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Issue 47Friday 16 March 2018

BBC School Report 2018

On Thursday 15th March, a group of students

from a range of year groups reported on a

number of stories for BBC School Report Day.

BBC School Report is an annual event which

gives young people in the UK the chance to make

their own news reports for a real audience.

Students reported on various topics from drug

usage in sport, to the British economy and future

jobs, to online safety with Social Media as well

as the impact of tripled tuition fees.

The news was created in a variety of formats:

filmed broadcasts, recorded broadcasts on Radio

Heathfield and written articles which will also

appear in the student online newspaper ‘The


All the pieces created were submitted to the

BBC via the School Report login and updates

were posted on the College BBC Report Twitter

account @HCC_BBC_Report and on the College

Website throughout the day.

Heathfield BBC School Report

College Website

“The commitment to writing the news stories

and enthusiasm for the day was truly brilliant. I

am quite sure that, should they desire it, each

and every student would succeed in a

journalistic career. Well done all!”

Mr Hatchard, Assistant Headteacher - English

Use the quick link below to view the reports

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Message from the Headteacher, Caroline Barlow

Student Leadership

Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl give an insight into the last couple of weeks of College.

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge and thank all the parents who responded to the Thank A Teacher

scheme mentioned in my recent letter. I have been inundated with emails from Pearson Teaching

Awards informing of the nominations our teachers have received which has allowed me to pass on the

details to individual teachers. Whilst this is linked to the National Teaching Awards, it is actually

something which runs all year and we will be issuing reminders regularly to ensure we continue to

enhance our community culture of mutual appreciation and positivity; it makes such a difference to

all, there are some very happy teachers in College this week.

On the topic of celebrating success, we heard this week that Heathfield Community College was found

to be among the best performing secondary schools in the country and will be receiving two awards

for being in the top 20% of non-selective schools nationally for attainment and for progress.

The SSAT Educational Outcomes database compares all state funded schools in England and the

highest performing for a range of measures are presented with an Educational Outcomes Award at a

ceremony in the summer term attended by winners from across the South East region. It will be a

privilege and a pleasure to receive these awards on behalf of all the staff and students who worked so

hard to achieve our exceptional outcomes last summer.

Meanwhile, the students in our current year groups continue to excel and show why we are so very

proud of them all. Whether it is through the medium of Dance, School Report, World Book Day or

Sport they are showing how their willingness to work hard and get involved. We know that the

students who get involved in school life, who show a commitment to an activity are the ones who are

more likely to develop the habits and skills that are required for success as well as the self-esteem

that is developed through success in a range of different environments

There will always be times when it is difficult, our exam year groups will be experiencing that at the

moment. The mocks have shown the work that is still left to do; all that seems ahead of them is the

hard work of revision whilst the exams and those target grades seem a long way off.

We can offer the reassurance that this is very normal! The track record of our students is that they do

get there, they do succeed and that comes through a combination of their own hard work and the

support and guidance of their teachers.

We are grateful to parents for working with us at this stage; we know that revising teenagers can find

this time challenging at home and at school and the more we work together to support them the more

secure they will be. We have every faith they will succeed in the summer. Thank you for your on going


Due to snow, World Book Day was rescheduled and celebrated on the 8th March. It was wonderful to

see staff and students engaging with the day – all the costumes

looked fantastic! On Thursday, students were engaged and

enthusiastic as they took part in BBC School Report Day and the

Library Quiz saw students from all years enjoying themselves

as they tested their knowledge. Y10-Y13 have continued to show

ambition and a positive attitude towards their mock exams.

The collaboration between students during these events has been

fantastic to see! Deputy Head Boy: Theodore Hamilton & Deputy Head Girl:

Emily Randolph

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Please continue to encourage your children to

read and know that the message about the

importance of reading is coming loud and clear

from school. We’ll soon be checking which

students have earned a Gold, Silver or Bronze

level reading certificate and these earn students

points for their house. As if that wasn’t incentive

enough, anyone who has submitted book reviews

([email protected]) will be

entered into our ‘Heathfield Reads’ prize draw

for a £10 Amazon voucher. The draw will take

place in the final week of this term.

