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    " - - -"".l -SATIID MUHAMMAD AL'-ijUSAYNI-I GISUDI . ~,




    / / (



    . . Syed Shah Khusro Hussalnl "

    , AThesis ,,,


    , /, r


    - 825ft f422.) : "'- " '. f ! i;'


    SubmLttO'd,t.o the Faculty.of Gra~uate/Studl.s "" '~'''''~

    and aeeearc,b, f{c~Ul Univers ity, Montreal . ..........

    ln partial f~lfillment of the ~\. ,

    ,requlrementa \for the degree ,-

    of Maete~ of Arts _ l l

    ~ "'" l l j 1

    ~. ;

    ~ Inatltute of Ia~amlc Studtee '\ l


    McGUl untieralty

    Montre~l f ! \ Canad t t t


    ~atf1976 i

    o Syed Shah Kh~ro Hussaini 1977 .1

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    '[ 1

    ~slJMt ' 1 ;' Syed ~ah Kh~sro ~

    SAY'f(.!D MU\fAMMAD AL -t;ruSAYN - l GSD IRAi ? l( ,

    ';, " ON SUFISM l',

    (121/1321 -~25/1422): ., .

    ppartement : i 1

    J' Institut des tudes Islamiques, Universit de MC:Cill 1 .'/ J,

    .1 !


    'Maltrise en Arts (M.A.) }' Date Aoat 1976

    / "

    Sayyid ~ammad a1-~usaynl-i GIs~iriz (721/1321 - 825/1422) ~tait soufl indien de l'ordre Chiant!, un ordre qui compte

    1 -

    / / ~ /

    encore aujout'd t ul. beaucoup 'de sympathis1nta en Inde. G!sdiriz est ; le premi~r (~oufl Chisht! qu~ a~t 1aisd hne lloeuvre 'crite conaLdrable.

    /' ~ 1

    Coume Ll ~ty a ~a8 de documentat,ion sati~faLsante lur les Chllht!s antrieurs, c'est seulement une tude de G!sJdlriz qui permet d' c1att'cir

    , 1

    les doctrlnes de cet ordre. Deux thmes de controverse"la "Saintet"

    (waliyah) et "l'Auditlon de Musique" (1!!!!!'> ont t cholsis pour cette tude. L'ide de saintet est traite de deux polnts de vuei par rapport


    ~' 1 t ide de prophtie (nubuwwah) et en tant que mod,.lfie par les penses. '.J.. '~.

    de GIsdiriz sur le monde en ~~n~ L'Audition de ~usique est traite de deux points de vue galement: 'xotrique et sotrique; c".t--dire ~

    ~ 1 ~

    les rgles et les conditions 'attacnes cette instltution et l'audlltlon

    comme voie mystlque menant Dieu.

    Les chapitres sur waliyah'et sami' \

    contiennent aussi des introd~ctions ces controverses dans le soufisme

    c la8s iqu'e.


    .. .-

    -~-.. --~"''''~''"''''''''''''''''''-_.'''''''--'-''''''''''''1111 __ - ____ .. --'-' ---.................. ---.. -><


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    , .

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    .---/ -.


    " .,

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    , \

    .. ;t.~


    At the outset, l would 11ke to extnd my thanka to the

    R.E.H. the N~zam'~ Trust _Fund, Hydex:abad., whleh aw&+ded.'me f1nanc~alsupport durlng'the ~n1tIal teDm of my first year at McGIll University.

    l am &>180 gratef'ul to the Institut. of Islamie Studles and t.he Fa.cUlty , .

    of Ciaduate Studie. and Rese&rch for thetr f1nanolal support.

    l &JI &lao srateful tG Dr. Charles J. oAdall&$, Dlrector of the

    InsU tut. of Isl&m1c Stud1es for his encoaragem.nt. !' taU short o ... ~

    , ,

    of wrds ln expreulng 1IlY gratitude to Dr.+Hermann LaDdolt who ,

    superv!sed llY thesls and _so pat1ently rtad through ea.oh part. ! &II

    1ndebted to hill for his in~uable suggestions ~ and o Orltructl ve

    cri tioisas ot the pruent lIork. l lJ!l a140 tbaD.kfu.l to hi. for , ~ -

    ~k1ng .ae.cess~ble tO,. 'a nWl~ of, manuacr1pts in Xerox form, and, for tra.nalating redevant' fro. articles 1n German aDd. FrehCh.,

    j 0" < 1 1" l \/

    l u, indeed, proUll ot bav1ng worked under such a profound scholr.

    'I &Il thankful to~Mr. S. YEsta, Secretary Ma.rhatwada Waqt Board., o

    Au:r&Ilga'b&d. (Incita)' fOr penttt1n8 .e to use nts npubllshed Urdu , ,

    translation of 'th." Asek al-Aarir of CtsUd1rb. mOngst thoae who asateted me 1n collectlng reae&roh mater1al durlng m:f V1slt t.o Hyderabad.

    # .. . '

    \ -1U-

    , .


    1 J 1

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    t .

    : . ,



    , .

    1 "

    '. , ' (\ "

    ln the sumlIler' of 197;, l extend my thank.1f to ~. Sa.yy1d M\}amlllad)' ,

    C Mr. S. Ra-Qlm a-n!n,JMr. S. -AUm a1-Dtn and i1r~. M. Su~~rm1n Slddlqui.


    " , -l a~ grate:ful to all IIW' ~,iends )fho he1ped m80 in ~he prepe.ratlon of this thesiB~ l would l1ke, 1n pa.rtioulir" ta mention here Mr . &Al1

    al...1)In !Jasan, Kr. F.M. Hunzal, Miss F. Awad., Misa T. Stewart tiho. " transla.ted a French treatls8, and Mr. D: HacLean, f".r. J. Esoovitz,

    " .

    and Mias M. Jonte for readlng the vqrk'ln draft form and o!fer1n~ vaiUILble auggeatip~a. l also 'mend my thanka ta ~a. N. Sale", Hrs. C. Kor&h, and Kra. L. Asbra! for carefully, typtng . "th~ whole

    \ p

    F1n&lly, l a.m very grateful ta the Librarian,. Kr. Muzaffar ~ .

    , ,

    Ali, MS,ss S., Ferahlan, and other .e.bers of the Instl tute :Li brary for their help' and. co-operation throughout the preparation of the

    thesis. l deeply appreoiate their assistanoe.


    o ,



    , J


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    . 1




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    .... *;q. : -. ~ .. ;:"~"'.~. ,~ ~_ ft ~ ... ~


    ~~\ ''.-'l'~ft "'I,~.,,,,,,,,,,,,-,""""""'~"'lI"'f':"'T""t:l~""fo~bf"t~~l~"' ___ ~ __ -rlI_



    In Chapter III, l

    ~alud, wald, etc. haye uSd often certain technlcal terms

    llke in thelr transliterated forms lnstead of

    t~~r Engllsh equival~nts fOr the sake of convenience and to avold

    con.fu~ion. The equlvalent~ are mentloned, though, where~er necessary

    .. Some .ether words suc,h as sufiSm, sufl. etc. are angLLc lzed. In par-

    tlcular, the ward A!mi( ls partiy angllclzed due ~o lts fre~U~usage. K~dern forms of the dames of towns snd cLtles are retained. The fol-

    lowlng ls the translit~ratlon system generally applLed 'ln the the~l~.~

    ,\ ln itial, une>cpre d;


    '1. ,

    ~ --rr ~

    ~ ~ a. l:

    :> I~ .r 1/'. ..

    tI" f..I'-


    b p t th '" j ch

    ~ kh

    ~-r z zh s sh

    Short vowels:

    Long vowel.:

    !ll! mag ,!lt!.b.: ')


    .:::. aj _li i' , ,,,

    f a;.J .; cS 1.

    . , , medtal .~d flnale

    " _\l.


  • '

    , .

    L "

    . .



    ., ,. ,diphtongs: .J aw; fi aYi lya;

    Il., " uwwa.

    .. q

    li' marbt.!!l': /).. aQ; ln ldfah: - -.----



    The il ls .usua~ly rendered c.:.:.t ln Perslan. W\len trans-o

    llteratlng a word endlhg wlth tif marbtah - -.-

    in a general cantext

    or from an Arabie source the Arable form~ ah la retalned; lf 1iIt

    quotlng from a Perslan te~t Lt La c~anged to: at. Thua, for

    example, for aaLntablp II waLixah 0 ~n~~rablc but wallyat ln





    , .


  • ,1 ~ .


    'j - '" 1 _~'*""""'-;"""'''' ~tY"~. "4" ~,,~ >t*"> 4." .;_;'4 ~, ....... "";"'_"':"-__ '''''Jj .... "" .... P .... C .......... * ... tIt ...... h_(iI e,;.,N,...,p ........... , .......................... t ... , ""'*"_' __ "" ___ "d __ "~._ ~

    . '

    t ,






    . "

    , .

    . \




    CHAPTEa l -


    A)' Chlshtt 0t:der , .


    1) Chisht! mona,tery (la!!'at khln~h) 2) Chlshtt ldeo10gy

    "t' B) LLfe and Works of ~sdlriz

    1) Life 2) Sp,irltua1 trainlng 3) As. mas ter . 4) SulTsources.of l~splration 5) As an Butnor





    .. l,


    ~ . "-






    7 9

    16 \ 16 19 21 23 29 .




    A) BacklrO~d ot the Prob1~m 1) a1-V-ktm al-Tlrmidh! (ca.3~d/9thent.) 2) Mu9yi al~D!n Ibn a1- cAr.bI (d.6J8/1~~) 3) cAli' al-Dawlah,al-Slmnln! (d.7J6/13~6)

    ~.~; ::: 60 . 3

    8') ,Gtsd Lri~:'~)P;OPh.tbood 'and 6a Uit.h,ip 'i. ' . .

    1) Prophot' 'and mysUc man (saint) \

    a) Prophetboo and Salntshlp b) Propb.tboo~ nd Saintship c) Proph'e~. ~nd S in1=

    " / , ~-Vl1"


    as concepts as'mystiea1 stagea

    69 .


    71 75 82



    , .

    .. ,.


    ,1 ,





  • ~f "

    , ) .

    , '

    ~: 1:{1 !I:

    t: ~ , .. ~. , . ., , '! ..... t

    ~ "




    . \

    , ,


    "> " a) .!ml C 'of conilion p'eop le anc! nov Les b) Mu.lea1 instruments

    (c) Poe~ry 2) E8oteri~ aspect . , ,

    t .... ::J a)' Signifieanee of !!!l' ~


    ~) Object of !!!l' : c) .!ml' and ehe "covenant" (S"tthg)

    . d) J!m!~ a~ ecstaay .(~ .) Source of _estasy

    -~ ...

    . "


    144 , ,

    14k 147 11:, .



    149. ,t 150

    ~SO , 151

    , 152 f) Ees tas y and ar t l fic la 1 .... ea tas y 8) Dane long U:!9..!) , '

    (taw."Id) " ,,~S3 , '. ", .~, lSS '

    h) Rendlng of garments - . 156 "',


    C) GIsdlraz On Audition .of Music .. 164 ~ ,.' "" l~Exoteric a.pect _ 'n " " i64

  • '~~. :"":.. ___ I ...... _ ...... tid .... h .... A""P;; ... ", ........ ,/oJoI ... _n __ AtP.,..'''''44iiPI'OIQ!!'!IIt: .... : 2""4 .... 4!, __ ...... _~' ' .... _ .... "'"UlJ!tI!l!"'~.!.t:t.41111.e~f..., ....... ....... .,.., .. " .... a_1l _'*"""'._.:.-. __ ! ,


    ~' . '-."

    " ,

    !:" .



    .. ~ ~/ J --...::- /_.~" ~t ""'. ..

    CRAnER III ~Cont'd) - \ ~) Ins tr~lJlentrs of sa-J c. , , . .

    ,~, e) Poet~y '-0 \ f) Gu ldel lnes ..' \ . g) Artlfi.elal eestasy (t'awajud)' a~d

    eonformi ty (muwafaqat)', \ h) Self-control '


    .2) lao ter le aspee t - 1

    a) Meanlng and end of !!ml' '1: ' b) Music (


    r r

    ,c) Process of relating (tatpll) dl Symbolic meanlngs of different kinds

    of dances . ~ 1 e) The .tate of unlty ~(,laDl') in !.!lB! ,

    f) Saml e a4 a sufi peth





    '~'. . :-n \.,

    , \~ .








    \ ......... 1

    .. 'r'"



    ~ 171 172 112

    175 177

    ~~: r:.-


    178 179 180

    182 . ~85 187

    199 ,


    220-222 '












    . ,

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    , ,

    ". !l,." '4~_"""" ______ '-''''''' __ ~ .... ,r .. "",(" .. _~-,...,. ... 'f;~'''''~_ ... \ .... ,.......,_......-




    CHAPl'EB l '


    India. bas been a land of sulla var sinee th. Mual1m conquest, J

    or even before. Among the f!rat sulla known to ha, tl'a.ell.ed to '. 0

    . l' Ind1a. was the celebrated. Man,Or al-~alllj (d.)09/921) J but lt was

    . ,

    durlng th. llth century th&t Iodla.. attracted. the attentlon of any , -.

    ~ , - " .} Itl.nerant 8~te, genera.lly known &II derv1s.h , of Bukh&r&, S&rqud,

    Iran, Khuruln, Turk1ataD '&ad, probably, Arab1& and 511'1&.2 Th .o.t

    ~ent of th ... 11&8, pex"b-.pi" ".lrbdUa Sa17id cAU al.-JlIllAt a1-Huj1ftrt (C&"~46.5/1072r, the author 'of ~ eU:"knovn. Pera1&n' .utl MIlual.

    ... .. ---" '

    Ktahf .. l;':~jlIb, "ho C&M ta Iild1a 1a th. latter PIn or hls. lit. and aettJ:~ in Lahor. lI'her~) ~. "aa;~led. Th. h1atGl'7 01' .Sutia. 11& Ind1a,in "tact;- be&1na wlth, th. eatabU4b.ent of th. Chlehtt. &Dd t~.


    SUbrawardt' .&at~1.a, 'th. t_o earlleat eutl ord.~ of I1a. the . ,

    . ~

    fana .. 1'oundlcl ln AjMr' br MUch al-DtA JluaD si.,at Ch1ahtt' - ~

    (d.6)4/12)6)'~ and th. ~t' 'in Mult&n bJ ,Sb&1kb BabI:' .. l.ooDtn ~- .. .

