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Written by, and for, the congregation of

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Lent is the season before Easter that corresponds

to the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness.

Originally it was the time provided for training candidates for baptism.

In modern times it has become a period of

self-discipline spiritual reflection and preparation for Easter.

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3/6 Shane Branecky

3/7 Jonell SIms

3/8 Passion


3/10 Joyce Henegar

3/11 Passion

3/12 William Stewart

3/13 Passion

3/14 Mary Blain

3/15 Passion


3/17 Lee Emerson

3/18 Passion

3/19 LaDoyce Lambert

3/20 Passion

3/21 Jody Wallin

3/22 Passion


3/24 Gloria Lambert

3/25 Wayne Johnson

3/26 Susan Henry

3/27 Passion

3/28 Kay Bramely

3/29 Passion


3/31 Sherry Snodgrass

4/1 Passion

4/2 Jay George

4/3 Crystal Foster

4/4 Sylvia Watts

4/5 Passion


4/7 Jack Lambert

4/8 Passion

4/9 Britani Severence

4/10 Passion

4/11 Karin Carlson

4/12 John Wesley’s Covenant



4/14 Passion

4/15 Terry Tamplen

4/16 Old Rugged Cross

4/17 Passion

4/18 Passion

4/19 Passion




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2014 Lent is a time to prepare our hearts and minds to receive the Easter message

Ash Wednesday March 5 6:30 p.m. A simple and profound worship experience that will include the imposition of ashes.

Mid-Week Service March 12-April 9 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, “Silent Witnesses” - The story is told by the three nails the whip that wounded Jesus the robe the crown of thorns the spear that pierced His side – silent witnesses Mid-week service of message prayer and com-munion in Chapel.

Palm/Passion Sunday April 13 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. - Begin Holy Week by picking up a palm cross and remembering the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Maundy Thursday April 17 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Requiem.

Easter Worship Services April 20 9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 a.m. We invite you to join us to celebrate the resurrection as we proclaim the good news in Word and with special music.

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Lent is the time in the church year when we focus on Jesus’ suffering and death. His willingness to suffer and die for us shows us the extent of His love for us. He did not live and die for Himself; but instead He lived and died for us.

As the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans Chapter 5:

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungod-ly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we

were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Yes Christ died for us the sinners. In the pages of this book you will encounter people who have been transformed by the love of Christ: Sinners who have been redeemed. Some are stories of suffering and sacrifice. Others are stories of great triumph. Most all of them are stories about learning and growing in faith. I hope you will learn and grow as well through the reading of people’s personal testimonies that bring us closer to the cross.

I want to thank all of the contributing authors for sharing so much about themselves in the pages of this book. I especially want to thank those who are new to First United Methodist Church Odessa for opening up and letting us get to know you.

I hope you will be inspired this year and that this book will help you to have a holy Lent. Under His Mercy, Karin Carlson Discipleship Pastor

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Lent our 40-day preparation for Easter begins today Ash Wednesday. These 40 days do not include Sunday because Sundays are considered “mini-Easters.” Forty is also the number in the Bible for the amount of time used for accomplishing what is needed to be in the number of days it rained on Noah’s ark the

number of years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness and the number of days Jesus fasted in the wilder-ness to name a few.

At First United Methodist Church we begin our Lenten journey with today’s Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary. At this service and services around the world ashes are placed on the forehead to represent our mortality. But they are placed in the sign of the cross reminding us that as Christians we die in Christ. As we move through the Lenten season we move from despair to hope as Good Friday offers redemption with Christ’s death. On Easter we celebrate as

people of the resurrection.

To prepare for Easter we are encouraged to give up and do something extra dur-ing these 40 days of Lent. To accomplish this task requires the guidance of the Holy Spirit and discipline. The purpose of discipline is spiritual growth. To help us

with this work of spiritual growth we will be invited during Lent to practice a different spiritual discipline

each week – fasting works of mercy prayer holy conversation and scripture.

May you be richly blessed by this devotional guide as we pray and practice spiritual disciplines together. Let us join the journey with Christ to the cross and new life.

PRAYER: Lord, we remember that you created us from dust and to dust we will re- turn. May today’s ash-es be a sign of our mortality and penitence; so that we may remember that only by your gracious gift we are given eternal life through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

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MARCH 6 READ Philippians 3:13-14


I grew up in a house with a brother and sister who were 2 years younger than me. Yes they are twins but they act nothing alike. My bedroom was on 1 side of the house separate from the rest of the family. I loved being “on my own” as a high school student. However one the major downsides was I still had to share a bathroom with my brother and sister. Since I was a morning person I was often the first person to wake up in my house but this also was great because I got first pick to use the bathroom to get ready in the morning. I am pretty routine oriented not strict like OCD but I like to say I have a plan!

So one morning I get up like always do and head to the bathroom in my semi-awake state which is pretty nor-mal for a teenager. I go through my morning routine: brush the teeth wash my face and do my hair. Typically by now the rest of my family is up and making noise but this morning was different. Even more odd was it was still dark outside. I knew I got up early but not that early. By now I am fully wake and I realize something is not right. So I search for a clock. I think to myself “Maybe the power went out and no alarms went off” (this was pre cell phone age.) I return to the kitchen and gaze into the clock on the oven that reads clear-ly 3:45. Those green neon numbers almost make fun of me. I was angry and almost disgusted with myself. I am fully awake and ready at 3:45 in the morning. So I quickly turn out all the lights and return to bed. As a I found myself staring up at the ceiling I thought my whole day was ruined.

Sometimes we make silly mistakes and those mistakes can affect our morning sleep or even that entire day. That’s why Psalm 91:11 tells us we have angels there to guard us and protect us even from ourselves. We can bite off more than we can chew. We can really out run our protection sometimes. The beautiful thing is we have God to pick us when we stumble even.


Prayer: Dear Father, help us to realize your plan for our life and keep us in check when we wander too far. Thank you for sending your protection to guard us. We have it good with YOU on our side.

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MARCH 7 READ Psalm 91

A FRIEND’S GIFT I met an exceptional person some years ago. She was a retired Lt. Colonel who had wonderful stories to tell of her many experiences both in and out of the service. We became good friends and she shared many of her thoughts and feelings as a true American Warrior and what she wanted for our lives.

