  • 8/19/2019 Going Organic to Save the Future Final Draft


    Running head: GOING ORGANIC 1

    Going Organic to Save the Future

    Juan N. Balderas

    Cardinal Stritch University


  • 8/19/2019 Going Organic to Save the Future Final Draft



    This research looks at organics as the ay o! the !uture. This essay shos the dangers o! using

    non"organic #roducts such as har$!ul diseases% as ell as educating the reader on !ake organic

    labeling since it has beco$e a $ass $arket ite$ !or consu$ers. Second it discusses the har$!ul

    e!!ects to the hu$an body a!ter consu$ing lots o! traditionally gron !ood% and ho healthy our

     bodies can be no% and in the !uture i! e convert to organic eating to sto# diseases caused by

     #esticides. Along ith obesity due to che$icals creating an unbalance in our hor$ones. &astly it

    discusses the health o! #lanet 'arth and ho sitching to organic agriculture co$#ared to

    conventional agriculture can hel# our #lanet !lourish and $aintain its( health !or generations to


    )e have all seen the labels on #roducts that say *organic+ but hat does that $ean,

    )hat are organics and hat is organic living, Organic living $eans a return to a si$#ler ay o!

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    li!e. )e on(t be giving u# our televisions and cell #hones% but e can learn to deto-i!y our

    lives. )hen the idea o! organic living !irst burst on the scene% the talk as $ainly about the

    dangers o! #esticides in our bodies% and in the environ$ent. A biologist na$ed achel Carson

    rote a book called Silent S#ring /01234 that brought to light the dangers o! #esticides. No% in

    3506% e have so $any $odern conveniences but even $ore $a7or health #roble$s% and no

    global crisis e-ist. 8n order to sustain the"long li!e o! the hu$an s#ecies% and our #lanet e $ust

    sitch to a li!e o! organic living% by !irst educating ourselves to !ind the true organic #roducts

    and ho they co$#are to traditional #roducts. 9rotect our on bodies by using and consu$ing

    only those true organic #roducts. Then #rotect the environ$ent% hich is in essence the body o!

    the 'arth% by groing only organically gron !ood. Organic living includes every as#ect o! our

    li!e. For one to say they(re *going organic+ they have to #uri!y their li!e !ro$ every angle.

      There are $any #roducts on shelves in stores $arked as *organic+% and though e

    should be $ost concerned about the :uality o! !ood e(re buying% there are also daily body

     #roducts that e use that clai$ to be organic and $uch $ore bene!icial !or you than other body

     #roducts. Using organically #roduced body #roducts is obviously better !or your health% since

    $odern day body #roducts include hundreds o! to-ic che$icals right on their ingredients label%

    and since these #roducts aren(t directly ingested into the body through $outh% one $ight easily

    over think the a$ount o! che$icals that are actually in these #roducts and their ability to enter

    our bodies. ;ost nail #olish contains knon carcinogens% hich can cause cancer .0 So$e $outh

    ashes have been linked to increased $outh and throat cancer .3 Che$icals in deodorant can





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    greatly increase your risk o! Al?>% hor$onal

     #roble$s% and even decreased !ertility. These are 7ust a !e e-a$#les o! the $any dangerous

    ingredients in the #roducts you use on a daily basis% along ith high #esticides !ood you eat.

    'ven i! all the clai$s about che$icals in our !ood and #roducts can(t be #roven% isn(t it better to

    not use #roducts ith these che$icals anyay, Since $ost #roducers earn e-tra #ro!it by si$#ly

     #utting *organic+ on the label% there(s been a lot o! dece#tion in the $arket. 'lliot Cole$an says

    that *e cannot trust hat is labeled as *organic+ because everyone has gotten their hands on

    organic #roducts and the idea o! organic is no dead.+ /Cole$an% 350@4. 8($ not sure the idea i!

    organics is dead% but interestingly in order !or a #roduct to earn a *US>A Organic Seal+ it $ust

    only contain 5 #ercent organic ingredients.@ To be sure you(re getting a 055 #ercent organically

    gron #roduct% you have to turn it around and look at the ingredients list. ou should be able to


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    they(re orth s#ending e-tra $oney on. )hen you #urchase legiti$ate organics you can !eel

    con!ident that you are getting healthy% :uality #roducts. One o! the $any bene!its o! eating

    organic !ood is that it(s gron !ree o! #esticides% herbicides% unnatural !ertili'% ?CB% organo"#hos#hates% heavy $etals and

    solvents cause eight gain% #ossibly inter!ering ith eight regulating hor$ones%

    neurotrans$itters and altering the nervous syste$. These che$icals are also being included in

    the obesogen category% hich re!ers to $olecules that ina##ro#riately regulate !at and li#id

    $etabolis$ to #ro$ote obesity.+ /Dhosla% 35064.

