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Hidden & Dangerous 2: FAQ/Walkthrough by DR SMOOTH

Version .50, Last Updated 2004-03-11 View/Download Original File

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RELEASE NOTES: Version .50 created 3/11/04 by DR SMOOTH

WARNING: COPYRIGHT 2003 DR SMOOTH: This guide may not be

reproduced unless for private and personal needs. Hidden

and Dangerous 2 is copyright TAKE-TWO, THE GATHERING, and

ILLUSION SOFTWORKS. This is an unofficial guide and may not

be used commercially. Copyright infringement and plagiarism

are both punishable by law. This guide may not be used in a

password protected area, or one that requires monetary

payment to access.

REMEMBER: This is just a little guide may by me with a lot

taken from the Hidden and Dangerous 2 manual. There are

many ways to complete Hidden and Dangerous so just use my

walkthrough as a loose guide for your self.




This section will help you navigate my walkthrough.

1. Introduction

2. The Basics

2.1 Controlling the Squad

3. Walkthrough

4. Training

5. Campaign Artic

5.1 Operation Snowball: First Strike

5.2 Operation Snowball: Scout

5.3 Operation Snowball: Rendezvous

5.4 Operation Snowball: Iceberg

6. Campaign Africa

6.1 Operation Nomad: Spaghetti Airport

6.2 Operation Nomad: Air-Show

6.3 Operation Nomad: Guests

6.4 Operation Nomad: Caravan

6.5 Operation Nomad: Whiskey Bar

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6.6 Operation Nomad: Birds of Prey

7. Campaign Norway

7.1 Operation Seawolf: Steam Piping

8. Campaign Burma

8.1 Operation Stranger: Anthill

8.2 Operation Stranger: Mountain King

9. Campaign Alps

9.1 Operation Challenger: Babes in the Wood

9.2 Operation Challenger: Estate Agent

10. Campaign Normandy

10.1 Operation Overlord: Lighthouse

10.2 Operation Overlord: Blade Dancer

11. Campaign Czechoslovakia

11.1 Operation Liberator: Billable Entry

11.2 Operation Liberator: Mole in the Hole

11.3 Operation Liberator: Business

11.4 Operation Liberator: Annual Fair

11.5 Operation Liberator: Gin Send off

11.6 Operation Liberator: Final Show-Down

12. Characters

12.1 Secondary Characters

13. Weapons

13.1 Light Weapons

13.2 Medium Weapons

13.3 Heavy Weapons

13.4 Explosives

13.5 Gear

14. SAS History

15. Regions of Hidden and Dangerous 2

16. Multi Player

16.1 Death Match Levels

16.2 Occupation Levels

16.3 Objectives Multi Player

17. Easter Eggs

18. FAQ

19. Wrap Up


*****1. INTRODUCTION*****


This walkthrough is for the game known as Hidden and

Dangerous 2. This is one of the best games I have ever

played as it offers a unique version of war games balanced

with pure fun and action. The game takes place in World War

2 in many different areas. There are over twenty levels in

seven campaigns and each one is as fun as the next. During

each level you get to select the soldiers you take, up to

four, and the weapons you take. There are many ways to give

commands to your soldier which adds a lot of fun to the

game. Levels take time to beat but can be completed. This

guide will cover all of the missions found in Hidden and

Dangerous 2 including some extra information. I hope you

enjoy my guide and ultimately the game. Remember that this

guide will offer some help but will just help you through.

Completing the actions is on your part.


*****2. THE BASICS*****


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Controls: You need to know the basics right? So why not

start with the controls? Note that these controls are

default ones for the keyboard.

*Arrow Keys- These will move you up, backwards, sidestep

left, or sidestep right

*F4- Save

*F8- Load

*Backspace- Drop the weapon you are holding

*Tab- Cycle through your team members

*1- Select team member 1

*2- Select team member 2

*3- Select team member 3

*4- Select team member 4

*T- Brings up message line to talk to others in multiplayer

*Y- Brings up team message line to talk to teammates on


*~- Brings up message board that contains everything said

in the game

*I- Brings up your inventory

*B- Uses Binoculars if you have them

*P- pauses your game or unpauses

*Bracket keys [,] - Cycles throw your weapons and items

*Enter- Reloads

*S- Brings up objectives or score in multiplayer

*C- Switches to first-person or third-person

*V- Hides all objects on your screen

*M- brings up mouse

*Shift- lay down

*Ctrl- Kneel

*Space- Tactical squad management

*Home- Climb objects

*End- aiming mode

*Delete- Lean left

*Page down- Lean right

*Left mouse button- Fires or activates

*Right mouse button- Uses any object available to you




You can only control one team member during the game but

you can give orders to your teammates by using your

keyboards number pad. If you want to issue commands to your

teammates you have to select them.

*Numpad 0- Selects all squad members

*Numpad 1- Selects soldier #1

*Numpad 2- Selects soldier #2

*Numpad 3- Selects soldier #3

*Numpad 4- Selects soldier #4

*Numpad 5- Selects friendly unit #5

*Numpad 6- Selects friendly unit #6

After you have selected which soldier to give a command to

you can now give the command using a two button code. The

first button in the code will bring up a command group and

the second will select the actual command.

*Command Group 1: Movement*

This group issues orders by yelling them out to your

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teammates if they are in hearing distance. If they are not

in hearing distance it will not work. Watch out for enemies

hearing you though.

*Numpad 1: Follow me- Your soldiers will follow you in the

selected formation you have on.

*Numpad 2: Advance- When issued your teammate will advance

the direction you are looking.

*Numpad 3: Move there- When issued the soldier will move to

where your crosshairs are pointing.

*Numpad 4: Halt- When issued your soldier will stop


*Numpad 5: Hold Position- This will stop your soldier in

the direction they are facing.

*Numpad 6: Take cover- This will make your soldier take

cover in the direction you point them.

EXAMPLE: To make your soldier #1 follow you just hit 1, 1,

and then 2 and he will follow you.

*Command Group 2: Attack*

These commands are just to help you out when fighting or

about to. It is best to issue commands individually with

this group.

*Numpad 1: Fire at will- Whenever your soldier spots

someone or is shot at he will return fire.

*Numpad 2: Hold your fire- Soldiers will not return fire

*Numpad 3: Fire on my lead- When issued your teammates will

not return fire until you do so

*Numpad 4: Cover fire- Teammates will fire randomly to make

enemies head for cover.

*Numpad 5: Throw grenade- Soldier will throw grenade

*Numpad 6: Use RPG- If someone has a heavy artillery weapon

this will make them uses it.

EXAMPLE: To tell Soldier 4 to throw a grenade just type 4,

2, and 5 to throw one.

*Command Group 3: Action*

This command group will change depending on what you are

facing. Foe example if you are facing a door you can tell

someone to open, tell someone to switch uniforms by facing

a captured enemy, or tell someone to heal someone by facing

towards a wounded team member.

EXAMPLE: To get your soldier #3 to switch uniforms with a

captured soldier point at the captured soldier and type 3

then 3 and it will work.

*Command Group 4: Silent Movement*

The commands here are just the same as command group 2 only

now they are silent so you will not alert the enemy. To use

these commands you must have a direct line of sight with

who you are trying to signaling. Note that the commands for

this are the same as command group 2.

EXAMPLE: To get friendly unit #5 to follow you point at him

and type 5, 4, and then 1 to get them to follow you.

*Command Group 5: Silent Attack*

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This is the same thing as the attack command group only

that people with silent weapons will be used here. Also

your commands will be silent so face who you are giving

orders to. Note you can only use fire at will, hold your

fire, and fire on my lead.

EXAMPLE: To get soldier #2 to hold his fire type 2, 5, and

then 2.

*Command Group 6: Silent Action*

Same as action command group only now it is silent.

EXAMPLE: To get soldier #4 to open the door point at the

door and type 4 then 6.

*Command Group 7: Formation*

This command group will alter the formation of your group

and how they stand next to each other.

*Numpad 1: Point formation- Default formation in which

teammates will fan out behind you in a V-shaped formation.

*Numpad 2: Line formation- All soldiers will stand next to

each other in a line.

*Numpad 3: Column Formation- Your soldiers go out into a

column with each one behind each other.

*Numpad 4: Tighten formation- Teammates will move closer


*Numpad 5: Widen formation- Teammates will spread out from

each other.

*Numpad 6: Regroup- If teammates get separated they will go

back to last formation chosen.

EXAMPLE: To get your whole team in Line formation type 0,

7, and then 2 to get whole team in this formation.

*Command Group 8: Tactical mode*

This group refers to anyone given orders in tactical mode.

*Numpad 1: Signal 1 and Numpad 2: Signal 2- These commands

are used to execute soldiers orders in real time that have

been issued to soldiers in the tactical map after the wait

for signal 1 or wait for signal 2 commands that have been


*Numpad 3: Hold- Soldiers will stand still until next order

*Numpad 4: Continue- This order will resume the soldier

whose commands have been halted.

*Numpad 5: Cancel orders- Cancel orders for your teammates.

*Numpad 6: Back to formation- This will stop all teammate

commands and they will return to formation and now be able

to use commands told by them and not the tactical map.

EXAMPLE: To cancel all of your soldiers orders type 0, 8,

and then 5 to cancel all orders.

*Command Group 9: Call support*

This calls an air strike for multiplayer but a radio must

be equipped.

*Numpad 1: Call air strike- Calls an air strike on enemies

*Numpad 2: Call artillery- Summons a long air strike on

chosen point on map.

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EXAMPLE: To call an air strike simply type 9 and then 2.



*****3. WALKTHROUGH*****


The next few parts will be the actual walkthrough. Note

that every mission has multiple ways to complete them and

that my way is just one for you to notice and what I

prefer. Upon creating your profile choose your difficulty

level. You can either have easy, normal, hard, or very

hard. I believe normal is a decent difficulty for anyone.

Choose easy if you have never played this type of game


Before actually getting into the game you must choose what

type of game you will be playing. Note that the most common

is campaign mode where you just go through the levels in

order and can save and load whenever you want. You can also

do Lone Wolf mode if you want. This is campaign mode only

you get one soldier instead of four and you do not have to

worry about your team. Choose this if you want a challenge

or do not want teammates to control. Next is carnage mode

where you have to beat each mission but also kill every

enemy on the map. Finally you can choose to play single

mission or single mission carnage. If you choose this you

can play any level you have beaten before again for fun and

do carnage mode for a little added fun.

Now that you have chosen your game type, note that the game

is cut into seven campaigns each difficult in their own

way. Before you get into the missions you must choose you

characters. There are forty to choose from but you should

usually choose one good shooter to be a sniper, a good

medic, a good stealth person, and a good overall character.

After that you must choose weapons. Give the right weapons

to each character and take weapons you think you may need.

Note that you can always get more weapons and ammo in game

from enemies and supply boxes. Now you are ready for the

actual game. Listen to your briefing and then have fun.

This paragraph will now explain how to read my walkthrough.

First thing first every section starts with a paragraph

that tells about the game that you will find at the loading

screen for that particular level. Next I will tell you

primary objectives and then optional objectives. Next will

appear the list of needed gear you may or may not need.

Then there will be a little description and finally the

actual guide to the level. Remember that there are many

ways to beat a level and mine may not be the best or a

little vague but try to use it as a guideline. E-mail me

any better ideas or corrections you may have.


*****4. TRAINING*****


"All, who decided to join the ranks of the elite SAS, are

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experienced and battle-hardened warriors. Many of us are

officers but here in a training camp deep in the woods,

everybody is equal. One like the other we have to go

through the training course, obey younger instructors and

respect their command and rules."


1. The assault course

2. Shooting

3. Throwing grenades, bazooka shooting

4. Laying explosives

5. operating the vehicle

6. Diving

7. Obeying orders

8. Team action


DESCRIPTION: After you have selected your team members it

is time for training. You do not need to do training but if

you want some early help it is very helpful. Just listen to

your instructors and you should breeze through training.

GUIDE: At the start go straight ahead through the snake by

sidestepping. Next go over the first plank and back over

the second. Now go to the front of the little walls. Use

the home key to climb over each one. Then climb the smaller

ladder and go over the side. Next sidestep through the

trenches and finally crawl under the barbwire. The assault

course is done so head to the shooting rang in the back.

Once inside your first gun to use is either a Colt 1911 or

an Enfield .38. Choose whichever one you want and hit the

targets. Note if you run low on ammo you can easily get

some from the supply box. Next you get to use a M1 Thompson

or a BAR. The next room you use the Springfield optics.

Finally the last room contains the Browning M 1919.

The next area you should to go to is the grenade and

bazooka area right outside the shooting area. You get some

bazooka shells and Grenades in this area. Use the grenades

to kill the targets in the trenches. Use the bazooka to

destroy the tank and barrel.

Next go out the doors and find some steps to the explosive

area. Take the explosives and plant them in the designated

areas and then run to finish that area.

Now go outside and talk to the guy near the jeep. Take the

jeep and follow the signs to the pool. Once there take the

wire cutters from the box. Go down to the complex area and

use the wire cutters to go through the fence. Watch out for

the patrolling guard because if you are spotted you will

fail the mission. Go to the back building and in the locker

room find the scuba gear. Equip it and find the pool. The

dog tags are at the bottom so look around for them and once

you have them leave the pool. Take the scuba gear off and

get back to where you left the jeep. Remember to watch out

for the patrolling guard again.

Now take the jeep back to where you got it from and park it

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there. Now go all the way back to where you started and to

the tower. Three men will now join you. Tell the men to go

to the barrels off in the distance. Once completed you must

tell your men to crawl under the barbwire. Use the tactical

map and this should be easy. Congratulations you have

beaten training and are now ready for the first campaign.


*****5. CAMPAIGN: THE ARTIC*****


The Artic campaign is a four level campaign and has some

very interesting levels. From searching an enemy research

facility to exploring a large iceberg. For this beginning

campaign you'll need stealth and snipers. During the whole

campaign the only specific items you'll need is an

explosive, camera, and possibly a wire cutter. For the

whole campaign you'll only have what you start with unless

you can find a supply box. After selecting your four man

squad you now get to select your weapons you'll take.

Hopefully when selecting your squad you took a stealth man,

sniper, first aid man, and a good lock picker. Here is the

list of weapons you can get in the first campaign.


4 Enfield.38 with 20 clips

5 Colt 1911 with 6o clips

10 Fairbairn-sykes Dagger


6 Enfield MK.4 with 60 clips

4 De Lisle C.C. with 60 clips

3 M1 Garand with 35 clips

2 M1 Carbine with 24 clips

5 Springfield with 58 clips

1 Springfield (optics) with 58 clips

0 Enfield MK.1 (optics) with 60 clips

3 Sten gun with 32 clips

1 Sten gun (Silenced) with 32 clips


1 Bren gun with 17 clips


12 Grenade no. 69

13 Grenade no. 36

1 Explosive

5 Dynamites


Nothing special here


4 Compasses

2 Large first aid kits

6 First aid kits

4 Wire Cutters

7 Binoculars

8 Backpacks

1 Camera

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"We are ready for the airdrop to the Lofots Islands. After

the drop-off, we must immediately proceed to find a member

of the local pro-British resistance who will guide us and

show us where the mission objectives are located. We would

appreciate if he could provide us with information on

German guard placement but our guide is not a soldier and

therefore we cannot expect such a detailed tactical

preparation. In any case, we should soon reach a factory

facility where we will have to deal with guards first.

