Page 1: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Game Theory, from aphysicist?

A New Representation of Classical and

Quantum Game Theory

Jinshan Wu

Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University

Page 2: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation


• Starting point, one example to show the whole


• Some Background of Physics

– Quantum Mechanics

– Statistical Mechanics

• Classical Game Theory

• New Representation of Classical and Quantum


• Only equivalent description, something new?

Page 3: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Prisoner’s Dilemma as anexample

• (−2,−2) , (−5, 0) , (0,−5) , (−4,−4), four pairs of

number for pure-strategy combinations (Deny,


Page 4: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Prisoner’s Dilemma as anexample

• (−2,−2) , (−5, 0) , (0,−5) , (−4,−4), four pairs of

number for pure-strategy combinations (Deny,


• Weighted average for mixture-strategy combi-


E1 = (−2) p1dp

2d+ (−5) p1

dp2c + (0) p1

cp2d+ (−4) p1


Page 5: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Prisoner’s Dilemma as anexample

• (−2,−2) , (−5, 0) , (0,−5) , (−4,−4), four pairs of

number for pure-strategy combinations (Deny,


• Weighted average for mixture-strategy combi-


E1 = (−2) p1dp

2d+ (−5) p1

dp2c + (0) p1

cp2d+ (−4) p1


• Turns into a matrix form Gi(tensor form for

N-player game)

E1 =[p1d, p


] [−2 −50 −4

] [p2dp2c


Page 6: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Prisoner’s Dilemma as anexample, continued

• Turns into a density matrix form ρi andHi((1, 1)-

tensor for any-player game)

E1 = Tr

[p1d 0

0 p1c


[p2d 0

0 p2c

] −2 0 0 00 −5 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 −4

= Tr


2d 0 0 0

0 p1dp

2c 0 0

0 0 p1cp

2d 0

0 0 0 p1cp


−2 0 0 00 −5 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 −4

Page 7: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Quantum Mechanics

Page 8: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Quantum Mechanics

• State in Hilbert space |φ〉 ∈ H, and base vec-

tors |µ〉

|φ〉 =∑µ

φµ |µ〉 . (1)

Page 9: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Quantum Mechanics

• State in Hilbert space |φ〉 ∈ H, and base vec-

tors |µ〉

|φ〉 =∑µ

φµ |µ〉 . (1)

• Operators and physical quantities A |H→H

|ψ〉 = A |φ〉 and 〈A〉 = 〈φ|A |φ〉 . (2)

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Quantum Mechanics

• State in Hilbert space |φ〉 ∈ H, and base vec-

tors |µ〉

|φ〉 =∑µ

φµ |µ〉 . (1)

• Operators and physical quantities A |H→H

|ψ〉 = A |φ〉 and 〈A〉 = 〈φ|A |φ〉 . (2)

• Density matrix form for state

ρ = |φ〉 〈φ| =∑µ,ν φ

∗νφµ |µ〉 〈ν|

but more generalρ =

∑µ,ν ρµν |µ〉 〈ν|


Page 11: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Quantum Mechanics,continued

• Dirac notation for operators 〈ψ| ∈ H∗ |H→C, so

|φ〉 〈ψ| is a mapping from H to H.

Page 12: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Quantum Mechanics,continued

• Dirac notation for operators 〈ψ| ∈ H∗ |H→C, so

|φ〉 〈ψ| is a mapping from H to H.

• Then any operator on H can be expanded as

A =∑µν

Aµν |µ〉 〈ν| . (4)

In such sense, we denote both state space ρ

and operator space A as H

Page 13: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Quantum Mechanics,continued

• Dirac notation for operators 〈ψ| ∈ H∗ |H→C, so

|φ〉 〈ψ| is a mapping from H to H.

• Then any operator on H can be expanded as

A =∑µν

Aµν |µ〉 〈ν| . (4)

In such sense, we denote both state space ρ

and operator space A as H

• Reduced density matrix

ρiR = Tr−i(ρS

), (if indepedent)ρS =




Page 14: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Quantum Mechanics,continued

• In one word, Quantum Mechanics is a system

– State (ρ) and Liouville Equation (or Schrodinger


ρ (t) = Uρ0U†, (6)

in which U = exp(−iHt), H is the Hamilto-

nian, a hermitian operator.

