Download - Growth Conditions

  • Growth & Culture of Bacteria

    Chapter 6

  • Binary Division1 to 2 to 4 to 8 to ?

    Chapter 6

  • Phases of GrowthLagAdapt to nutrientsLogActive growthStationaryDeath = Growth rateDeathNutrients consumedpH too low (why?)Optimize curves in production

    Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Measuring GrowthDirect CountsPetroff-Hauser ChamberPros vs. ConsSerial Dilution10-fold serial dilutionsPros vs. ConsMPN (Most Probable Number)Put 10, 1, and 0.1 ml into 10-mls brothRepeat 5 times per volumeStatistical accurate samplingPublic Health Standards are written for MPN

    Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Measuring Growth-contdTurbiditySpectrophotometerScale%TransmittanceOptical Density or AbsorbanceFiltration0.45 - 0.2 um sizesGrid Pattern on FilterStandards for Public Health0 E.coli / 100 ml of waterAlso used for sterilization

    Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Physical Factors: -philespHAcido-, Neutro-, AlkaliphilesCanned foods-Hot Pack vs. Pressure CookingHigh Acids- tomatoesNeutro-corn, beans, meatTemperaturePsychro-, Meso- ThermophilesGrowth CurveProblems

    Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Note the drop-off as you get closer to the Optimum!

    Chapter 6

  • What effect would have a fever have on Mesophiles??

    Chapter 6

  • Temperature ProblemsThermophilesHot tubs-publicHeat Resistant Enzymes in PCRPsychrophilesCold food (growth in transit)Listeria grows in hot dogs

    Chapter 6

  • Salt ConcentrationHalophilesGreat Salt LakeSalt Pork

    Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Physical Factors: contdMoistureBeef JerkyLyophilization (Freeze Dry)OxygenAerboes vs. Anaerobes + ------ + ----------Osmotic PressurePseudomonas grows in distilled waterJelly- Jams (high sugar)Salt Pork (high salt)

    Chapter 6

  • Nutritional FactorsCarbon SourceAuto- or Hetero- CO2 or Organic compoundsNitrogen SourceNO3- ==> NO2 ==> NH3 to Amino Acids ==> ProteinsSulfurPhosphorusTrace ElementsFe, some requiredHost Sideophores bind Fe

    Chapter 6

  • More -trophsAuxotrophsCan live on simple compounds NO3-, GlucoseMake all Amino Acids, Vitamins, etc.PrototrophsRequire complex compoundsVitamins, Amino AcidsFastidiousMost Pathogens

    Chapter 6

  • Types of MediaComplex MediumPeptones, Yeast ExtractFastidiousPrototrophsSynthetic MediumMinimal MediaAuxotrophs

    Chapter 6

  • ExoenzymesSecreted into environmentCatabolize food productsProtease, DNAase, Amylase, LipaseUsed in identification

    Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Oxygen RequirmentsClassificationAerobicAnaerobicFalcultative AnaerobicMicroaerophilicOutline for TopicMediaCultivationOxygen Toxicity

    Chapter 6

  • Flluid Thioglycollate Medium (FTM)Peptones, Yeast Extracts, Glucose

    Thioglycollate-binds O2

    Agar-slow diffusion of O2

    Rezaruin- O2 indicator

    Chapter 6

  • FTM Media

    Chapter 6

  • Growth ChambersCandle JarsMicroaerophillicGas-PaksAnaerobes & Faculatative Anaerobes

    Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Why Anerobes vs. AerobesO2 is reactive-toxic (binds e-s)Requires 4 e-s to form waterIntermediates are Free RadicalsFree Radicals steal e-sOxidization of compoundsLoss of energy from compoundsDNA molecule breaks

    Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Chapter 6

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