Page 1: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and


Sediment transport through the Braziliansector of the Amazon River valley, a distanceof 2010 km, involves exchanges between thechannel and the flood plain that in each direc-tion exceed the annual flux of sediment out ofthe river at Óbidos (~1200 Mt yr–1). The ex-changes occur through bank erosion, bar dep-osition, settling from diffuse overbank flow,and sedimentation in flood-plain channels. Weestimated the magnitude of these exchangesfor each of 10 reaches of the valley, and com-bined them with calculations of sedimenttransport into and out of the reaches based onsediment sampling and flow records to definea sediment budget for each reach. Residuals inthe sediment budget of a reach include errorsof estimation and erosion or deposition withinthe channel. The annual supply of sedimententering the channel from bank erosion wasestimated to average 1570 Mt yr–1 (1.3 × theÓbidos flux) and the amount transferred fromchannel transport to the bars (380 Mt yr–1)and the flood plain (460 Mt yr–1 in channel-ized flow; 1230 Mt yr –1 in diffuse overbankflow) totaled 2070 Mt yr–1 (1.7 × the Óbidosflux). Thus, deposition on the bars and floodplain exceeded bank erosion by 500 Mt yr–1

over a 10–16 yr period. Sampling and calcu-lation of sediment loads in the channel indi-cate a net accumulation in the valley floorof approximately 200 Mt yr–1 over 16 yr,crudely validating the process-based calcula-

tions of the sediment budget, which in turn il-luminate the physical controls on each ex-change process. Another 300–400 Mt yr–1aredeposited in a delta plain downstream ofÓbidos. The components of the sediment bud-get reflect hydrologic characteristics of thevalley floor and geomorphic characteristics ofthe channel and flood plain, which in turn areinfluenced by tectonic features of the Amazonstructural trough.


Sediments are exchanged between river chan-nels and flood plains mainly through constructionand destruction of the flood plain. Flood plains oflarge rivers are built by formation of bars and theaccumulation of sediment carried in diffuse over-bank flows and in channelized flows. They are de-stroyed largely by channel shifting and bankerosion. The rates of these processes can be quan-tified and compared with each other and withrates of downstream sediment transport to yield acomprehensive sediment budget for reaches. Pre-vious studies of these processes have been con-cerned with the accumulation, destruction, ortransport aspects, but rarely with all of them. Inonly a few studies (Kesel et al., 1992) have the fullexchanges between constructive and destructiveprocesses been evaluated and analyzed.

The rates at which sediment is transferred toand from flood plains, and the residence timeof flood-plain storage, affect the maturation ofmineral assemblages (Johnsson and Meade,1990), the modulation of sediment-yieldchanges in response to land use (Trimble,1983; Knox, 1987), and the routing of sedi-

ment through valley floors (Dietrich et al.,1982; Kelsey et al., 1987). The issue becomesparticularly important because of the role offlood-plain sedimentation in sequestering andsupplying bioactive chemicals such as carbonand pollutants (Marron, 1992; Lewin et al.,1977; Leenaers and Rang, 1989; Leenaers andSchouten, 1989; Graf, 1994).

Qualitative evidence that such exchanges canbe large arises from direct field observations dur-ing floods, satellite images (Mertes, 1994), fieldsurveys of sedimentation after floods (Gomez etal., 1995; Jacobson and Oberg, 1997), and strati-graphic studies of fluvial sedimentary environ-ments (Reineck and Singh, 1980). Yet, despiteabundant empirical and theoretical studies of sed-iment transport along rivers, resulting in the tech-nical capacity to route sediment along channels,less attention has been paid to quantifying ex-changes of sediment between channel and floodplain, and to understanding their controls. Keselet al. (1992) systematized the analysis of theseexchanges by quantifying a sediment budget forthe lower Mississippi River and its flood plain be-fore the era of extensive river modification. Theycompiled rates of river bank erosion, point-bargrowth, and thalweg elevation change, and esti-mated the overbank sediment flux from mappingof deposit thicknesses.

In this paper we define the full range of ex-changes of sediment between the channel andflood plain of a 2010 km reach of the AmazonRiver, Brazil. The reach is unaltered by engineer-ing works that might inhibit natural exchangeprocesses. Furthermore, we make our evaluationin the context of measured sediment transport inthe river, so that the rates of exchange with the


Exchanges of sediment between the flood plain and channel of the AmazonRiver in Brazil

Thomas Dunne* Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, SantaBarbara, California 93106-5131

Leal A. K. Mertes Department of Geography and Institute for Computational Earth System Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-4060

Robert H. Meade Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225-0046

Jeffrey E. Richey School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195

Bruce R. Forsberg Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, AM Brazil

GSA Bulletin;April 1998; v. 110; no. 4; p. 450–467; 10 figures; 3 tables.

*e-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

flood plain can be compared with rates of chan-nelized sediment transport.

The first systematic studies of channelizedsediment transport in the Amazon River systemwere conducted by Sioli (1957) and Gibbs(1967),both of whom defined a general down-stream decrease in sediment concentration alongthe main stem and emphasized the overwhelminginfluence of the Andes Mountains as the sourceof the river’s load. Schmidt (1972) made the firstdetailed study of the annual cycle of surface sed-iment concentration at a station near Manaus.Meade et al. (1979,1985) reported width- anddepth-integrated measurements of suspended-sediment discharge, which led to the latest pub-lished estimate of the average annual sedimentdischarge at Óbidos of 1200 ± 200 Mt yr–1.

To quantify the processes that transport sedi-ment between the channel and the flood plainthroughout the Brazilian Amazon,and to exam-ine the controls on these processes over decadaltime scales,we constructed a sediment budgetfor the channel and flood plain (Fig. 1) in 10sampled reaches of the valley between São Paulode Olivença and Óbidos,and an unsampledreach between Óbidos and the river mouth (Fig.2). We measured sediment loads in the Amazonand its tributaries at gauging and other samplingstations (Table 1,Fig. 2) that bracket 10 reachesbetween São Paulo de Olivença,740 km down-stream of Iquitos,Peru (river km 740),andÓbidos (rkm 2750),and combined the resultswith flow records to define average annualfluxes through reaches averaging 200 km(146–280 km) in length. We then measured bankerosion and bar deposition rates,and calculatedsediment transport into the flood plain by diffuseoverbank flow and through flood-plain channelsto complete the sediment budget for each reach.We extended our analysis 450 km farther down-stream on the basis of sediment transport esti-mates in the coastal environment and an exami-nation of valley-floor morphology in the reachbetween Óbidos and Almeirim. The annual sed-iment exchanges between the channel and theflood plain in the Brazilian reach of the Amazonalone are larger than the annual channel trans-port through the reach.

We have interpreted the processes responsiblefor the decadal-scale sediment budget of eachreach in terms of the interactions between chan-nel and valley-floor hydrology and the tectoni-cally influenced pattern of channel and flood-plain characteristics described by Mertes et al.(1996). We present and interpret the sedimentbudget after first describing conditions that affectsediment transport through the valley floor. Weconclude with a summary of the physical con-trols on channel–flood-plain exchanges of sedi-ment in a large river.


Geology and Sediment Sources

The Amazon rises in the Andean Cordillera,aregion of high relief developed mainly in thinlybedded sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Thecombination of steep slopes and weak rocks fa-vors channel incision,rapid mass wasting, andhigh sediment yields (Guyot, 1993). Erosion isaccelerated by land use to an unknown degree,but from cursory field and aerial observations wejudge this effect to be small relative to the highbackground rate of erosion in the Andes.

After leaving the Andean foothills, the tribu-taries of the Amazon cross the adjoining forelandbasin where they deposit large volumes of sedi-ment (Guyot, 1993; Räsänen et al.,1990),andthen converge to flow along a downwarp filledwith as much as 8000 m of sedimentary rocksranging in age from Paleozoic to Tertiary (Petriand Fúlfaro, 1988; Nunn and Aires,1988). Agraben at the eastern end of the downwarp fixesthe location of the river mouth. Two shields ofPrecambrian crystalline rocks flanking the troughare mainly regions of low relief and gentle gradi-ents,mantled with deep saprolite and dense equa-torial forest into which clearing and road buildinghave made only local incursions. These shieldshave extremely low rates of erosion.

The rivers in the Amazon trough are borderedby a late Cenozoic plain having an area of ap-proximately 90 000 km2 between São Paulo deOlivença and Óbidos. The plain includes uncon-solidated fluvial and lacustrine sands,silts,andclays, some of which constitute modern floodplains,and the remainder consists of terraceremnants of various ages and elevations. As theAmazon crosses three structural highs and thedownstream end of a fault block that tilts the val-ley floor toward the south-southeast (Tricart,1977), its flood-plain width decreases,con-straining the sinuosity of the channel and in-creasing its gradient,as shown schematically inFigure 3 and in Mertes et al. (1996,Fig. 6),whichincludes measured values of flood-plain widthand channel sinuosity.

