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1-6-14Hello everyone, itopoung set ng exam ko as in same lngkayMuneer.. Just like others did before rephrase ko n lngibng sentence but still with the same thought.Dinagdagko n lngpoungibangnarememberko ,pag may maalala p ako post ko n lngsa wall^^ thanks again sainyonglhat at samga mag tatake p po GOOD LUCKHopefully they will keep the same set of questionspra 100% passing sa group natinGod bless everyone ^^

1. What is the care given for acute DVT PATIENTS? a) Apply elastic stockings b)administer anticoagulants as prescribed ans..b (every1 might select option a without reading question carefully..for ACUTE case of DVT administering heparin is best)

2. Signs indicatives for DVT?A. Paresthesia and numbness of extremityB. Pale and coolness of extemityC. Pain in the calf muscles while exercise(HOMANs sign)

3..increased ICP signs: (HYPERTEN-HYPERTHERM-BRADYC)Ans.hypertension,bradycardia,hyperthermia

4.definition of privacy in a Nurse and Patient relationshipa. Privacy defines as the patient has the right how and when to share private information.b. the nurse knows

5. . If patient takes which diet for diverticulits needs further teaching?? Ans.High fibre diet (it shud be low fiber)

6. After 24 hours after insertion of a tube, which of the following values will be reported to physician? ----twice lumabassa set koi to , same lng din cngotko----a. 600 ml chest tubeb. 800 ml T-Tube- B cngotkona ratio n itodatiksonkalimutanko kung anu b tlgatamangsagotc. 900 ml NGTd. 1,250 ml Gastric tube

7. A staff nurse in the same unit confide that theres something between her and patient. How will you communicate therapeutically?a. respond immediatelyb. I forgot the correct words- but the thought was like you need to put urself in her situation and understand and feel how she feel. Yan cngotko.. ^^

8. Side effect caused due to morphine toxicity: Ans.respiratorydepression,cnsmanifestations,constipation

9. Action of loop diuretics and ACE inhibitors?----- Ace inhibitor blocks angiotensin II and loop diuretics decrease blood volume- nklimutanko exact word sa diuretics bsta may decrease I think prang fluid blah..blah..hehe


11. What is the pressure when suctioning an adult pt with ET tube Ans.80-100mmhg

12. case scenario type que about leukemia.idnt remember whole sentences its too long. Pt with leukemia has undergone bone marrow biopsy on lab diagnosis which indicate is the normal finding? a. Decrease WBCb. Decrease INR

13. Purpose of administration of epogen: Ans;to increase HB level14. deferoxamine used in thalassemia: Ans:to enhance iron excretion

15. All of the following intervention with menieres disease are correct EXCEPT. Ans. Drink plenty of fluids

16. Purpose of NG TUBE after cholecystectomy patients: prevent abdominal distension17. why wound dehiscence occurs more in obese patient after surgery: Ans..becoz of difficult to suture thick fatty tissues

18.MMRcontraindicated:SATAa)mild runny nose without fever b)anaphylaxis to erythromycin c)anaphylaxis to gelatin

19. Which among the following r the primary source in nursing research:SATA I.A NURSE reads a new article about new drugs in tx of rheumatoid arthritis II. A news journal boutnakalimutankona..hehe III. A five book research regarding different ways in using chemotherapy to treat cancer..

a. I -ito first choice kopero nun naalalakoungkaymuneer nag ALL n lngako..heheb. IIc. IIId. ALLe. 20.DRUG OF CHOICE FOR VT ANS.amiodarone

21. dornasealfa used in which condition Ans:cystic fibrosis

22. Which drug used as antiarrythmic and betablockers? Ans:Tenormin antipsychotics which is incorrect? Ans.tramadol200mg(normally 5-10mg) on warfarin which value is correct: Ans:PT 1.5-2times initial value

25.cholelithiasis,riskfactorsare:SATAa)frequent UTIb)multiple pregnancies one mre option I dntrembr I choose all the three as answer

26. Clonazepam used in: Ans)anxiety,panicattacks,seizures

27.which of the symptoms due to MgSo4 toxicity:a. absence of deep tendon reflexb. bradycardiac. oliguriad. decreased respiration

28. case scenario continuation LEUKEMIA: What defines the correct for leukemia: Ans:increased proliferation of large number of immature leukocytes

29:what is the important care has to be taken for leukemia pts: Ans:prevent risk of trauma or injury endotracheal intubation,patient is breathing with gurgling,this gurgling sound is evidence that tube is located in: Ans:esophagus

31:airborne precaution: Ans:measles and varicella

32.ECG wave in pt with digoxin toxicity: Ans.T wave inversion

33. Correct Placement of Automated External Defibrillator pads(AED) SATA.I. right of sternumII.left of sternumIII. left mid axillaryIV. right mid axillary

a. I and IIIb. I and IVc. II and IIId. II and IV e. 34. APGAR SCORE 1 indicates in which:SATA ANS.HR6mm

