Page 1: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the
Page 2: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the



Hikmet Yaman

Arapça Tercüme:

Ömer Kelhüseyin


Seçil Ofset

Sertifika No: 12068

İstanbul 2019

Page 3: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Since its establishment in 1959, the Faculty of The-ology at the Marmara University has contributed

significantly to the formation and development of reli-gious, educational, cultural and artistic life in Turkey. The Faculty’s academic work has helped provide an accurate understanding of all religious and cultural movements, especially the religion of Islam, and hence has support-ed religion to continue the contribution to the spiritual development of society and its advancements towards peace and serenity. The Faculty has over a 160 teaching staff and nearly 2,800 students in its three undergradu-ate programs and 1,800 students in its three graduate programs. With a uniquely rich library, it is an important educational centre for graduate students and research-ers. Graduates of the Faculty enjoy employment op-portunities under various state and private institutions, notably the Ministry of National Education and the Presi-dency of Religious Affair. They also continue their careers as academics, teachers, authors and artists. These grad-uates successfully and proudly represent our Faculty in all areas of society.

We aim to make the Faculty one of the best theolo-gy faculties on both the national and the international sphere. Our vision is that of a Faculty of Theology, which will provide a distinguished and a high quality level of higher education. To attain this goal the Faculty will make sure that each student that chooses to get edu-cated here, whatever her/his religious educational back-ground may be, becomes an individual who apprehends the core of religious matters, and through reading, inves-

tigating, thinking, analysing, questioning, criticizing, and taking current developments into consideration, is able to use in practice what s/he learns in our contemporary society. Furthermore, our aim is to educate theologians who can differentiate between right and wrong using the knowledge and ability of critical thinking they ac-quire here and who can improve themselves constantly by taking what is good and beneficial from any source without surrendering their own reason and will to the perspectives of others. Hence, after graduating from this faculty they will have the self-confidence that will en-able them to use the high-level education they receive to guide others rather than blindly follow and imitate. Finally, our goal is to serve our society by training individ-uals who are not only knowledgeable but also act in ac-cordance with their knowledge, who are of good moral character, who are sincere and dependable, and who are, in short, individuals the religion of Islam aims at raising.

To achieve these goals, the Faculty of Theology at the Marmara University, taking into the account the fast-changing conditions of the twenty-first century, aspires to leadership in the competitive academic en-vironment of institutions of religious higher education both on national and international level. I hope that this booklet will be helpful to prospective students and oth-ers who would like to know more about the Faculty of Theology of Marmara University, Istanbul.

Sincerely,Prof. Ali KÖSE

Dean, Faculty of Theology of Marmara University


Page 4: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Marmara University is one of the oldest high-

er education institutions in Turkey. Its history

goes back to the establishment of the Hamidiye Ticaret

Mekteb-i Ālīsi (Hamidiye College of Higher Commercial

Education) in 1883. This institution became officially

known as Marmara University in 1982.

By the time it was turned into a university, Marmara

University had 10 faculties, 8 institutes and 7 vocational

schools and colleges. With its exceptionally rapid devel-

opment, today the University has 17 faculties, 11 insti-

tutes, 8 vocational schools and colleges, 25 centers for

research and application and a hospital. It continues to

be one of the most prestigious universities in the coun-

try, with its leading academic institutions in science,

technology, education, arts and health. Close to 3,400

academic staff and more than 77,800 students are mak-

ing contributions to Marmara University’s academic ac-

tivities today in associate, undergraduate and graduate

degree programs. The University is the most multilin-

gual higher education institution in Turkey, as it provides

education in five different languages: Turkish, English,

French, German and Arabic.

Marmara University encourages its students and pro-

vides guidance for them to participate in international

academic activities. It develops, promotes and coordi-

nates international cooperation through multiple re-

sources, including the European Union Education and

Youth Programs. The members of Marmara University

enjoy the productive partnerships under multiple inter-

national programs that include the Life Long Learning

Programme, namely, the Comenius Programme, the

Erasmus Programme, the Leonardo Da Vinci Programme

and the Grundtvig Programme.

In addition to education and training, Marmara Uni-

versity has developed projects in social services and

made major contributions to economic, political, cul-

tural and other problems facing the society. It also pro-

motes and coordinates education programs that offer

services to the public outside of the regular degree pro-

grams. Through its distance education and continues

education units, the University provides distance learn-

ing and arranges cooperation with the public/private

sector and international institutions on a national and

international level.


Page 5: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Academic Units of Marmara University

Faculties Graduate Schools and Institutes Schools and Vocational Schools

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Institute of Banking and Insurance School of Banking and Insurance

Faculty of Business Administration Institute of Educational Sciences School of Jewellery Tech. and Design

Faculty of Communication Institute of European Studies School of Applied Science

Faculty of Dentistry Institute of Fine Arts School of Foreign Languages

Faculty of Economics Institute of Gastroenterology Vocational School of Justice

Faculty of Education Institute of Health Sciences Vocational School of Health Services

Faculty of Engineering Institute of Middle East Studies Vocational School of Social Sciences

Faculty of Fine Arts Institute of Neurological Sciences Vocational School of Technical Sciences

Faculty of Health Sciences Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences

Faculty of Law Institute of Social Sciences

Faculty of Medicine Institute of Turkic Studies

Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty of Political Sciences

Faculty of Sports

Faculty of Technical Education

Faculty of Technology

Faculty of Theology

Page 6: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


The core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the Istanbul Higher Islamic Insti-

tute, which was established by the Ministry of National Education in 1959. By the law of the Higher Education-al Council in 1982, the Institute was taken over by the administration of Marmara University and thus became known as Marmara University, Faculty of Theology. Since its establishment, the Faculty has had a distinguished place in the history of Islamic and religious thought in Turkey. The intellectual sources of the Faculty are root-ed in the rich legacy of the classical Islamic sciences advanced throughout a long-lasting and multi-cultured Islamic and Turkish history. The Faculty has played an important role in the academic teaching of Islamic and religious scholarly disciplines by integrating the tradi-tional spirit of Islamic disciplines with modern develop-ments in Religious Studies. A focus on traditional Islamic values paired with the advantages of critical thinking in religious matters has been and remains a definitive char-acteristic of education at the Faculty of Theology.

The Faculty is an international centre of education-al excellence, which integrates traditional and modern intellectual studies on Islam and other religions of the world. It provides this education by contextualizing Is-lamic studies within the broader field of social scienc-es and the humanities, and thus harmoniously blends modern academic disciplines with traditional scholarly fields. The Faculty provides a virtually unparalleled op-portunity to study Islam within a living Muslim society

with professionals who are well-versed in both tradition-al and modern academic methods. The Faculty aims at bringing together the rich intellectual resources of Mar-mara University’s faculty members and students with an international network of scholars to explore issues of religion in today’s complex, globalizing, and changing world.

The Faculty enhances intercultural and interreligious understanding and fosters civilizational cooperation across religious communities and nations. It develops an environment, which instils commitment to life-long learning and a deep sense of social responsibility. It works towards building a deeper and broader under-standing of the histories and contemporary patterns of the world’s religious communities by exploring the pos-sibilities for incorporating their insights in the context of modern religious studies. In light of the increasing prominence of religion in conflicts globally, the Faculty’s mission of promoting a broad, sympathetic understand-ing of the world’s religions in cooperation with individ-uals and institutions in Turkey and internationally has assumed a special and compelling urgency.

The Faculty is a pioneering national and interna-tional institute in the field. Many other theology facul-ties in Turkey are full of professors who completed their undergraduate and graduate education in the Faculty. Currently, the Faculty provides post-graduate educa-tion to many young academics who will be teaching at various Turkish higher education institutes in the future.


Page 7: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Likewise, the Faculty supports the academic establish-

ment of some international theology faculties through

sending its members of teaching to set the academic

structures and to foster intellectual cooperation therein.

In this context, the Faculty members teach periodically

in the Faculty of Theology in Osh University (Kyrgyzstan)

and in the Faculty of Theology in Near East University

(Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus).

The Faculty encourages students to develop free ex-

pressions, to respect ideas, to rejoice in discovery and in

critical thought, to pursue excellence in a spirit of pro-

ductive cooperation, and to assume responsibility for

the consequences of personal actions. The Faculty of

Theology is a scholarly institution that exemplifies an in-

ternational community of dedicated intellectuals, schol-

ars, and professionals.

Page 8: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


The Faculty offers four undergraduate degree pro-grammes: Theology, International Theology (Interna-

tional Students), Theology (English), and Theology (Arabic).

1. Theology

This programme aims at training students who

would like to specialize in religious disciplines. The cours-

es are conducted in Turkish (70%) and Arabic (30%), and

there is a one-year preparatory Arabic language class for

students who do not have the required level in the lan-

guage. Graduates are expected to have a comprehen-

sive knowledge of religious studies and to be able to

critically evaluate the Islamic intellectual heritage. They

may enter a wide variety of professions. They may pur-

sue academic careers or work as teachers of religion and

ethics at high schools. They may also seek employment

in religious services under various governmental and

non-governmental institutions.

2. International Theology (International Students)

Marmara University established a new programme

in 2007 under its Faculty of Theology in order to open

its gates to international students of Turkish descent.

Courses are conducted in Turkish (%70) and Arabic

(%30), and there is a one-year preparatory Arabic lan-

guage class for students who do not have the required

level in the language. The programme educates stu-

dents to provide religious services for Turks living in for-

eign countries. Students are accepted into this program

through a meticulous selection process conducted by

the Faculty of Theology in collaboration with the Presi-

dency of Religious Affairs. Applicants must hold a high

school degree awarded in their countries. Students are

financially supported throughout their education by the

Turkish Religious Foundation.

3. Theology (English)

Starting in the 2010-2011 academic year, Marmara

University established a new programme under its Fac-

ulty of Theology in order to open its gates to Turkish and

international students who seek to gain a well-ground-

ed academic education in the fields of Islamic Theology

and Religious Studies. The courses are conducted in the

English language, and there is a one-year preparatory

English language class for students who do not have the

required level in the language. At the end of the fourth

academic year, the students qualify for a BA degree.

4. Theology (Arabic)

This programme was established under Marmara

University Faculty of Theology by the academic year

of 2015-2016 academic year, Marmara University. The

courses are conducted in the Arabic language, and

there is a one-year preparatory Arabic language class

for students who do not have the required level in the

language. At the end of the fourth academic year, the

students qualify for a BA degree.


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Preparatory Class in Arabic

The Faculty offers a preparatory Arabic language class for the Theology, Theology (Arabic) and Interna-tional Theology programmes. The one-year prepara-tory curriculum for the Arabic language programme is designed to help students develop their Arabic skills in reading, speaking, listening, and writing. Since Arabic is the language of the Islamic religious texts, namely the Qur’an and the hadith, and the language of most of the scientific and the historical texts of the pre-modern Islamic world, the programme specifically focuses on reading and understanding traditional texts with an em-phasis on solid knowledge of grammar (sarf and nahw). After the preparatory class courses that are conducted in the Arabic language give students a chance to famil-iarize themselves with the terminology of each tradi-tional Islamic discipline as well as further develop their listening, speaking, and writing skills.