Channel and Flood-Plain Form

The Amazon channel is remarkably straight inmost of its Brazilian course; sinuosities of 100-km-long reaches average 1.0–1.2,except in a 350km-long reach where sinuosities range from 1.3to 1.7 (Mertes et al.,1996,Fig. 6). The channelhas a wide floor, and bank gradients of approxi-mately 0.2–1.0. Low-water widths,averagedover 100 km reaches,measured on 1:250 000scale radar images,generally increase from 2 km

near São Paulo de Olivença to more than 4 kmnear Óbidos,and similarly averaged low-waterdepths measured from navigation charts increasegradually from 10 to 20 m (Mertes et al.,1996,Fig. 4). However, gauging stations maintained bythe Brazilian Departamento Nacional de Agua eEnergia Elétrica and our own sampling stationsare sited in reaches narrower and deeper than theaverage, as is typical in gauging practice. Bedmaterial ranges from very fine to medium sand;median grain sizes at crossings average 0.31 mm(standard deviation = 0.09 mm) upstream of rkm1500 (near Jutica) and 0.20 (± 0.07) mm down-stream (Nordin et al.,1980).

The river flows in a single channel through-out most of its course, although islands and barsof various sizes complicate the pattern. Smallerflood-plain channels,having a wide range ofwidths and depths,diverge from and rejoin themain channel after excursions of a few kilome-ters to more than 100 km across the flood plain.Although there are thousands of channels on theflood plain,in this paper we consider only thoseflood-plain channels that are connected directlyto the mainstem and are able to convey waterand sediment from it. Other channels on theflood plain are fed by local rainfall or by runofffrom the forested craton,and they carry little orno sediment.

The flood plain is highly complex (Mertes etal., 1996). Between São Paulo de Olivença andItapeua,it is dominated by scroll-bar topographyand hundreds of narrow, crescentic lakes. Be-tween Itapeua and São José do Amatarí, theflood plain is narrow and has few lakes and littleevidence of channel migration. Downstream ofSão José do Amatarí a relatively low and incom-plete levee system breached by large distributarychannels allows inundation of a wide flood plaincontaining lakes of roughly equant shape and ir-regular outlines that appear to be due to subsi-dence of compacting sediment. Seasonal pat-terns of flood-plain–channel exchanges of waterwere described by Richey et al. (1989b).

Channel Gradient

Channel gradient is an important characteristicaffecting sediment transport and channel behav-ior in rivers,but the gradient of the Amazon hasnot been surveyed. We have calculated water-surface gradients from satellite measurements ofelevation (see Fig. 3B and caption for explana-tion). The gradients were obtained at low water,and thus are taken as a close approximation of av-erage channel-bed slope. The horizontal bars inFigure 3B indicate average channel-bed slopesover the distances between satellite crossings.They generally decrease downstream,but in fourreaches there is a steepening followed by a de-


Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998 451

Page 3: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

cline of gradient. Although the gradient changescan be located only approximately because of thepositioning of the satellite passes,three of thesechanges are associated with structural highscrossed by the river (the Jutaí arch, the Purúsarch, and the Monte Alegre intrusion) referredto by Caputo (1984,Fig. 18) and by Petri andFúlfaro (1988,Fig. I-4). The structures are lo-cated only approximately from small-scale mapsand are probably broader than the bars in the fig-ure. The most rapid decrease in gradient occursdownstream of the Purús arch, at the confluenceof the structurally controlled valley of the RiverNegro and the elongate east-northeast–trendingAmazonas structural basin (Sternberg, 1955;Tricart, 1977; Caputo,1984,p. 168 and follow-ing). The Quaternary flood plain is wide be-tween three structural highs,and relatively nar-row where it crosses them (Fig. 3). Measured

values of flood-plain width (Mertes et al.,1996,Fig. 6) are inversely correlated with channelgradient (n = 15; α < 0.06) for the reaches out-side the tilted fault block (labeled TFB in Fig.3). Narrowing of the flood plain constrainschannel sinuosity as the river impinges on cohe-sive banks,and the decrease in sinuosity in-creases the channel gradient. The fourth zone ofincreased gradient is in the vicinity of rkm1000–1400 where the Amazon appears to havebeen shortened by autocapture and steepened asa result of faulting that tilted the valley floor tothe south-southeast (Tricart, 1977,p. 8). The gra-dient then declines in the reach between rkm1400 and Itapeua (rkm 1704) as the river flowsalong the southern margin of its valley awayfrom the tilted reach.

We also estimated the water-surface gradientat various seasons of the year from 1400 vertical

velocity profiles measured at five stations gaugedregularly by the Departamento Nacional de Aguae Energia Elétrica and at two stations studiedbriefly by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. Theresults confirm the values of channel-bed slope inFigure 3B at low water, and demonstrate that up-stream of Manaus surface gradients are approxi-mately twice as great during rising water as thoseduring falling water because of the passage of theannual flood wave. By contrast,at Óbidos water-surface gradients are lower during rising waterand approximately twice as steep on the fallinglimb of the hydrograph because of the offset inthe seasonal influx of water from the River Negroand River Madeira,as Meade et al. (1985) inter-preted from records of stage at Manacapurú andÓbidos. Seasonal variations in water-surfaceslope are used in our estimates of water and sed-iment export to flood-plain channels.


452 Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998
























Figure 1. Processes governing the sediment budget of a channel–flood-plain reach. Sediment enters a reach of channel: (1) from upstream;(2) from tributar ies within the reach; and (3) from bank erosion. It leaves the reach by: (1) channel transport; (2) deposition on bars; (3) diffuseoverbank flow; and (4) through flood-plain channels.

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Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998 453












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85°W 30°W


0 1000 km


Foreland Basin

Brazil Shield

Guiana Shield







0 500 km




J uruá Purús Madeira

Rio Negro





Vargem Grande

Santo Antôniodo Içá





São Paulode Olivença



São Josédo Amatari


Óbidos Almeirim

Figure 2. Map of the Amazon basin showing lithological regions and structural features,the major tr ibutar ies,and sampling stations (dots).The map contains one structural high, the Monte Alegre intrusion,not included in a similar map presented by Mertes et al. (1996). The geologi-cal literature of Brazil contains some differences of interpretation concerning the Purús arch and the Monte Alegre ridge. The term “ar ch” is usu-ally confined to highs that involve flexure or faulting, whereas the term “alto” (high) is reserved for a feature not necessarily related to deforma-tion, such as a topographic remnant or an intrusion. However, both the Purús and Monte Alegre features are referred to as “ar ches” in someliter ature. The Monte Alegre feature, for example, brings Paleozoic sandstones to the surface of the Amazon valley, where thick sequences of Ceno-zoic sediments outcrop.

where Qu, Qd, and Qtrib are, respectively, theannual fluxes of suspended and bedload sedi-ment at the upstream and downstream ends ofeach reach and from tributaries entering thereach; Ebk is bank erosion; Dbar is depositionon bars within and adjacent to the channel;Dovr bk is deposition overbank; Dfpc is deposi-tion in flood-plain channels; Ac (m2) and ∆z(m) are, respectively, the area and average ele-vation change of the main channel bed andbanks in the reach; ∆t is the time interval of thecomputation (yr), and ρb is the bulk density of

the bed material (1.7 x 10–6 Mt m–3). Each ofthe terms in equation 1 has units of Mt yr–1.The entire budget is summarized in Figure 4,which combines inputs and outputs of channelsediment transport into a “net channel trans-port.” The final term in equation 1 representsthe rate of change of channel storage, but be-cause it was determined as a residual,it con-tains all errors in the other terms,and thereforeis indicated by the open rectangles and lines inFigure 4. In the following discussion,we elu-cidate the processes represented by each of the


To understand the exchanges and transport ofsediment along the Amazon, we calculated amass balance (Fig. 1) for both silt-clay and sandin each of 10 reaches as follows:



Q D D D Az


u tribi


d bar ovrbk fpc c b

i+ + =

+ + + +

ρ ∆∆

Page 5: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

terms, and describe how we estimated thequantities of sediment involved.

Calculation of Bedload

In the absence of measurements,we calcu-lated bedload with the Yalin (1963) formula,which performs well for saltating sandy bedmaterial when the local effective shear stress isused together with the fraction of the bed mate-rial that is not fully suspendible (Dietrich,1982). After making extensive computations,including the use of local effective shearstresses based on hundreds of logarithmic flow-velocity profiles obtained by the DepartamentoNacional de Agua e Energia Elétrica duringtheir gauging program,and bed material tex-tures given by Nordin et al. (1980) and byMertes and Meade (1985),we concluded thatmaximum rates of bedload transport rangedfrom 0.01 to 0.05 Mt day–1, or only about 1% ofthe suspended transport rate (Mertes,1985).These values are well within the errors of mea-surement of suspended loads in the Amazon,and thus were ignored in the sediment budget.

