Page 1: General treatment of paramagnetic relaxation enhancement ...€¦ · General treatment of paramagnetic relaxation enhancement associated with translational diffusion D. Kruk1,a and

General treatment of paramagnetic relaxation enhancement associated withtranslational diffusionD. Kruk and J. Kowalewski Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 174104 (2009); doi: 10.1063/1.3119635 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing

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Page 2: General treatment of paramagnetic relaxation enhancement ...€¦ · General treatment of paramagnetic relaxation enhancement associated with translational diffusion D. Kruk1,a and

General treatment of paramagnetic relaxation enhancement associatedwith translational diffusion

D. Kruk1,a and J. Kowalewski21Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Reymonta 4, 30-059 Krakow, Poland2Department of Physical, Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, Stockholm University,S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Received 17 December 2008; accepted 25 March 2009; published online 6 May 2009

A theory of nuclear spin relaxation in isotropic liquids for nuclear spins interacting with electronspins, residing in other molecules the outer-sphere relaxation, is presented. The approach, validoutside of the Redfield limit for electron spin relaxation, is an extension of the Swedish slowmotion theory Benetis et al., Mol. Phys. 48, 329 1983; Nilsson and Kowalewski, J. Magn. Reson.146, 345 2000 for inner-sphere relaxation. It is demonstrated that the outer-sphere relaxation ratecan be expressed as an integral of a product of a translational diffusion correlation function and afunction analogous to the inner-sphere spectral density. A numerical implementation of the theory isdescribed and applied to a large number of realistic parameter sets for S=7 /2 and S=1, which maycorrespond to GdIII and NiII systems. It is shown that the outer-sphere contribution is relevantand should be included into the analysis of nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion relaxationprofiles, especially for slow relative translational diffusion and fast molecular tumbling. © 2009American Institute of Physics. DOI: 10.1063/1.3119635


Studies of NMR spin-lattice relaxation rates as a func-tion of the magnetic field nuclear magnetic relaxation dis-persion NMRD in solutions of paramagnetic ions or com-plexes have for long time attracted considerable attention.1–3

The paramagnetic species cause an increase of spin-latticerelaxation rate for the nuclear spins usually protons, de-noted commonly as paramagnetic relaxation enhancementPRE. The field dependence of the PRE carries potentially awealth of information on structure and dynamics of the spe-cies involved, provided that appropriate theoretical modelsare available. PRE/NMRD measurements are commonly car-ried out for spins belonging to the solvent molecules mostoften water.

One usually considers the measured PRE as consistingof two contributions, referred to as the inner-sphere and theouter-sphere parts. The inner-sphere contribution comes fromthe nuclear spin residing in molecules entering the first co-ordination shell of the metal ion, while the molecules outsideof this shell contribute to the outer-sphere part. For the inner-sphere contribution, one assumes usually that the effectivedistance between the spins is constant, while this obviouslyis not the case for the outer-sphere mechanism. Some authorsuse also the concept of the second-shell PRE, with a mecha-nism similar to the inner-shell contribution, arising from adiscrete number of solvent molecules in a well-defined sec-ond solvation sphere.4

The early theory of the inner-sphere PRE is known asthe Solomon–Bloembergen–Morgan SBM theory.1–3 Short-comings of the SBM approach are well known, but the issue

of more advanced modeling of the PRE has long been rec-ognized as difficult.5 It seems now that some of the funda-mental problems have been solved. In a recent study, threeformalisms proposed in literature were compared to eachother6 and it was found that two of them agreed very closely,in spite of large differences in the mathematical treatment,and that the discrepancies with the third one can be ex-plained by an approximate description of the electronic spinrelaxation. This obviously increases the credibility of thesemethods.

The objective of this communication is to present howan approach similar to the general inner-sphere formalismdeveloped in our laboratory7–12 can be applied to the outer-sphere PRE. A “classical” way of dealing with the outer-sphere issue can be found in Abragam’s treatise13 and in theworks by Torrey14 and Pfeifer.15 In an important paper byHwang and Freed,16 some mathematical mistakes of the ear-lier work were corrected and the role of the intermolecularforces, as reflected in the radial distribution functions rdfs,was incorporated in the theory. A very similar approach wasproposed, independently, by Ayant et al.17 A simple but im-portant special case, denoted as force-free diffusion, arises inthese treatments if the rdf is considered flat from the distanceof closest approach to infinity. Ayant et al. also consideredthe effect of translation-rotation coupling18 while Freed ex-tended the Hwang–Freed model by including, in a verysimple way, the electron spin relaxation effects.19 The result-ing model can be considered as the outer-sphere counterpartof the SBM theory. More careful treatment of electron spinrelaxation, valid within the Redfield limit,20 and its effect onthe outer-sphere PRE was proposed by Kruk et al.21,22 Thesecond of these studies deals, on the equal level, with theinner-sphere case.22 Related work was also proposed by

aAuthor to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:[email protected]. Tel.: 48 12663 5688. FAX: 48 12633 7086.


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Sharp and co-workers23–25 and by Rast and co-workers.26,27

While the effects of the structure of the rdf can be included atthis level,28–31 we limit our interest here to the force-freediffusion and concentrate on the difficulties caused by thecomplexity of electron spin relaxation outside of the Redfieldlimit.7–12,32–36 In this way, we bring the outer-sphere PREtheory to the same level as the inner-sphere version.6,12

The outline of this paper is as follows. In Sec. II, wereview some basic concepts of the “Swedish slow motiontheory” in general. This is followed by the presentation ofthe outer-sphere PRE theory Sec. III and of computationaldetails Sec. IV. Illustrative numerical examples are pre-sented and discussed in Sec. V and conclusions are drawn inSec. VI.


The Swedish slow motion theory has been developed tointerpret nuclear proton relaxation profiles for paramag-netic systems for arbitrary motional conditions and interac-tion strengths characterizing the electron spin, beyond valid-ity regimes of time-dependent perturbation approaches. Thename “slow motion” refers to situations when the motionmodulating the relevant spin interactions is so slow, com-pared to the time scale of the spin dynamics, that the pertur-bation theory of the electron spin relaxation breaks down. Inthis section, we shall outline the underlying assumptions andmotional models incorporated into this treatment.