Preparatory Class in English

The one-year intensive preparatory curriculum for the English-medium Theology programme is designed to take students above and beyond general English skills. It does this by first introducing them to communi-cative and participatory language instruction. As the stu-dents develop their confidence in speaking and writing, Academic English skills are introduced. Students learn organization and structure in writing sections and pub-lic speaking and presentation skills in speaking sections. They also learn academic reading and listening skills,

such as note-taking and outlining. Finally, students en-gage in integrated-skills tasks with performance-based assessment – such as researched presentations with Power-Point and written components, or web-quests with independent review of sources. At the conclusion of the preparatory program, students are equipped with the necessary skills for productive engagement in the Theology (English) programme using English as the sole medium of instruction.

Modules in Undergraduate Degree Programmes

Most of the modules in the curricula of these dif-ferent programmes are required, but there are many elective modules to choose from with a wide range of topics. Required modules are designed to familiarize stu-dents with the history, sources, and problems of various disciplines of Islamic and Religious Studies and to teach them how to think critically in religious matters. Elective modules build upon the compulsory modules and aim to develop students’ skills in interdisciplinary studies by integrating traditional Islamic disciplines with modern developments in the area of Religious Studies.

In addition to the regular required and elective mod-ules, students must write a graduation thesis on a topic they choose under the supervision of a faculty member by the end of the eight semester in order to complete the degree requirements.

Key features of the undergraduate degree programs are compared in the table below. This is followed by ta-bles of the modules offered in each programme with their national and ECTS credits.


Page 10: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Undergraduate Degree Programmes

Enrolment Length of StudyNational Credit

(Required + Elective)ECTS

Theology 280+80 1 (Arabic Prep) + 4 years 180 (156 + 24 ) 240

International Theology (International Students)

40 1 (Arabic Prep) + 4 years 180 (156 + 24) 240

Theology (English) 40 1 (English Prep) + 4 years 180 (156 + 24) 240

Theology (Arabic) 40 1 (Arabic Prep) + 4 years 180 (156 + 24) 240

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Zorunlu Dersler | Compulsary Courses | المقررات اإلجبارية

Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


1 ATA121Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I Ataturk’s Principles and The History of Turkish Renovation I مبادئ أتاتورك والثورة التركية 1


1 ILH1101Kur’an Okuma ve Tecvid I Recitation of the Qur’an and Tajwid I قراءة القرآن والتجويد 1


1 ILH1103Tefsir Usulü Methodology of Tafsir اصول التفسير


1 ILH1105Hadis Tarihi History of Hadith تاريخ علم الحديث


1 ILH1107Siyer The Life of the Prophet Muhammad السيرة النبوية


1 ILH1111İslam İnanç Esasları Basic Islamic Beliefs اساسات العقيدة االسالمية


1 ILH-PF101PF-Seçimlik Ders I PF-Elective I مقرر اختياري تعليمي 1


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Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


1 YDAR1141Arapça Modern Metinler Contemporary Arabic Texts المتون العربية الحديثة


1 YDZx121Yabancı Dil I Foreign Language I اللغة األجنبية 1


2 ATA122Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II Ataturk’s Principles and The History of Turkish Renovation II مبادئ أتاتورك والثورة التركية 2


2 ILH1102Kur’an Okuma ve Tecvid II Recitation of the Qur’an and Tajwid II قراءة القرآن والتجويد 2


2 ILH1104Tefsir Tarihi History of Tafsir تاريخ علم التفسير


2 ILH1106Hadis Usulü Methodology of Hadith اصول الحديث


2 ILH1108İslam Tarihi History of Islam تاريخ االسالم


2 ILH1112İslam İbadet Esasları Basic Islamic Worships اساسات العبادات االسالمية


2 ILH-PF102PF-Seçimlik Ders II PF-Elective II مقرر اختياري تعليمي 2


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Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


2 YDAR1142Arapça Klasik Metinler Classical Arabic Texts المتون العربية الكالسكية


2 YDZx122Yabancı Dil II Foreign Language II اللغة األجنبية 2


3 ILH2101Kur’an Okuma ve Tecvid III Recitation of the Qur’an and Tajwid III قراءة القرآن والتجويد 3


3 ILH2103Tefsir I Tafsir I التفسير 1


3 ILH2105Hadis I Hadith I الحديث 1


3 ILH2109İslam Medeniyeti Tarihi History of Islamic Civilization تاريخ الحضارة اإلسالمية


3 ILH2111Türk-İslam Sanatları Tarihi History of Turkish-Islamic Arts تاريخ الفنون اإلسالمية التركية


3 ILH2115Mantık Logic علم المنطق


3 ILH2119Türk Din Musikisi Nazariyatı Turkish Religious Music: Theoric الموسيقى الدينية


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Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


3 ILH-PF103PF-Seçimlik Ders III PF-Elective III مقرر اختياري تعليمي 3


3 TRD121Türk Dili I Turkish Language I اللغة التركية 1


4 ILH2102Kur’an Okuma ve Tecvid IV Recitation of the Qur’an and Tajwid IV قراءة القرآن والتجويد 4


4 ILH2104Tefsir II Tafsir II التفسير 2


4 ILH2106Hadis II Hadith II الحديث 2


4 ILH2108İslam Hukukuna Giriş Introduction to Islamic Law المدخل إلى الفقه اإلسالمي


4 ILH2116Kelam Tarihi History of Kalam تاريخ علم الكالم


4 ILH2122Felsefe Tarihi History of Philosophy تاريخ الفلسفة


4 ILH-PF104PF-Seçimlik Ders IV PF-Elective IV مقرر اختياري تعليمي 4


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Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


4 ILH-PF105PF-Seçimlik Ders V PF-Elective V مقرر اختياري تعليمي 5


4 TRD122Türk Dili II Turkish Language II اللغة التركية 2


5 ILH3101Kur’an Okuma ve Tecvid V Recitation of the Qur’an and Tajwid V قراءة القرآن والتجويد 5


5 ILH3103Kelam I Kalam I علم الكالم 1


5 ILH3105İslam Hukuku I Islamic Law I الفقه اإلسالمي 1


5 ILH3107İslam Felsefesi Tarihi History of Islamic Philosophy تاريخ الفلسفة اإلسالمية


5 ILH3111Tasavvuf I Sufism I التصوف 1


5 ILH3113Din Psikolojisi Psychology of Religion علم النفس الديني


5 ILH-PF106PF-Seçimlik Ders VI PF-Elective VI مقرر اختياري تعليمي 6


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Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


5 ILH-S101Seçimlik Ders I Elective I مقرر اختياري 1


5 ILH-US101Üniversite Seçimlik Ders University Elective مقرر اختياري جامعي


6 ILH3102Kur’an Okuma ve Tecvid VI Recitation of the Qur’an and Tajwid VI قراءة القرآن والتجويد 6


6 ILH3104Kelam II Kalam II علم الكالم 2


6 ILH3106İslam Hukuku II Islamic Law II الفقه اإلسالمي 2


6 ILH3112Tasavvuf II Sufism II التصوف 2


6 ILH3114Din Sosyolojisi Sociology of Religion علم االجتماع الديني


6 ILH3116Din Felsefesi Philosophy of Religion فلسفة األديان


6 ILH-PF107PF-Seçimlik Ders VII PF-Elective VII مقرر اختياري تعليمي 7


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Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


6 ILH-PF108PF-Seçimlik Ders VIII PF-Elective VIII مقرر اختياري تعليمي 8


6 ILH-S102Seçimlik Ders II Elective II مقرر اختياري 2


7 ILH4101Kur’an Okuma ve Tecvid VII Recitation of the Qur’an and Tajwid VII قراءة القرآن والتجويد 7


7 ILH4103İslam Hukuk Usulü Methodology of Islamic Law أصول الفقه اإلسالمي


7 ILH4105İslam Mezhepleri Tarihi History of Islamic Sects تاريخ المذاهب االسالمية


7 ILH4107Türk-İslam Edebiyatı Turkish-Islamic Literature األدب التركي اإلسالمي


7 ILH-PF109PF-Seçimlik Ders IX PF-Elective IX مقرر اختياري تعليمي 9


7 ILH-S103Seçimlik Ders III Elective III مقرر اختياري 3


7 ILH-S104Seçimlik Ders IV Elective IV مقرر اختياري 4


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Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


7 ILH-S105Seçimlik Ders V Elective V مقرر اختياري 5


8 ILH4102Kur’an Okuma ve Tecvid VIII Recitation of the Qur’an and Tajwid VIII قراءة القرآن والتجويد 8


8 ILH4104Dinler Tarihi History of Religions تاريخ األديان


8 ILH4106İslam Ahlak Esasları ve Felsefesi Islamic Moral Principles and Ethics فلسفة وأصول األخالق اإلسالمية


8 ILH4108Din Eğitimi Religious Education علم تربية الدين


8 ILH-PF110PF-Seçimlik Ders X PF-Elective X مقرر اختياري تعليمي 10


8 ILH-S106Seçimlik Ders VI Elective VI مقرر اختياري 6


8 ILH-S107Seçimlik Ders VII Elective VII مقرر اختياري 7


8 ILH-S108Seçimlik Ders VIII Elective VIII مقرر اختياري 8


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Yabancı Dil | Foreign Language | اللغة األجنبية

Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


1 YDZA121Almanca I German I اللعة األلمانية 1


1 YDZF121Fransızca I French I اللغة الفرنسية 1


1 YDZI121İngilizce I English I اللغة اإلنجليزية 1


2 YDZA122Almanca II German II اللعة األلمانية 2


2 YDZF122Fransızca II French II اللغة الفرنسية 2


2 YDZI122İngilizce II English II اللغة اإلنجليزية 2


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Seçimlik Dersler | Elective Courses | المقررات اإلختيارية

Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


1 EGT1501Eğitim Bilimlerine Giriş Introduction to Educational Sciences المدخل إلى علوم التريية


2 EGT4902Rehberlik Guidance التوجيه


2 EGT4904Türk Eğitim Sistemi ve Okul Yönetimi Turkish Educational System and School Management نظام التعليم التركي وإدارة المدرسة


2 EGT4906Karakter ve Değerler Eğitimi Moral and values Education تعليم الشحصية والقيم


3 EGT4901Öğretmenlik Meslek Etiği Teacher Professional Ethics أخالقيات التدريس


3 EGT4903Eğitimde Program Geliştirme Curriculum Development In Education تطوير المناهج في التعليم


3 EGT4905Eğitim Sosyolojisi Educational Sociology علم اإلجتماع التربوي


4 EGT2502Eğitim Psikolojisi Educational Psychology علم النفس التربوي


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Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


4 EGT2504Sınıf Yönetimi Classroom Management إدارة الفصول الدراسية


5 EGT3501Öğretim İlke ve Yöntemleri Principles and Methods of Teaching مبادي وأساليب التدريس


6 EGT3502Eğitimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Measurement and Evaluation القياس والتقويم في التعليم


6 EGT3504Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarımı Teaching Technologies and Material Design تقنيات التعليم وتطوير األدوات


7 EGT4501Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri Special Teaching Methods طرق التدريس الخاص


8 EGT4502Öğretmenlik Uygulaması Teaching Practice ممارسة التدريس


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Yarıyıl Semester


Kod Code رمز

Ders Adı Course Name اسم المقرر

Kredi ECTS


6 BSB4813Çağdaş Türk Düşüncesi Contemporary Turkish Thought الفكر التركي المعاصر


6 ILH4601Kur’an’ın Ana Konuları Main Themes of the Quran مواضيع القرآن األساسية


6 ILH4602Kur’an’a Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar Contemporary Approaches to The Qur’an قراءات معاصرة للقرأن