    Z&b.rtyl' ,(4.661/1262), .. diaclpl.e of Sh&1kh SbibD al-Dt.u' cU~ . ' -

    al-8uhft.lI'&rd.t. (4.6)2/12,34). The, other t1l0 eutl ord~ vli1cn pined " -

    - ' ,

    poplll&rlt,.. &ad ~~ dur1ac the' i~i~,~ 16th o.JlWrl .. , a.n.r t~ . . diaorp.nlu.t101l ot tbe Chiabtt ud-S~1I'&l'dt'ord. ... , lIere the

    '~11:t &ad. the lfaqahbud.t all!1_~ ,- ib~ Qqkr' O'rder w~ f1rat




    -' 1ntrocluced. to Inc11& by '!hJ& d Gb&wtb ~ 881/lJ4.82, &Dd. the liacJ..bbu4! L

    q -1-

    " ....


    . J 1 ~ ) _~~_ , - .------;-.. ,-',_. _ .. -., -_&_* ~ ~ t ~ ~

  • lit-~: L (, "

    .~ ..

    a -2-


    ,~ order oves Us organ1u:tlon to 'Mu.QaaMd. B&qt Bl-Allah (d.l012/1603).



    AU the four orders are regarde4 as ort.hodox beca.uae of tbeir . .

    , c .aphasis on sha.rt a.h.

    , ,

    The scope ~f our .tudy, h01fev~, liai ta.lIS to tbe Ch1ahtt .~ - ~-

    ard~ 1n genml and to 'GtsOdirJz in ~lcular. The Ch~btt ~er .u th. aost popular in Ind1& ~V~D ~ur1ng the da1S of Sharkb Much'


    a1-Dtn 1JUaD, &Del 18 atill on. of the II08t pcpular ordera tod&7.. lt , '

    'uen1aed lu 1Dfl.uenc. all OTer' the count.ry, &Dd lta -~D&tC'1ea, .ere looi of aop1&l, o~tural and. r.llgloua actlvltl... Th1a arr bu be~ atwi1ed elaboJi& br ~odex:1l acholara Ollly t'ro. the hhtO%'1c&l " perspective, but no on. bu r ... ~y deTOted a 81&teat1c twl1 ta the

    thougbt of the Ch1ahtta. This -1"be due to a lack of ad.~u&te , " ,

    .ource _ter1al. It la, 1ndeed, UIlfartl1ll&te tha~ ~ earl1 Ch1ahU '

    .baykba of lDdta (tlU Sbaykh Nattr al-Dh M&lpI1Id) Dever r.1iabed . ,

    th art of wr1tlng. The 0Il17 authent10 eouro cODc&t'Il1ng the. are r

    the MJ.1'ttf (discoure .. ) l1t.ra;~ure) The ~1rat of th la the . . ~ ".

    ~ of Sb&ykh'IU,,, ... l-Dtn~vliyK' (d.n6/1)25), polleatecl by hta l1aciple Aatr lS&a&D. Sljst 'bet ~ 1301 .Dd. l)22A.D. Wlder th. , tltJ.e ".,' 14 al-Fu 'Ici'. 4 The Dut .uoh -l:C\1It 1& the collect~ of'

    '"the d1aco ..... ot Shaykb .... ~' a1-Dh Ma.l)aIId (d.7.57/1356), oap1lecl ~ , '

    b1.~ Qa.l&Mar (l. d1aolp1e ot Sbaykb'!fitb a1-Dh A.l11E') clurtAs ~ . . ... .

    . . . ,

    the 'w.,t ,..&ra of the .b&rkh, UDder the t~t~ Khan a1-Ma"11& .5 ,

    bothe -.ark vorth aentlca1ng 1. & o.t~pb1c&l accoUllt ot the Cb1ab'tta,. , ,

    ooaplle4 1>1 Aa%r Khurd (a ds.clple ot Sbaykh Xl'" &l"'D%n Av11,.&') " ., (j . ,

    -' -, '

    . .

  • .-






    'Ft ;-""!'~"""'p.,.I"_' ~ .... ~ -y .. -""" ...... __ .. A'UIr~~~~'-;ij-, ...... -.". ..... ~~~ ..... ___ tl4_P,_!~""" .. ~~,,.,,..,.~' ... ; JL14U"'''!b:J liA,




    \ 0


    \ ' tl ,,~ in the 8th/14th oentury, entl tled Sll!' al-Avllyt;' 6 Theae thl:'ee


    cOllp1:t.atlons, besid some other fabr1oated, worka, 1'" :t;~JIl the souroes of a.l1 the later ha.glographleal or hlstorleal warka on the Ch1sht~&.


    It ~wa.s on~y durlng the latter part of the 14th c~tury that the Ch1ahtt sutis 'thought of expreas1ng ,theuelves in writing. Gtau-

    . ,

    d1:rh .... one of the.. K.A. ~1z1l1 obeeryea, "no Indo-Muall. C1htt saint bas ao 'JaU1 l~t~ lf~ka to h1a credit .. u Gta~1rIz. 8 Sinee he acy4tCl the kblngah or his spirltual perceptai- Sh&ykh lattr al-D~ liup.ud .. the ~.ctrtful .. _ ... ar9 ff.' 44 ,..n, lt '1& feJ.t ~t ayate..,t1o atud1 of C~Ud1rls tho~t ~ n.cesa&rJ to enl1ght4Ul th.

    Ch1abtt doctrine. in pnerala weao,' bec&ua. he wu & prol1f'1o

    wrlto. '. ....

    a_pter l of our InUoduct1on\ bu tlfO aectlcaa. th. ~ Q ,<

    deala lflth a brier &OCOlIDt' of the Chiahtt arder. ~e bave' ~~~ed the., laportant ah~tt kblpgahs ~tor. , G!aGd.1rIs D4 &D&l.1sect a fn 81plf'10&l1t aap;ecfta o't tbe1.r 1d.~lOQ. Tbe secOnd .ction 18 devoted to the ure and _orb ot GtaUd.1ds. V. hav. tried t.o be very brier

    " 1 . . 10 ... innUMftble worka ha.,. beea ultteD CIl his Ufe. AIl atteapt


    bu Meil -..:l. to whtoh war~ he atlldled aDd .bat .ources _,. ba.,.

    ...nJ.ae4 Jafl' ....... a.1II. , c-. __ Il f ....... , ~ o ... ~ ef. ~_1ntah1p" (D~lph) v1ewed alonpW,. "propbethood" (~u!!:P). Sectlon A deala w1'tb othla oontrovera1&1 _tter as .cUaewsaecl' bJ tb.

    , "

    , ,


    1 , .

    . ," .:

  • .\

    . ,

    c \.


    i ] ~~ -.>

    .. ::~. ~ .. ~ ... i~,~~:~~~~~ ~;.-rt ~

    -----0------ --


    ear11er sui1a, to g1ye a genera.l plct.ure of lta nature. .Sectlon B " .... ~9 '

    la devoted. to G!sDdl~' Ylewa on the problell!. Besides, lt al80

    dlscusses the world-v18w of C!sad~ ln sa far as the concept of \

    , .

    salntahip la linked. 1f1 th 1 t. Cha.pter III cOIlp.t'1aes another contr.o-~ c ~

    versial aspect of :sufisll, namely, salll or. listerUng to music. Aga.ln,

    , aeMion A of th1s chapter analyzea the clasaicalJcontroversYt r~ing , ,

    the lep.llty of aua1c, &a d1acuaaed by the sufis the.elyea prior to o "

    ctsadida. Sect10n i"'tt.p~ tbe nAture of th. prob~.11 a&l.. taclcl.ed ln Ind1&. by tbe O~'. GtaU41:r1&' yl... ar. dlscusaed tully ~

    , , C Sectlon C. He wu an J:dgt. loyer of Alli wb1ch, for hl., waa a.

    spec1al far. of worsbip and a apeclfie ;u:t1 path laading to God.


    Ch1aht 18 the D&IIe of a vfllage nw Harat in MCll.n.l , '

    Khurlsln. A group rd aao~los foUDded a cg~er for IIp1:l:1 tual " , - - _ _ ,~ l'

    clucatioa aud. training ~ Chiaht, Wh~ P,lfned po~lty- &Ad. fau_{ ! ;

    ThOlSe perliona conneoted 1fl th th1a orpn1satioa. caM to be kIlOWD. as -;-.

    ChiahtJi .U Khwljah- AbU Iat,lq-1 Sbht (d.329/940), h01fev~, wu the tint to ba~ acqu1red the .plthet ,..Qh1ahtt12 &Dd 1a r.J..~ed aa

    l'a ,\~ the founder of the cmler.'" The eda of the Chiahtt order _en


    aOMa in the 1ft4.1&a aol1 Dy the tlcnrtatand.1a fi,;un 1Il th. anMla ~f , '

    Ialaalo ayBt1cla.", S~yIcb uuc;n al-Dtn Ij~' S1jzt in the 'yea:r 1193l.D., .hen h .irlYed in Ajar &tter &~ br1ef' stay in' Lahare.l:4




    / l " ~ 1 " .,


    J .1

  • 1




    , , ,. rf 1\~

    .j. ~ ~

    ~~, ~ ,',

    f ;'




    'l' haa 1.t th&t Shaylch MuCtn al-Dtn 1nlt1a.ted. the mer

    '," -'in Ind.1a. under the lnatruction of elther his preceptor uthmln ... 1

    HIrilnt (d.617/1220) or the Prophet H.~mad. who 18 a&1d to have asked. hi. ln a vision to proceed. 'to Ind1a., a.s a. repreaentat1ve

    and to propagate ISlam. 15 In any case, he 0 1l1U1l1grated to IDd.1a. and .

    '"'- Und. ln AjJAr under th. '.ost unfon\lD&te oon(11tlol18 oreated. by the Chawblll power. Hia star 11&8 utterly deteeted. by the ruler



    Pr1thT1dj.16. III .pit. of the 100 .. n.pUon, the ah&1kh ~ .

    ~.ftred in hia al ingle:-hallded &Il4 organ1sed &Il .ttio1ent group ot alif1a. j..r 11&8 Ilot ODl;r a locua of poli tlca1 &et1 vl t1.. 'but wu alao .. rel1g1oua o.;Dter vher. pll.gr1u tro. &ll onr Wied. to

    p.ttrer.17 1t wu th1a .... t of '001&1:, oult\1l'&l., and. pol1t.1cal-, .

    actirlt1 th&t Sba1'kh Huein al .. Dota ohoa. to vlt in u4., .~bHquently, ~ed ll1MD8e POpulf.r1t1. The Sbafkh diecl 111 the 1'Mr 6JJ/J2.)6 at th. Ag. ot 9). Rfa ain. la ~U'&i.d._to thl. day by &l.l olau ..


  • c


    . '

    / ' 1



    .. fi. l"..- ....

    ~ ~:~~, &~~ .. -i~~.;~L

  • \



    - ff-( .

    ( -7-


    1) Chishit~ ~er:y, (,jMIa.t ~t , . . f'

  • "

    ., ,


    - ' \ \. " ~ ,--,, __ ....... '" _~, ..... -~ ... ,.-..... ~ ..... ~ .. -,.....\'"'I-.. , .. , ... _ .... _-.'-_W'"~_,~""l~;:i'~~~~

  • --


    ,J., j{ !'!:-;,:. ~" .~~ 1~ :J' .' f; ~. 1>' .,' ,





    " , .


    t: " \ '"





    On the o.ther ha.nd~' s1ona.r1es of' Isl.aa and' as. 11beral .~~ ~ . , leaders of'1 ts sp 'tual1 ty, theosuf'is were the f'1rst Dong the Musllm intell tual elite to come into contact vith the Hindu masses a..'1d thus indirectly with individual. features of' Hindu m1stlc1sm especially the Yoga.27 ' \

    It was, perha;ps, because of' th1s soc1a.l,contact lfith tho Hindua tha.t ~~:

    ft f'1nd. the hishtI shaykhs narratlng sto",,1es f'rom' Hindu:1a1l to expla1n . ~'-the of' thetr olln tarrqah and. religion ta the uneduca.ted and.

    1 i1l1terate classes of the ,Hindua. This w&4 one of the aoat s1gnl-

    f1cant features of the tlexib111ty and l1baral1ty1n the outlook (

    ot the Chiahtt.. They tri_ and, subaequently, aucceeded. ln _king '"

    - their z:tel1g1on and creed. co.~ehenaibl.e and. acce .. lble ~e.,.en to a

    lay 1IIILll. The1r llonaater1es, thus, beca .. cetera ot attraction. K. A.

    N1za.1 reall1'ka, "as th.1r' khinqaha were the only places where people of' dlffereDt shad.~ of opin'-ons, ilrofeaalng di:t'ferent rel1giona and

    .pea~1ng dlfferent l.a.nguage. Mt, t~ese kbanqu ~ecaae verltable

    centra. of cultural a;mthesla where 1deaa were freely exchanged. aad .' 28

    ,_ COJUlon lIledlua far: thia ex~hange W&8 evolved".

    . 2)

    1 n

    , ChiahtI Ideology

    9 ..

    Shaykh KuCtn t.l-DtD ljaaan cboae for hl.elf _ lite ot "p!ety, otarie exer'a.1aea and sealoua propagation of Islall .. "29 For hl.,

    , ~

    religion wu h),lall sertice. He always 1lsuted bia' dlaclplee ~to develop ri. ver .. l1ke gueroai ty, sUn-like affection an~ ~h-l\.1

    hospttal1ty. The .h1ghest fora-of devotldn (taCat),





    ' 'llFail{' iii_ ~-'~_,..,.. ___ __ --J...,J-____ -;._w . .J __ ~

    , ,\': '-.;:~~:;,,:) i~~'< ": . ' ,--'" --"-_b"etrt.. Ttl) ..".. __

  • --

    .' r



    , .

    . . . ~-- ~-_ .. q '''~.'''1~'''-1

  • 1

    f' " {',

    L ~

    ~ ~ .' 1 ~ , iJ' .. ~ ~, r; ~

    1 " .


    C .


    C" wlth the State. J6 ShayJdl MuCtn &l-Dtn ljaSaA. ~it1ated the tn'~t~~ce of &, lite of 'pOverty and disso~1ation trOll the 'govern.e~t or State. Thus, the la.ter Chisht!s trled. their best to shun the company of

    royalty. They built the~ Dlonaateries outside the city "alla pro-

    ~bly fqr the 'sa~ reuon, and &l.&ya warned tneir discIples to keep . ,

    th.uelyes any !ro. suoh 1rlfl~nQea. Shaykh Fartd. al-DtD is X'eported to haye 8&14 to bia diaoiplea""if you de.1re to attain the ~itloD of gr_t ... lata do' not ~y &Dy attention to the prino .. " .37' Shaykh lfl~ al-Dh bl1yC'. auce ... ion cert1ticate oOllta1De4, "do not &111 vil.lap Or atipeDd. or fa~u;r !roa ~ and otfio~ It 1& not puai tted to a dervi.h" .,38 GtaUdirlz hi.eU ~ repor.tecl te hA"

    .... ,0

    rejected the offer ot villag.a &Ad gifta t'ro. Sultall Ft.rUs Sbib .

