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by Christopher Monckton

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by Christopher Monckton | May 31, 2010

On Friday, you sent me a list of questions from the Select Committee. Here are the answers. I have taken the liberty of conflating questions 8 and 12. I shall do my best to supply any additional information on request.

1. In an open letter from you to two members of the United States Senate, you described yourself as “a member of the Upper House of the United Kingdom legislature.” How do you reconcile this representation to elected members of the Senate with your more recent statement to the Select Committee that “I have never sat or voted in The House of Lords, nor have I pretended otherwise”?

The House of Lords Act 1999 debarred all but 92 of the 650 Hereditary Peers, including my father, from sitting or voting, and purported to – but did not – remove membership of the Upper House. Letters Patent granting peerages, and consequently membership, are the personal gift of the Monarch. Only a specific law can annul a grant. The 1999 Act was a general law. The then Government, realizing this defect, took three maladroit steps: it wrote asking expelled Peers to return their Letters Patent (though that does not annul them); in 2009 it withdrew the passes admitting expelled Peers to the House (and implying they were members); and it told the enquiry clerks to deny they were members: but a written Parliamentary Answer by the Lord President of the Council admits that general legislation cannot annul Letters Patent, so I am The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (as my passport shows), a member of the Upper House but without the right to sit or vote, and I have never pretended otherwise.

2. In your testimony to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, you claimed that “there has been global cooling for seven years” on the basis of a temperature trend calculated over the selected period January 2002 to January 2009.1 In a review of your testimony, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration concluded that your “calculation of a trend over the last seven years is a gross mischaracterization of the longer term trend.”2 How do you reconcile your approach to trend calculation with your recent statement: “if you choose your starting and ending points carefully enough, you can make it go in any direction you want”3


In my testimony of 25 May 2009, I produced a graph of which an updated version is reproduced below, showing that for what is now nine and a half years there has been a global cooling trend, notwithstanding continuing increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration. I note that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration no longer seeks to avoid admitting that there has indeed been a global cooling trend over the period.

1 Testimony of Lord Monckton before the Energy and Commerce Committee, May 25, 2009.

( 2 NOAA Response to Congressional Questions Regarding Climate Change

( 3 Unedited and unofficial hearing transcript of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, May 6, 2010.

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RSS and UAH combined monthly global mean surface temperature anomalies, 2001-2010

When I put forward the graph of which the above is an updated version, Representative Joe Barton (R: TX), the ranking Minority member on the Energy and Commerce Committee, was visibly startled by it, commenting to the effect that in months of testimony from various official sources no one had told the Committee looking into “global warming” that there had in fact been global cooling for the best part of a decade. He turned to Mr. Tom Karl, the director of the National Climatic Data Center, a division of NOAA, and asked him whether it was true that there had been global cooling. Mr. Karl was not honest enough to admit that there had been global cooling. Accordingly, Mr. Barton asked Mr. Karl and me to submit evidence for and against the fact of global cooling. I submitted a letter to the Committee including a graph showing the least-squares linear-regression trend on the NCDC’s own dataset:

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NCDC monthly global mean surface temperature anomalies, 2002-2008

I also supplied to the Energy and Commerce Committee a graph showing that all four of the principal global temperature datasets showed global cooling over the period –

Linear regressions on four monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly datasets, 2002-2008

From the data, it is apparent that there has indeed been some measure of global cooling since the turn of the millennium nine and a half years ago. From Mr. Barton’s surprised reaction, it is evident that

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official witnesses appearing before the Energy and Commerce Committee, over a period of many months, had concealed from the Committee the fact that global temperatures have been falling. In fact, for more than 15 years the “global warming” that has occurred has been barely statistically significant. Mr. Karl’s less than honest attempt to conceal from that Committee, upon the direct request of its ranking Minority member, the fact that “global warming” has scarcely been occurring for 15 years and has been replaced by global cooling since the turn of the millennium, was regrettable. Since the scientific establishment is demanding trillions from taxpayers, it must be seen to be truthful. In an attempt to recover from this disastrous position, Mr. Karl – or at any rate the NOAA – huffs and puffs about how little it matters that there should have been global cooling over as short a period as seven years (now nine and a half years and counting). Mr. Karl – or the NOAA – points out that the recent global cooling is overlain by a longer warming trend, going back to the beginning of the satellite era in the early 1980s:

“The fact that globally averaged surface air temperature has shown no trend or even slight cooling over the last 7 years is not an accurate reflection of long-term general trends. In fact, calculation of a trend over the last seven years is a gross mischaracterization of the longer term trend. The last seven years have been part of a strong warming trend that began in the 1970s, which is attributable to human influences (IPCC, 2007). During the last seven years six of the seven warmest years on record have been all been observed based on NOAA’s global land and ocean data. Deducing long-term trends over such a short period of time is comparable to estimating the height of a sea swell by looking at the short period waves on top of the swell.”