Heathfield Headlines

Inclement weather meant that World Book

Day didn’t happen as intended. However, we

had so many emails from parents and Year 7

students upset about snow stopping World

Book Day that we were determined to

reschedule it and reschedule it we did!

Year 7 students came into school dressed up

as a fantastic array of characters and there

were some spectacular costumes from staff

too! We had a Gangsta Granny, the boy in the

dress, even a Jay Gatsby as well as many

others. It was clear from the costumes that

Year 7 are keen readers and it was lovely to

celebrate the wonderful work of the many

authors that our students are familiar with.

A delayed murder mystery event will be taking

place for Key Stage 3 students in their library

lessons and all students have been given a

World Book Day token worth £1. There are

several books specially published each year

that are worth £1 each so with a token they

are in effect free. However, these books are

mostly aimed at primary school children.

This year, a selection of more grown up books

are being sold at a reduced price of £2.50 and

with the World Book Day token cost only

£1.50. There are a range of genres here:

An Abundance of Katherines John Green

Fly By Night Frances Hardinge

Gangsta Rap Benjamin Zephaniah

I Have No Secrets Penny Joleson

Summoner: The Novice Taran Matharu

World Book Day (a little delayed!)

Engaged & Enthusiastic

Motivational Speaker

Do you know someone who is inspiring, has an amazing life story to tell or has achieved highly in

their career? If so, we would like them to get in touch!

We are looking for a motivational speaker to present at our Honours Award Evening in July either this

year or next. Our Honours Evening this year will be taking place on Thursday 12 July.

If you know of anyone who may be willing/able to attend one of these events as a speaker please

email [email protected]

Thank you!

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Determined & Reflective

The Big Dance Extravaganza!

Organised by Heathfield Community College, The Big

Dance Extravaganza returned to the Assembly Hall

Theatre for another series of stage stomping

performances. Eleven primary schools from the

Wealden area showcased a variety of dance styles

choreographed by Abi Brockhurst from A.B Stage

School as they took on this year’s theme of ‘open


Held on Wednesday 7th March at the Assembly Hall in

Tunbridge Wells, the event included performers from

Cross In Hand, Punnetts Town, Broad Oak, Parkside,

All Saints and St Richard's, Dallington, Maynards

Green, Burwash, Five Ashes, Mayfield and

Herstmonceux primaries with A.B Stage School

closing the show.

Justine Jackson, Head of Dance at the College, said:

It has been another exhilarating evening of dance.

The Assembly Hall was filled with amazing

energy, focus and commitment from all of the

dancers. This annual event forces these children

to be brave when trying new things and to come

out of their comfort zone. The happiness that

dance has provided me is not really something I

can explain – it has to be felt. I firmly believe

that these children felt that happiness and joy

today. A special thanks to Abi Brockhurst from A.

B Stage school for choreographing the Primary

School routines"

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Y10 Girls Mathematics Enrichment Day

Ambitious & Confident

On international woman’s day 2018, 13 Year 10 girls celebrated in style by attending a mathematics

enrichment day at Mayfield School.

Alongside girls from other local schools, the girls took part in a variety of activities based around

mathematical careers. They looked at Bridge Design and the importance of mathematics in

engineering careers, having a go at some of the calculations needed to decide how many steel

reinforcements are needed to make a bridge safe. Did you know that bridge designers have to

account for the frequency of steps of all the people walking on it at the same time?

The girls looked at Maths in Fashion and the importance of mathematics and computing in cutting

edge fashion. Giving instructions to a robot of how to put a jacket on proved pretty tricky but the

Heathfield girls did us proud and won the competition. They then had a go at finding some of the

mathematic properties and sequences in these famous pieces of Jewellery. They found some

symmetrical patterns, binary number, linear sequences, quadratic sequences, Fibonacci sequences

and special numbers such as pi and e. Did you know Ellie Goulding wears this jewellery at some of

her shows?!

