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Instructions. Read and select the right option.

1. You found and read a cultural article in the newspaper yesterday. It was abouta) Broken marriages.b) Sales and shopping.c) Famous people´s creations.d) Finances and marketing.

2. A funny event in a first day preschooler class isa) Crying when mum left school.b) Having to work with other children.c) Swimming in a little pool.d) Writing some letters.

Instructions. Choose the expression that has a similiar meaning to the one underlined.

3. Tim perfomed this role many times.a) He took it out.b) Made it out.c) Acted out.d) Figured out.

4. Sam´s niece visited some relatives in Phoenix.a) Her poor friends.b) His aunts.c) Her cousins.d) His parents.

5. Abby: tell me, what was your trip like? Tony: we had a great time!

a) It was terrific!b) That´s a good idea!c) It was boring!d) We had great friends!

Instructions. Find the expression that matches with the intention (function of the language).

6. Asking information about habits in the past.a) I was fixing his bike when I was 2 years old.b) What did you use to do when you were little?c) Were you helping your dad yesterday?d) She been working in that store for long time.

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Reading comprehension.

Instructions. Read the text and choose the correct choice.

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955. He was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs, who named him Steve Paul Jobs. He grew up in Mountain View, California. When his region was becoming a center for electronics people started to refer to the area as “Silicon Valley” because silicon is a substance used in manufacturing several electronic parts.

He had a rough time in elementary school, even his fourth grade teacher needed to bribe him to study. Nevertheless, he was very intelligent. His school administrators were suggesting to skip him ahead to high school when his parents refused. When he got to high school he liked to hang out at Hewlett-Packard.

When he was working there he met Steve Wozniak, a computer genious who was trying to build a small computer. This idea caught Jobs´ mind and suggested to Wozniak they should start a compañy. Jobs was selling his Volkswagen bus when Wozniak sold his scientific calculator to obtain money to fund Apple.

Computers. In that moment Steve Jobs was only 21 years old. At a time when almost all computers were functioning as mainframes, he offered people the first personal computer. While mainframes could fill a room and were very expensive, Apple offered personal computers. The company had some troubles after the introduction of the Macintosh, a model that did not sell very well. He was running the company as the CEO when he resigned in 1985. He started a software company called NeXT Inc. He was running this company when he bought an animation company from George Lucas (which later became Pixar Animation Studios). They produced Toy Story, Finding Nemo and The Incredibles. Later, Apple bought NeXT Inc. and Jobs returned to his post as Apple´s CEO in 1996.

With this, a new era of exciting and innovate products began. Apple launched products that revolutionized the world, like the Macbook Air, iPod and iPhone.

In 2003 Jobs discovered he had pancreatic cancer. He had a successful surgery and remained healthy for some years. He passed away on October 5, 2011, the next dat the introduction of the iPhone 4S, the last Apple event he witnessed.

7. Mount View changed to Silicon Valley because ___.a) Steve Jobs was born there.b) The city began to produce silicon.c) The city became the center of electronic companies.d) Silicon is used for manufacturing electronic parts.

8. In the text, we read: “His fourth grade teacher needed to bribe his to study. Bribe means ___.a) Scold.b) Price.c) Warn.d) Punish.

9. Macintosh was a computer that ___.a) Had good sales.b) Was innovative.c) Did not sell very well.d) Changed the electronic world.

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10. George Lucas was once the owner of ___.a) Apple.b) NeXT Inc.c) Pixar Animation Studios.d) Hewlett-Packard.


Instructions. Read and select the right option.

11. How do you notice important information in a public place?a) It´s written by experts.b) It´s important with special ink.c) It appears with different type of letters.d) It catches your attention as it is placed in visible spots.

12. “Please, keep you belongings with your all the time!” You can listen to this announcement: a) At a public library.b) In a commercial and shopping area.c) In private offices.d) At an airport premises.

13. “Attention! Thieves will be prosecuted” It means:a) They are unable to have a trial.b) They won´t have any rights.c) They will be named criminals in a court.d) They are going to be badly treated.

14. What chores one has to do at home?a) Make some friends.b) Do physical exercise.c) Feed the pets.d) Take a shower everyday.

