Page 1: Glutamate Receptors on Myelinated Spinal Cord …column injury,6–8and bath application of AMPA, kai-nate, or glutamate, but not NMDA, induced irrevers-ible reduction of compound

Glutamate Receptors on Myelinated SpinalCord Axons: I. GluR6 Kainate Receptors

Mohamed Ouardouz, PhD,1 Elaine Coderre,1 Ajoy Basak, PhD,2 Andrew Chen, BSc,2

Gerald W. Zamponi, PhD,3 Shameed Hameed, PhD,3 Renata Rehak, MSc,3 Xinghua Yin, MD,4

Bruce D. Trapp, PhD,4 and Peter K. Stys, MD5

Objective: The deleterious effects of glutamate excitotoxicity are well described for central nervous system gray matter. Althoughoveractivation of glutamate receptors also contributes to axonal injury, the mechanisms are poorly understood. Our goal was toelucidate the mechanisms of kainate receptor–dependent axonal Ca2� deregulation.Methods: Dorsal column axons were loaded with a Ca2� indicator and imaged in vitro using confocal laser-scanning micros-copy.Results: Activation of glutamate receptor 6 (GluR6) kainate receptors promoted a substantial increase in axonal [Ca2�]. ThisCa2� accumulation was due not only to influx from the extracellular space, but a significant component originated fromryanodine-dependent intracellular stores, which, in turn, depended on activation of L-type Ca2� channels: ryanodine, nimodip-ine, or nifedipine blocked the agonist-induced Ca2� increase. Also, GluR6 stimulation induced intraaxonal production of nitricoxide (NO), which greatly enhanced the Ca2� response: quenching of NO with intraaxonal (but not extracellular) scavengers,or inhibition of neuronal NO synthase with intraaxonal N�-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, blocked the Ca2� increase. Loadingaxons with a peptide that mimics the C-terminal PDZ binding sequence of GluR6, thus interfering with the coupling of GluR6to downstream effectors, greatly reduced the agonist-induced axonal Ca2� increase. Immunohistochemistry showed GluR6/7clusters on the axolemma colocalized with neuronal NO synthase and Cav1.2.Interpretation: Myelinated spinal axons express functional GluR6-containing kainate receptors, forming part of novel signalingcomplexes reminiscent of postsynaptic membranes of glutamatergic synapses. The ability of such axonal “nanocomplexes” torelease toxic amounts of Ca2� may represent a key mechanism of axonal degeneration in disorders such as multiple sclerosiswhere abnormal accumulation of glutamate and NO are known to occur.

Ann Neurol 2009;65:151–159

Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter inthe mammalian central nervous system, playing a sig-nificant role in gray matter injury in many neurode-generative diseases.1 Prevalent and devastating disorderssuch as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and trauma to thebrain and spinal cord invariably affect afferent and ef-ferent white matter tracts, though much less is knownabout mechanisms of injury to myelinated whitematter axons. Voltage-gated Na� and Ca2� channels,together with reverse Na�-Ca2� exchange, play impor-tant roles2–4 (for review, see Stys5). Perhaps counterin-tuitive, given the nonsynaptic nature of central nervoussystem white matter, are observations of functionalprotection of this tissue by antagonists of ionotropic

glutamate receptors. �-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA)/kainate receptor an-tagonists are protective both in vitro6–10 and invivo,11–14 in ischemic, traumatic, and autoimmunemodels of white matter injury. Conversely, activatingAMPA/kainate receptors, but not N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA) receptors, or increasing extracellular gluta-mate levels by blocking glutamate transport either invitro15–17 or in vivo17–19 is injurious to axons.

The precise mechanisms of injury to white matterelements induced by non-NMDA glutamate receptoractivation are unknown. Both astrocytes and oligoden-drocytes express AMPA and kainate receptors (for re-view, see Matute and colleagues20), and more recently,

From the 1Division of Neuroscience and 2Hormones, Growth andDevelopment Program, Ottawa Health Research Institute, Univer-sity of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario; 3Department of Physiology andBiophysics, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, Cal-gary, Alberta, Canada; 4Department of Neurosciences, ClevelandClinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH; and 5Department of ClinicalNeurosciences, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary,Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Address correspondence to Dr Stys, Department of Clinical Neuro-sciences, HRIC 1AA22, 3330 Hospital Drive NW, AB, Canada,T2N 4N1. E-mail: [email protected]

Potential conflict of interest: Nothing to report.