According to our intelligence service information, only

provisional units with insufficient training and equipment

have been deployed to the area. When we make sure nobody

can attack us from behind, we will start to search for an

entrance to the underground complex. Having found it we

will gather there and one of us will enter the complex to

discover its purpose."


1. Find and follow the guide- he must stay alive

2. Find the entrance to the underground complex

3. Kill all enemies in the complex

4. Gather your squad at the underground complex entrance


5. Destroy the truck loaded with explosives

6. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: 1 camera, 1 wire cutter, 1 explosive

DESCRIPTION: This level is fairly hard for being the first

level in the game but is not that bad. Make sure you bring

a stealth person with either a De Lisle or silenced sten

gun. Snipers are helpful and the camera is needed for the

next level. Wire cutters come in handy to. First aid kits

are essential and the explosive is needed to destroy the

truck with explosives. Also note that if you make a lot of

noise before you get to the guide he will take you to the

road that follows to the entrance. If you do not make much

noise he will lead you right up to fence around the


GUIDE: Your first move should be to go to the house in

front of you and kill the two patrolling guards with your

stealth man. If you look at your map you will notice that

there is a blue X on it. This is the location of your

guide. If you want to follow the road make noise before you

get to him. If you want to be stealthy do not make much

noise and he will lead you through the marsh right to the

complex. I prefer the road but it is up to you. If you

follow the road you will see a truck in the distance and

your guide will leave you. Kill the soldiers pushing or

near the truck. To complete an optional objective, take

your explosive and plant it on the truck anywhere and run.

After that, take a left at the junction towards the

complex. Use the forest for cover and try to snipe all

enemies. The guard tower near the entrance has a machine

gunner inside so take him out. After that, enter the

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complex to continue the mission.

Inside you will find many guards inside the complex. Take

them all out as you slowly move through killing everybody.

Be careful though when dealing with the dog as it can be a

real pain when it gets close to you. Also remember to check

the docks as there are three soldiers out here. One may be

stuck behind a box. When the message comes up saying you

killed everybody you should now find the underground

complex. When near the car in the middle of the complex go

towards the entrance. On your right there will be an

indention and that is where the entrance is located.

Mission successful. Note that if you are taken by the guide

to the fence of the base the level is still pretty much the

same. Clear out the complex then move back to the truck if

you feel like completing that objective.




"The second phase of the operation begins. One of us will

enter the complex and steal or photograph any suspicious

documents or anything that could be related to aeronautical

research. We have no information about the size of the

complex nor about the enemy strength, so you will be

completely on your own down there."


1. Photograph everything that is involved with aviation


2. Survey the underground complex

3. Place explosives in all designated locations

4. Return to the surface


5. Go unnoticed by the patrols

NEEDED GEAR: 1 Camera, 1 stealth weapon, 1 knife

DESCRIPTION: This level can be done two ways. Stealth or

all out kill spree. Stealth is harder at first but if you

want to complete the optional objective I advise you use

it. To complete the optional objective do not let any guard

raise the alarm on you. Also note that you only get one

soldier for this level. Bring your best stealth guy to

complete the optional objective. He must have a stealth gun

and even a knife helps. Do not worry about explosives as we

will find some in the actual level. Also note that you

should only plant explosives when you are ready to leave or

you will fail the objective of returning to the surface.

Remember do not let any guard raise the alarm, and even the

scientists. If the alarm does go off you'll lose the

optional objective and you'll hear a faint alarm noise

everywhere you go. Note that you can turn off the alarm by

pressing the switch and note that you can also turn it on.

GUIDE: At the start of the level take your soldier and head

down the stairs until you find the first door. Walk inside

and then close the door behind you. Lie down and wait for

the sleeping guard to wake up and open the door. When he is

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out kill him and observe his corpse to find two keys. Use

the keys to open the door or wait for an enemy soldier to

come in. Make sure to kill everybody you see. This means

the scientist up in the second floor when you open the door

as he will try to raise the alarm. In the next room there

will be a guard in the room on the right and left. Once you

get these two head to the room on the right and then

another right. In this room you should see someone

painting. Shot above his head or charge him and should give

up. Capture him and this will be your uniform for the

level. When walking around remember to drop any non German

weapons you may have. Equip your knife and maybe even take

a German MP 40.

Now after that, go back to the next room and go to the

bathroom. Wait for him to get out and then do stealth kill

to his back. Leave and go to the backroom and up the stairs

to find a lone scientist in here. Kill him and note that

dynamite locations should be coming up on your screen. We

will worry about that later though. Now leave here and go

back to the main room. Keep going and you should get to a

room with two scientists. Kill both of them with an MP 40.

Take a picture of the plane on the desk. Now around here

somewhere is another room with a scientist in it. Kill him

and take a picture of the board he was looking at. Now go

to the fuel room and kill anybody in here. Walk around

until in here until you hear something about a good spot to

plant dynamite. Now go back to the room with the two

scientists and go into the next room and go downstairs.

Note that once downstairs do not kill or shoot anyone. Your

uniform is your only weapon. Work your way around guards

and try to find a warehouse that tells you of a good spot

to plant dynamite. Now find a generator room and it will

tell you another spot to plant dynamite. Keep going and you

should see a wind tunnel thing soon. Go in there and take a

picture of the plane in the wind tunnel. This should

complete objectives one and two. Now find a room in here

with a general inside and a few weapons. Only take the

backpack and only four dynamites which are on the box. If

the general is in your way wait for him to move as any

aggression will result in raising the alarm. Next go to the

warehouse and not the generator. When the coast is clear

plant the dynamite in the designated location. Now run

upstairs and plant dynamite in the fuel tank room, the

control room, and the room near the beginning with a

dynamite spot. Once all four dynamites are planted,

excluding one spot, return to the surface through how you

got in to beat the level. Not if you are not using stealth

you can follow this guide just make sure to kill everybody

including the patrol that comes after the alarm.




"An evacuation vessel is about to reach the port. Before

boarding, we must find a fighter pilot who was shot down

and take him to the evacuation area. He should be waiting

for us together with the Norwegian guide by the cottage."

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1. Find the Pilot

2. Rescue the Pilot

3. Board the ship and leave


4. Sygurd rescued

5. Make sure the entire boat crew survives

6. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: Nothing much, just a lot of ammo.

DESCRIPTION: This is a long level and involves a lot of

sniping. Use your snipers and if you feel like it there is

a supply box in the woods that contains Springfields. Note

that this is the same level as the first one and is still

dark out. Move slowly and snipe all you see. Note that

optional objective 4 is when you meet the guide again. Some

snipers will pop out so save Sygurd. Also to complete

optional objective 5 once you get the pilot you must try

and get back to the docks in the complex as fast as


GUIDE: Right off the start, take your sniper and head to

the entrance of the complex. Kill any guards you see in the

distance ad soon there will be a supply box with ammo in it

near you. Take some ammo if you need it. Now wait for the

next group of enemy soldiers to come and snipe them out.

Once all of them are dead continue ahead to the

intersection. Snipe some more guys here. Note that if you

want to give a Springfield to any of your men there located

in the woods left of the main entrance. Now if you have not

yet taken your other men tell them to follow your sniper

through the level. Take a right at the intersection and

continue down the road until you find a truck in the

distance. Snipe any enemies near the truck and continue on

to the truck. Note that near the truck there are some

grenades in the supply box. Now a smart thing to do is

drive the truck there on to the road to block it. You will

see why later.

Now take two men and go right towards the cottage from the

first level. Walk in the woods to try and kill any men out

here. When farther up find the wreckage of the plane and

kill the two men around here. Now turn around and find the

cottage. Sygurd your guide is outside and tells you the

pilot is inside. Stay out here though because if you want

to save Sygurd now is the time to do it. Behind the cottage

an enemy will come from the mountain and there might be

some snipers in the trees. Once safe Sygurd will thank you

and take his leave. Now that you have the pilot head back

to the docks as fast as possible with him following you.

On your way back head to the road you came from. On your

way you should meet about three enemies. Make sure to take

care of the pilot as he only has a pistol. You can give him

items if you want but it does not matter. Now when back on

the road you will see a truck coming. Watch it try to push

the truck you put on the road out of the way. Shoot the

truck and watch it blow. Kill any survivors and regroup

your squad. Head back to the complex on your way you will

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meet quite a few enemies in places you already cover. Just

keep the pilot safe and all should go well. Once inside the

complex pick up some more ammo if you need it and continue

to the docks. You will meet some resistance but not much.

Once in the docks do not kill your allies. Head to the ship

and get the pilot to board it. Mission Successful.




"This is the last, originally unplanned, part of our

operation. We learned from the documents found in the

underground complex that the main research results were

transferred to a meteorological station. The Norwegian

station located on an iceberg where further processing and

evaluations are scheduled. We were able to reach land on

the iceberg thanks to the pilot. First we will survey the

surroundings, and then attack the German camp. Search it

and hopefully find the necessary documents."


1. Explore the Iceberg

2. Find the radio station

3. Prevent the submarine from submerging

4. Find documents containing research results

5. Seize the submarine

6. Inform command of the situation at the end of the



7. Carry out task so that no one can tell what happened

8. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: Nothing much, Enfield snipers given at


DESCRIPTION: This level is surprisingly fun and neat. The

level is a gigantic iceberg and we are finally greeted by

the sun instead of being in the dark. This level basically

comes down to sniping and protecting your snipers. You will

find another sniper rifle off the start so that greatly

helps. Also if you want to complete the optional objective

just kill everybody on the map. Have fun in this mission

and I hope you are a good shot.

GUIDE: Right off the start the pilot will began talking to

you. During this take your best sniper and make him drop

his weapon. Now get the Enfield in the box and a lot of

ammo. If you want two snipers have someone else get the

Springfield and pick up some more ammo. Note that the other

box also contains a Sten gun and a M1 Garand if you want

them. Group all your men and continue straight ahead up the

middle. After awhile you should come to high cliff drop.

This is going to be your sniping location. You can see the

whole German base good but do not fire yet. Set up your men

by having all snipers on the cliff looking out. Put the

rest of your men below them to guard them from anybody that

comes up to kill your snipers. Once you think you have

sniped everybody you can, including those in windows, head

to the encampment.

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If you have not already killed it watch out for the dog as

they can be real nuisances. Once close to the camp wait for

a general to walk out of the main building. Kill him to

prevent the launch of the submarine. Next send one troop

into the main building. Inside there are few guards but

there is a dog I believe. In the back hallway rooms is

where you will find the documents. On the left there should

be a room with them in it. Find them and pick them up. Now

walk outside and snipe the three guys who are coming down

the mountain to the north. Next go into the building next

to the main building and use the radio. Your next task is

to seize the submarine.

Kill all men on the actual submarine and the take a soldier

with some form of a machine gun. Climb to the top of the

submarine and go down the hatch. Once at the bottom there

are two doors to the north and south. Three enemies behind

each door so kill the guys in whatever door opens first and

then go kill the others. Once everybody is dead you have

seized the submarine. Now if you have not already completed

the optional objective do so now by exploring the whole

island to find any survivors. When satisfied go back to the

radio station and inform headquarters of your success.

Congratulations you have beaten the first campaign in the

Artic. Now for a change of scenery you will be heading to

Africa. Hope you brought your best pair of shorts.


*****6. CAMPAIGN: AFRICA*****


The Africa campaign is a grueling 6 level march from

hopping airport to airport and dodging enemy planes. It may

sound tough but in the end proves to be a very entertaining

campaign. If you were able to keep all your men alive from

the last campaign just use them again since their stats are

now superior to the others hopefully. Chose your weapons

off the start carefully as you will keep most of them for

the first three levels until you get to replenish your

supplies somewhat. For the whole campaign bring what you

normally would and make sure to bring some knives even.

Note that first aid kits and backpacks are essential. Here

is the list of weapons you will find in the Africa

campaign. Note that there is only one sniper rifle and one

stealth gun. There are a lot of dynamites but you do not

need them. Also note that you can take some German weapons.


5 Enfield .38 with 50 clips

4 Colt 1911 with 26 clips

2 German fighting knives

8 Fairbairn-sykes dagger


2 Karabiner 98k with 18 clips

2 Enfield MK.4 with 26 clips

1 De Lisle C.C. with 26 clips

2 M1 Garand with 25 clips

2 M1 Carbine with 20 clips

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0 Karabiner 98K (optics) with 18 clips

2 Springfield with 33 clips

1 Springfield (optics) with 33 clips

0 Enfield MK.1 (optics) with 26 clips

1 MP 40 with 11 clips

2 M1 Thompson with 32 clips

4 Sten gun with 50 clips

0 Sten gun (silenced) with 50 clips


1 BAR with 18 clips

1 Bren gun with 17 clips

2 M1 Bazooka with 8 clips


20 Grenades no. 69

22 Grenades no. 36

2 Explosives

15 Dynamites

5 Mines

2 Anti-Tank mines


Nothing special


4 Compasses

3 Large first aid kits

8 First aid kits

1 Binocular

10 Backpacks




"The mission objective is to capture a German officer named

Hans Schumann who has documents concerning attack plans in

Africa. We assume he will be in one of the airport

buildings, which are very well defended. Probably even with

heavy weapons. We can use aviation fuel tanks as a

diversion; their destruction will surely distract the

airport crew. As it is necessary to search the airport

thoroughly, we must suppress all enemy resistance.

Destroying aircraft is part of our work and there will be a

great opportunity to practice on some Italian targets at

this airport."


1. Find Hans Schumann

2. Find documents concerning Schumann's departure

3. Suppress all resistance at airport

4. Gather at the Flak vehicle or SAS jeep


5. Destroy enemy planes

6. Destroy the fuel tanks

7. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: 2 rifles, lots of first aid, maybe a bazooka

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DESCRIPTION: Before playing this level note that there is a

bug in this level that may make it unable to be beatable.

Sometimes you will not be able to kill everyone or you will

not be able to find the documents. Besides that when

starting you will see your team in a jeep. There are many

ways to beat this level but I like mine best. My way

requires quick action and exact placement. I think it would

help you if you brought 2 riflemen and the other two having

whatever they want. A bazooka may be useful but you can

find others in the level so do not worry. Do note however

that you must protect the jeep and flak truck depending on

which you want for the next level.

GUIDE: At the start take your jeep and drive down left side

of map. You should be next to a little hill now. Take two

riflemen and put them on the top of the hill looking out.

With your other two you will be using the jeep. Note that

after awhile reinforcements will be sent with a tank so act

fast. Before you drive off with the jeep tell your two

riflemen to fire at will. Circle around the level with the

jeep killing as many people as possible. Once done you

should be able to see enemies and tanks coming from behind

the hangar. Now act fast and park your jeep in the hole

next to the main airport building. Take only one man out

and head to the main building. During this your two

riflemen will kill all the reinforcements.