She gave me a copy of Psalm 91 God’s Shield of Protection by Peggy Joyce Ruth. This precious book is a

collection of testimonials written by military men and women. The book tells how their lives were spared

from enemy fire and the effect on them. It became special to me because she gave a copy to me and several

hundred copies to her military friends.

I discovered that I could alter the wording of Psalm 91 slightly and have it apply to me. I read it daily during

my devotional time.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust!”

For it is He who delivers me from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you me with His pinions.

And under His wings you I may seek refuge. His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.


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I lost my friend last year to a massive heart attack but because of this book she will always live in my

thoughts. I thank God for sending her my way.


PRAYER: Dearest Father, thank you for giving us a friend who makes a difference in our lives. Amen.




’S G


You I will not be afraid of the terror by night, Or of the arrow that flies by day,

of the pestilence that stalks on darkness, Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.

A thousand may fall at your my right hand but it shall not approach you me.

You I will only look on with your my eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.

For you I have made the Lord my refuge, Even the Most High, your my dwelling place.

No evil will befall you me Nor will any plague come near your my tent. For He will give His angels charge concerning you me, To guard you me in all your my ways They will bear you me up in their hands That you I do not strike you my foot against stone, You I will tread upon the lion and cobra, The young lion and the serpent you I will trample down.

“Because he you have loved me therefore I will deliver him you; I will set him you securely on high, Because he you have known my name. “He You will call upon Me, and I will answer him you; I will be with him you in trouble.

I will rescue him you, and honor him you “With a long life I will satisfy him you and let him you behold my salvation.”

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MARCH 8 READ Psalm 51


TODAY: Take time today as you begin the Lenten season to decide your commitments to discipline

and growth for the next six weeks. Devote one hour to inventory the priorities you’re living.

Then determine how you will reorder them.



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MARCH 10 READ Isaiah 58:11


On January 9th 2008 the last thing I thought I would ever hear from my husband was that he didn’t love me anymore and wanted a divorce. I didn’t know what I was going to do. My emotions were taking over me and I couldn’t rationalize anything. I have lost loved ones in the past and I mourned very deeply for them but I had never felt pain like this. It was worse than burying a loved one. I felt like I was in a nightmare for several months and couldn’t wake up. The emotions came all at once and each day was a different emotion to go through from feeling devastated mad confused betrayed anxious fearful sad and helpless.

Isaiah 58:11 NKJV The Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your soul in drought and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

This scripture gave me the will and strength to get up every day and be thankful for a new day. Soon I did not feel all of those emotions taking over me each day. I was able to put more concentration back into my daily routines and make better decisions. I was able to laugh again.

I want to give thanks also to Divorce Care a Bible-based class. If you ever know someone that is going through a divorce or separation this class is a lifesaver of restoring your soul and faith…that you can survive it.


Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for this day, I pray that you will be with each of us in our daily walk that we may please you and thank you for your blessings, in Jesus name. Amen.

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MARCH 11 READ 2 Corinthians 9:8


TODAY: Raise this prayer: Dear Lord I don’t always know what I need but you do. You know my

needs and will provide for me. Help me to trust in you throughout my life and let me

thank you every day for the blessings you have provided. Amen.

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MARCH 12 READ Proverbs 3:5-6


All blessings come from God and are a result of our faith shown in Him. My life and my wife's life changed happily due to our commitment to Him and this Bible verse.

After five years of marriage we decided to start a family. The years passed with no luck. Nancy's doctor rec-ommended adoption or fertility drugs. I happened to be on a business trip with much more on my mind than business. I found a Gideon's Bible in the motel room and found this verse to help in trusting the Lord. I re-turned home and after discussing with Nancy and prayers we decided to adopt.

We started our adoption process by attending a seminar in Lubbock facilitated by the Methodist Mission Home in San Antonio. We were excited but yet had many questions and we continued to pray and recite this Bible verse. The process continued with questionnaires to complete home visit by the Methodist Mission Home representative and a conference with Pastor Crutchfield from the First United Methodist Church. Many days passed yet we continued our prayers and reciting the Bible verse. Twenty nine months later we got the call!

There were many anxious moments as we traveled to San Antonio to accept the chosen one from God. There was not much sleep the night before we got our first blessing from God. At the home they escorted us to the chapel. We heard footsteps coming closer and it was as if God was delivering our child to us – Emily. We were overjoyed with praise for Him and her. There were lots of tears. We have always told Emily she is the "Chosen One!"

After three years we decided it's time to add to our family. We relied on God with more prayer and reciting our Bible verse. I guess blessings come in pairs. We were blessed with Nancy's pregnancy and having – Matthew. We chose the name Matthew because it means "A Gift From God!"

As of today Emily knows she is the chosen one and Matthew knows he is the gift from God. Trusting and be-lieving in God and being faithful to Him has given us our family.


Prayer: Lord, we praise your name and thank you for your mercy, grace, love and forgiveness. Also, thank

you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Help us to abide and trust in your word. Amen

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MARCH 13 READ Hosea 14:3-7


TODAY: Keep an eye out for little moments the ones that make you smile and feel good

about what- ever it is that you are doing. Hold on to these little moments and think

about them again before going to sleep tonight.

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MARCH 14 READ John 1:19


I thought I trusted God all my life but there was always a hesitation. My life hasn’t been easy and I was used to accepting any challenge that life presented. As I grew spiritually I was certain that I trusted God without hesitation. I choose to live in faith and with no fear. I accepted the Lord as the center of my life. He is my light in my dark moments; He is my light in my triumphant moments; and He is my light when life presents chal-lenges.

For more than 18 years I worked in the oilfield industry. During very difficult financial times in the country I lost my job and my husband was demoted from his. We decided to move to Texas after 9 years in New Mexi-co. I found a possible job in a church. I told my husband that I will apply and I may be working for God. Again I had hesitation. I needed to trust God. After the interview Pastor Terry wanted to pray for me and my hus-band. I thought “Yeah right! Whatever!”

