Page 1: Good News for February 2015

3 Message from Bishop Eaton4 Faith Life & Service Profile Blood Drive5 Holy Land Trip

5 Lenten Schedule6 Finance Committee Report7 Baskets of Promise8 Announcements9 Events Sugar Creek Events

10 Serve & Give God’s Hands & Feet11 Preschool Update12 Sunday School13 Young Youth

14 Middle School & High School Update

15 OWLs Post16 Quick Add Events / QR Codes

All of this and more on the web at


G O O D N E W S !F E B R U A R Y 2 015


Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good…

For just as the body is one and has many members and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body — Jews or Greeks, slaves or free — and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12

Last fall First Lutheran published a long-range

Strategic Plan, set to begin January 1, 2015. In response to the plan, we have already hired Bridget Crave as our

Director of Small Groups and Aliyah Richling as our Children’s Choir Director. A full time Youth Director position has been approved by our Finance Team (they believe we can afford it) and also by our Vision & Leadership Team (they agree that the vision for the congregation includes this position). A job description is almost complete, and we will begin searching in earnest by February 1. Other goals for this first quarter of 2015 include recruiting a Stewardship Action Team, a Community

Outreach Action Team and Sanctuary Players—who are willing to do dramatic readings and skits in worship. In the second quarter of this year we hope to recruit Worship Directors, establish Hospitality Action Teams, recruit a Worship Action Team and create a Welcome Basket Team.

As you can see, the first step of our long-range Strategic Plan requires a few staff hires and A LOT of new action teams where members will be stepping up to use their gifts ‘for the common good’ as Paul told the Corinthians. The problem is, that within a church of almost 2,000 members, it is nearly



It seems like just yesterday that the Christmas

decorations were put away and life got back to “normal”. It hardly seems possible that

Lent and Easter are just a few weeks away. And yet, here we are again, getting ready to enter into the time of the year that calls us first to examine our own lives and sin and need for God and then to rejoice again in being saved by God through the death and resurrection of Jesus from our sin. All year, we have been focused outward as we consider how we can be of service to others but Lent calls us to spend some time looking inward. I sometimes consider this time of year the time for Christians to consider what needs to be changed in their lives, instead

of the beginning of the new year. We don’t, however, stay in this inwardly gazing mode for long, but are called to acts of service and love. We once again dedicate ourselves to the disciplines of a follower of Christ: study, prayer, worship, giving and acts of service.

Each year, it is our practice to choose a focus for Lent that ties in with our theme of the year. This year is no different. As we gather in small groups and worship, as we do acts of service and in our prayers, we will consider the ultimate servant: Jesus the Christ. We will spend the five weeks of Lent considering Jesus’ act of servanthood through the lens of Isaiah’s image of the suffering servant.

Each week as we gather together in

Continues on page 2

Continues on page 2

Save the date! Sunday, February 15, 11:45am

All members are invited to

FIRST’S ANNUAL POTLUCK where we will eat together

and our kids will play together, all while the adults share our greatest faith stories from the

past year. God is doing all kinds of things at First Lutheran, so

our Annual Get-Together will be a celebration of what has been,

and a look ahead to what will be. RSVP at the Connecting Point!

Page 2: Good News for February 2015

2 First Lutheran Church + Good News February 2015

small groups in worship we will focus on a different role Jesus plays for our sake:

Week 1: He is rejected. We are chosen!Week 2: He has borne our infirmities.

We are healed!Week 3: He was oppressed.

We are freed!Week 4: He was isolated. We are invited

into community!Week 5: He was despised. We are loved!Each of these weeks will be accompanied

with a piece of original artwork that will help us focus and consider that week’s text. Each week we will once again remember that Jesus gave up all for us so that we know beyond a doubt that we are saved through grace: that we are chosen, healed, freed, invited into community and loved.

In the coming weeks you will be asked to join a small group. There will be many different times and places that small groups will meet, with the goal that each adult member will be a part of a small group so that they deepen relationships with others and with God, learn from each other and deeply know a sense of community at First Lutheran.

We are a congregation that is intentionally becoming faithful at all times and places, becoming more scripturally fluent, more generous and more loving.

Join us this Lent as we continue to become who God is calling us to be.

Pastor Karyn Bodenschatz [email protected]


In the coming weeks you will be asked to join a small group...

with the goal that each adult member will be

a part of a small group so that they deepen

relationships with others and with God,

learn from each other and deeply know a

sense of community at First Lutheran.

We are a congregation that is intentionally

becoming faithful at all times and places,

becoming more scripturally fluent,

more generous and more loving.

Join us this Lent as we continue to

become who God is calling us to be.

