  • 1. Create your own restaurant at home Team F Bomb

2. Team: Jineen Carcamo Devin Desir Eroica De Souza Sue Kim 3. Food can connect people in a forever sort of way...There's nothing like a home-cooked meal - nothing! When people ask me what the best restaurant in LA is, I say, 'My house.' It's more intimate. - Giada De Laurentiis tt 4. Mission Give people unparalleled access to the food they love. 5. Goal Reinvigorate growth in NY by 15% 30,000 new members. 6. Who are we trying to reach? 7. Were speaking to The Connectors ...people with a special gift for bringing the world together -Malcolm Gladwell,The Tipping Point 8. Demographic: New Yorkers from all over the country and world. Late 20s to 40s Income: 75k+ Psychographic: They openly express their creativity through their passions - food, creative outlets and travel. They are inherently social. People who value people they love the opportunity share new experiences with friends. A little bit about them 9. Challenge We need to give our Connectors a compelling reason to try Kitchen Surfing. 10. Strategic Platform Kitchen Surfing helps you express your personal story through the universal language of food. 11. Stories are being told by current Kitchen Surfer users. 12. Story of Family: Appreciating the important people in your life by hosting a special event I worked with Mary for several weeks to plan a 20 person surprise party... she was extremely helpful in customizing the right menu for my parents and their friends. My parents were overwhelmed with how incredible of an evening it was. - Randi 13. Imnets food is incredible and I love that its food of someones home and country rather than a restaurant version. Her love of the cuisine and her country is evident - a big part of the night was learning interesting things about Ethopia, a country rich in culture with plenty to learn and discover - Morgan Story of Cultural Exploration: Traveling to a place through food 14. I wanted to share one of my favorite dishes from childhood with my girlfriends and worked with my chef to plan it he was extremely helpful in creating the right atmosphere for me and my friends - Xin Story of Personal Heritage: Connecting back to your culture 15. How does this come to life? 16. Stories as Content 17. This is my story of Family. Whats yours? 18. This is my story of Travel. Whats yours? 19. This is my story of Heritage. Whats yours? 20. Dinner shouldnt end at dinner. Amplify brand advocates voices and highlight aspirational stories. Engage with guest Connectors after they experience a friends KS dinner and convert them into KS hosts. 21. Story Telling to Story Sharing Connection model 22. Engage Guest Connectors when they feel inspired to tell their story Use an array of tactics to increase the likelihood that the transition from guest connector to Kitchen Surfing Host will be completed. Experiential 23. How does this play out? 24. Reframe Give $50, Get $50 referral as an incentive for guests to share their story 25. Digital Drives to site and offers discount for first users 26. Digital: Story Banner Page Takeover Promote our ads on food-centric websites 27. Stories as Sharable Content Communicate to users that some of the vivid stories posted could be featured on social. Leverage owned Social channels to promote the best articulation of user generated content. 28. OOH Raise Awareness 29. Promote Every New Yorker has a story to tell. All OOH should be concentrated in areas that already have a sizeable Kitchen Surfing user base, where guests live as well. Downtown Manhattan, Tribeca, Upper West Side, Williamsburg, Brooklyn Height, East Village, West Village, Lower East Side etc. OOH: Billboards 30. Should be concentrated in areas that already have a sizeable Kitchen Surfing user base, where guests live as well. Downtown Manhattan, Tribeca, Upper West Side, Williamsburg, Brooklyn Height, East Village, West Village, Lower East Side etc. OOH: Street Furniture This is my story of Travel. Whats yours? 31. Since people have more time to engage with ads on the subway, we can place vivid stories of the experiences throughout the trains. OOH: Subway 32. Re-engaging our Kitchen Surfing Host Placing vivid reviews of the experiences/story told at JFK and La Guardia Subway ads that highlight bringing back a part of the culture they couldnt take on the plane, the food. OOH: Airports This is my story of Travel. Whats yours? 33. Home goods can serve as inspiration for hosting a party Events partnered with IKEA that showcase how chefs can utilize their space provided and they can help someone tell their story. Experiential Experiential 34. Opportunity 35. Closing note on Storytelling Storytelling may seem like an old-fashioned tool, today and it is. Thats exactly what makes it so powerful. Life happens in the narratives we tell one another. Data can persuade people, but it doesnt inspire them to act; to do that, you need to wrap your vision in a story that fires the imagination and stirs the soul. Source - Harvard business review 36. Kitchen Surfing helps you express your personal story through the universal language of food. 37. Photos courtesy Humans of New York

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