Received Jun 17, 2008, and in revised form Aug 5. Accepted forpublication Aug 21, 2008.

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( 10.1002/ana.21533

Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online ver-sion of this article.

© 2009 American Neurological Association 151Published by Wiley-Liss, Inc., through Wiley Subscription Services

Page 2: Glutamate Receptors on Myelinated Spinal Cord …column injury,6–8and bath application of AMPA, kai-nate, or glutamate, but not NMDA, induced irrevers-ible reduction of compound

NMDA receptors have been detected on mature oligo-dendrocytes,21 their processes,22 and even the myelinsheath.23 These receptors are permeable to Ca2� ions;therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that receptor-mediated Ca2� overload is responsible for excitotoxicglial injury.15,24,25 What is so far unexplained is theobservation that central axons per se are damaged byactivation of AMPA/kainate receptors18,19 and, in turn,protected by blockers of these receptors in various in-jury models.9,13,26 These latter observations raise thepossibility that central myelinated axons themselves ex-press AMPA/kainate receptors, whose overactivation re-sults in damage to the fibers directly. Indeed, antago-nists of AMPA/kainate receptors, but not NMDAreceptors, were protective against spinal cord dorsalcolumn injury,6–8 and bath application of AMPA, kai-nate, or glutamate, but not NMDA, induced irrevers-ible reduction of compound action potential.6,16 Inthis report, we tested the hypothesis that myelinatedaxons from rat spinal cord express functional kainatereceptors capable of mediating a potentially deleteriousaxonal Ca2� increase. We found that GluR6-containing kainate receptors reside along the internodalaxolemma in “nanocomplexes” together with neuronalnitric oxide synthase (nNOS), exerting control overL-type Ca2� channels and causing Ca2� release fromintraaxonal Ca2� stores. These signaling molecules areorganized in a surprisingly intricate arrangement (seeFig 6) reminiscent of what is found at the postsynapticmembrane of conventional glutamatergic synapses.

Materials and MethodsAll experiments were performed in accordance with institu-tional guidelines for the care and use of experimental ani-mals. Additional details can be found in the supplementarymaterial.

Ca2� ImagingDorsal columns from deeply anesthetized adult Long-Evansmale rats were removed from the thoracic region and placedin cold, oxygenated zero-Ca2� solution (containing in mM:NaCl 126, KCl 3, MgSO4 2, NaHCO3 26, NaH2PO41.25, MgCl2 2, dextrose 10 and EGTA 0.5, oxygenated with95% O2/5% CO2), loaded for 2 hours with Ca2�-insensitive reference dye (red dextran-conjugated Alexa 594,250�M) to allow identification of axon profiles (Fig 1A),together with the dextran-conjugated Ca2� indicator OregonGreen BAPTA-1 (250�M), and imaged on a Nikon C1 (To-ronto, Ontario) confocal microscope at 37°C. All reportedaxonal [Ca2�] changes ( are ratios of green to red flu-orescence after 30 minutes of drug application.

Immunochemistry and Immunoelectron MicroscopyImmunohistochemistry, immunoelectron microscopy, andimmunochemistry were performed using standard tech-niques23 (see supplemental material).

Peptide Synthesis and PurificationTwo peptides (NH2-Cys-Ahx-Arg-Leu-Pro-Gly-Lys-Glu-Thr-Met-Ala-CONH2 (I), [molecular weight � 1,218] andNH2-Cys-Ahx-Cys-Ahx-Cys-Ahx-Cys-Ahx-Arg-Leu-Pro-Gly-Lys-Glu-Thr-Met-Ala-CONH2 (II) [molecular weight �1,864]) were designed that contain the C-terminal of GluR6PDZ1 binding motif, a single or multiple N-terminal Cysresidues (for dye conjugation via free SH groups), and one ormore Ahx (ε-amino-hexanoic acid) moieties as spacers (forsteric reasons). Active and sham dextropeptides were synthe-sized using standard methods. The peptides were dissolved toa concentration of 0.1 to 1mM in the loading pipette yield-ing approximately 1 to 10�M in the axons.

