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    < skip introduction >









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    < skip introduction >

    BIO-MIMICRY[ From the Greek bioslie and mimesisimitation ]


    Natures translators or creating a new bio-inspired ethosaround sustainable design and leadership

    +30,000,000 species

    +(biological knowledge 2)/every 5 years possibilitiesor innovation and sustainability


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    < skip introduction >

    Biomimicry is a design and leadership discipline that seeks sustainablesolutions by emulating natures time-tested ideas. The vision is to createproducts, processes, organizations, and policiesnew ways o livingthatare well-adapted to lie on earth over the long haul.

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    < skip introduction >


    The Biomimicry Guild is the rst and only innovation consultancy in the worldto use a deep knowledge o biological adaptations to help others implementsustainable practices that create conditions conducive to all lie.

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    < skip introduction >

    The Guilds process o consulting lies genius utilizes a clear, proven designmethodology, complete with eective implementation tools, developed overa decade o work with Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurial organizations,universities, governments, and non-prots. previous

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    < skip introduction >

    We are interested in creating systemic change that makes a real dierence inthe world. By translating natures genius we hope to reveal a world o potentialor our clients.


    * thermographic image made by Arno Vlooswijk & Coen Boonen < www.wo

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    < skip introduction >

    Our toolsthe Biomimicry Design Spirals, the Lies Principles Butterfy, ourproprietary database, and AskNature: Biomimicry Design Portalbridge thegaps o terminology and specialization that separate biologists, chemists, andother researchers rom industrial designers, engineers and other developers

    and strategists in industry.


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    < skip introduction >

    Using our tools, we have discovered how to eectively translate the wisdomo our teachersthe organisms and ecosystems o the natural worldintodesigns and systems that become sustainable innovations and evolve into abio-inspired ethos or our clients. previous

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    < skip introduction >

    As the industrial age moves into the biological age, modern scientictechniques are allowing us to gaze deeper into natures secrets and helping usunderstand and learn rom her elegant designs. Our in-house expertise allowsus to access this constantly expanding knowledge base and to translate it orrelevant application to our clients design challenges.


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    < skip introduction >

    Ater 3.85 billion years o R&D, nature has learned:What works.What is appropriate.

    What lasts. previous

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    < skip introduction >

    The Biomimicry Guild can help you see nature.

    Nature can help you see dierently.


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    PollinationA. < Inspiration and Discovery >

    Introductory services or organizations new to

    biomimicry and to the Biomimicry Guild

    < Introductory Biomimicry Presentation1. >< Watering Hole Sessions2. >< Introductory Biomimicry Training >3.< Biomimicry Thought Leader Workshop >4.< Custom Workshops5. >< Tailored Biomimetic Product Report >6.

    B. < Biologist at the Design Table >Design charrettes and ideation sessions or

    sustainability and innovation

    < Tools > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    < Strategy > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    < return to table o contents >

    Products and Services




    pgs 6

    pgs 14

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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >

    < biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >

    Introductory Biomimicry Presentation Watering Hole Sessio

    Inspiration and DiscoveryIntroductory services or organizations new to biomimicry and to the Biomimicry Guild

    An inspiring and practical introductory presentationintroducing case studies and ideas relevant to yourorganizations specic challenges. Following thepresentation and Q&A, meetings with design andleadership teams uncover areas where the Guild maymake the most eective contribution.

    A series o dialogues with in-house teamhow specic organization/division challenaddressed through utilizing biomimetic msystems. Each session includes an interacand brie brainstorm o biological strategimethodologies as well as an introductiondesign principles.

    < more inspiration

    and Discovery Assessment

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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >

    < biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >

    Introductory Biomimicry Training Biomimicry Thought Leader

    Inspiration and DiscoveryIntroductory services or organizations new to biomimicry and to the Biomimicry Guild

    This specialized training teaches practitioners the practicalapplication o biomimicry as a design tool. Participantslearn biological and ecological principles relevant todesign, the unctional interace with biology, and how toapply biomimicry to the design o sustainable products,processes, and systems. Once trained, proessionalsbecome the internal biomimicry team capable o addingbiomimicry insights throughout your organizations designprocess.