1. Wat hormone is responsible in after pains in breasfeeding mothers. A. Estrogen b. progesterone c. Prolactin d. Oxytoxin ans ko oxy2. Ngt patient. Wat do you nid to monitor? A. Intake and output sagot ko3. patient with chf is currently taking anti diuretic drugs suddenly experience shortness of breath, weak pulse. A. Hypokalemia b. digoxin toxicity. C. Hyperkalemia. Digoxin toxicity4. Signs of severe anemia? Palpitations, fatigue, sob5. Wat is the priority action of a nurse in patient who is to undergo a surgery. Ans informed consent.6. Wat will the nurse do to ensure that the patient is well informed regarding the procedure. Ans ko have the patient restate the procedure, indication of the procedure, possible complications.7. how to know if coumadin therapy is effective?a. PT 1 1/2-2secsb. PTT 1 1/2-2 secs c. INR 3-4d. platelet count 250,000 a sagot ko8. Pt 25 secs wat to give? A.protamin so4 b. warfarin c. Vit k ans vit k9. Wat is kussmuals respiration. Deep and rapid 10. Bronchial asthma- narrowed airways sagot11. MRI contraindication- metal implants12. 8. Patient on skeletal traction complained of pain and (I forgot the other assessment) on affected leg, what is the nursing action? a. Contact physician and ask to order to reduce weight of the traction. b. Realign the patient while not touching the sand bag c. Reduce the weight of the sand bag- A sagot dito13. Patient with cast, how do you assess if the blood flow is sufficient. Capillary refill sagot ko. 14. What is the priority nursing diagnosis to a patient with Gullaine-Barre Syndrome?A. Pain B. Activity Intolerance C. Impaired Physical Mobility D. Ineffective Airway Clearance- d ans ko15. Parathyroidectomy complication. A. Laryngeal stridor b. tetany. - apple ako dito16. Visualy impaired how to approach? a. touch before conversing b. aware patient before and after going in and out of the room- letter b17. Patient has Jackson-Pratt drainage and the nurse noticed that it is already full. What should the nurse do? a. Clean gloves, assess color of the drainage and allow it to stay there b. Clean gloves, open the JP, measure the drainage, decompress again the JP c. Clean gloves, report immediately to the physician- b po ako18. Doc of patient with stomatitis. Ans nystatin19. Abdomnal assessment, arrange sa pinakauna. (Palpitation, auscultation, percussion inspection) hndi ko sure sagot ko jan kaya paarrange na lng sa tama po20. Meron pang isa regarding abdominal assessment. Anung quadrant pinakaunang iaassess. Sagot lo is left lower quadrant den RLQ, RUQ, LUQ21. Most critical complication of abdominal hernias? A.Organ protrusio. B. Bowel obstructio. C. Abdominal bleeding- apple ako22. Which of the following is an example of Proper documentation?a. patient is unhappy.b. patient seems uncooperative.c. patient said hes unhappy, the doctor did not discharge him.23. Position after spinal anesthesia. Lie flat for 6 to 8 hours.24. .how to avoid lipodistrophy in insulin injection- rotate the injection site25. patient had a compound fracture. you observed a seeping of blood on patients cast. what you will do?a. apply pressure above the castb. encircle and notify the MD- boy po ako26. 16. what is the purpose of the drawsheet27. a. to avoid staining of the back on the nurse on duty b. to avoid shearing of the skin of the patient - boy28. Wat to check after endoscopy before feeding the patient - gag reflex.29. Wat to check after abdominal surgery before feeding the patient. - peristaltic movement30. Preparation in bronchoscopy- npo post mindnight31. 24. you noticed that the IV line of patient is infiltrated. What you will do?32. Inform the physician. b. remove the Iv line and replace. c. remove iv line and send it to lab- boy33. . patient has hip fracture and he experience shortness of breath and petechiae on his chest. What will be the causea. fat embolismb. pulmonary embolismd. heart attack- apple34. the CVA patient is half paralyzed what kind of exercise you will give a. passive exercise. b. active exercise c. assistive exercise. D. no exercise - apple35. what is the purpose of debridement of wound. a. to promote tissue granulation. b. to remove the bacteria and promote wound healing - boy36. Nursing care to patient before suctioning - hyperoxygenate before and after37. DKA pt what is priority. a.iv fluids insulin - apple38. A new medication was prescribed to the patient. You don't know about this medication. What to do? A. Call pharmacist to ask for the drug preparation B. Call the doctor to prescribed old medication that you were used to C. Compare to the ward if they were giving such medication D. Do not give the medication.- apple ako39. Assessment of DVT shows calf pain during dorsiflexion of foot.40. patient with cvs, what position sa patient? - elevate head of the bed 30-45 degrees41. Patient taking Oral Iron Tablet - causes gastrointestinal upset42. A mother of 3 children asks the nurse about how to prevent infections from her child having gastroenteritis to another. - advise frequent handwashing.43. To prevent pressure sore a. remove soiled linens b. Reposition every 2 hour- boy44. Severely dehydrated child on assessment Crying without tears45. Patient with chest tube: tidaling in water-seal bottle?.a. Document as normal finding b. Contact physician c. Check for leakage in the system- apple46. Reason for false high BP reading?a. wrong position of arm or leg b. unaudible sound c. cuff too loose- cat47. Mother on early labor: what is your priority?.a. gather obstetric history b. check fetal heart tone- boy48. Sterile urine sample collection?.a. catheterize patient b. Void directly to container- apple49. Best position for newborn when sleeping?a. Supine b. Prone c. left side lying d. right side lying- apple50. A patient with balloon tamponade developes Acute Respiratory Distress. What is the appropriate action:51. a. Cut the balloon b. Deflate the balloon c. Give oxygen by facial mask- apple.

Study about ngt dm chf. Computation halos 15 lahat sakin pero madali lang. Almost old file lahat ng questions ko, i never had that file wen i took the exam. Ngaun ko lang po xa nabasa actually. Again sorry po sa admins.

multiple vehicular accident, in triaging which case should be the highest priorityA. Skull fracture with signs of shockB. Radial fracture with distal veins exposed-clinical feature of meningitisA. Nausea and vomitingB. PhotophobiaC. Severe headacheD. All of the above-anaphylaxis-xanthelasma-competence-tetracycline should not be given to children under 12 years old because it will cause:A. Teeth stainingB. Renal failure-pertusisA. DropletB. Airborne-pilonidal sinus- base of spine- amputation most common complications exceptA. Phantom limb painB. NeuromaC. ContracturesD. Swelling-Duodenal ulcerA. Pain relieved by eatingB. Pain while eating-patients using warfarin, monitor:A. PT/INRB. apttC. Ptt-furosemide 80mg is ordered. Stock is 50mg in 5ml ampule-normal temperature of ear irrigationA. 38B. 36.7-patient with the highest risk to acquire infectionA. Patient with tracheostomyB. Chil with 8% burn-sweat chloride test- cystic fibrosis-patient's safety- maintain the side rails up-patient post appendectomy develops Catheter Staphylococcus Aureus infection (not sure sa term). What PPE to useA. Gloves and gogglesB. Gloves and shoe coverC. Shoe cover and gownD. All of the above-patient with trigeminal neuralgia, priority interventionA. Assess sensationB. Pain management-patient with GBS, priority assessmentA. Neurological assessmentB. Respiratory assessmentC. Muscular assessment-diabetes insipidus exceptA. Diluted urineB. ThirstC. PolyuriaD. Low osmolality of urine-nursing instruction in patient with a pacemakerA. Report to physician if with frequent hiccupsB. Avoid exposure to microwave-important to monitor for patients taking digoxin and loop diuretics- potassium-before and giving digoxin- assess hr-what to expect with newborn with down syndromeA. Sunken eyeball with scaly trunkB. Single crease on palm-home instruction for patient and carer with regards to continuous oxygenation via nasal prongA. Reposition the elastic bandages every 2 hoursB. Moist mouthC. Drain the condense in the tubing every 4 hours-cystic fibrosis management exceptA. Postural drainageB. Chest physiotherapyC. Steam inhalationD. Chest vibration-patient during enema suddenly complains of abdominal crampsA. Increase the height of the solutionB. Hold the solution until cramps subsides-patient on continuos heparin infusion have a sudden change on vital signs. Bp 130/80-100/50 with a rapid heart rateA. Stop the infusion immediatelyB. Slow the infusionC. Assess for bleeding-patient with an infected leg wound suddenly had a decrease in blood pressure, tachycardic, tachypneic. What kind of shock is this?A. Septic shockB. Hypovolemic shock-nurses explain to the mother of a child with hydrocephalus having shuntA. It is permanent and will treat hydrocephalusB. The peritoneal cavity is a good outlet of csf excess-a nurse would delegate to a PN except:A. Blood administrationB. Feeding the patientC. Assisting the patient going to the CR-prevention of post op thrombophlebitisA. Elevate the leg with two pillowsB. Antiembolic stockings at nightC. Leg exercises-pyloric stenosis-rojectile vomiting-GCS monitoring includes except:A. Eye openingB. Pressure pointsC. Motor responseD. Verbal response-initial joules to deliver using biphasic defibrillatorA. 80B. 200-defibrillate patient:A. V tach with pulseB. V tach pulselessC. SVTD. PVC-a child with croup, initial nursing interventionA. Prepare a humidified environmentB. (Forgot other choices)-typhoid fever transmission