Yet in my testimony I had not drawn any conclusion about “long-term trends”, still less “mischaracterized” them: I had merely reported – accurately, as Mr. Karl had not conceded but as NOAA’s testimony now testily concedes – that for several years there has indeed been global cooling. NOAA states that there has been –

“a strong warming trend that began in the 1970s, which is attributable to human influences (IPCC, 2007)”.

This statement is misleading in at least two respects. First, the “strong warming trend” is not unprecedented. As I demonstrated before the Select Committee, the three periods of most rapid warming in the 160-year global instrumental temperature record – 1860-1880, 1910-1940, and 1976-2001 – are at rates identical to one another within the measurement error, at ~0.16 K (0.3 F°)/decade –

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Three parallel rates of warming at ~0.16 K (0.3 F°) per decade. Where is the anthropogenic signal?

I arranged for a Parliamentary Question to be put down in the House of Lords to confirm that these three rates of warming were indeed parallel. Lord Hunt of King’s Heath replied on behalf of the then Government:

“Observations collated at the Met Office Hadley Centre and the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit indicate that the rate of increase in global average surface temperature between 1975 and 1998 were similar to the rates of increase observed between 1860 and 1880 and between 1910 and 1940 (approximately 0.16 C° per decade). ...”

Senator Vitter recently asked Dr. John Holdren, the current US Administration’s Science Advisor, the same question. Dr. Holdren replied that the rate of warming from 1976-2001 had been significantly greater than in the two earlier periods. It may be that Dr. Holdren was not relying upon the same global-temperature dataset as the IPCC (i.e. the Hadley/CRU dataset). If so, Dr. Holdren was surely under an obligation to make that fact plain, and to explain that the global-temperature record relied upon by the IPCC showed that the three rates of warming were indeed parallel. He did not do so. Once again, it is not clear to me that a senior official of the Administration is giving complete, fair, and honest answers to elected representatives in Congress on a major and potentially very costly matter of policy concern. Once again, that would be a very serious matter in the UK Parliament. The second respect in which NOAA’s statement is misleading is the assertion that the “strong warming trend that began in the 1970s ... is attributable to human influences (IPCC, 2007).” First, the IPCC in fact states no more than that (with 90% confidence – not a standard or compelling confidence interval) more

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than half of the warming since 1950 is attributable to human influences, not that all of it is. It would have been less dishonest if NOAA had made that explicit. Secondly, as I pointed out in my testimony to the Select Committee, multiple lines of evidence in the peer-reviewed literature establish that there was a substantial global brightening from 1983-2001, during which up to 3 Watts per square meter of additional radiant-energy flux reached the Earth’s surface. A surface flux increase of anything like this magnitude would be expected to have caused more warming than any anthropogenic influence over the period. Finally, in my testimony before the Select Committee I began by showing three successive graphs each of which displayed the entire 160-year instrumental global-temperature record. It cannot credibly be maintained, therefore, that I have adopted too short a period of observation.

3. In your testimony before the Select Committee, you discussed the results of Pinker et al. (2005).4 Dr. Pinker and co-author Dr. Dutton have since commented on your testimony5

(attached) and have identified discrepancies between your statements and their paper related to (1) your attempt to link the change in solar radiation to a temperature change and (2) the data used in their study. They also question whether your radiative transfer calculations are consistent with the IPCC’s methodology, as you claimed. Please submit your detailed radiative transfer calculations. If you agree with the authors’ criticism, please update the applicable portion of your written testimony and resubmit it for the record. If you disagree, please explain.