For transition metal complexes with S1, the electronspin manifold is split due to the indirect interaction betweenunpaired electrons through the spin-orbit coupling. The zerofield splitting ZFS Hamiltonian HZFSt can be expressed asa sum of two components: HZFStHZFSt+ Ht− HZFSt=HZFS

S +HZFST t. The decomposition of the total

Hamiltonian is performed in a molecular frame, i.e., in anycoordinate system fixed in the molecule. The first term rep-resents an averaged part of the ZFS interaction, referred to inthe literature as the static permanent ZFS, HZFS

S , while thesecond one describes stochastic fluctuations of the ZFSHamiltonian around this averaged value and is called tran-sient ZFS, HZFS

T t. The principal frame of the static ZFS PScan change its orientation with respect to the laboratory axissystems L due to overall, isotropic molecular tumbling.This implies that the HZFS

S Hamiltonian takes in the labora-tory frame the form





− 1m k=−2



2 PSLTm2 S ,


where V02PS=1, V1

2PS=0, V22PS= 4 /6ES /DS. The

quantities DS and ES describe the axial and rhombic compo-nents of the static rank-2 ZFS tensor, respectively, whilethe relative orientation of the PS and L frames is de-scribed by the angle PSLt. The operators Tm

2 S are T02S

= 1 /63Sz2−SS+1, T1

2 S= 12

SzS+SSz, andT2

2 S= 12 S.

Higher-order ZFS terms can exist for spin systems withS3 /2. They were discussed in the relaxation context byRast et al.32,37,38 and by Sharp and co-worker.39,40 While pos-sibly important, these terms are not included in the presentwork since they are not judged necessary to reach the mainobjective of the present study: to estimate the relative impor-tance of the outer-sphere and inner-sphere relaxivity compo-nents outside of the Redfield limit for the electron spin re-laxation.

The spread of the ZFS interaction, i.e., its transient part,is caused by stochastic fluctuations of the ligand framework.The form of the transient ZFS Hamiltonian depends on themotional model applied to describe the fluctuations. The sim-plest possible model assumes that the transient ZFS has aconstant magnitude and a principal direction a principal axissystem PT.2,5,10 The PT frame changes its orientationrelative to the PS frame according to the isotropic rotationaldiffusion equation with the rank-two correlation time D.Since the fluctuations of the ligand framework occur due todistortional vibrational dynamics of the complex, this timeconstant is called a distortional vibrational correlation time.This model is referred to in literature as the “pseudorota-tional model.”41 Thus, by analogy with the static ZFS inter-action, the Hamiltonian HZFS

TPT, written in the laboratory axissystem, takes the form






− 1m n=−2

2 k=−2




D−n,−m2 PSL Tm

2 S , 2

with A02PT=1, A1

2PT=0, A22P2= 4 /6ET /DT, where

DT and ET are the transient counterparts of the DS and ES

parameters. The first transformation in Eq. 2 is between thePT and PS frames via the Euler angle PTPS

t affected bythe distortional motion, while the second transformationoccurs between the PS and laboratory L frames via theEuler angle PSLt, modulated by the molecular tumblingcharacterized by a rank-two rotational correlation time R.The representations of the static and transient ZFS, given byEqs. 1 and 2, respectively, are included in the “slow mo-tion theory.” In the case of inner-sphere relaxation, the I-Sdipole-dipole axis defines the molecular frame M for thecomplex. The relative orientation of the PS and M framesis described by an angle denoted as MPS

.Referring to the applied models of the spin interactions

and their fluctuations, one can now specify more explicitlythe possible situations when the perturbation approach doesnot apply to the electron spin dynamics. The relationshipbetween the static ZFS, HZFS

S , and the rotational correlationtime, R, can bring the electron spin outside the validityrange of the perturbation treatment, which requires an unam-biguous decomposition of the entire spin Hamiltonian into amain part determining the energy level structure of the sys-tem and a perturbing part causing transition between theenergy levels, i.e., relaxation. This means that for HZFS


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1, the static ZFS acts as a relaxation mechanism, forHZFS

S R1 it contributes to the electron spin energy levelstructure, while in the intermediate regime the perturbationtreatment breaks down. Since the distortional correlationtime is very short of the order of picoseconds the conditionHZFS

T D1 is usually fulfilled. Nevertheless, there can besome exceptions, i.e., for complexes with very large transientZFS. Actually, if HZFS

T HZFSS especially if the static ZFS

vanishes due to high symmetry of the complex, the electronspin is at low field locked in the PT frame instead of the Lframe, i.e., its energy level structure is determined by thetransient rather than static ZFS. Since, contrary to the staticZFS, the PT frame is not fixed in the molecule it fluctuatesvery fast with the correlation time D, the transient ZFSdoes not provide a stationary basis set and the perturbationtheory does not apply in this case.2,5,42

Even though the electron spin subsystem is beyond thevalidity range of the perturbation treatment, the nuclear spinrelaxation can be treated in this way and expressed as aquantity proportional to a quantum-mechanical spectral den-sity K1,1

DD−I,5,12,22 including the electron spin dynamics.

Electron spin relaxation rates, present in the SBM theory,cannot be defined in this regime. The main idea of the gen-eral, slow motion theory is to evaluate the spectral densityK1,1

DD−I without invoking the electron spin relaxation rates.Instead, it is evaluated by defining an infinite and complete,orthonormal basis Oi,

2,5 including all relevant degrees offreedom and expressing all components of the spin interac-tions and dynamics the corresponding Liouville operatorsin this basis, by applying the Wigner–Eckart theorem. Theproperties of the general theory make it possible to adapt it tovarious systems, when any simplified treatments break down.However, the theory is rather demanding from the computa-tional point of view. The main reasons for computationalcomplexity are the classical stochastic processes, i.e., the ro-tational and distortional degrees of freedom. Their classicalnature requires setting up, in principle, an infinite basis rep-resenting the continuum of rotational and distortional states.The theory can also be applied together with a more sophis-ticated treatment of the distortions of the solvation shell43–45

instead of the pseudorotation model, but this increases thecomputational costs even further.

