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Green Eggs and Spam BreakfastFebruary 16, 2017

Jen Buehring & Kristina Ek

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18 Years of Experience(Founded in 1999)

• 400+ dedicated professionals

• 12 offices in 7 countries worldwide

About Return Path

Proven DataInfrastructure

• Over 2.5 billion Certification inboxes

• Scoring 26 million IP addresses daily

• Nearly 300 global partners

• Processing millions of transactions per day

• We can see more email data than any other company in the world

Over 3000 Email Optimization Customers

• Industries include:• Retail• Technology• Finance• Entertainment • And more

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Collecting All The Data

Provider Data Streams

Consumer Data Streams


Contactually Molto ParibusGetAirHelpMessage Finder UnsubscriberOrganizer

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Return Path Solutions

Powered by the Return Path Data Cloud

•Unique view of email ecosystem so clients and partners can make better business decisions.

•Inputs from 300+ providers representing 2.5 billion email accounts.

•In-depth behavioral insights from the inboxes of more than 2 million individual consumers.

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Your Inbox Knows All About You

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We have unprecedented visibility into the inboxCONSUMERS & DEVELOPERS


eCommerce receiptsfrom over


Data Examples:Message arrived, message read,

message deleted, subject line, creative,purchase receipts, travel notifications


Data Examples:Mail logs, spam traps, complaints,

deliverability stats, IP authentication,SPF/DKIM/DMARC records




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Return Path

Inbox Placement Rate

IP Reputation Metrics

Engagement & Read %

Subject line metrics

Competitive Intelligence

Email Client data

Delivery Rate

Bounce Rates

Opens, Clicks, Unsubscribes & Complaints

SMTP Codes & Bounce Reasons

Subscriber Email Activity Data

Email Reporting – Return Path vs. ESPESP

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Email is Still the Most Effective Channel…

…but only if your email is getting into the inbox!

Email Search

Social Email Social Paid Search

Statista DMA’s Annual Response Rate Report

Ecommerce Conversion Rates Median ROI







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Measure What Matters


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Measure More than DeliveredMonitor your Inbox Placement Rate Globally 12% of promotional emails are delivered to the spam folder

Monitor your Read Rate Average Read Rate is 14%

Monitor your Complaint Rate Average Complaint Rate is .18% Industry prefers around .10%

Monitor your “Deleted Without Reading” Rate Average Deleted without reading” Rate is 9%


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I do not like it,


I do not like your email,


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Maintain Subscriber List Quality


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Maintain Subscriber QualitySelect Data Sources Carefullyo Quarantine New Datao Provide Easy Update Optionso Consider Double Opt-Ino Select Data Sources Carefullyo Email Your List Regularlyo Monitor Subscriber Activityo Run Basic List Hygiene Services


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Reduce Spam Complaints


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Reduce Spam Complaintso Welcome the Subscriber

o Positively reinforce the new relationshipo Adjust Frequency

o Don’t default to all email / all the timeo Set expectation on how much mail user will receive and allow them to adjust

o Sign up for Feedback Loopso Removes complainerso Identify problematic campaigns & acquisition


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Supercharge Your Subject Lines


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Subject Line Best Practiceso Check the Length of your Subject Lines

o The most common length is 41 – 50 characters.o Subject lines 61 – 70 characters have the highest open rate.

o What Keywords increase read rate and what don’t?o Subject Lines that create a sense of urgencyo Subject Lines that demonstrate benefit

o Test, Test, Test!


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Improve Your Content


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Content is Keyo Test Email Rendering Before Deployment

Know what devices users are reading your email on and test

o Verify HTML Before Every Send 70% of people will delete an email if it doesn’t render well Focus on fixing HTML issues for the email clients and MBPs important to you

o Test Content Against Spam Filters Prioritize based on your list Verify if spam filter issue is due to links in email or content


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Monitor Your Sending Reputation

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Know your Reputationo Sign up for Google Postmaster Toolso Sign up for Microsoft Smart Network Data Serviceso Sign up for AOL whitelistingo What is your SenderScore


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Dealing with Blacklists


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Get to Know the most Important Blacklists

• Spamhaus• Spamcop• URIBL


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