Suspended Sediment Transport

We sampled sediment concentrations on vari-ous parts of the hydrograph to produce sediment-rating curves,and combined these curves with

flow records for water years 1974–1989 to calcu-late annual fluxes. We collected width- anddepth-integrated samples at 11 mainstem stationsand at the mouths of 7 major tributaries betweenVargem Grande and Óbidos (Table 1) approxi-mately every 4 months during 1981–1984 and onsingle dates in 1988,1990,and 1991. Samplingmethods and processing were described byMeade (1985) and Richey et al. (1986).

On each cruise we sampled a different part ofthe annual flood wave. The boat traveled downthe 2000 km reach at an average speed of ap-proximately 100 km day–1; the local water speedat the sampling sites was 90–190 km day–1.Where possible, each sampling station was lo-cated at or near a gauging station maintained bythe Departamento Nacional de Agua e EnergiaElétrica. Stream flow and water level at samplingstations not gauged by the Departamento werecalculated from gauged values at upstream andtributary stations with the Muskingum flood rout-ing procedure described by Richey et al. (1989b).We updated the routing scheme by incorporatingan improved estimate of unmeasured lateral in-flow based on monthly rainfall maps for the un-gauged tributary and flood-plain areas.

Sediment concentrations were analyzed sepa-rately for silt-clay (<0.06 mm) and sand. In themainstem, total concentration ranged from216–606 mg l–1at Vargem Grande to 72–386 mgl–1 at Óbidos. Concentrations ranged from 1–10

mg l–1 in the River Negro, which drains only theforested craton, to 64–891 mg l–1 in the RiverMadeira,which drains the Bolivian Andes. Sedi-ment-rating curves for silt-clay (<0.06 mm) andsand were constructed by regressing concentra-tion against discharge and its rate of change usinga significance level of 0.05. Most rating curveswere looped when concentration was plottedagainst discharge; rising limb concentrationswere as much as 2.5 times greater during risingwater than at the same discharge during reces-sion,and they began to decrease before the timeof peak flow.

The rating curves for main channel and trib-utary stations were combined with records of mean daily flow for the water years 1974–1989,either from the Departamento Nacionalde Agua e Energia Elétrica gauging stations orfrom flood-routing computations at intermedi-ate main channel stations, to calculate dailyand average annual fluxes of the two sedimentclasses (Table 2). An error-propagation analy-sis (Bevington,1969) indicates that the stan-dard error of the uncertainty around the long-term average annual sediment fluxes wasapproximately 9% at São Paulo de Olivençaand 12% at Óbidos,because of the smoothnessand regularity of the hydrograph,which facili-tated sampling and minimized extrapolation.Analogous values for the tributaries were11%–20%.


454 Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998


Station Distance Drainage Mean annual Mean annual Bankfulldownstream area* discharge† flood† discharge**

of Iquitos, Peru (km2 × 10–3) (m3s–1 × 10–3) (m3s–1 × 10–3) (m3s–1 × 10–3)(river km)

MainstemSão Paulo de Olivença (SPO)§ 740 940 45.6 64Vargem Grande# 863 950 48.1 69Santo Antônio do Içá (SAI)§ 891 1100 55.6 76 75Xibeco (XIB) 1051 1115 56.0 78Tupé (TUP) 1248 1180 60.7 84Jutica (JUT) 1528 1700 63.2 103Itapeua (ITA)§ 1704 1760 85.8 108 96Anorí (ANO) 1885 1790 86.9 111Manacapurú (MAN)§ 2031 2180 101.4 133 120São José do Amatarí (SJA) 2248 2900 98.2 134Paurá (PAU) 2474 4340 154.7 227Óbidos (OBI)§ 2750 4640 170.1 237 200–230


River Içá 890 108 7.1 10.0River Jutaí 1100 53 4.0 5.9River Juruá 1280 186 4.9 8.6River Japurá 1480 245 14.0 21.1River Purús 1910 358 11.1 19.2River Negro 2120 691 29.6 59.2River Madeira 2300 1336 29.3 54.2

*Based on Digital Chart of the World and Radambrasil 1:1 million scale maps.†Based on 16 years of record at the DNAEE gauging stations (occasional years of missing data) and on flood routing

computations at sampling sites located between gauging stations.§Gauging station maintained by the Brazilian Departamento Nacional de Agua e Energia Elétrica (DNAEE).#Station used for sampling sediment concentrations which were combined with flow records from SPO to compute

sediment discharge.**Estimates of bankfull discharge are based on field observations of the onset of overbank flow.

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Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998 455

Figure 3. (A) Schematic illustr ation of the relations between geomorphic and structural features of the Amazon valley. The four vertical barsindicate the approximate locations of the axes of arches and buried bedrock r idges mapped by Petri and Fúlfaro (1988) and Caputo (1991):JA—Jutaí arch; PA—Purús arch (or r idge); MI—Monte Alegre intrusion and ridge; GA—Gurupá arch, respectively centered at approximately 700,2000,2840,and 3200 km downstream of Iquitos,Peru. TFB—the site of a tilted fault block proposed by Tr icart (1977),extending from approxi-mately 1050 to 1700 km downstream of Iquitos. (B) Water-surface gradient at low flow along a 3200-km-long reach of the Amazon River, basedon radar altimeter measurements of water-surface elevation. Guzkowska et al. (1990) reported water-surface elevations extr acted from Seasatradar data collected during low water between July 27 and August 9,1978 for 32 sites along the mainstem of the Amazon River ranging from thecoast inland to Peru. The precision was estimated to be within tens of centimeters,causing an uncertainty of ~1 ×10–6in computed gradients. (Theabsolute accuracy of the elevation measurements also depends on the geoid model invoked, which results in ±1 m accuracy for absolute elevations,but our calculations of elevation dif ferences should not be significantly affected by this uncertainty.) We replotted the orbit paths for the data re-ported by Guzkowska et al. (1990) on 1:250 000 scale maps for the Brazilian sites (Radambrasil,1972). The altimetric results listed by Guzkowskaet al. (1990) as having the lowest accuracy were not included. Orbits with multiple r iver crossings were also excluded, leaving 12 elevations fromwhich gradients were calculated. The corrected river distances were combined with the elevation data to calculate water-surface gradients. Eachhorizontal bar indicates the average gradient for a reach between adjacent satellite crossings. Although the radar data were collected over a twoweek period, the graph represents a synoptic view of the water-surface gradient at low water, because the change in the gauged height of the riverat the five mainstem gauging stations was less than 1 m during this time. Abbreviations on the abcissa:spo—São Paulo de Olivença; vg—VargemGrande; sai—Santo Antônio do Içá; xib—Xibeco; tup—Tupé; jut—Jutica; ita—Ita peua; ano—Anorí; man—Manacapurú; sja—São José doAmatarí; pau—Paurá; obi—Óbidos.






scroll bars

buried scrollbars




er s


ce g


ent (



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456 Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998




ual t



t yr–1












A Silt-clay

spo sai xib tup jut ita ano man sja pau obi

Figure 4. Summary of the sediment budget of the channel in each reach during water years 1974–1989. (A) Silt-clay. (B) Sand. Positive valuesindicate sediment supplied to the channel; negative values indicate transfers from the channel to the flood plain or to downstream transport. Eachterm is normalized by the length of the respective reach. Note the difference in ordinate scales. Abbreviations as in Figure 3.




ual t



t yr–1




spo sai xib tup jut ita ano man sja pau obi

B Sand






Bank erosion

Overbank deposition

Net SS

FPC deposition

Bar deposition

Channel storage

Page 8: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

Net Channel Transport

The terms Qu, Qd, and Qtrib were calculated foreach reach and year during 1974–1989 from thesediment rating curves and flow records. Theirsum (Qu + ΣQtrib – Qd), the net change in channeltransport for each reach,is plotted in Figure 5. De-spite the fact that these values represent differencesbetween much larger numbers,and upstream ofManacapurú are only 1%–5% of the flux throughthe reach for silt-clay and 4%–10% for sand, theannual values in most reaches show remarkable in-terannual consistency over the 16 yr when the highflows at Manaus varied over almost the entirerange recorded between 1902 and 1996 (Richey etal.,1989a). Net changes in transport downstreamof Manacapurú constitute much larger fractionsof the load. For example, between São José doAmatarí and Óbidos,30% of the silt-clay and 21%of the sand transported into the 502-km-long reachdo not leave it. However, the interannual consis-tency of computed sediment transport simply re-flects the low variability of annual flows,whichhave a coefficient of variation of only 7%–10% atstations along the main channel.

An error-propagation analysis (Bevington,1969) of the effects arising from uncertainty inthe sediment rating curves,based on the assump-tion that uncertainties in the inputs and outputs ofeach reach were uncorrelated, yields maximumstandard errors for the net silt-clay flux that rangefrom 70 to 80 Mt yr–1 for reaches upstream of

Itapeua,declining downstream to 64 Mt yr–1 inthe Manacapurú–São José do Amatarí reach,andthen rising to 180–200 Mt yr–1 downstream ofSão José do Amatarí. The standard errors for thenet sand flux were 20–23 Mt yr–1upstream of Ju-tica, declining to 12 Mt yr–1 in the Manaca-purú–São José do Amatarí reach, and rising to30–45 Mt yr–1 downstream of São José do Am-atarí and the River Madeira. Thus,the computedchanges in silt-clay are only statistically signifi-cant for the reaches between Manacapurú andPaurá,but the changes in sand transport (positiveor negative) for most reaches are greater than orclose to the limits of detection.