I have not been sent Dr. Pinker’s commentary on my testimony, and should be grateful if the Select Committee were to forward it to me, whereupon I shall be happy to respond to it. However, my testimony does not rely on her paper alone but on many others in the peer-reviewed literature. Therefore, I am happy to set forth here, in some detail as requested, an outline of the radiative-transfer calculations on which my testimony was based. I begin by noting that it is intriguing that the faction on the Select Committee that is responsible for this question should have seen fit to cast doubt upon the notion of linking an increase in solar radiation at the Earth’s surface (known as a “global brightening”) to an increase in global temperature (known as “global warming”). If the members of that faction would care to step outside their air-conditioned offices and go out on to the National Mall, they would be able to conduct a remarkably simple experiment. If the Sun shines directly upon their balding pates, they will notice that it is warmer than when the clouds are in the way. If that phenomenon takes place globally, natural “global brightening” and hence “global warming” occurs. As previously noted, the rapid rate of global warming from 1975-2001, at ~0.16 K/decade, was near-identical to the rates observed from 1860-1880 and from 1910-1940. Warming in the two earlier periods preceded any significant anthropogenic influence on the climate. The third and most recent period of rapid warming may also have been chiefly of natural origin: observations indicating a global brightening of up to 2.9 W m–2 at the Earth’s surface from 1983-2001 would imply a naturally-caused transient warming of ~0.9 K or, after adding anthropogenic warming, ~1.2 K. However, little more than 0.3 K global warming was observed over the period, suggesting that currently-accepted estimates of the amplifying influence of temperature feedbacks on natural and anthropogenic global warming may be excessive. Improved observations of variations in cloud cover and in other influences on the solar

4 R. T. Pinker, B. Zhang, E. G. Dutton, 2005. Do Satellites Detect Trends in Surface Solar Radiation? Science 308: 5723, 850-854. 5 Pinker, R. T. and E. G. Dutton, 2010. Response to: Testimony of The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley Before Congress, 6 May 2010.

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radiative flux reaching the Earth’s surface will be important for the eventual determination of climate sensitivity. I shall now explain these results in detail.

THE DATA The Hadley/CRU global mean surface temperature dataset (Jones et al., 1999, and Brohan et al., 2006, cited in Solomon et al., 2007) shows a rapid and sustained global warming from 1975-2001 at ~0.16 K/decade, a rate identical, within measurement error, to those observed from 1860-1880 and again from 1910-1940. Warming in the two earlier periods preceded any significant anthropogenic influence on the climate. The third and most recent period of rapid warming may also have been chiefly natural. Satellites first made well-calibrated measurements of global mean surface temperature and of radiant-energy flux leaving the top of the atmosphere in the early 1980s. Pinker et al. (2005), finding agreement between satellite and terrestrial records for the first time, reported a significant global brightening from 1983-2001, possibly caused by a decline in cloud cover accompanied by changes in water vapor and aerosols. Pinker, relying chiefly on data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP: Rossow & Schiffer, 1991, 1999), applied linear and second-order least-squares fits to the satellite-derived time-series of globally-averaged short-wave anomalies in solar radiative flux at the Earth’s surface from 1983-2001, after removal of the annual cycle. They found the linear slope positive at 0.16 W m–2 yr–1.

A globally-averaged o.16 W m–2 yr–1 trend in short-wave solar surface radiative flux anomalies, 1983-2001, after removal of the mean annual cycle. From Pinker, Fig. 1.

The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment satellites (ERBE: Barkstrom, 1984) also detected a reduction in short-wave radiation reflected from clouds to space during the same period, with a corresponding increase in long-wave radiation as more short-wave radiation reached the Earth’s surface and was Wien-displaced to the near-infrared, consistent with a reduction in global cloud cover, especially at low altitudes and latitudes, and particularly in the 1990s.

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At the time when Pinker reported, the ERBE outgoing-radiation data presented in Wielicki et al. (2002a, b) had not been corrected to allow for orbital decay.

After allowing for adjustments published by Wong et al. (2006), and combining ERBE values for latitudes 60N-60S with ISCCP FD 60N-90N and 90S-60S values, using surface-area weighting factors 0.866, 0.067 and 0.067 respectively, the ERBE data would imply that the global brightening from 1983-1999 was three-quarters of that indicated by the ISCCP data alone for 1983-2001.

Other observations confirm the fact of the global brightening, while disagreeing as to its magnitude. Solomon et al. (2007, at Table 3.5) compare tropical (20°S-20°N) top-of-atmosphere long-wave and short-wave radiative-fluxes for 1994-1997 with the fluxes for 1985-1989, citing the ERBE satellite data, which showed outgoing long-wave radiation increasing by 0.7 W m–2 and outgoing short-wave radiation decreasing by 2.1 W m–2 over the period. Solomon also cites the ISCCP data as indicating that outgoing long-wave radiation increased by 0.5 W m–