15. If you ready to go to schoola) You are behind time with tidy clothes.b) You bring only notebooks and pens.c) You wear school clothes and carry your items.d) Have ID card in your school bag.

16. “Wendy, put at risk her kids at that time. They were out of sight!”. That means:a) She was a careful mother.b) She was afraid to look after them.c) She didn´t take care of them.d) She didin´t look after them.

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Reading comprehension.

Instructions. Read the text and choose the correct choice.


There was once a prince. He wanted a princess, but it had to be a true princess! So he journeyed all around the world to find one, but no matter where he went, something was wrong. There were plenty of princesses, but whether or not they were true princesses he couldn´t find out. There was always something that wasn´t quite right. So he came home again and was very sad, for he wanted a true princess so very much. One evening there was a terrible storm. The lightning flashed, the thunder boomed, and the rain poured down. It was really frightful! Then somebody knoked at the city gate, and the old king went out to open it. A princess was standing outside, but heavens, how she looked from the rain and the bad weather! Water poured off her hair and clothes and ran in at the toe of her shoe and out the heel, but she said she was a true princess.

“Well, we´ll soon find out!” thought the queen, but she didn´t say anything. She went into the bedroom, took off all the bedding, and put a pea on the bottom of the bed. Then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the top of the pea and then put twenty eiderdown quilts on the top of the mattresses. There the princess was to sleep that night. In the morning, they asked her how she had slept. “Oh, just miserably!” said the princess. “I´ve hardly closed my eyes all night! Heaven knows what was in my bed! I´ve been lying on something so hard that I´m black and blue all over! It´s simply dreadful!” Then they could tell that this was a true princess, because through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eiderdown quilts she had felt the pea. Only a true princess could have such a delicate skin. So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a true princess!

17. in line 3, the word whether refers toa) Climate.b) Contradiction.c) Alternative.d) Conclusion.

18. A synonym for pour off is ___.a) Serve.b) Dry.c) Wet.d) Drain.

19. A pea is a ___.a) Fruit.b) Plant.c) Rock.d) Vegetable.

20. The princess could´t sleep well because of the ___.a) Bed.b) Pea.c) Mattresses.d) Quilts.

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Instructions. Read and select the right option.

21. Where ___ hamburgers from?a) Is.b) Am.c) Are.d) ´re.

22. I ___ like to order.a) Will.b) Would.c) Won´t.d) Could.

23. How would you like your meat? _____.a) Very well.b) Very much.c) Well done.d) Much.

24. What ___ your favorite dish?a) Are.b) Am.c) Is.d) Goes.

25. Do you like milk? _____.a) Very good.b) They love it.c) Not so much.d) Yes, you like it.

26. How ___ sugar do we need?a) Much.b) Good.c) Bad.d) Many.

27. She ___ want that cake.a) Don´t.b) Doesn´t.c) Do.d) Really.

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Reading comprehension.

Instructions. Read the text and choose the correct choice.


I have been to the movies many times before and I never asked myself how it all started. Yesterday in my communication I couldn´t really understand it. There were many inconclusive things so I went to the library to investigate more about it. After looking for information for a couple of hours I found the second part of the story and some interesting articles about mute films.

The second part of the movie explained the reasons of these events. The bald man and the woman were husband and wife and they were smugging some alcohol because in those times it was forbidden to sell it and you could get a lot of money if you sold it illegally. The man started a business with some friends and they were getting a lot of money from what they sold but the woman started to fall in love with one of the husband´s partners. They became lovers and decided to run away with the money of the alcohol they sold but they needed to have a plan to run away together. So they decided to fake an attack to the woman and when they were distracted with the woman the man could get the money. The plan class my teacher was talking about the origins of films and she told us some very interesting facts about them.

What particular caught my attention was how the mute film was created, so I decided to watch some short films and I was amazed. I watched an interesting film that I will tell you about but I didin´t quite understand it. I think the story takes place in the mid 50´s in a big city.

When the gangsters ruled the market and money was a priority. In the first scene 2 people appear, a young bald man and a woman both approach to the door and as the man touches the woman by the waist he opens the door to a smart young man dressed in a suit who greets both the man and the woman.

Then the elegant man and the bald one gathered in what appears to be a dining room with an elegant chandelier and where 3 other men are waiting for them.

