Page 1: he om of God...2 HILLSONG YOUNG AND FREE: SELAH III (FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT) Written by: Michael Fatkin, Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King, Alexander Pappas You give me love Joy peace patience


of God

Page 2: he om of God...2 HILLSONG YOUNG AND FREE: SELAH III (FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT) Written by: Michael Fatkin, Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King, Alexander Pappas You give me love Joy peace patience

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Hillsong Young and Free: Selah III (Fruits of the Spirit)

SELAH III (Fruits of the Spirit)

Words and Music by Michael Fatkin, Aodhan King & Robbie Hellberg

© 2018 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia (Admin in USA & CA by Capitol CMG Publishing)

Page 3: he om of God...2 HILLSONG YOUNG AND FREE: SELAH III (FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT) Written by: Michael Fatkin, Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King, Alexander Pappas You give me love Joy peace patience

PSALM 19Selah III (Fruits of the Spirit)

W e e k T W O

Each week, we will provide a Hillsong worship

song and a psalm that can be used for worship, prayer,

or reflection on the topic of the week.


Page 4: he om of God...2 HILLSONG YOUNG AND FREE: SELAH III (FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT) Written by: Michael Fatkin, Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King, Alexander Pappas You give me love Joy peace patience




Written by: Michael Fatkin, Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King, Alexander Pappas

You give me love Joy peace patience and faithfulness

Your goodness is here now Self-control kindness and gentleness

Oh, You give Your heart to me (you give your heart to me)

Love love joy peace patience and faithfulness Your goodness is here now

Self-control kindness and gentleness Oh You give Your heart to me Oh You give Your heart to me Oh You give Your heart to me


Page 5: he om of God...2 HILLSONG YOUNG AND FREE: SELAH III (FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT) Written by: Michael Fatkin, Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King, Alexander Pappas You give me love Joy peace patience



The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure,

enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.Who can discern his errors? Declare me innocent from hidden faults. Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.


Page 6: he om of God...2 HILLSONG YOUNG AND FREE: SELAH III (FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT) Written by: Michael Fatkin, Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King, Alexander Pappas You give me love Joy peace patience



The Kingdom and Creation This week, we will start at the very beginning—creation. But we’re not looking at it like a children’s fairy tale of talking animals in a garden. Nor are we looking at it like a science textbook, analyzing the different theories of creationism versus evolution versus intelligent design or literal days versus figurative. As important as those questions are, in this series, we want to look at what the story of creation means, theologically. What does it teach us about this upside-down, in-between kingdom of God? How does it help us understand our place in the kingdom?

(Q) Describe a time when you were filled with awe at God’s creation—a beautiful sunset, watching your baby be born, climbing a mountain or just seeing a range of them in the distance, gazing out over the vastness of the ocean, etc. How do these kinds of moments make you feel?

(Q) What does it make you think about God?

(Q) What does it make you think about yourself?

In this week’s episode, we saw how the story of creation establishes God’s authority as King and our role in the kingdom of God. In Creation, we see that God is the High King of the whole universe. He spoke the world into being with only His words. With just His voice, He brought order out of chaos, making something out of nothing. He subdued the territory. That’s all it took. He spoke it and it came to be. That’s it. Because God is the King of kings. Ultimate power and authority are in His hands. And in His voice. Genesis 1:2 says, “Now the earth was formless and empty” (NIV).

In the structure of the story of creation in Genesis 2, we see God give form to the earth by creating realms (days 1–3) and filling those empty realms with life (days 4–6). Specifically, He fills them with rulers—the sun to rule over the day, the moon to rule over the night (v. 16).

Lesson two

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FORMLESS > REALMS EMPTY > RULERS 1: light and darkness 4: sun, moon, stars 2: sky and sea 5: birds and fish 3: dry land 6: animals and humans

So by the time we get to the creation of humanity, we hear loud and clear that God created humans not just to fill the earth, but to rule over it. “God said to [human beings], ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth’” (Genesis 1:28).

This is kingly language: “have dominion over.” The language of the reign of God, the kingdom of God. God is building His kingdom. He is establishing His kingship, His reign, over all the universe, and bestowing rule of the earth upon humankind. He is giving humanity a mission, a role, a responsibility, as vice-regents of His kingdom. Not for their own glory, but for His. And not from their own power or authority, but only with His. They would only be able to reign because God’s Spirit was with them, because they were created in His image.