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    8n order to increase $ilk #roduction% $any dairy cos are given a groth hor$one. This

    is #assed into the $ilk you drink then into your body. ?ar$!ul hor$ones are also given to bee!

    cattle to increase their siavid Bello ould say hen !ar$ed #ro#erly ith care and good

    !ar$ing #ractices% organic agriculture can #roduce $ore than tradition !ar$ing. 8n Turkey%

    conventional dairy !ar$ers are sitching to organic dairy #roduction because organic doesn(t

     #ollute soil% air% and ater% nor allo hor$ones to enter our bodies. There!ore% ado#ting and

    a##lying organic agriculture $ethods is increasingly being considered by all  !ar$ers. /Cukur%


    An additional bene!it o! organic !ood is that it contains $ore vita$ins and nutrients than

    traditionally gron #lants. An increase in nutrients can #revent heart disease% cancer% hel# build

    strong bones% treat 9;S and de#ression al$ost everything traditionally gron !ood causes. /8s

    Organic !ood really the healthier choice,% 355E4 These vita$ins and nutrients hel# kee# you

    !eeling better and kee# you !ro$ getting sick less o!ten% by hel#ing your syste$ !unction $ore

    e!!iciently 7ust as a daily vita$in ould do. A $ore e!!icient syste$ $eans you have $ore

    energy to !ace your day. 'ating organic #roducts is bene!icial to hel# kee# your body in orking

    order% but it(s even $ore i$#ortant !or the health o! your children% ho are the !uture generation

    o! this 'arth. To hel# the$ gro% children eat $ore #ound !or #ound than adults do.6 That $eans

    they(re taking in a lot $ore o! these che$icals. That(s hy it(s i$#ortant to $onitor hat your

    children eat and $ake sure it contains lots o! healthy% sa!e organic !oods. Not too long ago% you



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    had to travel even longer distances to get organically gron !ood. No you cannot only !ind

    organic vegetables at al$ost every grocery stores% but also organic $eats% #astas% and even

    deodorant. 8! you sho# around% you $ay even be able to !ind these #roducts at $ore reasonable

     #rices. This $eans that you have no $ore e-cuses to #ut o!! eating healthier organic !oods today.

    8n addition to saving our !uture by consu$ing healthier organic !ood !or us and our children% e

    $ust also take care o! our one ho$e% 'arth. By buying organic !ood you are hel#ing your

    generation and the environ$ent stay healthy and ha##y !or years to co$e. Organic !ruits and

    vegetables are not gron using unnatural che$icals and not only does that $ean that your !ood

    has less har$!ul che$icals and diseases% it also hel#s #rotect the environ$ent !ro$ these

    che$icals as ell. )hen har$!ul to-ins are #ut into the soil% they o!!set the natural balance.

    They can also ork their ay into strea$s% rivers% lakes% oceans% and underground ater

    su##lies #olluting the environ$ent and #ossibly conta$inating drinking ater. /Bene!its o!

    Organic 9roduce% 355E4.

    9roducers o! organic #roducts also hel#s conserve valuable natural resources. These

     #roducers conserve ater by using less irrigation they conserve soil by taking $easures to

     #revent runo!! they also conserve valuable energy sources by orking the land less and selling

    their !ood locally. /'at Organic Food and ?el# the 9lanet% 355E4. The $ain goal o! an organic

    !ar$er is to gro their cro# ithout taking !ro$ the local environ$ent. That ay% the land ill

     be available !or !uture generations to !ar$. By buying organic #roducts% you(re not only eating

    sa!er !ood and #reventing ha

  • 8/19/2019 Going Organic to Save the Future Final Draft



    taking $easures to #revent runo!!% and this kee#s the ater here it !alls. Along ith ater%

    organic #roducers also take $easures to conserve soil. As you can see in Figure 0 hen cro#s are

    taken care o! #ro#erly% the soil is richer and contains bene!icial organis$s and nutrients% and has

    the right conditions !or good groth. )hen the ground is overorked or overgra

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    ste#s% it could drastically cut don on the a$ount o! carbon #ollution there is in the at$os#here.