    .BabraDt (800/1397-825/1422), lS&y!q tbat to & the. vu oontrary to the Chi.Mt 1cle~lOQ. 39

    It .y be aald. that the Chlshtrs could not &lnya rejeot. tbe .

    lforld. Shaykh Mutn al-D%Jl's sOns oned. ~ lfb1b -1 baye been pnted to hi ~ Shaykh Q1l'\b &l-D~ Ba.kbt;rlz' obOli. the capital a.a

    , . iI" , ~

    tba oeter ,of the Chiabtt ord.u at the requeat o't S1:tD. IltUta1ab \ (601/1211-633/12)6) &114, the people of Delhi ... 1 Ii 11 ral&te4 that

    . \. .

    Sliaykh Ft:rU al-DtD 41tt1D h1t lut da,. aUllllOJlecl .S~ Ii~ al-Dtn "; \. '\ of ..

    ".U)&' and _id, \~,.ou bould i*n aoaethiDg t'roa thia vcr14 tao", . ., \ . . -' .

    &nd ga.,~ hl. & al1~oo1D.~2 Sb&,.~ N1fa ':l~ta A.U1&'. acQept. ",.. . '3,

    ~ la:rg~. a. of casb f%'O~.:Kb~V ~, thoQ&b-be sJI.8Il\,lt 'in _i~1.43


  • f '


    " ,

    " .. f~




    .1' 1.


    \. .1. 5

    ~ ) \-Sha1kh N~1r l-Dtn ~ accoapa.n1ed. Sultan Mul}am!l8d b1n Tugblaq


    'reluctantlyon'h1s ~t. expedlt10n and.admlD1st~ed the oat.h of office to the next Sultan,' FtrUz Sh&h Tughlaq. G~t;Jd.1rIz h1l11Self " had very cordial relat.ions vith'the BahJaanl Sultans t :Ft:r1lz ShIb and l', ""0:. ~. _

    Al)iad. 6~n, (82~/~4:22-8j9(14J6-).

    b) Un1ty of Be1M (!! al~)? .. ( " , .

    , .

    ~ P~h&P,I th1a 18 the- ~t lapartant ~,. in Our' opln~, con-, D ~. 1 ~ , '.. .... trOTen1&l t.apect. of Ch1ahtt, 1cieoJ.ocy . h1c1i cau., for a

    l' . __. "

    et_y_ ',It 1 . ~e~ ~pted. todr tbat the Chlabt% auf1a of 11141& -'end. iD ~UDlt.y of be1ng" (vaQd&t al ..... u;1Ud.). K.~_ H1~

    , ..

    nite. tbCt Sba1kb Mu~ta. ... i-Dtll. M:.Cb:a' talth 1D'!f!d&t al-vu8 ,. ( un1t,. 'of beinS) prOy!d.ed. th~ ,"nece.aarr 1d..olog~ .upport ~o hu ayat1c .ai 101l to bJ:1Dc ~ e.ot1oaal integrat1oa. of th. peopJ..

    , ~ ... .,. - '. .

    aacmgat vtio. be-~11yed. III a ~e general OQl1tut. h. wr1t .. ,- -the , ~ t, 1.- ~ ,.,' 7.

    cornrate of ~.!gt1: 1d.eo~ waa the of 1fI!.t "al-wju., :.0 ,. (Un1\~ 'Of B.1as)r_~ .. 111 Aiuad. .,.., "the .h.~t-e.ncbor 0:.C th. .

    ~ ~t ....

    ." Chlahtt ~er .... .tn; cloOtrla.: of OIltoloi1oal. .oD1a. (wf.t,y.t &1-vu,1U4) , '" 1 4.

    , !Io _... ,1 . 'wh1ob upla1u ~ 1ntlu.enoe on lt of Ibo &l_O~1:)t;~ &1aoat. 1*11-

    . , '

    tti.iat1c 14~"."S S.A.A. 11av1 t~" th. Ch~htt ~lS~1Pl1a. wu$%. H. writ , lit. deYGtiooal:' apProaoh' of iU ... td-Dtn Aull,... r~1ng the dtrin. 0:; PUId. wu not ,bute-ur 1'ro' th. speculat1v .

    .. '

    .. ( , Q 1>

    'OB. ot Ibn rabtll 46 Th. abw.l.~t~pret&tlon8 of th. aoholara rep.rdiq ,1) .!.. !', .. , ' ~

    the Cht.htt., eapec1&ll, ln the oue pfShaykh KuCIA a.l-Dt~~ to


    . "

    , ,

    , ,

    .' , . . ,,-- ._~, - 1 - -~ ~_.- .... p ~.'IO 7kQ"?-~."I_ , "

    " , ... .'_.~ c,...~,, ..

  • r


    ! ..


    , , , .. -- .. ,..~"'It: ........ __ .. __ ~_",~~~_

    ----.: '

    .. \ . '. , ~ ".-._, ,,- - -~, -- . ,'~, -_._._'-~' --. ______ ._A~t"V~ __ __ ~.~i~~'-t~~~~~,~Ul_._._l ____ ,~-._~~.-.- ____ .. __ ~_., ... _ .~ .. _ \

    ,- \\ _.-.~

    . -1)- 0 \

    " ~ ... be .... boaed ~ b1a ...... Ylnga .~b ~~ W~ ~ t"lv.", tbe blO~a.nd :he l~ve t.'O' be Onel 1.e. in t.he world\ ~f un,lt.y (taw'tifd)

    47 . ,1 . .!' , a.ll one". Suoh st.a.tement.s, no dOubt., _y po,1nt t..~W'a.rd.a pa.n- ,,'

    t.h.lstie . ten~eneie, but o~e cann~ cono~e.,frl thell tha't. t.he . ~

    .... . -0" '0 ,-r Chisht.ta be11eved. ln waQdat a.l-wu;1M of 1 lm Ara " . MubaJlUllBd. N()or

    , ' 1" ., Nab1:f-.. ~ ..... tter af tact, att.eapted ta prcwe t "the early Ch1aht1:s ~

    .. ~"'- -. l ' 1 ", . ! 1 .. ~. -_ -

    "'1' not have been aU th&t vu 1U4t He oonludea ~ , ( .. ~ ~ 48' ~

    . tr.1ed to present the'7 doctr~~ 1n ~el.y la fora. The .ca~ of our et. ''',Dot ..Uo. t~ go '1n~.;th. d:.v.i ~f tb~ ptoblea,

    _,- ~ \ a .,,~.. ,i \ -- .... ~ ~ ,,~'~~~~~:l~:i)~~d~~.'!._ * , .' ~ ~ ,~~ - . ,. ...=, ...

    --- ~ ~ .-","'. , f-- -J;"'f"---~I .. ~ ,', --- -: t . ""711.

  • , 1


    < ,


    "!~~ :1\

    \ ~, >

    ~~ ;f ~" t , ~, t~ I:~ ~.



    if, I!" l~ "

    . Ct..

    . \ . ~ ...... _~_*-...~ ":. __ ... --- .... ~~~i .. ~/t.M_ ... _ .. _...-_~--~~_~,......".V __ _ _ __ ~_~~ _"'-.-;-_r-__ ..

    . 1 -~-1

    - ' Il If w. look at the probl. trOll another' angle, the" doctriaes ~f Ibn

    ..,.!lI ~... ,..

    CArab1 ,' who was 11.- co~tem~ary of. s~ M~C:t-al~!n.~, came '. .

    to he mon 1n Ind1a a. long tolu a.ftar the establishment of th. " ~ .. ... 1:' ....


    ,Chlsht:! order . K.A. 'N~ZB;JIll hlmsel! argueS tba.t t.h. idea.s of Ibn ) f.o '

    cAra'ot ma(hs;ya'1n:f'11tra.ted 1~to I-iut1a through Fakhr &l-D'1n-1' CIrKq% , -

    (d.688!1289), but that .th~e 1s no evldence of hie worka having reached t.ha.t early.S5: '

    > -

    Neither the J'ad'id al-Fu;&d, (Uacour ... o:f;.,.Jf1t'a al.:.ntn Awlly1') , ~ .

    n01" the KhaYr al-_ P~' ~d.1aC01D:1l" of N&ftr al- Dta. MIJpIUd) bu a , c lMJttion of Ibn ,Arab% or. bis worb,' thi4 would. De aurp:rialng, li' the Ch1ah~S 1 DeJ.1.~ecl ia. t~e ..... doctr~_." lfenrtheleA, Ibn CArabt''"

    . . - -

    warka IlU8t ba r~chect' iad1& before the r.1fpl ot ,Sultan FtrtJz S~. 'l'ugtllaq "(752i13S1t.\.790/1J8s) bec&aae by tba:t pc10d the,. a.J.zeady ba4-'

    \' ~... k -

    Deco .. very ~pula.r. ~y cOllMlltarl .. w~ writt,._ 011 FgJUt &l=ijikp dur~g tb. ,last ftf'ty 1M.rar.ot th...,l.4th oantury .56 A. a _tter ~t

    - faot., by' ,th~ ,tl .. , Ibn cArabt! . ~orlca and. hh d_inea !J to bave taken poaJ ... i. of th~ aut1a, jur1ata, COJlllOJl ~ople, the onboclox &ad. the""~~hodoi>&Ild kept :th aU oc~up1ed.. In K.A. NlsuS.' Ir OIID

    .Warda, :t~a ~ .. a atir in,Muali. ra11g10ua tho~t"51.ot ~ period. IDClecl, lt producecl d1verse'.atfecta. On the on. haD.d, thee vere

    fA., - ~

    procl~-U.olUI ot "1 a. -th'" ~h", and the Sultan had to , vere action to end. auch utt~c .. ,.58 wh!lel, on the ether:' 1t 'gave r!:ae . '.. .

    . to nl!.g1oua debat.a" Th1a par10A -.rka)~ .ilutoDa 1n ~ hs..t.QI:J


    ," .... \

    .\ , ilt IF


  • -(.


    " \ ~ ~, r.:"

    ~" ~ 1 ,,;


    1 , .

    , -lS-

    ot Musli. rel1g1ous ~thought ln Ind1a., fOr enorlllotlS litera.ture on jur1&prud.enc$" was prodUOd.59 the fact tha.t ~ eminant Ch1ahU '8uf't l1ke Sha.~kh NaJitr al-Dfn Ma..lJmM was 'regarded as the "seoond Abn

    .' 60 : 1 e Jjan!fah" beqa.use of his overempha.s1s on shart a.h, 1& ln 1tsel:! very a1gnIfi~t. In short, the wujOd.% doctrines of l'bn cArab% perhaps

    , 0

    brought abot 8. cha.J1g& ln the rel1g10ua trends of the" pu-lod. As H. , .

    Mujeeb narlCll J th ulis l.n 1114'1& &T01dtd aetf.pbya1c. and r .. ~1ct~ j theMelves 1.0

    pers~ 1nM.ract1on of the1.r aurtds wltb1n th. :f'n.aework of the abart ah.... x..ter, the teDd.uo1 towarda Ililtaphys1ca becua -atroqer, and th. doctrin. of IIIDDeD.ce wabd&h al1Ujtkl -bu;ed CIl th. t.each1nlls ot MuhlyuddUl ibn Arabi, ~ ,so -popular uong .u:ria as to be 1dentiflecl NItA, .. ut1all. l .

    Th1a is particularly true of the Tughlaq per1od.

    \ To go back to the Chisht% 1deoloQ' J a queation ~t nov be

    peela lt the Chtaht1'thought, r1ght t'roa 1ta incepUon iD Ind1&, 11'&&

    bulcally wabdf.t al:wurllld, 'Ilhat could pisibly have ben th. X'eaao~ for thia tundU ln the nl1g1oua thought, so lat. in the 14th ce.uty

    IDd1a? Tb. c'!l!@' and the peop~ ahoUld have beenat leut acqua..1..Dted 1Iith the1r id.... After &ll~ the' ot 1ad1& 1I'ere net 50 19aorut


    &ad the1 h8d .ource. tbrougb vh1ch they kne" about &ll tha.t h&ppenecl , ~ the Ch~ ..... t..riM. la .. , ..... t., ~ ~ doea Mt PEait

    . '

    ua 1.0 ana.tIr the aboYa quaatlon. Our intentiOn Pl'eaently 1a nct ta

    Pl'ove .~etber or not the Chiahtts bel1"eved in wu;flldt ctoCtrI~ , but only to point out that they C&D,Dot be lab.lled &a' the propaptcra ot


  • -" ~, '~

    ~ l' ,

    VU,nt doctrines

  • ;, l,

    ~ '. i

    ~ "

    t' t.: :. " t, r

    ~~ l,.

    ~ " ~,


    t J !

    k r


    ~ , ~

    t-~ C~ ~



    , .. ' ,

    At the age of sevell, '-n the year 728/1321 G%aQd~ a~ , -

    vith his parents 1eft for Davl&tabad. (Dec~), lI'han M1Jammad 'bin . ,

    Tughla.q (125/1325-752/1)51) Itsmba.rked upon the Deccan experiment" by ch&nglng the c C&plt&1.66 T~ey rsached the ne. capital'on the

    . ,

    17th ,of M~Il' 729/21s~ Novelllber 1)28. Not long a.f'te.r,. when, G'1sUd1dz wu te yer. old., hia father, Sanid 'xasui died. i;D 731/

    - A 6 - , 1))0 and vu burled. in Dav~tM.b&d.. 7 Flve years lAter, howev&L",. in

    , ,

    the beginza1hg o~ "136/1)), -along "ith bia .other. &nci br~C7', Gta1Jd.1r&s 1 6 '

    returned. to Delhi 8t> wh.,. th.y rtnally ttlecl down, at leaat f: the , ,

    It 1a reported that wbl1e he na still a 1OUII6 boy a .troDg ,~ ,'\ 1'1

    1 twi' developed 111 GtsUd1r&z. to join the o1rcl.e of S~1kb .NI". al-Dtn ~"li1&' about ~ho. he bad hea:d a "'lot froa hl. father.69-Unfortunately, the Shaylch .... alre&d.1 dead. (in 726/1325),' nen befere


    theix' l .. 1grati on to Da.wl&t&bad.. Neve.rthe1esaT whu G%a1Jd.1r1s reached ,

    Delhi, Sh&ykh Naf!r al-Dtn MIJII04 (popUlar1y knovn u Ch1dch-1 Dul1!, d.757/1)56) .... actlq as the spiritual vic.gerent of Sh&rkit Nifla

    _ al-Dlza. On the 16th of ftaj&b 1J6/lat Mareh IJJ6, GtaUd1riz &Del hia -~ J

    o brother70 Chandh 1jua&7Il! jolnecl the c1:rcie ot ~he -~~ciplea ot Shaykb ,

    N&ftr al-Dtu.