The truth is I needed that prayer. I felt the light of my Lord in my heart. I cried like a little girl. I wasn’t aware of so much power in a prayer. My life heart and soul were thirsty of God’s light. After 4 years working at the church this job has brought me so much joy in my life. I have learned to trust the Lord and to grow spiritual-ly. Everything that Terry prayed about that evening was followed with an Amen from God.


Prayer: Father, thank you for keeping my life illuminated and my heart full with your love, trust and under-

standing. You are the true light that gives light to everyone. Amen.

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MARCH 15 READ Isaiah 43:1-7


TODAY: Listen and respond to Christ’s call to a ministry of service.



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MARCH 17 READ Acts 2:42


As Methodists we are encouraged to connect with and serve those around us to look outside ourselves with a sympathetic heart towards those in need. It is so easy these days to get caught up in our own lives sched-ules and problems and become completely absorbed in ourselves. But God calls us to radically love our neigh-bors and to serve others… and selfishly I find this to be not only for the benefit of those we serve but for the benefit of our own hearts as well.

When I lived in Fort Worth TX I was a member at FUMC there. It was a huge and welcoming church with so many vessels of opportunity for serving those in our own community and beyond. I had been looking for something to “belong” to at that point in my life and found myself signing up for a Costa Rica mission trip one summer. It was an uncomfortable feeling leaving the country for the first time with 20 people I didn’t know and to a place I’d never been. But I felt God was nudging me reach outside my comfort zone and experi-ence something drastically different than what I was used to.

Taking yourself away from your normal cares and concerns and being in a position of serving those in need is such an eye opener. We spent 10 days there helping a community build a church and medical center during our mornings and teaching Vacation Bible School in the afternoons to nearby villages. We met so many peo-ple with the most welcoming hearts and happiest smiles though their lives were simpler and more primitive than our own. It meant so much to them to have people from all over the world sharing their time hearts and service with them. While it may have been more economical to send money and a professional crew to build the facilities these people need the personal aspect of sharing stories meals skills and fellowship with new friends strengthened the lives (and faith) of Costa Ricans and Texans alike.

And isn’t that what God is looking for out of us? Acts 20: 35 says “In all things I have shown you that by work-ing hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus how he himself said ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. LEE EMERSON

PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for showing us how to love generously. We know that being your disciples, working together with happy hearts, and sharing your love, is a blessing you have given us. Help us to find opportunities in our everyday lives to serve those around us with radical hospitality and generosity. Amen.

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MARCH 18 READ Mark 11:27-33


TODAY: Spend some time today reflecting on the special gifts of a loved one. A father or mother.

A favorite aunt or uncle or neighbor. A teacher.

What can you do to add purpose to those Lessons today?

MARCH 19 READ Psalm 23:3

WHAT DO I DO NOW? Many people know from an early age what they want to be when they grow up. I didn’t.

All I knew when I graduated from my small farming community high school was that I was going to be the first in my family to go to college since I had a scholarship as valedictorian of my 37-member senior class.

My high school principal suggested I enroll in petroleum engineering. That sounded good so I did. But by the end of my freshman year it became clear that my limited small town high school curriculum had not prepared me for the math and science demands of a college engineering degree.

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That summer while mulling over what direction I should go now I had a chance to talk with my high school English teacher. She was a no-nonsense but caring type who wasted no time in telling me “You were always good in English why don’t you try Journalism.” Click! A light went on right away. I had my answer.

The next thee years proved the new direction to be a good fit. I worked my way up to editor of the college newspaper and won the city’s daily newspaper’s outstanding reporting award. As college graduation approached however I faced another decision. What do I do with this degree?

The last two years of college life had been spent after class at the Baptist Student Union (I became a Meth-odist as soon as I could!). My family had always been church-goers and I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was 12 but this college experience strengthened my faith and established a path I have followed since.

As graduation neared I asked for advice from the student union director whom I admired greatly. He was a wise Godly man; a role model for many of my friends and me who later became pastor of a large church in Dallas.

I told him I was thinking of applying for a job with a large church denomination- based newspaper in Dallas. His response surprised me. Without hesitation he advised against it. “You can serve God more effectively in the secular world. That is where you are needed most ” he told me.

He was right of course. I had a successful journalism career. Even though I changed careers later I look back and see God’s guidance every step of the way. And he used that English teacher that student union di-rector and many others to set the path He had laid out for me.

LADOYCE LAMBERT PRAYER: Father, help us always to be aware that your guidance can come from many sources and some-times in surprising ways. Help us to trust you to put us on the path of service and right relationship with you. Amen.

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MARCH 20 READ John 17:20-26


TODAY: Pray this prayer: Lord Jesus thank you for meeting us in the depths of our hearts where

your Holy Spirit is wait- ing to free and transform us. Thank you for praying for all of us who come to

know you. Lord please continue to pray in us by the power of your Holy Spirit that we may recog-

nize your miracles every day. Amen.

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MARCH 21 READ Philippians 3:13-14


“It sounds like you are having a hard time forgiving yourself.” These words were spoken to me by a Spiritual Counselor after I had shared what was most heavy on my heart. The place was at a Renovaré Retreat in San Diego California at the Point Loma Nazarene University. This is a most beautiful and serene setting right on the Pacific Ocean coast line and nestled among hills beautiful flowers and wonderful trees.

I went there to renew my spiritual life and I came away with so much more! One of the challenges of my life at that time was that I had not been able to forgive myself for something I had done in my mid-teen years. Years of self-condemnation and guilt were a big part of my life. I couldn’t forgive myself and I couldn’t let go of the guilt that haunted me.

After hearing my story my Spiritual Counselor asked me the simple question “Have you ever asked God to help you forgive yourself?” This question changed my life. That night I prayed and asked God to show me how to forgive myself. I had always tried to do it on my own but now I was asking God to show me how to forgive. That night God placed the scripture Philippians 3:13-14 in my heart. The next day I was able to forgive my-self for the first time in my life! I put the guilt shame and burden behind me. I gave it all to God and I went forward as a new creation in Jesus Christ!

