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First Lutheran Church

127 S. Columbus St. Galion, Ohio 44833


Church Council

A big THANK-YOU to everyone who helped put this issue together!

December—January—February 2018-2019

2018 Executive Team President—Kevin McNeal Vice President—Kevin Buchanan Secretary—Tammy Smith Treasurer—Becky Renock Pastor—Adam Taylor

2018 Council Members Cathy Badenhop Sharon Benedum Kevin Buchanan Phyllis McElhatten Rick McNeal Dianne Price John Renock Jean Taylor

2019 Incoming Council Members Ivah Shifley Terri Lady Mike Smith Jeff Dinkel

2019 Outgoing Council Members Tammy Smith Phyllis McElhatten Rick McNeal

May God bless those who have served... May God strengthen those who will serve... May God enliven us all with the Spirt and His Word… Amen


Dear siblings in Christ,

This is a busy time of year.

Starting with Thanksgiving, throughout Advent, and going well through Christmas…life just doesn’t seem to slow down. There are Christmas parties and family functions; there are presents to shop for and wrap; there are more items on the ‘to-do’ list. There always seems to be places to go and people to see.

Working in the church, I can feel this busy-ness with all the extra activities that come with the Christmas season. With on-going bible studies and Wednesday evening Advent services, and certainly Christmas Eve worship alone is a lot to take in. Every week I feel like all I’m doing is barley getting things done before Sunday. I am positive that I am not the only one who feels like this. Life is hectic and busy, especially in this season.

In spite of all of this, here is why I love working in the church: it forces me to reflect. This special season might just need more reflection— the opposite of busy-ness. When I think about my ‘to-do’ list, all the things that I have to get done, all the places I need to be, I try to take the time to reflect, pause and remember what Christmas is all about.

Spending time with family is not a task that can be checked off a ‘to-do’ list. Worship is not a chore for us to get through. The hectic-ness of this world at times can make us forget what is really important. Just like many of you, I too can easily

get wrapped up in making sure that I have the perfect present for everyone or have every event planned perfectly.

Here is the Gospel in this season: we are not perfect! If we were, we wouldn’t

need Jesus to come into the world.

If you are stressed or busy or anxious this season, I invite you to remember that you don’t have to be perfect. Don’t try to plan the perfect party, instead, try to spend time with those that you love. Don’t worry about having your house perfectly decorated. Try to relax in the fun and joy of Christmas. Don’t

stress about being the perfect Christian, you’re not going to be, and that’s the point.

This season we celebrate Christ’s incarnation into this world. We celebrate the baby boy in a manger who helps us in our imperfection.

Let us pray;

Gracious God, help us to rely on your perfection. Help us to worship the Christmas miracle of

Christ’s birth and the ability it gave us to build a relationship with you. Guide us in our stress and

anxiety, help us to pause and reflect. In all things, help us point to your peace at work in the world.


Pastor’s Welcome

John 1:14;16–17 And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we

have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. From his full-

ness we have all received, grace upon grace. The law

indeed was given through Mo-ses; grace and truth came

through Jesus Christ.

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Prairie Peddler September 30

First Lutheran took a group of six youth and a handful of adults to the Prairie Peddler in Butler, Ohio. The open air festival featured over 180 artisan booths, live music, festival food, artist demonstrations and hands-on crafting for the youth. The youth had fun as they looked for “God-sightings” throughout the trip. We ended the day with a horse-drawn wagon ride around the park.

WELCA Retreat October 13

On Saturday, October 13, a small group of women from First attended the 2018 WELCA Fall Retreat, hosted by St. John’s Cardington, at “All Occasions” in Waldo. It was the first time in several years that our congregation has been represented at a WELCA event. The retreat was inspiring. We were entertained by the “Leap of Faith” Dance Company, a Christian based dance education group. All the ten of the dances were introduced by a student who shared a scripture reading as well as their personal testimony. We have been inspired to again participate in WELCA and perhaps create our own group.

Family Bowling October 21

After worship on October 21, First Lutheran shared a day of family fun at Victory Lanes in Galion. More than 30 youth, parents, and community members had fun and relaxed together. Future plans are for First to continue to plan safe events that are welcoming for the whole family.

Germanfest October28

This year marked the return of German Fest, our annual celebration of all things Lutheran and German. This year our event consisted of a very German meal of bratwurst from Carle’s in Bucyrus, German and American potato salad, sauerkraut, coleslaw and beans. We had a silent auction for many donated gifts, a wine pull, and events for the kids. Many hands helped with this event and Pastor Adam is indeed looking forward to another Germanfest next year. Funds raised this year were designated for the Roof fund.

What We’ve Been Up To...


Veterans Day Luncheon November 11

The luncheon honoring our veterans followed the Sunday service on Nov. 11. It was very meaningful to me because of my twenty years service in the Air Force and all the veteran friends that I have here at First Lutheran Church. Part of my service was spent in Saudi Arabia, so I know what it is like being in a non-Christian country and to be separated from my family. Knowing the hardships and dangers facing veterans during their tours of duty and having experienced some of them, I am very appreciative that First Lutheran Church would take the time and effort to honor the service of all veterans.

