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Fireworks can be fun and festive for you to watch and look at and there are spectacular displays available, especially right around Territory Day in the Northern Territory. While these displays can be a lot of fun to watch and look out, there is also a great deal of care that needs to go into the use of any type of fireworks, especially those that are allowed to be legally sold to the general public for personal use. It is important to keep a number of things in mind if you are considering purchasing any types of fireworks for yourself for use.

If you are looking into using some of the Fireworks Australia has to offer, you will need to keep in mind the rules and regulations that exist regarding fireworks in Australia. In all areas of Australia other than the Northern Territory it is illegal for members of the public to purchase, possess or use fireworks in general. In the Northern Territory, fireworks are allowed to be legally sold to the general public to use but this is restricted to July 1 only, which is Territory Day. You need to keep all of this in mind if you are considering making any type of purchase of fireworks to avoid being in violation of the Dangerous GoodsAct that exists.

With that in mind, if you do purchase fireworks in the Northern Territory there are safety precautions you need to take when using them. Never drop or throw any lit fireworks at all and all fireworks need to be handled with the greatest of care to avoid any injury to anyone. When you need to transport any fireworks, it is important that you try to keep the fireworks out of sight in the vehicle to keep them out of temptation’s way of potential thieves. You also do not want to store them near any other dangerous goods such as paints or petrol to avoid any potential problems and always store them away from children and any food items in a cool, dry place. If you have any fireworks leftover from your purchase that did not fire or misfired, you should return them to the place you bought them so you can be sure that they are handled and disposed of properly and safely.

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If you follow the safety precautions that you need to take regarding the various fireworks Australia has available then you will be able to enjoy the beauty and wonder that the fireworks can provide you without the fear of anyone being harmed or injured. Always place safety first where fireworks are concerned and make sure to follow all of the rules and regulations governing fireworks in your area and the instructions of the fireworks themselves for safer enjoyment.

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