Page 1: God’s Tiny Dive-Bombers Surprise Attack! Deuteronomy 7:1-23

God’s Tiny Dive-Bombers

Surprise Attack!

Deuteronomy 7:1-23

Page 2: God’s Tiny Dive-Bombers Surprise Attack! Deuteronomy 7:1-23

“For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to

give you victory.”Deuteronomy 20:4

Page 3: God’s Tiny Dive-Bombers Surprise Attack! Deuteronomy 7:1-23

The Facts, Please!

• Hornets are a large kind of wasp.

• They are called “social wasps” because they live in colonies.

• Each colony has a queen, who lays the eggs.

• Female workers take care of her by bringing her food and by enlarging the nest to make room for more babies.

• Wasps are among the most interesting and intelligent insect on earth.

• They are the world’s first papermakers.

• They take old wood and tough plant fibers, mix them together with saliva, and chew them to a pulp.

• They flatten this into thin layers of paper, which they use in making nests.

Page 4: God’s Tiny Dive-Bombers Surprise Attack! Deuteronomy 7:1-23

More Facts, Please!

• A wasp’s nest is made of rows of paper cells, one above the other, like a bee honeycomb.

• The queen wasp lays her eggs inside these cells.

• Some hornet nests are as big as a bushel basket!

• The hornet’s stinger, a thin, pointed drill, is found in the rear tip of his abdomen.

• A sting from a hornet is very, very painful.

Page 5: God’s Tiny Dive-Bombers Surprise Attack! Deuteronomy 7:1-23

Unscramble words

1. God’s tiny dive-bombers are ______. SHNORTE

2. Hornets belong to the family of insects called __.PAWSS

3. Hornets are called “social wasps” because they live in ___. SNOCOLEI

4. Hornets make their paper nests from old ___ ODOW and tough ___ TANPL ___ .SRIBEF

5. A hornet’s stinger is located in the rear tip of the ___. MONDABE

6. The land God gave the Israelites is called ___. ANACAN

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Continue to unscramble

7. God told the Israelites to drive out or destroy the people who were living in Canaan because they were ___ DICKWE and ___ SHORPWIDE __ SLIDO.

8. To help drive out Israel’s enemies, the Lord sent ___. TORNESH

9. A Christian’s enemy is ___. NATSA

10. Satan’s fiery darts are his ___. PATTINOSTEM

11. Two weapons you can use against Satan are the ___ LIBBE and ___ YARPRE.

12. The one who will give you the most help in our fight against Satan is ___. ODG

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