Page 1: GUIDE self introduction form - finding Change Agents for Enterprise Social Media Adoption

1 GUIDEs for Social Media and Business Networking

created by Harald Schirmer 18.06.2012

GUIDE SELF INTRODUCTION updated June 18th 2012 Please fill out the following questions to show us a little bit about your background with Social Media, Business Networking and Change Management and tell about your expectations or questions.

Your answers will only be shown to Harald Schirmer – responsible for the GUIDE concept. Out of the collection of your valuable input – I will optimize the concept, answer your questions and publish the best success stories anonymously.

Why do you want to be a GUIDE?

I was invited I want to volunteer

Some details about you:

Your Name:

Your Department:

Your job title:

Your plant/location:

Your division:

Your business unit

Your superiors eMail: (will only be used on your OK!)

Which function are you most interested in with ConNext? (check as many as you like)

Activities Blog Bookmarks Communities Conti PhoneBook Corporate Search Files Forums Profiles SameTime advanced SharePoint Status messages Wiki

Can you give an example of something, you tried to change lately? (what are your personal experiences with changes at Continental – if you did not start it… “rate” someone else’s changes)

month: year: topic:

reason for success:

reason for failing:

lesson learned:

Page 2: GUIDE self introduction form - finding Change Agents for Enterprise Social Media Adoption

2 GUIDEs for Social Media and Business Networking

created by Harald Schirmer 18.06.2012

What’s the most common failure(s) with changes in your opinion?

commitment communication mindset money organization support time

When did you personally start web based social networking? (you can also enter a different year)


How are you “handling” new things (tools, software, electronics...)?

I try many things as soon as they are available I usually start using things with others

or once they are “established”

What was your “best” social media experience? (the experience you personally liked best – inside or outside Continental – and why?)

Name three “things” you most do with Web 2.0:

How would you convince people of using social media?

What are your questions or concerns about the whole GUIDE project?

For your information: Before you click “Send with Lotus Notes” we want to give you the following information:

• Please use this form only if you are a motivated and curious about it – you must not be forced to become a GUIDE • You will be visible with your GUIDE role to your colleagues e.g. in your ConNext profile • The whole process and documentation is approved by BSDG with registration 100859/001 (data protection) • You can quit your GUIDE role by sending us the “GUIDE status change form” (same location as this form)

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