It’s kind of like being the crew on a ship. One of the most ancient symbols for the Church is a ship at sea.

impossible for any staff to be aware of everyone’s gifts and interests. “Many hands make light work” is one of my favorite sayings. And that is the only way we will accomplish our goals. First Lutheran needs every single member to contribute toward an action team, a small group or a ministry program.

It’s kind of like being the crew on a ship. One of the most ancient symbols for the church is a ship at sea. You may notice that the beam work of the ceiling of our sanctuary looks like the inside of an upside down ship. This symbol is meant to remind us that we are journeying through this life and this world together… in Christ. Notice that we are not meant to be on a cruise ship where we all sit separately, doing our own things with a few people serving everyone else. The church is not called by God to simply joy ride through life. We are meant to be a working ship with every crew member

pitching in. What if we had 50 families willing to usher at each Sunday service? Then each family would have to do it only once a year. What if we had a puppet team consisting of 25 people? Then each person would get to offer that ministry just once a month. It’s not that we have a shortage of people. What’s missing is a matchmaking tool where members match their interests with ministries of the church.

That’s why the other big effort we’ll be making this quarter is getting every member at First to complete a Faith Life & Service Profile. You can do it on your phone, computer or on paper. The profile asks for basic information updates (which is essential for our leaders to invite you), and then offers thirty “I like…” statements. For example, “I like kids” or “I’m handy” or “I like to work in the kitchen.” After selecting only the “I like” statements that pertain to you on page one, page two presents specific ministries and service opportunities that you may feel called to do. The entire profile takes less than fifteen minutes and will help our leadership recruit and create the many action teams the congregation believes we need to move into the next chapter of being First Lutheran.

Take fifteen minutes right now, if you haven’t already, to complete your Faith Life & Service Profile. Open yourself up to pitching in. It’s through these groups and ministries that meaningful relationships form and church becomes relevant. All aboard!


Pastor Jason Stanton [email protected]

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February 2015 First Lutheran Church + Good News 3


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WE NEED TO TALKChurch the appropriate place for deep, honest, even painful conversation about race

This summer and fall our country was shaken

by violence — the violent encounters between police and young African-American men in Ferguson, Mo., New

York and Cleveland and the violence of communities of color reacting to decisions of grand juries. And, just before Christmas, we were saddened and sickened by the assassination of two New York City police officers as they sat in their patrol car. So much loss of life. Such a forfeit of hope.

What had happened to us that our country and communities should so quickly fracture? And how could it be that people living in the same place and time, breathing the same air, could have such different experiences of life in the U.S.?

Just after the grand jury announcement in the Ferguson case, the staff at the Lutheran Center in Chicago got together for lunch and conversation. Staff members who are people of color talked about their experience of race in the U.S. Person after person told stories of being followed by store employees when shopping; of uncomfortable encounters with law enforcement; of the need to teach their children, especially their sons, specific ways to behave when stopped by police; and which neighborhoods to avoid.

These are your staff. They are decent churchgoing family people who work for the ELCA because they believe in our mission and want to make the world a better place in Jesus’ name.

I also think about all the members of law enforcement whom I’ve served as a parish pastor. I can’t think of a single one who made the decision each day to harass people of color. These were decent churchgoing family people who went into law enforcement because they wanted to

make the world a better place, even at the potential risk of their own lives.

At its root this is not about law enforcement and the legal system. I wouldn’t want to live in a community that didn’t have police. This is a broken and sometimes dangerous world. The first use of the law (the commandments) is that “external discipline may be maintained against the unruly and the disobedient” (Formula of Concord, Article VI). In his Small Catechism, Martin Luther teaches us that an orderly community and good government are part of what we ask for when we pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.”

No, the tension now between communities of color and law enforcement and the different perception of and reaction to Ferguson and New York by white Americans and African-Americans is a symptom of a deeper issue — the issue of race in this country. It’s difficult to talk about this for many reasons: we don’t want to believe racism still exists in 21st-century America, we want to believe that we’re past that as a society, it makes the majority culture feel defensive, we don’t want to be thought of as racist and it’s just plain hard to talk about.

But not talking about it won’t make it go away. Some might argue that the church is no place for such a “political” issue, that we should be concerned with the spiritual, not the temporal. But I’m convinced that

not only is the church the appropriate place for this conversation, it might be the only place where the deep, honest, even painful conversation about race can take place so people feel they have been heard and change and healing can happen.

The church has many resources to help members and congregations talk with each other about race. “Talking Together as Christians about Tough Social Issues” and “Talking Together as Christians Cross-

Culturally: A Field Guide” are two ELCA publications available online (search for these titles at Our bishops and synod staffs are ready and willing to walk with congregations as we engage in this.

But the greatest resource we have comes to us new every day: baptism. In baptism we are claimed by Christ—held fast by Christ, loved by Christ with a love so strong no power in heaven or earth can separate us from it (Romans 8:31-39). In baptism, sin and death have been beaten. In baptism, we have been made new. Redeemed, loved, free people can talk to each other about race.