    GtaUd1rls tben aerved hia l~r.c.pto,r wlth sueh \U1aWerylng devo~~n tbat Sbaykh N ... tr: al-Dtll la rePQrted, to have ... 14, -&fter

    o 1

  • ~ '" ,

    ... r , {' l

    f. , ;


    - ,


    \ \


    -y '.,


    seventy years of age, l am remlnded of p&st experiences by a small

    child (Jdlda.k1:) ."72 !t 16 an unprecedented prlvllege for a disciple to be thus respeoted by his spiritual preceptar. ThJ Shaykh 1& sa.~ to have pa.1d. a vislt. once to G1:sttdirlz, and. offered hlm .. fe" colns

    as nadhr. ~lIii.nt relates tha.t' since t ll8n G1:siJd1rb galned luense populariiy. He further adds that G:taUd1rb had becoll8 m01fn among

    , ,

    the suf1s &8 bav1ng atta.1ned the hlghest stage of 4 abaykh 10 hia, , 0

    yout.b (jalfiq.t). 73 In the year 757/1356, .t: tbe age of )6, GtaU.1rIz o

    na gr&Qted b,. Sb&,.~ K&'Jtr al-D'!n penis.lon to .aU his own fi disciples (khUif'ah). 74 Iii the aame yeri.r the Sba"kh f.U .~1ou'sl,y

    , '\l:\ - , iU. When requeated ll" hla disciples to noallULte one of the. &8 hla

    ",-, succeasor, Sba"kh N&ftr al":"f)tn ls,-rPorted to have appolnted. GtaUdiriz to take hia place afte;- his death~. 75' "bn the l8th of Ba.ma4Jn 757/


    l4th Septe.ber 1356, Shylcb N&'J~ al-Dtn aired, and Sblnt repens tb&t three da)"I later CtaUdlr1s-took charge of th khlggah .. the

    \ v1egerent of Sh&ykh Nllftr a1-Dtn. 76 Thm:atter, ver~ l1.ttle ia kn01fll \ of th. life of Gtal'iiUrb 1., Delhi, vber; he vorld for th. n_ 44

    -~. s~t writes th&t he urr1ed at tbe age of 40, and had tvo P" ~.L\.. '

    sona &na. ~ee daughtera.71 G%aOdirb bec&ae extre .. ly. popul&r and. all kinda of people gathered around hia.78

    . f . "-Havlng predioted the :t'ate of Delhi (T1IlUr 1nvad.ed nelhl and.


    11&8 the caus. of great dn;.,.~tion) three year's prior to hia d,epu:tur., GtaUdlds, at the as. of 80, 18ft Delh1 w1th bu fally and disciple.

    tor nawlat&ba.d on the lat ot Rab%c al-Awwa.l 8Ol/11th NOYe.~"1398. 79 )4

    , ; ~ '; r:C:::-.": {~:;~~ ...... -..

    r '----.. \

  • \ \(;

    .\ Oc ,'-~ ~$\

    ~~,. }


    '. .'>~




    J .

    ( ,


    'lia Ba.h&durpur, , GW4l1yar, Bhander, Chander1 , .Baroda and Xhalllba.ya.t,

    being given a varm W'elcome ~t ~ch place, Gtsildiriz eventually .

    ~ea.Ched Da.wla.tabad Mhere he Pl~ hOm&ge at 'the Shrine of his f.ther. ;./ 1

    ,1 . On hea.ring of' ~~e arrival of Gt~Odir4z in the D~coa.n, Sultan 'Ftrtlz

    Shih (800/1397-825/1422). ~ . ~t K1ng~ 1n~ted hi. to A~bId (Gulbarga) whieh wu theft tlTe ~t CApital. GtaMirEz accep-ted

    Il ,

    the Invl tation and lIloved to c~ga where he arrlvect, ln 803/1400. 81 ~ , ~

    - "'

    .SbIu-t W:i:ltell tb&t the Sul.tan eue out of Gulbarga and offered. a

    ..ra welOo.. to.GtaOdirlz, &Dd :rllqueated hia to atAy on in h~ , , ! 82 - -,

    capital. lt 1& reprted: tb&t the Sultan h&d great re.pect tor' the . 83 ' 84 - ,

    shaykh, but ter on wlthdrew hia fa.voura. , Then, after a perlod.

    of 22 yea.ra, dtaing .hien tl .. GtaiJd.1rIz 'Ifaa Ii&iAly engaged in ' / , "

    pr ... cn1ng and ooapi 11ng' worka, he d1ed. &t the Age ot 105 lunar y8&1"a on

    the 16th of-DhU al-Qadab 825/lat Hovea~ 14?2.85

    2) Sp1rltU&l training . 'GtaUd1:r& had .. natural iltcl1na.tlon toward.a aufi.a. S1noe

    hia youth he b&d deve1opec! .: tute tor & sut! vay ot lite. It 1&

    reported. tbat cnildren uaed to gatber' arOUDd hia when be v .. elcht - \

    year& 014 1n.Davla~, and tbey UIIec! to ,re.pect bl.and tr_t hia '"

    &8 & aut1 ahaykb. It 1& aaid. tht.t the ohlld.J:_ uaed. to fatoh wate

    for GtafJd.1rIs to perfora ablution. GtaOdi:rlc, 1A tUl:'D~ ~ould t.reat the ..... a ahayJch treata h1a diac1plea.86 S&1IIIn~ ad.cla that G~Ud.1rIz .... rel1c1oualy alDded. ainee his boyhood and bacl pe:r:f'JMd h1a p.r:&78n

    'f"-'~ lIIt - \- ... - ~.+._-"''''''''''''~'' ___ lw_'_' .. UlP_'._."""lg ___ .... _________ ... _...-~~.." ..... ~-.... -~ ; '::~.:.~_. ~;t._ ... !rl.-. 0;, '. ", , ':~.: " ' ! .' .

  • :. . \, k l, 1 ;'

    l, '.f C \,


    1 /,

    , .

    . ,/

    -", ... ~ ._'~"' .. ''''''~'~ _ ~ ~~""1"'\'~~-~"" , ......... l"'r .. ~ ....... ~_~ ...... : '"" .. "' .... ;'l-~ ... 'H~"'IIf'::""~~;;.;~".-";t ... ~~_" .. ,.. ~ ... _, ,

    -20- ..


    regularlyever ainee. 8?

    Gtstld1rb rece1ved his sp1rit.ual tra1ni ng from his Preceptor

    shaykh' NAfi'r l-ntn Ma.tJmd.. The shaykh 1s reported to have trained.

    hlll gradually ~ the rel1g1oua pract1ceB, v1th .aphasie bn the per-:tor-.qee cf prayera and Gtafldirlz wU "bd. grad.uall.y te perfora a.ll th~ ~1ng prayers 1f1 t.h t.he \u. ablution ",hieh he ~-

    , . ,


    faraed at da.ll. with. the nuaber of pr&YEa, Sh,kh If ... tr l' ,

    . .

    al..ntn ubd. GtaUdlr1s to inc:;eaae the 4&,78 of futlq. , &ventually,

    GtaUdtrb hl.eU "'18 tbat. he 'becue habltuated. te faatlq the

    whele ;rea.r rCUDd.88 At the .... tl , he wU at.udyiag the r.le1'&llt 'wara of ~hartcah. bble to eoncentrat. 'full,", on ~ ... oet~ prCt1c .. at ho_, nite. SblDt, GtaUd.!rIs rutecl ~ rooa wh ... he l1ved for teil' .,.-ara,.89 Durlug tb1a' per10d b. eoapleted. bis .t1.ld1. and ~haykh If",tr al-Dtn tralned hi. 111 the spiritual. ~.ld. .. 'SllllAt bu 1t tbat G'taUd1.r-. ach1eved h1gh ..,.t1oal stag .. ~t revel&t1oa.a

    , , -

    (,ll\1JcIahaflt) &Dd -.nlt .. tatlona (ta:\&UlyJt) about wh1cb h. alw&~" ,kapt hla precepter lnter..... .Sb&~kh :N&ftr al-Dtn .... ~ happy abo~ th. procre.. -.d. by GtaUd1rb. 90 ' , . ~


    t the age ot JO, however, GtaOdhb 1a ~.parted to ban sput IIOIiIt ot hia tl_ ln juqlea, 1fh~e h. aocoapl1aliecl suce .. afully all

    91 ' ,'" the .p1r~tual atagea. Thua, GtaDd1rls .... ap1rl tually &DC1 pe~o-log1ca4, for the '8ucceaorahlp (khll.lfat) wh1ch h. recelved

    6 1 '-

    - ______ ~_-_ . F-. ________ . ._,..,...---- ---

    ~ ,',


  • , .

    , '

    .. -

    i )


    .~ in 757/l3~ from Sha.ykh N .. ~ al-Dtn. Sbbt says that this &usplalous 'occasion took place when GtsUd1:r&z reported. "to Shaykh

    NLljtr al-Dtn & visIon whieh he had. seeh 4uring his lllnass. In that vision, some persons made hlm wear t~e fo+lowlng,~ev~ robes (j[mah> one -.t'ter &n,ot.ber. (a) the robe of aa1ntshl p (waUy!t) J (b) the robe of prophethood (nubuwwat), (c) tbe role of apostleshlp (riallat>, (d) the role'of unit y (lttibid), (e) the role of lardsh1p (~bl:rat) J (t) tb. role of dbInl"t.y (ult1b1yat) J (g) th~ robe of' be-:'lleaa (buwtDt).92 Thla v1a1 1& 81gn1f1cant for th. robea prtNIuabl,y


    .,.aboli d1ffe:rent atagea .. &Dd. It &180 reve&la the psychOlog1cal. " .

    stau of Gtad1rk. S&IIIn.t iapli .. that he W&8 now & full-fiedged

    ah&l'kh Q&~ble of having bi8 01fI1 alrcle of disciples. Thi. vision

    a.lao giv .. ua aD ind1oa.Uon of tbe. 1aport&nc. of t.he ata&. of

    rh.-sa .. s" 93

    Morecmu: t Gt8\ld1rls 01&1a to bave .. t the spirit. (M:.!I9) of th . Propbet MWJa--d, CAlt-i'M~, &Del of eainui sut1a lib AbU Yutcl &l-autia~, aJ.-JlJD&yd. &l-Ba~, AlJa&d &l-GbuIl.t, ~ c A1B &l-Q~ al-Ha-.dhIDt. ~

    ) A. & ... ter G1:at1dlzob waa & Sunnt Mualla &DIl followed th. lj&D&t"t scbool

    . of' Jurisprudenc 95 1(. la reported to baye ... 14 tbat very f peraou "

    are fOWld to be juriata, san1c1a, &Ad awm!a togethc, .hlcb quaJ.1f-i-catla an, &l.l fOWld. in hia.96 GtaUdlrls.... a prof0un4 acnolar

    o .

  • --


    r. ,~.

    f ?' ~.

    ~' " ,




    ~ y, l,,' ',-f,' ' f i.

  • _ _ T~


    BudaW't of CAlt bin MulJamma.dal-Bazd.awI (d.482/l089) on jnrisprudencef e) Mukhtaiar a.l-QudOrt of Al)mad b1n M~ al-Qudi1rt

    (d.428/l0;6) on jurisprudencef f) Miftil) al_cUliIr.! of S1rij al-Dtn al-8akkkt (g..626/1229)

    on ph11ology.10l

    g) K1t1b al-M1vPli ftjl-Nagw of,AbU al-Fat~ Nlfir al-Mutarr1.t (d.;?lO/121:3) on ph11ol.GQ1102~.."

    h) a.l-Klti1&b of lta pj1b (d.647/1249) a poe. OD Arabie arntaxs

    1) al-R1dlah &l-8hust yah ft al:Q.awio14 al-H!U!'Vg%:tab of Naja al-l)1I1 "l-Qa.~nt al-Dt1bt (d.675/3276 0;: 693/129lt-) on J.oi1c.lO~

    . :. ~ , ~

    " \, The aboTe liat ., be iDcoaplete ln .,tew of the 1nnuurable

    .. :n.ka popular ~ ... i Ind1a.104 Aa repris th ut1 11tca.tllt'a, ,~

    ". lI1ght polnt out .. that laoat all tha _jar contrlbution. to th18 field wu. avall.a.ble in Iad1a,105 &Dd 1t -7 not ~ far-fetched to PL"_UM t~t G'taUd.!rIs bad .tud.1ed ~t ot th... Be.1c:l .. , ill


    pr:MeIlt17 be the poaalble .uf1 aource. ot ippJ.ration to ~

    4) Sut1 sourea of 1nap1:ra.t10n o

    , Va shall be VtIJ:1 brief hu. becausa .a w111 .. tian and refer ,.

    to the poaa1ble aourees of 1nspiration to ciaUd1dz l.D the notes to

    - ~,W'......---"" -'" '- '~-'''''-~~ -,--~~..;;;""",._._. _m ........ A!A!"O ...... " ....... _ .. _ ......... _ ........ n ..... _....,...., _l'li_ .. "~ ............... ,...........-.---- _"-.~ '- . . .

    ~ ~~, .~' f.._~ ~f.:" 'b,'

  • . ' c ~; 0


    f' i \ ~ ! ... " ~~. ;"



    ~ .. ~" ,~ " ~.:?' , 1>. ," ;:.,'


    our c2hapters on his thoughtA.

    Mentlon lI&y be ude haret of al-Junayd (d;297/909) of Baghdad. whO S 1IlS to bave been th lIlOdel sutl for G!sd.1riz, as he was for


    manr other e.1nent sutis. Juna.!d is nferrein his worb, espeo1ally when GhDdirb wants to su~t&nt1.:te hl. om argwaenta. At 'tl ... , JUD&yd ~ interpr~ted. in a Va.l that would support hU ottn opiliion, bec&ue on tpe o:1e band, Gt.tldlr11; doea not want to cl1agr.~ vith ~i., wbU .. , on the other ~, be WaDta' to ' . adher. to bla 0VIl &rguent.106 .. JUDayV., GtaUdll'iz refera to

    J ,

    11&1)1 other sufis, li101ud1ng Maja a.1~~ al_Kubr107 (d.618/1221). lnn ~ lt la dlff10ult to sa7 whloh w~k of hl.lw .. avallable. hoDg othen, w alao f1Dd re:farencea to ~alll' al-Dta ab! (d.612/3273), CAst. l-D!n

    ~ ,

    al-Naa&rtlO8 (C&.7th/~Jth ,.entur.'Y), Far~ al-D1:I1-1 cA~~ (0&.S~/ll20), -

    Sa.nI'! (cl" 526/UJ1) and.t~ others

    Tb. _jar sourc.. uad are _lnl1 the cl&aaioal worka on wbloh , .

