  • Good Fences Don't Necessarily Make Good Neighbors

    - Fertilize your trees and shrubs now and treat them to protect against pests. - Trim and prune back any damage from the winter cold.

    ethics and quality in all tree care and landscape services. We are fully insured

    GruettvilleGazetteall the news thats fit to prune



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    Freebies for tree lovers

    What is out in the yard all summer and is Irish?

    - Have Gruett test your soil to determine how much food your trees need.

    lients will sometimes come to us and ask us to trim their trees, and

    then when we get to the property we nd out that they actually want us to trim the limbs of their neighbors trees that are hanging over into their yard.

    One of the civil codes dealing with ownership of trees basically states that if the trunk of the tree is sitting on your property, you own it and it is also your responsibility to take care of that tree.

    These codes also say that if you cause your neighbors tree to decline and die by actions you take from your property, whether it is below the ground or above it, you could be sued by your neighbor. The amount you could pay can be up to three times the appraised value of the tree, which can be substantial if the tree is old and well-established.

    Thats also why the rst thing we do when a client hires us to trim a neigh-bors tree is ask, Have you spoken with your neighbor yet?

    The solution to you running into any problem like this is simpletalk with your neighbors, tell them what you plan to do, let them know that you are going to employ the services of a certied arborist, and make sure they are OK with it, thats all. It may be as simple as educating them about your concerns, them educating you about theirs, and then you all coming to an agreement.

    A little neighborly discussion can go a long way toward avoiding big, compli-cated problems down the line.

    Remember, according to the law, in these situations, decisions must be made by both homeowners. Its designed to protect everyone all around. Once you have talked with your neighbor and have come to an agree-ment, Gruett will be happy to do the work for you. Call us today!


    St. Paddy OFurniture!



    Instructions: Read our Gruettville Gazette for answers and clues to ourcrossword puzzles. Good luck!

    If youre going to boggle your brain and get all sappy, shouldnt you get something?YES! Our sentiments exactly. Turn this in and well send you... SOMETHING!

    Across5. What's a safer more effective alternative to spraying your trees?

    Down1. This month's Pest of the Month.2. Good _______ Don't Necessarily Make Good Neighbors.3. What did St. Patrick drive out of Ireland?4. Gruett should do what to determine how much food your trees need?

    Want New Trees? The Time to Plant is Soonruett recommends that if you want to plant new trees on your

    property you should plant them soon. Early spring is the best time to plant so your new trees can take advantage of a full growing season in the ground at their new home. This will allow your new trees to root in the rst year.

    We recommend that if you are install-ing new trees, you employ the services of a company with certied arborists. New trees can be expensive, so you want to make sure that the ones you buy take root and live long, healthy lives. When you do your tree installation

    with help from Gruett, we dont mark up the cost of the trees. So you are going to pay the same retail price for us to choose your trees as you would pay at the nursery. The dierence is that when we are choosing them for

    you, we are looking through experi-enced, expert eyes for trees that are healthy, and that have good branch and root structure.

    Remember that anything negative you inherit from the nursery, you will be dealing with for the life of the tree. Problems you inherit from the nursery can include diseases, root problems and girdling. Roots can become girdled when trees planted in boxes are not moved to bigger boxes at the nursery in a timely manner. This can result in poor root structure and

    stability. The girdling can continue once the tree is in the ground and the tree may never be able to properly root. Eventually the tree will fail.There are a lot of things to consider

    when planting trees, including your site. We look at your site and deter-

    mine what would t best aesthetically and in terms of water availability, soil conditions, possible diseases, light and other factors. If you have an area that receives a lot of shade and mois-ture you should choose a tree that can handle that kind of stress. Excessive moisture is not a condition you would want to subject any tree to but there are some species that fare better under those conditions than others.Gruett doesnt just dig a hole and put

    a tree in it. We carefully choose and install your trees, aerate and amend the soil, and provide root treatments. Trees are not cheap. We want to protect your investment, and provide the work and care needed so that your trees have the best chance of rooting in the rst year and living long, healthy lives. Call Gruet Today!


    TREE Installs- CUSTOM SOLUTIONS -1-800-447-8388



    How do I know if Im giving my trees the right amount of water?


