
ethics of intellectual monopolies

glyn moody

the wars

1971 the war on drugs

1971 the war on cancer

2001 the war on terror

2010 the war on digital sharing

ACT(A) of war

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade AgreementUS, EU, Japan + 7 others

negotiated in secret

analogue counterfeits; digital piracy added later

HADOPI (.fr), Digital Economy Act (.uk), similar 3-strike laws in S.Korea, Taiwan, Finland

the engines of war

collison between: uncontrolled, decentralised technologies designed to share: the Internet

government-backed, centralised laws designed to monopolise: copyright and patents

fundamentally antagonisticsoftware code vs legal code

(TCP/)IP vs IP


relatively familiarnew: its history as a mass medium is only 16 years old (Netscape Navigator released October 1994)

perfect, near-instant, near-frictionless, global replicator of digital contentfeature, not a bug

once a digital file is online anywhere, it is effectively ubiquitous and abundant


relatively obscureIP is a bundling of totally disparate things: copyright, patents, trademarks etc.

nothing in common except the fact that they are time-limited, government-granted monopolies

IP is a clever rebranding of something generally deprecated (monopoly) as something generally approved (property)

intellectual monopolies

IP a relatively recent invention (1888)

World International Property Organisation (WIPO) - 1967

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) - 1994

but patents and copyright are medieval monopolies

anglophone bias: an apology

personal reasons

historical reasons

practical reasons

*good* reasonswar on digital sharing is being driven by the US, whose law is based on the English tradition

letters patent

issued by monarch to grant monopoly for particular industrycalled patent because not sealed early open source law

first English patent granted a 20-year monopoly to Flemish stained- glassmaker (1449)pirating skills from continent

afterwards, knowledge released

later abused: patents on salt, etc.

Statute of Monopolies

1624making of any manner of new manufactures within this realm to the true and first inventor

which others at the time of making such letters patents and grants shall not use

so as also they be not contrary to the law nor mischievous to the state by raising prices of commodities at home, or hurt of trade, or generally inconvenient

inventive scarcity

patent law was framed in a world with few inventors, and few inventions

monopoly was offeredto attract foreign master craftsman

to make technical knowledge freely available after monopoly expired

to stimulate local industries

to encourage more inventions

inventive abundance

today, we live in an abundance of inventors and invention, as the creaking patent system showsin 2009, 482,871 patent applications filed with USPTO; 135,000 in Europe

abundance creates patent thickets that impede progress, rather than promoting it

most evident with software patents

software patents

abstract patent of maths/idea

obvious Wang's overlapping frames/windows

trivial Amazon's 1-click

ridiculously widesystem for reproducing information in material objects at a point of sale location (1985)

used to sue generic e-commerce sites

software patent problems

most litigated causing much of the backlog of cases in US3% in 1984, 26% in 2002

for 1996-1999, the total cost of litigating software patents in US was $3,888 million per year

total US profit attributable to sw patents annually was $100 million

software patents = overall net loss

why have software patents?

patent infringement lawsuitsentrench incumbents' position

raise barriers to entry for newcomers

make innovation harder

ACTA is all about *strengthening* enforcement of intellectual monopolies, including patentsraise barriers to entry higher, reduce innovation further, disadvantage developing countries

copy right

in 16th and 17th century England, the Stationers' Company had exclusive and perpetual state monopoly over producing copies every registered book (their copy right)

aim was to *control* what was printed by establishing responsibility instrument of censorship

Statute of Anne (1710)

An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by Vesting the Copies of Printed Books in the Authors or Purchasers of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned.

gave limited monopoly (14 years + 14 year extension) to authors or publishers (purchasers)

quid pro quo was book entered public domain after that period

US copyright law

US Constitution (1787) Section 8To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

US Copyright Act (1790)An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies...during the times therein mentioned. (14+14)

copyright then and now (1)

originally: books

now: books, maps, charts, engravings, prints, musical compositions, dramatic works, photographs, paintings, drawings, sculptures, films, sound recordings, choreography and architectural works

copyright then and now (2)

originally: 14 years + optional 14 years extensionpublic domain relatively soon after first appearance

public domain included recent books

now: UK, US, Sweden etc.: life + 70 yearspublic domain hugely impoverished

no longer have free access to creation of our contemporaries

copyright then and now (3)

then: analogue

now: analogue *and* digitaladds computers and the Internet into the mix

copyright infringement then

analogue publishing of an unauthorised copy required:somebody to typeset the text

somebody to print the sheets

somebody to bind the book

somebody to distribute the book

copyright infringement now

digital publishing of an unauthorised copy requiresdigital content (CD, DVD, ebook, etc.)