    , , 109 G!aUd1rb hi.eU bas coap1lecl coaeotar1ee. To Mntion a few,

    warka lib &l:Q.ulUb of AbU tl:1ib al-MaJcI (4.J86/996), CLl-TaCa.n-ut ~ , ',)-

    11 Hadbh&b thl a~-Typwu1' of A~ ~ al-Ka.lIbIdh1: (4.390/1000), Q.l-8'lllah of Ab\l al-Qlal. al-Quh&,r! (4-465/1072), lCaabf 'al-MaQ;l!1b

    lW 0 of-al-Hu~ (d.. ca.465/1012), IhJI' uib al-1)111 of MuvaD&Cl al-Chadl'! ("d..SOS/UU), Sa.l; ft al_CI.bqm of A.tpIad.' 'al-GbuIlt (ca.


    520/1126), T .... :t4i.t al O~~"'1 o.l~"'d ...... t (".~5/U:JO), ~

  • c


    ~ "


    '" ,

    ~: '" t ~', L,


    '1 _ _ '\


  • . , ,

    . '.


    , "


    A.on~ the class1ca.l coaentators .~n th., FulOIJ &l'7Jilaua, 1fI rind referehces to cAbd al.~azzQ. al.-Kishnt (d.736/133.5), DwQd b.

    l , ~ ... i'


    ~ al-Qa.yta-t, (a.7sl./1J50),O ~adi- al.-Dtn a.l.-Q,na.w% (d.672/127J), "and Fakh:rl' ~l-Din-l.crriqt ~(~.688/1289),116

    . ,

    , . ,

    1 i V,e wouLi like to discuss here &rie!l,. 'the pdssible influence <


    c . \ ' of the ra.oua Kubra.wt sufi of I~J Ali' al-Dawl,a.h a.l-Sll1lD1Dt (d.736/' 13)6) who.WU -the disoiple/of lfOr &l-DiD &l-lsf&rl'~t (d.7l7/1317).

    l ,~

    Dr. S.A.A. 111sv1 writ .. thI,t" GtaUd1dz -1' ha .. been\,o1nfluenoecl by '"

    siabt ~hrough bis worka lib pJ..cUrwah llahl ~l-~iWah wa-al-J&l.wah . , &Dd Chini]; Ma.1lia, and through hie. disciples who had. ~1aitec:l Gtadlraz at Gul,rglh ~7 As w. bave pointe,d out below, llB' Si~t l1Ted about '85


    ~ prlr to Gtaild1rb. Both are crltlca1 tow&ma I~ CArabt, bd. - " ~ 1 1

    ha ... tried to :reMe the aaae id.. ~1dea, doctrina.l.'lJ, th.,. '~Y8 J' t \

    .. strlk1nc .1a11&r1ty, ~ a.t. th ..... tl_, are theMelve. UDd.eri the , , <

    influence of Ibo CAJ:ab%. The ~Uf1a. pf SiadDt falla under tbat a~1a~ 't~ Ia.J.aai.c ayat1claJi 1I'b1ch 1.\\ ~ft_ .~_~ aa "unlty of .1u ... in- (wacJ.!.-t &l.. ... IpIhIl), 119," oppoeecl to "=lt7 of beiq'


    (vtQdtt al-wu;1!ld) o.f Ibo ck'&b1, &Del wt. th1nk that GtaUd~~ 1a Dot, . ,

    &111 dittannt , Sll1P1nt ,

    ~ !I ;

    Nat1ll:'&J.l1, the. f1.rat,:-,queatioa 1fhloh co to .~ la, 11&8 ...-, q

    G%aUdirfs l~c~ br ,Slabt? Th possible' JIeaDa of 1~~ o~uld. ba.v. bau two. tbrOU&h the worb or through th. d1soipla. The'

    " "

    , ,

  • ,. ! J ".



    " '. .

    f , , ' . .,







    , .'

    \ \


    f1rst 'Ilea.nS 1s IlOSt, sinee there .. no' show , ' , t,' ' , .

    , tha t any of Sll111'l1nt l'a worka ha.. reaohed Ind1.a. during the tlme of.

    G~sdlriz. Moreover, nowner.e does CtaOdlriz hi .. el:f' re~er to S1mnint \,'/'

    or '0 hl~ .?~. Gts\1d.1rIz bas a hab1t 'of cl t1ng or refUr~ to ~ks ,l.' , > " ~ a~hors, of, whuher he.,~eea ,wi1;h tbem or' not. It '

    . ~JiJ;"-.' c '

    1& felt tha~ he woul.d. haye men;t~qned S1.IIdn't if &Dy of his worka vere .. 4 l,

    atud1ed by. bi.. This l.eave. ~ .ith the alt8rD&t1ve' ~ , or' iuf'lu8DQe, J ( , '''Z' that ~,' throp ,Sll1dnt ;s dsclples. Ve know that. br&t J_~ .... l

    , .

    S1 .. 1: (d. aft~ "S/lM2.) , who 1zli~ :took ap1.rl~_l ~1Ili~' , . t'raa ;.Ali' &l-Du~ ~-Slab1:, ~ a1grat~ ta !Dd1a. ~ h, d1ecl.12~, . Aabraf' JahlDg1:r bacll v1alted.Q the aouatary of Gtatkl1rlz at '.


    . t.~ t~ .. s.121 1 hee ln the' diaoouraea of the $..,kb~ . LaV' lf-l , v ~ .. , ~ )

    that so .. , dlao1pJ.ea of ~hra.f Jabgtr had,c alao . "


    pa1ci ~ y1alt tG G b&rp.~ but lt 1a .. t ptobabl.e that thia yiait ; q

    ~ook ,p;tace &ft .. t~ d~tb o~ the ,Cb~tf aut1.122 As far .. the two 'i j

    . v1asita of Aabraf' J~tr are oOlloerned, th. tJw.ylCh hi ... U lapl.1ea

    .' .

    l, ~ ~

    'in one of ha letter that in hi. second. Tialt GtaUdi$.!ad &lready . . ,

    12 \ ~ PI.aed &11&1- :3 In.hGr:t, the 0Il11 oocu~ Cm ~hloh .Aah1:af' J~t:r

    4 ,t ....

    could. ha" 1I1fi'uenOed\Gia~1rb ... 1ft h~' rtr.~ T1a1t t~ Gulbarp., ~ wbloh t~a ~ i-1llOt.. poaa1.bl1ty for the follow~ reaa~. a} tatl'if Mnnit re~ ~t AS~J~c1:r hi l! gainlld ap1r1tual knewled.a. troa Gtalid"'~' 'acre ~ he oo~ t'.Te .~bieVed f'roa &D1 ' 0 "" b'

    . othe ahaYkh.124 b} b: a the latter of: Aabraf ,Jahlnctr lt 1a apparent , li> .,. ',,',

    that he ~ in" rr&~: tf' oI~ cA:r&bt &Dd be '.e to bave .,ar~ 1f~tb .'


    r ~ ~ - "Il

    1 1


    , .. -~---------..;.-.-------------,.-~- '- --'-"---

  • ..


    : 1

    -, v , ,

    It~ .,~-,.. .... ~~ ";J:>o""'-;'\"~"'-.!~~--"~~r"''l''~_I7I1.''''",,!!f; .. r'!Jm!!'!'''1 ~'" __ ._ ....,., ..... ,(-.' .Jit __ ...... .,.., ..... _ ... ,.., .,pt,....., .... ..,~,..,f4' .. ~"l""'.,.'!'I'!n __ .... ; ~,fJ4\9''''',_..-;tt$l, """" .... ""'''I!llII .... I'!f'D_ ... __ .. _ .. __ ...... ~'--. ___ _ l,

    f 1.

    o , ,


    , - ~7 ~ ...

    . ,

    Gi:aM1rb 1n support of his doctrInea.J2.5 This Il1pl-~ea .'Ult he w. c


    not'a supporter of Sllftdnt~~ philosopny. c) It _y-be sa1d. that Gtsd~iz trled. to re:fuj;e Ibn cr8.~:t ev~ I,n ~elhl, bet'ore h.'>.JD8t.~ ,:' Ashraf Jahangtr, and ~opounded the sam doctrInes both ln Delh1 and.

    ~ . .

    ln Gulbarga.. Va do not find ,in hl. any major change doctrinalJ.Y., , tqroughout.h1s wnole career:~6 . . .

    Ve,. t.h~far., f~el" that. R.izvI' ~ &8et5' 1 of a poIIsible Inhueno. IJt Sl,adDt on GtaQdlrh la mther far-f ed.. On t.h.

    fCaD~', tr."t.h~ t~t, th. a~a. of both s~~~ ~.Qd~ .~ '. D&t~l conaequenoe iD respect of thei r. tI.... Tbat la to .... y" that

    \ >

    the CoDQ,!pt of ".ity of bel ng" (ftbdt Al-iU,1Ud) of Ilia Arab~ bad such a s.eep1q InfluQc. on the rel1gIoua t.hought of the l't.h aad

    b J

    l.4th oent:'. that It produced. dlvers t'fecta. tn a vay, tbia . '

    .doctrine vent aga1naf, the Ialaa1c concept. of,l'unl ty" (ta-Vtd) of God. ' "-'tl.. .,.

    :t'hia arouaed t.h. Muali. and. juriata to crltlcl.~ IbD Arabt aever.iy. B~ th. ,1Jssu. 'raiaecl. by. a. '.uf1 could 01117 be tacklMl by



    thOli. who UIId.en~.!.t.a ~~~ . 1~~. a O~ 80~ tM probl_ =_t~ ~7 ~other .~. This vouli1 ~~~

    ,81.1ap1.1ty the 'other .'aspect. of the ~ble., iD case of no apParent 1nnroe~ ~ .,; that 18 the~st.1:'Ik1Dg sla1larl~ .. lD

  • j', i \;. f'" ,

    _o. ,



    \ Titus we flnd ln Sldnt and GtaOdlr1z atteapta to reconcl le Shartah

    &nd Wtg'ah by propounding the doctrlnes referred to as .. unl ty of

    wltns8aing (wa.Qdat al-ehuhUd). Whethor a1-ahuhUd is ao_-;

    t1ng different or.oppoaed to w&Wat al .. wuiad or not, 1s another


    \ 5) As an author

    . WICi,t .ta.tea that GtaMirb usec1 to cOllpare hll1111elf wltb

    who uaed to dictat. four gr fi" vorb 8ot. a tl ... 128 HenrthleN,

    ctaUd1dz bl.elf n l t.ea, '"enryons who traveraea on the path to 'Ccci

    la beatowed vlth a partl cular th~, Cod. haa beatowed .e wlth the : = ~ ~ . ' , 129

    \ ~ glft of explal nl ng Hia aecreta". !t 1s not certa1n, however, the

    nuaOer of warka aotually wrrlttu by hl.. Aocor.!ng to a tradltl , h. \ ,

    , , ~ la auppoaed to pave coap1led 105 worb. The Tabtirat al.-kb&!ar~lt

    , . " aentJ.ona the nwaber as 125.131 Sly-l Mug -d.t lista about J6 warka', 1)2 Wh\le TIr2:kh-1 IJabtb2:' quC7t... 4-7 ~t1a.. wbleb 1llo1~our oOllec~iona of G~Ud1rlz'- d1a"c~ ... (-.l:g1fIt) .13?, !t ~ De aaid, .tboQ8h,tbat .. Gtat'ld.1rIs a,. ..... o08plled .ore t.baD.the warka liated by hla biographeriJ

    beouae 8. nuaDer of tnatis .. (bea1d.8!I thoa8 llated ln hia blogra.phl .. ) , 1

    at.trlbuted t.~ hl., are tOUDd. in' T&rlcraa 1lbnrl.a./Jf India. The Tlrtkb-l ;

    vabtb~ 41T14r" hia 1torlas .ChnII1~lOl~ 1)1'\~ t"o pc:locla,tb~. coap1led in 'lh1 (~een736,133S and. 801/1398) whieh lnc1ude thoee wrrltten on hia ~y to ~ulb&rga (bet" .. 801/1398' a.Dd 803/lhOO), and thoa8 vrltten

    l ' , 0 ;

    \, . ,



    / 1 / .~_"",,_u/~_. - ........ ,' ,-~,,~-, .. ~:-:'~t.A~.i-!"'I*..,}~ .... ~\-;.}:'""'.'s-". -,:-1,1.-.. -.~-,\~,-. -~-c>(-,-,. ~-, -, ----~:--.~- ~ -......,. '"--:---;--_ .. -.-~lrSC$W"""/fii4,_jml:lil.tl_"' ....

  • ,-


    - ~- -.. 1P .... !"~ ..... .a-"~

    ." ,'f"'t .... ~'1t~ .. ~.-__ ~l'!''''~ D'fII'JiIIIIJ:'I'JZ\ r CIU }~ bI1sII.,,,,,,I~ tMS0l1\1lft!'Ffii !SJ~ ... ]:t:d!!+#4;. ';;"Ai4'PZNA;tJa 4. ! __ '''''''~'iI~~_';. __ ,." .. ..,. ___ '" _____ -___ __

    c -30-

    ln Gul.barga. (803/1400.;.a2S/1422). We will, however, dlvlde th according to the relevant subjects. Th~ following la Il llst of the lmportant works of Gt'aOdiraz.


    a) Exefies1s 1) Hawlah~-1 Kaahshlff th!. vas & aargi na1 co ... ntary of the oo ... n-

    tar" Kaahahi:f of Zall&khsb&rt. It wu ooapiled. ~,n Dell#,(l~t work). It 1_ reportedo that. GtsQdlr1z not.e another cOllJlentary on the Qur'in.