With your single guy in the building, go into the first

room on the left and talk to the general guy. He will tell

you Schumann has left. Next look at the desk and take the

key on it. Now go back to door in the back of the building

which is the storeroom. There should be a guy in here so

kill him. After that the storeroom contains panzerfausts,

karabiners, grenades, ammo boxes, and a lot of dynamite.

Now take a panzerfaust and go out the back and try to find

the tank which should be near your guy in the jeep. Once

the tank is dead go back into the jeep and try to clear out

the whole level. Look for enemies in trenches and holes in

buildings. Also there should be two or three guys in the

hangar near the main building.

Now after that take your jeep and destroy all the planes

and fuel tank with the machine gun. Once those objectives

are done you must now find the documents. These can be hard

to find but here are three possible locations. The

documents may either be in the main room in the main

building, on the left side inside the hangar, or in one of

the tents at the far end of the level. Now after you have

completed all of the objectives you either choose the jeep

or flak truck for the next mission. I prefer the SAS jeep.

Before the level ends to you might want some panzerfaust

rounds from the storage room.




"The only road we can use has been the center of heavy

fighting. Therefore it is probable that we will encounter

the remains of German convoys. What is worse, the road is

surrounded with dense mine fields. We have no other choice

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apart from accepting these facts and moving cautiously to

the end of the valley."


1. Go through the desert


2. Destroyed enemy armored vehicle

3. Prevent enemy from calling reinforcements

4. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: Nothing much except for a sniper

DESCRIPTION: Now depending on which vehicle you took from

last level you will either kill everybody or just run. The

flak truck is too small so you will have to fight. Also the

jeep is fast so you might want to run. Also note that you

should tell your squad to hold fire or they will waste ammo

on every plane that goes by.

GUIDE: From the start keep driving along the road. If you

look on your map you will see an X on the map. The X

represents where enemy patrols are located. When you get to

the first X area there is a guy in a machine gun turret.

Kill him and any of his companions. Now after that head to

the next area. Now if you have your jeep you can just run

down the side of the hill watching out for mines and enemy

gunfire. If not, go to the top of the mountain with your

vehicle. Snipe all enemies near the enemy flak truck. Next

send a guy with a bazooka to the destroyed tank. Use the

main weapon to destroy the tank. If it is still alive use

your bazooka. If you are interested there is an ammo box in

the middle of the valley. Now get your men into their jeep

and continue on. On the way you will meet an enemy in a

crater. After that you will come to the last area. There

will be a few guys in this area and four more coming from

the back. The four in the back will be coming out of the

destroyed truck in the background. Once all enemies are

dead continue to the end of the level. Note I am not sure

how to complete the optional objectives. Any information

will be greatly appreciated.




"There is an oasis in front of us where we can hopefully

get hold of a functional vehicle. What we know for sure is

that there is a German transmitter in the mosque. We must

make sure they do not use it to call in reinforcements. The

oasis is occupied by a well trained crew and defended by

heavy machine guns, positioned on the ramparts. When we

fight our way inside, we will clear the oasis from all

enemy soldiers."


1. Find new functioning vehicle

2. Contact HQ using radio transmitter

3. Protect the mechanic

4. Kill the enemy

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5. All team members must survive


DESCRIPTION: This is an awesome level that requires ranged

and close quarter battle. There are many ways to complete

this level with many entrances to the mosque but use my way

as a guide. Note that once inside watch out for enemy

grenades as they will kill you and the mechanic in one


GUIDE: Right off the start you are forced to abandon your

good vehicle from last level. Now take your sniper and the

group and head for the ruins just ahead of you. Use the

ruins as cover as you snipe everybody you can. Watch out

for any soldiers in the ruins however and the guy in the

tower. Next after the area is secured head to the other

ruins to your left. Use those as cover as you once again

snipe all enemies inside and outside. Now it is not

necessary but I advise to circle around the oasis once to

kill any one outside and on the ramparts of the oasis. Once

ready go through the main entrance of the oasis.

Slowly circle around killing everybody you see once inside.

Be cautious of many enemies hiding in each building and

watch out for grenades. Once in the back find the mechanic.

He is wearing blue and is near the truck just to warn you.

Do not shoot him and make sure he is safe. Now head into

the mosque and kill the guy at the radio station. Do not

kill the doctor as he will help you next level. Take some

health kits if you wish. If you have killed everybody use

the radio station to finish the level. If you have not

killed everybody, just look around and try to kill any





"The Oasis and a functional vehicle are ours. Our task now

is to defend both of them, which means preventing the

enemies from entering the oasis and damaging our newly

acquired transport. Further progress would be endangered,

if not impossible and successfully capturing Schumann would

become uncertain if we fail."


1. Defend the oasis

2. Prevent the repaired vehicle from being damaged


3. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: Nothing much

DESCRIPTION: After three hard levels you are rewarded with

the following extra supplies from the pre mission screen.


1 M1 Garand with 15 clips

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2 M1 Carbines with 22 clips

1 Springfield with 12 clips

0 Springfield (optics) with 12 clips

1 Sten gun with 19 clips

0 Sten gun (silenced) with 19 clips

Now that is not that helpful but useful. Take what you need

then get into battle. The level requires careful planning

and action. If the level is set up well, you will do well.

If done correctly, not a single person will get into your


GUIDE: At the start of the level send two guys to the

mosque. Inside you will find mines, bazookas, med kits, and

the doctor. The doctor will join you so give him some

weapons and tell him to guard the main entrance. Now you

should place some mines at the main entrance and side

entrance on the south side. After that take one man and put

him in the machine gun tower in the south east side facing

the area between the ruins. Here is where the enemy will

come. Next take someone and give them a bazooka and shells

from the mosque. Put them on the wall near the main

entrance. Your next guy should be put on a wall on the

south side. Now when ready take your sniper. Use him to

inform HQ with the radio station. Now take him up near your

machine gunner. Be ready now for the German convoy.

Remember that all enemies will come through the pass in

between the ruins. First a truck will come through.

Controlling your sniper take out the driver. Your machine

gunner will get the survivors. When you see a tank coming,

find cover with your men. This means taking your machine

gunner out of his post. When you see the tank goes by get

back into your positions. Note that the tank goes around

and parks at the North West side. Now kill all comers

including those to your side. Soon an armored vehicle will

come by. Wait for him with your guy on the wall near the

main entrance. When in view shoot the armored vehicle with

a bazooka. This will destroy it and the crew inside. Note a

tank will soon park near your machine gunner. When things

calm down you must now kill the tanks. Take a bazooka man

with extra shells from the mosque and get the two tanks.

One is near your machine gunner and one is in the back. To

kill them without killing yourself get behind the tanks and

shoot them in the back for one shot kills. Circle around to

find any survivors if you do not get objective accomplished

for killing everybody.




"We are at the Abn-Sin-Oan airport. Hans Schumann, whom we

must capture and prepare to transport to Great Britain, is

probably located there too. As further movement trough the

desert is impossible, we will have to use one of the planes

that are prepared to take off. We also know about some

storage facilities in the airport area and their

destruction would surely make the German position a bit

more complicated."

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1. Find and capture Hans Schumann

2. Force Hans Schumann to cooperate

3. Hans Schumann must survive

4. Kill enemy around the runway

5. Leave with Hans Schumann in a JU88


6. Destroy the heavy German equipment

7. Destroy the fuel storage

8. Destroy the planes

9. Find out information on German reinforcements

10. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: De Lisle, knife, German uniform

DESCRIPTION: Here is a neat little level where you can just

go crazy with a tank. Before the mission remember to give a

stealth gun and a German uniform to your best stealth

soldier. This level is very easy if done correctly and

should give you some excitement.

GUIDE: Right off the start take your stealth guy and kill

the two men in your room. Make sure you have a silent

weapon as you might make noise and have the whole airport

after you. Now take your stealth guy again and go outside.

Knife the guy in the back that is patrolling around. After

that you should go into the far hangar. Listen to the

conversation to complete objective 9. Now look at your map

and try to find the tank yard. There is one tank out and

one will drive out when you are done. Move silently to the

third tank parked and jump into the main weapon. Kill the

two enemy tanks by shooting them in their turrets and use

the machine gun to kill any guards running around. Your

next action should be to go back to the beginning and pick

up your team. Once your tank is full go circle around the

map a few times to kill everybody. Also kill every plane

except for the big one near the main building.

Now your objective is to clear out every building and all

the trenches outside if you have not already. First let us

get the storage room near the beginning. Once cleared out

you will find grenades and a lot of panzerfausts. Next you

should clear every hangar including the two planes hidden

in them. There is a plane in the middle of the back three

hangars and one in the room where you listened to the

conversation from the beginning. Next go back to the tank

area. Clear these rooms and destroy all of the fuel tanks

if you have not already. Now you should go to the rooms

next to the main airport buildings. Finally we can clear

out the main airport building. Make your way through

killing everybody. Note that Hans Schumann is on the second

floor in the back hallway. Find him and tell him to follow

you. Note that there is also a guy on the very top of the

building. Go up the ladder and kill him to hopefully clear

the runway. Now to destroy the heavy German equipment you

must destroy your tank with some panzerfausts. To finish

the level simply get all your men to surround the big plane

near the main building.


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"It might seem nothing can stand in our way, but the

pursuing German fighter pilots think differently. We must

defend our plane against vastly superior forces and



1. Fly through the canyon


2. All team members must survive


DESCRIPTION: For the whole level you are in a plane

shooting down enemy planes in a big canyon.

GUIDE: I cannot help you to much on this level as it is

just basically you and your teammates shooting down the

enemy planes. Note that when your wings are burning your

damaged and almost dead. I hope you have good aim as this

level can be quite hard. Note that there are only so many

planes. When you shoot one down it will not come back.

Congratulations you have beaten the second long campaign.

Have fun with the next short campaign.


*****7. CAMPAIGN: NORWAY*****


After a long campaign in Africa, be prepared for a short

one level campaign in Norway. You will finally experience

swimming and submarine usage. The only level in this

campaign however relies heavily on stealth. Since you get

to select four silenced weapons I suggest you take them.

The De lisle and silenced Sten gun are very useful. Have

fun with it and be cautious. Just incase you wanted to know

here is the list of weapons for the third campaign.


4 Enfield .38 with 25 clips

2 Colt 1911 with 38 clips

5 Fairbairn-sykes dagger


1 Karabiner 98K with 8 clips

2 Enfield MK.4 with 21 clips

2 De Lisle C.C. with 38 clips

3 M1 Garand with 35 clips

4 M1 Carbine with 35 clips

0 Karabiner 98K (optics) with 8 clips

2 Springfield with 35 clips

1 Springfield (optics) with 35 clips

0 Enfield MK.1 (optics) with 21 clips

1 MP 40 with 12 clips

5 M1 Thompson with 40 clips

3 Sten gun with 40 clips

2 Sten gun (silenced) with 40 clips

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1 BAR with 10 clips

1 Bren gun with 12 clips


3 Magnetic mines


British diver sets


4 Compasses

4 Aqua lungs

4 First aid kits




"We will navigate through the entry of an inlet in a mini-

submarine and approach two ships which are anchored there.

The first ship is the Tirpitz, on which we will place a few

magnetic mines. Then we will move to the minesweeper, which

has the German scrambler 'Enigma' onboard. While searching

for this device, we cannot afford to alert the Tirpitz, as

this would jeopardize the entire mission. After acquiring

the 'Enigma' we will return back to the extraction ship

before anyone realizes it is missing."


1. Place explosives in strategic locations on the


2. Place explosives in strategic locations on the


3. Acquire the Enigma scrambler from the minesweeper

4. Do not sound the alarm on the Tirpitz

5. Return back to the drop ship


6. Find the book of codes

7. Find the cruise plan

8. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: 3 Magnetic mines, knife, De Lisle

DESCRIPTION: This is the first mission where you get to go

swimming. It is a stealth mission so I hope you brought a

good stealth soldier with a knife and De Lisle. Note that

through the whole entire mission you must try to make as

little noise as possible or you will warn the Tirpitz and

lose the mission. This mission is very short but can be


GUIDE: Right from the start take all your men and put them

into the two submarines. Each submarine can hold two men.

After that, head straight ahead to the Tirpitz. Go

underneath it and look for spots to plant your magnetic

mines. They will be marked as red locations. There will be

two spots on the Tirpitz. When that objective is

accomplished, head to the minesweeper. Plant the magnetic

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mine in the designated location and complete objective 2.

Now we must board the minesweeper.

Take your best stealth guy and find the ladder on the

minesweeper pointing away from the Tirpitz. Climb the

ladder but be careful of the guards. If you make to much

noise you will alarm the Tirpitz and lose the mission. Use

your De Lisle and kill every guard you see. After that, go

up the stairs and down the other side. Find the door on

this side straight ahead from the stairs.

Once inside, go into the next room. Kill the guard in here.

Next you should open up the second door on the left to find

a sleeping guard. Shoot above him and when he wakes up he

will surrender so take his uniform. Remember to drop any

non-German weapons you have and your diving gear on your

back. Take an enemy gun if you wish. Now go into the door

in the very back marked "Kapitan" or captain. In another

room you will find the captain. Shoot him and move on to

the last room on the side to find the "Enigma" on a desk.

Also the book of codes is in the safe located next to the

bed under the removable floor board.

Now to get the cruise plan go to the second deck outside.

Go inside and knife any enemies. The plans are on a desk in

one of the back rooms. Now we are ready to leave and head

back to the drop ship. Make sure to get your diving gear

and uniform back from the guard or you will drown in the

water. Leave the boat and go back to where you started and

then head for the boat near there to finish the level.

Congratulations you have completed the easiest campaign.


*****8. CAMPAIGN: BURMA*****


Now you are ready for the dark and concealing forests of

Burma. This campaign contains two great levels each with

great objectives and scenery. Prepare for slow movement

through the forest as it is almost impossible to see ahead

of you. For these levels you should definitely bring a De

Lisle, sniper, and machine gun. Required items also involve

three bags of explosives. Note grenades are helpful as

well. Here is the list of available weapons in Campaign 4.


4 Enfield.38 with 36 clips

2 Colt 1911 with 57 clips

8 Fairbairn-Sykes dagger


2 Enfield MK.4 with 28 clips

2 De Lisle C.C. with 57 clips

2 M1 Garand with 32 clips

2 M1 Carbine with 31 clips

3 Springfield with 51 clips

1 Springfield (optics) with 51 clips

1 Enfield MK.1 (optics) with 28 clips

1 MP 40 with 10 clips

4 M1 Thompson with 33 clips

4 Sten gun with 50 clips

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1 Sten gun (silenced) with 50 clips


1 BAR with 12 clips

1 Bren gun with 12 clips


20 Grenades No. 69

25 Grenades No. 36

2 Explosives

7 Dynamites


Nothing special


4 Compasses

1 Large first aid kit

6 First aid kit

7 Backpacks




"We are struggling on through the jungle heat, humidity and

mosquitoes. There is an important bridge ahead of us,

serving as a crossing for Japanese convoys. We must destroy

it and survey the area to find out what they are



1. Find out what the trucks are transporting

2. Acquire technical specs for the parts

3. Destroy the parts

4. Destroy the bridge

5. Team must gather in the escape area


6. Find the Japanese officer's katana

7. Destroy the radio station

8. Find identification tags from squad that came before


9. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: 3 Explosive pouches, De Lisle

DESRIPTION: Watch out for the bunkers. On your map every

little tiny X is a bunker so be careful. Also use stealth

when moving around as it is very hard to see. If you stay

aware of bunkers and stay close you should be able to

finish the level pretty easy.