a computer + (free) software

an Internet connection

they've been available for years: why the war on digital sharing *now*?

it's all about abundance...

of CDs...

first CD appeared in 1982without any kind of copy protection

because it was impossible to copy the CD's 700 Mbytes of data: the 1983 IBM PC XT had a 10 Mbytes hard disc less than one song

similarly impossible to share it across the Internet: the Hayes Smartmodem, released in 1981, had a speed of 300 bits/s about 400 hours to upload one song

...and MP3s

developed in early 1990s, just as Internet was taking offused clever tricks to reduce music file size to 10% of original reduced time to upload file by factor of 10

modem speed then 14.4 Kbit/s (Netscape Navigator was optimised for this speed) less than one hour to upload/download one MP3 song: slow, but possible


Mbit/s broadband connection means that entire films can now be shared

P2P networks like BitTorrent make it even easier to distribute those files and share them in the background

1 Terabyte hard disc (1000 Gbytes) costs 50 euros; stores 150,000 MP3s


gigabit/s connections will transmit 1000s of mp3 files anywhere in seconds

a 1 Petabyte (1000 Terabytes) USB stick will cost 50 euros and store every song ever recorded

a 1 Exabyte hard disc (1000 Petabytes) will cost 50 euros and store every film ever recorded


the content industries win the war on digital sharing through increasingly Draconian legislation - ACTA 2.0, ACTA 3.0

if they do, they will err towards too much enforcement already seen with DMCA abuse

as a result, much less will be shared freely, and much more content will be paid for

would that be so bad?

maybe not for you and me

maybe not - for those who can afford to pay


what about the others?

what about the billions that can't afford it?

what about the 4 billion that don't even have access to the Internet?

double obstacle to overcome:they must get connected

they must then pay for access to the world's knowledge

what if the war on digital sharing is lost?

every person on this planet with Net access could obtain a copy of every digital artefact text, image, sound, video - ever created

could give access to practically all human knowledge, to anyone with a Net connection not just the developed world, or the rich

shouldn't we hope for this Pyrrhic defeat?

back to basics

copyright not about preserving the West's grip on content

copyright not about protecting old business models

copyright not about defending authors' or publishers' rights

copyright is about the Encouragement of Learning

creative scarcity

copyright was framed in a world of creative *scarcity*: few authors producing few books

designed to encourage more authors to write more books, and for publishers to print them

because the process was complicated and costly, and incentives were needed

creative abundance

today, we live in a world of creative abundance

the Internet liberates creativity by removing barriers to publication

anyone with an Internet connection can create and publish for near-zero cost

incentives are no longer needed

the virtuous circle

today, the optimum way of encouraging learning is to free it up for the billions who currently have little access to it

educating them through access to knowledge will feed back even more creativity into the system

self-fuelling, positive feedback


nobody has the right to diminish my copyright in this way

but society *does* have that right - just as it had the right to strengthen copyright, repeatedly, by extending its range and its term

society might well decide changed circumstances require *reduced* copyright terms

the precedent (1)

for those who insist that simply can't be done, there is a historical precedent: the first-sale doctrine

rights to control the change of ownership of a particular copy end once that copy is sold

society decided this was a fair and reasonable limitation for the sake of balance

the precedent (2)

those who talk of IP compare copyright infringement with trespass

in 20th century, law on trespass radically limited by taking away airspace rights"every transcontinental flight would subject the operator to countless trespass suits"

digital airspace

we need to allow copies to pass freely through the associated digital space above analogue objects, just as planes can pass freely through airspace above private property

if not, the war on digital sharing becomes a war on the ability of the mind to connect, to share, to collaborate freely online

ethical copyright?

copyright was originally 14 years + 14 years; the copyright ratchet has been moving it up to 70 years + life

the ratchet went the wrong way should have decreased the term of copyright as more creators arrived, less incentive needed

for analogue content, perhaps bring it back to 14 years

Internet time

what about digital content?

famously, one calendar year is seven Internet years

digital content lives on Internet time, so for that, should measure copyright on Internet time

14 Internet years = 2 calendar years

ethical patents?

what about patents?

as for copyright, there are two kinds of patents: analogue and digital

analogue patents operate on calendar time, so leave the term of 20 years (as it was in 1449)

digital patents software patents block innovation

abolish them

ethical intellectual monopolies?

are ethical copyright and ethical patents a contradiction in terms?

perhaps need to abolish both completely to allow all knowledge to be shared freely, to let humanity soar

growing evidence that's not only ethically right, but economically possible

share nicely

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@glynmoody on

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