There in the cool damp air while looking at the majestic Pacific Ocean covered in fog and mist I was made a new creation and I knew that I knew that I knew that I was fully and completely forgiven by God. I was made ready to go on with the work that God had in store for me to do.

I thank God for that special Spiritual Counselor. He was a mere man who asked a simple question of me but it started me on my road to recovery and healing through the power of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for Your never ending mercy and grace, and thank You for choosing me to be

Your servant in this hurting world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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MARCH 22 READ Matthew 18:21-35


TODAY: Take time to look back. Is there something you’re still bitter about years later? Write it

down. Then take the initiative to address and correct the situation — maybe a letter a

phone call or even a small change in the daily routine. Don’t let it fester another day.



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MARCH 24 READ James 1:3


I was very excited on my fourteenth birthday because I could get my driver’s license during that year. The summer after the “big birthday” I passed the written test and the driver’s test with flying colors. I was fortunate because I was able to drive often because my mom asked me to run errands and take my younger brother and sister places they needed to go. How grown up I felt!

In the fall of that year as was our usual Sunday afternoon activity three of my friends and I were going to see a movie at the Yucca Theater. One of my friends picked each of us up in her mother’s car that she had for the afternoon. What a joyful time we were going to have.

Like all new drivers we were instructed we were not to drive fast not to act crazy or irresponsible in a car all the usual instructions. We knew the rules! But we saw a boy we all knew well and he began following our car. Our driver began going faster and faster. Needless to say it was more fun having him chase us rather than going to the movie.

The faster we went the faster he drove trying to pass our car. The name of the game was “ditch ‘em”. We hit a dirt road that had a sea of sand piled high. In the sea of sand the driver of our car lost control and as the other driver passed us our front bumper hit his back bumper and over we rolled three times. In those days there were no seat belts. I was thrown about 100 feet out of the car on the first revolution one friend was killed as she fell out of the car and the car rolled over her.

Of the three of us who survived the crash. I was the most severely injured. After two weeks I began to wake from my coma and I had a body cast that I wore for the next three months. The weight of the cast was great and my physical appearance was quite different. I knew I was maimed for life!


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The death of my friend was extremely difficult. Everyone struggled with this loss but I feel it made each of us grow closer to God because we knew she was with Him.

My parents were very strong and one or the other was with me all the time. My dad came after work even at lunch sometimes and he made me walk up and down the hospital halls. This was not an easy task for me. Both of my parents stressed that God loved me and I would recover from the accident. They gave me faith to persevere through adversity. That faith has been with me since my early teenage years. I feel my parents were God’s representatives on earth to guide and to teach me how to have faith in very trying times in my life.


Prayer: Dear Lord, please give us Faith in trying times during our lives. Teach us to always receive good

blessings from trying times in our lives. Help us to endure hardships in our lives and have Faith that you are

with us at all times. AMEN


MARCH 25 READ John 1:19


It was the end of school for the second graders at Morrill Ward Elementary School in the Harlandale District

of San Antonio Texas. The end of school parties in the 1940’s included generic punch and plain vanilla

cupcakes at best but the highlight of the party would be the prizes and surprises that the students would

receive. Just who was the best speller or better yet which student had the best grades? Of course I knew

which student it was not going to be. Could it be the pretty little girl in the shiny black and white saddle


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The events continued through the hot dusty afternoon until it was time for Mrs. Lawson to hand out the sur-prises but first she had to give back the coloring books and crayons that students had brought to school to use when school chores were done. She reached into the nondescript cardboard box that held the books and crayons called out a name and gave the coloring supplies to some student. Name after name book after book crayon after crayon but I did not have to worry because I knew I had not been blessed to bring such a luxury to school. Either I had forgotten to mention the assignment at home or once again we did not have the money for such extravagance. Finally Mrs. Lawson drew a book from the box and mysteries of mysteries the book had no name on it. Mrs. Lawson asked two or three times for the name of the owner of the book but no one answered. Sud-denly the devil appeared on my right shoulder and suggested that the book was mine. Devil be advised my skinny little second grade hand shot up like a rocket. The prize was mine and today I would be going home with a new coloring book and a box of marvelous crayons.

All the way to my grandmother’s house I ran in fear that the lughead whose book it was would remember and pounce on me and pound me. No lughead no penalty for being a liar and a sinner and home went I to grandmother’s house.

Years later when my staff and I were discussing such stories one staff member suggested that perhaps Mrs. Lawson had provided books and crayons for all of the children who did not have books or crayons. It was during this discussion that I learned Mrs. Lawson’s surprise for all of us a lesson that would last our lifetimes. Mrs. Lawson had taught us unconditional love and her lesson lasted for many years past the last day of sec-ond grade.

WAYNE JOHNSON PRAYER: Dear Father God, The prayer is simply prayed. We are blessed and thankful for all of the gifts and lessons in our lives, especially the lessons that last a lifetime, and we can truly appreciate the truth of un-

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MARCH 26 READ 1 Corinthians 11:1


As a mom I am supposed to have it together and be the one who knows what is going on. I should show my children how to follow the right path. Right? Well sometimes my kids show me. During our recent church-wide bible study my children and I started a new habit of praying together before we get out of the car at school. This went on for a week or so and I must admit it helps to start the day out right. In the hustle and bustle of the morning I pulled up to school parked and quickly hopped out of the car. My son quickly hopped out after me and said “Mom! We forgot to pray! There is always time to pray!” How right he is! There is always time to pray. Isn’t this what Christ showed us? Remember in the garden that night with His disciples? They wanted to sleep but he knew that there is always time for prayer. We do not know what the day in front of us holds. So we should always imitate Christ and prepare with prayer. I hope in many things I can be a good example for my children. However what I need to do is refocus so that Christ is the ultimate example for all of us. I am just so thankful that He can use those close to us to break through the noise and craziness of the world and make us pay attention to what truly is important – Following Him!


Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, you really are the greatest example of perfection. And though we know we can never achieve such perfection, we should strive to imitate you and be closer to you each day. Thank you so much for the blessings and messages you place in our path each day. Help us to pay attention to those so that we may have our hearts so full of you that we can’t help but imitate you and show your love to others. Amen

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MARCH 27 READ 1 Peter 4:8-11


TODAY: Read your favorite story of Jesus.