ResultsActivation of GluR6-Containing Receptors IncreasesAxonal Ca2�

We measured [Ca2�] changes in live adult rat dorsalcolumn axons in vitro using laser-scanning confocalmicroscopy (see Fig 1). Activation of kainate receptors(kainate 200�M), at concentrations that significantlyreduced compound action potentials (see later), causeda progressive increase of intraaxonal [Ca2�]. Axoplas-mic Ca2�-dependent fluorescence ( showed a ro-bust increase after drug application (mean increase after30 minutes: kainate, 110 � 67%; n � 54 axons) thatwas strongly reduced by the AMPA/kainate receptor an-tagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX50�M) (12 � 15%; n � 35; p � 0). The AMPA re-ceptor antagonists 1-naphtyl acetyl spermine (25�M) or1-(4-aminophenyl)-4-methyl-7,8-methylenedioxy-5H-2,3-benzodiazepine (GYKI52466 100�M) did not sig-nificantly blunt kainate-induced increase (kai-nate � spermine: 97 � 64%, n � 54, p � 0.98;kainate � GYKI52466: 79 � 65%, n � 40, p � 0.24).In contrast, 3-(hydroxyamino)-6-nitro-6,7,8,9-tetrahydrobenzo[g]indol-2-one (NS-102 10�M), an an-tagonist of GluR6-containing kainate receptors,27

strongly reduced the response induced by kainate (kai-nate � NS-102: 35 � 25%; n � 37; p � 0). (S)-1-(2-amino-2-carboxyethyl)-3-(2-carboxybenzyl)pyrimidine-2,4-dione (UPB-302, 20�M), a blocker of GluR5-containing kainate receptors,28 was less effective(kainate � UPB-302: 74 � 40%; n � 36) than CNQXor NS-102 at blocking the kainate-induced Ca2� re-sponses (p � 0.012, kainate � UPB-302 vs kainate �CNQX or kainate � NS-102) (see Fig 1C), indicatingthat kainate mainly (but not exclusively) activated kai-nate receptors containing GluR6 subunits. (2S,4R)-4-methyl glutamic acid (SYM2081; 100�M), another kai-nate receptor agonist,29 induced an increase of

(135 � 67%; n � 79) with a similar pharmacologicalprofile to kainate: The Ca2� response was reduced byCNQX (SYM2081 � CNQX: 38 � 24%; n � 29;p � 4 � 1010) and NS102 (25 � 35%; n � 28; p �4 � 1010), and also was modestly reduced by

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1-naphthyl acetyl spermine (79 � 37%; n � 49; p �4 � 1010) or GYKI52466 (83 � 18%; n � 20; p �7 � 1010), suggesting a partial activation of AMPAreceptors by the latter agent at the concentrations used.UPB-302 was also less effective at blocking the SYM2081 response (94 � 40%; n � 17).

Ca2� Stores Contribute to GluR6-Dependent AxonalCa2� IncreaseTo further characterize the sources of axonal Ca2� in-crease, we applied agonists in the absence of bath Ca2�

(�0.5mM EGTA), which reduced but did not com-pletely prevent increase (kainate � 0Ca2�: 26 �20%, n � 33, p � 0 vs Ca2�-containing perfusate;SYM2081 � 0Ca2�: 42 � 31%, n � 24, p � 4 �1010). This suggests that a component of the kainatereceptor–induced axonal Ca2� increase originated from

intracellular compartments. Previously, we reportedthat ischemic depolarization of spinal axons releasesCa2� from ryanodine-dependent axonal Ca2� stores.30

We therefore examined whether kainate receptorsmight induce Ca2� release from these stores. Ryano-dine (50�M, in Ca2�-replete perfusate) almost com-pletely blocked the increase (kainate � ryano-dine: 2 � 22%, n � 33, p � 0 vs kainate alone;SYM2081 � ryanodine: 11 � 28%, n � 27, p � 4 �1010), indicating that most of the axonal Ca2� accu-mulation observed in response to kainate receptor ac-tivation originated from axonal ryanodine-sensitiveCa2� stores (Fig 2A). More surprisingly, blockade ofL-type Ca2� channels by nimodipine or nifedipine(10�M) also strongly inhibited axoplasmic Ca2� in-crease (kainate � nimodipine: 6 � 19%, n � 26, p �0 vs kainate alone; SYM2081 � nimodipine: 17 �

Fig 1. [Ca2�] in dorsal column axons in response to kainate receptor activation. (A) Confocal micrographs of axons loaded withred dextran-conjugated reference dye together with the Ca2� indicator Oregon Green-488 BAPTA-1 shown in pseudocolor. Activat-ing kainate receptors with kainate induced an increase in Ca2�-dependent fluorescence in the axoplasm. (B) Representative timecourse of axonal Ca2� increase in response to bath application of agonist at time zero (arrow). Black diamonds represent green/redratio; gray triangles represent Ca fluorescence; and gray squares represent reference fluorescence. (C) Bar graph showing mean per-centage change (� standard deviation) in axonal Ca2�-dependent fluorescence after 30 minutes of agonist exposure and also effectsof antagonists. Blockers of GluR6-containing receptors (CNQX and NS-102) were far more effective at reducing Ca2� increase in-duced by kainate or SYM2081 than AMPA (spermine, GYKI52466) or GluR5 (UPB302) antagonists.

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22%, n � 43, p � 4 � 1010) (see Fig 2B). L-typeCa2� channels may, in turn, be modulated by a localmembrane depolarization or possibly even by ametabotropic action of kainate receptors.31 ReplacingNaCl with impermeant N-methyl-D-glucamine chlo-ride (NMDG-Cl) to reduce putative agonist-inducedaxonal depolarization virtually abolished kainate- (kai-nate � NMDG: 5 � 13%, n � 37, p � 0 vs Na�-containing perfusate) and SYM2081-induced Ca2� in-crease (SYM2081 � NMDG: 15 � 17%, n � 32,p � 1.7 � 1010). Substitution of NaCl with LiCl,which readily permeates kainate receptors,32 allowed arobust axonal Ca2� increase after application of kainate(91 � 50%; n � 52) or SYM2081 (95 � 24%; n �34) (see Fig 2C). Taken together, these data suggestthat GluR6-containing kainate receptors mediate theiractions through a combination of local membrane de-polarization and a small influx of Ca2� triggering alarger release from ryanodine-sensitive Ca2� stores.

Intraaxonal Nitric Oxide Generation Promotes theCa2� IncreaseAlthough the earlier results support the involvement ofkainate receptors in the mobilization of Ca2�, they donot prove that these receptors are necessarily axonal;indeed, the protective effects of AMPA/kainate antag-onists in white matter injury was suggested to be dueto protection of glial elements33 with indirect sparingof axons (for review, see Matute and colleagues34). Theexperiments shown in Figure 3A, relying on selectiveextracellular versus intraaxonal application of scaven-gers, strongly suggest that kainate receptors are ex-pressed directly on axons and stimulate formation ofnitric oxide (NO) within axons, which, in turn, pro-motes the above Ca2� release cascade. Bath applicationof the NO scavenger myoglobin35 failed to preventaxoplasmic Ca2� increase (kainate � myoglobin: 80 �66%, n � 27, p � 0.2 vs kainate alone; SYM2081 �myoglobin: 145 � 49%, n � 34, p � 1). Hydroxo-cobalamin, another NO scavenger36 with a muchsmaller molecular weight (and, therefore, more readilyable to permeate small interstitial spaces between ax-ons, but nevertheless membrane impermeable), wasequally ineffective (kainate � hydroxocobalamin: 90 �71%, n � 23, p � 0.94 vs kainate alone). These ex-periments indicate that NO synthesized outside theaxon did not play a role in kainate receptor–mediatedCa2� release inside axons. To explore whether intraax-onally generated NO may be important, we selectivelyloaded myoglobin into axons. In contrast with bath ap-plication, intraaxonal scavenger potently blockedkainate- (0 � 22%; n � 22) and SYM2081-induced(16 � 33%; n � 25) Ca2� responses (p � 0). Intra-axonal hydroxocobalamin was also highly effective, aswas the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME (p �0). Moreover, the effect of intraaxonal NO was syner-

Fig 2. Kainate receptors promote Ca2� release from internalstores. (A) Ca2�-free perfusate reduced but did not eliminateagonist-induced Ca2� increase. Blocking of ryanodine receptors(ryanodine) strongly reduced Ca2� response even in the pres-ence of 2mM bath Ca2�, suggesting that most of the agonist-induced Ca2� increase was due to release from ryanodine-sensitive Ca2� stores, rather than from influx across theaxolemma. (B) L-type Ca2� channel antagonists (nimodipine,nifedipine) selectively reduced responses induced by kainate orSYM2081. (C) Kainate receptor–dependent axonal Ca2� in-crease depended on permeable ions such as Na� or Li� butwas blocked by impermeable N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG).Error bars represent standard deviation.