The girls also had a chance to see how mathematics is used to help gritting lorries decide which is

the best route to take to minimise wastage. They started by trying to complete graphs without

taking their pencils off the page. Can you join all the dots without taking your pencil off the page or

repeating any lines?

They also took part in a Dragon quiz, showing off their problem solving skills and were able to listen

to mathematician and inspirational speaker, Ben Sparks, talk about the origin of numbers. Do you

know where numbers came from? Were they created by humans or did we discover them?

Throughout the day the girls showed engagement and enthusiasm when taking part in the workshops

and were an excellent example to Heathfield. In every session, they were confident in answering

questions and came first in most of the activities, showing ambition and determination.

Here’s what some of them had to say:

“I really enjoyed everything about the trip!

I found it very inspirational and interesting to

learn about all the possibilities of future careers

in maths from engineering to fashion. I would

definitely recommend it to other students!”

Maezie Lane

“I really enjoyed the trip. It inspired me to aim

high in maths because I found many topics

interesting. For example engineering which I

wouldn't have thought about doing before.”

Elize Curtain

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Determined & Reflective

Badminton Regional Round

On 8th March, having recently been victorious at the level 3

county round, the KS4 girls: Eloise Matthews, Grace Tye,

Georgia Reed-Davies and Daisy Adams travelled to Guildford

Spectrum at the crack of drawn to represent HCC (but also

Sussex) in the level 4 badminton regional rounds. A very high

standard of badminton was played throughout the day with

several players holding national ranks and England caps. The girls knew it was going to be a tough

day having gone up an age group from the previous year. They fought hard in every match but

sadly lost all their games 4-1 to schools that all included teams with players playing at county

level or higher.

Ms Cobbold said: “On women’s day it was great to see so many young girls taking part in such

a high level of sport. I am in no doubt that a couple of the girls performing today will be seen

representing GB in future Olympics. The Heathfield girls have tried their hardest during

every game and rally, no matter what the score line, giving their best. Although we lost 4-1

in every match, it doesn’t paint the full picture of how close many games were with us just

narrowly losing 21-20/19. They did themselves and the College proud. I was privileged to be

able to watch them perform at such a high standard.”

On Saturday 24th February, Heathfield students Harry Oxley (Y7) and Nicholas

Brown (Y8), who both attend Bushido Judo Club in Wadhurst, attended a Judo

Competition at Rosehill School in Tunbridge Wells.

Harry Oxley went on to win Bronze medal for his rounds and Nicholas Brown

won Gold medal for his rounds. Congratulations to both!

Students Win at Judo Competition

Year 11 student, Meghann Wingsutton, played against Essex in the Sussex Schools National

semi-final on Wednesday 7 March. Meghann is a fantastic footballer and although her team

unfortunately lost against Essex, we are very proud of Meghann for reaching the semi-finals.

Meghann said: “I first started playing football at four with pro-direct

soccer academy. I have always enjoyed playing the game and now play

for Lewes Ladies in their Foundation and Development squads. I never

dreamt I would be playing for my county and started playing at that

level four years ago with a great group of girls. I want to continue my

professional career in football by, hopefully, going to America.”

Meghann Competes Against Essex in National Semi-Finals

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Determined & Reflective

School Equestrian Success

Rosie Moon (Year 8) competed for Heathfield

Community College at the British Showjumping Just

for Schools regional qualifiers and has qualified for

the National Winter Finals to be held in Wales this

weekend. Rosie won the class on her pony Kizzy

and also took 2nd place on her other pony Leo.

Well done Rosie!

Engaged & Enthusiastic

Library Quiz House Competition

Our Term 4 and 5 house competition

has got underway this week with year

7 and 8 boys and girls battling it out

in 6-aside football matches. Students

have been hugely enthusiastic and

risen to the challenge of trying to gain

more points for their house.