Pray for an opportunity to share it. Everyone loves a good story.

Write down how you would share your favorite story:

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MARCH 28 READ Matthew 18:1-5


It occurs to me that there is a world of difference between being “childish” and being “child-like”. The dic-tionary defines “childish” as one who is weak silly infantile and selfish. A “child-like” person is innocent young trusting - in attitude if not in age. In Matthew’s gospel Jesus is teaching the disciples about having a change of heart and attitude about what really makes one “great” in this world.

I must confess that growing up as an only child I exhibited more qualities of a childish person than I like to remember. And even today as a “seasoned citizen” I still find myself acting and reacting just like I did so many years ago. Often I surprise even myself at how easy it is to revert to attitudes and actions that are so unattractive. And believe me I can very quickly identify those qualities in others! However Jesus has given the instructions on how to modify this behavior. In His grace He gives His followers the power to make ap-propriate changes which make us more effective witnesses in His kingdom.

My story is about timing and how the Lord helped me at a specific time in my life. It was in the early 60s. I had been married five or six years and my husband and I dearly wanted a family. There had been several miscarriages some surgeries and many tears and feelings of frustration. Poor me! Why couldn’t I be like all the rest of my friends with babies? What was wrong with ME? What had I done wrong? Why was God do-ing this to ME? After all some of my friends weren’t even Christians!! But I was and a good one at that.

A close friend said to me “Kay I know you’ve made Jesus your Savior but have you made Him your Lord?” And I didn’t know how to answer her. But as we talked and studied for some time after that I came to realize that to ask Jesus to be my Lord was really letting go of the control over my life – every detail of it. It meant that I would no longer try to bombard heaven with “this is what Kay wants and thinks she deserves”.

Rather it meant that I would submit to His authority to say and do His will every day as best I could with grati-tude and humility. I would need to become child-like in my walk with Him and totally dependent on His suffi-ciency. I was not to become great but grateful!

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No I don’t do it perfectly even today but I am trying to listen and obey even when I don’t understand or feel like it. It requires a conscious effort on my part to relinquish that control trusting that God knows what is best for me. The rewards are peace joy and lessening of stress in my daily life. It truly can be the “abundant life” we want and need. And yes God sent us two wonderful sons as well as numerous other children to nurture.

Jesus didn’t point to a child’s innocence or purity but to his status – completely without self-sufficiency. I am to look to God for my protection my direction and my ability to obey His leading. I don’t have to rely on my-self and that is a huge blessing! And relief!


PRAYER: Dear Father, thank you for being my loving heavenly parent as well as my Lord and Savior. Help each of us to be child-like in our trust in You. Your grace and blessings are beyond measure. Amen

MARCH 29 READ Jeremiah 17:5-10


TODAY: Pledge to be a faithful steward of all God’s gifts.

Say “No” to something that is a waste of money and time.

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MARCH 31 READ Philippians 4:7


Growing up in a Christian home I have always loved the Lord but there are times I have not felt His nearness…times I drifted far away from Him…times that I didn’t put my trust in Him…times I was disobedient and “in tune” with the secular world. What I have learned over my lifetime is that when I felt most far away from Him He was closest to me…loving me unconditionally…sustaining me with his faithfulness…nourishing me through my disobedience with tender understanding.

I had been through a long spiritual dry-spell in my life…you know what I mean…I was “taking care of myself” neglecting my prayer life and had been away from church for far too long. When I decided I needed to get my life right with God again I started with prayer. I prayed for all the normal things but mostly I prayed to find a church. He sent me to First United Methodist. Next and I think more importantly I prayed for a closer walk with Him…for Him to show me His will for my life. My prayer life became easier for me…I read my Bible more frequently and I began to feel closer to Him but there was still something missing. I still wanted things on “my terms” and to “take care of myself”.



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On January 2 2012 my daughter and I went to see my doctor to get the results of my biopsy. Having had two suspicious mammograms in the past I was no stranger to this procedure but this time I felt in my heart it was breast cancer. I was right. In the weeks between my mammogram and the results of the biopsy I prayed a lot. I don’t like to say I’m stubborn…I prefer to say “determined”. But God knows me very well and He knows that sometimes you have to “throw a rock” at me to get my attention. This was something I couldn’t take care of myself and I needed Him to give me and my family strength courage and peace. I needed Him to guide me to good doctors and to give them the knowledge to cure me. I needed Him to walk beside me; sharing His grace and peace and carry me in His loving arms when things got too difficult. That is when it hit me. This was my answered prayer! He probably had given me many opportunities before this “rock” but He finally had my attention.

With the answered prayer of reclaiming my close relationship with God I remember that I had such a peace about it as the doctor compassionately explained my options. I remember that I never considered that I wouldn’t be just fine. It was going to be a long unpleasant treatment but I knew with God’s help I would come out on the other side healthy. My treatment was not pleasant but it wasn’t horrible either. God put so many wonderful people in my life. I had so much support love kindness and prayers from family friends co-workers medical professionals and even strangers. He gave me such a positive attitude I never felt afraid. He used me to witness to others and I was able to share what God had done for me it helped alleviate their worries and fears. As my recovery continues (I have been cancer-free for two years) I still have that “peace that passes all understanding” and I thank Him for that everyday. He is still working in my life and I look for-ward to the plans He has for my future.

I don’t ever want to lose my closeness with God again. I wish I could say that I have it all figured out but I can’t. I mess up regularly and sometimes still think I can take care of myself but I know God has a pile of “rocks” just for me. Thankfully because I trust Him more and pray often he hasn’t had to use them.


PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for answering our prayers even when it’s not the answer we ex-pected. Help us all to face the world resting in Your peace and comforting arms knowing that you will see us through all trials if we only trust You. Amen

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APRIL 1 READ Philippians 4:6-7


TODAY: Go to a quiet place relax focus on the words of today’s scripture note key words that stand out and record your thoughts trusting that God is speaking to you. What do you think God is trying to say?