Just before God commands human beings to rule over creation, Genesis says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). Being able to rule is directly related to being created in God’s image. Human beings cannot rule over the earth in their own power, but as His representatives, embodying His Spirit, reflecting His image to the world. So what does it mean to be made in God’s image?

In this week’s episode, we looked at four things the story of creation teaches us about being made in God’s image:

1. The image of God includes both male and female together, and all people of every nation, background, intelligence level, socio-economic status, etc.—all human beings.

2. As image bearers, our work matters to God.

3. Because we are made in God’s image, we can reflect His likeness to the world.

4. When we are bearing His image, people will look at us and give glory to the only wise and good King.

Page 8: he om of God...2 HILLSONG YOUNG AND FREE: SELAH III (FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT) Written by: Michael Fatkin, Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King, Alexander Pappas You give me love Joy peace patience



(Q) Do you treat other people as being made in God’s image? How do you treat those the world may not notice, the outcasts or the marginalized? Do you take time to look into their eyes and treat them with the love of Christ simply because they are human? Image-bearers of God?

(Q) How does it change your view of work to know that it is one of the ways we bear the image of God to the world? How would the way you see your work and the way you do your work change if you felt a kingdom purpose for what you do?

(Q) Evaluate your life, ask yourself honestly: Are you reflecting God’s image to the world? If someone looked at your life, would they say, “Wow! I can really see Jesus in them!”

Every human being is made in God’s image. We are all made with the potential to be a “good likeness” of Him, but not everyone gives expression to His true image. Have you ever seen a bad picture of someone and barely even recognized them? When people refuse to accept Him as King, when they don’t follow His law, when they don’t submit to His reign, it’s like seeing a “bad picture” of God. They are created in His image and have the potential to bear His image, but without the Spirit living in them, you barely even recognize God’s image in them. But when a person lives by the Spirit, it’s like a really great picture. We can see the light of Christ shining through.

Read Matthew 5:14–16.

When we do good in the world, when we bear God’s image to the world, people will glorify God. Just like when my kids do good things out in the world, it brings glory to me. “Wow, he’s so polite. He must have good parents.” Or “She’s such a sweet kid. You guys sure raised her right.” When we live as God’s image out in the world, we bring glory to His name. We reflect Him. We show the world what He is like.

Even when we don’t live perfectly.

An amazing thing about the gospel is that even when we’re not at our best, our image can still reveal God to the world. Because our image isn’t about how amazing we are. It’s about how amazing God is. Our picture isn’t about us looking great. It’s about Christ shining through us.

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Our good works are only a reflection of Him like the light of the moon is only a reflection of the sun. The moon doesn’t shine. On its own, it’s only a huge rock. It only shines because it reflects the light of the sun.

So, those times when we struggle can actually be times when Jesus shines even brighter through us because they point to God’s grace, His love, and His work in our lives, and not our own goodness. That’s why Paul could say he boasted in his weaknesses, because “Christ’s power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Paul also wrote that Jesus, the Son, “is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:15).

Look at the kingdom language in that passage—“thrones, powers, rulers, authorities.” The image of God is connected to His kingship, to His reign. Adam and Eve were created in God’s image, as representatives of Him. But Jesus is His image. A few verses later, Paul wrote that God was pleased to have His fullness dwell in Jesus (Colossians 1:19).

We are like an imperfect reflection in a mirror or a not-so-great photograph. But Jesus is a carbon copy, a perfect clone. He is God in human flesh. Adam and Eve were created as representative rulers on earth, but Jesus is King. All things were created through Him and for Him.

When we want to bear God’s image, what we really need to do is to point to Him. Let His light shine through us. Scripture says Jesus is the light of the world (John 1:9; 8:12). But Jesus says we are also the light of the world, because we reflect His light (Matthew 5:14).

(Q) What does light do for the world on a physical level?

(Q) What does it mean to be the “light of the world” spiritually?