    Guild co-ounders, Janine Benyus and DaPhD, work with leadership to introduce hcan be utilized at your organization to creor leadership and design. This workshopvisioning and high-level strategic thinkingsystem-wide plan or moving orward.

    < more inspiration

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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >

    < biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >

    Custom Workshops Tailored Biomimetic Produc

    Inspiration and DiscoveryIntroductory services or organizations new to biomimicry and to the Biomimicry Guild

    Our trainings can be customized to your organizationsculture, challenges, and logistical needs. Depending on thelength and depth, the workshop may include pre-work,workshop materials, the workshop, and a post-workshopreport. The hands-on learning is designed to be directlyapplicable to your organization and is held in a local orremote natural setting.

    A customized catalog o biomimetic prodprocesses, current and in development, aunctions relevant to your organization oreport includes inormation about the mao the products and their contact inormaas a rudimentary assessment o how sustbiomimetic each product is. Optionally, wthe speciying o these products and proorganization.

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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >

    < biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >

    Biological wisdom at your ngertips

    Biologist at the Design TableDesign charrettes and ideation sessions or sustainability and innovation

    Bringing natures sustainable innovations to yourdesign table, our biologists participate and acilitatedesign charrettes and ideation sessions. The greatestopportunities and innovations arise when natures lessonsare invited in particularly at the earliest stages.

    Our Biologists at the Design Table are:

    Biologists who are uniquely adept at combingthrough natures R&D labs and translating naturesstrategies into strategies that eectively meet yourorganizations challenges. This makes our research

    service ast, thorough, and highly cost-eective orclients.

    Biologists who are trained in the biommethodology and excel at helping deand processes that are innovative, esaving, and sustainable.

    Biologists who move easily rom bioltaking complex biological data and trinto language digestible by any depamarketing to R&D.

    Biologists who can be part o your orrom brainstorm to prototype, continbiological insight to the process.

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    < skip introduction >

    < return to table o contents >

    < Pollination >. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg

    ToolsA. < BioBrainstorming >B. < Custom Innovation Habitat >C. < Amoeba through Zebra >

    D. < Ecological Perormance Standards >

    E. < Genius o Place >

    < Strategy > . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . pgs 1

    Products and Services




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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >

    < biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >


    BioBrainstormingFacilitated application o biomimicry methodology

    One o the best ways to evolve a bio-inspired in-housepractice, develop leadership, and build the biomimicryskills o your internal practitioners is through the acilitatedbio-brainstorming process. Guild BaDTs (Biologists at theDesign Table) work directly with your designers, engineers,architects, managers and others who already have a basicunderstanding o biomimicry. We help brainstorm andresearch biological strategies relevant to a specic designchallenge and acilitate the process o moving througheach relevant biomimicry design spiral. Following eachdesign charrette or ideation session the Guild delivers

    a Biomimicry Perspectives report covering the mainconcepts rom the session(s).

    [Biomimicry] Introduces a conco wide exploration in a world daz

    industrial artiacts around us... Oveo years, natures lie orms throu

    selection have had to live with theo the entropy law on a solar

    ~ Wes Jackson, The Land In

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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >

    < biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >


    Custom Innovation HabitatIn-house biomimicry resource center

    The Innovation Habitat serves as the nucleus orbiomimicry within your organization. This physical spaceestablishes an atmosphere o creative possibility, andprovides the resources, tools, materials, and conceptsor encouraging the in-house creation o sustainablebiomimetic innovations. The extensive training, inormation,and support provided by the Guild ensure that the

    customized Innovation Habitat is utilized nurture continued success. The Habitat ino biomimetic samples, living systems orhost o activities and toolsincluding ouror conceiving, capturing, and developingbiomimetic ideas.