Change in silt-clay transport shows no consis-tent spatial pattern upstream of Itapeua (Fig.5A). Downstream,there is a general pattern ofaccumulation, but it is interrupted by one large,anomalous increase in silt-clay transport in theManacapurú–São José do Amatarí reach (aver-aging 91 Mt yr–1, or 462 000 t yr–1km–1 of chan-nel),despite the abrupt decrease in channel gra-dient on the downstream side of the Purús Arch(Fig. 3). This apparent anomaly is associatedwith a large influx of sediment-free water fromthe River Negro and from an extensive area ofungauged small tributaries and flood plain. Theinflow is particularly large from the north side ofthe valley, and it can be seen on Landsat imagesto confine sediment-rich water to the south sideof the channel and flood plain. The flood plain inthis reach exhibits fields of exposed sand and a

relatively low proportion of silt-clay in the sedi-ments (Mertes et al.,1996,Fig. 5).

In the São José do Amatarí–Paurá reach, thereis massive loss of silt-clay from transport (posi-tive values in Fig. 5A) where the River Madeirasupplies the largest tributary source of sedimentin the entire study reach. The Paurá-Óbidos reachexhibits interannual variations in net silt-claytransport, the magnitudes of which are correlatedwith the ratio of the annual flows from the twolarge tributaries (Fig. 6). Relatively high dis-charges from the River Madeira result in accu-mulation of silt-clay, whereas relatively highflows from the sediment-poor River Negro causenet removal of fine sediment from the Paurá-Óbidos reach.

There is a net increase in sand transport fromSanto Antônio do Içá to Jutica as the river gradi-ent increases,and then net loss of sand fromtransport begins at Jutica as the gradient begins todecline (Fig. 5B). Unfortunately, it is not possibleto locate more precisely the onset of the gradientreversal between Tupé and Jutica because of thespacing of the available satellite orbits used forFigure 3B. The calculated changes in channeltransport upstream of Anorí do not exceed thestandard errors for this quantity, but they are in-cluded in this discussion as hypotheses becausethe error-propagation technique maximizes un-certainty in the standard errors of the computedchanges. The trend appears to be one of accumu-lation in the São Paulo de Olivença–SantoAntônio do Içá reach, followed progressively byscour as the gradient increases downstream be-tween Santo Antônio do Içá and Jutica (rkm1528),and then a gradual return to accumulationdownstream. The only reaches in which there is anet addition of sand to channel transport (nega-tive values on the graph) are (1) between Xibecoand Jutica,where gradients increase downstreamin response to neotectonic tilting, and (2) be-tween Paurá and Óbidos,where channel gradientincreases slightly as the flood plain narrows inapproaching the Monte Alegre intrusion (Fig. 3;Mertes et al.,1996,Fig. 6). Sand accumulateseven in the Manacapurú–São José do Amataríreach from which silt-clay is scoured, indicatingthat for sand the effect of decreasing gradient isnot offset by the flushing action of sediment-poorwater from the craton. Decrease in transport ofsandy bed material in that reach is consistent withthe formation of island bars; 70% of the channelchange in this reach is due to island change(Mertes et al.,1996,Fig. 8).

Bank Erosion and Bar Deposition

Estimates of the contribution of flood-plainsediments to the channel sediment load from bankerosion (Ebk) and loss of sediment due to bar dep-


Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998 457


FOR 1974–1989

Station Sand Silt-clay Sand(%)

São Paulo de Olivença* 143 (18) 473 (40) 23River Içᆠ5 (1.5) 19 (3) 22Santo Antonio do Içá 141 (11) 501 (60) 22River Jutaí 0.2 (0.3) 2 (0.1) 9Xibeco 141 (10) 505 (55) 22Tupé 154 (19) 524 (47) 22River Juru᧠5 (1.2) 23 (4.4) 18River Japurá# 6 (1.7) 24 (1.5) 17Jutica 177 (14) 561 (62) 20Itapeua 164 (11) 567 (43) 23Anorí 157 (11) 549 (55) 22River Purús 2 (0.6) 23 (4.5) 8Manacapurú 142 (7) 555 (38) 20River Negro 0.5 (0.1) 7 (0.7) 7São José 131 (10) 652 (51) 17River Madeira** 144 (36) 571 (87) 20Paurá 206 (25) 991 (155) 18Óbidos 248 (17) 991 (129) 20

Notes: The values in parentheses are the standard errors, obtainedthrough an error propagation analysis of the sediment rating curvesand flow records.

*Sediment rating curve from Vargem Grande combined with flowrecord from SPO.

†13 yr average, without 1981,1985,1986.§15 yr average, without 1982.#15 yr average, without 1981.**15 yr average, without 1989.

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458 Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998

Figure 5. Net suspended sedimenttr ansport for each reach and foreach year 1974–1989. (A) Silt-clay.(B) Sand. Positive values indicatethat more sediment was transportedinto the channel reach than out of it,and therefore was accumulatedwithin the reach. Note the differencein ordinate scales. Abbreviations asin Figure 3.



y, n

et tr


ort (

Mt y












spo sai xib tup jut ita ano man sja pau obi


d, n

et tr


ort (

Mt y












spo sai xib tup jut ita ano man sja pau obi

Page 10: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

osition (Dbar ) were based on planimetric mea-surements of channel migration, surveys of bankheights,and particle-size analyses of flood-plainsediments. Rates of bank erosion and bar-islandgrowth were measured as areas per unit length ofthe main channel from two maps covering a pe-riod of approximately 9 yr from 1971–1972 to1980 (e.g.,Mertes et al.,1996,Fig. 3). Rates mea-sured over this short period of time were con-firmed by qualitative analysis of historical mapsand records dating back to the 1850s (Mertes etal.,1996,Figs. 9–11).

To translate a planimetric area to a volume ofsediment added to or subtracted from the chan-nel sediment load requires estimating the heightof the area deposited or eroded. We assumedthat each areal measurement represented an en-tire column of sediment from the surface to thechannel bed. To calculate this height two valueswere estimated for each reach of the river. First,the low-water depth of the river was calculatedfrom Brazilian Navy piloting charts. Second,the height of the bank above the low-water sur-face was measured in the field. For new bars andislands this above-water height averaged 2 m.The heights of older eroding banks,estimatedfrom hand-level surveys at 20 sample points inthe study reach, averaged 11 m in the upstreamreaches,10.5 m in the middle reaches,and 8 min the downstream reaches (Mertes et al.,1996,Fig. 5).

The measurement technique for bar deposi-tion accounts only for that sediment depositedwithin and adjacent to the channel. Sedimentthat is transported overbank and comes to rest onolder flood-plain surfaces is evaluated in the nextsection. Volumes were converted to weight usinga porosity of 0.35 and a particle density of 2600kg m–3. Grain-size composition of the near-bankflood-plain sediment was also measured at eachsample site, and interpolated to estimate differ-ent sand-silt-clay distributions for each reach;overall averages through the entire study reachare 12-70-18 for eroded banks and 17-66-17 forfreshly deposited bar sediments (Mertes,1990,unpublished data).

Rates of bank erosion and bar deposition,arepositively correlated,although bar-deposition ratesare only about one-quarter of the bank-erosionrates. Sediment input per unit length of channel isweakly correlated with sinuosity (α < 0.10) mea-sured by Mertes et al. (1996,Fig. 6),which varieswith flood-plain width (α < 0.01). Thus,the rela-tive degree of channel confinement imposed bythe structural features appears to affect this com-ponent of the channel sediment budget. Bar depo-sition is complicated by midchannel deposition aswell as by point-bar growth, and no simple rela-tionship to sinuosity is apparent.

The rates of exchange of sediment with theflood-plain through channel shifting (Fig. 4) areremarkably high:1570 Mt yr–1 are eroded from

the flood plain (equivalent to 108% of the annualtransport into the study reach and 127% of theflux past Óbidos),and 380 Mt yr–1 are depositedas bars (26% and 30%,respectively). The ratesper unit length of channel (Fig. 4) follow thedownstream pattern of channel migration (Merteset al.,1996,Figs. 9–11),which is most rapidwhere the river is not confined by resistant terracematerials downstream of Santo Antônio do Içá,and bends that have relatively small radii of cur-vature are free to migrate. Farther downstream,bank erosion and bar deposition gradually dimin-ish as the bends are larger and are partially con-stricted against the southern margin of the floodplain by neotectonic tilting (Tricart, 1977). Be-tween Anorí and São José do Amatarí,migrationis less where the river crosses the Purús arch,andit is greater where the river is unconfined down-stream of the River Madeira confluence.