We need to talk.

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Reproduced by permission of Augsburg Fortress.

Some might argue that the church is no place for such a “political” issue… But I’m convinced that

not only is the church the appropriate place for this conversation, it might be the only place…

Page 4: Good News for February 2015

Without blood donation, Greg would not be able to see his kids grow up. He received eight units of blood and 10 units of platelets to treat his acute lymphocytic leukemia. Without the transfusions, Greg wouldn’t have been able to complete the chemotherapy needed for a bone marrow transplant. Now in remission, Greg and his wife, Roberta, are enjoying quality time with their children and look forward to growing old together.

Imagine the LIVES touched by yours.

1-877-BE-A-HERO | www.bcw.eduPlease bring a photo ID

Blood DriveFirst Lutheran Church - OnalaskaBarbecue sandwiches and dessert will be served.

Thursday, November 8, 201212:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.Fellowship Hall - 410 Main St.

To schedule your appointment, please call Sara Larkin at 781-0745or go online to encouraged. Walk-ins welcome.

Thursday, March 5th, 2015 12:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Who is God

calling us to


Go to fi le

to complete your

Faith Life & Service Profi le

and prayerfully consider how

you want to actively participate in the

life and mission of

First Lutheran Church.

Connect your faith life to the ministries & small

groups at First Lutheran church.

Page 5: Good News for February 2015

TRAVEL TO THE HOLY LANDIn this eye-opening alternative tour of Israel and the West Bank, discover the powerful connection between faith and practice while exploring the land of the Bible. From the glittering gold domes and contested holy sites of Jerusalem to the stark natural beauty of the Negev’s endangered ecosystems, join two guides, one Arab and one Jewish, for a prayerful look at the religious, political and economic issues facing the region. This trip explores the Biblical themes of reconciliation and justice. Share in fellowship with local Christians, meditate on mountaintop outlooks, and build relationships with families from the country’s Jewish, Muslim and Christian communities, in a tour that tackles the diffi cult questions of faith in a broken world. When: October 8–20, 2015. Approximate cost: $3,500. For more information contact Pastor Karyn: karyn@fi

LENT SCHEDULEWednesdays, starting Ash Wednesday, February 1811:00am Lenten worship11:45am Light lunch in narthex5:00–6:15pm Lenten suppers in fellowship hall6:30pm Lenten worship7:15pm Confi rmation small groups7:15pm Senior choir in sanctuaryNursery is available to parents with small children from 5:45–8:00pm

LENTEN SMALL GROUP OPTIONSSunday 9:15am—ParentShare, in Upper Room w/ Carla StantonSunday 9:15am—all are welcome, w/ Kelly Utesch (room TBD)Sunday 11:45am—all are welcome, in Upper RoomSunday 6:30pm—all are welcome, in the narthex w/ Glen VilimWednesday 1:00pm—all are welcome, in Upper Room w/ Lauri BergWednesday 6:00am—all men are welcome, in The HouseWednesday 5:45pm—Knitters (all are welcome), in Upper Room w/ Gloria KubiakWednesday 5:30pm—all are welcome, in Mary Room w/ Terry LeeWednesday 7:30pm—all are welcome, in Upper RoomAdditional small groups to be announced at a later dateFor more information on Small Group Study call the office at 783-2236

HOLY WEEK WORSHIP SCHEDULEPalm Sunday, March 29, 8:00am & 10:30am, Pancake breakfast between services, no Sunday SchoolMonday, March 30, worship at 6:30pmTuesday, March 31, worship at 6:30pmWednesday, April 1, worship at 6:30pmMaundy Thursday, April 2, worship at 12:15pm & 6:30pmGood Friday, April 3, worship at 12:15pm, 6:30pm, & 8:00pmSaturday Prayer Vigil, April 4, 6:30pmEaster Sunday, April 5, 7:30am, 9:00am, and 10:45am, No Sunday School on Easter SundayThe offi ce will be closed at noon on Friday, April 3 and all day Monday, April 6

410 Main St, Onalaska WI 54650 • 608.783.2236Up-to-date information on the web

Pin this to your fridge, near your calendar, or wherever you need reminders!

Page 6: Good News for February 2015

Proud to be ELCA. What draws people to the ELCA? Hear from readers from a vari-ety of denominations and faiths about their journey to membership in the ELCA. For many, “It’s all about that grace.” To help your discussion, visit for a study guide (click on “study guides” on the left-hand side).

Let’s talk. In her February column in The Lutheran, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton admits that it’s difficult to talk about race in this country. But not talk-ing about it won’t make it go away. She’s convinced that “not only is the church the appropriate place for this conversation, it might be the only place where the deep, honest, even painful conversation about race can take place ….”