1- How much should you drink every day (Daily adult fluid intak)?1.5 L2 L3L5L2- What is the second stage of labor? The second stage of labor commences with full dilation of the cervix and ends with the birth of the infant.3- Pt with BMI 31 to loss 1kg/week how much daily intake he should decrease in his food in calories?500100015004- Pt on Warfarin as a nurse you need to check? INR/PT5- Pt diagnosed with hemophilia with of the following lab result expected normal? PTPTTProthrombincombustion6- What is the drug that decreased the vascularity of thyroid that given premedication for thyroidectomy ?propylthiouracil (PTU)MethimazolePotassium iodide7- Typhoid transmission ? Isolation for pt with meningitis? Droplet isolation9- Moro reflex?Strongest between 0-2 wks while disappears at 12-16 wksStrongest between 2-4wks, disappears 10-12 wks10- Precaution for Miniere's disease?Keep pt in Dark roomPaddle side rail11- During the paritonial dialysis pt complain from abdominal cramp?Stop the dialysis until symptom subside12- pt with DI (diabetes insipidus) all of the following is present except? Low serum osmolariy13- pt with Reynaud disease, what he should avoid:Exposure to extreme temperature (mainly cold)14- which pt not allow to do CT who have allergies to :eggsIodine Shellfish (fish)1+21+32+3 15- Pt with pacemaker you instruct him to ??Avoid Microwave during operation To wear loose cloth around pacemaker16- The most commoncause of melena is ?Colorectal cancerAnal fissurePeptic ulcer diseaseHemorrhoid 17- Pt with pilonidal sinus infection you check ?Base of spineAnal areaGroin areaLower extremities 18- Pt with tiddling chest tubeNormal and no action

20- Which cases we use to shock with defibrillator? I) VTwith pulseII) VT without pulse II) Supraventricular fibrillation I, II, IIII, III ONLYII ONLY21 - post-op in PACU unit, what initial signs of shock":HypertensionClam, pale skinBouncing pulse22- pt has amputation of her left leg, pt tell the nurse that shes having pain in her lower left leg , nurse shouldexplain this called phantom, and its normalGive analgesiaCall doctorTell pt its normal and it will be subside23- which of the following is high risk to develop infection in the hospital?50 years with WBC 70002 Year with 2nd degree burn 8%30 years pt with tracheostomy

24-Nurse is educating Pt with DM about importance of exercise, and she explain that"Exercise increase cell sensitivity to the glucose"

25- Which vaccine if given within 4 wks with tuberculin test, will affect (false results/ weaken effectiveness) tuberculin test: MMRDPTAOPIHBV

26- Doctor order Forsmide 80mg. Available ampoule is 50mg in 5 ml. how ml to give:3 ml5ml8ml6ml

27- pt with TB with of the following drug you should check for gout ??IsoniazidRifampin Pyrazinamide1+21+32+31+2+3

28- age of DM type 2Early adulthoodMild adulthood (adolescent )50 years or more29- Thalasmia diagnostic testCBC HB,ElectrophoresisESR30-Sweat test is for:Cystic fibrosis31- -What blood electrolytes should nurse consider if pt on digoxin:NaKGlucose 32- when you transfer pt with chest tube what is the most important ?Clamp the chest tubeKeep the chest tube below level of heart 33- Folic acid during the pregnancy to prevent The neural tube defect34- iron side effect;Increased upset of 35-Tetracycline is rarely prescribed for pediatric population because:Very narrow therapeutic levelIt cause stain teethVery potent36- extrapyramidal side effect caused by Antidepressant drugsAntiPsychosis drugs37- fluid that given with blood transfusion ?Only N/S 0.9%38- the most important to check before administer the drugs is Check accurate doctor order39- what is the cause of first degree heart block???40-paraetemol antidot ?paracetamol antidote ? acetylcysteine41- in the ER which of the following pt you should check first?Pt with skull fracture + shockTension pneumothorax +ribs fracture 42- PICC line, when be used for the first time, what should nurse do withdraw blood directly Confirm site with X-ray Clean with antiseptic before use

43- - Pt with kidney rejection, what indicating blood result:creatnineLow creatnineIncrease amylaseDecreae amylase

44- Nurse is educating Pt with DM about importance of exercise, and she explain that"Exercise increase cell sensitivity to the glucose"

45- Calcitonin should be administered for Patient with hypercalemia, which route nurse use: IntradermalSubcutaneousIntramuscular

46- Post-op pt with tibia fracture is complaining of tingling & burning in his leg, what the nurse action:Massage the legElevate the led Call the doctor

47- nausea and vomiting for cancer pt careProvide oral care(no choice to give antiemetic drugs)

