o f fnrnitnre consisted, among ether a t a cook-stove, skillet frying-pan.

second-hand broom, a broken grid-iron, a rag carpet (wefi-wora) and a cat. In what pro-

articles were furnished by the have not been able to le a n .

The right o f pooeeamon to the fe ine was n o t----- H.

loved i t white Mndnme A. Ja v v w rt and de-of

of their stock.

thegoodcat may haveThe

The Board of Directors, at tiwir mcefing —0 4 . Lyon. Superintendent of die law njgtt, designated the and Gazette penal Silver Mining Gompany. ** P h ip p s -joiotlv to paÛish. in pamphlet form, the burg, came over vtslrrday. im a n rrr* prepared by Leonidas H. Boyle*

The publishers win g » to work at once, and the document, full of statistical fncW and valuable informai: 00 concerning our mineral and agricultural resources, will appear in a very short time—probably wfchin a wi A - -1 v ery huge edition « 3 he struck off sad distributed throagbout th e different

as well as to all paotaof th e Territory.A S n M u n b e o f advmrisrtnenfii will be n e e iu d and published cm alt e r a « pages.An a menas of directing emigration to Mcn- M this Asrammt cannoC fail to passe in-

T he publishers vs* call ups* cmr !——*«"** and bnemeas man fo r admrtim- nw K , and vse hope they w » res}>ond fiher- , 1̂ in aid cd such a oouonendaTite o bpsL

Tacky's Exporter, of the 5th, poulains- the foösriug notes--

George A Eiiiiimdyteft foxfihe coast

nigte.Tm m f im i f i r nanshunan o f J o h n A

Ci l ighten A C m -w » toad o trtto r Montana.

It m gratifying m m S e the QtiMte ni» p in its toaorablc iistorvrnaratof tiaUtmh. Jdffiia


: Harold a t “Far several ffinw prat it

W . S . W<

ofI the report.

: he departs in a short tim e fa r the hend- o t the M to e n i river, to work in the

i of day Cooke, the and the Northern Pacific Railroad, to have

• o f packets to xtm in conanc- milnalirm nf that road. His

r e m t trip to New Turk, also the visit o f G. A. IFliiaiTl i r * to this city, was fa r the f tr- d to an eeo f that end. This change will nor

o fr the reflu­

â t e s interest in the packet compa- ay o f which he haa fa r ten years been a

O f this we are Lim f rfirri to ssy that the per on the «oar had traces «

Few a long time «the carpet and the cat was « s a r d to

This state o f things, however, rated not t e l , and on yesterday h was determined that the matter should he settled wccrvteg to the time honored code of the ring. A t firm it was determined to harre second*, bo* as Mrs. CSnton. the only seoomd whom the Madame would have, is now fiMng an engagement for one o f our county officials, it was resolved that the affair shonid transpire in the presence o f a referee only, this referee was the m as who saws wood for them, and from him our sporting reporter is able to give the following reliable account of the fight :

The walls of the sitting room in which was laid the carpet aforesaid, were the sides of the ring. The parties appeared in good con­dition, though the Mother was much the heaviest, polling down about 180 pounds. She wore a black skirt, a la pobtunte, hair rocked ' «ehind « la Pike; with a body of white cotton. The Madame wore a blood-rod Dolly Harden skin, pea-jacket, short sleeves, scrag­gy-neck, and hair a la Yellowstone Expedi­tion. The latter dried her sun-bonnet into

Scam of the C te h m hoys wiffmakeT m ark m i le , if w a-to a t have f r » school»

A tte ti—. a called to the special telegram m to-day's H a t u > from the F a r West PYti&bt Co., u n o s d j i g r a i» o f freighttransportation fo r the season of 197S. Fig­ures as given are very low down—S I , 7 5 per 100 f i a Chicago and 8 l Louis to Cor­inne! Quick and cheap freights are what Montana is sn igg ling to obtain. This cheap tariff established by the I k r W est Freight Co. is equivalent to many thramands o f dol­lars in tim pockets o f the people o f this Ter­ritory- m im i m

r a n team a t W a l a g t i r v a a i .W e leant that Mr. V. Ryan yesterday sold

his rich placer mine in Mitchel l Gulch, Pula Alto District, Jefferson County, together with two-thirds o f the Lost Greek Ditch, which covers the ground, to P. Honan, o f the Ga- letie. and Ed. Young. T he ground is con­sidered one of the tid iest placer mines in Montana, and we congratulate our friends on having secured the purchase.

