
FUN GAMES FOR KIDS BIRTHDAY PARTIESNow and even in the older days it has been a great trend of celebrating birthdays. People get together and they make a lot of fun and play games. In kids’ birthday parties after cutting the cake the just run to play. Besides the refreshment, games are a big part of the birthday parties.

There are different games which are played by the children. More and more games have been introduced but some of the fun games are still very popular and played a lot even today too. Some of the popular birthday party games are; Spider web gameThe spider web is an interesting game. In the game the kids are divided into groups of two. They are given a yarn of thread which should of the size of a golf ball. All the groups are actually competing against each other. In the group the first kid have to tie up his or her waist with the thread and then pass it on to the his or her partner when the partner is done the he or she has to give it back to his or her partner again and when all the thread is finished they have to let loose of that thread the fastest ones may win the game.

Scavenger huntThe scavenger hunts are always good and they even promote team work. In this game the kids are divided in two different groups and every team has the contestants according to the number of total kids present in the birthday party. A number of objects are hidden all over the place and the team which find the most and in the least time wins.

Pass the parcelIn this game the children sit in circle and one on them is handed an object which can be anything. After the object is handed the music starts to play the object is too passed to the next child sitting to the one who is currently holding the object.

The object is passed and as the music stops the child holding the object is then out of the game. And so on the game continues. This game is somehow like the survival games. The game ends when every child is out of the game and only two remain and then the challenge is between them. Then the music starts and the object is passed on. When the music stops the child who is currently holding the object loses and the child who is not holding the object wins.These are some of the many games which are played by the kids in their birthday parties. These games are a lot of fun to play and the party becomes more enjoyable because of these games. Kids play quite a number of games. The games are mostly of surviving that is the person who stays for the longest time in the wins the game and gets a prize. Such games are played a lot by the children during their birthday parties.

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