Page 1: Hazel Class Timetable Week 7 Summer 2: Space · Hazel Class Timetable Week 7 Summer 2: Space DAY/ TIME 9:00 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:45 ak 11:00 –12:00 ak 1:00 – 2:00 2.00 – 3:00

Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space



9:00 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:45



11:00 – 12:00



1:00 – 2:00 2.00 – 3:00




This week your online maths lessons will be with BBC Bitesize: 13 July: Maths Time: Five minutes Watch the tutorials and complete the activities set. Challenge: You can choose between two challenges: NRich: What is the time? or:


Pixar’s La Luna Watch this short Pixar animation about a boy on his first day at work with his father and grandfather. Dialogue is the words used in a conversation between people in a book or film, but this film doesn’t have any. Are you still able to understand the story, even though there are no words? If words were added in, what do you think the characters would be saying? Look at the pictures in the resources section below and write sentences to show what the characters would be saying in each one. Challenge: Can you punctuate your dialogue with speech marks?


Please take part in any physical activity that you have access too. I have included some fun ideas below. Try to vary your activities. *Joe Wicks- Joe is still doing daily workouts at 9:00 which I know some of you are really enjoying. *Go Noodle- dance activities *Circuit training. If you are lucky enough to have a garden you could create your own circuit. How many interesting ideas can you come up with? *Running and Walking- obviously, these are great forms of exercise. Sometimes it helps to have a target. Could you walk 30 miles in June? Could you time a looped run and see if you can beat your time? *If you are lucky enough to have other equipment such as a bike, trampoline, tennis racquets, footballs etc. this is all great exercise. *Try Cosmic Kids Yoga Quiet Mindful Activities: *Mindful breathing- this is a great activity if you need something to keep you calm.


Moon Landing The ‘Space Race’ was a competition between two of the biggest nations in the world – The US and the Soviet Union. They both wanted to be the first country to go to space. This competition lasted for 12 years, from 1957 to 1969, with each country making more and more progress. In July 1969, the space race ended when the US became the first country to have a man walk on the moon. Watch this clip to see the actual footage that was watched by over 650 million people worldwide, of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins travelling in Apollo 11, just 51 years ago. (You will need to scroll down towards the bottom of the page to find the video, titled ‘Apollo 11 – The First Moon Walk’) (make sure that you turn the sound on in the bottom right hand corner of the video screen) Neil Armstrong’s words, as he took his first step onto the moon’s surface, were, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Why do you think those words are so significant? Take a look at the pdf document about Neil Armstrong (loaded on the school website with the timetable) and then complete the timeline activity in the resources section below by choosing 5 main events in his life. You can complete the timeline boxes with sentences or pictures, or both!

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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space



Maths 14 July: Maths Time: Hours and Days Watch the tutorials and complete the activities set. Challenge: NRich: Stop the Clock

You can play this task interactively on the NRich website, or, a copy of the worksheet is in the resources section below. Can you find a winning strategy?

Your Maths investigation needs to

be submitted by email on Tuesday to Mrs Noble – if you played online,

you only need to submit a ‘strategy’, if you managed to find one!


By watching the expression on the young boy’s face throughout the film, you can tell that he is experiencing lots of different feelings about what is happening. Watch the film again and look for when his expression changes – what might he be thinking and feeling at each point? In the resources section below you will find pictures taken at different points in the film. Imagine that you are the boy. In the thought bubbles next to the pictures, write sentences to describe how you are feeling and what you are thinking.

* This is a Soothe Stream from the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park. It’s less than 1 minute long and is extremely relaxing. * Try some mindful colouring. If you don’t have anything to colour at home, these are some beautiful mandalas Any other type of craft or artwork can be relaxing too. *When you’re on a walk, take time to spot nature. What types of trees do you see? Can you name any species of flowers? Is anything changing with the environment around you? General Wellbeing *You could also phone a friend. Keeping in contact with your friends is really important at the moment. If you’re not keen on phoning, maybe make a card or write a letter to deliver. *You could listen to one of these podcasts about remaining resilient and believing in yourself


Oak National Academy Online Classroom Week 7: To name different pets in Spanish Follow the online tutorial and have a go at the activities!


A number of different religions have their own version of Heaven, which is considered to be somewhere to enjoy perfect happiness e.g. heaven in Christianity and Judaism, ‘Paradise’ in Islam, Loka in Hinduism, and Nirvana in Buddhism. The term ‘heaven’ is also often used to describe something that gives you great pleasure, e.g. “Lying on the beach in the sunshine was heaven.” Think of something, or somewhere that you really enjoy and draw a picture of it. It might be your favourite place that you have visited, your favourite thing to do, or even your favourite meal. It could be somewhere you imagine in your dreams. Can you write an extended sentence to describe it?




