
HALLOWEEN!Meet International Theological University

Bible believing Saints have always come out strongly against the servitude ofidols, especially the indoctrination of Halloween into our culture. Although Halloweento many around the world may seem like a fun night of kids masks and candy, it is indeedan evil day of a vile paganistic religion built upon the blood of sacrificial victims.

The celebration of or holiday was originally named Samhein, the Celtic NewYear, which started with the day of death!

Yes, unlike most cultures, to the ancient and not so ancient Celts,the year started in death. The Western Orthodox Church, four hundredyears before the Great Schism, attempted to paper over the meaning ofthis holiday, while Christianizing the Celts of Gaul and England. In itsplace, it created All Saints Day or Holy Eve which became Halloween.

However, the evil of the day, its meaning and rituals were neverfar from the surface. With the West having a Post-Christian culturepermeated with paganism, even the most vile forms of Halloween havereturned and the vilest have reclaimed their day of death.

But what makes this day so evil?

Most people in Europe and in truth, most people in the Anglo sphere do not know anything about thisdark day. During this day is when those spirits in the realm of the dead (died without salvation) cross over intothe realm of the living. The dead (or spirits of the disembodied) again walk amongst living (spirits) bodies, thatis humans along with satanic demons and other fell beings. The ghosts, (that is spirits) must find a host (body)on Halloween to take over so they can enjoy the pleasures of lust and evil with all its many forms for the nextyear or they will go back to the land of the dead.

This belief and teaching of Halloween have lead to several customs!

First, all fires were doused, so as not to draw attention. Scary faces were carved in beats and candles were lit. Pumpkins was a later adaptation by Irish immigrants in America. Scary masks were worn so that the livingwould look like the demons walking the land and thus not be possessed. Treats were given out to appease thesupposed hungry who looked liked the walking dead. The god (or evil one) of the hunt for living bodies toindwell lead a wild frenzy through the land, where people could either join as hunters or became the prey. Thusthe pranks and destruction we all know about on the surface of this day. Trick or treat!

The worst of the holiday/celebration are the druid fires. All fire was kept in a central druid’s sanctuary1

and brought to a local bonfire, where the local druid high priests held vigilance. In the fire, before it was lit,were placed living human sacrifices.

Most of the time, they were captured war prisoners and at other times drawn by lot from the localpopulace, mostly children. These sacrifices were burnt alive, their screams of death and pain fed the evil godlings that the Celts worshiped. From these fires which burned to death the lives and souls of sacrificed people,were lit the fires in every house of the local villages. They then burned until the morning light of the new yearof the Celts.

Biblical evidence: Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto demons,1

Psalms 106:38 And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificedunto the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood.

HALLOWEEN!Meet International Theological University

These customs have nothing to do with Slavic history or prehistory, either Christian or earlier pagan.They have nothing to do with the Ugric nor Varengin Rus histories and cultures. They are a cultural imperialismfrom the Anglo-Sphere, hoisted upon so many in the Western world. It is a day on which many vile acts arecarried out and on which the reborn pagan cults, which riddle the West in general and the Anglo-sphere inabsolute infestation, celebrate their dark beliefs. As True Christians we must refuse and reject this vile day.

In Scripture we read in several places about how God hates the sacrificing of children. He didn’t evensacrifice Isaac at the hand of Abraham. The scripture records Abraham saying; “My son, God will provideHimself (as) a lamb for a burnt offering.” Genesis 22:8. And later John sees Jesus coming, God Himself in fleshand he said; “behold the Lamb of God” John 1:36 who purchased our salvation with His own blood.

Acts 20:28 “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghosthath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood.”

Jeremiah 32:35 And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom,to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not,neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.

The origins of the Druids goes back to Baal, or Baal worship which is described in Jeremiah. It was a an abomination that led the children of Israel into being cut off by God. There was no more remedy after theykilled all the prophets that God had sent to warn them. 2Chronicles 36:16. They mocked the messengers sent till there was no remedy.

The attached pages to this writing on Halloween discusses the Druids, who they were and where theycame from. Even today there are high places in the earth where their ancient writes are still carried out today.We drove past an Indian Ziggurat Tower in India when returning from a Baptismal service and I noticed it. Inmaking note of it to the others, I said; “they still sacrifice children up there.” Those in the car fearfullyacknowledged that it was true.

No nation is left untouched by the Druids and their pagan religious ceremonies. From secret doctrinesof the Druids we see the same as those of the Gymnosophists and Brahmins of India, the Magi of Persia, thePriests of Egypt, and of all the other priests of antiquity. Like the Druids, they had two sets of religiousdoctrines, exoteric and esoteric.

The following pages are from;


Written by;Dr. John M. Strome, Th.D.2002

Edited October 27 2012th



* The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife!Read: The Two Babylons



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