Page 1: GENE & JASON GLADYSZ · Visit DEKALB.CA for more info or call 1-84-GO-DEKALB “ It’s all about ” the bushels. 2ND & 3RD GENERATION CHARLIE LAKE, BC. For Jason Gladysz, leaving


Farmers who conduct DEKALB® Market Development trials are provided with seed at no charge. Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. ALWAYS FOLLOW GRAIN MARKETING AND ALL OTHER STEWARDSHIP PRACTICES AND PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. © 2017 Monsanto Canada Inc.

Their day includes research, strategic planning, market analysis, genetics, chemistry, and lots of hard work. When the Gladyszs choose to grow canola, they choose DEKALB® Genuity® Roundup Ready® canola.

Visit DEKALB.CA for more info or call 1-84-GO-DEKALB

” “ It’s all about the bushels.



Page 2: GENE & JASON GLADYSZ · Visit DEKALB.CA for more info or call 1-84-GO-DEKALB “ It’s all about ” the bushels. 2ND & 3RD GENERATION CHARLIE LAKE, BC. For Jason Gladysz, leaving

For Jason Gladysz, leaving a great job in the oil patch to farm full-time with his father Gene was not only an easy decision, it was his dream. Jason and Gene are farming the land that Gene’s dad cleared by hand, with an axe, when he bought it in 1939. Gene started farming with his brother Jack. Together, over the course of 34 years, they brought the farm up from 440 acres to what it is now. This year marks Gene’s 46th crop.

Gene and his wife, Wendy, raised their son, Jason, and three daughters, (Deanna (Calvin), Angela (Jeff), Stephanie (Levi)) on the farm. After high school, Jason graduated from the Trade and Instrumentation program and worked in the oil patch for the next 12 years. When sadly, Gene’s brother and business partner passed away. It was then that Jason made the easy decision to leave the oil patch to partner with his dad on the farm. Jason and Gene explained that although your relationship changes when you become business partners, when you are best friends, you make it work. “We work all year together and on the days we do get off, we still end up sheep hunting, river boating or eating supper together,” Jason laughed.

Gene’s wife, Wendy, and Jason’s wife, Jennifer, also hold critical roles, on the farm. Wendy does everything from fuel runs, to moving trucks, and helping with harvesting. She also did a lot of the cooking, but has passed on that torch to Jen, because, according to Wendy, “Jen is the best cook.” Jen spoils everyone at harvest bringing warm and delicious homecooked meals right to the ladder of their combines. She also does all the bookkeeping for the farm, and with two young daughters (Brooke and Braelyn), juggles dance, and gymnastics lessons too.

The Gladyszs are not only farmers, they are scientists, researchers, and innovators. They perform all kinds of their own trials, testing everything from fungicides and micros, to seeding and fertilizer rates, to new technology. They also grow 8 different hybrids, field scale. Every year, they apply what they learned from the previous season to better their operation. “Each year if we see a flaw, we analyse it and try to fix it for the next year. We only have so many years of farming so we have to make the most of it,” Jason explained.

They also appreciate the knowledge they get from local DEKALB® Agronomist, Carrie MacLean and local DEKALB® Territory Account Manager, Jason Casselman. “These guys are top of the list for people to deal with. We always appreciate any chance we get to learn from them,” Gene said. Carrie admires their willingness to try new things and look at innovative ways to improve their operation.

The Gladyszs number one priority when choosing their canola hybrids is yield. They were having a hard time finding a replacement for (the discontinued) DEKALB® 73-45 RR, but now after trying out 75-45 RR in their trials for a couple years, Jason said

“With 75-45 RR being early and having high yield potential, that’s what we have rolled into.”

The success of Tea Creek Farms is a result of teamwork, dedication, and the willingness to adjust and evolve with new developments in agriculture and technology. Those qualities, paired with the love that this family has for each other, points to a very bright and prosperous future for Tea Creek Farms.

We thank the Gladysz family for choosing DEKALB® Brand seed for their farm and wish them a safe and successful harvest this year and for many generations to come. Check out the results of farm-managed Market Development trials on this fall.




Seed 75-45 RR canola first and you can be first in your field at harvest. This broad-acre hybrid has been a top yielding hybrid across 2 years of DEKALB MD Trials*. *SOURCE: 2015-2016 DEKALB MD TRIALS.

First To Mature. First To Yield. #FinishFirst • 1-84-GO-DEKALB •



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