Reminder: These are but some of the questions that I encountered during my haad exam with my personal answers (bold) which I am not really sure of. Please do your part in finding the correct answers. Thank You!!! God Bless!!!!2. hypochromic, microcytic rbc a. iron deficiency anemiab. Pernicious anemiac. Aplastic anemia3. Cataract - a. OHA,b. antihistamine,c. betablocker4. Cataract prevent vomiting (causes inc.IOP)5. Mild diarrhea, dehydration in children avoid rice, dry toast, cracker, diluted fruit juice6. Medication for patient with ventricular tachycardia who is hemodynamically stablel. Atenololm. Verapamiln. Amiodaroneo. Lidocaine7. Which of the following meds is given sublingually Nitroglycerine8. Chest pain worsens when drinking cold drinks angina pectoris9. Bladder cancer risk factors SATAa. Ulcerative colitisb. Long term catheterizationc. Smokingd. all10. Which of the following vitamins is given for elderly because they have poor ability to store thema. Ab. Dc. Cd. all11. Immediate intervention for unconscious patient after vehicular accident.a. Jaw thrustb. Oxygenc. Assess LOC12. Position for obese pregnant who is restless and cannot sleep at night dorsal recumbent position13. Intervention during tube feeding.a. heat solution to room temperatureb. position the head of the patient at minimum of 30 degrees14. computation given:250 mg, pt. bsa is .54, adult bsa is 1.7315. infant becomes jittery after delivery from an obese mother a. hypoglycaemia, hypocalcemia(my answer)b. hypoglycaemia, hepercalcemia16. Clinical manifestation of meningitis delayed closure of anterior fontanelle17. Symptom of meningitis.a. Nuchal rigidity and fever(my answer)b. High pitch cry18. Which of the following is not a manifestation of patient with meningitis. depressed fontanelle19. Depression thinking of ending his life(suicide)20. Medication for depresion SSRI21. Emotional stress(not a therapy) a. guided imageryb. biofeedbackc. cognitive reframing(my answer)22. research pediatric patients half with nebulizer,half with puff- experimental research23. delusion of persecution CIA I understand but I dont think it is true.24. initial sign of airway obstruction in extubated patient mild dyspnea, increased secretions,inability to cough out secretions25. Situation - losseness of association26. post CTT palpate(crepitus) for subcutaneous emphysema27. what is the purpose of patient controlled analgesia patient can give his own medication28. PCA(patient complains that the pain does not go away) a. Take vital signs, assess for post op complications(my answer)b. Check the machine,etc29. Floater I will do activities which I usually do from the ward where I was assigned30. Saturated fat SATAa. Beefb. Nutsc. Liver oil31. 5 % Mafenide acetate important considerationa. Neutropeniab. Liver functionc. Causes staining of linen32. Iflixamab- assess for?wbc?liver fxn?33. Check the legs, lower extremities what type of anemiaa. Thalassemiab. Aplasticc. Sickle cell34. Basal cell carcinoma a. baldness of the hairb. Oily hairc. Daily washing35. Assessment after thoracentesis a. periods of confusionb. blood pressure36. Seizure(bed) a. remove objectsb. o237. Seizure(going to the bathroom) remove furniture38. Meningitis(at risk for seizure) pad the siderails39. CVA with L sided weakness pillow between legs40. Post BKA position to avoid - 41. Cataract(prevent complication before the next visit a. avoid stairsb. avoid 7 kg42. infant with cleft palate(assess for history) mother taker antiseizure medications43. cleft palate support to parents regarding nutrition how to feed patient properly44. soar throat..CGN(cause) Group A Beta Haemolytic Streptococcus45. Assessment after tracheostomy a. Drop in BPb. Hoarseness of the voice46. Assessment(effectiveness of fluid resuscitation) weigh the patient47. O.S. a. right eyeb. left eyec. both eyes48. Normal occurrence in a pediatric patient closure of foramen ovale49. Risk for oxygen deprivation a. Anemiab. Rib fracture50. Maintain low oxygen concentration in COPDa. Prevent oxygen toxicityb. Maintain hypoxic demand51. Stimulus for breathing carbon dioxide52. Lab(2 weeks infection) increased ESR53. Mumps(5 days) a. still contagiousb. not contagious54. ABG result for patient with COPD low PaO255. Absorption, distribution, etc of medication a. Pharmacokineticsb. pharmacodynamics56. Diazepam(computation) 0.6mL57. Computation (PO meds) 12 mL58. Patient taking digoxin..hypokalemia assess for kidney function59. Initial sign of thromboangitis obliterans finger stiffness60. Risk factor for lung cancer Smoking61. Protrusion of the nerve roots a. Meningoceleb. Myelomeningocelec. Spina bifidad. Spina bifida occulta62. Acid base imbalance B. Serum K 14863. How to assess for cranial nerve 1 olfactory64. Stool exam for patient with melena A. Guaiac test65. What is the purpose of a licensure D. minimum level of competence66. Assessment for elderly taking meds in tablet form ability to swallow67. CVA(problem in nutrition) dysphagia68. Predisposing factors of obese patient(family is same as her) genetic, family history69. Husband with diabetic wife(cannot follow diet modification) reassess need for change of diet70. Primary level of prevention immunization71. HIV(correct statement )- a. Anyone can be infected with HIVb. There are more infected male than female72. HIV maintain standard precaution 73. Need for additional PPE other than gloves patient with cancer undergoing irradiation therapy74. Specimen collection for urinalysis a. aseptic techniqueb. sterile technique75. Birth weight doubles at 6 months, triples at 12 months76. ADHD(intervention) isolate patient for inappropriate behaviour77. Which of the followings orders would you question the physician a. Methadoneb. Meperidinec. Prophoxyphened. Tramadol 50078. Important consideration in urine collection urinalysis time it is collected (urine decomposes over time)79. Evidence based practice research based practice80. Purpose of EBP show effort for continuing education81. Hospital Survey show supporta. Because it is requiredb. If you have extra time to participate in the survey82. Protect the patient rights (EXCEPT) decide for medical interventions83. Enema in children temperature of solution 105-125 degrees F84. M.I(prevent increased demand for oxygen) a. Prevent rise in heart rateb. Maintain total blood volume85. Female catheterization dorsal recumbent position86. Resistance, pain during catheterization deflate the balloon then reinsert87. Ensure proper emptying(patient with catheter) prevent kinks in the tubing88. Differentiate race from culture C. culture . social normsrace- physical characteristics89. After percutaneous liver biopsy pillow under the right costal margin90. Nutrition(DM I) meals and snacks in regular basis91. Obese, 70 yrs.old develops pressure ulcer Nsg Dx: Impaired Skin Integrity92. Patient with cough, secretions Nsg Dx: ineffective airway clearance93. Supervisor discussing regarding patients condition in public interrupt and move to a private place94. Delivery of placenta gentle firm massage over the abdomen95. Important question for patient with alcohol when was the last time you drink alcohol?96. Competence of registered nurse in the ward infection control techniques97. Not included in tetralogy of fallot transposition of great vessels98. Drugs that eliminates potassium diuretics99. Temperature taking for elderly patient tympanic(ear using infrared light)100. Functions of a registered nurse 101. Linking theory reflective practice102. Perforated ulcer- rigid abdomen103. Foul smelling wound dressing post op what is the initial intervention104. 2 days post arthroplasty patient had leg cramps, edema, cannot move leg notify the physician105. Vomiting(contraindicated for patients post abdominal surgery) causes wound dehiscence106. Startle reflex moro reflex107. ERP(estrogen receptor CHON) patient with breast cancer 108. 35% burn patient experiencing tachycardic,tachypneic) hypovolemia109. Dry fire extinguisher a. Paperb. Electricalc. Flammable liquids110. Latex gloves(allergy) except apply lotion, petroleum jelly prior wearing of gloves111. MRI- assess allergy to shellfish112. Hypotonic solution swell113. Pain behind eyes a. Migraineb. Cluster headachec. Tension headache114. Cerebellum balance115. New equipment read instructions/manual116. Which of the following is an example of an objective data urine, yellow in color, etc117. Daikins solution - composition118. Most common cause of diarrhea in children rotavirus119. GERD avoid coffee and alcoholic beverages120. What is asepsis 121. Purpose of giving Anti D to the mother prevent destruction of RBC for the next baby

