Page 1: Hearing loss solutions: What you can do to help

Hearing loss solutions: What you can do to


Having difficulty with your hearing is not uncommon, but there are

some hearing loss solutions you can implement yourself! People

communicate daily to share feelings, needs, and information.

Without understandable communication, you may begin to

withdraw socially and emotionally.

You may feel embarrassed,

frustrated, and isolated from the

world. Small changes in the way you

hold a conversation can change your

everyday experience from poor to

wonderful! If you are willing to be

more open about your difficulty,

you’ll be amazed at the positive

change in your hearing life.

We’ve all done it. Hearing impaired or not, we have all been guilty

of smiling and nodding when we did not really understand what was

said. John says to you, “Did you see the Packers on Sunday? That

game was crazy!” You hear, “Something something Packers

something day. Something crazy!” What is he talking about? The

football team? Meat packers? Are they moving? Smiling and

nodding will not only leave you still clueless, but you never know

what question you may be answering. You might have just agreed

to drive the carpool next week and not know it! What do you do?

Page 2: Hearing loss solutions: What you can do to help

You may simply just ask for repetition, but be specific. Let the

other person in the conversation know that you were listening.

Instead of, “Could you repeat that?” say “What was that about the

Packers?” This allows you to confirm what you did hear, and makes

your partner feel that they aren’t being ignored.

If you didn’t catch any of the conversation be open about it. Try

asking your conversation partner(s) to repeat or rephrase. Having

the person you are speaking with rephrase their statement can give

you greater clues as to the topic of conversation, leading to better


With those you regularly communicate with, remind them to use

natural, clear speech. Many people, including those with hearing

impairment, are guilty of speaking very slowly and very loudly to

people with hearing loss. While they have good intentions, this

change may distort the sound of their words and changes the

natural mouth movements that could be used for visual cues.

Remember to use those visual cues. Communicating isn’t just about

speaking. People speak with facial and body expression. Look at the

whole person when having a conversation. Use your best judgment.

Consider natural reactions. For example, it isn’t likely that someone

telling you bad news would be jumping up and down while smiling.

Page 3: Hearing loss solutions: What you can do to help

While your hearing loss can complicate conversation, don’t allow it

to limit your participation in everyday activities. Try a few of those

techniques above, and create some of your own. Never pretend to

understand when you do not. Others want you to understand just

as much as you do! Try these hearing loss solutions and pursue

those activities you enjoy!

For More Information, Call Hearing Aids Today

At: (615) 457-8600


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