Diffuse Overbank Deposition

Deposition (Dovrbk) onto old flood-plain andbar surfaces (i.e., surfaces that do not appear asnew bar deposition between 1971 and 1980) wascalculated as the overbank flux of water in eachreach multiplied by the sediment concentrationof the near-surface water being decanted from themain channel and by the trap efficiency of theflood plain. Overbank flow rates were calculatedfrom the Muskingum flood routing previously re-


Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998 459





87 77










ed s


ent (

Mt y









-1500.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Madeira discharge/Negro discharge

Figure 6. Relationship between the nettr ansport of silt-clay through the Paurá-Óbidos reach and the ratio of annualflows from the Negro and Madeira Rivers(r2 = 0.53; α < 0.001). The numerals indi-cate specific water years.

Page 11: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

ferred to. Once the volume of water in the chan-nel had filled to the bankfull capacity:


where qu and qd are, respectively, the water dis-charges at the upstream and downstream ends ofa reach; ∆t is the time step of the calculation; ∆his the change in water depth above bankfull stage;∆x is the length of the reach; wc is the bankfullchannel width; and wf is the width of the flood-plain zone on each side of the channel that is in-undated with water emerging from the channel.The value of wf was measured from the width offlood-plain water observed on Landsat images tobe colored with sediment-rich Andean water(Mertes,1997). Since wf changed very slowlythrough the flood season,we assumed it to beconstant and used it to calculate the fraction ofthe water accumulating in the reach that flowedinto the flood plain. This proportion entering theflood plain [2wf /(wc + 2wf )] was about 80% up-stream of Jutica and 90% downstream of that sta-tion. The remaining portion increased the depthof water in the channel.

The role of levee breaks and flood-plain chan-nels in conveying water into the flood plain be-low bankfull stage was not included in the floodrouting, and is considered in the next section.

These approximations and the 10%–20% errorin the routed Muskingum flows (Richey et al.,1989b) degrade our estimate of the rates of over-bank flow. Calculated average overbank dis-charges of water range from 0.04 m3s–1 per me-ter of bank (maximum of 0.09) in the SantoAntônio do Içá–Xibeco reach to 0.4 m3s–1(max-imum 0.7) for the Paurá-Óbidos reach. For theManacapurú reach, in which Mertes (1994,p.173) measured in the field and computed with atwo-dimensional numerical simulation overbankdischarges of 0.4–0.6 m3s–1, our method gives anaverage of 0.2 m3s–1 and a daily maximum of0.35 m3s–1 per meter of bank.

We estimated the sediment concentrations ofthe surface water as a fraction of vertically aver-aged concentrations,based on a few simultane-ous measurements of both values (Meade, 1985,Table 3; Mertes, 1994; Mertes et al.,1993;Mertes,unpublished samples). We estimated theratio,which should vary with water-surface gradi-ent,flow depth,and particle size (Vanoni,1975;Aalto,1995),to be about 0.33. Thus,vertically av-eraged sediment concentrations from our cruisesat the season when water was flowing from thechannel to the flood plain (December–May in theSão Paulo de Olivença–Jutica reaches; Febru-ary–May in the Jutica–São José do Amataríreaches; and February–July in the São José do

Amatarí–Óbidos reaches) were multiplied by0.33 to estimate the surface sediment concentra-tions. Estimated values decreased graduallydownstream from 140 mg l–1at Vargem Grande to80 mg l–1 at Óbidos because of dilution by tribu-tary waters, the increasing water depth,and thegenerally diminishing gradient. Our surface sam-ples contained too little material for texturalanalysis. Samples of sediment newly distributedacross the flood-plain surface had sand concentra-tions of 2%–10% in the Manacapurú reach andless than 5% near Óbidos. Sand composed25%–35% of samples collected from the edges ofthe banks (Mertes,1990),where one would ex-pect them to overrepresent the sand concentra-tions of the flow leaving the channel. Thus,for ourcalculation we used an average sand fraction of10% for the channel-surface water entering theflood plain. This value probably overestimates thefraction in overbank flow in downstream reaches.

Calculated instantaneous rates of overbanksediment transport per meter of bank (Fig. 7) av-erage 0.3–4.7 t day–1 m–1. The high values in theXibeco-Tupé-Jutica reaches may be slightly ex-aggerated due to errors in the flood routing.When the flow routed from Santo Antônio do Içáto Itapeua was compared with the measuredrecord at the latter station,the predicted flow rosemore slowly than the measured values. This rout-

q q t h x w wu d c f– ,( ) = +( )∆ ∆ ∆ 2


460 Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998



k se


ent t



(t d



) 1200








daily supply

spo sai xib tup jut ita ano man sja pau obi



k se


ent t



(t y

r–1 m


annual supply







Figure 7. Computed rates of sediment transport in dif fuse overbank flow. The left bar of each pair indicates the average daily rate of transportper meter over each bank during the season of overbank flow, calculated from flood routing of daily flows throughout 1974–1989. The right barof each pair indicates the average annual overbank transport per meter. Abbreviations as in Figure 3.

Page 12: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

ing error produced a progressive underestimationof in-channel flows past Tupé and Jutica andoverestimation of the discharge of water, andtherefore of sediment,into the flood plain. AtItapeua,the error was corrected by using themeasured discharge when calculating the over-bank flow, which would result in an underesti-mate of overbank fluxes in the Jutica-Itapeuareach. However, the maximum exaggeration ofoverbank flow was 6000 m3s–1 into the 477-km-long Xibeco-Jutica reach. Assuming a linear in-crease in this error from zero at the beginning ofrising water to 6000 m3s–1 at the peak,approxi-mately 200 days later, and a surface sedimentconcentration of 100 mg l–1 leads to an overesti-mate of about 10 Mt yr–1 out of 390 Mt yr–1 ofoverbank sediment transport in the Xibeco-Juticareaches. The Jutica-Itapeua overbank flux, cur-rently estimated to be 19 Mt yr–1, is similarly un-derestimated by 10 Mt yr–1.

Despite this error, the calculated pattern ofhigh overbank sediment flux between Xibeco(rkm 1051) and Jutica (rkm 1528) and low fluxbetween Jutica and Itapeua (rkm 1704) is consist-ent with the presence of a wide flood plain andlow bank height in the former reach and a narrowflood plain with an abrupt increase in bank heightin the Jutica-Itapeua reach (Mertes et al.,1996,Figs. 5 and 6). Similarly, overbank fluxes are lowin the São José do Amatarí–Paurá reach (Merteset al.,1996,cover photo of that journal),where ahigh terrace on the northern bank,well-devel-oped scroll bars and levees on the southern bank(probably consisting of sediment from the nearbyRiver Madeira),and the accumulation of largeamounts of locally generated water confine thesediment-rich water to the main channel. Confi-dence that the results are approximately correctalso arises because the calculated rates of sedi-ment transport for the season of flow from thechannel to the flood-plain average 3 t d–1per me-ter of bank in the reach near Manacapurú; this iswhere Mertes (1994,p. 172) measured values av-eraging 3–5 t day–1 m–1 and calculated values of4–18 t day–1 m–1 from remotely sensed surfaceconcentrations and a two-dimensional hydrody-namic model of flow across the flood plain dur-ing two floods.

We did not sample diffuse flow draining fromthe flood plain to the channel,but our visual ob-servations indicated that the flow was more or lessdevoid of sediment,except where it drained fromflood-plain channels,probably because of aggre-gation of the silt-clay particles leaving the channel(Stallard and Martin,1989; Nicholas and Walling,1996). Mertes (1994) used remote sensing of sur-face sediment concentrations and hydrodynamicflow simulation to map sediment fluxes across aflood plain near Manacapurú,indicating that ap-proximately 90% of the sediment leaving the

channel was deposited within a few hundred me-ters of the levee. However, the relatively narrowzone of turbid water visible on Landsat imagesduring the flood season indicates that this waterdoes not spread far from the channel and reentersit after only a few kilometers of flow across theflood plain (Mertes,1997). Average annual over-bank deposition was thus calculated as 90% of theoverbank flux for the period 1974–1989,andranged from 60 t m–1 yr–1 on each side of thechannel in the confined Jutica-Itapeua reach to770 t m–1 yr–1 between Paurá and Óbidos. Whensummed over the entire study reach, this deposi-tion amounts to 1105 Mt yr–1of silt-clay (equiva-lent to 112% of the transport past Óbidos) and 124Mt yr–1 of sand (equivalent to 50% of the Óbidosexport). Values for individual reaches are plottedas the fourth bar of each set in Figure 4.

Channelized Overbank Deposition

We calculated the annual sediment load de-canted from the channel into and trapped withinflood-plain channels (Fig. 1) that leave and rejointhe main channel. The strategy involved multi-plying the estimated water outflow from the mainchannel to the flood-plain channels by the main-stem sediment concentration, averaged over thedepth range of the flood-plain channel,and by atrap efficiency for the flood-plain channel.