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gistic with depolarization, even in the absence of recep-tor activation (see Fig 3B): Neither depolarizationalone (45mM K� in the perfusate) nor exogenouslyapplied NO (using the NO donor PAPA NONOate[250�M]) induced an axonal Ca2� increase. However,applying the NO donor during K�-induced depolar-ization induced a substantial axonal Ca2� increase,

which was greatly reduced by either nimodipine or ry-anodine.

Axonal Signaling “Nanocomplexes” ContainingGluR6/7, Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase, andCav1.2The previous observations suggest a close relation be-tween axonally expressed GluR6 kainate receptors andnitric oxide synthase. Immunohistochemistry was per-formed to further localize these receptors and their as-sociated signaling proteins (Fig 4). Punctate stainingfor GluR6/7 (using two different primary antibodiesfrom different species) and nNOS was observed at theperiphery of neurofilament-labeled axon cylinders.These clusters were often, but not invariably, colocal-ized. Although we did not attempt to examine the fre-quency of these complexes along the length of an axon,the representative micrograph in Figures 4A to C sug-gests that at least several clusters are present per inter-node. Immunoelectron microscopy localized GluR6/7to the axolemma and to clusters beneath the axo-lemma. Consistent with earlier pharmacological evi-dence pointing to a functional interaction between kai-nate receptors and L-type Ca2� channels, colocalizedGluR6/7 and Cav1.2 clusters were also observed at thesurfaces of axons (see Figs 4E–G). Immunoprecipita-tion of dorsal column lysate with the GluR6/7 anti-body yielded a single nNOS-positive band indicating aphysical association between this kainate receptor andthe enzyme (see Fig 4I). We further hypothesized thata PDZ-binding motif on the C terminus of GluR6may mediate an interaction between this receptor andan adaptor protein,37 which, in turn, may scaffold thereceptor in proximity to axonal nNOS to support afunctional relation. We constructed a peptide com-prising the nine C-terminal residues of GluR6(RLPGKETMA, see Materials and Methods), to inter-fere with such a putative interaction. When this pep-tide was loaded into axons, both kainate and SYM2081Ca2� responses were almost completely blocked (kai-nate � peptide: 12 � 28%, n � 77, p � 1.2 � 105

vs kainate alone; SYM2081 � peptide: 13 � 27%,n � 78, p � 1.1 � 105). A sham peptide had littleeffect on the Ca2� increase induced by kainate (91 �28% n � 45) or SYM2081 (96 � 30%; n � 42); theresponses with the active compared with the sham pep-tides were highly significantly different (p 109 forboth agonists) (Fig 5A). Further proof of an intraax-onal localization of a GluR6-PDZ domain, whichcould scaffold this receptor within a signaling nano-complex containing nNOS, was obtained by loadingthe synthetic interfering peptide, itself labeled withmultiple fluorescent moieties, into axons. As with thefixed immunohistochemical sections, we observed oc-casional punctate clusters of fluorescent peptide at theperiphery of fluorescein-dextran–loaded axons (see Figs

Fig 3. Kainate receptor–induced axonal Ca2� response de-pends on intraaxonal nitric oxide (NO) generation. (A) Ax-onal Ca2� increase was not reduced by extracellular applica-tion of NO scavengers (myoglobin, hydroxocobalamin). Incontrast, intraaxonal loading of scavengers or of a nitric oxidesynthase inhibitor (L-NAME) almost completely prevented theCa2� response. (B) Neither exposure to exogenous NO nor de-polarization alone were sufficient to induce an axonal Ca2�

response. Combining an NO donor (250�M PAPA NONOate)with 45mM K� produced a robust Ca2� increase, which wasdependent on activation of L-type Ca2� channels and ryanodinereceptors (*p � 1.1 � 105). Error bars represent standarddeviation.

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5B–D), consistent with the notion that these fiberscontain discrete clusters of PDZ domains able to bindand likely cluster kainate receptors.