GUIDE: Right off the start, kill the two guards who come

straight at you. Next take a sniper and someone with De

Lisle and continue forward. When you come to the bridge,

watch out for the machine gunner. Either snipe him or have

someone walk to the entrance of the bunker. Note that to

take out bunker stand out behind the door and wait for it

to open up and kill whoever comes out. Now use your sniper

and kill anyone crossing the bridge or near it. After that

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continue forward on the side you are on. When you get far

enough find the knocked down tree and cross it. Have your

other two men go guard the bridge.

After crossing the bridge kill the men in the two bunkers

here. Note you should use your gun here to locate all

bunkers near you. Now we should clear out the tent area.

There are six guys here so snipe from a distance. After

that go and check the area with boxes to complete objective

1. Now we have to find the documents which are located in

the hut in the back. Note the documents are a big textbook.

Also one hut contains the katana if you want to take it.

Also the radio station is in a small hut in the back as

well so shoot it to destroy it. Next we should plant some

dynamite in the center of the boxes near the tents to

complete objective 3. Next your goal should just be to

circle around and kill every guard in the bunkers. When all

clear remember we still have the bridge to take care of.

Plant an explosive on that and run. After that head for the

escape area which is a big blue X on your map. Near this

area is also the identification tags on an ally if you want

to find them.




"Having left the jungle, we met another unit. Its leader

asked us to help them attack a network of bunkers lying at

the top of the hill, from where the Japanese are

controlling the whole surrounding area. The covering of

mist could give us the element of surprise, although it

will be very hard to recognize friend from foe. What is

more, the whole area is being shelled regularly. God bless

the artillery but I hope the shells do not land on us."


1. Seize the bunker on the hilltop

2. Team must gather in the escape area


3. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: Snipers, sub machine guns

DESCRIPTION: This is a run up the hill level where you will

have help from many computer allies. The level is basically

just killing everybody in the bunkers. Do watch out for

machine gunners though and the occasional air strike. If

you need extra weapons you are also welcome to take some

extra weapons that are given to you. Here is the list. Note

you can now get Japanese weapons.


2 Colt 1911 with 18 clips

2 Taisho 14 with 25 clips

1 Fairbairn-Sykes dagger


0 De Lisle C.C. with 18 clips

1 M1 Garand with 18 clips

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1 Arisaka with 15 clips

1 Arisaka (optics) with 15 clips

2 Sten gun with 36 clips

0 Sten gun (silenced) with 36 clips


1 BAR with 14 clips


3 Grenades No. 69

7 Grenades type 97


2 First aid kit

GUIDE: Right off the start, get you and your men to follow

the tank. Keep marching up the hill following the tank

killing any resistance. After awhile the tank will be

destroyed however. Continue and get to the top of the hill.

From up here snipe and kill everyone up here. Watch out for

the grass in the back as three enemies will soon come from

there. On your map there are little black figures locating

the hatches that lead into the bunkers. Send one guy into

one of the hatches while the rest guard the hill outside.

Your objective in the bunker is to kill everybody in each

room. Make sure you clear everything. Two of the hatches

connect to each other and one is separate. In the bunkers

it is helpful to toss grenades around to kill people. Also

go slowly as many enemies will come out when you are not

looking. When it appears saying you have completed the

objective take your men to the extraction area which is

located by the big blue X marked on the map.


*****9. CAMPAIGN: ALPS*****


This is another two level campaign and is very cool. You

will start in a long canyon pass and then go on a stealth

mission in the Alder Castle. The campaign only requires a

bazooka and possibly some grenades and a silenced weapon.

Here is the list of weapons you will find in the Alps



4 Enfield.38 with 25 clips

2 Colt 1911 with 38 clips

8 Fairbairn-Sykes dagger


1 Karabiner 98K with 8 clips

2 Enfield MK.4 with 27 clips

2 De Lisle C.C. with 38 clips

1 M1 Garand with 17 clips

1 M1 Carbine with 17 clips

0 Karabiner 98K (optics) with 8 clips

2 Springfield with 26 clips

1 Springfield (optics) with 26 clips

1 Enfield MK.1 (optics) with 27 clips

2 M1 Thompson with 26 clips

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4 Sten gun with 60 clips

2 Sten gun (silenced) with 60 clips


1 26 ZB with 17 clips

1 BAR with 14 clips

1 Bren gun with 16 clips

1 M1 bazooka with 2 clips


18 Grenades No. 69

24 Grenades No. 36

2 Mines

1 Anti-tank mine


Nothing Special


4 compasses

1 Large first aid kit

4 First aid kit

8 backpacks




"We are closing in on the Alder Castle. We will try to get

through the German guards and eliminate one of the truck

drivers who are passing through the area. We will acquire

the necessary documents and uniform from him which will

hopefully help us to get inside the castle."


1. Acquire papers from the driver

2. Acquire uniform from the driver

3. Depart for the castle in disguise


4. Civilians must survive

5. Sever the telephone lines

6. Destroy armored vehicle

7. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: Bazooka, silenced weapon

DESCRIPTION: This level is a long straight trek through a

valley in the Alps. During the level you will find many

enemies and many enemies that may come from behind you.

Remember to bring rifles and a bazooka. Also remember at

the end of the level be quiet or you will fail the mission

unless you cut the telephone wires. Also be warned of

civilians and do not kill them.

GUIDE: Right at the start toss a grenade and kill the three

men near you. After that, go ahead straight. You will soon

see some men cutting lumber. These are civilians so do not

kill them. However you should kill the guards around there.

Some more are hiding along the side of the mountain in the

middle. A little farther up you will find some more guards

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including a dog. After that, go through the clearing in the

middle of the mountains. Kill the few soldiers and snipe

the machine gunner on the cliff and up ahead on the road.

Wait here until an armored vehicle comes from the road to

the left of you. When it comes, shoot it with the bazooka.

Now continue ahead to the first machine gun. There is a

supply box here if you need it. Continue ahead to another

mounted machine gun on a cliff. Kill all of the guards that

are playing cards and wait for a minute. Some more troops

will come from the forest to your left. Now continue around

the area and kill everybody.

Now leave everybody behind and only take your best stealth

guy. Make him run into the last area around the mountain.

Kill the guy near the mountain with a silenced gun and keep

going. Go behind the house and use the white box there to

severe the telephone lines. Kill the enemies in front of

the house and then listen to the conversation. When the

truck driver comes out shoot above his head and he will

surrender. Now look behind you and get ready to kill two

guards that come from the road behind you. Once dead take

the truck drivers uniform and the documents he was holding.

Also find a MP 40 to take along. Get in the truck and drive

along to complete the level.




"One of us succeeded in getting inside the castle and is

surveying it now. In order to avoid possible danger he must

bring the documents to the lieutenant and then find our

agent. She will take him to the archives and help him find

the necessary documents. They must act as quickly as

possible before the German soldiers guarding the archives

begin to suspect something. As soon as this is done, they

will move to the main gate and leave the castle. Agent

Salter is going with us; her continued presence at the

castle would be extremely dangerous."


1. Hand the documents to the officer

2. Wait for the soldiers in the storage area

3. Contact agent Salter

4. Find required documents in the archives

5. Flee towards the main gate


6. Recover the stolen paintings

7. Agent Salter must survive

NEDED GEAR: German uniform, German papers, MP 40

DESCRIPTION: This level is very hard if you do not know

what you are doing. Luckily I can tell you and help you.

First of all stealth is key in this mission so drop all

non-German guns, backpacks, and any thing else that may

give you away. Keep watching your stealth bar and make sure

it stays up and not all the way down. In the beginning do

not kill anyone either or you will sound the alarm and


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GUIDE: Right at the start leave the first room. Go out to

the courtyard and look for a room under the siding that has

a red mark next to it. Go inside and put the papers on the

red designated location. After that, go back to where you

started. Wait here until some guards come and it says

objective completed. Next you should leave that room and go

into the door on the left. Continue down this hall and find

some stairs. On these stairs you should find a mural. Use

this to know where you are. Now after that turn right into

the double doors, left through the large room, go right

through the next door, go down some steps, and then on the

right in a library is Agent Salter. Now follow her to the


Once at the archives pick up the documents. They are in the

back on a cabinet. After you pick them up prepare to kill

all enemy guards. Your objective is to run to the gate but

it may be better to kill everybody. Note when you are low

on ammo pick some up on enemy soldiers. Have Salter follow

you and even give her a weapon. Find your way to the

courtyard and clear it out. Now if you want the stolen

paintings they are on the top floor behind a painting.

Start at the courtyard and go into the "munitions lager"

then up the stairs. Turn right at the top of the stairs and

the first painting covers a secret room so go in there and

find the paintings. Finally to beat the level, go to the

gate with Salter.


*****10. CAMPAIGN: NORMANDY*****


Normandy is another two level campaign where you will find

yourself infiltrating a castle type building and running

through a damaged city. For the campaign you will need at

least 3 explosives off the start and sniper rifles. For the

first level you also get diving sets. So in these missions

work fast and you will do well. Here is the list of weapons

available to you.


4 Enfield .38 with 40 clips

2 Colt 1911 with 49 clips

10 Fairbairn-Sykes dagger


2 Karabiner 98K with 17 clips

2 Enfield MK.4 with 33 clips

1 De Lisle C.C. with 49 clips

1 M1 Garand with 16 clips

2 M1 Carbine with 20 clips

0 Karabiner 98K (optics)

1 Springfield with 24 clips

1 Springfield (optics) with 24 clips

1 Enfield MK.1 (optics) with 33 clips

1 MP 40 with 11 clips

5 M1 Thompson with 46 clips

3 Sten gun with 45 clips

2 Sten gun (silenced) with 45 clips

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1 BAR with 18 clips


21 Grenades No. 69

29 Grenades No. 36

6 Explosives


British diver suit


4 Compasses

1 Large First Aid Kit

6 First aid Kits

4 Aqualungs




"The fleet heading to Normandy is endangered by the coastal

fortress cannons. The situation is further complicated by

the fact that the Germans disabled a navigational

lighthouse that is placed in close vicinity of the

fortress. Our team must eliminate the cannons, first the

active ones if possible, then find the electric current

generator and start up the lighthouse again."


1. Destroy cannons shelling the ally ships

2. Destroy remaining cannons in the fortress

3. Turn the lighthouse power generator on

4. Turn on the lighthouse

5. Gather in the escape area


6. Destroy the anti-aircraft defense

7. All team members must survive

DESCRIPTION: This can be a very challenging level if you

try to take the whole fortress on at once. Stealth is of

the utmost importance and not getting lost is vital.

Hopefully you will not get lost and be able to find the

away around the fortress. The level will force you to bring

at least six explosives. Note that when you plant your

explosives run out of the room or you yourself will be

blown up. Work strategically and you will conquer Normandy.

GUIDE: At the very start swim straight ahead. Find the hole

in front of you and swim up it. Go up the ladder and open

the hatch to get on the first floor. On this floor use your

map and try to get to a corner an find some stairs.

Whatever stair cases you find just go up it a few flights

until you hit the like second or third floor. To make sure

you are on the right floor you should find some big guns

pointing out the fortress. When on this floor your

objective is to just circle around finding every big gun.

Your task is to blow them up using your explosives you

have. There are seven cannons on the floor and you should

either have six or three explosives. If you have six just

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kill every cannon. Note that in one room there are two

cannons next to each other so one explosive will do. If you

have three use them all and wait till later when we find

some more. Once all cannons are destroyed you should

completed the first two objectives.

Now find your way to the roof of the fortress. Be careful

up here as the entire anti-aircraft defense is up here and

they will give you trouble. There are many anti-aircraft

guns on the roof that may be used against you. The door you

go out of should be used as cover to snipe all enemies on

the roof. To complete the optional objective you must kill

everybody on the roof. So check the ramparts if everybody

is not dead yet. Also note that there is a guy on the

lighthouse off in the distance that may be snipe you. Also

remember to use the roof to snipe down into the courtyard

to kill any enemies. Your task now is to find your way into

the courtyard on the first floor. So this means backtrack

to the steps and go to the first floor and find a door to

the courtyard.

Once in the courtyard fight your way to the main gate and

the exit of the fortress. Before we leave though, we must

find the generator. Starting from the main gate go into the

gate door on your right. You should find a sign saying

"Elektrishe St." Now make a right into another door into a

hall with a three doors. Go into the second door in the

middle marked "Generator Raum." Kill the lone guard inside

and turn on the switch near the door. Now leave this room

and go into last door here. Take a left into the first door

you find and you see a room filled with explosives. Take

some if you still need to blow up some guns on the second

floor. If not go back to the Main entrance and leave the


Now we must make it to the lighthouse. Only bring one guard

into it. Prepare yourself for a long journey up some long

stairs. Be cautious as there is an enemy near the top who

throws a lot of grenades that hurt just as much. Your best

bet is to room up and then down and wait for an explosion.

Once at the top turn on the switch and pull the lever to

turn on the lighthouse. Enjoy the view up here and then go

back down the stairs. The blue mark on your map indicates

the escape area. Once your man get to the jetty the level





"The worst, but most common thing we could encounter around

here are snipers. They are placed on the rooftops all

around the area. The search and destroy operation will make

the situation easier both for us and for the Allied units

that will come after us. Our main objective is to fight our

way through the streets of the town to the square, where

enemy units surround our American allies. Together, we will

try to defend the bank until the arrival of reinforcements

and tank support."


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1. Kill snipers on the rooftop around the square

2. Contact allies trapped in the bank

3. Rescue the allies

4. Wait for the arrival of reinforcements


5. Destroy the German tank

6. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: Sniper, grenades, Bazooka

DESCRIPTION: This is a hard level as there are many snipers

in this level that will snipe you from many locations. Move

slowly through the town and check every nook and cranny for

enemy soldiers and most importantly snipers. For the level

take your own snipers with grenades and a bazooka to take

out an enemy tank. Before the level change your weapons if

you need to and take extra ammo. Here is the weapons list

for this level.