Online. Visit The Lutheran’s website at for your research and study needs. Find more than 11,000 archived articles and over 400 study guides.

Subscribe today: Start a group plan to The Lutheran for as little as $8.95 per sub-scriber. Visit or call 800-328-4648.

The Little Lutheran is a magazine with art, stories, prayers and activities for children 6 and younger. Subscribe online at or call 800-328-4648.

In the February issueIn-home delivery begins Thursday, Jan. 29.

In the February issueIn-home delivery begins Thursday, Jan. 29.

• March cover story: Taking the pulse of the ELCA’s five-year campaign to eradicate malaria.

• New Americans: Sioux Falls, S.D., ministry welcomes refugees.

• Consumer debt: The economic and spiritual impact.

• Advance directives: In La Crosse, Wis., 96 percent of the population has them.

• Roma: Young Lutheran volunteer’s life was changed by working in Hungary.

• Honduras: Migrant children who return to Honduras face many challenges.

• April cover story: The Earth—what Lutherans are doing to save the planet.

• March cover story: Taking the pulse of the ELCA’s five-year campaign to eradicate malaria.

• New Americans: Sioux Falls, S.D., ministry welcomes refugees.

• Consumer debt: The economic and spiritual impact.

• Advance directives: In La Crosse, Wis., 96 percent of the population has them.

• Roma: Young Lutheran volunteer’s life was changed by working in Hungary.

• Honduras: Migrant children who return to Honduras face many challenges.

• April cover story: The Earth—what Lutherans are doing to save the planet.

Think about this. The Lutheran is a resource for adult forums and individual study. In the February issue, ponder “Faith,” columnist Peter Marty says it is saying yes with one’s heart to a God worth trusting. Go deeper into “Immigration” with an ELCA teaching theologian, who helps us come to terms with our faith tradition and current affairs. Contemplate spiritual practices for Lent. Go “Beyond memos” and think about the lost art of letter writing. Or see how families become fluent in the language of faith (to help your discussion, find a study guide at; menu is on the left).

We are creative. In the February issue of The Lutheran, see ELCA members at work in creative and new ways. Meet an ELCA pastor who shares the word in a canvas crusade. Learn how posters are showing Wisconsin pastors in a new light. Discover a Lutheran program that offers compan-ions to seniors. Travel to Massachusetts where change is the “one constant” for a lively ministry. Go dancing in Florida. Visit the Holy Land, where a ministry opens up Scripture to deaf Christians. Or plan a Lenten “Hunger Hunt.”

Subscribe today: Start a group plan to The Lutheran for as little as $8.95 per sub-scriber. Visit or call 800-328-4648.

Coming up ... Coming up ...

The following is a financial summary through the end of December:Actual Receipts—$813,366.38Budgeted Receipts—$816,100.00Actual Expenses—$807,465.02Budgeted Expenses—$816,100.00

Our total Receipts through the end of December fell short of the current year budgeted amount by $260.89. Our total giving (envelope giving, debt reduction and other miscellaneous offerings) is up from last year’s total through this same period by $19,736.62, or 2.9%.

As noted above, our expenses are less than budget through the end of December by $8,634.98.In summary, we had a balanced budget in 2014 and have realized an actual surplus of $5,901.36.As always, full details of this report are available by request in the church office. Also, everyone is welcome to attend a finance committee meeting—we meet every month, on the second Wednesday at noon in the Thomas Room.Respectfully,Finance Committee


Page 7: Good News for February 2015


JENNIFER (left) was 9 years old when Typhoon Haiyan hit her home in the Philippines. “I was afraid,” she said. “I went to my grandmother’s house when the storm was coming. But we had to evacuate again to a neighbor’s house because our grandmother’s house was destroyed.”

Typhoon Haiyan made landfall on November 8, 2013 as one of the strongest storms in recorded history, affecting 14 million people and damaging more than a million homes. Jennifer’s mother, Melanie, went into labor during the storm, later giving birth to her baby sister, Shella (pictured, right).

With their home and all their belongings destroyed, the family didn’t know where to start to recover or how to keep everyone healthy and safe. In the midst of the destruction, LWR Personal Care Kits helped this family. “I am very, very thankful for all the things LWR has given. They are very useful for our family,” Melanie said.

The simple items we assemble in LWR Personal Care Kits are powerful tools for families to stay healthy when recovering from a disaster.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21 (NRSV)

This Lent we’re joining Lutheran World Relief’s Baskets of Promise campaign. Each week, we’ll collect a different item that we’ll use to assemble Personal Care Kits that give people around the world tools to stay healthy in life’s most challenging situations.

Our goal is to assemble LWR Personal Care Kits during Lent.