APRIL 2 READ Romans 10:8-10 & Revelation 3:20


As I read the passage in Revelation about how Jesus is always present in our lives gently knocking on our door asking to be invited in; it reminds me of the role of a salesman. Part of my job in IT sales is to be a con-sultant or partner to my customers and to let them know periodically that I am here for them if they should need guidance or assistance. I feel that a good salesman or account manager should strive to become a trust-ed advisor to their clients. In order for a salesman to become a “trusted advisor” they need to demonstrate persistence competence and value. A client needs to know that the trusted advisor is simply a phone call or knock on the door away from providing assistance guidance and value. In my opinion a good salesman or account manager would never be pushy or try to force a decision upon a customer but rather provide them with guidance and value and let them make an informed decision.

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In the scripture reading it says “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.” Jesus is not trying to force his way into our hearts however he does desire to be in our hearts. He wants us to know that he will always be there for us gently knocking on our door and asking for us to let him into our lives. He wants us to make a con-scious decision to let him into our lives. Jesus is like the trusted advisor who can always be counted on. He will always be standing at the ready when we his clients come calling. I would venture to say that Jesus is the ultimate Trusted Advisor.

The scripture reading from Romans tells us that salvation is as close to us as our own hearts and mouth. It re-sides in us we simply need to believe in our heart and confess with our mouth “Jesus is Lord” and we will be saved. In our Sunday school class we have talked recently about what we would say to a person who asks us a question about Jesus faith or being a Christian. I think the ultimate goal of any Christian is to achieve salva-tion and live eternal life with Jesus in Heaven. This passage gives us a definitive path to eternal salvation. It tells us that salvation is within our reach at all times we simply have to justify our belief in Jesus with our hearts and confess that Jesus is Lord with our mouth. I think that sometimes people who have either strayed from their faith or never had faith to begin with are afraid that they cannot make up for the wrong they have done and that they don’t deserve a shot at salvation. This passage can be used to illustrate to all of us that salvation is always within our reach. Jesus wants us to join him in eternal salvation and he is not requiring much for admission. If we believe in our heart that Jesus is Lord and confess this in words then eternal salva-tion shall be ours!


Jesus, we thank you for giving us a roadmap to eternal salvation and for always being a trusted advisor in our lives. May we continue to believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord! Amen .


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APRIL 3 READ Psalm 37:4


I have always loved giving my children birthday parties. I love celebrating their title and showing them how special they are to me. And I love celebrating the day God gave them to me. Seeing their faces light up at their birthday party gives me great joy.

Over the past two years I have watched over 60 other children experience joy on their birthdays. These chil-dren have been taken from what they knew as home and placed in an emergency shelter with many other lost children. Many of them have been abused. Many of them have been neglected and/or abandoned. These children have every reason not to be joyful. ALL of them are God’s creation and deserve better.

Over the past two years I have been blessed to serve these precious children. I’ve watched them blow out candles eat countless cupcakes open amazing presents and have a blast for two fun-filled hours. I’ve watched many of them experience a birthday party for the first time. And best of all I’ve seen their smiling faces hugged them close and felt their joy.

Serving these children has not been easy. It is not easy to see the hurt in their eyes or hear about what they have been through. It would be much easier and less heartbreaking to ignore this calling. But that is not how I want to live. I want to listen to the Lord and serve where He needs me. By doing so God has given me one of the greatest desires of my heart. Bringing joy to HIS children on their birthday.

I believe God called me to serve Him in this special way at this time of my life. How amazing it is to know that God instilled this soul-stirring passion within me. Our God-given passions and talents can seem simple. But when we take delight in the Lord and hear His call He can use that passion and talent to bless not only your-self but others beyond measure. God has blessed this small ministry more than I could have ever imagined. I feel such honor and joy to be given the opportunity to serve my God in this way.


Prayer: Heavenly Father, reveal the soul-stirring passions you’ve given each of us and give the strength and courage to use these to serve you. Amen.

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APRIL 4 READ Colossians 3:12-14


I had a shining example of this verse in my family my Aunt Mildred. She lived in California and I lived in Texas. We saw her only about once or twice a year. Man I couldn’t wait for her to arrive. She laughed a lot. I never knew when she was going to gather me in a huge hug and smother my faces with kisses. When she got fin-ished with each child we all knew we were not only loved but cherished.

Each morning she would read her Bible; now I realize she was getting dressed in the wardrobe that God had picked out for her. She displayed her faith in a quiet manner; I don’t think she ever preached to me with words. But she shouted to be by example. My family didn’t pray at the dinner table. But Aunt Mildred would silently bow her head and pray. Isn’t it funny that even as a small child I knew she had a great faith? She was humble and wouldn’t believe that she could have influenced anyone but she influenced me. She didn’t have an easy life but never complained. Her quiet strength was evident in the way she handled her life situa-tions.

I think about her often and with fond memories of how beautiful she looked in her wardrobe picked out by God. She always wore her garment of love. After all it’s your basic all-purpose garment.


PRAYER: Heavenly Father, direct me each day to the beautiful wardrobe you have pick out especially for me. Let me joyfully put it on and wear it throughout the day. If I falter, help me to readjust it back to its perfect fit. Above all, let me show love to others in a genuine manner. AMEN.

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APRIL 5 READ Romans 12:9-21


TODAY: Go out of your way to greet a stranger. More than smile reach out to shake a hand have a

conversation share laughter or a concern. Try it again tomorrow.

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APRIL 7 READ Matthew 25:40


A few years ago our church participated in the “40 Days of Purpose” discipleship program. One particular week we were challenged to perform random acts of kindness for those that we might encounter during the week. That particular week I had been at a conference in Austin so I had not had many opportunities to put in to practice the challenge.

After the conference was over I boarded the plane for the trip home I was pleased to see that the front row seats were unoccupied even though many passengers had already boarded. If you fly much you know that those who sit on the front row are the first ones off at their destination. I settled into the window seat for the quick non-stop trip home.