The water discharge into the flood-plain chan-nel was calculated from Manning’s formula:


where qfpc, afpc, R,s,and n are, respectively, thewater discharge, cross-sectional area,hydraulicradius,gradient,and hydraulic roughness ofeach flood-plain channel in SI units. We mea-sured the widths and low-water depths of all 105flood-plain channels in the 2010 km reachbetween São Paulo de Olivença and Óbidosmapped on the 1:100 000 scale Brazilian Navypiloting charts (Mertes et al.,1996,Fig. 13).Since the deposition of sediment spreads fromthe upstream ends of the flood-plain channels,the depths were measured over tabular sills0.5–5 km long with the assumption that thesefeatures control the flow entering the flood-plainchannel for a given water-surface elevation in themain channel. Addition of the stage change be-tween low water and any other mainstem dis-charge allowed us to compute the associatedflow depths in the flood-plain channels. Low-water flow depths ranged to 16 m,high-waterdepths to 30 m,and widths to 2000 m. Duringthe period of rising water, there is little flow fromthe flood plain into the flood-plain channels. Theassumption of steady uniform flow, implicit in

the Manning equation,does not extend to the en-tire length of the flood-plain channel because ofthe increase in flow depth beyond the tabular sill,but this is not likely to cause errors that are sig-nificant for the present purpose.

Using regression on cross-section surveys offive flood-plain channels of widely differingsizes (data reported by Mertes,1990),we esti-mated afpc as 0.8 times the width-depth product,and Ras 0.8 times the flow depth. We measuredthe ratio (which varied from 0.8 to 2.0) betweeneach flood-plain channel length and the associ-ated main channel length,and used this ratio tocalculate the flood-plain channel gradient fromthe mainstem water-surface gradient at variousflows. (See the discussion of the seasonal varia-tion of water-surface gradients in the earlier sec-tion on channel gradient.) Manning’s roughnesscoefficient was assumed to be 0.03 for sand-bedchannels (Henderson,1966,p. 99).

The sediment concentrations of water decantedinto flood-plain channels were estimated as forthe diffuse overbank flow, except that the surfacesediment concentrations in the main channel wereincreased by 1.25 for silt-clay and by 2.0 for sand,reflecting the vertical distribution of the two tex-tural classes averaged over typical depth ranges offlood-plain channels (Aalto,1995). The result ofthis generalization was that 85% of the computedsediment export to the channels was silt-clay and15% was sand.

We calculated sediment fluxes into flood-plain channels for the highest recorded stage inthe main channel and for an early-rising stage, 4m above low water, to bracket the range of con-ditions between high water–low sediment con-centration and low discharge–high sedimentconcentration. The computed flow velocities inflood-plain channels decreased irregularly down-stream as gradient diminished, and averaged 1.2m s–1 at high flow with a range from 0.5 to 2.3 ms–1; they averaged 0.75 (0.25–1.6) m s–1at early-rising water. There was an irregular downstreamincrease in the largest flood-plain channel dis-charge in a reach as the decrease in velocity wasoffset by the increase in the widths of the largerflood-plain channels. The discharges for the 105flood-plain channels were exponentially distrib-uted; the high-water mean was approximately8800 m3 s–1 (range 700–41 000) and the early-rising mean was 4050 m3 s–1(0–25 000). Theflood-plain channels thus approach diffuse over-bank flow at one end of the distribution and ma-jor anabranches of the Amazon at the other.

The downstream decrease in sediment con-centration and the irregular increase in flood-plain channel discharge combined to yield noalongstream trend in channelized sediment ex-port from the main stem (Fig. 8A). Sedimentfluxes into flood-plain channels ranged from

qa R s


0 67 0 5. .



Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998 461

Page 13: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

Figure 8. Computed daily rates of(A) sediment export into and (B)deposition within each of the 105flood-plain channels at peak flow.Note the difference in ordinate scales.The bars indicate each value within asampling reach and do not implydownstream increases within eachreach. Abbreviations as in Figure 3.



t exp

ort t

o F



t day




t dep


on in


C (

Mt d



0.002 to 0.34 Mt day–1 (mean = 0.07 Mt day–1;median = 0.025 Mt day–1) for early-rising waterand from 0.007 to 0.42 Mt day–1 (mean = 0.11Mt day–1; median = 0.06 Mt day–1) at peak flow.The small range between the two time periodswas due to the offsetting effects of increasingwater discharge and decreasing sediment con-centration on the rising limb of the hydrograph.

We hypothesized that trap efficiencies offlood-plain channels would scale inversely withdischarge because the greater depths and veloci-ties of flows in the larger channels favored keep-ing sediment in suspension. Using measured sed-iment inflows and outflows of 5 flood-plainchannels having discharges ranging from 23 to5600 m3 s–1(Mertes,1990),we regressed trap ef-ficiency against the logarithm of discharge. Theresulting inverse relationship (trap efficiency[percent] = 128 – 10.8 ln qfpc), although signifi-

cant at the 0.05 level,has a poorly defined slope.The relationship was used only as a rough guideof how trap efficiencies range from 95% to 100%for the smallest flood-plain channels (~10–20 m3

s–1) to approximately 10% for the largest (~50000 m3 s–1), thus merging with the behavior ofdiffuse overbank flow at the smaller end of chan-nel sizes and with major anabranches of theAmazon mainstem at the other. With a largersample of channels,we might have been able toimprove the estimation of trap efficiency by in-cluding gradient in the analysis,but this did notreduce uncertainty with the current data set.

We then multiplied the export rate of sedimentinto each flood-plain channel by its trap effi-ciency, estimated from its discharge, to calculatethe sedimentation rates at early-rising and highflows (Fig. 8B). These deposition rates averaged0.02 Mt day–1 (maximum 0.07) for rising water,

and averaged 0.03 Mt day–1 (maximum 0.08) forthe peak.The deposition rate diminished gradu-ally downstream because of the declining trap ef-ficiencies associated with larger flood-plain chan-nel discharges. In the downstream reaches,moreflood-plain channels behave like anabranches ofthe main channel; sediment is swept through themand back into the channel. To compute the contri-bution of flood-plain channel sedimentation ineach reach, we averaged the high and low valuesof deposition for each flood-plain channel andmultiplied by the annual number of days of flowinto the flood-plain channel (120 between Juticaand São José do Amatarí; 180 days upstream anddownstream) and summed the results by reach(Fig. 9).

Upstream of the confined reach that begins atJutica,flood-plain channel deposition is in therange 0.29–0.33 Mt yr–1 km–1. In the Jutica–São


462 Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998

tup ita obimanReaches from SPO to Óbidos

tup obiReaches from SPO to Óbidos

ita man

Page 14: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

José do Amatarí reach there are fewer flood-plain channels and a shorter duration of over-bank flooding in the narrower flood plain,andflood-plain channel sedimentation begins to de-cline, reaching a minimum of 0.12 Mt yr–1 km–1

in the Manacapurú–São José do Amatarí reach.Downstream of the Purús arch and the RiverMadeira mouth,where the flood plain begins towiden again (Fig. 3),mainstem sediment con-centrations are low and the flood-plain channelsare so large and their trap efficiencies so low thatthe deposition rate does not rise to upstream val-ues,despite the increased duration of flow intothe flood-plain channels. Flood-plain channelsedimentation varies from 0.33 to 2.0 times thediffuse overbank sedimentation upstream of thePurús arch, but downstream the fraction lies inthe range 0.10–0.23,except near the mouth ofthe River Madeira,where both forms of sedi-mentation are suppressed (Mertes et al.,1996,cover photo).

Mainstem Channel Storage

The final term in the mass balance of equation1 is defined as the annual rate of change in chan-nel storage, including sediment eroded from ordeposited on the channel bed or between thelandward edge of a bar (2 m above average low-water stage) and the main channel bank. Accu-mulation of sediment in the channel would plotin the positive field in Figure 4. However, sinceit is derived only as a residual,the same termalso includes any overlooked sediment transportprocesses or errors of estimation. For example,sediment eroded from a bank (such as a terrace)higher than 8–11 m above the low-water stagemapped on navigation charts would be underesti-

mated, and the error would tend to indicate scouror lower accumulation in Figure 4. Uncertaintiesin sediment-rating curves,and in measured orcomputed flow records,may have led to positiveand negative residual errors. Another potentialsource of error is the disparity in time between thedata used to estimate each sediment flux in equa-tion 1. A second set of potential problems is thedifficulty of measuring some of the quantitiesused, as we have emphasized herein. For exam-ple, we described earlier how bias in the flood-routing scheme for computing overbank sedimentflux probably caused an error in that sediment-budget term between Xibeco and Itapeua. How-ever, the errors are confined within those reaches.We have not been able to devise a scheme forquantification of all conceivable errors in the var-ious estimation techniques.