    < innovation habitat components >

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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >

    < biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >

    Innovation Habitat Components

    Custom Innovation HabitatIn-house biomimicry resource center

    Natures Technology Summaries

    To keep your organization on the leading edge we provideaccess to the vast knowledge o natures R&D labs. Ourexperts invest extensive, valuable time developing thesesummaries. Delivered in a digestible ormat, the summariesinclude inormation on the organism, the unction itsstrategy meets, the lies principle the solution representsand potential application areas.

    Biomimetic material and product samples

    Your Habitat will be seeded with samples rom

    commercially available and lab prototypes o bio-inspiredproducts and materials. The samples are tagged witha brie description o the technology and how it is, andmight be, applied.

    Ideation and design tools and exercises

    To help oster in-house bio-inspired ideatioguided design sessions, we also include tothe biomimicry methodology, systems expintervention, and Lies Principles.

    Expedition pack

    Includes eld guide, binoculars, hand lenselocal strategy exploration eld trips.

    Biomimicry Brainstorming System

    Your hands-on training on the Guilds provsystem through a series o in-house, projeideation sessions.

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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >< biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >


    Amoeba through ZebraDeep research addressing specifc challenges

    A recent comparative analysis o natures strategies andthe US patent database revealed just 12% overlap in designsolutions*. The Guilds most extensive research package,spanning the taxaAmoeba through Zebra, is designedto reveal much o the remaining 88% o novel solutions toyour specic design challenge. Our comprehensive surveyo natures strategies includes a taxonomy o solutionsets based on deep design principles. The package alsogenerates a deeper dive into the most promising strategyand delivers an analysis and development plan orimplementation. Additional relevant support helps yourorganization achieve a well biomimicked end product.

    *Vincent, J. et al (2006). Biomimeticsits practice and theory.Journal o the Royal Society Interace 3, 471-482.

    Janine Benyus is obsessed withconnections, and the beauty

    intertwined. Biomimicry ocuses structures, processes, strateg

    mechanisms that nature has beor a billion years, that we can em

    use in modern design.

    ~ Terry Tempest Williams, A

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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >< biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >


    Ecological Performance StandardsPerormance codes based on local ecologies

    Taking our cue rom native ecosystems, we set aspirationalmetrics or large-scale projects. Planners and developerscan set aspirational goals or ecological perormance thatmatch the local ecology by knowing perormance datasuch as how many tons o CO2 are normally sequesteredby local native ecosystems per year, how many gallonso water stored per storm or ltered per month, andhow many species are supported per acre, etc. Settingecological perormance standards moves designs towardperorming at least as well as the local ecosystemsdisplaced.

    Janine Benyus has been instruinterpreting the principles o bioto the designers and product deat Patagonia. She has been insp

    practical, and engaging in helincorporate our respect or the

    world into the creation o our p

    ~ Yvon Chouinard, co-ounder, P

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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >< biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >


    Genius of PlaceLocally attuned strategies or design

    For site-specic design challenges, particularly in thebuilt environment, our Genius o Place oering brings anunderstanding o the pre-tested, locally attuned strategiesadopted by the local organisms specic to your designchallenge. We honor the local wisdom and actively lookand listen or ways local geniuses manage water, build soil,deal with changes in climate, and other challenges o thatparticular land. We encourage locally attuned strategiesthat match local operating conditions and ecologies.In addition to optional site visits, the Genius o Placepackage may include several o the ollowing componentsdepending on the level o investment (SEED, TREE, orFOREST).

    Ecosystem Dynamics

    Sets the stage by addressing the ecologithe system. Provides an overview o the olimits, and includes what the organisms hand what they have to respond to. This insurvey o the site conditions, select relevalocal ecosystem trends.

    Survive and Thrive Strategies

    An overview across taxa to identiy the cor survival, specic to place. The congru

    strategies across taxa suggests mandatoany design implemented in this area.