6 ILH4603Tefsir Metinleri Texts in Tafsir متون التفسير


6 ILH4604Günümüz Tefsir Problemleri Comtemporary Problems in Tafsir القضايا التفسيرية المعاصرة


6 ILH4621Batıda İslam Araştırmaları Islamic Studies in Europe البحوث لالسالمية في الغرب


6 ILH4622Hadis Kaynakları ve Kritiği Criticism of the Hadith Sources مصادر و نقد الحديث


6 ILH4623Hadis Tenkit Metotları Hadith Criticism مناهج نقد الحديث


6 ILH4624Günümüz Hadis Problemleri Contemporary Problems in Hadith القضايا الحديثية المعاصرة


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6 ILH4625Seçme Hadis Metinleri Selected Texts in Hadith المتون المختارة لعلم الحديث


6 ILH4641İslam İktisadı Islamic Economy االقتصاد اإلسالمي


6 ILH4642Mukayeseli İslam Hukuku Comparative Islamic Law الفقه اإلسالمي المقارن


6 ILH4643Klasik Fıkıh Metinleri Classical Texts in Fiqh المتون الفقهية القديمة


6 ILH4644Modern Fıkıh Metinleri Texts in Islamic Jurisprudence المتون الفقهية المعاصرة


6 ILH4645Günümüz Fıkıh Problemleri Comtemporary Problems in Fiqh القضايا الفقهة المعاصرة


6 ILH4646İslam Bankacılığı Islamic Banking المصرفية اإلسالمية


6 ILH4647Vakıflar Tarihi ve Hukuku History and Law of Charitable Foundation تاريخ و حقوق االوقاف


6 ILH4661Mukayeseli Kelam Comparative Theology علم الكالم المقارن


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6 ILH4662Kelam Metodolojisi Methodology of Kalam المنهجية في علم الكالم


6 ILH4663Mukayeseli Din Terminolojisi Comparative Religious Terms المصطلحات الدينية المقارنة


6 ILH4664Türk Kelamcıları Turkish Theologians المتكلمون االتراك


6 ILH4665Klasik Kelam Metinleri Classical Texts in Kalam المتون الكالمية القديمة


6 ILH4666Günümüz Kelam Problemleri Contemporary Problems in Kalam القضايا الكالمية المعاصرة


6 ILH4681Alevilik Bektaşilik Alevism Bektashism المذهب العلوي والبكتاشي


6 ILH4682Çağdaş İslam Akımları Contemporary Islamic Movements التيارات اإلسالمية المعاصرة


6 ILH4691Osmanlıca Tasavvuf Metinleri Ottoman Turkish Texts in Sufism متون علم التصوف


6 ILH4692Klasik Tasavvuf Metinleri Classical Texts in Sufism متون علم التصوف


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6 ILH4693İslamiyat Metinleri: İngilizce Islamic Studies Literature in English متون البحوث االسالمية بللغة االنجيليزية


6 ILH4694İslamiyat Metinleri: Almanca Islamic Studies Literature in German متون البحوث االسالمية بللعة األلمانية


6 ILH4695İslamiyat Metinleri: Fransızca Islamic Studies Literature in French متون البحوث االسالمية بللغة الفرنسية


6 ILH4721Güzel Kur’an Okuma Fine Recitation of the Qur’an قراءة القرآن بالتجويد


6 ILH4722Kıraat Qiraat علم القراءات


6 ILH4723Tecvid Metinleri Tajwid Texts متون علم التجويد


6 ILH4724Kıraat Metinleri Qiraat Texts متون علم القراءة


6 ILH4725Dini Hitabet Religious Oration الخطابة الدينية


6 ILH4801Günümüz Felsefe Akımları Comtemporary Philosophic Movements تيارات الفلسفة المعاصرة


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6 ILH4802Felsefenin Temel Problemleri Main Problems of Philosophy قضايا الفلسفة األساسية


6 ILH4811İslam Bilim Tarihi History of Islamic Science التاريخ االسالمي في العلوم


6 ILH4812Mukayeseli İslam ve Batı Düşüncesi Comparative Islamic and Western Thought المقارنة بين الفكر االسالمي و الغربي


6 ILH4814İslam Medeniyetinde Bilgi, Bilim ve Yöntem Knowledge, Science and Methodology in Islamic Civilization المعرفة والعلم والمنهج في الحضارة اإلسالمية


6 ILH4821Din Felsefesinin Problemleri Problems of Philosophy of Religion قضايا فلسفة الدين


6 ILH4822Din Felsefesinin Kaynakları Resources of Philosophy of Religion مصادر فلسفة الدين


6 ILH4831Mantık Tarihi History of Logic تاريخ علم المنطق


6 ILH4832Klasik Mantık Metinleri Classical Texts in Logic المتون القدية في المنطق


6 ILH4841Dinler ve Kültürlerarası İlişkiler History of Islamic Science العالقات بين االديان و الثقافات


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6 ILH4842Yaşayan Dünya Dinleri Contemporary World Religions األديان العالمية الحية


6 ILH4843Yeni Dini Hareketler Contemporary Religious Movements الحركات الدينية الجديدية


6 ILH4851Din Antropolojisi Religious Anthropology أنتروبولوجيا ىاألديان


6 ILH4852Batıda Din Devlet ve Toplum İlişkileri Religion-State and Society Relations in The West العالقات بين الدين و الدولة و المجتمع في الغرب


6 ILH4861Din Psikolojisinin Problemleri Problems of Psychology of Religion قضايا علم النفس الديني


6 ILH4862Dini ve Manevi Danışmanlık Religious and Spiritual Guidance اإلشراف الديني والمعنوي


6 ILH4863Engellilik, Sosyal Hizmet ve Din Disability, Social Service and Religion العجز والخدمات االجتماعية والدين


6 ILH4871Din Eğitiminde Gelişmeler Developments in Religious Education تطورات في علم تربية األديان


6 ILH4872Batıda Dini Kurumlar ve Din Eğitimi Religious Institutions and Religious Education in The West المؤسسات الدينية في الغرب و التعليم الديني


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6 ILH4873Yaygın Din Eğitimi Informal Religious Education التعليم الديني المنتشر


6 ILH4874Din Hizmetlerinde Rehberlik ve İletişim Guidance and Information in Religious Services اإلرشاد والتواصل في الخدمات الدينية


6 ILH4901İslam-Hıristiyanlık İlişkileri Tarihi History of Islamic-Christian Relations تاريخ العالقات بين االسالم و المسيحية


6 ILH4902Türk-İslam Devletleri Tarihi History of Turkish-Islamic States تاريخ الدول اإلسالمية التركية


6 ILH4942Dini-Edebi Metinler Religious-Literary Texts المتون الدينية االدبية


6 ILH4961Dini Musiki Repertuarı Religious Music Repertoire الموسيقى الديني


6 ILH4962Türk Din Musikisinde Makam Bilgisi Knowledge of Maqam in Turkish Religious Music اللحن في الموسيقى الديني


6 ILH4963Türk Musikisi Formları Turkish Music Forms االشكال الموسيقية التركية


6 ILH4964Türk Din Musikisinde Solfej Solfege in Turkish Religious Music التنغيم في الموسيقى الديني التركي


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6 ILH4965Uygulamalı Cami Musikisi Applied Mosque Music الموسيقى المسجدي التطبيقي


6 ILH4966Türk Musikisi Tarihi History of Turkish Music تاريخ الموسيقى التركي


6 ILH4967Türk Din Musikisinde Makamlar Maqamat in Turkish Religious Music االلحان في الموسيقى الديني التركي


6 KSS4921Klasik Türk Sanatları Classical Turkish Arts الفنون التركية القديمة


6 KSS4922Şehir ve Kültür: İstanbul City and Culture: Istanbul المدينة والثقافة إسطنبول


6 KSS4923Hüsn-i Hat Tarihi ve Esasları History and Basics of Arabic Calligraphy تاريخ علم الخط و اساساته


6 KSS4924Hüsn-i Hat: Rik’a Arabic Calligraphy: Riq’a فن الخط 1


6 KSS4925Hüsn-i Hat: Nesih Arabic Calligraphy: Naskh فن الخط 2


6 KSS4926Hüsn-i Hat: Sülüs Arabic Calligraphy: Thuluth فن الخط 3


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6 KSS4943Kütüphanecilik ve Arşivcilik Librarianship and Archiving علم المكتبات واألرشيف


6 PSK4863Sosyal Psikoloji Social Psychology علم النفس االجتماعي


6 SOS4853Sosyal Bilimler Metodolojisi Methodology of Social Sciences المنهجية في العلوم االجتماعية


6 TAR4903Osmanlı Tarihi Ottoman History التاريخ العثماني


6 TAR4904İslam Ülkeleri Tarih ve Coğrafyası History and Geography of Islamic Countries تاريخ وجغرافيا العالم اإلسالمي


6 TAR4905Paleografi Paleography علم النصوص القديمة


6 TAR4906Tarih Usul ve Tenkidi Historiography نقد التاريخ و اصوله


6 TAR4907Tarih Felsefesi Philosophy of History فلسفة التاريخ


6 TDE4941Klasik Osmanlı Türkçesi Metinleri Classical Texts in Ottoman Turkish متون اللغة العثمانية


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6 TDE4944Osmanlı Türkçesi Ottoman Turkish اللغة العثمانية


6 TDE4945Divan Edebiyatı Metinleri Texts in Classical Ottoman Literature متون األدب التركي القديم


6 YDAR4701Arap Edebiyatı Metinleri: İslami Dönem Arabic Literary Texts: Islamic Period المتون األدبية العربية في العهد اإلسالي


6 YDAR4702Arap Edebiyatı Metinleri: Abbasi Dönemi Arabic Literary Texts: Abbasid Period المتون األدبية العربية في العهد العباسي


6 YDAR4703Arap Edebiyatı Metinleri: Osmanlı Dönemi Arabic Literary Texts: Ottoman Period المتون األدبية العربية في العهد العثماني


6 YDAR4704Arap Edebiyatı Metinleri: Modern Dönem Arabic Literary Texts: Modern Period المتون األدبية العربية في العهد الحديث


6 YDAR4705Arap Dili Belagatı: Meani Rhetoric of Arabic Language: Maani اليالغة العربية: المعاني


6 YDAR4706Arap Dili Belagatı: Beyan ve Bedi Rhetoric of Arabic Language: Bayan and Badi البالغة العربية: البيان والبديع


6 YDAR4707Arap Edebiyatı Tarihi History of Arabic Literature تاريخ األدب العربي


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6 YDFA4705Farsça Persian اللغة الفارسية


5 ILH4601Kur’an’ın Ana Konuları Main Themes of the Quran مواضيع القرآن األساسية


5 ILH4621Batıda İslam Araştırmaları Islamic Studies in Europe البحوث لالسالمية في الغرب


5 ILH4641İslam İktisadı Islamic Economy االقتصاد اإلسالمي


5 ILH4642Mukayeseli İslam Hukuku Comparative Islamic Law الفقه اإلسالمي المقارن


5 ILH4647Vakıflar Tarihi ve Hukuku History and Law of Charitable Foundation تاريخ و حقوق االوقاف


5 ILH4661Mukayeseli Kelam Comparative Theology علم الكالم المقارن


5 ILH4682Çağdaş İslam Akımları Contemporary Islamic Movements التيارات اإلسالمية المعاصرة


5 ILH4691Osmanlıca Tasavvuf Metinleri Ottoman Turkish Texts in Sufism متون علم التصوف


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5 ILH4721Güzel Kur’an Okuma Fine Recitation of the Qur’an قراءة القرآن بالتجويد