    By buying organic #roducts% you are su##orting s$all !a$ily !ar$s instead o! large !aceless

    cor#orations. And hile organic #roducts su##osedly cost $ore% traditionally gron !ood doesn(t

    include i$$easurable costs like cleaning u# che$ical #ollutants. This #ro$otes an honest

    econo$y. Conventional !ar$ing is non"sustainable. By de!inition this $eans e can(t kee# doing

    it !orever. 'ventually e ill destroy the soil :uality% and use u# all the ater su##lies. By using

    organic agriculture% e are encouraging less advanced cultures to do so as ell% #reventing

    !urther degradation o! the environ$ent. )hile it $ay not see$ like a lot% each #erson hel#s. By

     buying organic #roducts% and encouraging others to do so as ell% you are taking a s$all dent out

    o! the #roble$s traditional agriculture is causing. ou are also hel#ing to send a $essage to

    traditional #roducers that so$e o! their $ethods are unethical and unacce#table.

    9rince Charles o! )ales de!ends groing organic yields arguing it ill be better !or the

    environ$ent because e are using less industrial !ar$ing #ractices% hile $aintaining good

    hu$an health. Charles also brings u# a #oint that this $any also be a ay to end a di!!erent

    orld issue% global hunger. *?o can e create a $ore sustainable a##roach to agriculture hile


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     #heno$ena last or !ade aay, Traditional agriculture ill stick around even though it degrades

    the environ$ent and is not likely to ork ell in the long ter$. Using che$icals increases yields

    and decreases losses so it increases #ro!its. That $eans that as long and e(re ca#able o!

    kee#ing u# this ty#e o! agriculture% so$e #eo#le #robably ill. 8n the long run there ill alays

     be #eo#le ho choose the easy o#tion over the $ore environ$entally !riendly one. So% does that

    $ean organic is going to !ade aay in the not so distant !uture, 9robably not as organic

    agriculture has been around a hile no and continues to gain #o#ularity. ou used to have to

    search everyhere to !ind organic #roducts. No so$e o! the orld(s largest su#er$arket chains

    are stocking all kinds o! organic #roducts. ;ore and $ore #eo#le are beco$ing concerned not

    only ith the health% but also ith the health o! the environ$ent. This ty#e o! agriculture $ay

     beco$e even $ore eye"o#ening as e beco$e $ore aare o! the negative environ$ental and

     #hysical e!!ects o! #esticides% herbicides% !ertili

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    don(t have to leave our 7obs and return to a log cabin in order to go organic. )ith a little ork%

    e can !ind the #roducts e need to better our lives% and hen our bodies ad7ust to the lack o!

    che$icals e ill !eel like ne #eo#le. 8! e each do our #art by buying organic !ood and other

     #roducts% and educating others about this valuable ty#e o! agriculture e can $ake at least a

    s$all di!!erence !or the !uture.


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    Bene!its o! organic #roduce. /n.d.4. etrieved Nove$ber 01% 3506% !ro$ 'arth ?ugger Saving

    the #lanet% one !a$ily at a ti$e ebsite"$bene!its"o!"


    Biello% >.% /35034.)ill organic !ood !ail to !eed the orld, Bauer% ?.% Food $atters% Bed!ordSt.

    ;artin(s% Boston.;A.

    Cole$an% '.% eal !ood% real !ar$ing. Bauer% ?.% Food $atters% Bed!ordSt. ;artin(s% Boston.


    Cukur% T. /35064. Conventional >airy Far$ers Converting to Organic >airy 9roduction in

    Turkey. 9olish Journal o! 'nviron$ental Studies% 3@/@4% 06@="0660.


    'at organic !ood and hel# the #lanet. /n.d.4. etrieved Nove$ber 01% 3506% !ro$ 'arth ?ugger

    Saving the #lanet% one !a$ily at a ti$e ebsite"$eatHorganicH!$l

    George% C.% On the !uture o! !ood. Bauer% ?.% Food $atters% Bed!ordSt. ;artin(s% Boston.;A.

    8s Organic !ood really the healthier choice, /n.d.4. etrieved Nove$ber 0E% 3506% !ro$ 'arth

    ?ugger Saving the #lanet% one !a$ily at a ti$e ebsite"$is"


    Dhosla% 8. /3506% Nove$ber 4. Could #esticides in !ood lead to obesity, etrieved >ece$ber

    01% 3506% !ro$$articleli!estylehealthcould"#esticides"in"!ood"



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    9ollan% ;ichael. *'at Food Food >e!ined.+ Food ;atters. 'd. ?olly Bauer. Boston Bed!ordSt.

    ;artin(s% 350@. 1"0E. 9rint.

    Oates% &.% Cohen% ;.% Braun% &.% Sche$bri% A.% I Taskova% . /350@4. eduction in urinary

    organo#hos#hate #esticide $etabolites in adults a!ter a eek"long organic diet.

    'nviron$ental esearch% 0=3/July4% 056"000.

    htt#[email protected]=.530.

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