~Reflection from Dick Grandy, USAF 1966-86

Commitment Sunday November 18

This year we had three “Temple Talks” leading up to Commitment Sunday given by Cathy Badenhop, Dick Grandy and Electa Foster. Each had wonderful stories sharing what First Lutheran Church meant to each of them. A potluck luncheon followed the Nov. 18 service allowing everyone to enjoy food and fellowship. Before the food was served, we played a church-related bingo game allowing us to gather information about one another. We continue to celebrate our commitment to each other at First Lutheran as well as our commitment to serve our community.

Blackford Friendsgiving Dinner November 23

Our annual Blackford Friendsgiving Dinner was held on November 23. Our merry band of volunteers enjoyed preparing turkey dinners, candied yams, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing and corn. More than 100 people were served. One comment heard: “Kevin, this was the best stuffing and sweet potatoes to come out of this kitchen!” That says a lot since we have been at this for 10 years now! Again, on behalf of the Meal Ministry team, and all of our volunteers, Thank You! Thank you for your support, love and prayers over all these years. Barry is certainly looking down on us with a very large smile.

Youth Cookie Bake November 25

On Sunday, November 25, the youth baked and decorated cookies for the homebound and shut-ins. Along with the youth, some younger children from the church helped too. During worship on the following Sunday, Pastor Adam and the children blessed the cookies to be distributed to our homebound.

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Meal Ministry All are welcome!

Every Saturday from 9:00 - 10:30 am we serve a free breakfast that includes pancakes, eggs, sausage and cereal. 2nd Tuesday of every month at 5:00 pm, a home (church) cooked meal is served to the Galion Community. Your help with food, donations, or even serving and cleaning up is always appreciated, for either meal.

First Supper Menu

December January February Ham Pork & Kraut Chili Cheesy Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Fried Bologna Green Beans Carrots Crackers Deviled eggs Cookies Cake Cupcakes Peaches Fruit Cocktail

Clothes Closet The First Lutheran Clothes Closet is open every Saturday during breakfast from 9 am-10:30 am. Donations are always accepted; however, clothing must be clean. Volunteers are needed to greet and assist customers and to do some tidying up and organizing.

Ministry Matters Helping Other People Everyday (H.O.P.E)

Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. -Galatians 6:2

Police and Fire Appreciation Dinner will be held on Friday, February 8, 2019. We will be serving from noon until 6:00 pm. This dinner is for Police, Fire, EMS and Crawford County Sheriffs only! Help is appreciated! Please contact Tammy Smith for more information.

Christmas Adopt-a-Family This year, 3 families were adopted: two for the church and one for Ivah Shifley’s workplace (Macy’s). Tags are hung on the tree in the Gathering Area. If you choose to donate any items to these families, please return the tag with the gift. Any further questions contact Tammy Smith.


The Word (Sunday Adult Ed.) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was

God. John 1:1 As Lutherans we believe in a threefold understanding of The Word: incarnate,

written, and proclaimed. In this study we will look at all aspects of The Word and how it can impact the world around us.

We will meet Sundays after worship from 11:00 am-11:45 am.

Faith Growers (Education) An intelligent mind acquires knowledge, and the ear

of the wise seeks knowledge. –Proverbs 18:15 While the education and faith development of our children and youth is under the direction of the Children and Youth Committee, Faith Growers still has an important role in enlivening the faith development of everyone else in our congregation. Our baptismal promise to engage in the understanding of our faith does not end when we become adults. First Lutheran strives to provide everyone with a place where they feel comfortable and can engage in asking questions and seeking understanding for their own faith journey. This winter, you are encouraged to take part in the adult educational portion of Light Night starting in January. Let us grow together.

Children and Youth “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these

that the kingdom of God belongs.” -Mark 10:14

Jesus and Me (J.A.M) During worship, after the children’s sermon, children aged 4 to 10 are invited to J.A.M. held in the

education wing. Activities and education are structured around the lessons for the day in a way that is more accessible for children. Contact Tammy Smith to become a J.A.M. instructor.

Youth Group The youth of First Lutheran are invited to meet after service from 11 am to 12 pm, unless there is another scheduled event.

Youth Events Lock-in—December 31 Candy Making for Homebound—February 10 Skate Rink—February 24

Confirmation: Starting last fall, the Galion area Lutheran churches came together to sponsor a two-year confirmation program. Youth in 6th or 7th grade may participate. The group rotates between First, Peace, and St. Paul's in North Robinson. We meet once a month, on the first Sunday of the month, from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm. Lunch is included.

Lock-In: First is hosting a Youth Lock-in for the community on New Year’s Eve. There will be games, movies, and a real life ball drop at midnight. Dinner starts at 6 pm and youth pick-up is between 8:30 and 9:00 the next morning. Parents are invited to join us for breakfast on New Year’s Day starting at 8 am.