As one of them says I love the smell of money he raises bunches of bills in joy and excitement. All of them greet each other and hugged and it seems they are celebrating a big event. They look really happy and raise some champagne glasses to make a toast. Meanwhile, in other room the young woman is putting make up around her eyes and her neck to imitate an attack. With a lipstick she draws a line on her neck to resemble the mark left by a rope. Then she leaves the room and goes to the one where the men are, screaming and claiming someone has attacked her. She forces 4 of the men inside of the room to look for the attacker and as they get inside the young man that is left behind goes to the dining table and starts picking up the money and putting it inside his pocket of his jacket. After keeping everything inside of the jacket he gets together with the other men who are worried about the lying woman and trying to help her.

The bald man stays with her in the room as the other leave the place. In the next scene the man who stole the money gets inside of the room where the young lady rests and tries to wake her up, but what he doesn´t know is that the bald man is waiting behind the door with a rope to strangle him. After struggling for a short while, the bald man kills the other man and the story ends here was working perfectly but the husband discovered the affair and in his fury decided to kill the mand and his wife as well. I discovered that these short mute films became so popular that they even sometimes made sequels to keep the audience engaged and interested but in the beginning not everything was perfect. The first moving image that was shown to the audience was that of a train was approaching to the

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audience. As they had never seen a moving image before they didn´t know if it was real or fake and got really scared and even tried to leave the room thinking they would die.

The artist also had a bad time at the beginning. People believed the stories were real and didn´t think of them as actors or actresses, so they laughted or cried with the stories thinking they were real. The firts time they saw an actress who had been killed in a previous film appeared as some else in a new film they felt betrayed and even attacked the poor actress. So it must have been very difficult for them as well. Not to mention the scripts. They didn´t have a dialogue or a story written for them and had to follow the director´s instructions like: smile, now cry; move to the door, etc.

28. This text is ___.a) Informative.b) Narrative.c) Descriptive.d) A fable.

29. The movie that is described had a ___ theme.a) Action.b) Drama.c) Comic.d) Documentary.

30. The writer learned about the origins of short mute films ina) The school.b) A magazine.c) In a newspaper.d) A flyer.

31. The short film took place in:a) The 80´s.b) The middle of the last century.c) The 2000.d) 1990.

32. How many men were in the story?a) 4.b) 3.c) 5.d) 2.

33. The woman uses ___ to fake the attack.a) Pen.b) Lipstick.c) Marker.d) Crayon.

34. Who had a difficult time in the beginning of the movie making industry?a) The actors and actresses.b) The directors.c) The audience.d) The producers.

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35. They felt betrayed and even attacked the actors. They refer to ___.a) The producers.b) The directors.c) The audience.d) The camera men.


Instructions. Read and select the right option.

36. You want to ask for the price of a ticket, you say:a) Where can I get it?b) How can I get it?c) How much is it?d) Where can I go?

37. You want to go to Cancun but you don´t have a lot of money, so you ask:a) Which is the most expensive ticket?b) Is there a trip to Cancun?c) Which is the cheapest ticket?d) Which is the best trip to Cancun?

38. You just arrived to the airport and you want to go to your hotel, you ask:a) Where is my hotel?b) Can I get to my hotel?c) How can I go to my hotel?d) How can I get a room?

39. ________________________________? It´s rainy.a) What´s the weather like in Guanajuato?b) What´s it like in Guanajuato?c) How do you like Guanajuato?d) Is that the weather in Guanajuato?

40. ________________________________? At the mall.a) Where is the market?b) Where can I get the plane?c) Where will you go?d) Where can I get some souvenirs?

41. ________________________________? Get some sleep.a) What are you going to do this weekend?b) Who are you going to see this weekend?c) What are you going to sell the weekend?d) Are you going to sleep all the weekend?

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Reading comprehension.

Instructions. Read the text and choose the correct choice.


It is bad to have food stuck between your teeth for long periods of time. This is because food attracts germs, germs produce acid, and acid hurts your teeth and gums. Flossing heps to remove the food that gets stuck between your teeth. This explains why flossing helps to keep your mouth healthy, but some doctors say that flossing can be also good for your heart.