Because of our concern about errors accumu-lating in the residual term, we highlighted thestorage term in Figure 4 by using squares linkedby lines,rather than bars. The question of error isparticularly important because the term is a largefraction of the sediment balance of most reaches.It is important,therefore, to know whether thealongstream pattern of these residuals is domi-nated by errors or reflects real channel-storageprocesses. Confidence in the latter case arisesfrom: (1) the interannual consistency of the netsuspended-sediment transport quantities (Fig.5); (2) the roughly correlated behavior of the twotextural classes (which is partly but not whollydue to the assignment of fixed proportions ofsand and silt-clay in the computation of Ebk,Dbar, Dovrbk, and Dfpc); and (3) the fact that theother quantities in equation 1 are explainable interms of hypothesized controlling factors, asdemonstrated in foregoing sections. Viewed in

this light,the storage term also behaves in a rea-sonable manner.

Although the individual channel-storagechanges are probably within the limits of resolu-tion of our techniques for most reaches,we in-clude the results from all reaches in the followingdiscussion since they suggest trends that may beinvestigated through further monitoring. The pat-terns of sediment removal or accumulation areassociated with changes in gradient and dis-charge along the river, and therefore, apparently,with changes in the long-term sediment-transportcapacity of each reach. Figure 4A demonstratesthat the silt-clay storage is negative (implying netchannel erosion) from São Paulo de Olivença toJutica,from Anorí to São José do Amatarí,andfrom Paurá to Óbidos. Sand storage is also nega-tive upstream of Jutica and in the Paurá-Óbidosreach (Fig. 4B). Despite the fact that the samplingstations do not exactly match the breaks in gradi-ent indicated by the satellite altimetry in Figure 3,in each of these eroding reaches (rkm 740–1528,rkm 1885–2228,and rkm 2474–2750) the chan-nel gradient increases downstream as the rivercrosses structural features and the channel is con-fined. The downstream steepening increases thesediment-transport capacity of the river beyondthe increment of sediment supplied to the chan-nel in these reaches. The Anorí–São José do Am-atarí (rkm 1885–2228) reach also receives a largeincrement of sediment-free water from the RiverNegro. The Paurá-Óbidos reach receives waterfrom the River Madeira,along with a sedimentload that is larger than the influx to São Paulo deOlivença,but the net effect is still for sediment tobe scoured from the steepening reach. Wherechannel gradient decreases downstream,be-tween Jutica and Anorí (rkm 1528–1885) and


Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998 463

Figure 9. Annual rates of sedimentation inall flood-plain channels in each reach. Abbre-viations as in Figure 3.



t dep


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Mt y

r–1 k


) 0.4






spo sai xib tup jut ita ano man sja pau obi

silt-clay sand

Page 15: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

between São José do Amatarí and Paurá (Rkm2228–2474),silt-clay is deposited along the chan-nel (positive values in Fig. 4A). Sand accumu-lates in the channel throughout the reach down-stream of Jutica,but there is a strong minimum inManacapurú–São José do Amatarí reach (rkm2031–2228) because of the flushing action of theNegro River outflow.

The association between downstream changesof gradient and changes in channel storage isstrengthened by a calculation that can be madefor the reach downstream of Óbidos,where thechannel gradient appears to be declining slightlyon the downstream side of the Monte Alegre in-trusion (Fig. 3). Mertes and Dunne (1988) esti-mated that an average of 300–400 Mt of sedi-ment (0.67–0.89 Mt yr–1 km–1) are depositedeach year in the 450 km reach between Óbidosand the coast,where the river divides into severaldistributary channels before entering the coastalzone. They based this conclusion on the differ-ence between the estimated sediment dischargeat Óbidos (then estimated to be 1100–1300 Mtyr–1) and the sum of deposition on the continen-tal shelf (610–650 Mt yr–1; Kuehl et al.,1986)and the rate of along-shelf sediment transport(100–200 Mt yr–1, estimated by Augustinus,1982; Nittrouer et al.,1986). The budget was es-sentially confirmed by Nittrouer et al. (1995).We hypothesize that most of this sediment is de-posited between the Monte Alegre intrusion andthe Gurupá arch (approximately rkm 2800–3200in Fig. 3B). Radar imagery there (Radambrasil,1972) reveals a sudden change in the alluvialmorphology (Mertes et al.,1996,Fig. 16,c andd), from a flood plain occupied by hundreds oflakes to a delta plain that appears to have beenfilled as the average water-surface gradient de-creases essentially at sea level,but where the wa-ter is still fresh.

The rates of sediment removal and accumula-tion for reaches implied by the storage term inFigure 4 range to 16 cm yr–1, except in the SãoPaulo de Olivença–Santo Antônio do Içá reach.The calculated scour of 40 cm yr–1 there is al-most certainly an error in estimating small dif-ferences between inputs and outputs in the vicin-ity of the River Içá confluence. In particular, ifthe calculated storage changes are even approxi-mately correct,they imply channel lowering of0–3 cm yr–1 in the São Paulo de Olivença–Juticareach and 5–6 cm yr–1 in the Manacapurú reach.Downstream of Jutica,they indicate the channelbed to be rising at approximately 2–4 cm yr–1

during the period of our measurements. Down-stream of the mouth of the River Madeira,calcu-lations predict the bed to be rising at 16 cm yr–1,and upstream of the Monte Alegre high to belowering at 12 cm yr–1. Records of channel-bedelevation at gauging stations are not long enough

to indicate whether the implied changes havetaken place.

The storage portrayed in Figure 4 refers to an-nual totals. There are seasonal patterns of net flux,such as the one documented for the Manacapurú-Óbidos reach by Meade et al. (1985),and inter-preted to be due to settling and resuspension ofsediment resulting from changes in water-surfacegradient caused by the timing of water inflowsfrom the major tributaries. A more comprehensiveanalysis of the same seasonal variations in net fluxconfirms that silt-clay accumulates in all thereaches between Manacapurú and Óbidos duringearly to mid-rising water and then is removed athigher and later stages. The deposition of sand per-sists a little later into the flood season and isreestablished sooner on the declining hydrograph.However, the bed-material samples from Amazoncruises (Mertes and Meade, 1985,Table 2) indi-cate that the silt-clay “disappearing” from the fluxmeasurements is not settling to the bed,although itmay be draping the banks and levees. Even atearly-rising water, it is rare to find bed materialcontaining more than a few percent silt-clay in themain channel. This finding suggests that the sea-sonal dynamics of silt-clay transport are modu-lated through exchanges with the channel marginsor flood plain rather than simply by in-channel set-tling and resuspension. The other analyses in thispaper indicate that the sediment budgets of Ama-zon reaches are subject to exchanges with theflood plain that dwarf the seasonal differences innet suspended flux, even though we cannot yet re-solve them at a subannual scale.


Figures 4 and 10 summarize the sediment bud-get of each channel reach along the entire 2010km of the Amazon River between São Paulo deOlivença and Óbidos for the period of our esti-mate. The preceding text also describes a less-detailed estimate of deposition rate in the deltaplain downstream of the Monte Alegre intrusion,for a combined reach length of 2460 km. Tables2 and 3 indicate that an average of 616 ± 44 Mtyr–1 of sediment entered the channel at the upperend of the study reach (São Paulo de Olivença)and were augmented by 117 ± 8 Mt yr–1 from thelowland tributaries and 715 ± 94 Mt yr–1 from theRiver Madeira,despite the long passage of thistributary across the Brazilian craton. The annualsediment flux past Óbidos averaged 1239 ± 130Mt yr–1, indicating an average annual accumula-tion rate in the reach of approximately 209 Mtyr–1 (14% of the influx); the standard error of thestorage term was 167 Mt yr–1 (Table 3). The cal-culated silt-clay storage was 151 Mt yr–1(14% ofthe input),which was less than its standard error

(161 Mt yr–1); for sand the calculated storage was58 Mt yr–1 (19% of the input),and the standarderror 44 Mt yr–1.

Exchanges between the channel and floodplain in each direction exceeded the annual chan-nelized sediment transport into or out of the reach(Table 3). The annual supply of sediment enter-ing the channel from bank erosion was computedto be 1570 Mt yr–1. An estimated 380 Mt yr–1

were transferred to bar storage, while 1690 Mtyr–1 were transferred to the flood plain (460 Mtyr–1 in channelized flow; 1230 Mt yr –1 in diffuseoverbank flow). Calculated deposition on thebars and flood plain exceeded bank erosion by500 Mt yr–1 (32% of the bank erosion supply).Thus,we have two independent estimates of netsediment accumulation in the 2010 km reach:ap-proximately 200 Mt yr–1 and 500 Mt yr–1, whichagree in sign and general magnitude, therebycrudely validating our attempts to calculate indi-vidual channel–flood-plain exchanges. Of the re-maining flux past Óbidos,another 300–400 Mtyr–1 (24%–32%) do not reach the ocean,but aredeposited in the delta plain.

