
Ramadan [email protected]

"He who does not desist from obscene language and acting obscenely (during the period of fasting), Allah has no need that he didn't eat or drink." (Bukhari, Muslim)."Fasting is not only from food and drink, fasting is to refrain from obscene (acts). If someone verbally abuses you or acts ignorantly toward you, say (to them) 'I am fasting; I am fasting." (Ibn Khuzaoinah). Restraint from food, water, and undesirable behavior makes a person more mentally disciplined and less prone to unhealthy behavior.

Health problems can emerge as a result of excess food intake, foods

Holy RamadanRamadan brings along with it a lot of changes in work and school timings, changes in the city's lifestyle, and of course changes in one's eating habits and Muslims completely abstain from food and water from dawn to dusk. Ramadan fasting has spiritual, physical, psychological and social benefits. However, many man-made problems may occur if fasting is not properly practiced A diet is of less than a normal amount of food intake but balanced is sufficient to keep a person healthy and active

Suhoor and IftarSahur [pre-dawn meal] is Sunnah (the way of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)) to eat sahur and be better able to undertake the task of fasting throughout the Day The best things to eat are those which release their energy slowly and are rich in fiber and can last up to 8 hours, such as whole wheat bread, milk, fruits and vegetables

For the iftar (fast-breaking meal), healthy food items that provide the body with an immediate source of energy. The body's immediate need at the time of iftar is to get an easily available energy

Why SahurFasting for 12 to 24 hours or more can lead to dizziness and fatigue and a lowering of metabolic rate as a means of conserving calories or energy.Sahur provides the essential nutrients and energy needed for concentration while keeping hunger symptoms like headaches, fatigue, sleepiness and restlessness at bay and ensure an adequate intake to keep metabolic rates up. Our bodies need at least 40 different nutrients every day to ensure that we grow adequately and maintain good health and most foods

Well-balanced - dietTo select foods each day from each of the five food groups:

1. Breads, cereals and other grain products

2. Fruit and vegetables3. Meat, fish and poultry4. Milk, cheese and yoghurt5. Fats and sugars (these contain

FOOD at SAHUREat enough carbohydrate foods especially those rich in fiber at Sahur. Eat whole wheat or oat cereal or whole wheat bread, 1-2 serving with a cup of milk. Add 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil or any other monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats in a salad or the cereal. Remember your fruits and vegetables as it contains vitamins and minerals and it does protect to fight off sickness and disease. Eat 1-2 servings of fruits, as a last item

IftarDates, three Juice, 1 serving (4 oz.) Vegetable soup with some pasta or graham crackers, 1 cupThe body's immediate need at the time of iftar is to get an easily available energy source in the form of glucose for every living cell, particularly the brain and nerve cells.

Dried dates contain sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, sulfur, manganese, silicon and chlorine. Potassium, vital to the prevention of dehydration, is also

Dinner - 1 1. Meat/Bean Group: Chicken, beef, lamb, goat, fish, 1-2 servings (serving size = a slice =1 oz); green pea, chickpea (garbanzo, chana, humus), green gram, black gram, lentil, lima bean and other beans, 1 serving (half cup). Meat and beans are a good source of protein, minerals, and certain vitamins.2. Bread/Cereal Group: Whole wheat bread, 2 servings (serving size = 1 oz) or cooked rice, one cup or combination. This group is a good source of complex carbohydrates, which are a good source of energy and provide some protein, minerals, and dietary fiber.

Dinner - 2 Vegetable Group: Mixed vegetable salad, 1 serving (one cup), (lettuce, carrot, parsley, cucumber, broccoli, coriander leaves, cauliflower or other vegetables as desired.) Add 2 teaspoons of olive oil or any polyunsaturated oil and 2 spoons of vinegar. Polyunsaturated fat provides the body with essential fatty acids and keto acids. 2. Fruits Group: 1-2 servings of citrus and/or other fruits. Eat fruits as the last item of the Details dinner or soon after dinner, to facilitate Iftar: digestion and prevent many gastrointestinal 3 dates, 1/2 cup of orange juice, 1 cup of vegetable soup, 2 plain graham crackers. problems. Citrus fruits provide vitamin C.1. Dinner: 1 cup of vegetable salad with two teaspoons of corn oil and two teaspoon of vinegar, 2 oz. of chicken, 1/2 cup of okra, 4 oz. of cooked whole chana (garbanzo), 3 tea spoon of oil while cooking main dishes, 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 1 cup of cooked rice, 3/4 cup of plain yogurt, one orange, 1/2 cup grapes, 1 oz of nutsmixed roasted-without salt

Sahur: 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 1 cup of milk, 1/4 cup of vegetable salad with two

Incorrect eating can cause**Indigestion caused by excessive eating, fried, fatty and spicy foods as well as carbonated drinks. **Constipation caused by eating too many processed foods and not enough fiber or water consumption. **Lethargy due to low blood pressure which can be caused by a sudden excessive consumption of heavy starchy and fatty foods.

**Headache caused by lack of sleep and being overly physically active. **Muscle cramps due to an inadequate intake of calcium, magnesium and potassium. May Almighty Allah bless all of us

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