GluR6 Activation Causes Functional Dorsal ColumnInjuryHaving identified such an arrangement of internodalsignaling protein clusters capable of significantly in-creasing axonal Ca2� levels, we then explored whethersuch persistent increases of Ca2� had any functionalimplications in otherwise uninjured dorsal columns.Propagated compound action potentials were recordedelectrophysiologically, and functional integrity of thiswhite matter tract was determined by calculating thearea under the digitized responses.38 Exposure of dorsalcolumns to kainate (200�M) or SYM2081 (100�M)for 60 minutes followed by a 3-hour wash caused anirreversible reduction of mean compound action poten-tial (CAP) area to approximately 60% of control (datanot shown). Addition of the L-type Ca2� channelblocker nimodipine (10�M) significantly protectedagainst kainate- (CAP area recovery: kainate � nimo-dipine, 93 � 17%, n � 8, vs kainate alone, 68 �

10%, n � 8; p � 0.003, Wilcoxon rank test) andSYM2081-induced injury (SYM2081 � nimodipine,83 � 23, n � 9, vs SYM2081 alone, 51 � 15, n � 7;p � 0.0022).

DiscussionA number of in vitro and in vivo studies have pointedto an important role for non-NMDA glutamate recep-tors in white matter injury,6,8,9,16 with glial cells rep-resenting an important target given their known ex-pression of AMPA and kainate receptors,20 and theirsensitivity to this excitotoxin.24,39 This sensitivity toAMPA/kainate receptor activation also applies to im-mature oligodendrocyte precursors.40 Glutamate is re-leased from injured myelinated axons via reverse Na�-dependent glutamate transport7 and via vesicularrelease from unmyelinated fibers during physiologicalactivation.41,42 In contrast, little is known about func-tional glutamate receptors on central axons, though ex-periments indirectly suggest that such receptors may bepresent.8,43

Here we show that functional kainate receptors arepresent on myelinated central axons, raising the dis-




A B CGluR6/7nNOSNF160


















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Fig 4. Multimolecular “nanocomplexes” containing several signaling proteins are present in the internodal axolemma. (A–C) Triple-immunolabeled dorsal column axons showing occasional punctate regions of colocalized glutamate receptors 6 and 7 (GluR6/7) andneuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) clusters (arrowheads) at the surface of neurofilament-stained axon cylinders. (inset) Trans-verse view of a surface cluster in another fiber. (D) Immunogold labeling using GluR6/7 primary antibody showing signal at theaxolemma in a myelinated internode (arrow). my � myelin; ax � axon. Consistent with pharmacological manipulations and Ca2�

imaging (see Fig. 2), GluR6/7-containing clusters also colocalized with Cav1.2 L-type Ca2� channels (E–G). (H) Representativecontrol section with primary antibodies omitted showed little nonspecific labeling. Scale bars 2�m. (I) GluR6/7 antibody immuno-precipitated nNOS as shown by the single nNOS-positive band at the expected molecular weight (IP GluR6/7). nNOS was alsodetected by straight immunoblotting in dorsal column lysate (raw DC lysate). As expected, control experiments with beads � lysate(without GluR6/7) or beads � GluR6/7 (without lysate) showed no nNOS signal (molecular weight markers in kilodaltons).

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tinct possibility that loss of axonal function after glu-tamate exposure may also be caused by direct activa-tion of axonal receptors leading to (possibly focal)axoplasmic Ca2� deregulation. Curiously, immaturepremyelinated fibers are reported to suffer ischemic in-jury independently of glutamate receptors.33 Con-trasted with our findings in mature myelinated axons,this may indicate that myelination induces expressionand clustering of axonal glutamate receptors, as it doesother nodal and perinodal proteins.44 Immunohisto-chemistry of dorsal column axons showed colocalizedGlur6/7 and nNOS clusters sparsely distributed alongaxon cylinders as has been reported previously for Cav

and RyR clusters.30 Our results are consistent with thefollowing proposed feed-forward mechanism (Fig 6):Activation of GluR6-containing kainate receptors in-duces a local depolarization of the internodal axo-lemma, together with a small amount of Ca2� influxfrom a restricted periaxonal space. The local axonalCa2� microdomain promotes NO synthesis by nNOS,and the local depolarization activates L-type Ca2�

channels, thereby opening ryanodine receptors on sub-axolemmal endoplasmic reticulum, culminating in amuch larger Ca2� transient than would be possiblesolely by influx of this ion. This is consistent with pre-vious observations of kainate receptor–mediated depo-larization of central axons.43

Our electrophysiological recordings, which showedthat functional injury induced by kainate receptorstimulation was significantly reduced by blockingL-type Ca2� channels, emphasize two importantpoints. First, given that activation of these receptors inotherwise uninjured dorsal columns results in signifi-cant functional impairment indicates that the observedCa2� increase induced by this treatment is pathophysi-ologically significant and raises the distinct possibilitythat exposure of axons to glutamate in inflammatory orischemic lesions, for instance, may be directly damag-ing to axons. Second, the significant reduction inGluR6-mediated electrophysiological injury conferredby an L-type Ca2� channel blocker further strengthensthe functional connection between these receptors andCa2� channels, as suggested by the Ca2� imaging ex-periments (see Fig 2) and summarized in the proposedmodel (see Fig 6).