Mga 15 items po ay Bonus computation, mga basic drug computation at fluid computation.. haloslahatponangsa set ko is pareho p okay mam Bebhie N file kaya copy paste akotasdagdag at repgrasenalangnang questions at choices.. sanamakatulongpo..1. Signs of ICP? A. Bradycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia B. Tachycardia,hypotension, hypothermia C. Tachycardia,hypotension, hyperthermia2. effect of fast NGT feeding- diarrhea3. you saw the patient post tonsillectomy who have frequent swallowing , what you will do? assess the mouth for bleeding and call the doctor4. peptic ulcer pain gnawing pain relieve by food5. assessment complication of DVT sinagotko is localized warm and tenderness6.Why empty urine bag 6-8 hours? To prevent bacterial contamination7. In Thalassemia, why give deferoxamine? To relieve the toxic effect of iron overload8. Post sub thyroidectomy, monitor signs of? - muscle twitching9. Why empty urine bag 6-8 hours? To prevent bacterial contamination10.Oral suctioning, what to avoid? -suctioning for 30 seconds (10 seconds lngdapat)11. . You are about to give a medication, and the medication label is not clear? Call the pharmacist and ask to give a clear label medicine12. A new medication was prescribed to the patient. You don't know about this medication. What to do? A. Call pharmacist to ask for the drug preparationB. Call the doctor to prescribed old medication that you were used to C. Compare to the ward if they were giving such medication D. Do not give the medication.13. Patient with Angina Pectoris came to the ER with headache, dizziness, palpitations. What to suspect? -Overdose of sublingual nitroglycerin14. Registered nurse delegated task to Practical Nurse, who is responsible? Regsitered Nurse who deligated the practical nurse15. Patient for Bronchoscopy the next day, but he is worried about the procedure. What you will do as a nurse? Reassure patient and explore the feelings16. In nephrotic syndrome, mother ask why to weigh diaper? to check for water retention17. Apgar score of 6, what to do? needs special assistance18. At 9 AM urine collection, when to send to lab? before 9:30 AM19. Diet for Pregnancy Induced Hypertension A. Increased protein intake B. Follow strict sodium diet C. Maintain well balanced diet20. Pre-op Patient with BP 117/68 mmHg, on admission BP 125/72 mmHg, now 112/60 mmHg. What is the next action? Inform anesthetist21. . Morphine 2.5 mg ordered. In hand 1000 mcg/ml. How much to give. 2.5 ml22. Patient is post casting of lower extremity and complaints of severe pain, Nursing action a. administer analgesics as ordered. b. Notify physician23. Patient with burn on the face and chest what to monitor? Respiratory depression24. patient is with heaptic disease, what is the purpose of avoiding protein intake, and administration of lactulose - to eliminate ammonia25. Assessment of DVT shows a. pain when elevating the legsb. localized warm and tenderness26. 30.To prevent post op Thrombophlebitis a. Elevate with 2 pillowsb. compression stockings at nightc. leg exercises d. massage27. Best way to prevent hospital acquired infection proper Handwashing28. In giving ear drop pinna pull upward, and maintain upward position for 2 minutes29. .Patient with upper GI bleeding?A. black B. Red C. Green30. why is it needed to empty bladder prior to abdominal tapping- to prevent puncture of the bladder31. What to observe to patient with water seal bottle and with chest tube fluctuation32. patient with cerebral edema, what position sa patient? - elevate head of the bed 30-45 degrees33. How to secure IFC in the bladder - Inflate the balloon34. Patient taking Oral Iron Tablet - causes gastrointestinal upset35. why is tetracycline contraindicated to a 12 yo child- can cause staining of teeth36. patient has an order of eyedrops in OS, where to administer?- Left eye37. what will you hear in patient with VSD- harsh heart murmur38. how is wet to dry dressing being done( di kao sure sasagotko kaya basahinniyonalang) 39. you are doing a routine VS monitoring, what is abnormal? Re view niyonor,al values nang VS sa 6-13 y/o patients40. Patient post op, weighing 60 kgs, what is the minimal urine outputa. 30 ml/hrb. 60 ml/hr(itosinagotkokasinabasakosasaunders 5th is normal U/O is 1-2ml/kg/hr42. Position of patient post ORIF tibia ELEVATE the affected limb43. patient is for droplet precaution, what to do as a nurse?a. let the patient wear heap mask( di konamaalala whole name)b. wear a mask and maintain 1meter or 3ft distance from the patient44. yur senior Nurse prepares a medication and she ask you to give it, how would you response?a. Give the medb. dont give and tell her that who prepared the med should be the one to give45. you were ask to float in a ward where is you are not familiar( itoang thought), how would you respond?a. tell them that you cant b. go for duty but you should taje only the procedures that you are familiar with( ganitoang thought)itosinagotko46. patientwth DKA, what is the appropriate insulin to give?a. NPHb. RI IV47. what is the immediate treatment for Vfibrilation? Defibsinagotko48. Patient complains of abdominal cramping during colostomy irrigation, what to do? a. Slow the infusion49. Normal :pH 7.35-7.45