This approach has so far been applied to the inner-spherenuclear spin relaxation. In Sec. III we let it include the trans-lational degrees of freedom and formulate an analogous de-scription of the outer-sphere nuclear spin relaxation, to com-plete the theory of nuclear spin relaxation for paramagneticsystems. The approach can be called general, referring to itsvalidity outside of the Redfield regime, but is within limits ofthe applied assumptions, not least concerning the form of theZFS Hamiltonian and the pseudorotation model.


In this section, we present a formal mathematical de-scription of the outer-sphere PRE. We shall keep very closeanalogy to the description of the inner-sphere PRE given inthe literature.5,12,22 We intend to underline in this way the

unity of the general approach and make a comparison of theinner- and outer-sphere descriptions straightforward. Thus,we begin with the usual form of the quantum-mechanicalspectral density, K1,1


K1,1DD− I =


TrLT11DD+exp− iLLT1

1DD Leq

exp− iId . 3

For the inner-sphere case, the spin-lattice relaxation rate for anuclear spin in the paramagnetic complex is given by R1I

=2 ReK1,1DD−I.

5,12,22 In the outer-sphere case, the situa-tion is similar but the tensor operators T1

1DD=T11DD,Diff are

defined as

T11DD,Diff = 30IS




1 2 1 1

1 − q q − 1



3 . 4

The notation T11DD,Diff is introduced to refer ex-

plicitly to the translational diffusion modulating thenuclear spin I—electron spin S dipole—dipoleinteraction. The original expression for the tensor operatorT1


1 2 1 11−q q −1


2 DDL, where CDD

= 0 /4IS /rIS3 is the dipole–dipole coupling constant

see, for example, Eq. 32 of Ref. 5, has in Eq. 4 beenrewritten using the form of T1

1DD,Diff, which is more suitablefor the outer-sphere calculations. The relative orientation ofthe I-S dipole-dipole and laboratory axes, described by theWigner rotation matrices D0,1−q

2 DDL, is modulated in thepresent case by translational diffusion. It should be notedthat, due to the translational motion, the dipole-dipole axis isno longer fixed in the molecule and cannot therefore betreated as a molecular axis. For that reason, Eq. 4 containsthe Wigner rotation matrices D0,1−q

2 DDL instead ofD0,1−q

2 ML M denotes a molecular frame, used in theinner-sphere case.5,11,22 This essential difference is illustratedin Fig. 1. Since the translational motion changes also the






fixed inthe molecule






FIG. 1. Orientations of dipole-dipole axes with respect to the laboratoryframe L for the inner-sphere and outer-sphere problems. In the inner-sphere case, the dipole-dipole axis is fixed in the molecule and therefore canbe treated as a molecular frame, while in the outer-sphere case it is not. Forthe inner-sphere solvent molecules, the orientation of the dipole-dipole axisrelative to the laboratory axis is described by angle ML, modulated bytumbling of the entire complex, while for the outer-sphere molecules thedipole-dipole axis changes its orientation with respect to the laboratoryframe, described by angle DDL, due to translational motion.

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interspin distance rIS, the concept of the dipole-dipole cou-pling constant is not useful and the rIS

−3 factor is in Eq. 4combined with D0,1−q

2 DDL. The lattice Liouville operator

LL contains now, besides the terms relevant for the inner-

sphere relaxation,2,5,11,22 the Liouvillian, LDiff, representingthe translational diffusion:


T + LD + LR + LDiff. 5

The translational diffusion is a classical Markov process, andits Liouville operator is defined as

LDiff = − iDDiffrIS

2 , 6

where the index rIS indicates that the differential operatorrIS

2 contains terms related to changes of the interspin dis-tance, as well as of the orientation of the dipole-dipole axisi.e., rISrIS ,DDL. The other terms describe, respec-

tively: Zeeman interaction for the electron spin, LZS, the

static and transient parts of the ZFS interactions, LZFSS and

LZFST , the distortional motion, LD, and the molecular tum-

bling, LR. By substituting the tensor operators of Eq. 4 intoEq. 3, we obtain the “outer-sphere” counterpart of thequantum-mechanical spectral density, K1,1

DD−I which wedenote K1,1


K1,1DD,Diff− I = 30 0

4IS2 1

2S + 1 p,q=−1

1 2 1 1

1 − p p − 1

2 1 1

1 − q q − 1





exp− iLLSq1+D0,1−q


3 exp− iId , 7

where the term 1 / 2S+1 is the equilibrium density operator, L

eq, in the high temperature approximation. To proceed fur-ther with the calculations, it is highly advantageous to ana-lyze dependencies correlations between different processescontributing to the lattice dynamics, represented by the op-

erator LL Eq. 5. Formally, a part corresponding to a cer-tain degree of freedom can be factored out from the generalquantum-mechanical correlation function if it is independentof the remaining contributions to the lattice dynamics. Sincethe translational diffusion affects neither the electron spindynamics nor the molecular tumbling,2,5,21 we shall extractthe translational correlation function

CDiffp,q = TrDiffD0,1−p



exp− iLDiffD0,1−q


3 8

from the total correlation function of Eq. 7:

K1,1DD,Diff− I = 30 0

4IS2 1

2S + 1 p,q=−1

1 2 1 1

1 − p p − 1

2 1 1

1 − q q − 1


CDiffp,q TrL−Diff

Sp1+exp− iLL−DiffSq

1+exp− iId .


The operator LL−Diff contains all contributions present in

Eq. 5 except LDiff, i.e., LL−Diff= LZS+ LZFSS + LZFS

T + LD

+ LR. Hence, the operator LL−Diff is identical with the latticeLiouvillian containing the degrees of freedom that are rel-evant for the inner-sphere calculations, i.e., the electron spininteractions, the distortional motion, and the rotational mo-tion. In fact, the decomposition performed in Eq. 9 is nec-essary to carry out the final numerical calculations; the com-putational complexity would otherwise be too high. For aforce-free diffusion with a uniform distribution of the solventmolecules outside the distance of closest approach, d, andunder the assumption of the reflecting wall boundary condi-tion at rIS=d, the correlation function for translational diffu-sion takes the form16,17