2, while outgoing short-wave radiation decreased by 2.4 W m–2. The AVHRR Pathfinder gave an opposite result: but, as Solomon notes, “Calibration issues, conversion from narrow to broadband, and satellite orbit changes are thought to render the AVHRR record less reliable for decadal changes compared to ERBS.” Wild et al. (2007), focusing on changes in mean surface temperature over the land, concluded that the global dimming up to the 1980s was offset by the period of brightening (or at least the absence of dimming) thereafter, and that the rapid warming that followed the transition was attributable almost entirely to anthropogenic influences. However, Pinker (at Figure 5A) shows a very slight dimming over land only from the 1980s onward. Though Wild makes a passing reference to Pinker, reliance is placed not upon satellite data but upon data from the Global Energy Balance archive and the Baseline Surface Radiation Network. Wild focused solely on land surfaces. The absence of solar dimming, and the insignificant net brightening, over land after 1980, deduced from surface-station measurements, is consistent with the analysis of land-only satellite data in Pinker. Solomon (op. cit: ch.3) concludes her discussion of clouds as follows:

“In summary, while there is some consistency between ISCCP, ERBS, SAGE II and surface observations of a reduction in high cloud cover during the 1990s relative to the 1980s, there are substantial uncertainties in decadal trends in all datasets and at present there is no clear consensus on changes in total cloudiness over decadal time-scales.”

However, the data indicate that from 1993-2001 there was a significant decline in cloud cover generally, not merely in high cloud cover. It is optically-dense clouds at low altitude and latitude that are most influential in global brightening or dimming.

ANALYSIS AND RESULTS For clarity, the present analysis is confined to central estimates. Data and methods in Solomon are adopted where possible.

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The global brightening of ~0.16 W m–2/year reported by Pinker is equivalent to a surface solar radiative flux anomaly ΔFS,br ≈ 2.893 W m–2 over the 18 years 1 month from 1983-2001. The consequent warming before temperature feedbacks is, at its simplest, the product of ΔFS,br and the surface Planck pre-feedback climate-sensitivity parameter κS, whose value, implicit in Kiehl & Trenberth (1997), is the first differential of the Stefan-Boltzmann radiative-transfer equation where mean surface temperature TS and surface radiative flux FS are 288 K and 390 W m–2 respectively:

κS = ΔTS / ΔFS = TS / (4FS) ≈ 0.185 K W–1 m2. (1)

Accordingly, the transient pre-feedbacks warming ΔTS,br that would be expected to have arisen from the global brightening mentioned in Pinker was:

ΔTS,br = ΔFS,br κS ≈ 0.5 K. (2)

Allowance must then be made for the amplifying influence of temperature feedbacks arising in response to the change in surface temperature. The feedback multiplier f, where b is the sum of all climate-relevant temperature feedbacks and where the upper-troposphere Planck parameter κT = 3.2–1 ≈ 0.313 K W–1 m2 (Solomon), is given by the amplification function in Bode (1945):

f = (1 – bκT)–1. (3)

At a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration, where the multi-model mean projected climate sensitivity ΔTS,2x = 3.26 K (Solomon) and the CO2 radiative forcing ΔF2x = 5.35 ln 2 (Myhre et al., 1998, cited in Meehl et al., 2001, and in Solomon), the implicit central estimate of f2x is:

f2x = ΔT2x / (κT ΔF2x) ≈ 2.813. (4)

With this central estimate of f2x, we rearrange Eqn. (3) to derive the IPCC’s implicit central estimate of the feedback-sum b2x:

b2x = (f2x – 1)/(f2x κT) ≈ 2.063 W m–2 K–1. (5)

However, it is necessary to deduct the cloud feedback of 0.69 W m–2 K–1 (Soden & Held, 2006, cited in Solomon) from b2x, since the observed global brightening will have reflected any cloud feedback effects. Thus,

bbr = b2x – 0.69 = 1.373 W m–2 K–1. (6)

Then fbr = (1 – bbrκT)–1 ≈ 1.752, (7)

and ΔTS,br = ΔTS,br fbr = ΔFS,br κS fbr ≈ 0.9 K. (8)

Accordingly, the IPCC’s methodology implies that, in response to a global brightening of the magnitude reported by Pinker, pre-feedback and post-feedback warmings would be ~0.5 K and ~0.9 K respectively. My distinguished colleague Dr. Joseph Boston has recently re-evaluated the ISCCP and ERBE data, and has concluded that the global brightening of 1983-2001 amounted to 0.106 W m–2 yr–1, or 1.917 W m–2 in all, a more conservative value than the 0.16 W m–2 yr–1 found by Pinker, particularly since his change in surface radiative flux is on a net basis, requiring that the surface-albedo feedback, given in Soden & Held (2006) as 0.26 W m–2 K–1, be deducted from the feedback-sum in Eqn. (6), so that bbr ≈ 1.113 W m–2 K–1 and the feedback multiplier fbr in Eqn. (7) falls to 1.533. On that basis, the pre-feedback and post-feedback warmings would be ~0.35 K and ~0.55 K respectively.