Soon a lady entered the plane and joined me on the front row. I guessed her to be about my age. I noticed right away that her behavior was a little odd. She argued briefly with the flight attendant about where to store her purse and ordered an alcoholic beverage as soon as she could. She turned to me and introduced herself as “Robin Mary”. I was starting to feel that little ”nudge” that this was the opportunity that was being put before me to show kindness but I was already feeling out of my comfort zone with this lady. The plane had not left the gate yet so she made a call on her cell phone. I couldn’t help but overhear her conversation where she told the person on the other end that she was still experiencing bleeding and then said something about a D&C (abortion). Well this was more that I wanted to know so I picked up the book I had with me and started to read. The book was about the experiences of a missionary to Central America and Western Africa. Finally it was time to push back from the gate and the flight attendant told Robin Mary to turn her phone off. I then settled in for the one hour plane ride and became absorbed in my book hoping that my travel-mate would relax. Soon the attendant came around to take our drink orders. I asked for a diet coke and my companion on the front row ordered another alcoholic beverage. After a couple of more drinks the moment I had been hoping to avoid presented itself when she turned to me and said “What are you read-ing?” Before I could answer I said the quickest of prayers “Lord if there is something I need to tell this lady you’re going to have to give me the words ‘cause I got nothin’!”

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So I told her the story of the missionaries and the hardships they endured and the blessings that were even-tually realized at which she exclaimed “Oh I could never do that!” As if the floodgates were suddenly thrown open she then started to (loudly) tell me in detail of all the things that were wrong with her life… pregnancy unexpected pregnancy abortion loneliness etc. I offered what words of encouragement I could and soon realized that we were about to land… the time had passed quickly.

I helped her off of the plane because by this time she could barely stand. With her hanging on my shoulder I walked her to the baggage carousel. She had a contact number with her of someone who was supposed to pick her up. Given the state she was in I volunteered to call the number and a lady on the other end an-swered “Basin Detox.” I told her I was there with Robin Mary and that she was in bad shape at which the la-dy replied “I know… there is a driver waiting for her outside.” I ran Robin Mary’s “bag” (a pet-taxi stuffed with clothes) out to her waiting car and then returned to where I had left her. I knew this was the opportuni-ty God had put before me and I asked her if she would mind if I said a prayer for her. She gave me a puzzled look and then hesitantly said “okay.” There next to the baggage carousel at Midland International Airport I bent over her laid a hand on her shoulder and out loud started to pray for her. I prayed that God would be with her while she received the help that she needed… that God would be with those who were going to help her… that she would find peace and finally that God would bring blessings on her and her home.

After our prayer I helped her up and we headed for the waiting car. As I placed her in the car she looked up at me. It was like her fog parted for a moment and I think she really saw me for the first time. She said “I don’t understand why you’re helping me... I don’t even know who you are.” That caught me a little off guard but after a quick moment I replied “Just think of me as some guy you met on a plane who cared.”

Not surprisingly I never saw Robin Mary again but I feel blessed that God put me in her path that day. It was an experience that always reminds me that we are the hands and feet of Christ and to be aware of those around us who may be going through difficult times. JACK LAMBERT

PRAYER: Dear Lord, help us to be aware of those we encounter and to show your love through acts of kind-ness. Show me where to be your disciple. Thank you for your many blessings. Amen.

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APRIL 8 READ Proverbs 3:5-6


TODAY: As we approach Holy Week and Easter think about the empty tomb and its promise for

new life. Share your fears anxiety and doubts with God. Ask Him to help you create

something new.

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APRIL 9 READ Romans 5:5


“I get it; she is beautiful and precious. However I have a mile long list of errands and chores to finish. I do not have time to chat for the hundredth time today about my daughter smiling at you. Sorry but she smiles at everyone everywhere we go.” This is what I am thinking while I plaster a smile on my face at the elderly couple who are cooing at my daughter. Of course I cannot say “I have to go leave me alone!” No matter how much I want to. Years of my grandmother’s influence will not allow me to be so rude so I smile more while slowly walking backwards.

Later that evening I am sitting on the couch looking at my list with only half of the items marked off. How can I ever have a productive day when I have to keep stopping and smile at anyone who approaches us to gawk at the baby in my arms? Maybe feigning ignorance at their approach which might work. “Always be polite you get more bees with honey than with vinegar” I hear my grandmother’s very stern words echo in my brain. Fine this apparently is a God-sized problem. Prayer will fix it!

A few days later fuming at another incomplete list I start venting to God. “How can I be expected to be a productive housewife if I cannot even make it through one store without someone coming over to make small chat and smile at the baby? This isn’t working!” Once again my Bible falls open to a passage on God’s hope and love for us. It hits me finally like a 2x4 to the face.

When people see a baby (especially a smiling one) they see God’s hope and love in its purest form. Babies love unconditionally they trust unconditionally. Babies have no walls in place or sense of social awkward-ness. When my daughter sees a new person she smiles every time. She is sharing God’s love without hesi-tation without restraint. An act God asks from all of us. When He poured the Holy Spirit out into the world it was to share His love for us and then we can pass that love along. BRITANI SEVERANCE

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help us to remember Your love for us is without restraint. Therefore, our love for others should be without limitations. Let us place all of our hope in You, because it will never lead us to disappointment. Amen.

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APRIL 10 READ Isaiah 1:10-20


TODAY: How can you help the oppressed and destitute?

How can you help the orphaned and widow?

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APRIL 11 READ 2 Corinthians 3:1-3


I remember growing up receiving handwritten letters from my friends and grandparents. It was always ex-citing to open that envelope and sit down read what they had to share. There was one summer I was at Girl Scout camp in California and I was feeling a little homesick. And I got a letter from my best friend Karla. I remember it being handed to me and my stomach (which wasn't feeling well anyways) felt like it had butterflies instead of rocks. Then I sat down under this enormous tree and read about Karla riding horses. My yellow windbreaker jacket with my Girl Scout patches on it kept me warm under the cool shade of that tree. I felt happy being there knowing Karla was having a good time. The rest of camp was fun!

Letters cards and notes from my husband and children bring me joy. It is like sitting down with them. The apostle Paul’s specific writings in 2 Corinthians 3:1-3 takes me to the power of an unwritten letter. Today’s world requires recommendation letters for almost everything so we keep records of what we do. But it is funny that God does not need a letter of recommendation from us. He just wants us as we are! His arms are always there waiting for us. And we are his letters to the world - just simple and amazing. Our letter to others is “written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”

I enjoy my quiet time with God. Especially when it is with His creation outside - under a tree in the moun-tains by the ocean even in our neighborhood. It is at these times that I feel God and I are writing letters with no ink. I treasure those times just like that letter from Karla that day at camp. I know that God is walking right there with me.