CDiffp,q = CDiff = pq






81 + 9u2 − 2u4 + u6


d2 u2du , 10

where NS is the number of spins S per unit volume, whileDDiff is the relative mutual translational diffusion coeffi-cient of the molecules carrying the spins I and S, and isdefined as a sum of the diffusion coefficients of these mol-ecules. This form of the correlation function has been usedfor the calculations of the outer-sphere PRE when the elec-tron spin subsystem satisfies the conditions of the Redfieldrelaxation theory,21,22 and we shall use it in the general caseas well. This form of the translational correlation functionleads, when substituted into Eq. 9, to the following expres-sion for the spectral density, K1,1


K1,1DD,Diff− I = 300IS

42 1

2S + 1






1 2 1 1

1 − p p − 1 2 1 1

1 − q q − 1



81 + 9u2 − 2u4 + u60


Sp1+ exp− iLL−Diff +


d2 u21

+ iI1Sq1 ddu . 11

In this equation, we have interchanged the order of integra-tion, integrating first over time, and included the terms

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−DDiff /d2u2 and −iI into the exponential. One can seefrom Eq. 11 that the calculations of the spectral densityK1,1

DD,Diff−I can be performed in two steps. The first step isto evaluate the “internal” spectral density:

K1,1DD,Diffu,− I

= p,q=−1

1 2 1 1

1 − p p − 1 2 1 1

1 − q q − 1



Sp1+ exp− iLL−Diff +


d2 u21 + iI1 Sq1d ,


which is dependent on the u variable. In the next step, onehas to perform the integration:

K1,1DD,Diff− I = 300IS

42 1

2S + 1







81 + 9u2 − 2u4 + u6 K1,1DD,Diffu,− Idu .


The spectral density K1,1DD,Diffu ,−I can be evaluated by fol-

lowing the strategy of the inner-sphere calculations. Thetranslational degrees of freedom have been separated fromthe lattice dynamics and the averaging over them has beenalready performed resulting in the correlation function of Eq.8. Therefore, the infinite Liouville basis Oi appropriatefor the present case does not need to contain componentsassociated with the translational motion, it is sufficient to usethe inner-sphere basis formed as a direct product of ortho-normal basis operators: ABC for the distortional motionmodeled as pseudorotational diffusion,5,11,22,41 LKM forthe molecular tumbling, and for the electron spin sys-tem: Oi= ABC LKM .5,11,12 This re-duces very considerably the effective dimension of the ma-trix representation of the operator:

MDiffu,I = iLL−Diff +DDiff

d2 u21 + iI1 14

and makes the calculations practicable. It might be useful toremind that the electron spin basis operators are re-lated to the basis vectors S ,mSS ,mS forming the Liouvillespace for the S spin as follows:11,12

= m

− 1S−m−2 + 1


m + − m − S,m + S,m , 15

where ranges from 1 to 2S. The distortional and rotationalbasis operators ABC and LKM are defined as

ABC = ABCABC =2A + 1


, 16

LKM = LKMLKM = =2L + 1

82 DKML PSL . 17

The Wigner rotation matrices DBCA PTPS


are associated with the angles PTPSand PSL describing the

orientation of the principal axis system of the transient ZFStensor with respect to the principal axis system of the staticZFS, and the orientation of the latter relative to the labora-tory axes, respectively. Due to the appropriate normalization,the operators Oi fulfill the condition: Oi Oj=ij.The matrix elements of the Liouvillians contributing

to the operator MDiffu ,I= iLZS+ iLZFSS + iLZFS

T + iLD+ iLR

+ DDiff /d2u21+ iI1, were, with exception of the term

DDiff /d2u21, evaluated in the context of the inner-spherecalculations and collected in Refs. 11 and 12. Thus, to set up

the matrix representation of the MDiffu ,I operator, weneed to evaluate only the remaining matrix elements corre-

sponding to the operator DDiffu21 /d2. The evaluations are

simple and one gets immediately:


d2 u21LKMABC


d2 u2 . 18

Then, the spectral density K1,1DD,Diffu ,−I of Eq. 12 can be

rewritten and further evaluated as a matrix product:

K1,1DD,Diffu,− I

= p,q=−1

1 2 1 1

1 − p p − 1 2 1 1

1 − q q − 1


TrL−DiffSp1+ exp− MDiffu,ISq


= c1Diff+ MDiffu,I−1 c1

Diff . 19

One can identify, from Eq. 19, the role of the vector c1Diff

the index Diff refers to the translational diffusion. Thisvector contains three nonzero elements associated with thebasis vectors: ABC LKM = 000 000 1p,where p=−1,0 ,1. These elements are equal to 3j-symbols 2 1 1

2 −1 −1 , 2 1 1

1 0 −1, and 2 1 1

0 1 −1, respectively, and represent

the dipole-dipole tensor operator T11DD,Diff of Eq. 4. Com-

paring the present derivation with the inner-spherecalculations,11,12 one can see that the projection coefficientsare now associated with different basis vectors ABC LKM of the Liouville space. The differenceconcerns the rotational states LKM. The fact that the ro-tational motion does not modulate directly the dipole-dipoleinteraction implies that the nonzero projection coefficientsare now linked to the vectors corresponding to the rotationalstate LKM= 000 since DKM

L ML=D0,00 ML1.

According to Eq. 13, to obtain the nuclear spin relaxation

rate K1,1DD,Diff−I one has to integrate the K1,1

DD,Diffu ,−Ispectral density over u. This implies that one has to evaluate

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K1,1DD,Diffu ,−I for a number of u values. Therefore, the

present calculations are much more time consuming than inthe case of the inner-sphere mechanism. The outer-spherespin-lattice relaxation rate enhancement R1 outer is given as

R1 outerI = 2 ReK1,1DD,Diff− I . 20

It should stressed that the inner-sphere relaxation rate definedbelow Eq. 3 and the R1 outer given in Eq. 20 are not di-rectly comparable to each other. For a direct comparison,each of the terms has to be scaled by factors related to thenature of the complex and the solutions composition. Wecome back to this issue at the beginning of Sec. V.

The described procedure provides a very general recipefor the calculation of the dipolar spin relaxation in the pres-ence of translational motion. It is a counterpart of the inner-sphere slow motion theory. Computational details are givenin Sec. IV. Employing the general treatment of the nuclearspin relaxation modulated by translational motion, one candiscuss the efficiency of the resulting nuclear spin relaxationfor arbitrary conditions. Section V is devoted to this subject.