    , "

    wlt.h an' a1a1l&r to that of Kuhahlf t but lt waa not COllp1eted

    .. he bad to l.e&Te Delhl.1J4 It wu; pr.suu.b1y, wrltten aoutl.e t

    betveen 800/1397 and 801/1398, ln wh~ch year he left Delbi, 1

    11) Tafstr-i KuiW&~' 'his coaentart on th. ~ur'in vU wrl tten ln A.r&b1o ciur1ng Ct aUd.lrs' atay ln Delhl (7J6/13~5",801/l39~). Sblnt Jrrl~. tb&t. it. wu coa 1ecl trOll th. _uf1 point ot Ti_.135 -It le reportecl that thla 0 tur wu Olle ot the .orb whieh QteOdlr1z talJ8bt to hl. disciple, .136 It ... alao one ,of hla thr.e worka tha.t Gta6dlrb ... blael! loua (f5hamt) of .137 Th~' tlnt part. of th1a

    oO&aeQ'tar7 up 'too the of Srah 18 1& pre.erTe

  • , \0, lt'

    'f~~~""'1'Jf\_' __ '_l) ----, ..... , .... -."!"'I_.S'!!"!!"---= .... - .. - ----._ ........ _ .. """ ... _ ..... , "!!" ........... , _0_ ......... __ .;,.:-_, ... , _ .... ,.~ ..... ___ ~-".---..-__ ._...,.....; .. _II,.. ...... t '" /


    '. b) .Tradition Sh&rl'}-i Mashig al-Anwirl Mashir1g al ... Anwir la a well-known 'Nork


    on the prophetie trad,ition comp11ed by Baq,t al-D1:n lJasan al~t..141 .,

    Gt sQd1dz wrote a cOllllentary on this work of al-Bagtmnt in Delhl. . ~

    W(1,t mentiona lta 1'l&JDe as IShirl:t al-Mashir1g.142 When Gtad1raz aoved to Gulbarga, he la sald to have 1II&d. a traDala:t.lon ot the same

    Mubiriq in 81Oi1.401.14 J Both th... ';orka;are loat. , t:

    c) B!oapby , .

    SlN &l-tfabt., th1a b1ogra1f17 of th. PropbR MUI'1'_ci wu 111"1"811

    in Gul.b&rp.. ",litt n-lt.. tbat d1ctatecl t.b1a w:k to one o~ ~, 144 . hi. cU.c:iPlee, Sha."kh S1l:'!j &l-Dtn. d The work la refarl:ed te bJ' Shaykh Ashrat' JabIDgtr Sll1D1m ln one of hi. lattera,

    lIhere he .tt.... tha:t lt wu on. of the laet WQl;'D GtaiJd1d:a vu eapgel (~ \. l45 - . -

    ln, "hen be vls1ted the khing.ah ln Gulbarga~ Thia, biosraphy la not Imown to bave SUJ:T1ved.

    " .. ..

    . d) Jur1a pgd.ence 'Sh&rQ al-F1sh al-AJcba;.1.46 al-F1gh ~l::Akber 1a & .eU-known wk

    of AbU. ljanttah al':K\1ft (d..15f.),61)-J The ~oPpbe:r: of GtaOdlr1z ata.t. that he wrote a cOIlMntary on th1a of AbU ljantfah, both 1n Anb1c aad Pera1u, dur1ag hla .tay ln GulbaJ;p..lJt1 ln the lnUoduoUon

    . ;

    -100 the Pera1aD oouentary', Gteua.l rb atate~ ttjat he had. atarted out. by oOllpl 11ng lt 1n Arab1c, but he rece1ved in.p1ra.t1on ta co.-nt in Pera1an 1natea4. Therefon, h~ 18ft the ra.b1o co~~ incOaplete.148


  • ,


    , f

    .. )2 ..

    e) Sufla. ~'-,

    i) ,Asmlr ai-Asrlrl th1s la a very illportant Mark becauae lt 'trl th almoat a.U the aspeets of sufism. Gtsd.iriz hlmseli see. to been proud. of lt.l#9 WI'l,t writes that Gtsdiriz M~ alw&18 reluctant to teach th1s work of his to anyo~ a.~thOugh he d1d teach 1t tt;,a selecT.

    f~". N~vertheless, he avOlded expla.1ni ng to anyone th08e ehaptera (74 id 75) _b1ch dealt vith the lnterpretati on of the 14 ayat1cal ~ttem(!.UQaU!'t) of the Q~'In. Aadr al..AarIr wu the .eco~ -:k that GtaUd1r1s ~ jaloua of. 1.50 GtaOd1rh d1v1ded the _ork 1nto lJJ.I. obaptera acc:d1ng to th. nUllber of ati:raha 1.0. the Qur t b.1S1 i&ch

    ohapter dean w1tb A IIJSt1cal lnterpretati~ of _ eitber .. Qur' 11110 VEh 1 ~

    en: a prOphetie tradition, or & eontrovera1aJ. topio. On the whole,

    however, lt la A .1.0.. of l nforation regardlng ~is 01t'D thougbt, but at the __ tiu extre"l1 d1rfloult to Ulldentand.. Another a1gnlt1oant

    aa:Pect of the Asilir nia that 1t ahows the iaportanoe of .,at1cal. v1a1ozus

    in the thought of GtaUd1r1&, _ho devotecl a nuber of ohaptara to h1s

    y1s1ona. It, thar.fore, requ1res very oat'ful read1q of the text. GtaGdlrb i. coa.alatent tbrou8hout the lI'ork, bat At tl_ l.a.ooap:etulu1ble

    &Dd cOllful q, eapec1ally' _hen he lnt~ to be ao. :, It -1 H .... 14 tbat .

    AlJIIIr ~ea knowWce of Ibn Arabi's docttr1n"', &01,' no c1oubt, GtaGdlr1s hl U ooapiled.' the vork vl th Ibn Arabt ln .1ncl. Ife t1Dd

    , .

    lrinaerable pl&c.. _ner. he openl.y cr1.i.1ei ... th. Shaykh al-!Itb&r &DIl

    hl. 1c1 .... , whlle at UD1 other 1natan.. h. juat alltd.. to ao


    - -------.... -.. _,,_nnIl1iillW,,'.""".'

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    ,..r~~----~'->' _'~


    WI(.i,t stat., that the ~ vu written in Gulbarga, but the qate of lts coapilation 18 no;t stated.. l .52 , On the ba.sls of internal

    ~vidence, hovever, We ,ma.y be able to deterl1ll ne the yea.r of lts compila-tion. In chapter 80 of the !!!:!!I:t, GtstldiX'b states tht he ia already. 90 dld.153 Having been barn on~ the 4th Raja.b 721/3Oth july 1321, it yould add up to the 4th ~f fu..jab 811/23rd Npveaber 1408 to lIAke GtaUdiritl 90 yeara 014. - .:Hia son S. Akbar HWS&JJlt vrote a couen't4ry on

    . -

    SOM chapters of the A!.!!It, and quotes a.lso t'r01I anapter 11.4,1,54 vh1ch 1apl1ea that the whole Aa!f.J: vu coapleted when hf-'began hia OOIlMllta:r1.

    , ) S.A. tiuaa~i: .died on the lStb J.~a a1-1kbi r 812/25tb OctOber 1409.155 This 1.Yes ua v1th 10 IIOnths (bet"een 4th Bajab 811 and -15th Jmdda' al.-Ikhir 812) dur1ng "bieh per1od. Gi:eOdJ.raz IlWIt haTe ooapleted. th1s york. "It 1{ould alao that the co..antary ot S.A. lJusaynt .... nitten dur1ng the ..... period.,

    We "lll mention here two couenta.r1ea on the As. al-Asrlr of

    Gt sUdlr1z. Tabt1rat al-I,t1l1Mt al-f1yah 18 A work vr1tten by bi. eldeat .on, S.A. ti_111t , whoa we haYe juat II8I1t1oned AboYe. It .... coa~lled, as obilerved, .000000lae bet..een 811/1408 and 812/1409.156

    , .


    S .1... Ijuaa.ynt nit.. that he coapiled the work 80 as to u:pla1.11 c~in

  • c

    :" ",

    L , \ >, , ,; ,-

    , tt, "

    "-~ >-l ,




    . ,-_. ~ ,-~ ~ ... - ~,~ .. ~ .........


    techn1cal tfila often uaed. in .,.t1ca.l. poetry. III ohapter 5, S.A. ~usaynt a1scusses at langth G%8Ud1rlz' objeot1ona to Ibn Arab~. The' work la very 1ntere8tlng and lUuJIl1na.t1ng espec1ally in regard to

    certa1n d1fficult parts of ~.


    ,The second oo .. en~ ~ the AarIr al-ABllirl58 vr1tten ln the yea:r 871/1472.159 It 1s &Il &Ilon,.~U8 .ork, _1no~ the author does not reveal. hl. DaM. S.oAU' lJusaYJ1, the ed.ltar ot AllIIIr al-AarIr, ...rlt~ tbat lt .... probabl,y oo.p1led. b7 one of the d1_01 ple. of the gr&Dda0l1 of C~tld1rb.160 Th .. t 1tle AF4r al-A .k Sharb..1AaIllr: al-A_rIr 1_ aat1oa.. at a nuaber' ot place. ln the oOlllllentar;r ltaelf.161 Tbe authar aYOidecl

    OOlUleDting on the ohaptera 74 &Dei 75 of the Aaalr a1-Aark deal1ng w1th

    , the ayaterloua 1e1ttera of the Qur' ln. H. then beg1na fro. the .1cidl.e o-t chapter 76 (ire. 1!!Qt U _hu4, "!lE, 11ne 4, p.236). It "- eyidat th&t th. co ... ntator W&8 anre of a.nd., perh&pe, _tud1ect th. Tabf1rat al- .


    l'l111)J&t al-artY!h of S.A. ijU8&1Ilt Hia eOlllleDtary on a couple of eba~era 18 not .uch dlfferent trOll that of S., HuaaYJ1t 162 However,


    the AH'I al-A_1IIr 1a alao an lnter .. t 1ng eOilllent&.r7, ,but at \1 ... , lt

    1_ telt th&t lta au:thor extracted. "\00 .ucb -.ning froa the text ot the


    There 1_ a tb1rd. o~tarr on aeot1 of Aa"r al-'a\adr b7 .Q '\

    SbIh Batte al-Dtll, th. son .of SbIh Walt "AllIh.163



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    wa,a a.sked to write 1t. lSl. The cOllllentary was vr1tten ln Gulbarga ln

    the , / 18,5 ci L -1 _", year 807 1404. ii ,. lIent""'OllS & second couentary on the

    Risala.h cOllPl 1d. by Gi sd1r'z earl1er in Delhi, but lt 18 not known

    to ex1st.186

    187 '0 lx) Sh&rt)..1 T&mh~t: t~la colllilentary on the lof Ayn a1.oQU4&h a1~&llad.h&nt la 8.lao one Dt the 1.portant worka ot G*8d.l~. It vu wr1tten ln Delh1 188 It ls a very lntere8~1ng couentaryJ the liere 80 bec&uae Gt IlUd1r1z llkecl. the TAl1hiat a lot. At tilleS he

    dieacrne vl th Ayn al-Quph, but he cr1t1c1z811 b1 in a peOul1ar IIty-le of his ovn by _king an excuse for,&DY axeessea of' the author.

    ~ r

    . he wr1tes, "our Qqi: 18 1I&d" (914i:_l III d!winah ~t) .189 It.1a also evid.ent th8.t the Prsl an style of ciaQdlr Maa .lnf1ueneed by the Tuh~t.

    x) TariaMh-11dib al--Muricitpa_, th1s la a Persl an translatl on of the ~ . . Idl.b al-Hurid,tp of' AbU al-Na al-Suhrawa.rd.t , eoapiled ln Gulbarga. ln the yea.r 813/1410. 191 'B .. lde. the translatl on, it alao eontal na 80" lnterestlng ooaaents by hl It 1a reported tbat. Gia8d1r1z wrote thr.e other ooae.atar1e. on the XdIb a14hu:'t:c1 i n (one ln Arabie and tllO ln penl an). th. Tarjaub ... the fourth t l .e he ~o .. ent.ed on the IIOX'k.192

    f) "lectll&neoua 1) Ants al-eU hshIQ ,193 lt. 1. a cOllec:t.1on Dt: the poet.ry eo.P"OSecl by

    \ . .

    Ct .Odlr1s. The poe_ were collected by one Dt his dl ac1plea on the "':

    requeat Dt S. Asghar Huaaynt, !~he secODd SOn of G*sUd,lrb .194 , .

  • ,/

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    r l' i. ' -14

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    5 6



    .9 10




    "'l""""""-,.,.-~. ~~..f.~~'~1f~"'" ~~"'''~fI,-~ ... ''-I:t~~~~F:Y ... q:,;;:_:;g.jfJi31i'i$,'"&S>l



    r: Cf .L. Massignon & L. Gardet, "&l-Ha.llIdj", Encx:cl0?l:edia of Isla.lll, 'l1.all ad., Vol.l,U t L.1d,n 1911, p.100 .. , ,

    idited by K.A. N1u.a1, ~ print.t fr~a A Prlnted ma D'lh1, 188SA.]). \

    ., \ a ... uPE!' note 3 ~ \ '~ , K .... Niu.a1, "Gt.Ud.1rIa1l , iRoxcloP!!d1t ot Ika, nell ,, Le1den, ,1965. p.ll1S. 1\ \ Cf. !!ta, n. 75-s Appad,ix, D




    K .... H1aa1, Tlrtlsb-1 Muhl'lkh-1 Ch1aht, D~lh~, 1953, p.l)5. Ib1d., p~1J6. \



    \. "

    .- ..... _..,

  • -c




    16 11


    '. ...40-



    ldell., "C1shtlyya.~.,-EnCYc10paed1a of Is)all,"'''new ed., VOl.,il, Le1den., 1965, p.SO; idem. t Tlrtkh, p.1J7. A. Ahma.c:l;, l ntellectual , P.J7, see Append1x A for a 11st o'the-ea.r1y Ch1shti ehaykhs._ It~1s & p1ty trt&t very little le known about tne ~ly Chiantis of Khurasan. The folloving ho are the earllest worka ln M'hieh Short uot1ces of some are ound.. Alltr Khurd., ~J' pp.4044; ,

    Abd. al~ Jb!, Nafa.b&t al-Uns, ed.. M. Tawhtd.tpUr, Tehran, 13:)6A.H. t pp.)22-J24, :340-)42. K.A. Hl .... l, "Oieht'! .. , EnoYClo)2&ecUa of I~l&., ne" ecl., Vol.U,' . L.ld.n, 1965, .p.49J id , so At::ts ~~1l.1i1on Y4 Pi!1tios ln Ind1a dW;1g tb! thin nth centLl. Al h,. l l, p:4. It '. reported bat tlfo othe: Ch ht1a had 00 .. ' t 1nd1& e'Yen befor. Sh&ykb Mu ta al-D"tn. Jlllt .rites that SbayJ1 Ku9&a-d. Chiaht!-(s Appeadix A) bad &oco.tu1ed Sultan Ma~dd Ghunawt 'to 1Dd.1&, Ha.f&b&t, ,.)24. 'Another Chiahtt 5&1114. A.pad., kDOtID aa ,SaJrh!:s&rwar (cl. S77 IUS1), a cl1aolpl,e of ~ba1~ .wd.U. ' Ohuhtt ( ... Appu41x A) l1'Yed la Multu. Ct. S, MolnUl Haq, . "larl:r Surt Sba;rkba ot th. Subcontinent", J~yf th. Pa.k1atan H1at9Ft:l sock\~, ~hXXI~ (1974),' pp.14-1S. ~., "aG. and &xpua of th. lihhtia lD th. Slibaoatinut", Journal of th. ~ Hiatgtioa1 Society, Vol.XXII (19.74), pp.;6J-64. K.A ..... ft , TlJifkh, p.142. " J.A. Subban, Sune., p.197.-



    K.A. lfiS&ai, SO" uJ)!Cts, p.184. /

    18 S .. Appud,1x B.


    ~ " c 21 ~.L, "SOU 'Aa~ o't Xhanq&b Lit. 111 Kecl18Y&l. ,Ind1a", St_la

    --II .. a, Vol.VnI (19.51) t p.Sl. . , 22 lbicl., p.SS. ~ 23 Ibld.~, p.S9.