For more information contact

We will assemble our Personal Care Kits on / / at

FEBRUARY 22 Bars of Soap (4 to 5 oz., any brand, in original wrapping)

MARCH 1 Bath Towels (light-weight, maximum 52” x 27”, dark color recommended)

MARCH 8 Toothbrushes (adult size, in original packaging)

MARCH 15 Combs

MARCH 22 Nail Clippers (metal, attached file optional)

MARCH 29 (PALM SUNDAY) Bars of Soap




Bring donations to the altar before worship, during off ering, or after worship.

For more information contact our Director of Servant Ministries, Kathryn Pedretti, at kathryn@fi

We will assemble our Personal Care Kits on Palm Sunday, March 29th in the narthex.

Palm Sunday, March 29th

in the narthex.

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8 First Lutheran Church + Good News February 2015


FAITH LIFE & SERVICE PROFILEWho does God want us to become? As individuals, as a congregation…. In 2014, the leadership of First Lutheran asked you about your priorities for the mission and life of your congregation; who does God want us to become. Our Strategic Plan outlines goals and tactics meant to take us where you want to go; that we may become the church you believe God is calling us to be. In 2015, you are being invited to step into our future. To begin this vision for First Lutheran we need you to complete your Service Profile. Go to to prayerfully consider how you want to actively participate in the life and mission of First Lutheran Church.

ANNUAL REPORT AVAILABLE FEB. 1In advance of First’s Potluck on Sunday, Feb. 15, the 2014 annual report for First Lutheran will be available Sunday, Feb. 1 and can picked up in the narthex and the office.

NAOMI CIRCLENaomi Circle, which usually meets on the third Tuesday of the month, will not meet in February.

BAPTISMAL PREPARATIONA baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Feb. 21 at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions call the church office, 608.783.3326.

NEW MEMBER SESSIONSFirst Lutheran welcomes all people to participate in Christ’s mission through our ministries, worship and programs, whether you are a member or not. Membership does, however, benefit our congregation. By being a member, we know your contact information, can more easily provide you with ministry opportunities and invite you to offer your gifts to the rest of this family of faith. We offer several new member sessions each year to acquaint new members with First and a small group of other newcomers. The next new member session will be Sunday, April 12, with new member Sunday on April 19. The nursery is available, but children are also welcome to be present. To register your family or ask questions call our church office at 608.783.2236 or email [email protected].

WE CELEBRATE NEW BIRTHS• Kayla Marie Tutlewski,

daughter of John & Marie Tutlewski


• Paul Utesch, grandfather of Kelly Utesch

HOSPITAL REMINDERSFor Gundersen: be sure to alert the hospital of your church affiliation when they ask, and they will release your name to us when we call. For Mayo/Franciscan Healthcare: it is important that you or a family member contact us at the church office: 608.783.2236. Mayo no longer lets churches know who is a patient at their hospital.

SUBMITTING ANNOUNCEMENTSTo have your announcement in the monthly newsletter, send it to [email protected], or give it to Andy in the office. Deadline for the newsletter is always noon on the 15th of the each month.To have your announcement in the weekly announcements pages handed out each weekend, send it to [email protected], or give it to Andy in the office. Deadline for the weekly announcements is always noon each Wednesday.

GO GREENWe offer two e-mail lists for subscribing:• First Lutheran Publications:

which includes e-mails links to our e-newsletter, so if you request to stop receiving this paper in your hands, this will save natural resources, and helps First save money on supplies and postage.

• First Lutheran Updates & Publications: all of the above plus updates from our Facebook page—it’s a great way to get our Facebook updates without having to sign-up for Facebook!

To subscribe to either one and to cancel the deliver of this paper copy, simply visit and fill out the online form, or contact the office at [email protected].

THANK YOUICICLE TOESThe Icicle Toes project received:

• 83 pairs of socks• 1 hat• 1 scarf

Socks are something patrons of New Horizons Shelter really needed and are very appreciated!

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February 2015 First Lutheran Church + Good News 9

EVENTSRegister for most events that are happening at First Lutheran on our website at

Mt. LaCrosse Ski Day Sunday, February 8, 1-7pm! Sign-up and waivers at the

Connecting Point!

DRAWING FROM THE WELLNext retreat: Sat., February 14, 9am-1pm It is no secret that we are a people who juggle many things at the same time. It is also no secret that those moments when we can step out of our normal routines and spend some time with others for a few hours or a few days provides for us a time of renewal and refreshment. The spiritual discipline of retreat is one that is often overlooked and underused. Yet it is, by far, one of the most powerful.First Lutheran is inviting all women to participate in this discipline, where we will explore the idea of wellness. Each meeting consists of some sort of physical activity, lunch somewhere local and then, using the ELCA’s wellness wheel, we will explore one other aspect of wellness. These meetings are on the second Saturday of the month, from 9am–1pm, and you can participate in all or part of it. Contact Pastor Karyn for more info: [email protected].