The computational complexity of the outer-sphere PREcompared to the inner-sphere PRE results from the integra-tion over the u variable, according to Eq. 13. The spectral

density K1,1DD,Diffu ,−I for a given u value is calculated in

analogy to the inner-sphere case.12 The procedure for invert-

ing the supermatrix MDiffu ,I Eq. 14 is based on the

Lanczos algorithm.46 The spectral density K1,1DD,Diffu ,−I is

determined by a 33 block of the inverted matrix. Since thetranslational degrees of freedom can be separated from theremainder of the lattice dynamics, they do not need to beincluded into the Liouville basis Oi. Therefore, the di-

mension of the supermatrix MDiffu ,I corresponds to thedimension of the inner-sphere supermatrix. As mentioned byBelorizky et al.,6 for the largest A and L values for distor-tion and rotation, respectively set to eight, the time neededfor a single point calculation does not exceed a minute on asingle-processor computer for most cases. Nevertheless, thecalculations of the outer-sphere PRE of the spectral densityK1,1

DD,Diff−I require performing the integration of

K1,1DD,Diffu ,−I according to Eq. 13. In consequence, the

time of a single point outer-sphere PRE calculation becomeslonger by a factor equal to the number of steps over u neededfor the integration. The integration limits, as well as the num-ber of integration steps, depend on the translational diffusioncoefficient DDiff. However, from the perspective of a user, itwould be highly inconvenient to modify these parametersdepending on the particular DDiff value. Therefore, oneshould find a compromise between the accuracy of the inte-gration for a broad range of the translational diffusion coef-ficients and the number of integration steps i.e., the com-putational time, taking also into account that the appropriateintegration limits depend on DDiff. For the range of diffusioncoefficients used in this paper DDiff= 2.010−10− 2.310−9m2 /s, the parameters: umin=0.05, umax=10.0,and Nint=100 Nint is the number of integration steps between

umin and umax are appropriate. For a considerably slower orfaster translational diffusion, the parameters should be suit-ably altered to improve the accuracy of the integration. Sinceone can hardly decrease Nint, the required computational timebecomes very long: to calculate an outer-sphere relaxationprofile consisting of ten points that is a minimum one needs15–20 h. Such a long computational time is not convenientfor practical purposes. This problem could be solved by par-allelizing the program, which we have not attempted at thisstage. Alternatively, the computational time can be shortenedby reducing the maximum values of the distortional and orrotational quantum numbers. The calculations presented inthis paper have been done for the largest A and L values setto four. The program with A=L=4 has been tested againstthe low field analytical relaxation formulas provided in Ref.21 for a broad range of diffusion coefficients and differentelectron spin quantum numbers. It has been found that, ex-cept for the case of a rather large static ZFS S

0.5 cm−1 in combination with a high spin quantum num-ber, the discrepancies do not exceed 10%. Setting A=L=4rather than 8, one can reduce the computational time by afactor of about 4; we consider this as an acceptable compro-mise. However, for a large static ZFS and high spin quantumnumbers one should increase the maximum distortional andor rotational quantum numbers to eight.

All calculations in this work are performed assumingcylindrically symmetric static and transient ZFS tensors, ES

=ET=0. It has been shown before that the rhombicity of theZFS tensor is important for the PRE at low field, in particularfor the integer spin quantum number,11,12,40,47,48 but we judgethat the rhombic case is outside of scope of this work. Forthe axially symmetric ZFS, it is common to characterize theZFS interaction strengths by parameters S2 /3DS andT2 /3DT. In addition, we assume that the principalframes of the intramolecular dipole-dipole interaction theM-frame and the static ZFS interaction the PS frame coin-cide.

The following comparisons give an illustration of thecomputational accuracy of the present software: for S=1,T=S=0, R=1 s, d=300 pm, DDiff=2.30−9 m2 /s,the low field limit analytical formulas of Ref. 21 yieldR1 outer=1.08 mM s−1, while the present calculations give:R1 outer=1.17 mM s−1 for both A=L=8 and A=L=4. For alarge static ZFS, DS=3 /2S=10 cm−1 T=0, R=1 s,d=300 pm, DDiff=2.310−9 m2 /s, the analytical low fieldlimit21 gives R1 outer=0.36 mM s−1, while from the presentcalculations one obtains R1 outer=0.385 mM s−1 for A=L=8 and 0.39 mM s−1 for A=L=4. The description of theouter-sphere relaxation for slowly rotating systems under theassumption that the electron spin is within the Redfieldlimit22 serves as another source of comparison. For example,for S=1, DT=0.02 cm−1, DS=0.05 cm−1, R=1 s, d=300 pm, DDiff=2.310−9 m2 /s, the treatment of Ref. 22predicts at low field R1 outer=0.84 mM s−1, while thepresent treatment gives R1 outer=0.91 mM s−1; at high field10 T the results are R1 outer=0.297 mM s−1 and R1 outer

=0.295 mM s−1 for the treatment of Ref. 22 and thepresent one, respectively. For a slower translational diffu-sion, DDiff=0.510−9 m2 /s and other parameters remain-

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ing unchanged, one gets R1 outer=2.85 mM s−1 andR1 outer=3.06 mM s−1 at low field from the approach ofRef. 22 and using the present software, respectively. At highfield 10T, the corresponding values are R1 outer

=1.06 mM s−1 Ref. 22 and R1 outer=1.045 mM s−1

present method.


The relaxivity spin-lattice relaxation enhancement at 1mM paramagnetic species is given as a sum of the inner-and outer-sphere contributions:

PRE = R1Ipq + R1 outer = R1 inner + R1 outer. 21

Here, R1I is the inner-sphere paramagnetic relaxation en-hancement R1I=2K1,1

DD−I, p is the ratio of the molar con-centrations of paramagnetic species 1 mM and the freeligand/solvent. In the following, we assume that the ligand/solvent is water. Then, q is the number of water molecules inthe coordination shell. The free water concentration in purewater is 55.6M. Thus, for proton relaxation in 1 mM solutionof a paramagnetic species in water, we get R1 inner

=qR1I / 55.6103. We should not forget that the outer-sphere term is explicitly concentration dependent, throughthe NS factor in Eq. 13. At 1 mM concentration of para-magnetic species, the NS in units of m−3 takes on the valueof the Avogadro number 6.0221023. In Eq. 21, the ex-change lifetime between the coordination shell and the bulksolvent has been neglected. The calculations presented in thissection have been performed assuming very fast exchangeprocess and setting q=1. The inner-sphere relaxation profileshave been calculated for the interspin distance rIS=300 pm,while the distance of closest approach for the outer-spherehas been set to d=380 pm. The distortional correlation timeused in all calculations is D=5 ps.