Imagine you’re walking around an unfamiliar place in the dark. Even though you hold your hands out in front of you, you run into things, you bang your leg against something, you may even fall into a hole and twist your ankle. Now imagine someone turns on the light. You can see! Now you know which way to go, which dangers to avoid, which way is safe.

Read Ephesians 5:1–21.

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This passage tells us how to be “imitators of God,” how to bear His image to the world. It compares our lives before Christ to walking in the darkness and our coming to know Him as arising from the dead. Many people think they are happy in the darkness, in their sin. But knowing Christ, the light of the world, is like rising from the dead, waking from a deep sleep, finally seeing the world for real.

Imagine the most beautiful sunny day you’ve ever seen. The sky is gorgeous, the sun is warming your face, the top of your head even tingles because the sun shines on you. Having the light of Christ is like that sunny day times a trillion plus infinity. We weren’t meant to live in darkness. We were meant to live in the light. For a while, maybe the darkness seemed like a fun place to be, but when the light finally shines on us, we can see just how yucky the darkness was. Don’t you want to walk in the light?

If we walk as children of the light, we will bear the “fruit” of the light. We will reflect His goodness, righteousness, and truth (v. 9). We will try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord (v. 10). We will expose the darkness in the world around us (v. 11). Some people are afraid to expose the darkness. They don’t want to offend anyone or seem judgmental or intolerant. But exposing the darkness means we’re helping people see! We’re showing them what dangers to avoid, which way is safe. When we bear God’s image to the world, we shine the light of Christ bright so people can see the way, the truth, and the life.

(Q) What are some dark places in the world around you that you can shine your light? How can you do it in a way that is loving and gracious and kind? In a way that points to Christ?

(Q) In what ways do you struggle to walk in goodness, righteousness, and truth? How can you find the strength and self-discipline to live like Jesus?

(Q) Note that Ephesians 5:10 says “try to” discern what is pleasing to the Lord. “Try to.” We’re all trying here! How can you try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord? How do we find out?

So, the question then is how can we walk as children of the light? Verse 18 says, “Be filled with the Spirit.” Remember, we are God’s vice-regents, bearing His image to the world. The only way we can bear His image is to be filled with His Spirit.

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Read Galatians 5:16–25.

Those who live by the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of God (v. 21), but those who walk by the Spirit will bear the fruit of the Spirit. They will shine His light brightly into all the darkest places of the world. They will bear His image to the world, creating a beautiful picture of who God is for all the world to see. The word Christian means “little Christ.” We are made to be a little “mini-me” of Jesus, running around here on earth—living as He lived, loving as He loved, seeking and sharing the good news with the lost. Turning the world upside-down in this time in-between His first and His second coming.

Throughout this series, we’ll see how the image of God was broken in the fall and all God did to repair it. But the good news of the gospel is that we are living in this in-between time of the kingdom. The final kingdom is coming in its fullness in the future. But the kingdom is already here, in us.

Christ has come, defeated sin, and sent His Spirit to live in us. Jesus, the King, is the full image of God, and we have His Spirit inside us. That means we can bear the image of God because we have His Spirit. We can do good because we have His Spirit. We can live lives of kingdom purpose. We can shine the light. As Hillsong lead pastor Brian Houston said, “Your potential is immense. Your only obstacle is your own head. Cooperate with the Holy Spirit and watch what God will do.”1

None of us reflects God’s image perfectly. We are just the moon. We are just a picture, a likeness. But we can strive to emulate Him, follow Him, and become more and more like Him every day. And when we mess up, we can point to His grace. When we do that, we will reflect Christ our King to the world.

(Q) If someone looked at your life, would they see more of Jesus or more of you—your thoughts, your choices, your views, your desires? Or would they see a life submitted to Him as King, submitting to His will?

(Q) Of the people in your life, who really lives like Jesus? Who bears His image? How? Why do you say that about them? Consider asking them for advice on how to walk with the Spirit day-by-day, maybe even asking one of them to disciple you.

1 Brian Houston on Twitter, Jan. 14, 2018—

Page 12: he om of God...2 HILLSONG YOUNG AND FREE: SELAH III (FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT) Written by: Michael Fatkin, Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King, Alexander Pappas You give me love Joy peace patience

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