A n tv v ARev. V a . H. Stoy, Episcopal Minister of

Deer Lodge, arrived on the coach last night, and will remain until Monday next. Mr. Stoy will preach at the M. E. Church on Sun­day morning, and in the evening at the Court House. ^ ^

—& H. Botun, Esq., arrived yesterday on the coach, after an absence o f several weeks in Salt Lake and San Francisco.

L s e a l B rvv tU cv .—A rumor obtains o f the contemplated

early retirement from place o f a prominent Federal official, whose headquarters are in this city.

—“X ” shone resplendent on our streets yesterday, dressed in a silver-tipped, diamond- embossed, set o f buckskin shirt-studs, im­ported direct from the Judith frontier.

—Col Black, we are glad to know, has tp- parently fully recovered from his painful and protracted illness. He is now quartered at the International, and is daily to be seen on our streets attending to business matters.

—Assessor Church, whose arrival from Washington the H kbalp chronicled yester­day, paid us a brief visit to-day. The Col. is looking as hearty and good-natured as ever, notwithstanding his severe trip up from the railroad.-

—Tom Rea, o f the Helena W ater Company, is m aking an excavation seventy feet square, to be used as a fish pond for the purpose of raising trout. W at« 'w ill be supplied from the flume o f the B ig Ditch, on Rodney street. A novel enterprise, but we presume it will pay, and a t the same tim e afford our citizens an opportunlqr 40 indulge in piscatorial amusement.

Joka Keating, of Radersburg. left Helena for home by his own privateand while ;-----a drove of

hogs oat an the road, aboot twelve m ite from town, the bones became frightened and ran away at the top o f their speed. Mr. Keating was thrown from the carriage to the ground

^ — s s r i - * * — * - — "Mr. S t a n l e ^ o f t h e im m ediacy They clinched forth-

Hoose, brought tbeworasded man back to the j *ritb* *Bd the Mother commencedl gougmgcay. where h e r « « « d propre sorgkwi rid. ' !" * * 2 T V ?W e a ro p te re d to know that the «codent, ; allowed. mA therouna was declared f in ^h c^

mai o f a more serious k** re*eree deriding tluu tliis round should be

l we hope soon to see John able to «• th t « * * * “ “ ?* .be about aad «tend to his b u r in » .gain . ^ P“« * « “ >“ -** for «***

” lim* was called for the 3d round, and theMother made for the M arten's com er with all the ferocity of a Sioux squaw. She got the

m's head in “ chancery ” and commenced to pile the licks on her, when the Madame grabbed bold o f the calico, gave a pull, and the whole skirt came off. Both then retired to their respective corners. Third round. This time tike Madame forced the fighting by diving at her opponent's legs and attempting to trip her up. The mother got a good hold o f the other's water-fall, and after struggling awhile both fell, the beefy one on top. The referee tried to declare the round over, but the parties kept on scratching and biting in spite of him, both showing an extraordinary amount of pluck. At last the little one diverted her attention from the Mother and com­menced gouging and tearing the carpet. At this the latter commenced with her finger walla on the Madam's scalp, and eventually tore the whole thing off, hair and all. On this the Madame gave a terrible and painful yell, slid out from under her antagonist, and went running and screaming up to the town after an officer.

The Mother was placed under $300 bonds to keep the peace. Tlds morning the parties have been engaged ever since sun-rise trying to make a distribution of the plunder prepara­tory to a separation, but at last accounts they were doing nothing but quarreling and cuss-

“ g- ____ m -m- ________By Telegraph.