5 ILH4811İslam Bilim Tarihi History of Islamic Science التاريخ االسالمي في العلوم


5 ILH4812Mukayeseli İslam ve Batı Düşüncesi Comparative Islamic and Western Thought المقارنة بين الفكر االسالمي و الغربي


5 ILH4814İslam Medeniyetinde Bilgi, Bilim ve Yöntem Knowledge, Science and Methodology in Islamic Civilization المعرفة والعلم والمنهج في الحضارة اإلسالمية


5 ILH4841Dinler ve Kültürlerarası İlişkiler History of Islamic Science العالقات بين االديان و الثقافات


5 ILH4842Yaşayan Dünya Dinleri Contemporary World Religions األديان العالمية الحية


5 ILH4851Din Antropolojisi Religious Anthropology أنتروبولوجيا ىاألديان


5 ILH4964Türk Din Musikisinde Solfej Solfege in Turkish Religious Music التنغيم في الموسيقى الديني التركي


5 KSS4921Klasik Türk Sanatları Classical Turkish Arts الفنون التركية القديمة


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5 KSS4923Hüsn-i Hat Tarihi ve Esasları History and Basics of Arabic Calligraphy تاريخ علم الخط و اساساته


5 TAR4905Paleografi Paleography علم النصوص القديمة


5 TDE4941Klasik Osmanlı Türkçesi Metinleri Classical Texts in Ottoman Turkish متون اللغة العثمانية


5 YDAR4701Arap Edebiyatı Metinleri: İslami Dönem Arabic Literary Texts: Islamic Period المتون األدبية العربية في العهد اإلسالي


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The Faculty has three graduate programmes: Basic Islamic Studies, Philosophy and Religious Studies,

and Islamic History and Arts.


This program is one of the oldest programs in the

Faculty. Its well-established fields of research include the

interpretation of the Qur’an, the Hadith, the legal rules

concerning practical life in Islam, the principles of Islam-

ic belief, the theological and intellectual denominations

and sects in Islam, and the mystical dimensions of Islam.

The comprehensive nature of the programme’s fields of

research instils in students a critical and scholarly grasp

of the classical Islamic disciplines. The programme con-

sists of eight departments: Department of Qur’anic Rec-

itation, Qur’anic Exegesis, Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence,

Kalām, History of Islamic Sects, Sufism, and Arabic Lan-

guage and Rhetoric.

Department of Qur’anic Recitation

The discipline of Qur’anic recitation aims at equipping

the students with the skills to be able to recite the Qur’an

accurately according to tajweed rules and to ensure that

the student gain the skill of memorizing certain chapters

of the Qur’an. Its main research area is with regards to

the various readings of the Qur’an and its practive within

contempoarary society.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Mehmet Emin Masali

Assoc. Prof. Erdogan Bas

Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Atilla Akdemir

Assoc. Prof. Munteha Masali

Assist. Prof. Kâmil Yasaroglu

Assist. Prof. Mustafa Kilic

Res. Assist. Naci Demirci

Lect. Emrullah Tuncel

Lect. Hidayet Ayan

Lect. Ishak Kizilarslan

Department of Qur’anic Exegesis

The scholarly discipline of Qur’anic exegesis aims

at elucidating the meanings of the Qur’anic verses. Its

main research areas include the stylistic features of the

Qur’an, the major themes of the Qur’an, the history of

the textualization of the Qur’an, variant readings of the

Qur’an, the history of Qur’anic exegesis, the Qur’anic

sciences (‘ulum al-Qur’an), contemporary approaches to

the Qur’an, the translation of the Qur’anic text into other

languages, the relevance of the Semitic languages in the

study of the Qur’an, and Qur’anic studies in the West. In

this context, Qur’anic exegesis examines the revelation

from an interdisciplinary perspective, making use of Is-


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lamic disciplines like Hadith, History, and the Biography

of the Prophet Muhammad as well as modern sciences

such as Hermeneutics, Semantics, Anthropology, Ar-

chaeology, and Semiotics.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Abdulaziz Hatip

Prof. Abdulhamit Birisik

Prof. Bahaddin Dartma

Prof. Muhsin Demirci

Prof. Murat Sulun

Prof. Mustafa Ozturk

Prof. Omer Celik

Assoc. Prof. Aydin Temizer

Assoc. Prof. Muhammet Abay

Assist. Prof. Muhammed Coskun

Res. Assist. Mustafa Taha Guler

Lect. Dr. Fidaa Alislam Al Majzoub

Department of Hadith

The science of Hadith studies the sayings ascribed

to and reports about the Prophet Muhammad, uni-

formly called hadith, and the historical development

of their transmission chains (sanad) and texts (matn). Its

main research areas are the source value and authentic-

ity of hadith and sunnah, their transmission, recording,

collection, and classification, and the religious, political,

and socio-cultural variables affecting these processes.

The Department, at the undergraduate and graduate

level, focuses particularly on the nature, efficiency, and

problems of the sources of hadith and traditional had-

ith methodology. Until recently graduate level studies mainly focused on the identification and discussion of classical hadith issues. More recent studies, however, have centred particularly on the problematic issues of the field and on searching for new methodologies in understanding and interpreting the hadith. The main characteristic of these studies is their emphasis on how to evaluate the hadith and their history and literature in a scientific manner and on what kind of conceptual and theoretical system can be employed in this evaluation. In this context, the department of Hadith attaches great importance to interdisciplinary approaches and meth-ods.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Hasan Cirit

Prof. Mehmet Ozsenel

Assoc. Prof. Aynur Uraler

Assoc. Prof. Ayse Esra Sahyar

Assoc. Prof. Ataullah Sahyar

Assist. Prof. Muhammed Enes Topgul

Assist. Prof. Mehmet Efendioglu

Assist. Prof. Mustafa Macit Karagozoglu

Assist. Prof. Rahile Kizilkaya Yilmaz

Res. Assist. Omer Faruk Maden

Department of Islamic Jurisprudence

Islamic Jurisprudence refers to the study of the le-gal rules (ahkam) of Islam concerning practical life. These rules are based on specific Islamic proofs and resources. By means of this discipline, one knows one’s religious rights and responsibilities. The department consists of

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three sub-fields: Islamic Law (fiqh), History and Meth-

odology of Islamic Law (usul al-fiqh), and Comparative

Islamic Law. The department offers history and meth-

odology courses, as well as courses on a wide range

of Islamic legal topics that include Family Law, Obliga-

tions Law, Criminal Law, Inheritance Law, Administration

Law, International Law, and Public Law. Through these

courses students are exposed to the primary sources

of Islamic Jurisprudence, the prominent schools of fiqh

that emerged throughout the history of Islamic Jurispru-

dence, the pioneering figures of these schools and their

contributions to Islamic Jurisprudence, and the general

characteristics of these schools. Graduate level courses

focus on authentic, objective, and research-based field

studies related to the central issues in Islamic Jurispru-


Current Academic Staff

Prof. Abdullah Kahraman

Prof. Hasan Hacak

Prof. Kemal Yildiz

Prof. Ertugrul Boynukalin

Assoc. Prof. Ismail Cebeci

Assoc. Prof. Sami Erdem

Assist. Prof. Hacer Kontbay

Assist. Prof. Nail Okuyucu

Res. Assist. Aysegul Simsek

Res. Assist. Muhammed Usame Onus

Lect. Ismail Eris

Department of Kalām

The discipline of Kalām focuses on deriving the theo-

logical principles of the Islamic religion outlined in the

Qur’an and defending these principles against other

philosophical and theological world-views. Kalām anal-

yses the Islamic conception of belief (called tawhid in

the Qur’an) and other central articles of faith in Islam,

including Divinity (uluhiyya), Prophethood (nubuwwa),

and Afterlife (ma‘ad). The Department has two sub-fields:

History of Kalām and Systematic Kalām. In the former,

there are courses on the formative period and condi-

tions of the discipline, the main theological paradigms

and principles that have emerged throughout its his-

tory, and the like. Islamic theological schools (Murji’a,

Jabriyya, Mu‘tazila, Ash‘ariyya, Maturidiyya, Shi‘a, etc.) are

investigated from a comparative perspective. In the lat-

ter sub-field, there are courses on classical theological

issues such as divinity, prophethood, afterlife, the hu-

man being, morality, and reason and revelation, as well

as contemporary theological topics such as secularism,

atheism, reincarnation, religion and science, religion and

politics, democracy, human rights, and the environment.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Hatice Kelpetin Arpagus

Prof. Hulya Alper

Prof. Yusuf Sevki Yavuz

Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Bulgen

Assist. Prof. Hayrettin Nebi Gudekli

Res. Assist. Ayse Nur Yazici

Res. Assist. Mehmet Akif Kahveci

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Department of History of Islamic Sects

The department examines various political and theo-logical understandings of the Islamic religion and the intellectual manifestations of these understandings. The department has two sub-fields: Classical Islamic Sects and Contemporary Islamic Trends. The former investi-gates denominational groups (Khawarij, Shi‘a, Mu‘tazila, Murji’a, Ash‘ariyya, Maturidiyya, Druze, Nusayriyya, Yazidi-yya, etc.) that came into existence with certain political and theological objectives during the classical Islamic period. The latter examines contemporary national (Is-lamism, Alevilik-Bektaşilik, Süleymancılık, Nurculuk, and the Milli Görüş Movement) and international (Qadi-ani-Ahmadiyya, the Baha’i Faith, Salafiyya, Wahhabiyya, al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun) religious trends. The department studies the conditions under which the sects came into existence, the reasons for their coming into being, and their formative periods, main ideas, followers, literatures, regions, and contributions to Islamic intellectual history. By its nature, the department is widely open to interdis-ciplinary study. Accordingly, depending on the topic under investigation, it cooperates closely with various disciplines including Islamic History, Kalam, Islamic Juris-prudence, Sufism, and Sociology of Religion.

Current Academic Staff

Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Umit

Lect. Mehmet Toprak

Department of Sufism

The discipline of Sufism refers to the study of the in-ner or esoteric dimension of Islam, the ways of purify-ing the human soul from this-worldly and lowly desires

and turning it exclusively to the service of God through the obligatory and supererogatory acts of worship out-lined in the Qur’an and the sunnah of the Prophet Mu-hammad. Sufism teaches the ways of travelling in the direction of the presence of God and of cleansing the soul from blameworthy characteristics, as well as how to beautify it with praiseworthy character traits. The department teaches Sufism as an essential part of the Islamic scholarly tradition, without which one cannot understand the complete picture of Islamic learning. It offers courses on the historical origin, development, and content of Sufism and its religious significance in Islam. It also provides an education in the central themes and figures of Sufism, concentrating on the theoretical and practical aspects of the discipline. As a part of its curric-ulum, the department focuses on the history of Sufism in Turkish lands, especially in Anatolia. It offers courses on the pioneering Turkic figures of Sufism, including Ja-lal al-Din Rumi, Yunus Emre, and Hacı Bektaş Veli, who served humanity at both the national and international level through their groundbreaking ideas and works. All these figures offer models of building a more peaceful and brotherly life based on love and tolerance. The de-partment places special importance on interdisciplinary studies throughout its investigations. In this context, it works in close collaboration with other intellectual fields, including Psychology and Sociology.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Necdet Tosun

Prof. Safi Arpagus

Prof. Suleyman Derin

Assoc. Prof. Ali Namli

Assoc. Prof. Dilaver Selvi

Page 39: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Assoc. Prof. Semih Ceyhan

Assist. Prof. Ercan Alkan

Assist. Prof. Nedim Tan

Res. Assist. Zeynep Seyma Ozkan

Department of Arabic Language and Rhetoric

The Arabic language is considered the backbone of

Islamic Studies and teaching Arabic has been empha-

sized in the Faculty of Theology since its foundation.