Maths 15 July: Maths Time: Calculate durations Watch the tutorials and complete the activities set.


Your writing task this week is a diary entry. Again, you are going to be the boy in the film, and you are going to write about your first day at work with your dad and grandad when you went to the moon and swept up the stars. A diary entry is written in the past tense – it describes things that have already happened.

Computing NASA Kids Club has been created so that you can explore lots of different information about space and space travel through


Holst – Mars

Page 3: Hazel Class Timetable Week 7 Summer 2: Space · Hazel Class Timetable Week 7 Summer 2: Space DAY/ TIME 9:00 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:45 ak 11:00 –12:00 ak 1:00 – 2:00 2.00 – 3:00

Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space


As well as retelling events, it is important to include details on how you were feeling. This engages the reader and makes the writing personal by helping them to understand your experience. Look at the planning template in the resources section below and use the notes to plan what you are going to include in your diary.

Summer reading challenge Each summer, thousands of children take part in the Summer Reading Challenge through their local library. This year, with normal library opening unlikely before September, children can take part in the ‘Silly Squad’ challenge online. It’s all about encouraging children to keep up their reading at home. The challenge is aimed at 4-11 year olds, but younger children are welcome too. Children can join here: Parents/carers can go to

For all the information they need about how their child can take part in the challenge and how the website works. This year, the challenge will run from June to September. Children can keep track of the books they are reading on their own website profile and can find book recommendations, as well as activities, quizzes, videos and games to keep them entertained at home. They can read as many books as they like but if they manage to read 6, they can download a certificate at the end of the challenge. Library staff will be creating special craft activities, available on the Cambridge Libraries

games and activities! Click on the ‘Join me in the Clubhouse’ to explore the activities all related to space travel and exploration. You might also like to click on the link to ‘Find out who is on the International Space Station’ and read about all of the astronauts up there at the moment!

Gustav Holst was a British composer who produced pieces of music to represent the planets in our Solar System. His first piece was called ‘Mars, Bringer of War’. Watch the ‘Full orchestral performance’ of the piece – how does they style of music suit its title? Did you notice the use of lighting in the video? How does this add to the effect of the music? How does the performance make you feel? Write a review of ‘Mars’ to describe it to someone who has not heard it. Think about including descriptions of the tempo (speed), the dynamics (the volume) and ostinato (the use of a repeated pattern of notes).



Maths 16 July: Maths Time: Compare durations Watch the tutorials and complete the activities set. Challenge:


Using the notes that you made in your plan yesterday, you are going to write up your diary entry in full. Before you begin, look at the ‘Handy Hints’ prompt card in the resources section below to help you with the key features to include in your writing. Begin your writing with; Dear Diary, Remember:


Who is Paxi? In this video, you will meet Paxi, an alien from the Planet Ally-O on the other side of the galaxy. Watch the animation to learn more about him and join him on his trip to Earth. The Solar System Here, you will join Paxi on journey through our Solar System and learn about the 7 planets that orbit our sun.

Page 4: Hazel Class Timetable Week 7 Summer 2: Space · Hazel Class Timetable Week 7 Summer 2: Space DAY/ TIME 9:00 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:45 ak 11:00 –12:00 ak 1:00 – 2:00 2.00 – 3:00

Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

You are writing as though you are the boy from the film, so you need to use ‘I’, ‘my’, ‘we’ and ‘our’ when talking about what you did (this is called writing in the first person)

Write in the past tense – imagine that you are writing your diary just after you got home from the moon.

Describe your feelings about what happened. Use time words in your writing (first, next,

after that, before long…) Once you have finished writing your diary entry, read your work to see if there are any edits that you can make. Then, look at the ‘Diary checklist’ in the resources section below and tick the features that you used.

Your diary entry for the young boy needs to be submitted by email to Mrs Noble on Thursday

Facebook page throughout the summer. Families can join the library, borrow e-resources for children and adults (books, audio-books, comics and magazines) and see a timetable of online events here: Any updates to our offer, including news of reopening plans from 6th July, will be posted here and on the Summer Reading Challenge webpage: Using the pdf resources (uploaded on the school website with the timetable) cut out and place the planets of our Solar System into the correct order. You can choose to draw and colour them if you prefer – try to think about the different sizes of the planets. Write the name of each planet, remembering to use a capital letter, and then write key features and facts for each of them.



Maths 17 July: Maths Time: Challenge of the week Watch the tutorials and complete the activities set. Challenge:


Job advert Today, your task is to hire an extra person to help the boy, his dad and his grandad in their moon job each night. You need to write a job advert to give people all of the information that they need. A job advert is:

Accurate – it describes the details of the job

Short – it should be quick and easy to read

Positive – it makes the job sound appealing so that people want to apply.