Coklvxk, April 11.—The storm, which com­menced at 8 o’clock this morning, has been general north and east, and still continues.

Evaxstox, April 11.—Six inches of snow has fallen here and is still coming. To-day's westward bound train is blocked &t Aspen Hill, ten miles east of here. A snow plow has been sent to its assistance.

B itter Creek, April 11.—More snow has fallen here in the last three days than during the entire winter, and it is blowing and drift­ing badly. The pay car came through from Laramie to-day. The snow is light and plows go through it easily.

Bbyaxt, April 11.—A heavy snow storm here to day and drifting badly.

Lararie, April 11 —The weather is extrem- ly cold and stormy. The railroad is blocked. One train from the east is now stock near Sherman. No trains from the west to-day.

Ike U tah Southern Hkffroad v a t first stetod, there were those vriko said t t e reDs mated make comfortable mooting plants for thv grasshopper». The same class lounger» now sneer a t the projected Utah aad Montano, road. It w sted be a haypy accidtok if «H these scoffers rvnld he bunched together ana remover by the-first train that runs an. the new road, that nothing but a. grease sqot might ha left of the drones

Election of Officers.The Board of Directors o f toe M oonoa

Immigration Society held a meeting last night at the Bureau of Mims, and elected the fo l­lowing officers: Major J . R. Boyce, Dissi­dent; Cornelius Hedges, Vic* Présidant; Seth Bollock, Secretary ; C. J . Lyster. TVaas- urer; L H. Boyle, Correspondmg Secretery. The following Executive Committee w m a p ­pointed by the Board : J . B- Boyce, Cor­nelius Hedges ana Henry Klein. The printing of pamphlets for distribution, and other measures calculai ed to induce cxnigra- to this Territory will be instituted at onse.

PcrwaakMr. Wilcox, of the firm of W ilcox A El-

mcsT, arrived on the overland coach last night, after an absence of several months, ; visiting his wife and family at Oakland, Cal­ifornia. The friends of Mrs. Wilcox will be pleased to learn ih&t her health, which was

—Wc are very glnd to note the-arrival in j ! our city o f Mr. F . A Benjamin, a t Califor- , aia. wh* w as soSciirl to visit and rvepect the mineral lo d « of Montana, by our well-known Soaker rod »Over worker. Mr. S. I t - Bohm cm his r ecent trip to Ilk» Pacific C o o t Mr. T a.ij.m i» «attains th e repair o f being one of t in he« aad meet tru jtwuvtoy mining experts o f iffiHfi ro a and b e room» here represent­ing- some mi the largo» capitalists off Ban Francisco, to investigate* mod report upwa the »Bvqrm incaaf the Trrvitocy. with a v tev , if our Ibdes w arrant it, to k re o fv e ry oon e te re- ble ram» off money In fiflir pou hase asti dt- vetofmeat. Mr. Bohns ha» dooe the c o a h y a greaC servie« by indraring A it visit o f Mr. B a j m h ' f t o inspect ttew nte satrer proporty of Mcotana.

Ad r t e » from Fort Beokanbriaag anteiligem«

of daouteantosatey.) by H. A . Kammer.. A y a n d o c a n a te hOwccn B A

while aaA anr way whffi| others o i ni laffnn likiliiq. j » l j fiami W t e j Up to B ram a. The partji wo»» lying a t A a time in eampk, shoot f ifte ra r a t e from t i n Marisa, w ta a t i e two n t r a ^ te into an a n g ^ dispute aha a t a horse w h i^ t l f a ia r t wanted to take fvanathe corral a a d rid* through to the river toot night. K aeoaaeiatepoeed h in objection», aad hard w o r in fires» exchanged, resulting a t test, as we am- infarm id, in Kt nouse drawing his re ro lw ia a ti shooting Ni hors through the head, kühne him fastantiyL. Kanouse x Sheriff o f C hantera eoanty. a n l. has not tgata tike present time beam arrested.

r 1 ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ t r i a i lia rDeputy U. tx MarshaG l i r a i , brought !»•

Helena, oa Thursday, sdft-rai. uffesderv, ax- rested reseat)y in the Indianceaantiy, charged with whisky selling, Uc. basing them, am two illteit Indian traders named Alien and Smart, sad a fellow maned Jb ta s r a , charged with resisting a C. S-otfioerinst Fall The three prisoners, w h o are nam cboaiciled m the County Jail, wart a ra s te d on Bad gar creek—the Deputy Marsh%L being assisted in his duty by a militefty form , commanded by Capt. Banne», sent out from Feat Shaw by order »f Gen. Gibbon.