50.Patient had a bee bite, as a nurse what will you observe? A.Be alert for alergic reactionB.Use a tweezer to remove the sting immediately

51. Patient with Hypertensive Crisis, the doctor ordered Hydralazine 20 mg/ IV/ STAT for BP more than 210/ 100 mmHg, what is the nursing action? Immediately give the dose, ONCE only52. Patient with diarrhea, during observation found with dry mucous membrane, low urine output, hypotensive, what is the nursing diagnosis? FLUID VOLUME DEFICIT53. Patient with pneumonia with thick purulent sputum, what to do? A. Postural drainage B. Deep breathing C. Cupping D. CPT54. Doctor ordered medication which you belived could harm the patient. What to do? A. Call supervisor B. Call the physician to clarify55. To prevent pressure sore a. remove soiled linens b. Reposition every 2 hours56. appropriate nursing diagnosis to a patient with stage 4 pressure ulcer(risk for infection sinagotkokasi di na relevant ibang options)57. how would you position a patient with right pleaural effusion for thoracentesis who compaints of dyspnea if sitted upright?a. right sidelying with HOB at 30-45 degreesb. left sidelying with the HOB at 30-45 degreesc, flat on bed58. patient is for renal biopsy, what position? Prone with sandbag on the abdomen59. Position of defibrilation pad below right clavicular area, left below nipple area60. What to advice patient post hip surgery - avoid sitting with cross legs\61. Doctor ordered to give tab Acitane 45 mg and Aspirin 650 mg, available stock is Acitane 15 mg and Aspirin 325 mg. How many tabs each you will give? Acitane 3 tabs, Aspirin 2 tabs62. .IVF of 100ml to run over 10 hrs in microdrip, how many ml per hour to deliver? 100mL/ hr63. How should rectal suppository be given? Insert above the muscle of the sphincter64. A diagnosis of fluid electrolyte imbalance is for patient? a. Patient with colostomy b. 40 y/o 3 days Post op patient with ileostomyC . With Ngt65. what patient ahould receive a dose of Tetanus toxoide?- patient who havent receive TT for 10 years66. what is the cause of poor absorption aof vitamins in old patiens? Decrease intrinsic motility(di ko sure)67. What deficiency can affect calcium absorption? Vitamin D68. A patient has an o2 inhalation with mucous secretion drying up, what should the nurse do? Put Humidifier69. Patient with hearing impairment a. Approach with simple sentence b. write the conversation(itoang thought itosinagotkohaha)70. Safety before doing defibrillation do not touch the bed.71. Patient has right sided weakness both arms and legs. What assistive device? A. Quad cane B. Walker C. Crutches72. Where can you best hear the apical pulse? left 5th ICS, mid clavicular area73. Patient with depression, what is the assessment for him? Hoplessness and Helplessness74. Acute pancreatitis A.Epigastric pain radiating to back75. . After laminectomy check VS and lower extremities for pulse76. cellulitis/edema on leg priority to decrease the swelling? - elevate the leg77. a child has an hematoma on the occipital area after a trauma, what to do?a. apply cold compress and monitor VSb. let the child continue playing78. patient is receiving diuretics and is experiencing diarrhea, what to expect? Hypokalemia79. In assessing the patient who had a known history a of food allergy and some medications, what will you do? A. Be alert to any allergic reaction to a prescribed medication B. Advise patient to carry epinephrine kit always80. 24 hours post op, what is to be reported immediately the doctor?A. urine output of 20ml/hourb. Temp of 37.6c81. lab results are increased in lipase and amylase, what to suspect? Acute pancreatitis82. patient with severe vomiting, what electrolyte imbalance will you expect?a. increased potassium, increased sodiumb. decrease potassium decrease chloride( itosinagotkonanginginig pa pero do ko sure)c.increase potassium decrease chloride

82. what is the purpose of pace maker?- basahinniyonalang di koalamsagot ditto haha

Kaparehokoponang set si Mam Bebhie N kaya copy paste at konting revision nalangponang Questions at Choices ginawako.. tatlolangpoangsekretonangpagpasasakahitnaanumang exam, Tiyaga, Tiis at higitsalahatDasal at tiwalasakakayanan nan gating Panginoon.. sana ay makatulong poi to salamattalagasagrupodahilnagungalahatnangpinaghrapan ko