    < more genius o place components >

    Genius o Place Compon

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    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >< biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >

    Genius o Place Components Continued

    Genius of PlaceLocally attuned strategies or design

    Functional Best Practices

    A survey o the native ecosystems generates a list ounctional adaptations o the characteristic species inthat native habitat (e.g., wind resistance strategies o liveoak, re tolerance strategies o longlea pine). How arethese organisms catching water, building homes, copingwith re, food, or wind; communicating, transporting, orrestoring themselves? These native champion adaptersare the embodied wisdom o living in place, and they cantell you more about site conditions than any text, therebyinorming a well-adapted design.

    Lies Principles

    What overarching design guidelines do loand systems ollow? In this step we turn Guilds Lies Principles template into a loby plugging in the strategies o select locadapters and ecological standards to inothe overall sustainability o the design pro

    Recommendation List

    We synthesize the site-specic discoverieproject recommendation list. The recomm

    based on the place and the needs o the span relevant disciplines with tangible gurecommendations.

  • 8/3/2019 Guild Service Reference 09 10


    < skip introduction >

    < return to table o contents >

    < Pollination > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    < Tools > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    StrategyA. < Biologist in the Board Room>

    Leadership visioning or sustainability and innovation

    B. < Food Web >Context specifc biological systems modeling

    and systems thinking

    C. < Lies Principles >Creating and establishing sustainable DNA




    Products and Services

    pgs 1

    pgs 6

  • 8/3/2019 Guild Service Reference 09 10



    < pollination >< biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >

    Biologist in the Board Room

    Biologist in the Board RoomLeadership visioning or sustainability and innovation

    Globally recognized, Guild co-ounders Janine Benyusand Dayna Baumeister have been providing executive-level consulting to corporate leaders or over a decade.Their extensive knowledge o biological systems andprocesses, coupled with deep experience in innovationand sustainability consulting and urther nourishedby a knowledgeable team, creates a valuable asset toorganizations with a commitment to sustainability. Inworking with client organizations, biomimicry concepts,systems, and processes are utilized to help create a newethos or design and leadership. This new ethos can beextended outside o organization borders to the supply

    chain, customers, communities, and into the naturalworld with the InnovationorConservation thanksgivingprogram.

    We were immersed in a sea o instrategies, science and insight. Westrong commitment or a ar wideand education o [biomimicry] id

    the rm.

    ~ HOK President Bill Valen

  • 8/3/2019 Guild Service Reference 09 10



    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >

    < biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >


    Food WebContext specifc biological systems modeling and systems thinking

    The Food Web is the Guilds systems-ocused workshopseries or executives and management. It provides aunique opportunity to pull a cross platorm suite oindividuals together to gain a deeper systems-basedunderstanding o the organizations operations, and withinthis context help inorm decision-making around strategyand new initiatives. Our deep and broad understanding oecology will lead the Guilds analysis o, and work on, yourorganizations ood web. Over the course o the workshopseries, teams examine sources o the organizationsnutrient fows and waste streams.

    We acilitate the ideation o strategies andesigned to enable the organization to slleaks. We then make use o ree but hiddwithin its own operations and those o itscustomers. Included in the nal deliveraboutlining strategic options and relevant awell as a visual representation o the orgaweb(s).

  • 8/3/2019 Guild Service Reference 09 10



    < pollination >< inspiration and discovery >

    < biologist at the design table >

    < tools >< biobrainstorming >

    < innovation habitat >< amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >< genius o place >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >< lies principles >

    < return to table o contents >< packages >


    Lifes PrinciplesCreating and establishing sustainable DNA

    Lies Principles outline strategies or thriving under theoperating conditions on Earth. Biomimetic design, inaddition to mimicking specic creatures, can also be themimicry o general patterns and processes ound in nature.We reer to these general patterns and processes as LiesPrinciples. Working with leadership to create and establishan organizational DNA that is based on the principles olie, and thus sustainable by nature, is deep design andrequires strategic and creative thinking.