Despite this, the department of Arabic Language and

Rhetoric was established as an independent depart-

ment only in 1989. Since then the department has not

completed its academic structuring and thus has yet to

open a graduate program. With recent additions to the

teaching staff, efforts are currently underway to start

offering graduate level courses in the near future. Cur-

rently the department organizes and administers the

one-year intensive Arabic preparatory curriculum, re-

quired of all students of the Theology and International

Theology programmes, and offers supplementary Ara-

bic courses in the upper classes of all programmes.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Halil İbrahim Kacar

Assoc. Prof. Sukran Fazlioglu

Assist. Prof. Abdussamet Bakkaloglu

Assist. Prof. Ali Benli

Assist. Prof. Yilmaz Ozdemir

Res. Assist. Yakup Kara

Lect. Dr. Mehmet Erel

Lect. Dr. Muhammed Husnu Ciftci

Lect. Dr. Mustafa Genc

Lect. Abdulhamid Ramazanoglu

Lect. Ayse Ibrahimoglu Guner

Lect. Huseyin Kaya

Lect. Mahmut Sami Kanbas



This programme is one of the oldest and most

well-established programmes in the Faculty. It offers

courses on a wide range of intellectual fields, including

the historical development of philosophical thought,

the intellectual trends in Islamic and Western thought,

the interaction between Islamic and Western thought,

the nature of religion, the relation between reason and

revelation, the beginning of religions and diverse creeds,

the manifestations of religion in social and individual life,

the methods and rules for thinking correctly, and the his-

tory of religious education and its position in contem-

porary educational systems. Utilizing the diverse meth-

ods and theories of the various fields of the humanities,

such as philosophy, sociology, logic, psychology, and

education, the programme in Philosophy and Religious

Studies provides its students a unique opportunity to

analyse the phenomenon of religion from a compre-

hensive perspective. The programme consists of eight

main departments: History of Philosophy, Islamic Philos-

ophy, Philosophy of Religion, Logic, History of Religions,

Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion, and Reli-

gious Education.

Page 40: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Department of History of Philosophy

The department offers courses on systematic philos-

ophy and the history of philosophy. The courses cover a

wide variety of topics, including ontology, epistemology,

metaphysics, and ethics; in this context, they examine

the philosophical discussions of the pioneering figures

in the Western and Islamic philosophical traditions. The

department consists of five sub-fields: Ancient Philoso-

phy, Medieval Philosophy, Renaissance Philosophy, Ear-

ly-Modern Philosophy, and Modern Philosophical Trends.

Each sub-field focuses on specific philosophical topics.

Ancient Philosophy introduces a survey of ancient Greek

philosophy, with an emphasis on Socrates, Plato, and Ar-

istotle. Topics include ontology, epistemology, ethics,

politics, and the like. One may find the seeds and earliest

versions of many later philosophical theories within the

discussions of the ancient Greek philosophers. Medieval

Philosophy aims at articulating topics that include the

relationship between philosophy and religion, the rela-

tionship between reason and revelation, and proofs for

the existence of God. Such topics are examined in the

writings of central philosophical figures of the period

in the West (Anselm, Augustus, Aquinas, etc.), in com-

parison with the discussions of the Medieval Muslim

philosophers (al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, al-Ghazali, Ibn

Rushd, etc.) on the same topics. Renaissance Philosophy

focuses on the discussions of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler,

and Bacon, while Early-Modern Philosophy concentrates

on the major metaphysical and epistemological writings

of Descartes, Locke, Hume, Leibniz, and Kant. Topics in-

clude the nature and limits of human knowledge and

the relation between science and philosophy. Modern

Philosophical Trends introduces a survey of the discus-

sions of the philosophers of the post-Kantian period.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Huseyin Karaman

Assist. Prof. Humeyra Ozturan

Department of Islamic Philosophy

The term Islamic Philosophy refers to the philo-

sophical thought produced within Islamic culture and

in Muslim lands. It represents a rich and inclusive facet

of the Islamic intellectual heritage. A solid understand-

ing of the nature of Islamic Philosophy is crucial for

analysing the history of Islamic and Western scholarly

disciplines. In the Islamic context, Islamic Philosophy

is intrinsically related to the other Islamic sciences, in-

cluding Kalam, Sufism, and Jurisprudence, and the dis-

cipline’s approach to many issues developed out of a

cross-disciplinary context shared with other Islamic sci-

ences. All these disciplines survey topics such as proofs

for the existence of God and whether humans possess

free will. In the Western context, one may see many

philosophical discussions in the writings of Jewish and

Christian philosophers originally based on the works

of Muslim philosophers. For instance, Western philos-

ophers from the Medieval and Early-Modern periods

owe a great deal of their philosophical discussions to

Islamic figures, such as Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd. The

department of Islamic Philosophy offers courses on

almost all philosophical topics, including logic, episte-

mology, ontology, metaphysics, ethics, and politics. The

department consists of three sub-fields: The History of

Islamic Philosophy, The History of Turkish Thought, and

Islamic Ethics.

Page 41: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Current Academic Staff

Prof. Ilhan Kutluer

Prof. Omer Turker

Assoc. Prof. Hikmet Yaman

Res. Assist. Selime Cinar

Department of Philosophy of Religion

The Department offers courses to senior undergrad-

uate level students during their third and fourth years.

In their first and second years, students take courses on

basic Islamic studies (e.g., Qur’anic Exegesis, Hadith, Is-

lamic Jurisprudence, and Kalam) and on philosophical

studies (e.g., Logic, History of Philosophy, and Islamic

Philosophy). Then, during their study of philosophy of

religion, they concentrate on philosophical-theological

topics from interdisciplinary and comprehensive per-

spectives. The department introduces central themes,

both historical as well as contemporary, in the philoso-

phy of religion. Topics include the relation between rea-

son and revelation, arguments for and against the exis-

tence of God, the divine attributes, the relation between

God, man, and the world, the problem of evil, miracles,

morality, the relation between religion and science, and

life and death.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Rahim Acar

Assoc. Prof. Zeynep Gemuhluoglu

Department of Logic

Logic refers to the human art that teaches the use of valid reasoning and how to differentiate this from falla-cious argumentation. In this regard, it should be prioritized above all other human sciences, including religious sci-ences, since it is the primary key and tool to attain correct knowledge in all intellectual fields. Accordingly, in the clas-sical philosophical tradition, the classification of sciences follows the following order: logic, physics, and metaphys-ics. The department offers courses on the history of logic, ranging from the Ancient Greek and Islamic Philosophical traditions to Contemporary Western Philosophy. Its cours-es cover central logical themes (e.g., syllogistic logic, mod-al logic, inductive reasoning, and deductive reasoning) and historical figures (e.g., Aristotle, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, and Nasir al-Din al-Tusi).

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Ali Durusoy

Assoc. Prof. Ferruh Ozpilavci

Department of History of Religions

The discipline of History of Religions examines reli-gions from both historical and comparative perspec-tives, and may accordingly be approached in two schol-arly methods: historical and comparative. Following the data produced in historical studies, History of Religions makes use of theories in history and philology, and analyses the historical development of religions with respect to their origins, formations, articles of faith, acts of worship, and ethical principles. From the perspective of comparative studies, History of Religions investigates the relations between religions with respect to their

Page 42: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


differences, similarities, and shared characteristics, and makes comparisons between them in these contexts. The discipline addresses all religions that have appeared in the world. The inclusive nature of the field necessitates a systematic collaboration between History of Religions and other human sciences, especially History, Phenome-nology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion, and Philosophy of Religion. Philology provides essential support to History of Religions, because reli-gious scriptures may be deciphered through philologi-cal examination. History of Religions also draws from the fields of Mythology, Ethnology, Archaeology, History of Arts, Folklore, and the like.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. İsmail Taspinar

Assoc. Prof. Bilal Bas

Assoc. Prof. Amjad Hussain

Res. Assist. Dr. Ayse Icoz

Department of Sociology of Religion

Sociology of Religion is the study of the relation be-tween religion and social structure, and between social institutions and processes. It examines religious groups, beliefs, acts of worship, and practices, as well as the chronology of changes observed in these religious mat-ters under various sociological conditions. It also records the characteristics and directions of these changes. Quan-titative and qualitative studies carried out in the depart-ment of Sociology of Religion shed light on the nature and development of religious life in Turkey, including its sociological background in the history of Turkey. Sociol-ogy of Religion embraces interdisciplinary scholarly ap-proaches and cooperates with other human sciences.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Ali Coskun

Prof. Halil Aydinalp

Prof. Kemal Ataman

Assoc. Prof. Fatma Odabasi

Assist. Prof. Hafize Sule Albayrak

Department of Psychology of Religion

Psychology of Religion examines the nature of man’s

religious life from various perspectives and applies psy-

chological methods to decode his spiritual dimension.

The science focuses on decipherable personal religious

behaviours rather than on the phenomenon of religion

itself. In this regard, Psychology of Religion attempts to

describe the details, origins, and uses of religious be-

haviours. Topic analysed in this discipline include the

relation between religion and psychological health, re-

ligious symbols, mystical states, religious thought, sens-

es-behaviours and related factors, the origin of the belief

in religion and God, religious conversion, and types of

religious personalities. Psychology of Religion cooper-

ates with other sciences, including Sufism, Sociology of

Religion, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology,

Clinical Psychology, and the like.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Ali Ayten

Prof. Ali Kose

Prof. Ali Ulvi Mehmetoglu

Assist. Prof. Sevde Duzguner

Page 43: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Department of Religious Education

The discipline of Religious Education refers to the teaching of the history of religious education, its cur-rent situation, as well as its prospective future develop-ment. In the Western university system, the history of the discipline may be traced back to the beginning of the twentieth century. In Turkey, Beyza Bilgin is the pioneer-ing figure who laid the ground for Religious Education in academia. Her PhD dissertation, Love as the Basis of Educa-

tion in Islam (1971), is considered the earliest work in the field. The department offers courses on various aspects of religious education, including the scientific nature of religious education, the bases and goals of religious education and training, the central concepts in religious education, the history of religious education, contempo-rary issues in religious education, and religious education for adults and families. In its research, Religious Education cooperates with other scholarly fields: Educational Sci-ences, Philosophy of Education, Psychology, Sociology, Islamic History, Qur’anic Exegesis, Hadith, and the like.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Nurullah Altas

Assoc. Prof. Banu Gurer

Assist. Prof. Emine Keskiner

Assist. Prof. Ramazan Gurel

Res. Assist. Dr. Ayse Demirel Ucan


The programme in Islamic History and Arts offers courses on central themes relating to political, social, cultural, literary, and artistic developments over the

approximately 1,450 years of Islamic history. The pro-gramme addresses a wide range of topics and accord-ingly houses four departments under its roof: the de-partment of Islamic History, the department of History of Turkish-Islamic Arts, the department of Turkish-Islam-ic Literature, and the department of Turkish Religious Music. The inclusive nature of the programme enables students to have comprehensive access to the history of the Islamic religion. They should be able to develop a solid historical and chronological grasp of the diverse topics of the field, read archival documents, and attain a systematic understanding of the various forms of Islamic Arts (poetry, music, literature, etc.).