We begin the discussion of the outer-sphere relaxivitywith the case of S= 7

2 , which applies for Gd III complexes.Figures 2–4 correspond to three combinations of the tran-sient and static ZFS parameters: T=0.01 cm−1 , S

=0.01 cm−1, T=0.01 cm−1 , S=0.05 cm−1 and T

=0.05 cm−1 , S=0.01 cm−1, respectively. For every com-bination of T and S, we have done the calculations for fourtranslational diffusion coefficients: DDiff=2.310−9 m2 /swater diffusion coefficient at room temperature, DDiff

=1.1510−9 m2 /s, 0.510−9 m2 /s, and 0.210−9 m2 /s.For the first three diffusion coefficients in combination withvarious T and S, the calculations have been carried outfor four rotational correlation times, including a case of slowmolecular tumbling: R=100 ps, 500 ps, 1 ns, and 1 sslow rotation. The rotational correlation time and the mu-tual diffusion coefficient are both related to the solvent vis-cosity Stokes–Einstein–Debye and Stokes relations1,13.Therefore, for the slowest translational diffusion DDiff=0.210−9 m2 /s, we have excluded the shortest correlationtime, R=100 ps. In this way, we have covered a broadrange of parameters relevant for the outer-sphere contribu-tion to the spin-lattice relaxivity.

Figure 2A shows the ratio between the outer- andinner-sphere relaxivities at low field 1.010−4 T for T

=0.01 cm−1 , S=0.01 cm−1 plotted versus the translationaldiffusion coefficient for different rotational correlation times,while the inset shows the values of R1 outer in M−1 ms−1

mM−1 s−1. One can see from this figure that the ratioR1 outer /R1 inner increases when the molecular tumbling be-comes faster, i.e., the contribution of the outer-sphere relax-ivity becomes more significant. In the case of inner-sphererelaxation, the molecular tumbling plays a double role: itdirectly modulates the I-S dipole-dipole interaction and af-fects the electron spin dynamics and in consequence thenuclear spin relaxation as a source of modulations of theZFS interaction. The rotational motion modulates the orien-tation of the principal axis system of the static ZFS PS andcontributes to the modulations of the orientation of the PT

FIG. 2. A Ratio between outer-sphere and inner-sphere relaxivities at lowfield versus the translational diffusion coefficient for the spin quantum num-ber S= 7

2 : T=0.01 cm−1, S=0.01 cm−1, and D=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm. Inner-sphere relaxation has been calculated assuming that ex-change of solvent molecules is fast and the number of water molecules inthe coordination sphere is q=1. The inset shows the corresponding values ofthe outer-sphere relaxation at low field limit. B Outer-sphere relaxationprofiles corresponding to selected cases presented in A. Solid lines: R

=100 ps, dashed-dotted line: R=500 ps, dashed line: R=1 ns, dottedlines: R=1 s.

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frame; however, the distortional motion is usually the mainsource of modulations in the latter case. In the case of outersphere, the dipole-dipole interaction fluctuates due to thetranslational diffusion and the molecular tumbling affects thenuclear spin relaxation only via the ZFS interaction. In con-sequence, the inner-sphere relaxation is more sensitive to therotational correlation time, faster molecular tumbling de-creases its value more significantly than is the case for theouter-sphere relaxation. In the outer-sphere case, there aretwo sources of fluctuations of the dipole-dipole interaction:the translational diffusion and the electron spin dynamicsrelaxation. If the translational diffusion dominates i.e., if itis fast, the molecular tumbling has no significant influenceon the outer-sphere relaxation. This can be seen in the insetof Fig. 2A. Figure 2B shows outer-sphere relaxation pro-files corresponding to selected cases presented in Fig. 2A.For slower translational diffusion, the effect of molecular

tumbling on the outer-sphere relaxation is more pronounced.Moreover, we can also notice in the inset of Fig. 2A and inFig. 2B that, for the slow diffusion case, the outer-sphererelaxivity at low field increases with increasing R, whichcan be related to the slowing down the electron spin relax-ation outside of the Redfield limit.49 These effects can beobserved over a wide range of magnetic fields, cf . Figure2B where we can see relaxation profiles for different rota-tional correlation times and diffusion coefficients. In general,the outer-sphere relaxation rate increases for slower transla-tional diffusion. Thus, its contribution to the total relaxivitybecomes larger for slower translational diffusion and fasterreorientation. We note, however, that the electron spin relax-ation becomes slower for high magnetic fields.36 Thus, thetranslational diffusion becomes under these conditions thedominant contribution to the modulations of the dipole-dipole interaction and the outer-sphere relaxivity is practi-cally independent of the rotational correlation time.

FIG. 3. A Ratio between outer-sphere and inner-sphere relaxivities at lowfield versus the translational diffusion coefficient for the spin quantum num-ber S= 7

2 : T=0.01 cm−1, S=0.05 cm−1, and D=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm. Inner-sphere relaxation has been calculated assuming that ex-change of solvent molecules is fast and the number of water molecules inthe coordination sphere is q=1. The inset shows the corresponding values ofthe outer-sphere relaxation at low field limit. B Outer-sphere relaxationprofiles corresponding to selected cases presented in A. Solid lines: R

=100 ps, dashed-dotted line: R=500 ps, dashed line: R=1 ns, dottedlines: R=1 s.

FIG. 4. A Ratio between outer-sphere and inner-sphere relaxivities at lowfield versus the translational diffusion coefficient for the spin quantum num-ber S= 7

2 : T=0.05 cm−1, S=0.01 cm−1, and D=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm. Inner-sphere relaxation has been calculated assuming that ex-change of solvent molecules is fast and the number of water molecules inthe coordination sphere is q=1. The inset shows the corresponding values ofthe outer-sphere relaxation at low field limit. B Outer-sphere relaxationprofiles corresponding to selected cases presented in A. Solid lines: R

=100 ps, dashed-dotted line: R=500 ps, dashed line: R=1 ns, dottedlines: R=1 s.