    This training teaches Lies Principles in away by addressing common challenges ahow Lies Principles can be utilized to sochallenges. By incorporating these princian organizations design methodologies astrategies, the resulting integrated stratesustainable because they ollow the sameallow lie to thrive.

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    < skip introduction >

    < return to table o contents >

    < Fertilization > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .An immersive introduction or organizations new tobiomimicry and to the Biomimicry Guild

    < Biologizer > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A comprehensive training, research, development, and

    design-guidance package or organizations seeking to

    utilize biomimicry as a tool or cultivating sustainable,

    innovative products and processes

    < Ecosystem Innovation > . . . . . . . . . .A systems-ocused approach or executives, strategists,and management designed to promote a long-term

    organization-wide commitment to innovating sustainably

    through biomimicry








  • 8/3/2019 Guild Service Reference 09 10


    < skip introduction >

    < pollination >

    < introductory biomimicry presentation >

    < watering hole sessions >

    < introductory biomimicry training >

    < biomimicry thought leader workshop >

    < custom workshops >

    < tailored biomimetic product report >

    < biologist at the design table >

    < tools >

    < biobrainstorming >

    < custom innovation habitat >

    < amoeba through zebra >

    < ecological perormance standards >

    < genius o place >

    < strategy >

    < biologist in the board room >

    < ood web >

    < lies principles >

    fertilization biologizer ecosystem innov



    included optional

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    < ertilization >

    < biologizer >

    < ecosystem innovation >

    < return to table o contents >< products and services >


    FertilizationAn immersive introduction or organizations new to biomimicry and to the Biomimicry G

    The ertilization package is designed or organizationsseeking a thorough introduction to Biomimicry.Fertilization provides the initial inspiration, ideas, andinormation to seed the conceptand the nutrition toencourage continued growth. The package also includesa synopsis on the potential opportunities and perceivedobstacles that the Guild learned during Fertilization.Upon completion, your organization will have a thoroughintroduction to biomimicry in the context o your businessand your specic design challenges.

    < see specic products and services included in package >

    To be with Janine indoors is transported; to spend time outd

    her is like walking through the looo extraordinary beauty and lan

    meadow o possibilities about our spent with Janine is a transmissio

    about what we can learn rom annature, a species o hope that wil

    or the rest o your lie.

    ~ Paul Hawken, Natural Capital

  • 8/3/2019 Guild Service Reference 09 10



    < ertilization >

    < biologizer >

    < ecosystem innovation >

    < return to table o contents >< products and services >


    BiologizerA comprehensive training, research, development, and design-guidance package or organizations s

    biomimicry as a tool or cultivating sustainable, innovative products and processes

    The Guild provides your organization with essential toolsand training necessary or the eective exploration obiomimicry. The package includes enabling inormationthat has been careully researched, compiled, sorted,evaluated, and developed by our worldwide network obiologists. The knowledge and experience gained throughthe inormation, tools, and training provides teams with anunderstanding o how to utilize Biomimicry to generatemore innovative ideas, and cultivate more sustainablesolutions to your design and engineering challenges.

    With this inormation and training in placacilitate biomimicry exploration o speciaddition to the services selected or the pa year we come in to measure the impacpackage is having on your organization. Aincludes recommendations on how your teectively utilize the inormation and impin order to continue to integrate and evoyour organization.

    < see specic products and services inclu

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    < ertilization >

    < biologizer >

    < ecosystem innovation >

    < return to table o contents >< products and services >


    Ecosystem InnovationA systems-ocused approach or executives, strategists, and management designed to promote

    organization-wide commitment to innovating sustainably through biomimicry

    Designed or organizations with a long-term corporate-wide commitment to the ongoing creation o innovativeand sustainable systems, processes, and products, theGuilds visioning, strategy, and thought leader packageis led by Guild co-ounders Janine Benyus and DaynaBaumeister, PhD. Working with the leadership, biomimicryand bio-inspired concepts, systems, and processes areutilized to help create a new ethos or leadership.