As promised, below are the questions I can still recall. Some of them I intentionally not answered, for you to do some research kasi di rin ako sure. Those with answers, 100% sure ako dun coz hinanap ko tlga ang answers. Feel free to ask me if you are in doubt with my answers, il share my ratio kasi di ko na ma-include ang ratio coz as I type this one now, im in the office and my time is very limited but im making the most out of it para ma recall almost lahat. Guys, the best advice I can give you is read the questions carefully, even if you already know the answer. You have 180 minutes, surely you can review everything. Just read questions carefully. And most importantly, ask God to give you a Good night sleep prior to exam. Itll make you relax and focus more on the actual day. Say a lil prayer, everyday. God Speed! -PittacUs!Expected lab result to pt. with end stage renal dsea. High BUNb. High creatinine clearanceDrug action of propranolol (inderal)?a. Dilating arteries thus avoidance of future chest painb. Decreasing cardiac contractility thus decreasing the BPc. Increasing oxygen supply to the heart, thus prevents chest painEEG is mainly to check?a. Extent of lesionsb. Intracranial hematomac. Brain activityEarly signs of increased ICP?a. Urinary incontinenceb. Disorientationc. Constricted pupil.Pt. on chemotherapy is most likely having neutropenia, as a nurse what to check to monitor infection?a. Temperature q4b. WBC q daily76 yrs old has no bowel movement for 6 days, the nurse should know that elderly is?a. Having inadequate dietb. SedentaryAfter bone marrow aspiration, what will the nurse immediately do as a priority?a. Apply firm pressureb. Position patient on the backTo promote airway clearance after bronchoscopy, what to advise patient?a. Splinting the chest while coughingb. Position semi fowlersPrecaution for bacterial meningitis?a. Contactb. Dropletc. AirborneWhich among the choices doesnt need any respiratory precaution?a. Meningitisb. Pneumoniac. HIVd. ImpetigoWhat laboratory to check to patients taking Methorexate and Vincristinea. Liver profileb. Anticoagulant profilec. CBCd. Kidney profileJaundice within 24 hours of life?a. ABO incompatibilityb. Physiologic jaundiceDoctors asked, why do you need Nursing Dx when there is already a medical diagnosis?a. Nursing dx is part of nursing process which is our guide to nursing careb. Nursing diagnosis our basis of care which is the first stepPatient on skeletal traction, nursing intervention?a. Decrease weights every 2 hoursb. Making sure the weight is hanging freelyc. Pillow under extremitiesPatient at risk for hospital acquired infection ? patient with tracheostomyPatient with clay-colored stool, jaundice ? Gallbladder obstructionPatient who is deressed and risk for suicide, what to advise?a. Assign on a single roomb. Ask directly regarding suicidec. facilitate group activity with topic about suicideThe goal of therapy for patient with dementiaa. maximum optimal functioningb. independence with safetyCommon goal for CPR and ACLS?a. ECG readingb. Maintain airwayDried Eschar , expected medical treatment?a. Debridement of dried wound to promote tissue granulationb. Application of hydrogel dressingPatient who had stroke, what exercise to promote?a. Activeb. PassiveDuring Lumbar puncture, what is the best position? Semi recumbent positionExample of passive exercise - squeezing of ballBurn patient on the face with hoarseness of voice, as a nurse what to prepare? IntubationAfter positive tuberculin test, what is the next investigation to confirm? Chest XRAYBefore suctioning patient attached to ventilator? - give 100% oxygen (hyperventilate)Position after ECT lateral or head on the sideBest advise to mother in order to prevent otitis media? feed the child upright positionThe definition of shock inadequate tissue perfusionReason why blanch appearance of stoma inadequate oxygen supply.To best achieve compliance to Diabetes diet, what to do?a. Review the usual daily menu of familyb. Consider the patients food preferenceThe nurse should be alarmed if the urine report shows?a. 20ml/hrb. 30ml/hrc. 40ml/hrWhich of the following pt. can proceed with the test?a. Patient for CT with dye, allergic to seafoodsb. Patient for MRI who has a biological Mitral valve replacementFor better absorption of iron advise to eat food rich in Vitamin CTo minimize odor of colonostomy bag dietary controlTherapeutic communication for a Parkinsons patient?a. Talk face frontb. Facial exercisesPT diagnosed with IHD, having a Chest pain NTGCardiac problem in children, what to expect? Activity intoleranceColor and odor of wound indicates?a. Phases of wound healingb. What type of organism / bacteriaWhat is the expected advice of the doctor post Laminectomy?a. Avoid prolonged sitting position.b. Resume normal activity after 2 weeks.What is the purpose of submitting incidental report?a. For statistical studyb. To prevent reoccurrenceRegular insulin peaks - 2-4 hrs.Patient with history of heavy cigarette smoking, risk for? Coronary Artery DiseaseBlood pressure taking inflate cuff 30mmHg more, based on the previous systolic pressurePrior to paracentesis advise pt. to empty bladder (to avoid accidental puncture of bladder)Common cause of appendicitis infection of surrounding tissue of appendixChild having seizure keep environment safeRegulated drugs type of inventory two nurses should check every end of shift.Seizure, what to avoid? placing finger inside the mouthV-fibrillation and pulseless VTACH - defibrillation Doctor ordered unusual dosage contact doctor and discuss the matterNurse mentor accountable for student nurses wrong action/s.Collapsed patient, what to do next? a. Open airwayb. Check consciousness and call for helpPatient on ferrous sulphate, what to tell the pt. regarding its side effect?a. Staining of teethb. Black stool (in general, yun ang side effect ng IRON liquid or tab man ang preparation)

Other pointers: Diverticulitis diet and confirmatory test Goal of fluid replacement therapy Nitroglycerine Chloramphenicol Dementia Thyroid crisis Nightingales place of birth Drug computation (swear, super dali) HIV COMPRESSION STOCKINGS Acid-base balance

1. A pregnant woman is diagnosed with mild pregnancy-induced hypertension. What diet would the nurse recommend?a. follow a strict low sodium dietb. increase protein intakec. maintain a well-balanced diet2. A client has undergone surgery of the pilonidal sinus. What area should the nurse assess?a. chest areab. lower quadrant of the abdomenc. area around the anus - base of the spine3. What is the indication of giving Rhogam to mother after delivery?a. ABO incompatibilityb. RH(-) motherC. Rh (+) baby

4. When does the second stage of labor begin and end? a. beginning of contraction and end of effacementb. Delivery of baby to expulsion of placentaC. fully dilation of the cervix until the delivery of the fetusD. Expulsion of placenta to few hours after delivery5. What is ascites? Fluid in the peritoneal cavity6. What is the diagnostic test to help diagnose Thalassemia? A. PTTB. Hemoglobin ElectrophoresisC. CBCD. PT7. Which of the following patients is/are not allowed to received anticoagulant therapy: SATAI. Open lacerated woundII. Recent childbirthIII. Recent cerebrovascular hemorrhage

8. Laboratory test for warfarin - INR/PT10. Early signs of digoxin tocixity NAVDA-Nausea,Anorexia,Vomiting,Diarrhea,Halos around lights or green vision11. What do you need to do before administering medication?a. Check expiration dateb. check availabilityc. check medical order for accuracyD. Check dosage and route

12. What do you mean by "Competence" to a nurse? Bsta may SKA skills, knowledge, attitude. I forgot the choices mahaba kc13. Route of administration of calcitonin to hypercalcemic patient?A. IntramuscularB. SubcutaneousC. ParenteralD. Oral14. How would you position the child patient with Cystic Fibrosis on the upper posterior lobes of the lungs for postural drainage?A. Leaning forward with face resting on pillowsB. Sitting on the bed with the arms extendedC. Supine with the foot of the bed elevatedD. Lateral side lying with head of bed elevated