    There are a lot of factors that play into how much water your trees need, including weather, wind and what kinds of trees you have. We recom-mend to get a good idea, you take a regular-size wash bucket, ll it up with a hose, then pour the water around the base of the tree. Wait until the water disappears. Do that three times. If all of the water is still soak-ing into the ground, your tree is still thirsty, and youre not watering your tree enough. The sponge that has been created around your tree needs to be lled to what we call eld capacity. After the sponge is lled to eld capacity (i.e., the water begins to pool rather than disappearing into the ground) you dont need to water it again until that sponge is dry. The best thing to do is call a certied arborist at Gruett today for an expert, onsite assessment of all your tree heathcare needs. We speak tree!

    Send Questions [email protected]

    ?ISA Certified Arborists on Staff

    Tree Healthcare Practitioners on StaffTree Care Specialist on Staff

    We are licensed, insured professionalsState Ca# 707165 C27, D49,C61

    Licensed as QAL for Tree Healthcare

    * We control roots and growth

    * We SPEAK TREE!* We save dying trees.* We Prune CORRECTLY!* We remove the dead. * We grind stumps. * We fix Compacted nutrient deficient soil.* We solve problems.* We teach you how to SPEAK TREE with us!!


    - ChestnutChestnuts make wonderful, dense shade trees where there is space to accommodate them and where their litter and rank-smelling pollen wont be too obtrusive. All have handsome dark to bright green foliage. Small, creamy white owers in long (810-in.), slim catkins make quite a display in summer. The large edible nuts are enclosed in prickly burs. Nuts fall to the ground when ripe. Gather daily, remove from burs, and let dry in the sun (shade in hot climates). Plant two or more trees to ensure cross-pollination and a substantial crop; single trees bear lightly or not at all Call Gruett today for help choosing and installing the right tree for you!

    - AphidsAphids (Aphidoidea) feed on the sap tissue using a proboscis. They produce enormous amounts of honeydew as their waste. Honeydew produces a sticky lm on and underneath infested trees. Due to their feeding on sap tissue, they are easily controlled by systemic insecticides. Aphids do not need to mate, and are essentially born pregnant. Because of this, they can build into huge popula-tions over a relatively short period of time. Aphids will suck out the sap from leaves, branches or any part of the tree where their mouth will be able to penetrate to the phloem (part of plant that moves nutrients). Let Gruett help protect you from aphids before they are out of control!

    Did you know...Gruett's Healthcaredivision can diagnose

    your sick tree


    TREE Installs Tree Installs TREE Installs Tree Installs TREE Installs Tree Installs

    - Tree Installs or Transplant!- Healthier Root Systems

    - Up to 90% lighter for easy instalation!


    Reward Yourself With Patience* We treat SICK TREES

    hen the English plant a garden, they plan for what it will look like in a

    hundred years. That takes patience.Often when people plant trees or revitalize

    their landscapes they want instant gratica-tion. When you are installing trees or beau-tiful landscaping for your enjoyment, you cant expect instant, or even really quick results. These plants have to root, they have to adapt to their environment, and they will have to grow.They will need care from you to accomplish

    all of these things and evolve into a beautiful landscape that you can enjoy for decades. Each of these dierent plants will do these things in its own way and in its own time, so its important to understand the species you are adopting in applying the care.Recognize that what you do this year is

    going to aect you next year. One example

    of immediate gratication is planting bulbs for splashes of color. Flowers that spring from bulbs can provide a range of color over large areas. However, be careful of bulbs, because you will have them in perpetuity

    and they will multiply. You may end up with a

    large mass of lilies popping everywhere. Then what if you decide you dont want all those lilies?You should decide in

    advance how you are going to eradicate or control those lilies if you ever need or want to. One solution for that potential problem is to isolate them by planting them in a container in the ground. This will make the process of moving them, if needed, easier in the future.This is just one of hundreds of examples of

    how good planning can create long-lasting beauty. It just takes patience. Call Gruett today for help revitalizing your landscape!


    Why would you do this to your trees?! When you choose to use a gardener over a certied arborist, this is what can happen. The leaves are the food factory of your tree. When you hack everything o youre putting the tree into shock. When the tree goes into shock it responds by putting out shoots with leaves on them so it can feed again. If the tree was sick or weak in the rst place, now the tree is going to be in an even more weakened state. Also, if the cuts were not made properly, the tree is not going to be able to seal o those cuts on its own. This results in open sores that leave the tree more vulnerable to disease. Dont let these things happen. Call Gruett Today!


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