  • It was growing late, and though one might stand on the brink of a deep chasm of disaster, one was still obliged to dress for dinner.

    ― Georgette Heyer, April Lady

    The Drawing Room The House of St Barnabas

    1 Greek Street Soho

    London, W1D 4NQ

    The Nonesuch? Georgette Heyer andHer Historical Fiction Contemporaries

    IES/UCL Conference

    Drinks, light supper and entertainment

    It should be noted that food and 2 drinks are included with thepurchase of this ticket and thereafter a cash bar will be available. 

    Regency dress welcome but not essential


    You are invited to a Regency Soirée

    Tickets £35 via

    Drinks & canapés 7pm

    Light supper 8pm

    Carriages 11pm

    on Tuesday 19 June 2018

    at 7pm

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