First, look at my example of a job advert in the resources section which advertises a position for Paxi’s new Spaceship Maintenance Manager (you may have ‘met’ Paxi yesterday in the science lesson). Read the information in each of the 4 sections and notice that it is very specific to the job. Also look at the layout. Some parts are written in full sentences and some use bullet points – bullet points are a useful way to list the skills required.

Art and D.T. Paxi’s space ship. This week, you might have met Paxi in the science lesson – an alien from the planet Ally-O. (If you didn’t manage to do the science lesson, it might be worth watching the short animation in the first link to meet him!) Paxi explores the universe in his one-man spaceship. Your task is to design and build your own spaceship using materials that you find at home! You might choose to use boxes and recyclable items to build your craft, Lego to construct it, or you might choose to illustrate your design on paper. What features does your spaceship have? How is it suited to transport you through space? Look at the pictures in the resources section below to inspire you – you could even design your own alien to go inside!

Page 5: Hazel Class Timetable Week 7 Summer 2: Space · Hazel Class Timetable Week 7 Summer 2: Space DAY/ TIME 9:00 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:45 ak 11:00 –12:00 ak 1:00 – 2:00 2.00 – 3:00

Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space


Next, fill in the blank advert to advertise for someone to work with the boy on the moon. Use my example to help you, but make sure that you make yours specific to the La Luna job!

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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

Monday – English – La Luna dialogue

1min – Dad and Grandad adjusting the boy’s cap

1min47s – when the boy was going to throw the anchor overboard


2min52s – just landed on the moon


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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space



5mi37s – When Dad saw the boy fall and land in the stars


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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

Monday – History – Neil Armstrong timeline

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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

Tuesday – Maths – NRich Challenge – to be submitted by email to Mrs Noble on Tuesday

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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

Tuesday – English – The young boy’s thought bubbles 1m13s – waiting in the boat

1min35s – the moon appears over the horizon

1min50s – watching his dad raise the ladder

2min30s – floating upwards into the night sky

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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

3min27s – touching a star

4min16s – Dad and Grandad are arguing

5min30s – falling through the stars

6mins5s – back on the boat

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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

Wednesday – Diary entry planning

When you write a diary, it is very easy to just list the events that happened, e.g. First, we got in a boat. Then we waited out at see. Next, we saw the mooan appear. After that…. However, this doesn’t make the diary very interesting to read. What makes a piece of diary writing really effective, is engaing the reader so that they understand your thoughts and feelings about what happened. Use this planning template to make notes on what happened and how you felt about it, before starting to write your diary up in full.

What happened? Focus on the main events (it doesn’t have to include every single thing that happened), in chronological order (the order that they happened). Remember to include time connectives (First, next, soon, once we had, after that, before long, finally…)

How were you feeling? Were you excited, scared, worried, bored, anxious?

What have you been thinking about since? What was the highlight? What are you looking forward to?

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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

Thursday – English – Diary Entry prompt card

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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

Friday – English – Job advert for La Luna

Spaceship Maintenance Manager Wanted! Job title Spaceship Maintenance Manager for Paxi

Main duties – describe the features of the job and what the person will be expected to do. You will be required to make sure that Paxi’s spaceship is maintained to a very high standard so that he can continue to explore the Solar System without any delay from a malfunctioning vehicle. This includes:

Checking the engine before each mission

Servicing the engine after each mission to check for malfunctions

Refuelling Paxi’s spaceship

Polishing the glass of the capsule so that he has a clear view from all angles.

Cleaning the main body of the craft and repainting any scuffed areas (it must look smart if he finds and meets other aliens on his travels)

Packing Paxi supplies in case he is not back for dinnertime (octopus sandwiches and a beetroot and kale smoothie)

Required skills – what skills must the person already have? What type of person should they be?

Bright and cheerful personality

Willing to work at different times of the day – sometimes Paxi returns home late and his spaceship needs checking before the morning Degree in Spaceship maintenance

3 years’ experience working with aliens and their spaceships High-grade window polishing skills

5* Octopus sandwich and smoothie making award

How to apply – how does someone apply for the job? Who should they send their application to? If you would like to apply for this exciting and once-in-a-lifetime, dream job, please write a letter to Paxi to explain why you think you are the best suited person for the position. Email your letter to [email protected] Applications must reach Paxi by Sunday, and you will be called to an interview next week. Good luck!

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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

Looking for La Luna staff! Job title

Main duties – describe the features of the job and what the person will be expected to do.

Required skills – what skills must the person already have? What type of person should they be?

How to apply – how does someone apply for the job? Who should they send their application to?

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Hazel Class Timetable

Week 7 Summer 2: Space

Friday – DT – spaceships

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