FIRST’S ANNUAL POTLUCK!Sunday, February 15, 11:45am All members are invited to First’s Annual Potluck, where we will eat together and our kids will play together, all while the adults share our greatest faith stories from the past year. God is doing all kinds of things at First Lutheran, so our Annual Potluck will be a celebration of what has been and a look ahead to what will be. RSVP at the Connecting Point!

13141 Sugar Creek Bible Camp Rd, Ferryville, WI 54628608-734-3113 • [email protected] •

REGISTRATION FOR ALL SUMMER PROGRAMMING IS OPEN!Your child or grandchild can have an amazing new experience this summer with the caring staff and beautiful creation of Sugar Creek! Now is the time to register, before your desired week fi lls up. Popular programs fi ll up fast! Register today to reserve your spot!

WINTER FUN DAYS!January 11 & 25, February 15 , March 1 (all in 2015)Come for an afternoon of family fun including down hill tubing (tubes provided) and ice skating (bring your own skates), broom ball, snow shoeing, snowman building or curl up by the fi re in the lodge! Complete with hot dogs, chili, hot chocolate, etc. Bring your family, friends youth group, etc. Lunch served about 2:30 P.M.-3:30 P.M. Time: 1– 5 P.M. Cost for the day: $5.00 per person Includes lunch. Call camp for reservations for you or your group.

COUPLES’ RETREATFebruary 13–15Enrich your relationship with your spouse and enjoy some time away together at Sugar Creek. You will share in some wonderful meals, fun activities, and a program designed to strengthen your relationship. You will stay in one of our beautiful log cabins or a private room in our Koinonia Lodge.

CRAFTER’S RETREATFebruary 26–March 1 and April 30–May 3Calling all stampers, scrappers, quilters or whatever your craft! Get away for a weekend dedicated to working on your craft and enjoy some of our programming like campfi res, devotions, worship, and more. We’ll give you half of an 8 ft table, plenty of good food and a place to lay your head. Just bring yourself, bedding, toiletries and all your supplies. We’ll have morning and evening devotions and a worship service on Sunday. Cost is $150 per person for Thurs to Sun or $125 per person for Fri to Sun. Complete and send in registration form with at least a $25 deposit, or pay in full, to reserve your space!

YESTERDAY’S YOUTHMonday, April 13, 2015 9am to 3pmJoin others from the region for a day of excellent speakers, music, a great meal and fellowship with over 100 guests. Call to reserve your space!

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10 First Lutheran Church + Good News February 2015


NEWSLETTER ASSEMBLYIt’s a relaxing way to volunteer! Thursday, February 26, at 10am, to assemble the March newsletter. See you there!

SERVICE OPPORTUNITIESSign-up for the following & more at the Connecting Point and on your phone or computer at NEEDED FOR FEBRUARY:

• Bread Bakers• Communion Servers• Ushers• Treat Providers• Puppeteers

SUNSHINE BOYSThe Sunshine Boys meet at First Lutheran on the first Thursday of the month at 9am to help with outdoor or indoor projects. Rolls and coffee are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free!

If you know of someone who needs a caregiver,

speak with Pastor Karyn or call the

church office.


HELPING HEARTSSome people have helping

hearts. My friend loves to do just that; she helps people in her work, here at church, in our small group and with her family. She does

it with a wonderful attitude of “what can I do for you.” She often reminds me that she is here to help out; all I have to do is ask. However, not everyone is so willing to help. Some will say “I’ve helped enough; do not ask me to help again for the rest of the month,” or “did it once and I won’t do it again.” I’ve had people tell me they won’t do something and others seek me out to ask me if they can help. I know not everyone can be like those who want to always help, but let’s not be so eager to say “no.” Before you say “no” when asked to do something, please thoughtfully consider before responding.

In January, I was blessed to give a blessing to every member of the congregation who came through my line. It wasn’t hard to do; I said the same blessing the whole time. It was a wonderful feeling blessing others with a few simple words from our baptism. I felt so blessed after doing this and wondered why anyone would give up the chance to do this, but people did. I don’t want anyone to go unblessed because

they didn’t help out when asked, so again, please, before saying “no,” really think and pray about it before you answer. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to share with your family and friends how blessed you were when you helped out? So many times, I have had people come up to me after helping with worship or in some other way and said they

were blessed to be able to do what they did.As Lent begins at the end of this month

with suppers and worship on Wednesdays, may each of you decide to help out in some way. Usher or read on a Wednesday or during Holy Week, be a small group leader or participate in a small group. Bring food for the suppers or treats on Sundays. There are so many ways to help. I thank God with my whole heart for all those who stand up and help out, as Psalm 9:1 says, “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” I have the privilege to thank God with my whole heart for all his wonderful deeds. I can tell others how God provides here at church and for myself. I hope and pray that each one of us can tell others of the wonderful deeds done here at church and what God has done.