PRAYER: Father God, thank you for being such a tender shepherd of our souls. I pray for the power of your Spirit to be in my life, and for each person reading this. May we be a witness of your love every day. Amen.

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I am no longer my own, but yours.

Put met to what you will, rank me with whom

you will;

put me to doing, put me to suffering.

Let me be employed by you or laid aside by you,

enabled for you or brought low by you.

Let me be full, let me be empty.

Let me have all things, let me have nothing.

I freely and heartily yield all things

to your pleasure and disposal.

And now, O glorious and blessed God,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

you are mine, and I am yours. So be it.

And the covenant which I have made on earth,

let it be ratified in heaven.





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TODAY: Make a point of hearing Bach’s “St. Matthew Passion” this week. Listen for the alto’s aria of assurance near the end: “See ye. Jesus holds out his hand. He would draw us to himself. Come! To Jesus’ arms. Seek redemption. Seek ye mercy. Seek them. Live ye die ye rest ye here.”

APRIL 14 READ Matthew 6:25


TODAY: Write three things that preoccupied you yesterday. Now look over the list and reassess. Of

that list how many things were worth the anxiety? Now pray this prayer: Dear God please help me

remember that You know what I need and that You always meet my needs. Please remove my worry

and fear that I may feel the full blessings and peace of your presence. Amen.

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APRIL 15 READ Philippians 2:1-11


My son was five years old when he played his first t-ball game. It was a Saturday morning and the wind was al-ready blowing hard when we pulled up to the field. We were running a little late and so all of his team mates had warmed up and were taking their places on the field. Greg bounded out of the car to catch up with them. He was so small that the smallest cap available hung over his ears and the smallest t-shirt all but swallowed him. I’d borrowed a video camera from a Church member (one of the big ones you carry on your shoulder) and was getting in position to film this event for posterity sake. When I looked through the viewfinder of the camera I saw Greg in black and white running up to the pitcher’s mound suddenly turn around to face me and with much angst and confusion yell out “Daaadddd is this where I’m supposed to be????” It was like the camera created a chasm of great distance between me and my little boy and with the blowing wind it was like I could barely hear his questioning cry from afar! Everything in me wanted to put down the camera run to him and give him some up close and personal encouragement. But the game was beginning and so I simply pulled the camera down waved reassuringly to him and shouted back “Yes you are right where you are supposed to be son”! In that instance I experienced a revelation moment – one of those moments when you receive a knowing in your spirit of truth that far surpasses mental comprehension. Suddenly I realized more than ever before how God the Father was likely feeling when his son was crying out from a mound called Golgotha – “Abbbaaa is this where I’m supposed to be????” For the first time in all eternity the Father and the Son felt separation and it was agonizing! Surely the Father wanted to draw near and remove him from this dreadful place but the game had begun and what Jesus saw and heard was “Yes you are right where you are supposed to be Son for the salvation of the world you are where you have to be”.

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Paul says Jesus did not count equality with God as something to be grasped but released himself into the Fa-ther’s will and became obedient to death even death on a cross. Have you been there? Are you there now? Maybe you feel isolated or separated confused by the adversity of your life situation or maybe you just live with a wrestles discontent. Is this where I’m supposed to be? Am I living in God’s will? You can’t always discern the answer by your circumstances. Sometimes the most difficult place is the very center of God’s will for you. Sometimes the “easiest” place is not. You only know by looking into the face of the Father and asking and searching until you hear the Voice of peace saying in your soul “Yes you are right where you are supposed to be”. It is then that you will find grace for obedience and exalta-tion in your humility to trust God to use you for His glory in this life. TERRY TAMPLEN

Prayer: God, I’m not sure I’m where I’m supposed to be, but help me see your face and know your presence as peace and encouragement for living in joyful obedience to you, even when it’s not easy. Use me in this game of life and be glorified in me. Amen.

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On a hill far away stood an old

rugged cross,

The emblem of suffering and shame;

And I love that old cross where the

dearest and best

For a world of lost sinners was



So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,

Till my trophies at last I lay down;

I will cling to the old rugged cross,

And exchange it some day for a


O that old rugged cross, so despised

by the world,

Has a wondrous attraction for me;

For the dear Lamb of God left His

glory above

To bear it to dark Calvary.


In that old rugged cross, stained

with blood so divine,

A wondrous beauty I see,

For ’twas on that old cross Jesus

suffered and died,

To pardon and sanctify me.


To the old rugged cross I will ever

be true;

Its shame and reproach gladly bear;

Then He’ll call me some day to my

home far away,

Where His glory forever I’ll share.


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APRIL 17 READ Matthew 26:17-30


TODAY: Raise this prayer: Blessed Lord Jesus who when about to depart out of this world having

loved Your own and loving them to the end instituted the holy sacrament of Your Body and Blood

the dying legacy of your love: Grant we pray that we may never draw near Your altar except with

hearts enkindled by love for You and for one another; for Your dear name’s sake. Amen.



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APRIL 18 READ Matthew 26:36-56

WITNESS ~ GOOD FRIDAY TODAY: Recall the thief on the cross next to Jesus who seemed to be the only person present

who under- stood who Jesus was. Then Jesus said Today you are welcome in my Kingdom.

Pray for all prisoners especially that they will learn they too are special children of God

and are welcome in His Kingdom.

APRIL 19 READ Psalm 46:10


TODAY: Give yourself this Saturday a gift of a few hours to do something you always say you

don’t have time to do.

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Sanctuary Fellowship Center

415 N. Lee Ave. 217 W. 5th St


APRIL 20, 2014


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8:00 am Early Bible Class

9:00 am Traditional Worship

Sanctuary, 415 N. Lee Ave.

10:00 am Sunday School

10:16 am Worship at The Bridge

LBJ Elementary School

11:00 am Contemporary Worship


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