It may seem strange that something you do for your teeth can have any effect on your heart. Doctors have come up with a few ideas about how flossing works to keep your heart healthy. One idea is that the germs that hurt teeth can leave the mouth and travel into your blood. Germs that get into the blood can then attack your heart. Another idea is based on the fact that when there are too many germs in your mouth, the body tries to fight against these germs.

For some reason, the way the body fights these mouth germs may end up weakening the heart over time.

Not every doctor agrees about these ideas. Some doctors think that the liks between good flossing habits and good heart health is only a coincidence. A coincidence is the occurrence of two or more events at one time aparently by mere chance. The incidence of these events is completely random, as they do not admit of any reliable cause and effect relationship between them. For example, every time I wash my car, it rains. This does not mean that when I wash my car, I somehow change the weather. This is only a coincidence.

Likewise, some doctors think that people who have bad flossing habits just happen to also have heart problems, and people who have good flossing habits just happen to have healthy hearts.

42. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?a) Why Doctors Disagree about Flossing.b) How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy.c) Flossing Your Way to a Healthy Heart.d) Flossing by Coincidence.

43. According to the passage, flossing helps your teeth by ___.a) Removing acid that has collected on your teeth and gums.b) Preventing acid from getting on your teeth and gums.c) Keeping germs from getting into your blood.d) Stopping germs from producing acid.

44. In paragraph 2, the author introduces ideas about how flossing works to keep your heart healthy. Exactly how manny of these ideas does the author put forth in this paragraph?

a) 1.b) 2.c) 3.d) 4.

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45. In paragraph 2, the author explains how having too many germs in your mouth can “end up weakening the heart.” Using the passage as a guide, it can be understood that with respect to the actual way in which this occurs, doctors are _____.

a) Reluctant to hypothesize.b) Uncertain but speculative.c) Confident in their estimations.d) Extremely knowledgeable.


Instructions. Read and select the right option.

46. I ___ go. That´s for sure!a) ´m going to.b) ´ll.c) ´m not going to.d) might.

47. If it rains _____.a) I will take my umbrella.b) I will watch the sun.c) I won´t take my umbrella.d) I will be on my way.

48. I´m not sure I´ll go. I just ___.a) Might.b) Will.c) Won´t.d) Can.

49. Do you know ___ that man is?a) Which.b) That.c) Why.d) Who.

50. Do you know ___ the bus leaves?a) Where.b) Who.c) What.d) When.

51. I asked him his address but he didn´t tell me ___ he lives.a) Who.b) Where.c) When.d) That.

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Reading comprehension.

Instructions. Read the text and choose the correct choice.


(As performed by Mary Hopkins in her first album)

When I was just a little girl I asked my mother “what will I be?Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?”Here´s what she said to me:“Qué será sera…whatever will be, will be…The future´s not ours to see…Que será, será? What will be, will be

52. Mary Hopkins is aa) Player.b) Singer.c) Poet.d) Writer.

53. The future´s not ours to see means:a) There´s always a future.b) There´s never a future.c) You can see the future.d) You can´t see the future.

54. Will is used to express:a) The present.b) The past.c) The future.d) No time.

55. To the question “Will I be rich?” Her mother answers:a) “Yes, you will”.b) “I don´t know”.c) “No, you won´t”.d) “Never”.

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__________________ _________________________________ Prof. Alberto Prof. Jesús MoralesVillagómez Ibelles Montané

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NOMBRE: ____________________________________________ GRUPO _______ GRADO _______CICLO ESCOLAR: 2012-2013

Instructions. Choose the correct option. VALOR: 20 PUNTOS

1. Annie: I called you yesterday many times! Bill: I´m sorry _____________________

a) I couldn´t answer you mail early.b) I didn´t have my mobile at hand.c) I forgot to buy cards phones.d) I only charged some money to my cell.

2. Sally left for France last May and she couldn´t ___________ to Mexico until July.a) Ride back.b) Come back.c) Get back.d) Walked back.

3. My God they are burnt! ________________ were they exposed to the sun?a) How much.b) How often.c) How long.d) What time.

4. Ted: I was waiting the Central Park bus for ages! It never came. Lily: __________ did you have to walk?

a) How long.b) How far.c) How much.d) How.