Kathryn PedrettiDirector of Servant [email protected]

…So again, please, before saying “no,”

really think and pray about it before

you answer. Wouldn’t it be

wonderful to share with your family

and friends how blessed you were when you helped out?

Page 11: Good News for February 2015

U p d a t e

F i r s t L u t h e r a n

Spring is just around the corner and that means it’s First Lutheran Preschool registration time! If your children are ready for preschool or you know someone with preschool-age children, please consider the amazing preschool right here at First Lutheran. We are passionate about early-childhood education! We’ve worked hard to develop a rich curriculum that makes learning fun as well as a variety of classes to meet our parents’ needs. Contact us today for more information. Better yet—attend our open house and see for yourself!

Open House!Join us for our Open House on March 12th from 4:30-5:30. Come meet the teachers and check out the classrooms!

Here is our registration schedule...Monday, March 16th8:30am—9:30am: Registration for currently enrolled families9:30am—12:00pm: Registration for previously enrolled families and church membersTuesday, March 17th8:30am—12:00pm Open registration for the community

Thank you to everyone who supports the preschool and supports our mission of teaching God’s love to the children.

What parents are saying about First Lutheran


First Lutheran Preschool 410 Main Street, Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 779-4504 • [email protected] Director: Melissa Rolbiecki Preschool Teacher: Megan Colgan Preschool Assistant Teachers: Marci Leppert, Stephanie Brunkow

“My child always has a smile on her face when she goes to school and when she comes home! I get just as excited as she does when she tells me the fun activities she has done and the new things she has learned!”

“The two years my

daughter has spent at

FLP have prepared her beyond

my expectations to start


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12 First Lutheran Church + Good News February 2015


Contact Sunday School Superintendents Sheri Betz or Tawni O’Rouke [email protected] for information or with questions!


ine!Thank you!...

Thank you to all of our kids, teachers, opening leaders and volunteers who help each and every week to make Sunday school a success.

FEBRUARY CALENDAR INCLUDES:• February 8th: 4-year-old stepping stone• February 15th: 4-year-old stepping stone

Sugar Creek Sunday• February 22nd: 4-year-old stepping stone during worship

Throughout the year each age group participates in a special “Faith Stepping Stone” session in which parents, or a special adult, are asked to attend class with their child. Two weeks in a row, during the Sunday school hour, parents and children will spend time together sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. On the third week, children will have a presence in worship in celebration of the Faith Stepping Stone they have learned about.Thank you to all of you who have stepped forward to make a difference in the lives of these youths by being a Sunday school teacher or helper. Your time and dedication are hugely appreciated!If you are interested in helping (even if only a few weekends a year) or if you have questions about Sunday school, contact Sunday school superintendents Tawni O’Rourke and Sheri Betz at [email protected].

The Keys

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February 2015 First Lutheran Church + Good News 13




If you are in 2nd–5th grade then this is your club!

Contact Katie Everson at [email protected],608.786.4826 for information or with questions!

All are welcome!

Sugar Creek Winter Fun Days!!!!Pray for warm, sunny winter weather as Sugar Creek Winter Fun Days are around the corner. Let’s embrace that Wisconsin winter with some outdoor fun and have wonderful faith filled fellowship while we do it. This is a family event!!It will take place on March 1 at Sugar Creek, from after church (second service) until 6/6:30ish. Come on out to Sugar Creek for a Sunday afternoon of snow tubing, broom ball, snow shoeing, wagon rides and more!! They have tubes, snow shoes and broom ball equipment. Bring your cross country skis and/or ice skates. Come for a wonderful family outing. If the whole family is unable to attend, we will be taking the church van to transport the kids. They will have warm drinks, good food (dinner is included) and a toasty fire ready for you! These events go from 1-5 at the camp. The cost is $5 a person. I hope you can make it! Look for the event on the church’s Facebook page!BlessingsKatie Everson

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14 First Lutheran Church + Good News February 2015



PraiseHymnYouth Praise Band Rehearsals: Sundays Feb 1, 12:15pm Feb 15th, 11:45am March 1, 15 & 29, 11:45am in the sanctuary. All young people who want to play or sing in a praise band are encouraged to attend. For more info contact Dick Daleki at 608.783.1576 or email: [email protected].

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February 2015 First Lutheran Church + Good News 15

In spite of cold and snow the OWLs had a very enjoyable January. Our outing to the Johnsmith concert at the Pump House preceded by dinner at the Waterford provided much warmth, laughter and good music during our Friday Night Out. Our potluck with speaker Rob Wessler presenting his experiences in China was fun and informative.