Toni aM Risioi taeratioi

Iter vegetative poaws ot life in M o ae , bat in a few Y«a» Row often the p»Hd hoe, the- Isok-toet.-e <g-e u>a ensoiated fora, and tbs imposeibilcn sppUcaUon to - mealat «e* t, show their baneful inOaseea Itsoonbe oomm r r ih a l to the oteover that s a w h f w a l q in.

raixpakw i» talked of, and perhape the youth is remov­ed fan» acbeoi and n o t into the oounOy. This i* one of te» warnt novemeraa Ko noradi fron ordinary d lm Oana of the erer rtaq h f aden» of the dty, the powowaf tee body, too woofa cofmMkd to *»ve scat bealthOiand rvral exe-ciR. thought»are tamed in-

lf tfau yaflmt besfanutathearpr ü« « * theiaoMuto Inchod for with anxtoty» the Eret • jm p u m In which naCare to to show term rina power in difaffi« the clrealstiao end Ttojta« the ebeeh with the bknm of hrato Ataa! inu paw of appétit» h » grown by what i t M 00. The eaeofa* of the ijMiu areproa Hated, md the whole atnwaay tod a a iqad Thebeau- ttfal an®wonderful periad in which harir am Bind

to g a fro», ohlld to wnwan, rain, tela pamuto heart htoeds in Mstheowre bat we ate« for its vie-

H E L M B O L D ’S

Extract Buchue a h a o w t e t o t e f f t a a

• r C a r y l a d t a c r e l t o a ,

Attendoàwith the followiiiEsjxnpUnaa: Indirporitio:. to Exertjan, Low of Pomr, Low of teemory, fiifficuity of Bnateing, General Wtontoaew, Horror erf Ihaear-x Weak Norn*, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of DeaiX. ?Nght Sweat«, Cold FeaE Wakotoiww. DimneM ot Vision, languor, I'niTerrai Tawitad» of the touscu'or Srrtem, Often Eoonnow Appetite with DyepepJc Symplrwr, Hot Haoda, Wneliitig o t the Body, Dryn w of the Skta, Pallid Oovnlwanoa and Eruption* 00 *h Face, Fain in the Bark, Heavinawof the Eyelids, Fre­quently Black 8pots Klj-ing before O* Eyes, with T sn- porary Se fanion and Loa» of SighE Want of Atten-ion Great Hobihty. Bertleaanew, with Horror of Sot iatr. Nuthhg to more desiraSto to push patientn than 9o i- tuda, aad nothing they mom dread, far fear ni inm ~ w hoac no repose of minner, no larniatrnpB. no e»n>i- attea, bat a hurrtel txanaifion t o n one qaeafton to

quite i*oor when die left here two v tars ago. I . . . . ~. ... - , , . . t f i Adobe T<.*rn.

Virginia Cit{ ■TU* following Oispatch from the C apiu l in

refemace to the trial o f O T o n a v was receiv­ed this morning x

V irginia C m , April LL—In the trial, of John O’Connor for th e murder of Thomas Lynch on the fti day o f March, the jury, af­te r being ont 3S hours, brought in a verdict of “ guilty o f maaslaughtas.” He was sentenced j KITTTTY AND KPlLEFtiC FITS, IN <öE * *F tu one year in the Territorial Penitentiary. !