    24 .bis AMad, "'l'he Sut1 &Pd th. Sultan. 1n' pt.4c1lP,l:1 Mualla tDdl&" , Der Ia1&_, Vol.XXXVUl (1962), p.143. ' :,.

    ( ~ " ,

    ) ,/

    , r .,,"

    '.' .;: :,~'~~/!-;~~.: , ,- '1

  • "

    ..... , - , ,-,.,,- ...- --------~------~~~

    , .....

    -41-o' r Q


    t 1 ,

    . ' l ' " Ja~~ N V S .A~' ~ua&yn'l, 'f1!t Ati' HUsayn, 25 lia,.fd. S. Kanpur, 1356 (,;, . .

    A.H., p.219. l ..


    26 K.A. Nizam.i, The fe d Ti!lles of Sha kh Fa::: duddin an-Shaer, ".llgarh, 01955, .105. M. MUjeeb, . Indian, ,p.16Sff.

    , 1'" ~.. ,P

    t ~ () /' '. 27 Az1z Ahmad, Stdies ln sla.tnlc Culture in the, Indian EnV1.ronJlent,

    O'xt'ord, 1966, PP.134-l3r5. . 28 K~A.' N1Z&111, Lye and ~lmes~" p.105.

    , 1 n b

    29" A. 4hud., Der IslADl~ Pl'142. " . ~ , )0 K.A. Nlzud, .E.I, p.SO of.' 'M. Mujeeb, Indlan, p.l46, M.B. ~abl, ,

    ReliSo. Thought, #p. 4, 22. 1 . # 1 . Q )1 A.' .A~. Ind\an EnY1r~t,~PP.132-l3). ,

    ~ '1" It,.". )2 S.A. Vl.lAYU!, Jadld C , '1 p.1172. of. S~.A.A. Rizvi, Muall.' Revi vallai

    Kov eut. in North ndia in th. aixt nth and 'ae"lenteent.h oenturi


    A~, 1 3, P~'51 . 0,1: 0 r ' ,~ , ~ '33 s. ~biO al-Dtn cAbd a~-BatJIIIn, BaSa-i. ytDb, Aze.-garh, 1949,

    PP.55-S6, 82, 3.50, 518~, cf. M. Muj b, IDd1y, p.l3? A. Abud., 1ntell!9tual, p.)4ff. 1: r . 0

    " 'n ' C ' ~i , , )II. Qf. M. ~ Sban!, S~; M&"41}:' ecl. ad tJ:au. S.S. lf&'dhtr ~ QM,rt, Ilydera , 969, p.92. , ,,' '

    " .

    ~ . 36 For cletaile of th. S n.rdt attitude "'"tO'llarda th . Stat. a.. , K.A. Niuai, SOM As ta, pp.i48-256a !m., "'' Sila1lah &III! 1 ta iD! C "" 1Ie41-f&J. I~..... 1Ie41!!!l 'M_l1a Hyatioa and th ir attit.ude tovaria th. " 1a1,,0 InC1& 9rterl V01.~, (1~51), pp.109-~J t "Baz:~ IDClo- ' Culture" Vole.XXII' (l! l, pp.387-398, mtt (1949), pp.13-21,

    62~70, J~-J2l.. m (19.50), pp.60~111 A. AhIIad.,~p. Ialu, p. v.4.' , '"

    Vol.XXII, p.3~11 alao a .. 't. -Ah,!ld," o

    )8 ll!14.,, p.l " , , . '" .

    : J9" CAbd, ~_oA.I. M. Vaai l, Urtkh:'1J!btbt, tranali.t., iAto Urdu '. ~ ~.bGlt lk J~, Qac1, l H., PP.9~~.

    , "





    ,~ ' .. -- ~--::~ --. r

  • " . ---- ~ ---- --~- ---- -~

    "" ,4'

    .. r' "'~~,""""',;t.v"~"';"""Y""'P .. ~_._~.~", .... ~..-.."....-....; ;l'ttil!'~~~~~~'f.l'ltJliUfqe_~~, ;~!tl*fA"J"&.;:PVJf.!iLA4l';'Ji~~----..-----._ ~


    ) .

    o '.




    -42-, >,

    40 M. Kujeeb, Indlan, p.l40. 41 A. Ahmad, Islam, pp.142-1lJ.J.

    42 f.lci,r, Habib!, p.76.

    4) A. Ahmad, Der Is1&lI, p.148. o '

    ) Il '"

    44 K.A. Nlzdat, Ll.,~ pp.5O, 5S,. cf. !S!!..o, SOlIIe ASpects, p.l84, ide!!" "t{a4rat Sh&ykh-l Akbar MuQy1 alSo.Drn Bln aw; Hindwitin", Burhln, Vol.XXIV (1950). p.20. The ~icle wu later printed. in ,Tlrlktii !WJ.llI.t,De1h1,1966, p.Jl. S.~. Haq, J .P.H.S., p.l72.

    45 A. Ahad,' llitel1ectU&l, ,p.J8. ,

    . 46 S.A.A. Bi.n, BetlvaUst, pp.54, 43. "

    47 btr Khurd, J.m", p.4SJ r. K.A. N1ZaJlli., Some AS:pects, p.J.84, ;f S.K. Haq, J.P.H.S., p.l72.

    48 K),{. Babl, Il.~g10U8 Thougb~, pp. 80., 89-90, 122-124. 49'. K.A. HIuai, E.I., p.SS.

    .50 Il!., p.lllS "



    ,:r _.

    52 . Mtr Val! ~l-J)tn, Khdjah Bandah navls ici T&f&1!!!Ut a'lr SulUk, DelhI'} 1966, p .$8!! .. .


    5) S:04.A. Rt.Ti, ReVlv.allst, p.54. . )

    { .

    , "

    ( ~,

    .~ S.e the wOrld-v181f of GtaUd1r1z, infra CH'.II, section Ba It la ~ua. of' tb1a rl&8011 tb&t v. haY. ca11ed Gts~' auflaa as & tn- ,of !!bd.&t eJ,-WUj\1d, lnfn., Ch.IU, aectlol c.." pp. 193 .. 194.

    55. K.o4., lurblBt pp.19-22. Ble_here Hl ... 1 f la ~t th. , vor1c8 of Ibn Arabt reaahed. Ind!&. throug. Fa.kh1: &1-Dtn ~rlq:tt

    althougb iD the artlcle he wrtt .. ibat. 01111 th. nu. ud , cioc~ of Ibn AJ:abt vere ezpoaed. bl' "Irlqt. Cf. SOI. Aal!!Ot!,

    p.S6. -.o!.. A. 1Junad, Der X-W, p.145. " , "

    . .


  • a



    57 K.A. N1zall1, ~H1nd,. v ... Islam", Encyc1o)?!.ed1a of, IslaJD, New edition., 'Vol.III, Le1den, 1971, p.Lj.29. '


    .58 -Cf.~., Sa.llttn; pp.)89, ,42.5-4281 14!.!.., Burhln, pp.22-231 o idem., Maqllit,. pp.JJ-35.



    61 62



    ~., ~!., Vol.III, p.429r ~., Sa.lIi1n, PP.389,'396-398J' ~ ~., J .P.H.S., PP.237, 239.1

    Idem., !:l., Vol.III, p:429. M. Mujeeb, ladian, p.1l7. M. cAUShlnr , MWaMdl, pp.)-4. ThES ia a cHffetea.ce of' ' opinion rep.rd1ng the d&te of' birth. VI 1fr bu 1t as 123/1323, ijabrb!, p. 7 ~ Th. diacourees of' S. 1ahraf Jablngtr S1D1nr aention 110 u :?20/1:320,,~. yuant, L&tI'it; ~, Delhi, 129.5 A.H. t p.J67. Min AllIh VuaaJD!' acr ... witbVrr,l, Talf.'t al-Khadrlqlt, ecl ... tnna. by S.M. Barat, HyderalMd, 1 . Ve foCcept the dat. unUoned br S6lInI bec&ua. he pute torth an

    guJIlent. in aupport. of the date 121 A.H. aad. think ne 1. e .ot. Cf. A. Idris QJdrI who alao u.kea &Il argwaent &ad e nclUd.ea w1 th 721/1)21 as the right yearJ H!YIt=1 Baqdh -

    vlz Karachi t 1965, pp. 15-22 , . of. K.A. N1J1&111, !:l., p.lll4, A~ thinka the yur to be 720/1320, probab~ fol.l.ow1Ag

    VIOttI, T~=1 Kb!Ij&h GXa!rUrI!, Karaohi, 1966. pp.28-29. ~ .

    Vt:t,1 atates, on the authortty ot GlaOd.1rla, tbat Sayy1d AbU . a1-lj&.l&n-1. J&Il4I (12tb &IlCeator of Cit.\1d.i.tIs) oue fJ:oa KhurIaID to D.lhi where h. wu killed. H. IIP burlecl ln th. o.OIIpound. of a aosque caUed !I&!.11d-l'aglrt 'H H&bDt. f!.7-8, of. Abtl al:-FaN Min ~ll1h, SSw!f.1 tt.,r_1 dar Shed Il al-ICu.l., Xerox

    . oopy 01 th. lI&Iluacr1pt, Ali &l--Drn JunaydI COUeot1OD, Gulbazoga, f.1S;' -

    - , \

    Thia, clar if1oat1cn -.d. br Aahr&! Jablngl'r Sln1d a rel1ab. Makt1lblt, ~. Dup,b L1bJ:uy. Gulbup., Lett Do.32, t.1l7. T)ler. an wo otbar YUa10u te 8iP~ the Ctaliirla. Cf. Kin ~1:ilb, Tal:!t1at, pp.6-1a Abel a+~q, 1khblr al-AlggIr, Urdu traulatlO11 by A. J1au1, Delhi (D.d.), p.237', A.I. Qa4rt, HuIt, P.15, -a.4, loAf-4, Te"bJdt'!b, pp.44-4SJ S.I. Haaan, Dl! Qbi.lJtt, p'.l,S6. n.l. , Hta ltunm ... 1bO. ~-F&tt} and, beaid .. GtaUdirlz, h. wu alao

    down as BandlhllPls, ~ al-Drn, vaU a1-lJt'r, al~q. For &Il uplaDatlon of tbue .urDU_, . SI""'t, Mub&p!!!dJ, p.46."


    J ; , & ,'JI J _, l

    , ,

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    ~ ~,


    ~~ 'r t, 'J:

    t~ ,

    ~ ~ :."

    f l ,2





    " -t.

    -Min AllAh, Tabtirat, pp.4-SJ cf. A,l. QidrI, ~, p.1S, n.l, 2, J, 4. Besides, GrsOdiriz had 99 names too. Cf. Min Allih, 'l'a:bSlrat, pp.99 .... 100. For GIstid,iriz' ancestral genea-logy, see simirtr, Hubammadr, p.8, Min AllAh, Tabv1rat, pp.102-lOJ. A.I. Qidrt, Hayjt, pp.22-2)1 ~&bi9 a~-.Drn, ~, p.48J. For his sp1r1tual'genealogy (silsila.h), see Appendices A and B.


    0' '" ,VI i,t, ljabl'b!, p.8J Siminr, Muhumadr, p.91 of. K.A. NiZBJli, E.l., p.1l14.

    Sbini, KuballUllLClt, p.?, V~Oi,t, ija.'btbt, p.10. of. A.l. Qidrt, ~, p.29J K.A. Nlzaai, E.l., pp.lll4.

    69 l!!!!.. p.lO. 70, GratJd1rh bad thrae brothera &ad a siatera (1) Sa)71d !J.U8&1D,

    Jmown .. Shah CbaDdln {i~11lt, (2) Samd fiaghtr who ~ed. in inaUC1J () Sa1)1.d AU' {iwsayntl (4) Btbr Unt. Cf. J. Al! Shib Alt, Xazftftt-i KMnMn; KpQt-Md, J{yderabe.d, l)l&.a p.lO.

    '~ . 71 Sh&n!:, KUbpmadt, p.l). VI l,t, ijabtbt, pp.lO-ll .

    12' na., p.l? V~Oi,t, lJab{bt, p.lll AbIlal-Fa~, Shavla1l, f.~lb. 1J ~., pp. 17-:18. ,

    ' .,.,.' lJWi., pp.2J-24. VI 1,r, 1jabl'bI, p.1S.

    ~., pp.24-2S. Wloi,r, ~, pp.16-l1. Acoordiq to &' supp1eRent found att&ched. to the Khayr al-Ma.1Il1s (ooaplled b1' H. Qeledar), wbion dula wl't~ the life of Sha.1kh Nattr al-Dm HelplUd, the aba1kb did not nOlliDate aDJOIle as bia sucoeasor. It adda tbat on the da,.th of Shaykh Natrr al-Drn. Gratiiirls 1 waahed bia bod1, &Dd took out -the ~pea. tr:oa the cot on wbicb the 1 Sha1kh wu waahed. He put the ropea &rOUDd. Ms neck &ad, \ "thl. la autnolenl .. & kh1;gah 'far R.". Khayr, p.287. ~ 1 K.A. Misaa1 18 of the oPinlon that tMa suppleaent la authentl0 1 Ud wu m.tten bJ R. Qaland.,. bUMlt. Cf., lb&xr, ln\1=od., P.8.~' On the bula of the 8Uppleaent /I08-t of the' aoc1em aqbol&ra, III peel of North I1&, beU8 .... tbat DO cme 8ucoeeded. Sbaykh lfqtl' al~n. 1'h., l.pare the otn.d1otOJ:'1 .-tataenta al Sllllnt and lfawt,t. \ Cf. X.A. Mlsaa1, T&rtkh, pp.181-188, H. ~l&ndar, Khant, editer's ., introd., p.67, D.2, S.N. HuaD, The Cbiabtt, p.l.56. M. Hablb, . Poli tics &Dd. SoolW, p.J84, lu Ahad, Der Islu, p.1S2. K. Mujeebll-


    l '.