4 Enfield .38 with 28 clips

4 Colt 1911 with 44 clips

4 Fairbairn-Sykes Dagger


1 Karabiner 98K with 13 clips

2 Enfield MK.4 with 25 clips

1 De Lisle C.C. with 44 clips

1 M1 Garand with 17 clips

3 M1 Carbine with 26 clips

0 Karabiner 98K (optics) with 13 clips

3 Springfield with 20 clips

1 Springfield (optics) with 20 clips

0 Enfield MK.1 (optics) with 25 clips

5 M1 Thompson with 47 clips

2 Sten gun with 39 clips

1 Sten gun (silenced) with 39 clips


1 26 ZB with 13 clips

2 BAR with 17 clips

1 Bren gun with 11 clips

2 M1 bazookas with 7 clips


18 Grenades No. 69

21 Grenades No. 36

4 Explosives

3 Mines


Nothing special


1 Large first aid kit

6 First aid kit

2 Binoculars

8 Backpacks

GUIDE: At the start of the level move your squad out the

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doors ahead of you. In this first area you will meet two

soldiers near the building and three more behind some

rubble. Use some grenades it if suits you and move on. The

building to your far left and ahead will have a sniper in

the window. Kill him and the guy on the building near the

entrance. Move out to the next area after you take your

first left. Continue ahead to meet snipers straight ahead

and to both sides of you. Some men will run out but just

kill them before they stop. Take a right at the next

intersection and kill the guards that run out into the

area. Move on and look at the building on the right corner

of the next intersection. Kill the two guys in the hole

upstairs. Walk into the building on the right corner and

kill each soldier on each floor. After that you must make

it through courtyard and to the bank. On the far right and

left side you should find some snipers. Once these snipers

are killed you should complete the optional objective. Get

inside the bank and go to the top floor to find the


Once inside your objective is to protect the bank and wait

for reinforcements. On the first floor are some very useful

supply boxes. One will restore your ammo and the other

contains and Enfield sniper rifle, M1 Garand, and an M1

Bazooka. Get what you need and prepare for the German

onslaught. Use your men and kill all approaching Germans. A

tank will come soon so get a bazooka and take care of that.

Note that the tank will park outside right near the main

entrance. Once the tank is destroyed that will complete the

optional objective. It should take a few minutes for the

reinforcements to arrive so sit tight. If you get bored and

things slow down walk outside and pick off any stragglers

around the area. When the reinforcements arrive a cut scene

will begin and you will complete the sixth campaign.


*****11. CAMPAIGN: CZECH*****


This is the last campaign in single player and offers some

very different levels. You will go from a train station, to

a destroyed train, and to a huge open town. For the

campaign you will need a lot of grenades and snipers are

always helpful. Also the only anti-tank mine may prove

useful. You get to choose from a large list of weapons so

choose carefully and here is the list of weapons.


1 Parabellum P08 with 8 clips

4 Enfield.38 with 28 clips

3 Colt 1911 with 62 clips

3 German fighting knives

8 Fairbairn-Sykes Daggers


1 Karabiner 98k with 9 clips

3 Enfield MK.4 with 35 clips

2 De Lisle C.C. with 62 clips

3 M1 Garand with 41 clips

2 M1 Carbine with 25 clips

0 Karabiner 98k (optics) with 9 clips

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3 Springfield with 43 clips

1 Springfield (optics) with 43 clips

1 Enfield MK.1 (optics) with 35 clips

2 MP 40 with 22 clips

5 M1 Thompson with 53 clips

6 Sten gun with 67 clips

2 Sten gun (silenced) with 67 clips


1 26 ZB with 5 clips

1 MP 44 with 15 clips

2 BAR with 36 clips

2 Bren gun with 27 clips

1 Panzerfaust 60

2 M1 Bazooka with 6 clips


48 Grenade no. 69

54 Grenade no. 36

10 Explosives

2 Mines

1 Anti-tank mine


Nothing special


4 Compasses

4 Large first aid kits

8 First aid kits

8 Wire cutters

1 Binocular

8 Backpacks




"We are in Bohemia, a land which was one of the first to be

occupied by Nazi Germany. Local guerillas successfully

attacked a German convoy transporting among others, a top-

secret document. This document describes in detail the

technology used by the Germans to make their quality armor

for battle vehicles and tanks. Jiri Trebissky, a leader of

the resistance, has these documents with him and will hand

them over to us at the night rendezvous point, in the

forest near the Liptakov village. Sounds too easy, don't



1. Contact the switchman

2. Rescue Trebissky as soon as possible

3. Team must gather in the escape area


4. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: Rifles and grenades

DESCRIPTION: This level looks like it can be done in a

stealth manner but I find it easier to go blazing through

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it. Do remember though that the level is timed and if you

are to slow you will fail the mission and Trebissky will be

killed before you get to him. Note that sniper rifles and

heavy machine guns are very useful. Time is of the utmost

importance so be swift and work fast.

GUIDE: Right at the start toss a grenade at the two

soldiers in front and kill them. Have your whole group move

and follow you. Snipe any enemies you see and go to the

first building near you. Use the switch outside to stop the

truck from coming across the tracks. Go into the building

and talk to the signalman. He will tell you to go to the

main building and rescue Trebissky. Now go outside and

follow the road that goes behind the signal house. In the

distance you will see a fence. Watch out as enemies will

use the fence for cover and shoot you through it. Now as

you stick to the road it will soon cut off to the dirt

path. Follow it and go the second building on your left.

Note that from the town a few soldiers may come and

surprise you from behind.

Once in the building go into a room on the right side and

go up some stairs to the second floor. Go into the first

door on the right and kill the guard in here. Open the next

door and get to the room with Trebissky in it. Note the

room also has two guards in it so lean out side and finish

them. Watch the cut scene and get back outside the

building. There should be a truck outside so use that and

drive back out to the beginning. The escape area is exactly

at where you started. Get your whole team there and you

complete the level.




"We are already quite experienced as far as pursuing German

officers is concerned and it therefore did not take us long

to find out where the train with Freiberg is headed. This

we were very lucky and without our knowledge, the guerillas

had already mined the track and blown the train up. It is

now, together with Freiberg and his staff, caught in a

tunnel, so it is up to us to find and capture him before

the confused and injured soldiers get ready to defend



1. Capture Colonel Freiberg

2. Leave the area



4. Acquire documents from a German Officer

5. All team members must survive.

NEEDED GEAR: Sniper rifle and De Lisle

DESCRIPTION: This is a very easy level as your enemy is

trapped in the tunnel and you must flush them out. Work

carefully and when you finally do find Freiberg make sure

you do not kill him by accident. Note that the MP 44

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objective does not show as complete when you beat the


GUIDE: At the start send a sniper and kill the guard ahead

of you. Go along the path to the side and find a safe way

down to the ground. Lean over and look into the tunnel to

snipe or just throw a grenade and kill everybody in the

entrance. Do watch out for the machine gunner in the

beginning. Now get your other men from the start and have

them get to the entrance of the tunnel. A good method to

beat the level with is to send your sniper up the ladder to

the top of the train. Slowly move down the level with your

sniper on top and your other men on the bottom. When your

sniper gets on the train kill the enemy ahead with an MP

44. Back to your other men you will see an MP 44 in a box

at the entrance of the tunnel. Take it and now go through

the second train car. Kill the guard inside and continue.

Once out there are two enemies to your right and two ahead

behind the third train car. Go to your right once the

guards are taken care of and find the ammo box to replenish

your supplies. Get your sniper some ammo if he needs it.

Now continue up some more cars with you sniper leaning over

both sides making sure to finish everyone off. Back to your

other three men the cart in front of you has the documents

in them near the supply box. Go in and kill the guard in

the middle and search the body behind him to get the

documents for the optional objective.

Once that is completed continue on through the cars until

you get to the last passenger train car. Once outside the

last one watch out for the guard right at exit. Now this

takes care of most of the enemy resistance. Take your

sniper and continue to the end of the train. Once there

just wait until the end of the level. Take your other group

of soldiers and continue on to the end of the train. Watch

out as many soldiers will hop out of many train cars and

kill you. Also to check each train car you must open up

each door. Your objective and Freiberg are in the third

train cart from the rear. When you are done with the level,

go in there to finish it out. Note that if you want some

more ammo go get it from the supply box and note that the

optional objective to find an MP 44 does not register that

you beat it even if you picked one up.




"We have found and captured Freiberg but he himself is no

use to us. We also have other tasks to complete in the

area, which is why we decided to hand him over to an

American unit that is operating nearby. They will secure

Freiberg and transport him to a prison camp where he will

await post-war trial. The hand over point has been set to

an abandoned villa by the forest, no complications are



1. Kill the enemy

2. Take Freiberg to the Villa

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3. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: Rifles and grenades

DESCRIPTION: Use snipers and kill enemies as fast as

possible in this level. About half of the enemies in the

level hold a few grenades and are willing to use them. Stay

far away and hope they do not blow you up. Sniper rifles

are useful and even grenades of your own may help. Do not

accidentally kill Freiberg as he is the objective.

GUIDE: At the start toss a grenade over into the building

area ahead of you. Be ready as when you do this many

enemies will jump out of their perches and gun you down.

Slowly move your group into the building area ahead of you.

Note that there is an ammo supply box and a supply box with

grenades in the loft room. Use the walls as cover and lean

around and snipe anyone you see. This also means the few

soldiers in the villa visible through the windows. Note

that you should always be careful of possible grenade

throwers near you. When you decide to move out follow the

road to the front of the villa. Get any people you can from

this spot and then move to the lumber camp.

Now go to buildings in the back with the parked tank in the

opening. Circle around and kill anyone in the area and

outside the fence area. Now it is time to head to the

villa. Go up the stairs in the front of the villa and the

head to the back to find the entrance. Open the door and

kill the guard in the first room. There is a guard on top

of the steps also. Clear out the upstairs and downstairs

and hopefully you should complete the first objective. Note

that if you do not complete the objective you will have to

walk around and find any survivors.

After that check your map and locate the blue X. Go here

and find Freiberg. You have to take him back to the villa

but do not worry as there are now no enemies in the area.

Note that if you need ammo before you leave go back to

where the supply boxes were located. Once Freiberg is

safely brought inside the villa the mission will end.




"Our colleagues whom we handed Freiberg over to gave us

another task. A German supply convoy is about to pass

through a nearby village tonight heading towards a bunker a

few miles away. The Germans are provisionally storing

stolen valuables and church relics here; we also expect a

provisional fuel storage area to be close. Everybody, apart

from the soldiers, has left the village. Although if some

have not we must take the fact into account and try to

divert the fighting away from them. Our main objective is

to eliminate all enemy so that nobody can warn the

approaching convoy."


1. Kill the enemy

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2. Destroy barrels with fuel

3. Stolen valuables found

4. All team members must survive

NEDED GEAR: Rifles, De Lisle, Grenades

DESCRIPTION: This level may sound hard or look hard as it

is just a big gigantic town but it is quite easy. When

going around the town it is best to go counter clock-wise

to complete the optional objectives. Do make sure to kill

everybody in the town though to complete the level. Snipers

work great and a few grenades will help to.

GUIDE: At the start of the level take someone and go around

the corner of the building ahead of you. Wait here as a

guard will become visible soon. Kill him and go back to

your other. Try and get them through the destroyed building

ahead of you. Throw a grenade over the climbable ledge up

ahead to kill any guards there. Then climb over then and go

out the doors to the street. There will be enemy guards

coming ahead from the street ahead and down the road. Once

clear get your squad together. Now continue down the road

going counter clock-wise around the town. Remember to check

every alley and street you go by. Soon you should come to

fork in the road. Go far right into the cutoff and you

should be in the bottom right hand side of your map. Kill

any guards you see ahead of you in under the archway.

Continue to the buildings ahead of you. Check every door in

the area and scan each one out. Now go into the door behind

the stairs leading into the building. Once in, go up the

stairs you find and into the door. Now go to the first door

on the right and kill the guard in here. Walk to the end of

the room and find the stolen valuables in here to complete

the optional objective. Get out of the building and back to

the actual town roads.

Once back in the streets continue going counter clock-wise

around the town. Once on the far right road on your map go

up towards the labeled pond on your map. When on this road

be careful for enemies jumping in and out of alleyways.

There are two spots on this road where that may just

happen. Once you get to the pond labeled area keep moving

along the road until you find a road leading out on your

right. You will first head under an archway through here

and there should be about four guards. After that, head

straight down the alley to the only doors that are open.

When you come out to the open area, watch out for the guy

in the window with a pistol. He will hurt you so lean out

to kill him. Also once near the orange barrels look up into

the window behind you. If the window is open then kill the

guy in there. If not either wait or go up the ladder in the

room underneath where he is. Next if you want to throw a

grenade at the barrels to complete that optional objective.

Now go into the room where the guy with the pistol was.

Inside you will find an ammo box, 2 mines, 2 anti-tank

mines, 2 panzerfausts, and a rare shotgun. Take what you

need and note that the anti-tank mines will be helpful for

the next mission. Now just explore the rooms in the

building and then head back out to the streets.

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Continue going on and snipe the guy patrolling ahead. After

this head back to the beginning and then head to church

marked with a cross on your map. Kill any outside and then

head on in. Watch out as there are 2 guards in here and the

first one likes to throws grenades. Kill them both and if

the level is not complete just continue searching the map

and most importantly the alleys in the middle of the map.

Note that there may be some stragglers back at the area you

found the stolen valuables. When all enemies are killed the

level will finally be over.




"The village is entirely under our control, but the

important part of the mission is still ahead. It is

necessary to prevent every single vehicle and soldier from

leaving the village. If somebody escapes, we are in

trouble. We must consider the situation, every mistake

means failure. There is no second chance."


1. Kill the enemy

2. No one can escape


3. All team members must survive

NEEDED GEAR: Rifles, Anti-tank mines

DESCRIPTION: This is a relatively simple level. Bring

grenades and sniper rifles and also pick up some anti-tank

mines from the one supply box to take care of the tank.

Remember that no person or vehicle can make it out of the

city so be sure to protect the area. Just set yourself up

well or the enemy may overrun you.

GUIDE: Right at the start have your whole group follow you

and fire on your lead. Take someone with timed grenades and

once you are in range of the lead truck start throwing

grenades. If the do not kill everybody finish off the

survivors. After that head behind the first truck you saw

and use the supply boxes. One holds panzerfausts and the

other one has explosives, anti-tank mines, and German

backpacks. Take at least 3 anti-tank mines and you should

be good. Now continue down the road and snipe the guard

patrolling around the lone car. Next go into the alley here

that leads to the buildings. There are only 2 enemies in

here and they both can be seen through the window. Find and

kill both and then head on out. It is now time to setup up

your defense.

Okay so now take the man with the anti-tank mines and

someone else but do not take your snipers. With these two

men get into a car or truck and to lower left section of

the map (southwest corner) where you started the last

mission. Do not go too far down road to the East corner or

you will trigger the attack. Now take your anti- tank mines

and place three of them about a few feet from each other

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diagonally on the road. This way the tank that comes in the

attack is bound to hit one of them and will explode. With

these two men take cover and make sure no man or vehicle

gets by them when the level starts. Go back to your other

two men and continue down the road you were going to the

area marked pond. Kill the two guards here and if you want

some cover take the armored car although it is not

necessary. Just ahead of the next junction is the point

where a cut scene will begin and eventually the attack.

When you trigger the attack set up your guys to be ready to

snipe everybody. With your two guys you were just using

wait for a truck in the distance and then start sniping

anyone you see. Be accurate or you will have to find these

guys when the attack is over. With your two guys wait for

the tank to go by and make sure it blows. Once you think

the attack is over use both squads and check the whole area

for survivors. Some people usually hide right at the corner

where the attack comes from. When all enemies are dead the

mission is over. Only one more left.




