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Geo. of S. Europe $300Form the northern edge of the Iberian Peninsula

Geo. of S. Europe $100What is MainlandGeo. of S. Europe $200What is the Po River. Geo. of S. Europe $300What are the Cantabrian and Pyrenees Mountains.Geo. of S. Europe $400Narrow body of water that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.

Geo. of S. Europe $400What is the Strait of Gibraltar Geo. of S. Europe $500The dry, hot wind from North Africa that blows over Italy during spring and summer .

Geo. of S. Europe $500What is a sirocco.Italy $400Northern Italy foods include these three.

Italy $500These three cities are important industrial centers in Northern Italy.

Spain and Portugal $100Spain and Portugal both benefit from membership in this.

Spain and Portugal $200The second-largest city in Spain and a port on the Mediterranean.

Spain and Portugal $300This individual ruled Spain until 1975.

Spain and Portugal $400Spain and Portugal both produce these three agricultural products.

Spain and Portugal $500Portugals government has been these three types of government.

Cultural Influence $100Spainish and Portuguese dishes are influenced by food explorers brought from this place.

Cultural Influence $200The ancient Greeks made significant contributions in these three areas.

Cultural Influence $300Greek culture was influenced by these three groups.

Cultural Influence $400Spanish and Portuguese Culture were influenced by these four groups.

Cultural Influence $500These are the important contributions of the Romans. (Be specific in relationship to language, culture, and architecture.

Italy $200The two ancient cultures that influenced the Renaissance.

Italy $200What are the ancient cultures of Greece and Rome.

Italy $300Two famous Italian explorers.

Italy $300Who are Christopher Columbus Amerigo Vespucci.Italy $400What are rice, mushrooms, and cheese.Italy $500What are Genoa, Turin, and Milan.Spain and Portugal $100What is the European Union.Spain and Portugal $200What is Barcelona.Spain and Portugal $300Who is General Francisco Franco. Spain and Portugal $400What are olive oil, wine, and cork.Spain and Portugal $500What are a monarchy, dictatorship, and republic.Cultural Influence $100What is America.Cultural Influence $200What are art, philosophy, and architecture.Cultural Influence $300Who are the Macedonians, Romans, and Turks.Cultural Influence $400Who are the Greeks, Phoenicians, Romans, Moors, and Africans.Cultural Influence $500What is Latin developed into many languages. Art, laws and literature shaped future development of those in other cultures. Construction of roads, aqueducts, domes, arches gave new ideas for architecture.

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