  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    General Principlesin


    Ma. Victoria M. Villarica M.D.

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Basic Principles:

    Pharmacologystudy of substances thatinteract with living systems to produce aneffect

    Pharmacotherapeuticsdrugs used in thediagnosis, treatment and prevention ofdiseases

    Toxicologytoxic effects of drugs

    Pharmacognosydrugs in their unalteredstate

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)



    Pharmacoeconomics Drugsubstance that brings about change

    through its chemical action

    Physical properties of a drug:

    a. physical nature of a drug

    b. drug size

    c. chemical forcescovalent, electrostatic,


  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Basic Pharmacologic concepts:

    1. Pharmacokineticsbody drug

    - drug-concentration relationship

    4 processes:A. absorptionrate circulating fluids

    factors: drug solubility, drug concentration,

    local conditions, blood flow, surface area

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Routes of drug administration:

    a. enteraloral , rectal

    b. parenteralIV, IM, SC, intraperitoneal,intrathecal, intraarterial, inhalational, otic,optic

    c. topical

    B. distributionsite of administration site ofaction

    factors: size of the organ, blood flow, solubility,binding

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Permeationhow a drug transverses the

    plasma membrane

    Passive diffusion, active transport, facilitated

    diffusion, pinocytosis

    C. metabolismbiotransformation; liver

    2 phases:

    1. phase Iintroduce or expose a functional

    groupe.g. dealkylation, oxidation, reduction,

    hydrolysis, deamination, cytochrome p450

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    2. Phase IIformation of covalent linkage

    between the functional group on the

    parent compound; cytosol

    e.g. glucoronidation, sulfation, acetylation



    D. excretionelimination; kidneys


  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    2 Basic Parameters of Pharmacokinetics

    1. Volume of distribution (Vd)amount of

    apparent space in the body able to contain a


    Vd = amt of drug in body / concentration (C)

    2. Clearance (Cl)ability of the body to

    eliminate a drug

    Cl = rate of elimination / C

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)



    a. capacity-limited eliminationvaries, dependingupon concentration of the drug that is achieved;

    saturable; dose/concentration dependente.g. phenytoin, ethanol, aspirin

    rate of elimination = Vmax x C

    Km x C

    Vmaxmaximum elimination capacity

    Kmdrug conc. at w/c rate of elimination is 50% ofVmax

    pseudo-zero order kinetics elimination isindependent of concentration

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    b. Flow dependent eliminationdependent on

    the rate of delivery of the drug to the organ

    high extraction drugs

    first order kinetics a constant fraction ofdrug is eliminated/unit of time; not saturated

    zero-order kinetics a constant amount of

    drug is eliminated/unit of time; saturable

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Other parameters:

    Half-life (t )time required to change the

    amount of drug by

    t = 0.7 x Vd


    Drug accumulationdrug interval is shorter

    than 4 t , accumulation is detectable

    Accumulation factor = 1/ 1fraction

    remaining before next dose

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Bioavailabilityfraction of unchanged drug reaching

    the circulation; extent of absorption varies

    first pass elimination

    ER = C liver

    Q (hepatic blood flow)

    Steady stateachieved when rate ofelimination = rate of administration

    rate in = rate out

    Area under the curve (AUC)1


    orderelimination; time concentration profile after adose; C is constant

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Minimum effective concentration Loading dose = Vd x desired plasma conc.


    - initial dose that is given

    Maintenance dose =

    Cl x desired plasma conc.

    bioavailability Therapeutic index (TI)dose to produce

    desired effect

    Intermittent dose: peakhigh pts. offluctuations (toxic effects)

    troughslow pts. of fluctuations (lack drug ofeffects)

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    2. Pharmacodynamicsdrug body


    inert binding sitebinds with a drug w/out

    initiating events leading to any of the drugs

    effects; buffers concentration gradient that

    drives diffusion

    active siterecognition site

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)



    a. Concentration effect curveresponse to low

    dose increases in direct proportion to dose;

    however, as dose increases, the response

    increment diminishes that finally, doses may

    be reached at w/c no further increase inresponse can be achieved

    b. Receptor-effector couplingtransduction

    process that occurs between occupancy ofthe receptors and drug response

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Spare receptor

    Receptor antagonistsprevent agonist from

    binding and activating receptors

    2 classes:

    a. competitive antagonist

    b. irreversible antagonistunavailable

    chemical antagonistprotamine and warfarin or


    Physiologic antagoniststeroids and insulin Receptor agonistfull agonist and partial agonist

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Signaling mechanism and drug action

    1. Intracellular receptors for lipid soluble agentsNO,hormones, corticosteroids, sex hormones, vit D,thyroid hormone

    2. Ligand regulated transmembrane enzymesinsulin, growth factor

    3. Cytokine receptorJAK enzyme, STAT; growthhormone, erythropoietin, interferon

    4. Ligand-gated channelsACTH, GABA5. G-proteins and 2ndmessengerscAMP, Ca, cGMP

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Relation between drug dose and clinical response

    A. Graded dose responsepharmacologic potencyEC50 and


    maximal efficacyextent or degree of

    an effect that can be achieved by thepatient

    B. Quantal dose effect responsemargin of safety;indicates variability of responsiveness; ED50, LD50,

    TD50, TI = TD50ED50

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Variations in drug responsiveness:

    - mechanisms involve alteration in

    concentration of a drug and changes in thereceptor



    Tolerance - responsiveness due to

    continued drug administration

    Tachyphylaxisrapid, diminishingresponsiveness

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Basic and Clinical Evaluation of a New Drug

    1st stepdiscovery of a potential molecule(chemical modification, random screening of naturalproducts, rational drug design, biotechnology andcloning)

    2ndstepdrug screening LEAD compound 3rdsteppreclinical and toxicity testing; limitations

    (acute and chronic toxicity, teratogenicity,carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, investigative

    toxicology) 4thstepevaluation in humans ; factors

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Phases of clinical trial:

    Phase 125-50 healthy volunteers

    Phase 210-200 patients with target disease

    Phase 3larger population; difficult phase;NDA is submitted and approval takes place 3

    yrs or more

    Phase 4 post-marketing surveillance;

    apply for a patent (20 yrs.)

  • 8/12/2019 General Principles (Pharma)


    Maraming Salamat

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