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In addition, anthropogenic warming would be expected to have occurred over the period. Table 1, again relying upon the methodology in Solomon, gives central estimates of the radiative forcings arising from observed increases in the concentrations of the major greenhouse gases from 1983-2001.

Table 1. Radiative forcings arising from changes in the atmospheric concentrations of key greenhouse gases from 1983-2001, determined from functions given in Myhre et al. (1998) and cited in Meehl et al. (2001) and in Solomon. CFC concentrations are from Hartley et al., 1996. The ozone forcing is an estimate. The negative forcings from aerosol effects are omitted, since the measured surface radiative flux anomaly occasioned by the global brightening of 1983-2001 implicitly takes them into account. Forcings from minor halocarbons, land-use changes, and aircraft contrails are omitted as de minimis.

Since the forcings in Table 1 represent tropopausal changes in net radiative flux, it is the upper-troposphere value κT = 3.2–1 K W–1 m2 of the Planck parameter that is applicable. The feedback factor fbr remains appropriate, since the effects of anthropogenic forcings on the cloud feedback will also have influenced the measured change in surface radiative flux arising from global brightening over the period. However, in the IPCC’s methodology, the temperature change ΔTS,gg that is projected to arise in consequence of greenhouse-gas forcings is not transient warming, as the observationally-derived ΔTS,br is, but equilibrium warming: i.e., the anomaly that would arise only after the climate had settled to a new equilibrium after the forcing. Thus, at equilibrium:

ΔTS,gg = ΔFT,gg κT fbr = ΔFT,gg κT (1 – bbrκT)–1. (9)

To determine transient temperature change ΔTS,eq, we introduce an additional term r to represent the ratio of transient to equilibrium warming. On the A2 scenario, Solomon projected ~0.2 K/decade transient warming in response to CO2 forcing for 2000-2010, all other anthropogenic influences being broadly self-canceling, but the observed increase in CO2 concentration was ~20 ppmv, implying equilibrium warming of 4.7 ln(388/368) ≈ 0.249 K, and hence a decadal transience ratio r ≈ 0.8. Over the entire 21st century (on IPCC scenario A2), with predicted transient warming of 3.4 K and CO2 concentration rising from a measured 368 to a projected 836 ppmv, the transience ratio r rises to 3.4 / [4.7 ln (836/368)] ≈ 0.9. Therefore, for periods (10 ≤ y ≤ 100) years, we take the approximation r = ry = 0.8 + (y – 10)/900, so that r18 ≈ 0.81 over the 18 years 1983-2001 and r55 ≈ 0.85 over the 55 years 1950-2005. Taking r = r18 ≈ 0.81:

ΔTS,gg = r ΔFT κT fbr ≈ 0.3 K, (10)

and ΔTS = ΔTS,br + ΔTS,gg ≈ 1.2 K. (11)

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Accordingly, the methods in Solomon would lead us to expect total transient warming of ~1.2 K (Eqn. 11) over the period, or ~0.9 K based on Dr. Boston’s re-evaluation of the global brightening. Of this warming, the greater part would be attributable to the naturally-occurring global brightening. However, the linear regression trend on the HadCRU monthly global land and sea surface temperature anomalies indicates observed transient warming of only ~0.3 K. Even if the flux anomaly occasioned by the global brightening of 1983-2001 was only one-third of that which Pinker had reported, it would have caused ~0.3 K warming, approximately equal to the observed warming and consequently leaving little room for any contribution from anthropogenic influences. Alternatively, even if temperature feedbacks were taken as net-zero rather than strongly positive, the warming arising even from Dr. Boston’s more conservative value of the global brightening over the period would be at least equal to the global warming that was actually observed, again leaving little room for any anthropogenic contribution to warming. It is possible that the global brightening from 1983-2001 was not as great as Pinker or Dr. Boston had found, or that the reported increase in radiative flux arising from the global brightening was to some extent offset by unreported factors, or that over so short a period the influence of long-acting temperature feedbacks may not have made itself felt (though this possibility is already implicit in the use of the transience ratio r, and, if the initial warming were small, long-acting feedbacks would also be small). However, if the global brightening found by Pinker is correct, then the consequently-expected global warming of ~0.9 K is equivalent to that which would have arisen in response to a naturally-arising tropopausal radiative forcing of ~1.7 W m–2 over the 18-year period of study, compared with ~1.6 W m–2 from all anthropogenic causes in the 256 years 1750-2005:

ΔFT,br = ΔTS,br / (κT fbr) ≈ 1.7 W m–2. (12)

Though it might be expected that in the sufficiently long term any transient global brightening would be canceled out, given the magnitude of the solar brightening from 1983-2001 it may be that no substantial net global dimming occurred from 1950-2005, the period during which Solomon concluded not only that anthropogenic warming exceeded natural warming but also that a substantial global dimming arose from anthropogenic emissions of particulate aerosols.

This proposition was tested by determining anthropogenic greenhouse-gas forcings from 1950-2005, using the functions in Solomon. The forcings are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Radiative forcings arising from changes in the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases from 1983-2001, determined on the same basis as Table 1.

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To determine the warming that would be expected to have arisen over the 55-year period on the assumption that no net global brightening or dimming had occurred, it is again appropriate to omit the IPCC’s strongly-negative forcing from anthropogenic particulate pollution and its strongly-positive forcing from the cloud feedback.

Where ΔFT,gg = 2 W m–2 and, to reflect the longer period of study r = r55 ≈ 0.85, Eqn. 10 determines that the warming to be expected from 1950-2005 in the absence of any global brightening or dimming would have been ~0.9 K.

However, if a global dimming of ~0.8 W m–2 had occurred from 1950-2005, consistent with the strongly-negative forcing from anthropogenic particulate aerosols posited in Solomon, the total radiative forcing ΔFT,gg would fall to ~1.2 W m–2. At the same time the feedback factor f2x (Eqn. 3) rather than fbr (Eqn. 7) would be applicable, reinstating the IPCC’s strongly-positive cloud feedback.

The two adjustments are broadly self-canceling, so that, even in the presence of a significant global dimming, warming implied by the IPCC’s methodology would remain at ~0.9 K. This conclusion would suggest that any net global brightening or dimming over the 55-year period would have little or no effect on global mean surface temperature.

However, the linear-regression trend on the HadCRU global mean surface temperature anomalies from 1950-2005 was only ~0.65 K, raising the possibility that the IPCC’s methodology may have led to an overstatement of climate sensitivity.

Since satellite observations were not available until the early 1980s, it is not reliably known whether there was any net global brightening or dimming over the 55-year period 1950-2005.

It is notable that linear regression on the global surface-temperature data for 2001-2008 shows the trend to be dTS/dt = –0.0120 K yr–1, producing a total change ∆TS ≈ –0.1 K for the eight years. This may be an indication that cloud-cover forcing has switched from positive to negative, consistent with the long-term negative cloud-albedo radiative forcing adopted by Solomon. A reversal of this magnitude could represent the early years of a sustained long-term cooling trend comparable to that which occurred from 1877-1910, a 34-year period when the trend approached –0.01 K year–1 and greenhouse-gas concentrations were much lower.

DISCUSSION These results suggest that reliable worldwide measurement of changes in solar radiative flux reaching the Earth’s surface is essential for the eventual determination of climate sensitivity, since the contribution of the naturally-occurring global brightening of 1983-2001 to warming over the period substantially exceeded observed warming. Even if the true global brightening were little more than one-half of that found by Dr. Boston or one-third of that reported by Pinker, it would be sufficient to account for all of the observed warming over the period, leaving little room for any anthropogenic contribution. The surface brightening from 1983-2001 appears to have been real, substantial, and of natural origin. CO2 concentration has continued to rise near-monotonically until the present, but the monotonicity of its increase, set against the stochasticity of the fluctuations in global brightening and dimming, implies an absence of correlation and hence of causation between the former and the latter, at least on decadal timescales. On the other hand, at least from 1983-2001, there is some agreement between the global brightening and the observed warming, suggesting a perhaps causative and certainly far from counter-intuitive correlation between the two.

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The question arises whether Solomon was correct in listing direct and indirect aerosol forcings as being very strongly negative. If not, then the true magnitude of net anthropogenic forcings may be considerably greater than the values given in Solomon, while observed temperatures remain as before. If so, climate sensitivity may have been substantially overstated.