As we rapidly approach the end of

term 4, we will soon know the current

positions of all four houses and the

results of the house football will be a

big contributor when it comes to

crowning the winning house at the end

of the year.

We are looking forward to years 9, 10

and 11 continuing the competition

after the Easter Holidays - may the

best house win!

A fantastic evening was had by all at the Library Quiz

on Thursday 15 March!

The annual event which raises money from ticket

sales and refreshments, goes towards the Y11 Prom &

College Library. This year, we had an impressive 44

teams from all year groups taking part and Y11

students bringing homemade cakes to help raise

additional funds.

Well done to the winners from 6th Form who scored

an impressive 111 points & to the 'best dressed' team

from Y11 who dressed as characters from Lord of the


A big thank you to all the students who helped on the

night scoring, selling refreshments and collecting

answer sheets.

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Sixth Form

UCAS Convention

Events & Notices

Volunteers Wanted

Volunteers wanted to be involved in a highly rewarding opportunity.

We require volunteers to assist with providing access arrangements during exam periods.

Volunteers need to have numeracy and literacy skills which would allow them to act as readers and

scribes for candidates sitting GCSE qualifications. Some candidates will have Special Educational

Needs and associated difficulties.

Full training for the role will be provided.

Please contact Ben Barnett, Specialist literacy teacher by email if you would like further

information or to register your interest [email protected]

Year 12 Students attended the recent UCAS Convention at the Brighton Centre. During this

event they were able to discuss University Courses directly with a wide range of universities and

visit stands for Apprenticeships and future destinations Post 18.

This event follows on from our Next Steps day and therefore our students went with a clear

agenda to find specific courses and ask questions about their progression routes.

As always, our students impressed us. Falmouth University commented to a member of staff

about their manner but also about the quality of the questions being asked.

Supporting your child’s next steps

Students have an account

with Unifrog. An online

platform which can support

the decision making process.

It can be accessed at the

following link:

The College has access to a

Careers advisor who can be

booked to meet with

students. Any student who

would like an guidance

interview should speak to

Miss Reed or Miss Barham.

A Careers Bulletin is published

to students regularly. This is

emailed directly to their

College email accounts. It

includes opportunities for

after College but also jobs

and work experience



If you have any questions regarding your child’s next steps please contact the Sixth Form Team

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EVERY SCHOOL DAY COUNTS Every single day a child is absent from school

equates to a day of lost learning. Attendance

percentages can be misleading.

‘The greater the attendance the greater

the achievement’


• 17 missed school days a year equals a grade

LOWER in GCSE results

• 90% of persistent non-attenders DO NOT

achieve five or more good grades of GCSE

and around one third achieve no GCSEs at


• Employers want to recruit people who are

reliable and have attended school regularly

• Poor school attendance is also closely

associated with crime. The Audit

Commission found that a quarter of school

age offenders have truanted repeatedly.

• Young people who regularly miss school

without good reason are more likely to

become isolated from their friends, to

underachieve in examinations and/or

become involved in anti-social behaviour.

‘A child who misses a day of school per

week misses an equivalent of two years

of their school life’


Our preferred method for reporting student

absences is via email. Please email any

absences to [email protected]

Heathfield Headlines

Events & Notices


Per academic year



Days of Absence and lost Learning Hours missed compared

to peers


100% 0 days Outstanding

97% 6 days Good

96% 8 days College Minimum Expected Attendance

95% 9 days = 1 week 4 days of missed learning 45 hours missed learning Satisfactory

90% 19 days = 3 weeks 4 days missed learning 95 hours missed learning Poor

85% 29 days = 6 weeks 3 days of missed learning 145 hours missed learning Very poor

80% 38 days = 9 weeks 1 day of missed learning 190 hours missed learning Unacceptable

75% 46 days = 9 weeks 1 day of missed learning 230 hours missed learning Unacceptable

HOW PARENTS CAN HELP• Ensure your child is fully prepared for school

each day – ensure you have made sure they

have organised their school uniform,

equipment, homework, PE kit, etc. the night


• Ensure your child attends school every day

and arrives on time, in order to keep up with

school work.