Department of Islamic History

The discipline of Islamic History deals with the his-tory of Muslim societies beginning from the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad. It also focuses on the various institutions that have arisen under the influence of Islam. The discipline addresses each and every Muslim nation and state that has appeared in history. It investigates the historical background of these nations and states, their experiences throughout history, their institutions, and their historical significance within the broader frame-work of Islamic culture and civilization from a social, cul-tural, political, and economic perspective. Islamic History applies an interdisciplinary approach in its research and utilizes a wide variety of sources, from poetry to archival materials and from written primary sources to archaeo-logical remains.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Casim Avci

Prof. Ismail Safa Ustun

Page 44: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Prof. Tahsin Ozcan

Assoc. Prof. Betul Ipsirli Argit

Assoc. Prof. Fatma Zehra Kamaci

Assoc. Prof. Gulgun Dagdeviren Uyar

Assoc. Prof. Mahmut Kelpetin

Assoc. Prof. Osman Aydinli

Assist. Prof. Gullu Yildiz

Assist. Prof. Harun Yilmaz

Assist. Prof. Nihal Sahin Utku

Department of History of Turkish-Islamic Arts

The department of History of Turkish-Islamic Arts was

founded in order to broaden the cultural and aesthetic

aspects of the Faculty of Divinity’s curriculum and there-

by enrich its regular religious education. The department

organizes academic activities relating to the arts, includ-

ing international conferences and publications. It plac-

es a special emphasis on Islamic architecture produced

during the various periods of Islamic history: Umayyad,

Abbasid, Karakhanid, Ghaznavid, Seljuq, Ottoman, etc. In

addition, it focuses on other types of applied arts and

the philosophy and aesthetic world-view behind these

arts. The department encourages its graduate students

to take courses from other departments and faculties so

that they can receive as broad an education as possible.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Aziz Doganay

Assoc. Prof. Fatih Ozkafa

Lect. Muhammet Efdaluddin Kilic

Department of Turkish-Islamic Literature

The discipline of Turkish-Islamic Literature came into existence with the Turkish embrace of Islam. It refers to the literature that the Turks produced under the influ-ence of the Islamic religion. Starting from Kutadgu Bilig, the earliest extant work in Turkish written in the 11th century during the Karakhanid dynasty by Yusuf Khass Hajib of Balasagun, Turkish-Islamic Literature has gen-erated its own forms of literary production. Scholars of the field name three main traditions in this regard: Divan Literature, Folk Literature, and Tekke Literature. The Divan Literature refers to a highly symbolic art form inspired by Islam and produced under the influence of Persian and Arabic literary forms. The Folk Literature is mainly an oral tradition reflecting deep religious sensitivity, though one can also see secular examples in the tradition. The Tekke Literature came into existence under the influence of Sufism and is explicitly religious in tone. The department offers courses on topics including the relation between religion and literature, the relation between Sufism and literature, the history of Turkish-Islamic literature, and pri-mary sources in the field.

Current Academic Staff

Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Karatas

Assoc. Prof. Meliha Yildiran Sarikaya

Department of Turkish Religious Music

The discipline of Turkish Religious Music refers to a distinctive type of music composed by Muslims in Turk-ish societies. It reflects the rich cultural and musical syn-thesis that came into existence with the Turkish embrace of Islam and its later developments. It concerns various

Page 45: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


forms of music including mawlid, salat, tawshih, na‘t, ilahi,

and qasida. Each of these forms contains Turkish religious

motifs from Central Asia to Anatolia and from the Sel-

juqs to the Ottomans. Especially during Ottoman times,

religious music became a central part of daily religious

rituals, both within and outside of the mosque. The de-

partment offers courses on the theoretical and practical

aspects of all these musical forms. In this context, the de-

partment has a choir, the Turkish-Sufi Music Choir, whose

singers and players are all students in the Faculty. Their

concerts are some of the Faculty’s most vibrant musical

activities, and represent its artistic face.

Current Academic Staff

Prof. Ahmet Hakki Turabi

Prof. Safa Yeprem

Assoc. Prof. Ayse Basak Ilhan Harmanci


Current Academic Staff

Prof. Ahmet Koc

Prof. Mehmet Erdogan

Prof. Mehmet Zeki Aydın

Prof. Mustafa Usta

Dr. Ali Atac

Dr. Umut Kaya

Page 46: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


The library of the Faculty of Theology has unique scholarly resources in diverse fields of social and

religious sciences. Over the years it has become one of the largest libraries in Turkey in Islamic and religious studies, with over 109,559 books and numerous period-icals, all catalogued and classified according to modern library practices. Users have direct access to the library stacks and the library is open to outside researchers in addition to Marmara University faculty members and students.

The library building has two reading hall that can serve up to 350 researchers at the same time. All mate-rials in the library now have electronic records and can easily be located through the University’s online cata-logue. The library has free wireless Internet access. There are several computers placed for public use in various locations in the library. There are also group study rooms in the library.

Manuscript Collection

The library of the Faculty of Theology houses a price-less collection of about 1,635 volumes of Islamic man-uscripts. The manuscripts are written in Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman Turkish, and cover a wide range of sub-jects, especially Qur’anic exegesis, hadith, Islamic law, ka-lam, and Sufism, but also Arabic language and literature, Persian and Turkish literature, logic, philosophy, ethics, and various exact sciences such as astronomy, mathe-

matics, chemistry, zoology, etc. All of the manuscripts, with the exception of some fragments, have been cat-alogued and have bibliographic records in the online catalogue of Marmara University. The manuscripts are stored in a separate area of the library and are accessible by written permission from the Dean’s Office.

Libraries of Istanbul

Marmara University is a well-established and presti-gious university with high academic objectives. In addi-tion to the library of the Faculty of Theology, the Uni-versity has a central library. Many other faculties under Marmara University have their independent library units. The university library also subscribes to several electron-ic resources and databases. A number of the faculty li-braries, especially those of the Faculty of Political Scienc-es and the Faculty of Law house many sources that are relevant to Islamic and Religious Studies.


Page 47: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Istanbul is a city that is enormously rich with great

libraries. No other city in the world can compete with

Istanbul in terms of holding unique manuscript collec-

tions in Islamic Studies. University and public libraries are

spread across the city and can be found in almost every

corner of the city.

Page 48: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


The Faculty of Theology has published many volumes in Islamic and Religious Studies over the years. These publications include

some of the first modern Turkish academic studies in various classical Is-

lamic disciplines as well as edition critiques of several important classical

sources and translations of both classical texts and modern studies of

Western scholars.

The Faculty also publishes an academic journal twice a year. For

online access to the journal visit the website:



Dekanımız Ali Köse

Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül’ün


Kampüsümüzde Yeni Dönem Dekanımız Prof. Dr. Ali Köse ve eski dekanımız

Prof. Dr. Raşit Küçük 7 Ağustos 2012 günü

Cumhurbaşkanımız Abdullah Gül’ün Tarabya

Huber Köşkünde verdiği iftara katıldı. Diyanet

İşleri Başkanı Prof. Dr. Mehmet Görmez, Başkan

Yardımcısı Prof. Dr. H. Kamil Yılmaz, eski Diyanet

İşleri Başkanı Prof. Dr. Ali Bardakoğlu, Prof. Dr.

Hayrettin Karaman ve Din Öğretimi Genel Müdürü

Prof. Dr. İrfan Aycan davetliler arasındaydı.

Uzun süredir yeniden düzenlenmesi planlanan İlahiyat Fakültesi

Kampüsü’nün inşaatına, 2012 Mayıs ayı itibariyle Yunus Emre Binası’nın

temel atma töreniyle başlandı.


İlahiyat HABERMarmara Üniversitesi

İlahiyat Fakültesi yayın organıdır.

Bahar 2012, Sayı 11

Din İşleri Yüksek Kurulu

Başkanı Prof. Dr. Raşit Küçük

ile Röportaj

Fakülte Öğrencilerimizin

Yurtdışı Deneyimleri

Öğrenci Sempozyumu Yapıldı

Kitap Dünyası

Öğretim Üyelerimizin Faaliyetleri

Öğrenci Kulüplerimizin Etkinlikleri

TBMM Başkan Vekili Meral

Akşener ve Aile ve Sosyol

Politikalar Bakanı Fatma Şahin


İlahiyat Fakültesi Vakfında Yeni







3137442012-2013 Eğitim Yılı

Açılış Dersiyle Başladı

Yeni akademik yıl, 25.09.2012

tarihinde fakültemiz İslâm

Hukuku Anabilim Dalı öğretim

üyemiz Prof. Dr. Faruk Beşer’in

‘Açılış Dersi’ ile başladı.

2012-2013 Eğitim Yılı

Açılış Dersiyle Başladı

Yeni akademik yıl, 25.09.2012

Hukuku Anabilim Dalı öğretim

üyemiz Prof. Dr. Faruk Beşer’in

2011-2012 Eğitim-Öğretim yılımız Bağlarbaşı Kültür Merkezi’nde yapılan

mezuniyet gecesi ile tamamlandı. Fakültemiz üç yüz on öğrenci mezun etti.


İlahiyat HABERMarmara Üniversitesi

İlahiyat Fakültesi yayın organıdır.Güz 2012-Bahar 2013, Sayı 12-13

Prof. Dr. M. Saim Yeprem ile


Fakültemizin İmza Attığı

Uluslar arası Anlaşmalar

Şehir ve Medeniyet Konuşuldu

Bütün Yönleriyle Hac Ele Alındı

Marmara Üniversitesi'nin 130.

Yıl Dönümü Kutlamaları





Fakültemizin, Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, Üsküdar Be-

lediyesi ve Külünk Eğitim ve Kültür Derneği ile ortaklaşa dü-

zenlediği sempozyumda aile kavramı tüm yönleriyle ele alındı.

Sempozyum kamuoyunda geniş ilgi gördü.

Fakültemiz Dünya

İçin Referans Olmaya

Devam Ediyor

2012-2013 eğitim-öğretim yılında im-

zalanan bir dizi uluslar arası anlaşma

ile artık öğrencilerimiz farklı ülkelerin

üniversitelerinde bilgi ve deneyimlerini

ilerletme olanağı bulacaklar.


Fahri Doktora Unvanı

Marmara Üniversitesi’nin 130. Yıldönü-

mü Kutlamalarında Başbakanımız Recep

Tayyip Erdoğan’a fahri doktora unvanı

verildi. Erdoğan, 1981 yılında mezun ol-

duğu üniversiteden böyle bir unvan alma-

nın kendisi için mutluluk kaynağı olduğunu

söyledi. Üniversitemiz için yeni kampü-

sün müjdesini veren Erdoğan, Dekanımız

Prof. Dr. Ali Köse ile de görüş alışverişin-

de bulundu.


İlahiyat HABERMarmara Üniversitesi

İlahiyat Fakültesi yayın organıdır.