A mao named P e c t broke his leg yesterday





hau steadily improved and is now very good.Among the arrivals on the coach from

Benton last night, were Jesse Anaitage, \<r<rot of the Blaekfeet Indians, and Colonel Hard, Deputy U. S. Marsh y . ______

Harried.Mr. T. N. Chemidlin, fo r the past four or

five years a typo in the Heraid office, entered the married state yesterday, accompanied by Misa Mary A Cox, an interesting and amiable young lady of thi« citv. The happy couple have our blessings, and best wishes fo r a long life of uninterrupted felicity.

From the Daily Herald of April IX

From the Courier o f April 11 ;A »»ail route will be established from Bore-

man via Emigrant gr id , to the Mammoth Hot Springs.

Mr. Morris, of Virginia City, and Mr. Lang- home, of Bozeman, are to open a fine drag store at the latter place. It will be under Sam's supervision, which is a sufficient guar antee that it will be well conducted. Mr. L&nghorae understands how to conduct a business of this kind, as well as any man in the W est

The enterprising proprietor of the stage line running from Bozeman to Virginia City and Helena, Mr. H. F. Galen, will put on some excellent new coaches as soon as the roads become better. We had the pleasure while in Helena of examining two new

Tte« Cieaa mt (toe T e i le t .The world a»y* to 80Z0D0NT. It rende« the teeth pearly white, gives to the breath a fragrant odor,extin­guishing the ID-humora which usually flow from a bad and nglected set of teeth. Sosodont is aa conven­ient, and produces a aoaaallou at once so dslgfatfxLthat makes it a pleasure to use it.

Spalding’s Glue will mend your ways.

W A » a remedy for Bronchial Affections and chron­ic diseases of the Langs, nothing ever before discov­er'd equals Dr. Piere*1» Golden Medical Discovery. . I

There woo a light fail of snow last sight. Crdd and .cloudy.

A ra» B r a k r a .Percy U sum-i , » little boy about totu. years

of age, youngest son of Sam'l T . H aus« , Esq., while ont taking a horse-bark, ride this morning with a number of othcc boys, was thrown to the ground with such violence as to break one of his arms. T he little fellow was taken home, and with proper surgical aid was trade comfortable as the circum­stances would admit. Percy says when he rides agate he will take scare other horse in stead o f Jo aay Y u li's spirited and high met­tled cayme pony.

DtoeasHl Difretlaa.If chronic indigertkm affected the «Io mach only it

might be more easily borne ; bat it giro« rise inevitably, to m-Jiy other dtoeaaes affecting the liver, the nerves, the bowels and the brain. Biho.UDeaa, nervous tre­mor's constipation, headache and terrible mental dis­turbances are among its usual accompaniment*. In tact, every organ, every fibre of the frame aympathiaea with the debilitated and diseased stomach«. What to needed is such a case? Clearly an alterative and invig- orant ; and among medicines of that dam, HoetetterV Stomachs Bitter» to. bryund all comparison or estimate, the heat. Mere purgatives only deprive the system of the little strength that disease haa left i t Salivante have the same effect. The whole internal organism has gooe wrong, and can only be pat right and kept right by a medicine in which the tonic and stimulating elements predominate, bat are qualified and modified by anti-bilious aperients and blood purify ings compon­ents. Now, the truth to (and the medical faculty aa well as the public know the fact.) that Hostetter’s

Daring the Suymintendeaee of Dr. Wfeon at the Rloomingdale A fjhn . this sad remit occurred to two patients. Reason had tor a time left thorn, mad both died erf epilepsy. They wesaot bath scans and about twenty years of agn

Who can say that ibass ex cess are o i irequecuy followed by them direful diseases. Iniquity and Con­sumption * Tha ivea to erf the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy itoattn by Conenmpton, bear ample witnam to tha teach erf these l a i r b u i In Lunatic Asylums the mas* melancholy rrhihtoian appears. The countenance to actaaBy sodden and qoite destitute neither mirth anv grtof ever visits IX Should a soon. ot the vtdcaaara « to rarely artiwtots

"With wuful measures wan despair LawsaBwaowada theirgrtof beguiled.”