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It is interesting to compare the low field values of theouter-sphere relaxivity as shown in Fig. 2A with corre-sponding values obtained for the static ZFS set to zero. Wecan use the latter values as corresponding to the Zeemanlimit or SBM-like theories yet retaining in principle themultiexponential nature of electron spin relaxation. Essen-tially, SBM-like theories neglecting the static ZFS interac-tion do not predict a dependence of the outer-sphere relax-ivity on the rotational correlation time. The R1 outer values forS=0, R=1 s and different translational diffusion coeffi-cients are compared to the corresponding values of Fig. 2AS=0.01 cm−1 in Table I. This comparison clearly showsthat the discrepancies at the low field limit between thepresent treatment and the SBM-like approach are significant.The differences at higher field are expected to be smaller.37,50

Figure 3 shows the effects of the increased static ZFS onthe outer-sphere relaxivity and the R1 outer /R1 inner ratio.From the inset in Fig. 3A, one can again see that, for fasttranslational diffusion, the electron spin dynamics is maskedby the translational motion and the static ZFS does not in-fluence much the outer-sphere relaxation. For slow moleculartumbling, the static ZFS affects the energy level structure ofthe electron spin and influences in this way the nuclear spinrelaxation. Fast translational diffusion leads also in this caseto a kind of “extreme narrowing” and the ZFS contributionto the electron spin energy level structures becomes less rel-evant. For slower translational motion, the outer-sphere re-laxation becomes more sensitive to the static ZFS. Compar-ing Figs. 2A and 3A, one can conclude that the ratioR1 outer /R1 inner changes due to effects of the static ZFS onboth the outer- and the inner-sphere relaxation in this case,the inner-sphere contribution becomes more sensitive to thestatic ZFS for slow rotation. Actually, for slow rotation, theR1 outer /R1 inner factor is smaller for a larger static ZFS. Onthe other hand, a larger static ZFS leads to a more pro-nounced dependence of the outer-sphere relaxation on themolecular tumbling. This can be seen comparing Figs. 2Band 3B. Differences between results of the present theoryand the SBM-like approach are in this case even larger thanfor the low static ZFS.

A larger transient ZFS causes a faster electron spin re-laxation and, in consequence, reduces the effects of the staticZFS depending on the time scale of the rotational motion,we can talk about reducing the relative contribution of thestatic ZFS to the electron spin relaxation or about maskingthe ZFS effect on the electron spin energy level structure.

One can see this in Fig. 4, presenting the numerical resultsfor a rather large transient ZFS T=0.05 cm−1 and a smallstatic ZFS S=0.01 cm−1. In this case, the outer-sphererelaxation does not depend significantly of the moleculartumbling. However, since the rotational motion directlymodulates the dipole-dipole coupling in the inner-spherecase, the ratio R1 outer /R1 inner depends on the rotational cor-relation time. Even though the large transient ZFS reducesthe values of the outer-sphere PRE compared to the case ofFig. 2A, the R1 outer /R1 inner factors are larger compared toFig. 2A, except of the case of fast reorientational motion. Itis so because the large transient ZFS reduces the inner-sphererelaxivity to a larger extent than its outer-sphere counterpart.This effect does not concern the case of fast molecular tum-bling, since the rotational contribution to the modulations ofthe dipole-dipole interaction overruns in this limit the elec-tron spin relaxation. Examples of outer-sphere relaxationprofiles, corresponding to Fig. 4A, are presented in Fig.4B. Again, we estimate the SBM-like outer-sphere relaxivi-ties by setting S=0. Also these results are shown in Table I.Since in this case the electron spin dynamics is faster itmasks to a certain extent the effect of the static ZFS interac-tion, but it is still relevant.

Outer- and inner-sphere relaxation profiles have differentshapes and, therefore, the R1 outer /R1 inner ratio changes withthe magnetic field. Thus, the outer-sphere contributionsmodify overall shapes of NMRD profiles. Examples of fielddependencies of the R1 outer /R1 inner ratio for the spin quan-tum number S= 7

2 are presented in Fig. 5.Next, we turn attention to the case of S=1, which for

example corresponds to Ni II complexes. Nickel II com-plexes are, in general, characterized by much bigger ZFSvalues, because of less symmetric electronic structure. Figure6A shows the R1 outer /R1 inner ratio and the R1 outer values atlow magnetic field. The transient ZFS has been set to T

=1 cm−1, which implies a fast electron spin relaxation. Sincethe static ZFS is at the same time even larger S=5 cm−1,it might also contribute significantly to the electron spin re-laxation. This effect is seen in the inset of Fig. 6A, inparticular, for the rotational correlation time R=100 ps andslower translational diffusion. Since the direct rotationalmodulation of the dipole-dipole interaction for the inner-sphere case is now masked by the electron spin relaxation,the R1 outer /R1 inner ratio is practically independent of the ro-tational correlation time. In Fig. 6B, we present examplesof the outer-sphere relaxation profiles corresponding to Fig.

TABLE I. Calculated low field 10−4 T values of outer-sphere relaxivity for different translational diffusioncoefficients, including and excluding static ZFS. All calculations use S=7 /2, R=1 s, D=5 ps, and the samegeometric parameters as in Figs. 2–4.


m2 s−1

R1 outer mM s−1 R1 outer mM s−1

T=0.01 cm−1,S=0.01 cm−1

T=0.01 cm−1,S=0

T=0.05 cm−1,S=0.01 cm−1

T=0.05 cm−1,S=0

2.310−9 5.7 6.7 4.6 4.91.1510−9 10.3 13.0 7.5 8.30.510−9 20.0 27.9 12.4 14.40.210−9 40.1 62.7 18.7 23.3

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6A. At low magnetic field, the electron spin relaxation isfaster and, therefore, the ratio does not depend very signifi-cantly on the translational diffusion coefficient, while forhigh fields this dependence is much more pronounced. In thiscase, the perturbation approach to the electron spin relax-ation fails badly; the predictions of the SBM-like descriptionS=0 are physically reasonable and yield the followingresults at the low field limit T=1 cm−1, R=1 s:DDiff=2.310−9 m2 /s: R1 outer=0.18 1 /mM s; DDiff

=1.1510−9 m2 /s, R1 outer=0.21 1 /mM s; DDiff=0.510−9 m2 /s: R1 outer=0.24 1 /mM s; and DDiff=0.210−9 m2 /s: R1 outer=0.25 1 /mM s. Here, the discrepan-cies between the complete description including the staticZFS interaction and the SBM-like description are even largerthan for the S=7 /2 case.