5. ______________ do you buy CD´s?a) How much.b) Long ago.c) How often.d) Where.

6. ______________ the roof workers were fixing the ceiling!a) Where the earthquake started.b) How the earthquake was beginning.c) When the earthquake began.d) Why the earthquake started.

7. Lenny: Why did you join the English club conversation? Andy: Because _____________________________.

a) I could write my friends letters.b) I felt I am able to describe people.c) I could find a new teacher.d) I could talk and practice English.

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8. Last vacation our friends rented and _____ at a nice bungalow.a) Went.b) Came.c) Lived.d) Stayed.

Reading comprehension.

Instructions. Read the text and modify the underlined verbs.

Marie Curie (1867-1934). Winner of two Noble Prizes. This remarkable scientist was born in Warsaw in Poland in 1867. Her parents are teachers but they lost their jobs a short time after she was born, her family rents rooms in that house and she works long hours to help her parents. When she grew up she got a job as a teacher and sends money to her family. After some years she moved to Paris and began studying Physics and Mathematics. She graduates at the top of her class. She married Mr. Curie and they investigated radioactive elements for long time.

9. a) were / rent / Was working / graduatedb) was / rent / worked / sent / was graduatingc) were / rented / worked / sended / was graduatingd) were / rented / was working / sent / graduated

10. From the short biography you read:a) She was a confident person.b) She wasn´t able to gratify her parents.c) She showed only domestic talent.d) She had excellent grades at school.


Instructions. Choose the correct option. VALOR: 20 PUNTOS

11. Hopefully, the children couldn´t reach the labeled bottles. They havea) A recommendation.b) A prohibition.c) An advice.d) A regulation.

12. “Don´t litter” is a rule to rehearsea) Only at home.b) Wherever you are.c) Private and shopping places.d) In your school.

13. If a notice expressed prohibitiona) Anyone has an accident.b) Somebody has a personal problem.c) The offender should be punished.d) Everybody should be upset.

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14. A pedestrian crossing must be used toa) Keep people safe.b) Keep trolleys.c) Walk anytime you want.d) It´s to be far from vehicles.

15. Some of these rules are for safe cycling – Which is not?a) Let cars overtake you.b) Pass to close to parked cars.c) Don´t wear dark clothes at night.d) Wear sunglasses and helmet.

16. “Trespassers will be fined!” is a a) Chemical Lab warning.b) Common obligation.c) It´s a Federal prohibition.d) It´s a street regulation.

17. “Credit cards are welcome!” You can see this information in:a) Some banks.b) Parking areas.c) Commercial and shopping areas.d) Safety and resting areas.

18. In what situations workers have to wear glasses and helmets.a) In clothes factories.b) In an electronic storage area.c) In a building construction.d) In a food factory.

19. If you break rules, it meansa) You do agree with them.b) You refused to follow them.c) You aren´t used.d) You are unaware of them.

20. Slow drivers should keep on the right lane! You can see this noticea) In a freeway.b) At the motorcycle track.c) At the parking lot downtown.d) At a one way road.


Instructions. Choose the correct option. VALOR: 25 PUNTOS

21. You are making a cake, something you don´t need is:a) Sugar.b) Butter.c) Flour.d) Pepper.

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22. You and your friends are talking about food. Someone says a word that doesn´t fit in the conversations. That word is:

a) Meat.b) Strawberries.c) Cakes.d) Juices.

23. Someone invites you to a restaurant. If you want to go you say:a) Maybe next time!b) We shouldn´t go!c) That would be great!d) I don´t want go!

24. You and your friends are going to prepare a shake. A question you ask before you prepare it is:a) What do you want?b) What´s your favorite?c) Do you need a shake?d) Can we have a shake?

Reading comprehension.

Instructions. Read the text and modify the underlined verbs.


Some of my friends came home. We had homework and we decided to do it together. It was a difficult homework so it took a long time. Suddenly we were hungry so we prepared some sandwiches. We had all the ingredients: ham, mustard, mayonnaise, lettuce and bread. We had so many sandwiches that we fell asleep and we didn´t finish the homework!

25. Why did you fall asleep?a) Because we didn´t like the homework.b) Because we were sleep.c) Because we ate too much.d) Because we love sandwiches.