– Physical quantities (A) and their values

〈A〉 = Tr (Aρ) . (7)

Page 15: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Statistical Mechanics

Page 16: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Statistical Mechanics

• Dynamical problem VS Thermal Dynamical prob-


ρi H, the Hamiltonian−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ ρfρ0 heat bath, fluctuation−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ ρeq

Page 17: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Statistical Mechanics

• Dynamical problem VS Thermal Dynamical prob-


ρi H, the Hamiltonian−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ ρfρ0 heat bath, fluctuation−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ ρeq

• Equilibrium distribution, ensemble theory, Canon-

ical Ensemble

ρeq = 1Ze

−βH and Z = Tr(e−βH


Page 18: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Statistical Mechanics,continued

• Master equation and other pseudo-dynamical

equations (for classical system)


dtρ (x, t) =


W (y → x) ρ (y)−∑y

W (x → y) ρ (x) .


Page 19: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Statistical Mechanics,continued

• Master equation and other pseudo-dynamical

equations (for classical system)


dtρ (x, t) =


W (y → x) ρ (y)−∑y

W (x → y) ρ (x) .


• For a quantum system, in a set of eigenvectors

of H, we have

ρeq =1

Ze−βH =



Ze−βE(µ) |µ〉 〈µ| . (10)

Page 20: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Classical Game Theory

• Solution of a game

Page 21: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Classical Game Theory

• Solution of a game

• Nash Equilibrium and Nash Theorem

Ei(~P 1eq, · · · , ~P ieq, · · · , ~PNeq

)≥ Ei

(~P 1eq, · · · , ~P i, · · · , ~PNeq

), ∀i, ∀~P i.


Page 22: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Classical Game Theory

• Solution of a game

• Nash Equilibrium and Nash Theorem

Ei(~P 1eq, · · · , ~P ieq, · · · , ~PNeq

)≥ Ei

(~P 1eq, · · · , ~P i, · · · , ~PNeq

), ∀i, ∀~P i.


• Evolutionary Game and its relation with static

game(~P 1i , · · · , ~PNi


(~P 1f , · · · , ~PNf


(~P 1eq, · · · , ~PNeq


Page 23: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Classical Game Theory,continued

• Cooperative Game and its relation with static


N =K⋃j=1

Nj, ρS =K∏j=1

ρj 6=N∏i=1

ρi (13)

Page 24: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Classical Game Theory,continued

• Cooperative Game and its relation with static


N =K⋃j=1

Nj, ρS =K∏j=1

ρj 6=N∏i=1

ρi (13)

• Questions: Calculation of NE, Unstable NE as

a solution, Refinement of NEs

Page 25: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Comparison betweenGame Theory and Physics

• Comparison with Quantum Mechanics

– Hamiltonian

– State, Density Matrix

– Dynamical Equation

Page 26: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Comparison betweenGame Theory and Physics

• Comparison with Quantum Mechanics

– Hamiltonian

– State, Density Matrix

– Dynamical Equation

• Comparison with Statistical Mechanics

– Ensemble, Distribution, Thermal Equilibrium

– Pseudo-dynamical Equation

Page 27: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

The New Representationof Classical Game• Traditional Classical Game

Γc =



} , (14)

• The new form

Γc,new =



} . (15)

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The New Representationof Classical Game• Traditional Classical Game

Γc =



} , (14)

• The new form

Γc,new =



} . (15)

• The relations, and question about non-zero

off-diagonal elements of Hi∏i~P i −→ ρS

Gi −→ Hi =∑SS

′ GiSδSS′∣∣∣S 〉〈S′

∣∣∣ (16)

Page 29: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

The New Representation,continued

• Reduced Payoff Matrix

HiR = Tr−i

(ρ1 · · · ρi−1ρi+1 · · · ρNHi

)Ei = Tri



) (17)

Page 30: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

The New Representation,continued

• Reduced Payoff Matrix

HiR = Tr−i

(ρ1 · · · ρi−1ρi+1 · · · ρNHi

)Ei = Tri



) (17)