Güz 2013 Sayı 14

İmâm-ı Rabbânî Sempozyumu


Prof. Dr. Halis Ayhan ile


Örnek Siyasetçi "Tevfi k İleri" Anıldı

Fakültemizin İmza Attığı

Uluslararası Anlaşmalar





2013-2014 Eğitim Yılı

Açılış Dersiyle Başladı

Yeni akademik yıl, Tefsir Anabilim

Dalı öğretim üyemiz Prof. Dr. Hasan

Elik’in verdiği Kur’an Tefsirinde Gün-

cel Anlayışlar başlıklı ders ile başladı.


2012-2013 eğitim-öğretim yılında fakülte tarihimiz açısından dönüm noktası sayılabilecek bir dizi uluslararası an-

laşmaya imza atılmış, öğrencilerimiz yurtdışında eğitim deneyimlerini geliştirme imkanı bulmuşlardı. Geçtiğimiz dö-

nem Kuveyt, Ürdün, Katar, Malezya ve Endonezya’daki seçkin üniversitelerle gerçekleştirilen bu anlaşmaların sayısı,

2013-2014 eğitim-öğretim yılında arttırıldı. Bu çerçevede 288 öğrencimiz yurtdışında eğitim alma imkanına kavuştu.

Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fa-

kültesi 2014-2015 Eğitim Öğretim

Yılı Prof. Dr. İsmail Safa Üstün’ün

verdiği açılış dersi ile başladı.

Marmara Üniversitesi 2014-2015 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı Akade-

mik Açılış Töreni Cumhurbaşkanımız Sayın Recep Tayyip Erdo-

ğan’ın katılımlarıyla gerçekleştirildi.

Marmara Üniversitesi Senatosu huzurunda yapılan

devir teslim töreninde Prof. Dr. Zafer Gül görevini yeni

Rektörümüz Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Arat’a devret-

ti. Tören sırasında Senato adına söz alan Dekanımız

Prof. Dr. Ali Köse teşekkür ve tebrik konuşması yaptı.

Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen Anısına

Sempozyum Düzenlendi

Cumhurbaşkanımız Üniversitemizin Açılış


Üniversitemizde Yeni Dönem


İlahiyat HABERMarmara Üniversitesi

İlahiyat Fakültesi yayın organıdır.

Bahar-Güz 2014 Sayı 15-16

Prof. Dr. Salih Tuğ ile


Öğrencilerimizin Yurtdışı


Arapça Öğretimi Çalıştayı

Fakültemizin İmza Attığı

Uluslararası Anlaşmalar




282014-2015 Eğitim Yılı

Açılış Dersiyle Başladı

Congress of the lnternational

Association for the Psychology of


Uluslararası Din Psikolojisi Kongresi Düzenlendi


İlahiyat HABERMarmara Üniversitesi

İlahiyat Fakültesi yayın organıdır.

Bahar-Güz 2015 Sayı 17-18

Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi

2015-2016 Eğitim-Öğretim yılı

Prof. Dr. Nuh Arslantaş’ın verdiği

açılış dersi ile başladı.

Prof. Dr. Rahmi Yâran ile


Öğrencilerimizin Yurtdışı


Fakültemizin İmza Attığı

Uluslararası Anlaşmalar





Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Camii yeni çehresine kavuştu.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Erkal

Hocamızın Ardından


Marmara Üniversitesiİlahiyat Fakültesi yayın organıdır.

Güz-Bahar 2017 Sayı 19-20

Prof. Dr. H. Kâmil Yılmaz

ile Röportaj

Arapça Öğretiminin Geleceği


Aristoteles Çalıştayı Yapıldı 21







Prof. Dr. Bekir Topaloğlu

Hocamızın Ardından

Öğrenci Sempozyumları


Fakültemizde Sanat Faaliyetleri

Öğrencilerimizin Yurtdışı


Marmara İlahiyat

Hat, Tezhib,

Ebru, Ney

Arapça ve Farsça


Devam Ediyor

15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimi

Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları

Buluşması Fakültemizdeydi

İlahiyat HABER

Page 49: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Marmara University has a large and diverse in-ternational community. Here at Marmara Uni-

versity it is possible to see students from all over the world who have joined our student body to pursue un-dergraduate and graduate degrees in various fields at one of the best universities in Turkey. Throughout the University’s long history, there have been innumerable international students who have successfully completed their programmes at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Many of these students have come from regions with close historical and cultural ties to Turkey such as Balkan, Central Asian, and Middle Eastern countries. The Faculty of Theology is currently hosting more than 150 international students from 37 coun-tries in its programmes. The number of international students at the Faculty has increased significantly in recent years. In addition to these foreign students, the Faculty of Theology has in the International Theology (Interna-tional Students) programme about 200 students of Turk-ish descent who grew up in foreign, mostly European, countries and who are citizens of those countries. Their presence enriches the diversity of the student body and enhances the international character of the Faculty.

Many international delegations visit the Faculty of Theology every year to exchange ideas and to discuss

the possibility of cooperation in projects. Scholars of Is-lam, philosophy, and religion also visit the Faculty on a regular basis to give lectures or for other activities. The Faculty has signed cooperation, exchange, and collab-oration agreements with many prestigious internation-al education institutions which include University of Nebraska (USA), Goethe University Frankfurt (Germa-

ny), Giessen University (Germany), University of Cologne (Germany), Münster University

Faculty of Catholic Theology (Germany), Münster University Centre for Islamic

Theology (Germany), Osnabrück Uni-versity Institute for Islamic Theology (Germany), University of Tuebingen Center for Islamic Theology (Germa-ny), Martin Luther University Facul-

ty of Theology (Germany), Bayreuth University Faculties and Departments

for the Study of Religion, Philosophy, Economics, International Management

(Germany), Sharjah University (United Arab Emirates), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei), Univer-sity of Algiers I (Algiers), University of Algiers II (Algiers), Wahid Hasyim University (Indonesia), State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Walisongo Semerang (Indonesia), University Abdelmalek Essaadi (Morocco), Dar El Hadith El Hassania Institution (Morocco), University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, School of Theology (Wales), Heythrop College, Philosophy & Theology, University of London


Page 50: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


(UK), Trinity College Dublin, Department of Religions and Theology (Ireland), Qatar University (Qatar), Khoja Ahmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University (Kazakhstan), University of Prishtina, Department of Is-lamic Studies (Kosovo), Kuwait University (Kuwait), Kop-asvar University (Hungary), Gal Ferenc College (Hunga-ry), International Islamic University of Malaysia (Malaysia), University of Kebangsaan (Malaysia), University of Pun-cab Üniversitesi (Pakistan), International Islamic Univer-sity (Islamabad, Pakistan), Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (Saudi Arabia), Taibah University (Saudi Arabia), University of Tunis (Tunisia), University of Nizwa (Oman), Sultan Qaboos University (Oman), University of Jordan (Jordan), The World Islamic Sciences & Education University (Jordan), Yarmouk University (Jordan), Zarqa University (Jordan). For online access to the details of the agreements visit the website:

The Faculty of Theology also collaborates with the Institute for Middle East Studies of Marmara University in enhancing knowledge of the Middle Eastern and Islamic societies and cultures through research and post-grad-uate education. In this context, students are offered a wide range of interdisciplinary MA and PhD courses to deepen their understanding of Middle Eastern history, politics, economics, social and cultural issues as well as contemporary challenges.

Istanbul: A Metropolis for International Students

Istanbul, with a population of over fifteen million, is home to more than fifty universities. The city is an active and lively modern city, where many national and inter-national activities in science, the arts, culture, sports, and entertainment regularly take place. This modern city has a teeming and colourful body of international residents

that continues to grow as Turkey’s role in the interna-tional arena is felt more and more each day and as her economy booms. The people of Istanbul show tradition-al Turkish hospitality to their international guests and approach them with great compassion and understand-ing. The city is one of the safest and best organized cap-itals of Europe.

International Students

International students who would like to pursue a de-gree in the Turkish-medium undergraduate and graduate programs of Marmara University, including the Turkish programs of the Faculty of Theology, should check the website of the University’s International Office ( for more information.

Marmara University has an International Student Office to help orient foreign students and to address the problems they may face during their stay in Istan-bul. One can find all the information one needs on the Office’s website, including information on everything from applications to campus life, and from health care and student housing to city life and Istanbul’s cultural and artistic activities.

Marmara University aims at establishing an exem-plary international and multicultural academic environ-ment. In order to achieve that goal, the University makes all decisions concerning applicants, students, faculty, and staff on the basis of an individual’s qualifications to contribute to Marmara University’s educational ob-jectives and institutional needs. Discriminating against individuals on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, politi-cal beliefs, or disability unrelated to course requirements is inconsistent with both the purposes of the university and the law.

Page 51: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Farabi Programme

The Farabi Program is a national exchange program

for the students and academic staff of all higher educa-

tion institutions in Turkey. It allows a student or a profes-

sor to spend one or two semesters at another university.

This program is only available to students in their second

year of study or beyond, and students may only partici-

pate in it once. Applications for the program are handled

by the Marmara University Office of the Farabi Program.

Each Faculty has a coordinator that can guide those in-

terested in the program. For more information check the


Erasmus Programme

Marmara University students have the opportunity

to benefit from the Erasmus Program. The Erasmus pro-

gram is a European Union education and training pro-

gramme that aims to increase the quality of higher ed-

ucation in Europe by promoting cooperation between

higher education institutions in the 32 participating

countries. Partnerships and mobility activities are finan-

cially supported by the programme. Student and staff

mobility and other activities are run in Turkey by the

Turkish National Agency ( The Marmara

University EU Office coordinates activities concerning

the Erasmus Program in the university (visit http://inter- for more

information). Each faculty has its own coordinator to of-

fer students and staff information on the Erasmus Pro-

gram and to help them through the application process.

The Faculty of Theology has signed exchange agree-

ments with numerous universities in various European

countries and several more agreements are currently

pending. Every year several of the Faculty’s undergrad-

uate and graduate students take advantage of the op-

portunity to study abroad for a semester or two at one

of these universities, or spend a summer abroad on an


Mevlana Exchange Programme

The Mevlana Exchange programme is an interna-

tional exchange program that aims at exchanging stu-

dents and academic staff between the Turkish higher

education institutions and higher education institutions

of other countries. Following the universal religious

and spiritual teachings of Mevlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi

(d. 1273), without any type of discriminations, the pro-

gramme is wide open to all university students coming

from all corners of the globe. It aims at contributing to

the globalization process of higher education and en-

riching the culture of respect and tolerance to differenc-

es by increasing intercultural interaction and coopera-



Page 52: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Page 53: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


A warm welcome greets new students at the Fac-ulty every September and a proud yet bitter-

sweet graduation ceremony sends them off, after four

or five years of hard work, to their various destinations

in life.

Conference halls and seminar rooms

There are numerous conference halls and several

seminar rooms where regular lectures, conferences, and

panels take place. Student clubs may use these halls for

their various activities.

Computer labs

There are various computer labs in the Faculty for

student use.

Canteens and cafeteria

There are two canteens that serve a rich variety of

food and hot and cold beverages at affordable prices.

The canteens are open from early in the morning until

the evening and are also open on weekends and over

the summer holidays. There are also many cafes, patisser-

ies, and restaurants in the vicinity of the Faculty, where

students may have a great time while enjoying fine food.