The sediment budget of the 2010 km reach in-dicates that transport of material through the val-ley is strongly modulated by exchanges of sedi-ment with the flood plain,annual values of whichexceed the channel transport. Exchanges with theflood plain involve both hydrological processessuch as overbank flooding and export to flood-plain channels,and morphological changessuch as bank erosion and bar deposition (Figs. 1and 4). When compared to the annual channelsediment transport, using the average flux pastÓbidos (1240 Mt yr–1) as a scale equal to 1.0,theother terms in the sediment budget for the valleyhave magnitudes of:São Paulo de Olivença in-flux = 0.5; Madeira influx = 0.6; other tributaries= 0.1; bank erosion = 1.3; bar deposition = 0.3;diffuse overbank deposition = 1.0; deposition inflood-plain channels = 0.4.

If the relative magnitudes of the sediment ex-changes are typical of other rivers that have largeflood-plains,there are important implications forthe transport and storage of hydrophobic materi-als associated with sediments. For example, Fig-ure 10 illustrates that between São Paulo deOlivença and São José do Amatarí the channeltransport remains fairly constant at 600–700 Mtyr–1. Between the two sections,bank erosion con-tributes a total of about 1300–1400 Mt yr–1, anddeposition on the bars and flood plain removes anequal or larger amount. It is reasonable to expect,therefore, that all or most of the sediment passingÓbidos has spent time in the flood plain duringtransit through the valley, and that most of thesediment passing São Paulo de Olivença in 1 yrmight be entirely deposited before reaching SãoJosé do Amatarí.


464 Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998

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Alongstream patterns in each of the terms ofthe decadal sediment budget (see Fig. 4 and itsdiscussion) are associated with features appar-ently produced by intracratonic tectonics and ma-jor tributary inputs of water and sediment. Someof the storage changes are within their standarderrors and are included only as working hypothe-ses,while the uncertainities are reduced by fur-ther sediment sampling. The following patterns,however, are remarkably consistent. The river isconfined by cohesive terraces as it crosses thePurús arch and the Monte Alegre high,and thus

the flood plain narrows. At the downstream endof the fault block, the river is also diverted againstthe southern terrace by tilting of the valley floortoward the south-southeast. In these reaches,theriver’s sinuosity and migration rate are decreasedand the gradient increased. The resulting down-stream sequence of increasing and then decreas-ing gradient (Fig. 3) is associated, respectively,with scour and then with accumulation within thechannel (square symbols in Fig. 4), the patternbeing complicated slightly by scour of silt-claydownstream of the sediment-poor River Negro.

In the reaches from São Paulo de Olivença toJutica,the gradient generally increases (Fig. 3B)and the squares in Figure 4 indicate scour. Lowgradients between Jutica and Anorí are associ-ated with net accumulation. The increase in gra-dient as the Purús arch is approached leads toscour of silt-clay and a reduction in the accumu-lation of sand. Downstream of the arch, the gra-dient decreases,but the massive inflow of sedi-ment-poor water from the River Negro causesscour of silt-clay and a reduction (to zero) in theaccumulation of sand. Low gradient downstreamof São José do Amatarí and the large sedimentsupply from the River Madeira cause depositionof both textural classes in the next reach down-stream. The increasing gradient between Pauráand Óbidos is associated with net scour of bothtextures even as the river approaches tidewater.Downstream of the Monte Alegre intrusion,thereappears to be a slight decrease in gradient,and inthis reach rapid sedimentation occurs in the deltaplain,as described in the section on mainstemchannel storage.

The effect of gradient,however, is not simplyto determine the suspended-load transport capac-ity of the channel,which is currently unknown.Instead, the tectonic activity (whether current ornot) affects the form and behavior of the channeland flood plain (Fig. 3; Mertes et al.,1996),which together with the hydrology of the valley


Geological Society of America Bulletin,April 1998 465

1000 x 106 t/yr



0 200 km



lo d

e O





Bank Erosion and Tributaries

Flood Plain and Bar Deposition


S. A


io Iç

















S. J







Figure 10. Sediment budget for the 2010 km reach of the Amazon River between São Paulo de Olivença and Óbidos,Brazil, summarizing thebudgets measured and calculated for each of the 10 reaches (ranging in length from 146 to 280 km) between river cross sections where enoughsediment-discharge values have been measured to generate a sediment rating curve, and thus to compute a long-term sediment flux. The dia-gram has been exploded at each measurement section so that the individual budgets for each reach may be inspected. Represented in the upperleft corner of the plot for each reach is the bank erosion. Represented in the lower right of each plot is the deposition on bars and flood plains(both overbank and in channels). Tr ibutary inputs are shown along the upper parts of the plots; especially prominent is the large input of sedi-ment from the Madeira River.



Channel sediment transportInput from São Paulo de Olivença 616 (±44)Input from lowland tributaries 117 (±8)Input from River Madeira 715 (±94)Output at Óbidos 1239 (±130)Accumulation in reach 209 (±167)

Channel-flood plain exchange processesBank erosion 1570Bar deposition 380Diffuse overbank sedimentation 1230Channelized flood plain sedimentation 460Net transfer to flood plain 500

Notes: Values are in Mt yr–1. Numbers in parentheses arestandard errors of the estimated means for the calculationsbased on sediment sampling in channels. Another 300–400 Mtyr–1 are deposited in the delta plain downstream of Óbidos.

Page 17: GSA Bulletin: Exchanges of sediment between the flood · (standar d deviation = 0.09 mm) upstr eam of rkm 1500 (near Jutica) and

floor controls the processes of bank erosion,bardeposition,and dispersion of sediment into theflood plain,as described herein.


In this study we identified four major flood-plain–channel exchanges of sediment for a large,naturally functioning river. Their relative impor-tance elsewhere will vary with the geomorphol-ogy, hydroclimatology, and management of par-ticular rivers. We described the geomorphic andhydrologic processes that control the exchangesand channelized transport, and illustrated howthey might be analyzed and predicted in otherriver valleys.

Several general principles are suggested byour analysis.

1. The bank and bar exchanges involve chan-nel shifting, and at least the bank erosion isweakly correlated with channel sinuosity, andthus indirectly with flood-plain width. These ex-changes can be evaluated for each grain size bymultiplying together:average bank or bar height(as appropriate),grain-size composition,and thearea of flood plain eroded or deposited in a periodof time. Bank and bar elevations and textures arecurrently obtainable only through field surveys.Areas of erosion and deposition may be obtainedby mapping channel changes,as done here, andprojecting average rates into the future, or fromcalibrated predictions of channel migration, us-ing an approach such as the bend theory of Ikedaet al. (1981) and Parker et al. (1982). In rivers thatare rapidly depositing bed material because ofalongstream changes in gradient and sedimenttransport capacity, channel shifting may also re-flect these processes (Dunne, 1988,Fig. 7).

2. Diffuse overbank sediment transport isequal to the overbank flux of water (here calcu-lated by flood routing) multiplied by the surfacesediment concentration in the main channel andby the trap efficiency of the flood plain. It istherefore controlled by: (1) the average bankheight; (2) the flood-conveyance hydrology ofthe main channel,including the pattern of waterinflows,channel capacity, duration of overbankflooding, and the degree to which the spreadingof turbid water into the flood plain is resisted bywater accumulating there due to rainfall and lo-cal runoff (Mertes,1997); (3) the surface sedi-ment concentration in the main channel,whichdepends on texture, gradient,and flow depth;and (4) the hydraulic roughness of the floodplain,which affects the residence time of wateron the flood plain and therefore the time avail-able for settling.

3. The dispersion of sediment through flood-plain channels is equal to the water flow into eachchannel (calculated from flood-plain channelgeometry and main-channel water stage) multi-plied by the sediment concentration of main-channel water averaged over the depth of theflood-plain channel and by the trap efficiency ofeach flood-plain channel. This channelized depo-sition therefore depends on (1) the near-surfacesediment concentration in the main channel (re-ferred to above); (2) the duration of flow into eachflood-plain channel; (3) the dimensions of theflood-plain channel; (4) its trap efficiency, whichcorrelates with its discharge and possibly its gra-dient; and (5) the distribution of these flood-plainchannel characteristics along the valley.

These principles should apply to all largechannel–flood-plain systems and could be usedas a basis for analyzing valley-floor sedimentbudgets and predicting their response to environ-mental and anthropogenic change.


This work was supported by National ScienceFoundation grant BSR-8107522 for the CAM-REX (Carbon in the Amazon River:An Experi-ment) Project, and National Aeronautic andSpace Association–EOS (Earth Observing Sys-tem) Amazon Project NAGW-2652 and NAGW-5233. The river discharge records were providedby E. Oliveira and V. Guimares of theDepartamento Nacional de Agua e EnergiaElétrica, Brasilia. We thank Dr. M. V. Caputo of Petrobras for advice on the tectonics of Amazônia,the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas daAmazônia,Manaus for assistance in staging fieldwork, R. E. Aalto, J. W. Kirchner, L. A. Mar-tinelli, and T. Pimental,who assisted us at variousstages of the field work and analysis, and B.Gomez,J. B. Ritter, and an anonymous reviewerfor improving the manuscript. CAMREX contri-bution no. 87.


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