26. Did you have all the ingredients?a) Yes, we did.b) No, we didn´t.c) We were together.d) We weren´t together.

27. Why did you get together?a) Because we like each other.b) Because we live near each other.c) Because we had homework to do.d) Because homework is beautiful.

28. Did you spend a short time doing the homework?a) Yes, we did.b) Yes we do.c) No, we didn´t.d) No, we don´t.

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ALBERT: What a nice surprise! It´s been a long time! Please come in!BRENDA: Oh, thank you! It´s so good to see you again!ALBERT: Would you like something to drink?BRENDA: Water, please.ALBERT: I was just about to eat! Do you like fish?BRENDA: Og, it´s my favorite dish!ALBERT: Then please sit down and join me!

29. Does Brenda like fish?a) Not so much.b) A little.c) Very much.d) She hates it.

30. Do Albert and Brenda know each other?a) A little.b) Not so much.c) Yes, they do.d) No, they don´t.

31. Do Brenda and Albert ofter see each other?a) Yes, they do.b) No, they don´t.c) They like each other.d) They don´t like each other.

32. Did Brenda want something to drink?a) Yes, please.b) Yes, she did.c) No, please.d) No, she didn´t.


Instructions. Choose the correct option. VALOR: 15 PUNTOS

33. I´ll go there ______ train.a) In.b) On.c) By.d) To.

34. I´ll be _____ the train.a) In.b) On.c) By.d) To.

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35. There aren´t _____ banks near here.a) Any.b) Some.c) One.d) No.

36. A: __________________________. B: Yes, I´d like to book a room.

a) Can you help me?b) Can I help you?c) Won´t you help me?d) You will help me!

37. A: What kind of room do you want? B: __________________________.

a) A small one.b) I don´t need a room.c) Two rooms.d) No room.

38. A: __________________________? B: Yes, I´m traveling all by myself!

a) Then you want a double room.b) Then you want a big room.c) Then you need a bigger room.d) Then you want single room.

39. Tomorrow.a) Will, did.b) Did, do.c) Will, going to.d) Going to, did.

40. Yesterday.a) Did, will.b) Went, did.c) Went, going to.d) Go, did.


Reading comprehension. VALOR: 20 PUNTOS

Instructions. Read the text and modify the underlined verbs.


(Music and lyrics by Cat Stevens)I´ve been followed by a moon shadow, moon shadowLeaping and hopping on a moon shadow, moon shadow, moon shadowIf I ever lose my eyes: all my colors run and dry…Yes, if I ever lose my eyes awayI won´t have to look no more

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And if I ever my mouth –all my teeth, north and south-Yes, if I ever lose my mouthI won´t have to talk no more

41. The text isa) Funnyb) Joyousc) Sadd) Nothing

42. The title is moon shadow because –for the author- the future isa) brillantb) pinkc) beautifuld) dark

43. The expression north and south is used to:a) locate a place in a mapb) his teeth in a mapc) his teeth up and downd) locate his teeth

44. If he loses his eyes he won´t have to look. What happens if he loses his legs?a) He won´t have to cryb) He won´t have to speakc) He won´t have to waitd) He won´t have to walk

Instructions. Choose the correct option.

45. This will be one of the most crowded countries over the world.a) It will have many cities and townsb) It will expand its long territoryc) It will have a large populationd) It will be plenty of buildings and houses

46. An optimistic scientist declares:a) pollution effects will increase.b) we won´t have to work anymore.c) most people will live in good health more than 100 years.d) there will be many great disasters.

47. An optimistic Lawyer states:a) there will be no more crimes in large cities.b) there will be more air transportation.c) we will have to wear masks at streets.d) large cities will have to be controlled by monitors.

48. A pessimistic doctor inquires.a) there will be no enough buildings to live.b) will most people have to work in their houses?c) will there be cure for future diseases?d) will there be enough transport for kids?

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49. An experienced engineers says:a) Most people will be hostage in restricted places.b) All the buildings will have people.c) Most professionals won´t have paid jobs.d) We will have to use different construction materials.

50. Teachers give a positive opinion about Educational System.a) There will be less teachers at universities.b) There won´t be illiterate people.c) There won´t be unemployment.d) Most people will have own homes.

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