• Pseudo-dynamical Equation

ρi (t+ 1) =eβH




Page 31: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

The New Representation,Application

Page 32: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

The New Representation,Application

• Prisoner’s Dilemma

• Hawk-Dove Game

Page 33: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

The New Representationof Quantum Game

• Manipulative Definition

Γq,o =(ρqo ∈ Hq,

∏Ni=1 ⊗Hi,L,

{P i

})Ei = Tr

(P iL

(· · · , U i, · · ·


(· · · , U i, · · ·


Page 34: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

The New Representationof Quantum Game

• Manipulative Definition

Γq,o =(ρqo ∈ Hq,

∏Ni=1 ⊗Hi,L,

{P i

})Ei = Tr

(P iL

(· · · , U i, · · ·


(· · · , U i, · · ·


• Natural base strategies of operator space

Page 35: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

The New Representationof Quantum Game

• Manipulative Definition

Γq,o =(ρqo ∈ Hq,

∏Ni=1 ⊗Hi,L,

{P i

})Ei = Tr

(P iL

(· · · , U i, · · ·


(· · · , U i, · · ·


• Natural base strategies of operator space

• Abstract Form

Γq =(∏N

i=1 ⊗Sqi ,{Hi

})Ei = Tr


) (20)

Page 36: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

The New Representation,continued

• Quantum Nash Equilibrium

– General NE in system state space


)≥ Ei



)· ρi

), ∀ρi, ∀i. (21)

– NE in direct-product strategy space

Ei(ρ1eq, · · · , ρieq, · · · , ρNeq

)≥ Ei

(ρ1eq, · · · , ρi, · · · , ρNeq



– Strong dominant state


)≥ Ei


), ∀ρS. (23)

Page 37: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

The New Representation,continued

• Quantum Nash Equilibrium

– General NE in system state space


)≥ Ei



)· ρi

), ∀ρi, ∀i. (21)

– NE in direct-product strategy space

Ei(ρ1eq, · · · , ρieq, · · · , ρNeq

)≥ Ei

(ρ1eq, · · · , ρi, · · · , ρNeq



– Strong dominant state


)≥ Ei


), ∀ρS. (23)

• Non-direct-product NE means Cooperative?

Page 38: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Quantum Game,Application I — QPFGame

• Manipulative Definition

– Base vectors of state space: |1〉 = (1, 0)T , |−1〉 =

(0, 1)T

– Initial state of the quantum object: ρq0 =

|1〉 〈1|– Strategies of quantum players: I, σx, σy, σz

and their combination

– Payoff scale: player 1 win 1 when |1〉 lose 1

when |−1〉, inverse for player 2.

– So

E1 = Tr

([1 00 −1


[1 00 0

] (U2U1


= −E2

Page 39: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Quantum Game,Application I — continued• Payoff Matrix with non-zero off-diagonal ele-

ments, for example,⟨I, I

∣∣H1∣∣σx, I⟩ = 1, while

classically no such situation that looking on theleft side, both players choose I, but accordingto right side, not.

Page 40: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Quantum Game,Application I — continued• Payoff Matrix with non-zero off-diagonal ele-

ments, for example,⟨I, I

∣∣H1∣∣σx, I⟩ = 1, while

classically no such situation that looking on theleft side, both players choose I, but accordingto right side, not.

1 0 1 0 0 1 0 i 1 0 1 0 0 −i 0 10 −1 0 i −1 0 1 0 0 −1 0 i i 0 −i 01 0 1 0 0 1 0 i 1 0 1 0 0 −i 0 10 −i 0 −1 −i 0 i 0 0 −i 0 −1 −1 0 1 00 −1 0 i −1 0 1 0 0 −1 0 i i 0 −i 01 0 1 0 0 1 0 i 1 0 1 0 0 −i 0 10 1 0 −i 1 0 −1 0 0 1 0 −i −i 0 i 0