15. Sweat-chloride test is a diagnostic for? Cystic fibrosis

16. About Cor pulmonale pero kalimot ko na question

17. About cor pulmonale - Basta complication sya ng COPD which leads to CHF

18. About Signs of Hypothyroidism Dec All exc. Wt gain, Constipation, Hair loss

19. Contraindication for Raynaud's Dse Avoid cold weather and smoking

20. What to do during tonic-clonic seizure ( keep away hazardous objects)

21. What are the medications that usually experience Extrapyramidal symptoms ? Antipsychotics

22. Morphine and Atropine function: given preop to decrease secretions

23. A client has been given antidepressant for one week told the nurse that the medication is not effective.A. Tell the patient that it is not yet effectiveB. Refer to the physician for a change in medicationC. Shift to another antidepressant meds

24. A patient taking iron medication can cause:A. GI upsetB. Cardiovascular diseaseC. BleedingD. Watery loose stools

25. Oral hypoglycemics (glypiride ata un) when to administer? A. After meals at each nightB. With mealsC. Early in the morning upon awakeningD. Three times a day everyday

26. What is the effect of exercise to type-2 non-insulin dependent patient?decrease glucose uptake in the muscles, increase production of glucose in the liver, decrease insuling requirements)

27. what is VP shunt- Insertion of shunt draining to peritoneal cavity

28. What to monitor in giving Loop diuretic -Monitor Potassium-can cause hypokalemia

29.Management for Meniere's dse *Priority is safety, Supine position during attacks, Low sodium diet, Stop smoking, Dark room when photophobia is present

30. Contraindication for patients who undergone myringotomy. SATAI. air travelII. using straw while drinkingIII. ShoweringIV. Coughing vigorously

31. Vaccine to be deferred 4 weeks before giving tuberculin test. MMR

32. Normal lab test in Hemophilia patient. Normal PT

34. A patient is allergic to Penicillin, what classification of drugs to avoid? Cephalosporins

35. A patient has undergone ileostomy and you noticed that the stoma turned blanch in color. What would be the cause?

a. irritation of the stomab. poor perfusionc. fecal obstruction

36. Patient taking anti TB drugs. Which of the following drugs can cause gout? SATA:1. Ethambutol2. Isoniazid3. Pyrazinamide*Anti TB drugs that increased uric acid levels REP (Rifampicin, Ethambutol,Pyrazinamide)

37. Nurse Karim is giving a lecture on a group of nurses about evidence based practice. He is correct if he says that evidenced practice is:A. A research based clinical trials to all patientB. A clinical guidline based on nusing textbooks

38. Tolbutamide is given to patient with DM 2. Which of the following will the nurse instruct the patient to avoid:A. Carbonated beveragesb. Organ meatsc. MAOISd.Antihypertensive meds

39. With diuretics administration, the nurse must be aware ofA. Paresthesia and irritabilityB. Muscle weakness and increase bpC. Weak pulse

40. IV solution only compatible with blood : Normal Saline only

41. Patient in limited mobility, prolonged bed rest and incontinence is at risk for:A. PneumoniaB. DVTC. UTI

42. In addition to professional competence, license in UAE. What is the additional requirement needed for continuous practice?A. Pay appropriate fees during licensed renewalB. Licensed need not to be renewedC. Present CPE units before renewal of license

43. Digoxin toxicity ECG appearance: inverted t wave

44. Acute pancreatitis symptoms. Pain in the left upper quadrant with nausea and vomiting

45. Temp of otic meds : Room temperature (36.7)

46. Outcome in nursing diagnosis of Impaired Skin Integrity:A. Patient is able to turn every 2hrsB. Skin is maintained not reddened until dischargeC. Able to identify risk factors in having pressure ulcersD. Increased CHON and vit c diet

47. Early symptom of cataract : blurred vision

48. Infant of diabetic mother expect: SATAI. Serum calcium of greater than 7mg/dlII. High urine outputIII. I forgot na pero npost ntong tnong nto eh

49. A schizophrenic patient is telling the nurse that everyone wants to kill him. Which type of delusion addressing this?A. PersecutionB. Grandeur

50. Sterine urine collection:A. Catheterize patientB. Direct urine in the clean containerC. Wash vaginal area with soap and apply betadineD. Void in the urine container and transfer to sterile bottle

51. A patient with balloon tamponade developes Acute Respiratory Distress. What is the appropriate action:A. Cut the balloonB. Deflate the balloonC. Give oxygen by facial mask

52. Signs of hypovolemia HypoTachyTachy

53. In severe burns, you expect the following to be elevated: SATAA. GlucoseB. SodiumC. Potassium

54. Patient with epilepsy, what will you advice to him when having to begin the attack:A. Have anyone care for you and protect your headB. Loosen you constructive clothing and remove hazardous objectsC. Lie down yourself in lateral position

55. Patient with Down Syndrome: Low set ears and simean crease

1. Post liver biopsy --- RT lateral position 2. Nurse assigned for changing diaper--- risk for hepatitis A 3. Mother asked the nurse: why the doctor hold my baby and leave him in the other hand--- MORO reflex4.Elderly PT risk for UTI---- decrease muscle tone in bladder5.amylaze,lipaze elevation--- pancreatitis6.digoxin overdose ( digitalis toxicity)---- with vomitting and diarrhea---- hyponatremia8.female PT with magnesium sulfate toxicity--- absence of Jerk -knee reflex9.pregnant with mild pre-eclampsia--- well balanced diet10.after ambutation above knee no elevation-- to prevent hip traction complication--- no mobilization12.Pt came to ER with CVA-- semi-fowler position 30-45 degree13.Pt taking iron tablet--- colored stool14.child with asthma--- increased reduce the smell of colostomy-- diet restriction16.ventricular fibrilation --- unorganized foci17.before paracenthesis--- empty bladder18.why to empty bladder before paracenthesis-- to avoid bladder puncture19.infant with congenital cardiac deficit--- small frequent diet20.Pt with history of Angina, came to ER with headache and vision problem and dizzyness--- nitroglycerine overdose21.pregnant ladi 12 week gestation came to ER with bleeding-- spontaneous abortion22.rheumatic heart disease-- ASO titer ( not low ESR )23.child after VP-shunt--- check ICP24.Peptic ulcer perforation-- tender abdomen and rigid25.child with hyperthyrodism-- bulging eye26.which more prone to hospital infection-- 2 yrs child with 8% burn27.calculation answers: 25/9/04/3 tab/ 33.3/0.25 4 times/28.breathing sound abnormal-- ronchi29.acute back pain-- give medication to to do excersise30.suicidal idea-- Pt said: I am burden31 . regular insulin and NPH32. amputated leg pain--- phantom

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