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Kenneth Hayes November 29, 1926 – October 26, 2018

Mark Smith

December 22, 1955 - November 13, 2018

Advent: The season of Advent is a preparatory and anticipatory period that considers God’s faithful promises in times past, God’s fulfillment in the fullness of time, and the hope of God’s presence that opens a new future offered to the whole world. Wednesdays in Advent: Our Lutheran partnership is organizing Advent services this December. St. Paul Lutheran, First Lutheran and Trinity Lutheran will each host with Pastor Rich, Pastor Jarrod, and Pastor Adam preaching. A meal will be served by the hosting church at 6 pm with worship at 7 pm. Christmas Eve: The church’s celebration of the birth of Christ is now one of its primary festivals to proclaim the mystery of the incarnation. To commemorate Christ’s birth, Christians keep December 25 as Christmas. However, in keeping with an ancient practice that the celebration of a day begins on the prior evening, Christians celebrate this festival with worship on December 24, Christmas Eve. First will start the celebration of Christmas with special music at 8 pm on December 24. Worship will start at 8:30 pm and end with candlelight.

God will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first

things have passed away.” And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.”

Revelation 21:4-5

Worship and Music O come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! -Psalm 95:1

Helping Hands December-January-February

Assisting Minister Communion Prep CD Carrier

12/2 Susi McNeal Terry & Randy Lady Ron Buchanan

12/9 Brian Shifley Sharon Benedum Kevin & Susi McNeal

12/16 Kevin McNeal Tracy Kokiko John Renock

12/23 Mike Smith Roni Halberg Ron Buchanan

12/30 Susi McNeal Terri & Randy Lady Kevin & Susi McNeal

1/6 Brian Shifley Sharon Benedum John Renock

1/13 Kevin McNeal Tracy Kokiko Ron Buchanan

1/20 Mike Smith Roni Halberg Kevin & Susi McNeal

1/27 Susi McNeal Terri & Randy Lady John Renock

2/3 Brian Shifley Sharon Benedum Ron Buchanan

2/10 Kevin McNeal Tracy Kokiko Kevin & Susi McNeal

2/17 Mike Smith Roni Halberg John Renock

2/24 Susi McNeal Terri & Randy Lady Ron Buchanan


Greeters Mike & Tammy Smith

Coffee Cart

Lay Reader Kevin McNeal


Greeters Ed & Phyllis McElhatten

Coffee Cart

Lay Reader Cathy Badenhop


Greeters Jeff Dinkel

Coffee Cart

Lay Reader Electa Foster

O God of grace and glory, we remember before you...


December January February

2 - First Sunday in Advent

2 – Confirmation at First 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

5 - Advent Midweek Service

at St. Paul’s Dinner – 6 pm; Worship – 7 pm

8 – Breakfast and Clothes Closet

9 – 10:30 am

11 – First Supper; 5 pm

12 - Advent Midweek Service at First

Dinner – 6 pm; Worship – 7 pm

13 – Council Pot-Luck; 6:30 pm

15 – Breakfast and Clothes Closet; 9 – 10:30 am

18 – Light Night Planning

Meeting 5:30 pm

19 - Advent Midweek Service at Trinity

Dinner – 6 pm; Worship – 7 pm

22 – Breakfast and Clothes Closet 9 – 10:30 am

24 – Christmas Eve

Special Music – 8 pm Worship – 8:30 pm

29 – Breakfast and Clothes

Closet 9 – 10:30 am

31 – New Year’s Eve Youth Lock-In; 6 pm

1 – New Year’s Youth and Family Breakfast 8 am

5 – Breakfast and Clothes Closet

9 – 10:30 am

6 – Confirmation at St. Paul’s 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

8 – First Supper; 5 pm

8 – Committee Meetings; 7 pm

9 – Light Night; 6 pm – 8 pm

10 – Council Meeting; 7 pm

12 – Breakfast and Clothes

Closet; 9 – 10:30 am

15 – Children and Youth Planning Meeting

5 pm

16 – Light Night; 6 pm – 8 pm

17 – H.O.P.E. Team Meeting 4:30 pm

19 – Breakfast and Clothes

Closet; 9 – 10:30 am

23 – Light Night; 6 pm – 8 pm

26 – Breakfast and Clothes Closet 9 – 10:30 am

29 – Prayer Shawl; 7 pm

30 – Light Night

6 pm – 8 pm

2 – Breakfast and Clothes Closet 9 – 10:30 am

3 – Confirmation at Peace

11:30 am – 1:30 pm

5 – Children and Youth Planning Meeting; 5 pm

6 – Light Night; 6 pm – 8 pm

8 – Police and Fire

Appreciation Dinner 12 – 6 pm

9 – Breakfast and Clothes Closet

9 – 10:30 am

10 – Youth Candy Making for Homebound 11 am – 12 pm

12 – First Supper; 5 pm

12 – Committee Meetings; 7 pm

13 – Light Night; 6 pm – 8 pm

14 – Council Meeting; 7 pm

16 – Breakfast and

Clothes Closet; 9 – 10:30 am

21 – H.O.P.E. Team Meeting 4:30 pm

23 – Breakfast and Clothes

Closet 9 – 10:30 am

24 – Youth Skate Rink 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

26 – Prayer Shawl; 7 pm

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