    This new ethos can extend outside o orgboarders to the supply chain, customers,into the natural world with the Innovationthanksgiving program. The Ecosystem Inprovides a high-level o ongoing executivcoupled with key trainings or select depchampions to provide internal support.

    < see specic products and services inclu

  • 8/3/2019 Guild Service Reference 09 10


    < skip introduction >

    Janine Benyus and Dayna Baumeister, PhD, ounded theBiomimicry Guild in 1998 in response to organizations requeststo have a Biologist at the Design Table to help solve sustainabilityproblems in new, yet proven, ways. We are practical problem-

    solvers, but we are also educators, helping to open peoples eyesto the genius o the natural world. By helping clients notice theamazing technologies and strategies practiced by organisms andecosystems, we hope to inspire new paths or humans to livesustainably on earth. We also hope to bring natures ideas to thedesign table to inspire products that minimize material and energyuse, processes that eliminate toxicity, and organizations thatcohere like an ecosystem.

    We have years o experience in biomimicry research andconsulting with some o the worlds most innovative rms,including GE, Nike, Herman Miller, IDEO, Interace, P&G, SeventhGeneration, and HOK. Our co-ounder Janine Benyus wrote thebook that started the biomimicry wave in the US: Biomimicry:Innovation Inspired by Nature (1997, 2002). Since then the Guildhas introduced the concept to tens o thousands o people. Inaddition to our consulting practice, we run workshops and eldexcursions or designers and engineers, teaching them how toask nature or practical advice about the redesign o everythingrom carpets to city plans. Weve thought deeply about ways tointegrate this new way o seeing into a participants experience.


    < return to table o contents >

    We also act as a biological resource or many innovation labs,helping their products and processes become truly biomimeticWe are backed by a global network o biologists and biologicadatabases allowing searches, amoeba-through-zebra, to answequestions such as How does nature lter water? How does naregulate moisture? How does nature settle landscapes? How dnature handle sheer, tensile, or compressive stress, hurricanes,earthquakes, foods, and res? How does nature work in conceenhance place?

    We thoroughly enjoy our job o lter eeding through the literato nd champion adapters that might inspire an idea or a bewater purication device, a breakthrough in alternative energy,a new way to sequester carbon, design a city, or run a businessBy emulating 3.85 billion years o evolved wisdom, we dream ohelping our clients debut category-redening products that mreal needs while simultaneously creating conditions conducivelie.

    < view past and current client list >

  • 8/3/2019 Guild Service Reference 09 10


    Amana-KeyAmerican Institute o ArchitectsAmerican Institute o Chemical

    EngineersAmerican Interior Design AssociationAmerican Society o Interior DesignersArchie BrayArizona State University

    Arup EngineersAspen IDEAS FestivalBall State UniversityBioneersBoeingBoston Research CenterBrighthouseBrookeld ZooCalgary Chamber o CommerceCaliornia Academy o SciencesCaliornia College o Arts and CratsCaliornia Resource and Recycling

    AssociationCanadas National Roundtable or the

    Economy and the EnvironmentCanadian Institute or Environmental Lawand Policy

    Carollo EngineersCity o SeattleClean Energy Fund o ConnecticutColor Marketing GroupConsorta Health Care ProvidersCooper HewittCorporate Design FoundationCorporation or the Northern RockiesDaiwa HouseDavid Oakey DesignsDesign Futures CouncilDial Corporation

    Discovery World at Pier WisconsinDixie Contract Carpet

    Dominican CollegeDupontEcotrustEntrepreneurs or SustainabilityEnvironmental Protection AgencyE-SourceEvergreen CollegeFederation o Canadian Municipalities