At the school cafeteria, a four-course lunch is offered

every school day (11.30-13.30pm) at an affordable price.

Marmara University cares about the health of its stu-

dents and makes sure to serve them a healthy and nu-

tritious meal. The food is prepared by a private catering

company in hygienic conditions and under the supervi-

sion of dieticians.

Mosque and Prayer rooms

The Faculty of Theology has a mosque and prayer

rooms for students to worship as well as to practice

leading the prayer, sermons, and orations for their vari-

ous classes.


Page 54: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Twelve student clubs and societies are currently active at the Faculty of Theology. Each club has a

faculty member as its advisor. These clubs organize vari-ous academic, social, cultural, literary, and entertainment activities throughout the year. These activities break the monotony of going from class to class and add liveliness to life at the Faculty. The choir of Turkish Religious Mu-sic performs concerts all over the world. There are also courses for students in various branches of the classical

Islamic arts, such as calligraphy and illumination. Com-

mon events include guest lectures, conferences, pan-

els, concerts, exhibitions, book fairs, movie and comedy

shows, poetry reading, and fund raising for various hu-

manitarian causes. Over the years many important and

famous public figures including writers, poets, artists,

musicians, politicians, and religious leaders have been

invited to the Faculty by student clubs.


Page 55: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the



Marmara University hosts many

activities and events through-

out the academic year. During the festival,

many social, cultural, and sports activities

that students may join are organized. Stu-

dents not only have an enjoyable time

but also get some time off from their busy

school schedule.


Starting from its establishment in 1974, the Marmara Univer-

sity Ilahiyat Foundation has been financially supporting educational activities in and around the Faculty through providing scholarship and accommodation services.

Page 56: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


Akademik Personel (Alfabetik Sıraya Göre) | Academic Staff (Alphabetical)

İsim-Soyisim | Name-Surname Bölümü | Department Elektronik Posta | E-mail

Abdulaziz Hatip Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Abdulhamid Ramazanoğlu Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Abdulhamit Birışık Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Abdullah Kahraman İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

Abdussamet Bakkaloğlu Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Ahmet Hakkı Turabi Türk Din Mûsikîsi | Turkish Religious Music [email protected]

Ahmet Karataş Türk-İslam Edebiyatı | Turkish-Islamic Literature [email protected]

Ahmet Koç Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenliği | [email protected]

Ali Ataç Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenliği | [email protected]

Ali Ayten Din Psikolojisi | Psychology of Religion [email protected]

Ali Benli Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Ali Coşkun Din Sosyolojisi | Sociology of Religion [email protected]

Ali Durusoy Mantık | Logic [email protected]

Ali Köse Din Psikolojisi | Psychology of Religion [email protected]

Ali Namlı Tasavvuf | Sufism [email protected]

Ali Ulvi Mehmetoğlu Din Psikolojisi | Psychology of Religion [email protected]

Amjad Hussain Dinler Tarihi | History of Religions [email protected]

Ataullah Şahyar Hadis | Hadith [email protected]

Aydın Temizer Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Aynur Uraler Hadis | Hadith [email protected]

Ayşe Başak İlhan Harmancı Türk Din Mûsikîsi | Turkish Religious Music [email protected]

Ayşe Demirel Uçan Din Eğitimi | Religious Education [email protected]

Ayşe Esra Şahyar Hadis | Hadith [email protected]

Ayşe İbrahimoğlu Güner Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Ayşe İçöz Dinler Tarihi | History of Religions [email protected]

Page 57: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


İsim-Soyisim | Name-Surname Bölümü | Department Elektronik Posta | E-mail

Ayşe Nur Yazıcı Kelam | Kalam [email protected]

Ayşegül Şimşek İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

Aziz Doğanay Türk-İslam Sanatları Tarihi | History of Turkish-Islamic Arts [email protected]

Bahaddin Dartma Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Banu Gürer Din Eğitimi | Religious Education [email protected]

Betül İpşirli Argıt İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

Bilal Baş Dinler Tarihi | History of Religions [email protected]

Casim Avcı İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

Dilaver Selvi Tasavvuf | Sufism [email protected]

Emine Keskiner Din Eğitimi | Religious Education [email protected]

Emrullah Tuncel Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma ve Kıraat İlmi | Qur’an Recitation [email protected]

Ercan Alkan Tasavvuf | Sufism [email protected]

Erdoğan Baş Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma ve Kıraat İlmi | Qur’an Recitation [email protected]

Ertuğrul Boynukalın İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

Fatih Özkafa Türk-İslam Sanatları Tarihi | History of Turkish-Islamic Arts [email protected]

Fatma Odabaşı Din Sosyolojisi | Sociology of Religion [email protected]

Fatma Zehra Kamacı İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

Ferruh Özpilavcı Mantık | Logic [email protected]

Fidaa Alislam Al Majzoub Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Gülgün Dağdeviren Uyar İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

Güllü Yıldız İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

Hacer Kontbay İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

Hafize Şule Albayrak Din Sosyolojisi | Sociology of Religion [email protected]

Halil Aydınalp Din Sosyolojisi | Sociology of Religion [email protected]

Halil İbrahim Kaçar Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Harun Yılmaz İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

Page 58: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


İsim-Soyisim | Name-Surname Bölümü | Department Elektronik Posta | E-mail

Hasan Cirit Hadis | Hadith [email protected]

Hasan Hacak İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

Hatice Kelpetin Arpaguş Kelam | Kalam [email protected]

Hayrettin Nebi Güdekli Kelam | Kalam [email protected]

Hidayet Ayan Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma ve Kıraat İlmi | Qur’an Recitation [email protected]

Hikmet Yaman İslam Felsefesi | Islamic Philosophy [email protected]

Hülya Alper Kelam | Kalam [email protected]

Hümeyra Özturan Felsefe Tarihi | History of Philosophy [email protected]

Hüseyin Karaman Felsefe Tarihi | History of Philosophy [email protected]

Hüseyin Kaya Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

İlhan Kutluer İslam Felsefesi | Islamic Philosophy [email protected]

İshak Kızılarslan Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma ve Kıraat İlmi | Qur’an Recitation [email protected]

İsmail Cebeci İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

İsmail Eriş İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

İsmail Safa Üstün İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

İsmail Taşpınar Dinler Tarihi | History of Religions [email protected]

Kâmil Yaşaroğlu Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma ve Kıraat İlmi | Qur’an Recitation [email protected]

Kemal Ataman Din Sosyolojisi | Sociology of Religion [email protected]

Kemal Yıldız İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

Mahmut Kelpetin İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

Mahmut Sami Kanbaş Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Mehmet Akif Kahveci Kelam | Kalam [email protected]

Mehmet Bulğen Kelam | Kalam [email protected]

Mehmet Efendioğlu Hadis | Hadith [email protected]

Mehmet Emin Maşalı Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma ve Kıraat İlmi | Qur’an Recitation [email protected]

Mehmet Erdoğan Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenliği | [email protected]

Page 59: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


İsim-Soyisim | Name-Surname Bölümü | Department Elektronik Posta | E-mail

Mehmet Erel Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Mehmet Özşenel Hadis | Hadith [email protected]

Mehmet Toprak İslam Mezhepleri Tarihi | History of Islamic Sects [email protected]

Mehmet Ümit İslam Mezhepleri Tarihi | History of Islamic Sects [email protected]

Mehmet Zeki Aydın Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenliği | [email protected]

Meliha Yıldıran Sarıkaya Türk-İslam Edebiyatı | Turkish-Islamic Literature [email protected]

Muhammed Coşkun Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Muhammed Enes Topgül Hadis | Hadith [email protected]

Muhammed Hüsnü Çiftçi Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Muhammed Usame Onuş İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

Muhammet Abay Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Muhammet Efdalüddin Kılıç Türk-İslam Sanatları Tarihi | History of Turkish-Islamic Arts [email protected]

Muhsin Demirci Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Murat Sülün Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Mustafa Atilla Akdemir Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma ve Kıraat İlmi | Qur’an Recitation [email protected]

Mustafa Genç Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Mustafa Kılıç Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Mustafa Macit Karagözoğlu Hadis | Hadith [email protected]

Mustafa Öztürk Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Mustafa Taha Güler Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Mustafa Usta Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenliği | [email protected]

Münteha Maşalı Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma ve Kıraat İlmi | Qur’an Recitation [email protected]

Naci Demirci Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma ve Kıraat İlmi | Qur’an Recitation [email protected]

Nail Okuyucu İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

Necdet Tosun Tasavvuf | Sufism [email protected]

Nedim Tan Tasavvuf | Sufism [email protected]

Page 60: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the


İsim-Soyisim | Name-Surname Bölümü | Department Elektronik Posta | E-mail

Nihal Şahin Utku İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

Nurullah Altaş Din Eğitimi | Religious Education [email protected]

Osman Aydınlı İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

Ömer Çelik Tefsir | Qur’anic Exegesis [email protected]

Ömer Faruk Maden Hadis | Hadith [email protected]

Ömer Türker İslam Felsefesi | Islamic Philosophy [email protected]

Rahile Kızılkaya Yılmaz Hadis | Hadith [email protected]

Rahim Acar Din Felsefesi | Philosophy of Religion [email protected]

Ramazan Gürel Din Eğitimi | Religious Education [email protected]

Safa Yeprem Türk Din Mûsikîsi | Turkish Religious Music [email protected]

Safi Arpaguş Tasavvuf | Sufism [email protected]

Sami Erdem İslam Hukuku | Islamic Jurisprudence [email protected]

Selime Çınar İslam Felsefesi | Islamic Philosophy [email protected]

Semih Ceyhan Tasavvuf | Sufism [email protected]

Sevde Düzgüner Din Psikolojisi | Psychology of Religion [email protected]

Süleyman Derin Tasavvuf | Sufism [email protected]

Şükran Fazlıoğlu Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Tahsin Özcan İslam Tarihi | Islamic History [email protected]

Umut Kaya Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenliği | [email protected]

Yakup Kara Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Yılmaz Özdemir Arap Dili ve Belâgatı | Arabic Language and Rhetoric [email protected]

Yusuf Şevki Yavuz Kelam | Kalam [email protected]

Zeynep Gemuhluoğlu Din Felsefesi | Philosophy of Religion [email protected]

Zeynep Şeyma Özkan Tasavvuf | Sufism [email protected]

Page 61: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the



Marmara Üniversitesi İlâhiyat FakültesiMahir İz Cad. No: 234662 Altunizade Üsküdar İstanbul, TürkiyeTelefon : +902166514375Fax : +902166514189Website : : [email protected]

Marmara University Faculty of TheologyMahir Iz Cad. No: 2Altunizade Uskudar 34662 Istanbul, TurkeyTelephone : +902166514375Fax : +902166514189Website : : [email protected]

Dekanlık | Dean’s Office | العمادة

İsim-Soyisim | Name-Surname Telefon | Phone Elektronik Posta | E-Mail

Prof. Dr. Ali Köse, Dekan | Dean | العميد +902166514381 [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Safi Arpaguş, Dekan Yardımcısı | Vice-Dean | مساعد العميد +902166514375-1203 [email protected]

Doç. Dr. Muhammet Abay, Dekan Yardımcısı | Vice-Dean | مساعد العميد +902166514375-1202 [email protected]

Page 62: Handbook Hazırlayan: Arapça Tercü · 6 T he core of the Faculty of Theology at Marmara University is the

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