"Finally we have reached the German Bunker. There should be

a well-defended radio station somewhere close, which we

should consider destroying it. As far as the bunker is

concerned, we have no choice but to launch a frontal

assault and fight our way inside, where we will deal with

its crew and search for the documents. Czech frontier

bunkers are famous for their perfect construction and

defense possibilities; let us hope then, that the German

crews are banished in the same humiliating way as the

Czechs were."


1. Acquire the documents

2. Team must gather in the bunker

3. Fight off the Russian attack


4. Occupy the German Panther tank

5. Stop the German radio station from broadcasting

6. All team members must survive


DESCRIPTION: This is the last level so have fun and

remember all the memories of all the last missions. Overall

this level is not hard as there is a tank you can occupy to

really make the level easier and when the Russians comes

you can easily kill them with bunker you will then have

occupied. Take some grenades and more importantly a sniper

rifle but most importantly have fun with the last mission.

GUIDE: Right at the start you have two options. One is to

just kill everybody in the first area and the second is to

complete the optional objective of getting the tank. If you

do not want the tank just kill everybody near the radio

station. If you want the tank tell your squad to hold fire

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and snipe the lone guard outside trying not to create a lot

of noise. A better way to do this is to get closer and use

a silenced weapon. After that go around the radio station

and do not shoot at any enemies. Instead try to get close

to the tank and make a run for it. If you are to slow or

get caught early the enemy will occupy the tank and you

will lose it. Once you have the tank use the machine gun to

kill any enemies left around you. Now it is hard to find

but behind the door on the side near the bottom of the

radio truck is a switch to shut off the radio station and

complete the optional objective. Now assemble your squad in

the tank and continue down the road.

Now before you start going down the road remember to snipe

the guard sitting in the flak cannon. Those flak cannons

can take your tank out pretty quickly. Now continue down

the road to the tents ahead and kill any guards you see

with the tank machine gun. Once at the tent area get out of

the tank and secure the area. Now you should be able to see

the bunker up ahead. Use your snipers and take out every

guard possible. Leave the tank behind because the road

ahead is mined and it will blow up your tank but not you.

Now you should head to the bunker. Be careful because the

only entrance inside is covered by two machine gunners.

Once they are dead you can walk on in.

When you are ready to go into the bunker lean and shoot any

survivors in the first room. Then go into the first door

you see when walking in. Kill any guards in here and open

up another door that leads to a tunnel and there is usually

two guards in here. Now continue down the tunnel and the

door on your right will contain an enemy in there. After

you complete, that continue down the tunnel and an enemy at

the end of the tunnel will appear and one behind the wall

where the tunnel opens up again. Once at the end of the

tunnel open the door and throw a grenade in. There should

be about 4 enemies in there. Walk in and kill any

survivors. Next go into the door on the right side and look

up ahead to the guard you see. Kill him and then go up and

look down the right side of the hall and kill the officer.

Watch out however, as the door behind you contains three

enemies. When the coast is clear go search the body of the

officer and pick up the documents.

Once you pick up the documents you will be magically

transported back to the front of the bunker. Once you start

controlling your squad take control of the two heavy

machine guns looking out to stop the Russians. When you

feel safe take some panzerfausts from the corner of the

room and your sniper. Go outside and look for any

stragglers. Do not worry about the tank as it will not fire

at you. When you think everybody is dead take a panzerfaust

and shoot the back of the tank. It should take one or two

shots to kill it but, once it is dead the level is


Congratulations as you just completed Hidden and Dangerous

2. Hope you had fun and I hope my guide was able to help



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*****12. CHARACTERS*****


These characters are the ones you can choose for your game.

Each one excels in different areas and can be utilized in

many ways. All this section will do is gives you the stats

of the soldiers. The stats are as follows.

H- Health: This is the amount of health your soldier will


STR- Strength: This determines how much your soldier can


E- Endurance: The endurance is your how fast your stamina

meter will drop and how many hits you can take. This also

affects your aiming abilities in a good way.

SHT- Shooting: This determines how accurate your men will

be with their weapons.

ST- Stealth: This determines how quiet your soldier can be

and if they can sneak up on enemies. It also affects how

fast your stealth bar goes down when wearing an enemy


F- First aid: This determines how good your soldier is at

administrating first aid.

L- Lock picking: This determines how a soldier is at

unlocking door.


DOUGLAS LAUER |515| 21kg| 75| 75%| 37%| 15%| 70%|

JOHN (SMITHY) GLESBY |585| 25kg| 45| 71%| 79%| 35%| 17%|

ROBERT CZAKOWSKI |545| 25kg| 68| 79%| 54%| 10%| 11%|

HERBERT (DOC) BENNETT|555| 25kg| 36| 70%| 35%| 85%| 43%|

SIEGFRIED HIRSCH |600| 27kg| 32| 82%| 52%| 10%| 22%|


DANIEL OSULLIVAN |645| 24kg| 63| 67%| 53%| 10%| 26%|

GREGORY (JOCK) DEAN |570| 25kg| 70| 68%| 25%| 48%| 32%|

ARTHUR MUNCIE |545| 23kg| 34| 78%| 58%| 58%| 10%|

PATRICK MULLHOLAND |575| 21kg| 60| 72%| 60%| 10%| 56%|

JAMES THOMAS RUSSEL |635| 25kg| 48| 71%| 44%| 10%| 56%|


JULIAN CUNNINGHAM |595| 22kg| 55| 70%| 39%| 60%| 19%|

FREDERICK MALLORY |560| 21kg| 80| 65%| 63%| 25%| 48%|

JAN KRATOCHVIL |605| 30kg| 28| 73%| 31%| 30%| 75%|

DAVID FOREMAN |535| 25kg| 49| 74%| 68%| 55%| 15%|

WILLIAM BROADHURST |540| 22kg| 78| 71%| 80%| 12%| 12%|


GEORGE WINGATE |575| 34kg| 25| 72%| 49%| 43%| 45%|

JAMES (ANGEL) SAUNBY |580| 31kg| 77| 61%| 42%| 20%| 33%|

ANDREW HARRIS |520| 29kg| 26| 85%| 71%| 10%| 50%|

SIMON FINCH |550| 21kg| 64| 65%| 77%| 50%| 30%|

PETER ASH |580| 25kg| 50| 74%| 57%| 18%| 35%|


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ROGER JENKINS |610| 30kg| 31| 86%| 25%| 30%| 40%|

THOMAS WRIGHT |565| 32kg| 29| 83%| 55%| 10%| 20%|

PAUL (SCOUSE) TATNELL|615| 25kg| 39| 62%| 62%| 82%| 23%|

LARRY SMITH |570| 33kg| 40| 63%| 48%| 65%| 41%|

IRWIN CARLYSLE |550| 21kg| 56| 77%| 75%| 10%| 60%|


BASIL ELLIOT |525| 24kg| 65| 73%| 69%| 22%| 38%|

ROGER HENDRY |560| 23kg| 72| 78%| 46%| 10%| 13%|

GEORGE (FLASH) BURTON|530| 29kg| 41| 70%| 73%| 39%| 55%|

HARRY (COAL) COLLINS |620| 25kg| 52| 69%| 33%| 33%| 28%|

KEVIN TURNER |630| 28kg| 59| 66%| 28%| 35%| 25%|




There are many soldiers and characters in Hidden and

Dangerous 2 but what about those you meet in level. Well

this section is a devotion to those secondary characters we

meet in our play through.

SYGURD: We meet Sygurd in the first level and third level.

He graciously leads to the complex in the first level. But

wait he does not stop there. All the time he is caring for

our downed pilot. Sygurd is a brave man and even does this

even though he says he has a family to care for. Depending

on whether or not you saved Sygurd when the snipers come

will show how he cares for us.

KEN WILLS: The pilot of the Arctic Campaign who we risk our

butts trying to save. In the first level we hear that his

plane was shot down and Sygurd is taking care of him. We

finally rescue him in third level Rendezvous. We take him

to the escape boat and move to the iceberg. He offers his

help in the beginning of the level but we tell him to stay

him back because we know he is weak. We salute you Ken


MECHANIC: The mechanic of the oasis who we force to repair

us the truck. He gladly helps us out even though we did

take his getaway vehicle. He leaves us in the next level

but we know he is okay because the car that was in the

oasis in the level before is now gone. We wish you luck

faithful mechanic.

MICHEAL AXMAN: You may not remember him but he is the

doctor that we find in the Oasis. We get to watch him in

action healing people and there are even first aid kits

everywhere near him. In the level Caravan the doctor even

gives us his assistance and we get to use him in the good

fight. Michael Axman is a great doctor and even a great


HANS SCHUMAN: The overall objective of the African campaign

we search near and far for this slippery fellow. He eludes

us in the Spaghetti Airport but we get him in the Whiskey

Bar. And to show us he is not a bad sport he even flies us

to safety in Birds of Prey. This Bud is for you Hans.

ELIZABETH SALTER: I think she is the only woman we meet in

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our travels but we will not forget her. With her help we

were able to get the needed documents from Estate Agent. To

show our gratitude we helped her get out to safety.

MACH: You may not remember him but we see him in the

opening seen of the Czech campaign. He warns us of Jiri

tribessky and his predicament. We thank Mach and take our


SIGNALMAN: He tells us there where about location of

Tribessky while having a nice smoke in Billable Entry. We

thank him and he offers smoke but we remember we just quit.

Anyways thanks Signalman.

JIRI TRIBESSKY: He has the information we need in the first

Czech mission. We fight tirelessly and as fast as possible

to get Tribessky but sadly we are too late. He does tell us

where to go next but dies after. He was badly beaten and we

could not help him but we still consider him a national


GUNTER FREIBERG: We capture Gunter in the second Czech

mission and take the documents we needed from him. In the

third Czech mission we clear out the villa and then take

him to it while waiting for the Americans to come and take

him to sentence him based on war crimes. Silly Gunter,

crime does not pay.


*****13. WEAPONS*****


This section will describe all of the weapons you will come

in contact with during the. Light weapons, which consist of

pistols and knives. Medium weapons, which consist of rifles

and sub machine guns. Heavy weapons, which consist of

rocket launchers and light machine gun. Explosives, which

contain dynamite, mine, and grenades. And finally the gear

you will find in the game. Note that almost all information

is from your Hidden and Dangerous 2 Manual.


*****13.1 LIGHT WEAPONS*****


Light weaponry consists of your basic combat knives,

pistols, and revolvers. Combat knives are used largely in

hand to hand combat, after a soldier has run out of

ammunition, or when stealth is of the utmost importance.

The difference between a semi-automatic pistol and a

revolver is that a semi-automatic pistol is magazine fed,

while each shot in a revolver must be loaded individually.

Light weaponry is very useful as a backup for your primary

weapon. Pistols can really help you out when you have

sniper rifle and someone charging. Here is the list of

light weapons.

*Colt 1911: The Colt 1911 is an American gun manufactured

in 1911. It weighs 1106 grams and has a range of 30 yards.

The colt is a semi-automatic pistol fitting 7 rounds into

each clip. Its maximum velocity is 825 ft/s (251 m/s) and

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caliber is .45 in (11.43 mm). The Colt is the heaviest

pistol but still decent.

*Enfield .38: The Enfield is a British pistol manufactured

in 1926. It weighs 766 grams and has a range of 30 yards.

The Enfield is a revolver fitting only six rounds in each

clip. Its maximum velocity is 600 ft/s (183m/s) and caliber

is .38 in (9.65 mm). The Enfield .38 is the slowest

shooting pistol only holding six rounds but is the lightest


*Parabellum PO8: The Parabellum is a German pistol

manufactured in 1908. It weighs 965 grams and has a range

of 50-55 yards. The Parabellum holds 8 rounds in each clip.

Its maximum velocity is 1150 ft/s (351m/s) and caliber is

.38 in (9 mm). The Parabellum is a fast shooting pistol and

has a good range.

*Taisho 14: The Taisho is a Japanese pistol manufactured in

1927. It weighs 879 grams and holds 8 rounds in each clip.

Its range is only 30 yards. Its maximum velocity is 1100

ft/s (355 m/s) and caliber is .31 in (8 mm). The Taisho is

a fast shooting pistol and is very light.

*Tokarev: The Tokarev was used by the USSR and was

manufactured in 1933. It weighs 840 grams and has a range

of 55 yards. It holds 8 rounds in each clip. Its maximum

velocity is 850 ft/s (280 m/s) and its caliber is .30 in

(7.62 mm). The Tokarev is very light but is slower then

most other pistols.

*German Fighting Knife: Used by Germany and weighs 450

grams. Knives are useful when out of ammo.

*Fairbairn-Sykes Dagger: Used by Britain and weighs 420

grams. Lighter then the German knife.


*****13.2 MEDIUM WEAPONS*****


Medium weapons consist of rifles and sub machine guns.

Rifles can either be categorized as bolt-action or semi-

automatic. Bolt-action means it is a single shot and then

you have manually use the breech to shoot again. Semi-

automatic means it will keep firing until the clip is

empty. Sub machine guns are very useful as they fire fast

and can do a lot of damage.

*ARISAKA/ARISAKA OPTICS: Used by the Japanese and

manufactured in 1906 the Arisaka has a range of 600 yards.

It weighs 4313 grams and holds 5 rounds in each clip. The

maximum velocity is 2400 ft/s (732 m/s) and caliber is .25

in (6.5 mm). The Arisaka has good range and high velocity.

*DE LISLE: Used by Britain and manufactured in 1942 the De

Lisle has a range of 300 yards. It weighs 3774 grams and

holds 7 rounds in each clip. The maximum velocity is 830

ft/s (747 m/s) and the caliber is .45 in (11.43 mm). The De

Lisle is a great medium ranged weapon with high caliber and

most importantly it is a silenced weapon which is very

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*KARABINER 98K/KARABINER 98K OPTICS: Used by Germany and

manufactured in 1898 the Karabiner has a range of 500

yards. It weighs 3887 grams and holds 5 rounds in each

clip. The maximum velocity is 2450 ft/s (747 m/s) and its

caliber is .31 in (7.92 mm). The Karabiner is a great rifle

with a high velocity which can be very useful.

*ENFIELD MK.4/ENFIELD MK.4 OPTICS: Used by Britain and

manufactured in 1926 and has a range of 550 yards. It

weighs 4114 grams and holds 10 rounds in each clip. The

maximum velocity is 2400 ft/s (732 m/s) and its caliber is

.30 in (7.62 grams). The Enfield is a great rifle because

of its good qualities but most importantly its ability to

hold ten rounds in each clip giving you much more ammo.

*M1 GARAND: Used by the USA and manufactured in 1936 and

has a range of 600 yards. It weighs 4313 grams and holds 8

rounds in each clip. The maximum velocity is 2800 ft/s (853

m/s) and its caliber is .30 in (7.62 mm). The M1 Garand has

a high velocity and is a semi-automatic rifle so fires must


*Springfield/ Springfield Optics: Used by the USA and

manufactured in 1903 and has a range of 500-600 yards. It

weighs 3904 grams and holds 5 rounds in each clip. The

maximum velocity is 2300 ft/s (701 m/s) and its caliber is

.30 in (7.62 mm). The Springfield is a very useful sniper

rifle in the campaign mode as it is what you will be using

many levels.