The effect of NO is curious, though this modulatormay function to increase the “gain” of the Cav-RyRcoupling mechanism, possibly by upregulation of RyRactivity.45 This may be necessary to ensure the fidelityof this signaling cascade, because unlike neurons andmuscle cells that are not ensheathed, voltage-gated pro-teins such as Cavs, which are localized to the internodalaxolemma of myelinated fibers, likely experiencesmaller electric-field fluctuations because of the overly-ing myelin. Given the known promiscuous actions ofNO (and its highly reactive derivative peroxynitrite), itis possible that other ion transporters, which are im-portant for axonal impulse propagation (eg, voltage-gated Na and K channels, Na-K-ATPase46), may bemodulated as well in response to kainate receptor/nNOS activation. Thus, central myelinated axons con-tain functional complexes of several signaling proteinsthat are arranged in close proximity (eg, GluR6/7,nNOS, and Cav1.2; see Fig 4; L-type Ca2� channelsand ryanodine receptors30), allowing local NO produc-tion and depolarization to modulate their function.The purpose of such clusters in mature myelinated fi-bers is currently unknown; in developing axons, how-ever, growth cone dynamics have been shown to bedependent on glutamate receptor activation and releaseof Ca2� from intraaxonal Ca2� stores,47 indicatingthat ionotropic glutamate receptors and Ca2� signalingfrom axonal stores are functionally related from anearly developmental age. Their precise physiologicalroles in adulthood will require further study. Scaffold-ing of axonal receptors and effectors such as nNOS inclose proximity is reminiscent of the organization ofsignaling molecules at the postsynaptic density in neu-rons,48,49 and it hints at highly specialized and com-plex machinery assembled along the internodal axo-lemma, where little active signaling was thought to takeplace.

Both glutamate- and NO-dependent toxicity are in-

Fig 5. Infusing a peptide into axons that interfere with thebinding of GluR6 to PDZ domains greatly reduced the Ca2�

response, whereas a sham peptide with the same sequence butsynthesized using unnatural D-amino acids was far less effec-tive (A). (B–D) Live spinal axons were coloaded with dextranfluorescein and Texas Red–conjugated peptide that recognizes aPDZ binding domain. Arrowhead shows a cluster of fluores-cent peptide labeling an intraaxonal PDZ domain–containingprotein complex. Scale bar � 2�m.

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volved in white matter injury, and particularly in ax-onal damage, in crippling disorders such as multiplesclerosis.34 The signaling clusters described in this re-port likely promote and amplify local Ca2� transients,and may have profound implications for axonal patho-physiology. The local release of potentially high con-centrations of Ca2� through activation of such axonal“nanocomplexes” may play an important role in thegenesis of focal swellings and irreversible axonal tran-sections50 that render the entire fiber nonfunctional.The surprisingly complex interaction of glutamate,NO, voltage-gated Ca2� channels, and internal Ca2�

stores in axons may paradoxically present unforeseenopportunities for the development of novel therapeuticstrategies.

This work was supported by the NIH (National Institute of Neu-rological Diseases and Stroke, P.K.S., B.D.T.), Canadian Institutesof Health Research (P.K.S., G.W.Z.), Heart and Stroke Foundationof Ontario Center for Stroke Recovery (P.K.S.), Canadian StrokeNetwork (P.K.S.), HSFO (Heart and Stroke Foundation of On-tario) Career Investigator Award (P.K.S.), AHFMR (Alberta Heri-tage Foundation for Medical Research) Scientist Award (P.K.S.,G.W.Z.), and CCRI (Center for Catalysis Research and Innovationcollaborative fund) (A.B.). G.W.Z. and P.K.S. are Canada ResearchChairs (Tier I).

AcknowledgmentWe thank Drs B. Barres, E. Peles, and M. Rasband forcritical reading of the manuscript, and Dr J. McRoryfor assistance with coimmunoprecipitations.

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