• Show your child that you think school is very

important – ultimately attendance at school

will shape achievement and later


• Praise and reward your child’s achievements

at school.

• Get them into good habits early on.

• Recognise that children can get into bad

habits from an early age and then these are

difficult to break later.

• Encourage your child with school work.

• Let the school know if there are any problems

or changes.

• Do not keep your child at home if you or your

child is worried or has a problem. The best

way to support your child is to as for a

meeting with the Pastoral Manager to explain

any difficulties and to address the problem.

The more time your child is absent from

school the harder it will be for them to


• Arrange dental and medical appointments

outside school hours when possible. (If not

possible ensure your child comes to school

before and after the appointment)

• Always inform the school if your child is

absent due to illness

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Career Opportunities

Photography Competition

BT Apprenticeships

We offer apprenticeships from intermediate

right through to degree level and the benefits

will vary depending on the particular level or

programme that you are interested in. Salaries

start at £14,936 per annum and you’ll be

pleased to know that one of the benefits of

becoming an apprentice at BT is that at the end

of your apprenticeship you will graduate from

your apprenticeship and continue your career

with BT.

We’ve got opportunities for apprentices all

across our business in areas such as Customer

Experience, IT, Cyber Security, Business

Management, HR, Finance, Logistics, Vehicle

Maintentance and of course Engineering. You

can find more information on any of our

programmes on our website using the quick link


BT Apprenticeships

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Date Event



Sport Relief Week

Broadbridges Uniform Sales



Y11 & Y10 (Intensive) Revision




No School Uniform Day – Sports


TRIP: Y12 Geography Heathfield

Data Collection

Y13 Drama Monologue Pieces


26.03.18.University of Brighton Taster Day


27.03.18.Y7 Race for the Line STEM Day


29.03.18.END OF TERM

Calendar Dates

Sussex PPC Newsletter

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner News

ACRES Adult Education

Click to view the latest news from ACRES

Clubs & After School Sessions

Click for current information & times

Governors’ page

Information about our Governors

Quick Links

Parent Feedback

Feedback from forums and questionnaires

To keep up to date visit…

Follow us on Twitter…@heathfield_cc

Contact us…[email protected] | 01435 866066

Tuesday 24th April

Wednesday 9th May

Wednesday 13th June

Friday 6th July

Open Mornings

It is essential to book for these tours as places

are limited.

Please contact Reception on 01435 866066 Ext

1200 or email [email protected]

Are you aware of what "live streaming" is?

This is a service provided by some apps e.g.

Facebook, twitter and many others, which allow

the user to broadcast live video of themselves to

the world. Some of these apps have no privacy

settings and have become hunting grounds for

predators to take advantage of vulnerable users.

One of these services is called This

app was originally designed as a way for unknown

musicians to get an audience for their

creativity. It's purpose is anti-privacy because it is

about advertising to as many people as possible.

It has become very popular with teenagers, which

makes them vulnerable, especially if they are not

censoring what they are filming by following the

standard rules of internet posting:

• no school uniform or other clothing that can

identify you

• no background that could identify where you

are (including turning off location features on

the camera).

However, it is not just what your child might be

broadcasting, it is what they might be viewing

that is the equally real issue here - there are far

worse live streams on these apps that children

and teenagers should not be exposed to. A very

good analysis of the wider dangers of this and all

social media can be found in an internet article

titled "Porn is not the worst thing on"


Porn is not the worst thing on

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Classified Advertising

To promote your business/event here, email [email protected] for further

information and prices..

Disclaimer: Although paid advertisements may appear in Heathfield Community College Publications in print,

online, or in other electronic formats, Heathfield Community College does not endorse the advertised

product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement.

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