*M1 Carbine: Used by the USA and manufactured in 1940 and

has a range of 300 yards. It weighs 2270 grams and holds 15

rounds in each clip. The maximum velocity is 1950 ft/s (594

m/s) and its caliber is .30 in (7.62 mm). The Carbine is a

very useful rifle that is very light, holds 15 rounds, and

shoots extremely fast. Its only drawback is that it has a

shorter range then most guns.

*Mosin-Nagant: Used by the USSR and manufactured in 1930

and has a range of 500 yards. It weighs 3450 grams and

holds 5 rounds in each clip. The maximum velocity is 2400

ft/s (732 m/s) and its caliber is .30 in (7.62 mm). The

Mosin-Nagant is a solid rifle but nothing more.

*MP 40: Used by Germany and manufactured in 1940 and has a

range of 110 yards. It weighs 4710 grams and holds 32

rounds in each clip. The maximum velocity is 1200 ft/s (366

m/s) and its caliber is .38in (9 mm). The MP 40 is a heavy

machine gun but is very easy to control compared to other

sub machine guns.

*Spagin: Used by the USSR and manufactured in 1943 and has

a range of 160 yards. It weighs 3632 grams and holds 71

rounds in each clip. The maximum velocity is 1650 ft/s (503

m/s) and its caliber is .30 in (7.62mm). The Spagin is an

extreme powerhouse with its 71 rounds in each clip. It

fires fast and has enough ammo to last quite a long time.

*M1 Thompson: Used by the USA and manufactured in 1942 and

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has a range of 55 yards. It weighs 4767 grams and holds 20

rounds in each clip. The maximum velocity is 900 ft/s (274

m/s) and its caliber is .45 in (11.4 mm). The Thompson is a

very powerful machine gun but has below average range and

weighs a lot.

*PPS: Used by the USSR and manufactured in 1943 and has a

range of 200 yards. It weighs 3334 grams and holds 35

rounds in each clip. Its maximum velocity is 1600 ft/s (732

m/s) and its caliber is .30 in (7.62 mm). The PPS is a fast

shooting gun and has a great range for sub machine guns.

*Sten Gun MK.2/Sten Gun MK.2 Silenced: Both guns are used

by Britain and manufactured in 1942 and has a range of 175

yards. It weighs 3462 grams and 3518 grams with a silencer

on and holds 32 rounds in each clip. Its maximum velocity

is 1200 ft/s (366 m/s) and with a silencer the maximum

velocity is 100 ft/s (305 m/s). The caliber for both guns

is .38 in (9mm). The Sten gun is a very useful machine gun

and becomes even more useful when a silencer is equipped.

The silencer makes the weapon very powerful in stealth



*****13.3 HEAVY WEAPONS*****


Heavy weapons consist of weapons requiring both hand to

hold and include light machine guns, anti-tank weapons, and

an assault rifle. Light machine guns are heavier then sub

machine guns but are stronger and usually have to be fired

from a prone position. The anti-tank weapons are the

Panzerfaust 60 and the M1 Bazooka while the only assault

rifle is the MP 44.

*BAR: Used by the USA and manufactured in 1917 and has a

range of 600 yards. It weighs 9988 grams and holds 20

rounds in each clip. Its maximum velocity is 2800 ft/s (853

m/s) and its caliber is .30 in (7.62 mm). The BAR is a

useful light machine gun that if in danger can be shot

while standing and not lying down. Its only setback is that

it has less ammo then the other light machine guns.

*BREN GUN: Used by Britain and manufactured in 1937 and has

a range of 600 yards. It weighs 10130 grams and holds 30

rounds in each clip. Its maximum velocity is 2400 ft/s (732

m/s) and its caliber is .303 in (7.696 mm). The Bren gun is

a heavy, meaning it weighs a lot, light machine gun but is

still very useful.

*DEGTYAREV: Used by the USSR and manufactured in 1928 and

has a range of 550 yards. It weighs 9307 grams and holds 47

rounds in each clip. Its maximum velocity is 2750 ft/s (838

m/s) and its caliber is .30 in (7.92 mm). The Degtyarev is

a great light machine gun mainly because of its ability to

hold 47 rounds in each clip and fires very fast while not

being that heavy.

*ZB26: Used by Germany and manufactured in 1934 and has a

range of 600 yards. It weighs 10130 grams and holds 30

rounds in each clip. Its maximum velocity is 2493 ft/s (760

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m/s) and its caliber is .31 in (7.92 mm). The ZB26 is

almost an exact replicate of the Bren gun but is still very


*MP 44: Used by Germany and manufactured in 1944 and has a

range of 700 yards. It weighs 5136 grams and holds 30

rounds in each clip. Its maximum velocity is 2150 ft/s (655

m/s) and its caliber is .31 in (7.92 mm). The MP 44 is an

assault rifle with an extremely great range and speed. The

only downfall of the gun is its weight compared to sub

machine guns.

*PANZERFAUST 60: Used by Germany and manufactured in 1944

and has a range of 60 yards. It weighs 6810 grams and holds

1 round in each clip. The maximum velocity is 148 ft/s

(45m/s) and its caliber is 5.9 in (150mm). The panzerfaust

is an ideal weapon for mass destruction and getting rid of


*M1 BAZOOKA: Used by the USA and manufactured in 1941 and

has a range of 120 yards. It weighs 6016 grams and holds 1

clip in each clip. Its maximum velocity is 300 ft/s (91

m/s) and its caliber is 2.36 in (60 mm). The M1 Bazooka is

a great piece of heavy artillery and can be considered a

little better then the Panzerfaust 60 because of its range

and weight.


*****13.4 EXPLOSIVES*****


Explosives include many things like grenades, anti-tank

mines, anti-personnel mines, and dynamite to take out key


*ANTI-TANK MINE: Weighs 9000 grams and as the name states

it is used to take out tanks.

*DYNAMITE: Weighs 1600 grams and is very useful in blowing

things up.

*EXPLOSIVES BAG: Weighs 200 grams and offers more power

then dynamite.

*EXPLOSIVES: Weigh 300 grams and offers enough power to

take out tanks and trucks.

*MAGNETIC MINES: Weigh 400 grams and are used to destroy

the hull of ships and other metallic surfaces.

*MINES: Weigh 300 grams and used to take out soldiers.

*No. 36: This grenade is used by Great Britain and

manufactured in 1915. It weighs 370 grams and has a delayed


*No. 69: This grenade is used by Great Britain and

manufactured in the 1900s. It weighs 770 grams and will

explode on contact.

*STIELHANGRANATE 39: This grenade is used by Germany and

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manufactured in 1918. It weighs 363 grams and has a delayed


*TYPE 97: This grenade is used by Japan and manufactured in

1937. It weighs 500 grams and will explode on contact.


*****13.5 GEAR*****


In this section all gear that is available to you will be


*BACKPACKS: There are many different types of backpacks

available and each one will allow you to carry much more.

*BINOCULARS: Allows you see farther and scope the area.

*CAMERA: Used to take pictures of objectives.

*COMPASS: Tells what direction you are going in the top

left hand corner of your screen.

*DIVING GEAR: You will need this instead of a backpack to

breathe under water.

*FIRST AID KIT: Used to heal opponents but only has enough

power to heal once. To heal someone interact with that

person and choose the available option.

*LARGE FIRST AID KIT: Like the small first aid kit but now

has a chance to heal multiple times.

*KEYS: Used to open lock doors and are usually found near

important people.

*WIRECUTTERS: Used to cut down fences and wires and is used

by interacting with what you are trying to cut.


*****14. SAS HISTORY*****


This section is just a text from your Hidden and Dangerous

manual that tells about the founding and victories of the


*David Stirling, a 24 year old Scots Guards subaltern (2nd

Lieutenant), arrived in North Africa as a volunteer member

of 'Layforce' (8 Commando).

At this time Special Forces were viewed as a waste of

manpower and material, so upon arrival, Layforce was

quickly dismantled in all but name, and the majority of its

members were sent to fight in Crete. Stirling's experience

with the Layforce made him realize that Special Forces were

being poorly utilized. They were poorly equipped, poorly

trained, and the commanders tended to use them as

traditional units, charging them headlong into a fight.

Stirling knew there had to be a better way.

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While considering the options, Stirling decided that

airborne insertion had potential. In the process of

learning to parachute, Stirling was injured and spent two

months in an African hospital. During his stat in the

hospital, Stirling devoted his time planning how small

raiding teams could be used to attack vulnerable airfields

and logistics bases behind enemy lines.

Upon his release from the hospital, Stirling headed for the

High Command Headquarters in order to see General

Auchinlek, the Commander-in-Chief. Instead, he accidentally

ended up in General Ritchie's office and presented his idea

for raiding forces. General Ritchie, Deputy Commander

Middle East, saw that Stirling's idea was a good one and

went on to present it to General Auchinlek. Both generals

saw the potential of his idea. Stirling felt that the

battalion-sized formations that were being formed for

amphibious raiding were to cumbersome for covert

operations, and that small units of five to six men would

be able to stealthy penetrate enemy bases and attack using


Three days later Stirling was back at GHQ and given

permission to recruit six officers and 60 men from Layforce

and to set up a training camp in the Suez Canal Zone. This

independent command was to be called L Detachment, Special

Air Service Bridge. The term "Brigade" was chosen in order

to convince German intelligence that the 8th army had an

airborne brigade in theatre rather then just a handful of

men. It was thought that the use of 60 volunteers would not

deplete the strength and resources of the 8th army, but

their use behind enemy lines might cause confusion during a

major offensive.

In an early mission, L Detachment deployed to gather

intelligence, as well as harassing and tying up German

forces during Operation Crusader. Sixty-six men were

parachuted from five Bristol Bombay bombers in very bad

weather. It took them over an hour to assemble the men, and

they could only find two of their ten supply canisters.

These contained blankets, water, food and 6 Lewes bombs

(named for Jock Lewes, a co-founder of the SAS), but no


Unable to destroy any planes, Stirling decided to split his

men into five groups and at least carry out some

reconnaissance. One by one the men made it back to the

rendezvous point where the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG)

was waiting with vehicles for extraction to Allied lines.

Of the 66 men who had left for the operation only 22 men


Next, Stirling and his group teamed up with A Squadron of

the Lone Range Desert Group. They set up a base at Gialo

about 240km south of Benghazi in Libya. There they could

operate using ground insertion instead of the highly

unreliable air insertion of the previous mission. Stirling

was asked to head the mission, due to the enemy airfields

preparing an operation on the 21st/22nd of December.

Stirling, along with Irish athlete Patty Mayne, would lead

ten men in an attack on the airfield at Sirte, while Jock

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Lewes would go for El Agheila, and Lt. Bill Frasier would

attack Agedabia a week later.

Leaving Gialo on December 8th, Stirling and his group were

being transported by the LRDG in 7 30-cwt (hundredweight)

trucks. The column totaled 32 men and was piled high with

stores and equipment. For the first three days the journey

was uneventful, except for minor mechanical problems with

one of the trucks. On the fourth day, an Italian plane

spotted the group. Knowing that bombers would soon follow,

the group hid in some scrub. Three Italian bombers came,

and for fifteen minutes they bombed the group, throwing up

huge clouds of dust. When the dust had cleared, Stirling

found that his column suffered no damage at all.

The column moved on. Just before dark, another Italian

plane came and started circling overhead. Being to dark for

enemy bombers, and knowing that a patrol might soon be

coming, Stirling decided to divide his group. He sent

Mayne, along with ten men, on to attack the airfield at

Tamet, while he would see what could be done at Sirte.

Both attacks were to take place the following night. That

night, the reconnaissance under Stirling was noticed by the

Italians, causing them to fire randomly into the darkness.

All Stirling could do was to hide and watch the show,

knowing that they had lost the element of surprise. The

following day, Stirling cursed as he watched the Italians

evacuate the airfield. Hoping the others had better luck,

the group headed for the rendezvous point.

At Tamet, Mayne had better luck. As his group approached

the airfield they could hear people chatting and laughing

in one of the buildings. Mayne kicked the door open and

fired his Thompson sub machine gun into the room. Leaving

four men as a rear guard, Mayne and five men proceeded to

place bombs on 23 aircraft in 15 minutes. Having no more

bombs, Mayne climbed into the 24th aircraft cockpit and

ripped out part of the instrumental panel with his bare

hands. It was an episode which would become part of SAS


Lewes found that his airfield was only a ferrying point and

had no aircraft, so he planted mines on the runway and

along the road, as well as blowing up some thirty trucks.

Fraser was even more successful, destroying 37 Italian CR42

fighter-bombers, although he had to leave two aircraft

untouched after running out of explosives. Incidentally,

the German general, Erwin Rommel, was at nearby Agedabia

that night, and was most likely entertained by the

resulting fireworks.

Thus began the SAS. By the end of 1941 the SAS had

destroyed more than 100 enemy aircraft. By the close of

1942, L Detachment was given full regimental status as 1

SAS regiment. Receiving volunteers from 8 Commando, Free

French, Poles, and Greeks. During operations in North

Africa, the SAS destroyed over 400 enemy aircraft and tied

up large numbers of enemy troops protecting air bases and

lines of communication. The SAS will continue to do

important missions throughout the war, causing havoc and

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destruction behind enemy lines.




The information in this section is just about the various

areas you will find in the game. Note that all information

is just text from your Hidden and Dangerous 2 manual.

*Norway (March 1941)

Norway is a nation in the northwestern portion of

continental Europe, north of Denmark (and Germany) and west

of Sweden. Norway has thousands of kilometers of coastline

with numerous ports. Much of the landscape is glaciated,

with rugged mountains and fertile valleys. Artic Tundra

becomes prevalent to the north.

Norway's position in the North Atlantic makes it

strategically invaluable to the German Navy. Norway had

taken a position of neutrality early in the war, and its

tiny army was completely unprepared when, in April of 1940,

Hitler sent his armies to conquer the country, receiving

help from the traitorous Norwegian Foreign Minister, Vidkun

Quisling. The Norwegian troops fought valiantly, once even

driving the Germans out of the port of Narvik, but the

cause was hopeless, and Norway accepted an armistice on

June 9, 1940. As of March 1941, the Germans still hold

Norway in a tight grip.

*North Africa (November 1942)

North Africa is a region that includes a number of

individual countries, including Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia,

Algeria, Morocco, and others. The terrain and environment

vary from region to region, including some areas in the

north with climates reminiscent of Italy and the Northern

Mediterranean. Most of the area though is arid, barren

deserts, with blowing sands and little shade or cover.

Africa was never high on Hitler list of targets, but

Mussolini has other ideas, thinking to invade the French

and British colonies there and create an Italian empire

around the Mediterranean. When Italy invasion began to go

bad in late 1940 and early 1941, Hitler sent in General

Erwin Rommel, called the desert fox, to clean up the mess.

Rommel landed in Tripoli and advanced rapidly as far as

Tobruk, at which point Allied forces were able to check his

advance. As of November of 1942, General Bernard Montgomery

has pushed back against Rommel, forcing him into a retreat

at the recent battle of El Alamein. The battle for North

Africa is not won, but the tides have turned.