Figure 7 displays the R1 outer /R1 inner ratio as a functionof the magnetic field for S=1, in analogy to Fig. 5. At lowmagnetic field, the electron spin relaxation dominates overthe rotational contribution to the modulations of the dipole-dipole axis for the inner-sphere case; for that reason, the ratiois independent of the rotational correlation time. Since elec-tron spin relaxation slows down for higher magnetic fields,the rotational motion influences the R1 outer /R1 inner ratio inthat range.

In a recent study,51 we investigated proton NMRD pro-files for the nickel II ion solutions in water and water-glycerol mixtures. Fitting the calculated data to the experi-ments was carried out including only the inner-spherecontributions; the outer-sphere parts were estimated a poste-riori for the cases with highest and lowest viscosity, based onthe parameters obtained from the fitting and on the theory ofthe present paper. Unfortunately, the estimates presented inthat study were erroneous. The correct values for theR1 outer /R1 inner ratio in the low-viscosity case no glycerol,

343 K are 0.12–0.16 d=350 pm, DDiff=5.610−9 m2 /sdepending on the field, while for the high viscosity caseglycerol55%, 323 K the corresponding numbers are 0.10–0.23 parameters of line 4, Table III in Ref. 51, and d=350 pm, estimated DDiff=0.710−9 m2 /s. For the case of1 mM NiII in the acidified water, the pq value to be usedin Eq. 21 is 61 / 55.6103=1.0810−4, while the cor-responding number for 1 mM NiII in glycerol55% solutionis 1.3910−4.51 The NS value, relevant for R1 outer, is in bothcases 6.0221023 m−3.


The theory for outer-sphere paramagnetic relaxation en-hancement, derived in this paper, is a counterpart of the gen-eral treatment of inner-sphere paramagnetic relaxationenhancement.5,12 Since it is also based on expressing the lat-tice Liouvillian as a supermatrix in a vector space defined bya suitable set of lattice parameters, it can be applied beyond

FIG. 5. Ratio between outer-sphere and inner-sphere relaxivities vs mag-netic field for selected cases for the spin quantum number S= 7

2 . Solid line:T=0.01 cm−1 S=0.05 cm−1 , D=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm, R

=100 ps DDiff=2.310−9 m2 /s; dashed line: T=0.01 cm−1 , S

=0.05 cm−1 , D=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm, R=500 ps, DDiff

=2.310−9 m2 /s, dashed-dotted line: T=0.01 cm−1 , S=0.05 cm−1, D

=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm R=100 ps, DDiff=0.510−9 m2 /s;dotted line: T=0.01 cm−1 , S=0.05 cm−1 , D=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm, R=500 ps, DDiff=0.510−9 m2 /s.

FIG. 6. A Ratio between outer-sphere and inner-sphere relaxivities at lowfield vs the translational diffusion coefficient for the spin quantum numberS=1: T=1 cm−1, S=5 cm−1, D=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm.Inner-sphere relaxation has been calculated assuming that exchange of sol-vent molecules is fast and the number of water molecules in the coordina-tion sphere is q=1. The inset shows the corresponding values of the outer-sphere relaxation at low field limit. B Outer-sphere relaxation profilescorresponding to selected cases presented in A. Solid lines: R=100 ps,dashed-dotted line: R=500 ps.

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validity regimes of perturbation approaches. The main theo-retical and computational complexity is due to the nonexpo-nential form of the correlation function for translational mo-tion, which requires numerical integration leading to a veryconsiderable increase in the computational time. The theoryis used to discuss the contribution of the outer-sphere relax-ation to the total relaxivity at low magnetic field, and as afunction of the magnetic field strength. The relative magni-tudes of the inner- and outer-sphere relaxivities are calcu-lated for different values of the translational diffusion coef-ficient, the rotational correlation time, and the parametersresponsible for the electron spin dynamics, i.e., the ZFS in-teraction and the distortional correlation time. The calculatedexamples lead to the general conclusion that, for most cases,the outer-sphere contribution is relevant and should be in-cluded into the analysis of NMRD relaxation profiles. Thisconclusion is reached assuming the force-free translationaldiffusion and for a specific set of dipolar interaction strengthparameters, the electron spin—nuclear spin distance for theinner-sphere and the distance of closest approach for theouter-sphere case. The inner-sphere contribution scales asrIS

−6, the outer-sphere part approximately as d−3 this scalinghas been derived under simplifying conditions byAbragam;13 here, the situation is more complicated becaused appears under the integral sign in Eqs. 10–12. Thus,the relative importance of the outer-sphere mechanism woulddecrease if the distance of closet approach was assumedlarger with respect to the inner-sphere interspin distance. In-dependently of the interaction strengths, we note that theouter-sphere contribution is most relevant for slow transla-tional diffusion and fast molecular tumbling, while the roleof the outer-sphere relaxation is less important for slowlyrotating systems and fast translational diffusion.


This work was supported by the Swedish ResearchCouncil.

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FIG. 7. Ratio between outer-sphere and inner-sphere relaxivities vs mag-netic field for selected cases for the spin quantum number S=1. Solid line:T=1 cm−1, S=5 cm−1 , D=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm, R

=100 ps DDiff=2.310−9 m2 /s; dashed line: T=1 cm−1 , S

=5 cm−1 , D=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm, R=500 ps, DDiff=2.310−9 m2 /s, dashed-dotted line: T=1 cm−1 , S=5 cm−1, D

=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm R=100 ps, DDiff=0.510−9 m2 /s;dotted line: T=1 cm−1 , S=5 cm−1 , D=5 ps, rIS=300 pm, d=380 pm, R=500 ps, DDiff=0.510−9 m2 /s.

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