In February our theme will be history and heritage. Our first event is our potluck which will be on Ash Wednesday, February 18 at noon in the narthex. As we have done in the past we will provide lunch to Lenten worshipers after the morning service. Please bring some extra food to share. For our program we will once again turn to ourselves and have an opportunity to get to know each other better through our stories. Our theme is history and heritage. We all come from different backgrounds and national heritages. Please come prepared to tell a little about yourself and your family heritage. Each person will have about five minutes to share memories, show family artifacts or simply tell a story about their youth

or ancestors. If you know some of your family genealogy and would like to share, that is fine too. As always, you can sit and listen if you prefer not to share.

In keeping with the history and heritage theme we will visit the Winona County Historical Society for our February outing. We can explore three floors of permanent exhibits; we will find carriages, wagons, horse-drawn fire equipment and sleighs filling their “Main Street.” Open to view are Bailey and Bailey Dry Goods, a blacksmith shop, pharmacy, dentist and the robbery-proof Security State Bank from the days of Bonnie and Clyde. We will also be treated to a special exhibit: New Land, New Life: Norwegian Immigration to Minnesota, 1825-1925. The St. Paul Sons of Norway Synnove Nordkap lodge has researched and developed this 20-panel exhibit highlighting the history of Norwegian immigration to Minnesota. Winona’s chapter of the Sons of Norway is sponsoring this interesting look into the lives and traditions of 19th and early 20th

century Norwegian immigrants. Artifacts from the Winona County Historical Society’s collection and family treasures are on display along with stories of Winona County’s Norwegian immigrants. We will be given a brief overview of the museum followed by time to leisurely observe the exhibits. The museum is handicap accessible Following our visit we will have a delicious lunch at a local establishment before returning home. Cost of the museum is $5.00. Lunch is on your own. We will leave the church at 9:00 AM on Thursday, February 26th and return before 3 PM.

Save the date: We plan to attend the Houston Minnesota Owls Festival on Saturday, March 7th.

The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. For information or to ask questions, contact Brian Narveson at [email protected].

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Use these QR Codes to quickly

add our upcoming

events to the

calendar of your smart

phone or tablet

Tips: focus the

code,hold the

device still, & try

various distances

Need a scanning


Mt. LaCrosse Ski DaySun, Feb 8


Blood DriveThur, Mar 5


First’s Potluck! Sun, Feb 15


Palm Sunday Breakfast

Sun, Mar 299:00am–10:30am

Sugar Creek Couples’ Retreat

Fri–Sun,Feb 14–16

Preschool Open HouseThur, Mar 124:30–5:30pm

Young Youth Winter Fun Day at Sugar Creek

Sun, Mar 111:45am-6:30pm

UPCOMING EVENTS AT FIRST Use these QR Codes to quickly add our upcoming events to the calendar of your smart phone or tablet. TIPS: focus the code, hold the device still, try various distances, & use good lighting. Need a scanning app? Try

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February 2015 First Lutheran Church + Good News 17

410 Main St. Onalaska, Wisconsin 54650608.783.2236 Fax: [email protected]

WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 AM Wednesday 6:30 PM

SUBMITTING NEW ANNOUNCEMENTSTo have your announcement in the monthly newsletter, send it to [email protected], or give it to Andy in the office. Deadline for the newsletter is always noon on the 15th of the each month.To have your announcement in the weekly announcements pages handed out each weekend, send it to [email protected], or give it to Andy in the office. Deadline for the weekly announcements is always noon each Wednesday.

First Lutheran is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)


Jason Stanton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608.386.6431 . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Bodenschatz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608.433.6002 . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]

Bridget Crave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Small Group Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Stanton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Passing on Faith Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Pedretti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Servant Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]

YOUTH/EDUCATION STAFFSheri Betz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday School Superintendent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] O’Rourke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday School Superintendent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Everson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Young Youth Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Larkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Confirmation Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]

SUPPORT STAFFTamara Schonsberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608.783.2236 . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Stutesman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Communications & Marketing Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Peper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Head Custodian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Koenig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant CustodianMark Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant CustodianMary Meier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Custodian

MUSIC STAFFGabriel Hicks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Knutson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell Choir Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Daleki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youth Praise Band Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Saner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Choir Director & Contemporary Music Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]

PRESCHOOL STAFFMelissa Rolbiecki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preschool Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608.779.4504 . . . . . . . . [email protected] Colgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4K TeacherMarci Leppert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preschool Assistant TeacherStephanie Brunkow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preschool Assistant Teacher

VISION & LEADERSHIP TEAMTodd Lofald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PresidentPaula Skoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice PresidentKelly Utesch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SecretaryAaron McDonaldMary Ann Redfearn Mark WrolstadBrian Zach

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