*Burma (July 1943)

Positioned in Southeast Asia between China and India, Burma

is a broad, heavily forested land surrounded by rugged

highlands. It is a hot, humid tropical region subject to

heavy monsoons throughout the spring and summer months, and

long dry periods during the winters.

Burma is the main route between the West and our allies in

China, a route sometimes called the Burma Road. With the

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Japanese control of the shipping lanes to the East of

China, it becomes the most important route. The Yanks need

to use Chinese air bases in order to launch strikes at the

Japanese homeland, and our Chinese allies need supplies. In

May of 1942, the Japanese captured Burma. As of July 1943,

there is no hard plan in place to recapture Burma, and the

allies are not completely certain of what the Japanese are

doing in the interior of the country.

*AUSTRIA (September 1943)

Austria is a small country with the misfortune to have been

located between Germany and Italy. It is a small,

mountainous country, tapering off to sloping hills in the

north and the East. Austria has cold winters and mild

summers, with rain in the lowlands and snow in the


Wedged between two axis countries, Austria was the first

country to fall to the Hitler scheme for world domination,

although it fell more through political chaos and

pressuring then it did through conventional warfare. In any

case, Austria has, for all practical purposes, been a part

of Germany since the spring of 1938.

*Northern France (May 1944)

France lies, as you know, just across the English Channel

from our own country. It is north of Spain, which remains

highly uninvolved in the current war, and also borders both

Germany and Italy directly. It is a country of plains,

fields, and gently rolling hills (although it is

mountainous to the East). Cool summers and mild winters

combine to make France a generally comfortable place to be.

France fell early in the war as part of the Hitler

Blitzkrieg, forcing the remaining French administration

into a collaborationist government in the town of Vichy.

The entire northern half of the country is under direct

German control. The Axis leaders know that Britain will be

the staging ground for an invasion of the continent by the

Allies sometime soon. They even believe that the invasion

will take place in France, but they are unsure where, and

their forces are spread out thin to cover a massive amount

of coastline in Northern France. Hitler knows we are

coming. We would hat to disappoint him.

*Czechoslovakia (May 1945)

Czechoslovakia is a country dominated by forests, plains,

plateaus, and rolling hills. Czechoslovakia enjoys cool

summers, but wet winters. It is a strategically located

country, sitting astride some of the most important land

routes through Europe.

Sitting in the cradle between Austria and Germany,

Czechoslovakia made an obvious early target for Hitler. The

Czechoslovakian army made no match for Hitler, and the only

countries willing to defend Czechoslovakia (France and

Soviet Union) were prevented from doing so by Poland and

Romania. In 1938, in an attempt to assuage the threat from

Germany, Czechoslovakia gave up the German-populated

Sudetenland. Six months later, under threat of an

unstoppable invasion that would have devastated the

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country, the rest of Czechoslovakia was surrendered to

Germany without a shot being fired.

Czechoslovakia has remained in German hands since that

time. Now that the war in Europe draws to a close and

Hitler has been corralled in Berlin, reports have come in

of the Czechoslovakian citizenry, with the backing of the

Soviet Union, rising up against the German troops remaining

in the area.


*****16. MULTIPLAYER*****


Multiplayer is the online portion of the game where you get

to play with real live people around the world. You can

play on the internet or your local area network. There are

three types of games online. First is your normal death

match game where everybody is on his or her own and must

kill everybody. Person with the most kills after a period

of time wins. Next is occupation maps where there are zones

marked with flags all over the map. This is like a capture

the flag game only with many flags that you must stand near

to get. This is a team game and teamwork usually helps.

Finally there is the objectives mode of online play. Every

level has a set of objectives that one team must complete

while the other team tries to stop them. This is a team

game, and remember that you only get one life in this type

of game while others ones let you re spawn. When playing

online you get to choose to be the axis or allies and

choose whatever weapon setup you like. Next you choose your

spawn location and that is where you start and will re

spawn if you die. On occupation maps use the map to select

your spawn spots. Truly the multi player is very fun.


*****16.1 DEATHMATCH LEVELS*****


AFRICA 1: The Africa level is a great death match level

with great sniping areas and a lot of cover. There are a

few mounted machine guns in the level but mostly snipers

work here. The few trenches also prove useful for cover.

Compared to the single player mission Africa 1 adds a few

more buildings, trenches, and scenery. The background is

also different compared to the single player mission.

AFRICA 3: This is an awesome level with many crooks and

crannies for you to hide in. Sub machine guns work well as

you can dip in and out of rooms using them for cover. As a

sniper the corners of the oasis are some of the best

sniping locations in the game. Also the tower coming out of

the mosque is a great sniping location as well. This is the

exact same level as in the single player game.

AFRICA 5: This is a huge map and forces you to search a

little for your enemies. Bazookas are necessary as anyone

who plays this level always goes for the three available

tanks and flak trucks. For some reason most action in this

level takes place in the main building on the top of the

map. Get used to the openness of the map and snipe your

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enemies or just kill them with one of the tanks.

ARCTIC 1: This is just the complex area of the first level

in the single player mission. It is a dark mission so use

this to your advantage and take out your enemies. Do watch

out for enemies that shoot from the outside of the complex

into it. Also there is a tower in the level that can be a

dangerous spot as well.

ARTIC 2: Here is the only all indoor mission and level.

Bring machine guns as sniper rifles are almost useless

here. Check every corner as many people like to hide in

certain areas. Your best bet for this level however is to

just run through and annihilate anybody that gets on your

screen. Do not however that there are two levels to the

facility so move around and do not just stay on one.

BURMA 1: Burma is a great level for the patient player. It

is a humongous forest with a lot of bunkers and trees. Use

the trees as cover and watch out for the bunkers. There are

two bridges and one fallen tree in the level and these may

be considered death traps as many people will set up shop

near these and just kill anyone who passes them. Take any

weapon you want as anybody you see probably will not see

you instantly. Also the main camp area seems to be where

the most action happens so keep an eye out for that.

CZECH 3: This is a small little level and you will most

likely meet your enemies many times. The level consists of

four buildings. One is the main villa which contains some

very good positions upstairs. Do be careful as once your up

there everyone will soon gun you out. Also the logging area

provides for some nice firefight areas.

NORMANDY: This can be a very confusing level as there are

many rooms and floors in the castle. Your best bet is to

just keep moving and try to find your enemies before they

stumble on to you. Sub machine guns work well and

surprisingly sniper rifles are good to. Most activity

happens on the roof though so when you are walking around

and stumble into a stairwell go up to the roof. Note that

if you re spawn in the lighthouse either use and snipe the

castle roof or make the long trip back through the main

entrance of the castle.


*****16.2 OCCUPATION LEVELS*****


AFRICA 2: This level is pure occupation action as you will

not find much cover out in this desert and there are a lot

of vehicles to use. Actually for every spawn location there

is at least two vehicles and they are almost always a jeep

and a tank. Be prepared to take a bazooka or panzerfaust

with you on this level. There are a total of 14 flags in

the level for you to try and take. This is just a straight

on head to head, vehicle mayhem, no cover level.

AFRICA 5: Africa 5 is a big open level with a total of ten

flag zones. There are many jeeps and tanks in this level so

bring some heavy equipment. Use teamwork here and you

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should be able to drive past enemies and get all the zones

for your team. Tanks are located at each starting location

and the tank area. Jeeps are located everywhere.

ALPS 1: The Alps is a head to head map with a few heavy

machine guns set up for you. Grenades work best here and

the forest can provide some key cover for you and your

team. Watch out for the snipers on cliffs and try to

control the 7 flags in this level.

ARCTIC 4: This is one of my favorite levels as it contains

a very strategic mountain in the middle that results in a

lot of snipers overlooking the action below. There are 12

flags in this open level so you will be marching all over

the map dodging your enemies and avoiding snipers. The

buildings on the one side provide for some great cover and

even better firefights.

BURMA 1: The forests of Burma are foggy, dark, and

concealing. In a team game you will find it hard telling

friend from foe but that makes it all the better. Watch out

though if a team controls the bridges as crossing them can

be very treacherous. There are 6 flags in this level and

you try to get anyone of them.

CZECH 2: This is the train level and is very difficult when

many players are in it. Snipers on the roof of trains will

get head shots and machine gunners on the bottom will take

out your legs. Well placed grenades can result in glory if

you kill a lot of enemies or disaster if you get your own

team. There are 12 flags but advancing in the tunnel is

quite the feat as this level proves to be a real tug of


CZECH 4: The town is huge in this level but do not fear

there are a few jeeps around to help you travel from each

flag to the next. There are a total 13 flags in the level.

Use the alleyways and jeeps to get around and surprise your


CZECH 5: Same level as Czech 4 just that it is now dark out

and for some reason the jeeps are now gone. There are still

13 flags so use the darkness to your advantage and move

carefully along and kill your enemies. Try not to shot your

teammates in the dark and try to move as a single squad to

get all the flags.

CZECH 6: This surprisingly is a great level for occupation

games. There are 6 flags in the level and you can get

anyone of them you want. There are a few tanks and armored

vehicles in the level that can prove to be quite dangerous.

Note that there is a lot of cover in this level with barbed

wire, the forest, hills, and most importantly the bunker.

NORMANDY 2: This is an awesome level for occupation as it

is a small level with tons of possible sniping locations

and indentions in walls to hide. Grenades work great but

watch out for your teammates. There are five flags for your

team to try and capture here.

NORMANDY 3: You may not recognize this level as it is not

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in single player. It is a big bridge with many bunkers and

craters along with a few machine gun areas. You can even

use the 2 tanks and 2 jeeps available for use in this

level. Remember to bring heavy artillery to get rid of

tanks. Also you can either climb to the top of the bridge

for great position or use the bottom walkway underneath for

cover and to sneak up on enemies. There are 5 flags in this





*****AFRICA 1:*****


1. Prevent Allied team from blowing up the tank

2. Prevent the plane from being destroyed

3. Protect the VIP


1. Blow up five tanks with air craft fuel

2. Destroy the plane

3. Kill VIP member of the Axis team

GUIDE: For the Allied team you will need dynamite to blow

up the tanks of fuel, grenades to get the plane in the

hangar, and to hope you can kill the VIP member of the

other team. For the Axis guard everything and remember that

on your team map the person with a red arrow thing is the


*****AFRICA 3:******


1. Prevent Allied team from entering the Oasis

2. Prevent radio transmitter from being damaged


1. Enter the Oasis

2. Destroy the radio transmitter

GUIDE: For the Allies use dynamite to get in and then blow

up the transmitter once inside. For the Axis protect the

transmitter and prevent the enemy from getting in the


*****AFRICA 4:*****


1. Enter the oasis

2. Destroy the radio transmitter


1. Prevent Axis team from entering the Oasis

2. Prevent radio transmitter from being damaged

GUIDE: This is the exact same level as Africa 3 only it is

now dark out and the team objectives are switched. Axis

must destroy the transmitter and the Allies must protect

the transmitter.

*****ARTIC 1:*****


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1. Prevent bomb no.1 from being deactivated

2. Prevent bomb no.2 from being deactivated

3. Prevent bomb no.3 from being deactivated

4. Prevent bomb no.4 from being deactivated

5. Prevent bomb no.5 from being deactivated


1. Prevent bomb no.1 from exploding

2. Prevent bomb no.2 from exploding

3. Prevent bomb no.3 from exploding

4. Prevent bomb no.4 from exploding

5. Prevent bomb no.5 from exploding

GUIDE: Both teams must interact with the bombs and you can

find the bombs on your map as they are marked. There are

five bombs and the Allies must prevent them from exploding.

On the other hand the Axis must protect them and keep them


*****ARTIC 3:*****


1. Kill the traitor

2. Destroy the transformer station

3. Destroy the group of 4 tanks

4. Destroy the isolated fuel tank


1. Protect the Traitor

2. Protect the transformer station

3. Protect group of 4 fuel tanks

4. Protect the isolated fuel tank

GUIDE: This is same map as Artic 1 but now it is day time.

Also the Axis team must be the aggressors. The Axis must

break into the complex blow up tanks and the transformer

station and kill the traitor. The Allied team must protect

the traitor and the other objectives. The traitor will be

marked with a red marker on the Allied map.

*****BURMA 1:*****


1. Prevent the central part of the bridge from being


2. Prevent the documents from being stolen

3. Prevent the Allied team from fleeing to the escape



1. Seize the central part of the bridge

2. Steal the documents from the bridge

3. Gather the team in the escape zone

GUIDE: This is a big level but most action happens in the

little village area. The Allies must steal the documents

from the village area, seize the bridge by waiting for the

meter to fill, and get the survivors to the escape point.

The Axis must stop the Allies from completing these goals.

*****BURMA 2:*****


1. Defend the Eastern machine gun post

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2. Defend the Western machine gun post

3. Prevent the documents from being stolen and disclosed


1. Seize the Eastern machine gun post

2. Seize the Western machine gun post

3. Steal the documents and inform HQ of their contents

using the radio transmitter

GUIDE: This level is pretty neat but hard as both teams

fight for the machine gun posts. The Allies must seize both

by filling the meter when standing near them. The Axis must

guard them. Also the documents and radio transmitter are in

the bunkers at the north end of the map. In the middle

however, there is a radio that lets you call air strikes so

watch out for that.

*****CZECH 1:*****


1. Prevent the tracks from being destroyed

2. Prevent the engine from being destroyed


1. Sever the tracks

2. Blow up the engine

GUIDE: For the Allies bring a lot of dynamite to be able to

complete the objectives. The spots for placing dynamite are

given to you. The Axis must stop the Allied team from doing

any of this. During the level it wise use trains for cover.

*****CZECH 2:*****


1. Prevent the valuables from being destroyed

2. Protect the VIP member of the AXIS team


1. Steal the valuables from the crate

2. Kill the VIP member of the Axis team

GUIDE: This is a tough level as it is very compact and

dangerous. The valuables are half way down the level. The

Allies must get these and the Axis must stop them. Also the

Allies must kill the VIP member while the Axis must protect

the VIP. The VIP is marked by a red marker on the Axis map.

*****CZECH 3:*****


1. Protect the VIP member of the Axis team

2. Prevent the secret plans from being photographed


1. Kill the VIP member of the Axis team

2. Photograph the secret German plans

GUIDE: This is a great level and has some fairly easy

objectives. The Axis must protect the VIP member and

prevent the secret plans from being photographed. The

Allies must kill the VIP member and photograph the plans.

The plans are in the first floor of the villa and you will

need a camera to take a picture.

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Hidden & Dangerous 2: FAQ/Walkthrough by DR SMOOTH

Version .50, Last Updated 2004-03-11 View/Download Original File

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*****17. EASTER EGGS*****




*****18. FAQ*****




*****19. WRAP UP*****


I hope you enjoyed my walkthrough and most importantly the

game. Hidden and Dangerous 2 is a great game. I hope I

helped you if you got stuck in the game and needed


Yet again this walkthrough for Hidden and Dangerous 2 may

not be reproduced in any way unless for private and

personal use. Thanks to Take-two, Gathering, and Illusion

Softworks for making this masterpiece. Contact me at

[email protected] for your questions, corrections,

additional information, and input. Please only e-mail if it

is important and relevant.


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