While wa regret the ertotsnre at the above tea a— and syw»ao»a, w* are prepared to offer » invatonhto flat <rf ehtehtony for the iriarwsl of the caoaeqpeaoe»

H E L M B O L D ’S

Extract BuchuAND

Improved Rose WashCures secret end delicate disorders te al! their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconven­ience, and no exposure. It unpleasant in taste and odor, immediate in its action, free from all iniuricae

" " " and all other nauseous

coaches manufactured for Mr. Galea, by thewell known Montana mechanic, Mr, A. Kcuip, ‘ Bitters contain every ingredient requisite for the cure and which took prizes at the Territorial Fair* of dyspepsia and all u» ailments of body and mind Thev were splendidly designed, well made j wUich “ “ *»*<*• Th* baa been proved in so many

, , . . . , . . . , . , , , 1 thousands of instances that it seemes almost idle to re-and beautiful to look upon. Mr. Galen s ^ ^ gUtMneEUfaculties fo r accomm odating the heavy travel The great tonic rallie* exhausted nature, from What-antic-ipated to our section during the sum m er ever cans* enfeebled,«nd permanently recruit» the rigor

• of the nerves, the muscles and the brain. Its effect upon the brain to to give strength to the will and pre-

, I ctoion to the judgment, and to banish despondencyIndications of a lively mining season can | ^ inümiu of pnrp09e wbich genenaiy accompanies

’ ' bodily weakness.

and fall will be ample and of the most com­fortable kind.

be observed in and around Springville. The richness of the placer mines at this place are | unquestionable, and the only drawback ex­perienced heretofore has been insufficiency of water. This indispensible requisite to suc­cessful mining will be abundant this season, and at least two hundred and fifty hardy j miners will be employed in the mines of j Springville and vicinity.

While employed in working his claim on Indian Creek, last week, Mr. Wm. Veaier ! unearthed a beautiful nugget of the value of ; #396. A very desirable thing to pick up. j Several rich nuggets, which appear peculiar ! to Indian Creek, have been found, but this is j the most valuable ose discovered.


K a ie » b y R a i l trw oa S t. L a u te a a d C h i . c o g * t » C o r in n e .

St. Loom, April Mffi, 1S7Ï. Editors IIelexa Herald We make round rates

for the season, from SL Louis and Chicago to Corinneat One Dnllnr aad Seventy-fire Cents.

F A R W E S T F R E I G H T CO.(dlOt-aplD

We send single United State« Wmtctoesby Express to any part oi the Territory, and aBow the purchaser to open the package *ad examine ibe watch nefore paying the bill. S eaanr OV price Bat, whichgives fall particulars. ___

A t WILL A C a,N s 3» Md» Street, Helena, M. T.

ddwtf-mhte t o . Drawer, No. 00»

Hide«, Fori and WaaL

The <nuaerrigned will par the highaet. cash prices for Hides, Pure and Weak at Hatena » a t aa ; point to theTerritbay. Office at G. A Man’s, Main street, Helena,

the Territory having these articles for I to write to me m regard to price*, etc.

_ . A J . DAVUieON.N- HL—Freighter» beend to Bent» wffl find it ad-

H E L M B O L D ’S

FLUID EXTRACT OF BDCHU.There to no tonic like it. It to an anchor of hope to

the phyncian and patient. This to the teftimocy ut all who have used or prescribed it.

Beware of counterfeits and those cheap decoctions called Buchu, most of wnieh are prepared by self-styled doctors, from deleterous ingredients, and offered for sale at ‘‘less price” and “larger bottles,” etc. They are u n r e ­liable and frequently injurious.

Ask for Helmbold’8. Take no Other.Frice »1 )» per Bettle, er Six Beule» fat

t 50.*UDelivered to any address,

commun hâtions.Describe symptoms in all

„ H E L M B O L D ’SGenuine Preparations.Established upward o i twenty years.

prepared bt

H.T. HELMBOLD,Practical and Analytical Chemist,

No. 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South Tenth Street, Philadel­phia, Pa.S o ld b t D b c g g istb E v e r y wh e r e



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