    Forum or the FutureFox & Fowle ArchitectsFrontier CooperativeFuture 500General ElectricGeneral MillsGensler ArchitectsGeorgia TechGlobal Business NetworkGreen Building Council o ClevelandGuildord o MaineHallmarkHealth Care Without HarmHeadwaters Recycling

    Herman MillerHewlett-PackardHOK ArchitectsHosokawa Micron InternationalIdeas that MatterIDEOIIDEXInnovation Convergence 2005Institute or the NorthwestInteraceInternational Interior Designers AssociationIshida UniversityJohnson & JohnsonKaiser-PermenenteKohler

    LevisMcDougal-Goodman & Associates

    Montana Department Natural Resourcesand Conservation

    Montana Department o EnvironmentalQuality

    NASANational Council or Interior Design

    QualicationNational Textile Center

    Natural Edge ProjectNBBJNew College o FloridaNikeNitto DenkeNorm Thompson OutttersNorth American Association o

    Environmental EducatorsNorth American Decorative Fabrics

    DistributorsNorthwest Green Building CouncilNovellO2Oberlin College

    Omega InstituteOntario College o Art and DesignPalo Alto, CA School DistrictPartners in Environmental Technology

    SymposiumPatagoniaPop!TechPresidents Council on Sustainable

    DevelopmentProcter & GambleRocky Mountain InstituteSarasota CountyS.C. JohnsonSchumacher CollegeSecond Nature

    Seventh GenerationShell

    Shore Bank PacicSierra ClubSITASociety o Organizational LStanord UniversityState o MontanaSteelcaseSustainable Dallas

    Sustainable SarasotaTllberg Forum (Sweden)The Land InstituteThe Natural StepTohoku UniversityUnited States Fish and WildUnited States Forest ServiceUnited States Green BuildinUniversity o CalgaryUniversity o IowaUniversity o Minnesota Col

    Architecture and DesignUniversity o MontanaUniversity o North Carolina

    University o Northern IllinoUniversity o PittsburghUniversity o Pittsburgh Sch

    EngineeringUniversity o VictoriaVancouver Art GalleryWashington State DepartmeWD-40WDHB ConsultingWest Michigan Sustainable

    ConsortiumWharton School o BusinessWhidbey Island InstituteWhistlerYellowstone Business Partn

    Zero Emissions Research In

    Past and Current Client List

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  • 8/3/2019 Guild Service Reference 09 10


    < skip introduction >INNOVATION FOR CONSERVATION

    < toc > < specialized packages

    By working with theBiomimicry Guild, you are also working

    to make a signicant dierence in protecting andrestoring wildlie, habitats, and sustainable communities

    around the world. Conservation o nature gives us the chanceto give credit where credit is due, and at the same time protect

    and restore the wellsprings that gave rise to the great ideas romwhich your organization benets.

    The Guild works to nd organisms and ecosystems with innovative,

    sustainable solutions to your challenges. Once we nd the specicorganism or ecosystem and learn rom them to nd your solution, we

    compensate them or their services by protecting their habitat. They receiva down payment and eventually ongoing royalty payments. Ultimately theybecome both our, and your, strategic partner. The initial down payment is a

    percentage o every Guild research contract. The royalties are based on theprot or savings rom your biomimetic design. This is distributed in the ormo a tax-deductible donation to the Innovation or Conservation Programmanaged by The Biomimicry Institute.

    By participating in the Innovation or Conservation program, your organizationhas paid its debt to the organisms and ecosystems that evolved the ingenious, sustainable ideas rom

    whom it is proting. The thanksgiving circle is complete.

    < The Biomimicry Institute: Innovation or Conservation >

    Innovation or Conservation

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  • 8/3/2019 Guild Service Reference 09 10


    < skip introduction >

    Biomimicry Guild

    PO Box 575

    Helena, MT 59624 USA


    The world will not evolve past its current state o crisis by using the same thinking that created it. ~ Ein

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