−i 0 −i 0 0 −i 0 1 −i 0 −i 0 0 −1 0 −i1 0 1 0 0 1 0 i 1 0 1 0 0 −i 0 10 −1 0 i −1 0 1 0 0 −1 0 i i 0 −i 01 0 1 0 0 1 0 i 1 0 1 0 0 −i 0 10 −i 0 −1 −i 0 i 0 0 −i 0 −1 −1 0 1 00 −i 0 −1 −i 0 i 0 0 −i 0 −1 −1 0 1 0i 0 i 0 0 i 0 −1 i 0 i 0 0 1 0 i0 i 0 1 i 0 −i 0 0 i 0 1 1 0 −1 01 0 1 0 0 1 0 i 1 0 1 0 0 −i 0 1

Page 41: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Application II — QuantumBattle of Sexes

• An Artificial Game and its classical limit (ε1 >


H1 =

ε1 0 0 ε10 ε2 ε2 00 ε2 ε2 0ε1 0 0 ε1

= H2,

Page 42: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Application II — QuantumBattle of Sexes

• An Artificial Game and its classical limit (ε1 >


H1 =

ε1 0 0 ε10 ε2 ε2 00 ε2 ε2 0ε1 0 0 ε1

= H2,

H1,c =

ε1 0 0 00 ε2 0 00 0 ε2 00 0 0 ε1

= H2,c

Page 43: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Application II — QuantumBattle of Sexes

• An Artificial Game and its classical limit (ε1 >


H1 =

ε1 0 0 ε10 ε2 ε2 00 ε2 ε2 0ε1 0 0 ε1

= H2,

H1,c =

ε1 0 0 00 ε2 0 00 0 ε2 00 0 0 ε1

= H2,c

• Strong Dominant State, an entangled strategy


ρSM = (|BB〉 + |SS〉) (〈BB| + 〈SS|) 6= ρ1 ⊗ ρ2

Page 44: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Conclusions andDiscussions: Somethingnew?

Page 45: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Conclusions andDiscussions: Somethingnew?

• At least, an equivalent description of classical


• At least, a general form of quantum game,

a truly quantum game, not in the scope of

traditional Gi

Page 46: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Conclusions andDiscussions: Somethingnew?

• At least, an equivalent description of classical


• At least, a general form of quantum game,

a truly quantum game, not in the scope of

traditional Gi

• Unified framework for both classical and quan-

tum game, so easier to transfer ideas between


Page 47: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Conclusions andDiscussions: Somethingnew?

• At least, an equivalent description of classical


• At least, a general form of quantum game,

a truly quantum game, not in the scope of

traditional Gi

• Unified framework for both classical and quan-

tum game, so easier to transfer ideas between


• Possible way leading to Evolutionary Game and

Cooperative Game

Page 48: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Any Future?

Page 49: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Any Future?

• Quantum Nash Equilibrium Proposition, but,

without a general proof (hopefully in near fu-


Page 50: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Any Future?

• Quantum Nash Equilibrium Proposition, but,

without a general proof (hopefully in near fu-


• Better Dynamical Equations for classical game

and one applicable equation for quantum game

(still open problem in Physics)

Page 51: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Any Future?

• Quantum Nash Equilibrium Proposition, but,

without a general proof (hopefully in near fu-


• Better Dynamical Equations for classical game

and one applicable equation for quantum game

(still open problem in Physics)

• Application onto more specific games (which


Page 52: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Any Future?

• Quantum Nash Equilibrium Proposition, but,

without a general proof (hopefully in near fu-


• Better Dynamical Equations for classical game

and one applicable equation for quantum game

(still open problem in Physics)

• Application onto more specific games (which


• Application onto some tough theoretical prob-

lems (where?)

Page 53: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Reference and Thank YouAll, Question Time Now

Page 54: Game Theory, from a physicist? - Beijing Normal · Classical Game Theory, continued • Cooperative Game and its relation

Reference and Thank YouAll, Question Time Now

• Jinshan Wu, arXiv:quant-ph/0404159.

• S. J. van Enk and R. Pike, Phys. Rev. A

66(2002), 024306.

• D.A. Meyer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82(1999),


• J. Eisert, M. Wilkens, and M. Lewenstein, Phys.

Rev. Lett, 83(1999), 3077.

• Jinshan Wu, arXiv:quant-ph/0405003.

• Jinshan Wu, arXiv:quant-ph/0405032.

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