  • l"_ ~,

    i . ~ ~ .


    " ""

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    f' i, ,

    ~ .. ,\~ r:~:

  • c 1. 81

    ;; !Ir ,. 82 " -

    " ,. !' e:: ~. ,





    , .

    There is again & differenee of o~ion regarding the year of G!sd1riz' arr! val at Gulbarga. ~t mentions only thS yea.r 801/1398 when Crsildiru left Delhi, JIluba.mmad!, p.26. Vi i~r g1ves the yur of arrival as 804/1401' ija,btbr l p.91. Min A1Uh wr1tes that Crsdirlz spent 22 yearB in Gulbarga, Tab/sirat, p.102. This tha.t the yea:r: of arriva! was 803/1'400, beeause Crsd1.rlz died in 82;/1422. Sa.yy1d AU 'fabl\&bi states bis arrival umar the evants of the yea.t' 802/1399. Burhln-i Ma.'lth1r, Hyderabad., 1936, p.4). M. Qlsil1 F1.rishtah gives the yea:s: &8 81;/1412' Culshan-i Ibrihrllt, known as Tlrrkh-l fUj.sht&h, transe hy J. Briggs under the ti ta, Hlstou of the Rise of the Huhamma.dan Power in Ind1a, Calcutta, 1958, Vol.l1, Part IJ p.64. The year 81;/1412 1a incorrect as ctstW.rh son ijuaa.yn1 dled. in Cul'barga ln the ye&r 812/l4Q9. "H.K. Sberwani gives the yur' aa 80.5/1402. The Ba.bu.n1a of the Deccan, Hyderaba.d, 19S3, p.l'l. In bis recent publ1C&tJ..; hovever, Shena.n1 s.... to ha~. chaaged hia opinion as be givea the yea:r as 803/1400-1', "Th' BahaniS",I in Kt_tory of Medinal Deccan (1295-1724), Vo1.I, ed. H.K. Sherwani, Hydera~, 1973, p.l6). I.~, probahly fOllowing F1r1shtah, _entions ttl_ yfl&r as 81S/14~, but he stat .. hia source as Silllrit, Taclbk1rah, p.63. S.N. ijaa&n &lao givea the yea:r u 81.5/1412, The Ch1shtl, p.l;1. A.t. QIdrl argue. for 9031l4O0 and aubatantiat.s It wi'th aatiaf'actory erldence, lIMob lie '&ccept, ijaz!t, pp.6Q-62. Sbt, Mub'aNdt, PP.33-)4. Fir1ahtah states that the Sultan na pay on &l'1 exped1tlon .hen Ctsl1d.1r&s arrived. at Culbarp..' On hear1Dg about the arrival the Sul:tu returned. to Gulbarga, and &long w1th bia noble. paid a Yisit. to CtaOdirlz, Tlrtkh; FWShtab, p.641 cf o(fH.K. Sherwlnt, Bahaan1a, pp.1S1-1S2. See S.A. tabl,\&bl, Burhin, p.44.

    F1r1abtah te. th&t Sultu Fl'rtIts ShIh 1dtbd.re1l hls fayours as the Sbl.ykb wu clefioient in leam1ng. Tbe hiatoriaa la.aed.iately &tter states ttat the Sultan, bav1ng a.oa1aated bis son a.a the heU appareAt to the throGe J Bent hi_ te Gtat1d1rls f b1 ... 1Dp. Gt.Ud1rb 1. reported to "Te aa1d that God bI.d alread.;T, l.cted the Sultan'. brother, Apad SbIh as the nut klzag. Tbla al&raecl Ftrfls Shah lIbo theD requeat.ecl GtaUd1r1s to .ove to anotbsr -pl&

  • , -


    " ~





    .' i.,. ,








    ~l \


    9) 94



    ~., p.10.

    l.2.14. S.A . ~usaynt, JaviM1c ; p.38. sldnr, Muh!-"madr, p. 16 ~. t pp. 16-17 Ib1d,. ,tpp.'11-18.

    Ibid., pp.22-23.

    :, ", v ,

    S infra., Ch. II, ~ectlon B, pp. 113ft Oh..ln, aectlon B ... ,p. 184. S .. SllllnI, I!'!ba!"dt, pp.52-,54, 58, 61, Min A~, Tabe1r&t,. p.)OJ of., GtstJ41rb, Aadr a~~, ed. by 8. AtI' ijuaayn, H~erabad, 1JSO~.H., pp.142-1 ). ,

    95 waoi,r, Habtbt, pp.19, )4-)8, 62 . WEC1~t eaphulzes th&t CraU-d1rk vu a sunnr.





    lW,., p.J6. 1t la reproted tbat, du:r1ng a d1acusalon 911 th. oppoal ticm. of juriate t GtaUd.1rb aa1d t11&t the onl,y W&1 auna could. pt. riel of thea &ad. tb.1r oppaillOD .u b1 liY1ng lib ud. aaOGC th.' juriste th .... l.... ... Abel al-\faqq, Alcbblr, p.241.

    o c SbIn{, "Tawa4t. PP.91 &JJd. 95, VI l,l, Habtbt, pp.S5, 86, and 124. VI01,t, UabJbt, pp.61-68. 8.N. Huan n1.tea, Th. Sa.1)1.d wu & t1P1cal .utl t w1 th a narrow outlook aDd. DO proficlenc1 in th. menc_. . . S&i1id. Mt)a.Md Gt.tId1.ras wu Ilot a philoeopber nor a aaA of .14. oulture t but .u U ..... eraed. in theology 4LIId. .1lf1. J The Cb1!htl, pp.1.s7 &ad. 158. S.K. lfU&r1 eY1~tl,y d1d not at~ Gr.Ud1rb. Hi. source a"_ . t. bav. beu M'.Q. F1r1sbtab. Cf. 'l'ktJcb-1 Fi:d.abttb, p.64, Sir w. H&i" Caa'br1dt;e Histm ot IDCl1f:, Vol.ln t Delhi, 1965, p.)9). It would be intenat1.r1g to S.lf. HasaD. d.f1n1 t10aa of -t1Jical 8Uf'1. -. " -urrow oatloot-&Dd "ac1ena ..

    ., 1 S.A. I$ua&JDt, Ja!la1 , pp.ll8-119. M1D Allih, TaM1&t, PP.9-14, 1 cf. K.A. Mi ... i, &.I. t p.11l5, A. Ab&d., Intellectual, pp.68 &Dd ' 94\, M. Muje.b lIritea tb&t ,th. Sanakt1:t book probabl1 .... th.

    :MabibbIr&ta, IDdiAg, pp.1.65-166.

    SI'''Dt, Mubaltapd.t, pp.ll and. 16. Waal,I, Habtbt, pp.10-U.

    , ( .

  • t , ..


    ~j '" i' 1 r . '



    . 1. "

    \ le' '.


    101 Cf. -Breekelman, Cesohihte der Arabischen Ll t.teratur, Vol.I, Leiden, 1943, p.352, Supplement l, Leiden, 1937, p.5l5. SiminI

    q , (Muhammad!, p.16) does not give the full name of 'the work, but just mentlgns MlftJ.b. We, therefore,presume that he lleans Miftib .1- Ulam whiah la a well-known work on rhetaric.

    102 J

    Cf. ibid., Vol.t, p.J51, Supp~ement l, p.514. Again, W1Cl;I (liabrn, p .ll) only menti oiii 'the-we' of th -work as -MUbib "-a,l-Nabw and we pr.~Ulle h,e lleant m!bAh fi al-NaQw. lli!!., VOl.I, p.612.



    104 For a 11at of worka refea::ed to by S.A. tl~1Ilt 1 the son of G!sDd1ris, ee nUl &1- Agl'id, ed. by S. Ata lJuaayn, Hyderabe.d., 1366 A.JI., tor'. introduction, pp.2-3. FC?J." & .are geneml

    105 106





    11.t of _ popalar during aed1.Y&l India, 8ee K.A. Nlzaa1., S_OII=._Aa=--....... ~ pp.26,S-280. Cf. K.A. lf&ll1, Sou Aspects, pp.27)-276. " For instance, e lnfra, Ch4nI,. .ectlon C, p. 168


    Cf. G!sUd1rls, J;Jyi'ir &l-9uda, ed. S.A. lluaa.yn, Hyderabad, 1359 A.H., pp.39, 174. , ' " .'

    , ''. Tanst1 al-Arwab 1a apec1:f'1ca.lly quoted 'b7 Gratw.rlz in As~, p.26S." ' ,

    'le aenti6n th1a aourca ainee it W&II on. of the baslc Wxta atudled. 'by th. Ind1an sulla. Nlf1a al.-Dtn Av 11 yi , la reported to have 8&14, Mfar the on. who bu DO sp1rl:t.ual guide, the K&ahf al=:MabjUb la anough." Cf. K.A. H'-Z&Ill., !.:l,:., p.5S.

    III 1t la reported tbat Ct.Od1r1s taugbt tbe-work iD Delhi. H. alao r.fera to lt. Sblnt, Mpla dt, p."" Gtstld1rls, UY"lr, pp.106 .. lP71 S.A. tlueaynt, the SOD: ot GtaUd1rb .rote a COIIMI1t&ry on Sawlnlb. Ot. sa .. nr, Km"Ndt, p.131. l'

    , ,

    112 S infra., ~h.In, aeott'Oll C, p. 196.

    113 GtsOd1rls, Khlt1Mh, p.i48, Para.2n. ..,

    ,"114' Probably Ibn Arabt' .... jor _ark, M'bit al-Makk1:t!h, &Del otber tr ... tiaea ver. aw.Uable to Gts~rIz. In one of th. biographi.s, the ~t 1. aentloned. ct. 'II 1,r, !i&btbt, p.56, S.A. Ifusaynt, Jad!i , pp.2ll-212, -21.5. ,_,


    - ,'----_. _ft __ _r .' .. '.m ..... '

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    ! " l' i ,


    \ 115 . Gtsild1rtz, I

  • ...

  • .....

    ~ ..


    , .






    155 156





    ~ '... GtEJOdlrb, Asmlr, 'pp.1-2. The manuscr1pts that the editor found had li5 cha:pters and, therefore, the printed text 4180 contains' 115 chapters. The editor 'ieela that l';'obably .. _chapters 74 and 75 be10ng to orle chapter; ed1tor's lntrod~tlon, p.6.

    W!cl~r, Mabtbt, p.66. Gts'tldlr1z, AsmEr, p.246.

    S.A. ijusaynt, Tabtirat al-ItllAb1t:al-Sttfi:(!h, ad. by S. CAU' ijuaa.yn, Hydera.bad., 1)65 A.H., pp.121-122.

    , .

    In the autbor' s tntroCl:uctlOQ, the. date of cOIIptla.tlpn la given as . 1PAJ/IJ784lir1ng the reign of rtrUz ShIh Tughlaq of Delh1.-I'i1l1p1t, p.4. The ed1tar obeervea that this ... y be aD: error cm the part of tAe, and he augpata that the aarrect date Il1ght be 8JJ7/ . ttW4, ed.itor's introductlon, p.ll. We acree tb&t lt -1 be the scribe's .istake, but the oorrect date oa,nnot be either 7PJJ/1318 or 8JJ1/lA04 becauae i t haB been d1sauased abon that the "'dr ltself' W&8 wrttten between 8ll/1408 and 812/l409. lnatead ot , Ftrt1z~ Sbib BahMDr (&JO/1397-825/1422) the acrt~ --could -han' 19norantly wrt tten FtrUz 'ShIh Tughlaq. .a .. ides, th~e are other inconalstenal_ wbioh point tawaxds l&ter additiona in the texte As the ecl1tor obserns (editer'. introdlJCti, p.12), in the 5th abapter (p.93) of the ten there are quotatiOna froa J'IIIr's faaoua work, Lad' (l.'lbah 5) beginn1ng ftoa ..... as (line l, p.9J of 1 1 t to the end of the second quatrain, ~aYY&d gblb kan!

    l1ne 7. The JIJI{ 18 lIentloned on the A!l\e *ge &Dd. anether qu&train ia quoted t'rOJa kd'il}: (lI'i~ 6). Jild d1ed. in 898/ l492 and. be could net bave n1:t.ten &adlb before 812/l409 wb,en he auat bave been 14 ye&rS /old.. Tharefore, lt la telt th&t the yNr 700/ 1318 .entloned. 1h the introduction of the Iftillblt ia inoorrect. The altematlve yeu aug.steel b7-the ecl1tor la alao not .acceptable. ~

    S.A:"'~,.1DI~ I.~llaat, p.S. l' 1 f _' - -The *a.\1ISor1pt la p:esernd in' the At1ftyah Libra:ry, HJder&b&d, UD.d:~, TfI!'!!!Ut, no.v.64,\ ~ ,

    _/ 4

    Anon,..~, Asdr, Vol.II, f.514b. . "

    160 GraOd1rls, dr, ed.1tr'. introduction, p.4. 161 Anonyaous, Asdr, Vol.II, ff.J68b, '4-9Je.,' 514& etc.


    1 --------~_~j . PJ.'''.t.lt11 ... ~

    . ' 1. , , . .." ..

  • c '"

    f f ;li, ~l.

    ~' ,,:.

    , "






    167 168


    170 171

    172 .




    For examp1e; ibid., ff .J66a-J68a., oOllUllentary on chapter 78 of ~I cf. S.A'. ijusa.ynf, It1~t, pp.81-94. K.A. Niza.m1 lfr"ltes that it iS-PEinted in liajmnc -tlscR&Sa'il, Delhi, 1314A.H., Cf.~, p.lll5.

    W,cl~, ijabrbf, p.66; S4dnf, MuJta.mmad!, p.li5. "

  • "

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    fro'Phet.hOOd (nubmnfah) and S&lntah1! (w&l.lDh)


    Islam del1ne&toa 8. cOllpletely tr&rlscend.en~l ~od trom the point

    of .,1ew of His"orea.tl0n. On'the ether band, G~ ~lIDlpresent 1n 'His J '

    very oneness (!!!.lJW 1 "And. 1t ca.nnot be for ~y man tha.t Cod spks to ,

    h1., thro~' revel&tlon or ,frOIl behind a. Te11 or ~Y sencling 8. - ~---- " I~

    aes.encer." (Qur'in XLlI'I51~. This 18 "vhere th.' propheta (anb1x1') or th. choaen ones 00" 1Ji, whoa ~ ba& a.lected to Con"8,. Hia .. _ .. aga to

    , , ' , ' . , .. 1 the rut of _Dk1~'~ , ln the 'couri. of t1 .. , 1t v~ ac.ptecl ~X tb~ ecbolara that

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