The question whether there were any non-anthropogenic changes in net surface flux from 1950-2005 is important. The natural brightening and dimmings that may be a significant cause of the stochasticity of the global temperature record may not necessarily cancel one another out even over long periods. However, in the absence of adequate satellite instrumentation before the early 1980s, that question cannot be definitively answered by climatologists today. Yet the question might be answered more reliably in future – and quite inexpensively – by the deployment of standardized, automated, surface-mounted thermometers and pyranometers at locations all over the planet, reporting by satellite much as the Argo bathythermographs do for ocean temperature and salinity today. Solar pyranometers have been deployed in Japan for a century, and show a remarkably close, and possibly causative, correlation between changes in surface solar flux (expressed as hours of sunlight) and changes in surface temperature in the region (Soon, 2009), though data sources from other regions do not show similar correlations. To some extent, the global brightening from 1983-2001 may have been caused by a decline in particulate aerosols resulting from environmental measures in Western nations to improve the quality of the atmosphere. However, particulate aerosols continue to be emitted in increasing quantities by nations such as China. If there had indeed been a clearing of the air sufficient to influence global temperatures, the warming from 1983-2001 might have been expected to continue thereafter: however, global temperature anomalies exhibit a small downtrend since late 2001.

CONCLUSIONS Though Solomon concludes, with 90% confidence, that most of the “global warming” since 1950 was anthropogenic, use of the IPCC’s own methodology implies that the warming of ~0.9 K arising from the naturally-occurring global brightening from 1983-2001 accounted for thrice the anthropogenic warming and thrice the total observed transient warming of those 18 years, and for ~40% more than the ~0.65 K warming observed from 1950-2005. If the data are in substance correct, it is also possible that the positive anthropogenic forcing over the period was offset to some extent by as-yet-unidentified negative forcings or temperature feedbacks. For instance, a temporary reduction in relative humidity associated with what may have been a cyclical reduction in cloud cover may have altered the sign of the water-vapor feedback. Cloud feedbacks may also be strongly negative rather than strongly positive (Spencer & Braswell, 2007). Temperature feedbacks in general may be somewhat net-negative (Lindzen & Choi, 2010), rather than strongly net-positive, as Solomon, citing Soden & Held (2006), find them. It is also possible that, in the present condition of the atmosphere, climate sensitivity to atmospheric CO2 enrichment and to any other anthropogenic radiative forcings is substantially less than the estimates in Solomon. It was perhaps no mere coincidence that this natural cause of warming was coincident with the greater part of the only supra-decadal period of sustained and rapid warming observed since 1950. Note that these results may require amendment when Dr. Boston is able to provide the meticulous re-analysis of the relevant satellite data that I have requested, for that analysis is beyond my competence.

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REFERENCES Barkstrom, B. R. 1984. The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 65, 1170.

Brohan, P., J.J. Kennedy, I. Harris, S.F.B. Tett, and P.D. Jones. 2006. Uncertainty estimates in regional and global observed temperature changes: a new dataset from 1850. J. Geophys. Res. 111, D12106, doi:10.1029/2005JD006548

Hartley, D.E. T. Kindler, D.E. Cunnold, and R.G. Prinn. 1996. Evaluating chemical transport models: Comparison of effects of different CFC-11 emission scenarios. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 14381-14385.

Jones, P.D., M. New, D.E. Parker, S. Martin, and I.G. Rigor. 1999. Surface air temperature and its variations over the last 150 years. Reviews of Geophysics 37, 173-199.

Kiehl, J.T., & Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Earth’s Radiation Budget. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 78, 197.

Lindzen, R.S., and Y.-S. Choi. 2010. On the observational determination of climate sensitivity and its implications. J. Geophys. Res. [submitted].

Masarie, K.A., and P.P. Tans. 1995. Extension and integration of atmospheric carbon dioxide data into a globally consistent measurement record, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 11593-11610.

Meehl, G.A., T.F. Stocker, W.D. Collins, P. Friedlingstein, A.T. Gaye, et al. 2007. In Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, et al., Eds.: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, USA.

Myhre, G., E.J. Highwood, K.P. Shine, and F. Stordal. 1998. New estimates of radiative forcing due to well-mixed greenhouse gases. Geophys. Res. Lett. 25 (14), 2715-2718.

Pinker, R.T., B. Zhang, and E.G. Dutton. 2005. Do satellites detect trends in surface solar radiation? Science, 308, 850–854.

Rossow, W.B., and R. A. Schiffer. 1991. ISCCP cloud data products. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 72, 2.

Rossow, W. B., and R. A. Schiffer. 1999. Advances in understanding clouds from ISCCP. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 80, 2261.

Soden, B.J., and I.M. Held. 2006. An assessment of climate feedbacks in coupled ocean-atmosphere models. J. Clim. 19, 3354–3360.

Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Avery, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.). 2007. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Pael on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

Soon, W.W-H. 2009. Personal communication. Harvard-Smithsonian Institute for Astrophysics.

Spencer, R. W., W. D. Braswell, J. R. Christy, and J. Hnilo. 2007. Cloud and radiation budget changes associated with tropical intraseasonal oscillations. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L15707, doi:10.1029/2007GL029698.

Wielicki, B. A., et al. 2002a. Evidence for large decadal variability in the tropical mean radiative energy budget. Science 295, 841–844.

Wielicki et al. 2002b. Changes in tropical clouds and radiation: Response, Science 296, 2095a.

Wild, M.A., et al. 2005. From dimming to brightening: Decadal changes in solar radiation at Earth’s surface. Science 308, 847–850.

Wong, T., B. A. Wielicki, et al. 2006. Re-examination of the observed decadal variability of the Earth radiation budget using altitude-corrected ERBE/ERBS nonscanner wide-field-of-view data. J. Clim. 19, 4028–4040.

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4. In your testimony before the Select Committee, you claimed that there is much evidence in the scientific literature suggesting that the global warming over the last 30 years can be explained by forcing other than that from carbon dioxide.6

Please provide a list of peer-reviewed climate science journal articles in which the authors argue that an alternate mechanism (i.e., not heat trapping due to greenhouse gases) is primarily responsible for the global warming over the last 30 years.

The IPCC relies upon the “grey literature” for almost one-third of all its supposedly “scientific” references, and is not itself peer-reviewed in the accepted sense. Otherwise, for instance, the unfortunate “accelerating-warming” graph that appeared three times in the IPCC’s 2007 report, and whose defects I mentioned in my testimony, would have been identified as misleading and would have been removed. I am delighted, therefore, that those on the Select Committee who raised the present question now seem to accept – unlike the IPCC – the desirability of studying the question of “global warming” exclusively by reference to the peer-reviewed literature rather than to the politicized and error-laded documents of the IPCC or to the various newspaper articles or propaganda leaflets of the environmental movement. The references appended to my necessarily detailed answer to the Select Committee’s previous question should provide a useful starting-point from which the Select Committee will be able to deduce that there is at least a statable case that there was a naturally-occurring global brightening from 1983-2001 and that, while there is some disagreement on the magnitude of the brightening, most authorities find it to have been substantial. Further references can be supplied if desired. It is not, of course, necessary to demonstrate a particular natural cause of the by no means exceptional temperature fluctuations of the past 30 years: one has only to look at the proxy temperature record for the 11,400 years since the end of the last Ice Age to notice that, notwithstanding broadly constant carbon dioxide concentrations throughout the Holocene, temperature fluctuations well in excess of those observed today have occurred frequently. Indeed, in Central England, the temperature rose by 4 F° in the 40 years 1695-1735, well before the Industrial Revolution began; and 7500 of the past 11,400 years were warmer than the present. Given the evidence, it is baseless to assume that the major influence on global temperatures over the past 30-50 years must have been anthropogenic.

5. What procedural flaws do you believe lend to the IPCC’s errors? Do you agree with the IPCC’s reliance on grey literature?

In practice, “grey literature” – i.e. comments on climate science that are not peer reviewed – is all too often “green literature”: i.e., literature compiled by pressure-groups with a vested interest in advancing the narrow, extreme and scientifically-unjustifiable point of view that the IPCC, by its founding document, is required to reflect regardless of the objective scientific truth. “Peer review”, as it is generally understood in science today, is the process by which the authors of a scientific paper submit their work to a learned journal of standing, whose Editors, if the paper appears on its face to have merit in that it adds new knowledge to the corpus of scientific advance and contains no manifest errors, appoint appropriately-qualified scientific reviewers, who then read the paper and make comments and suggestions for correction or clarification. The authors and reviewers of a scientific paper published in a learned journal are usually, but not always, scientifically qualified in the field appropriate to the subject-matter of the paper.

6 Unedited and unofficial hearing transcript of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, May 6, 2010.

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The reviewers’ identities are, of course, known to the Editors, but are not necessarily known to the authors of the paper, to whom the Editors send the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. The authors then revise the paper to take account of what the reviewers have said. Provided that the reviewers and Editors are satisfied that the reviewers’ comments and suggestions have been fully and properly taken account in the authors’ revisions, and that the paper as revised has merit, the Editors publish the paper. Otherwise, either the paper is rejected or further rounds of revisions may be required of the authors. Only when all revisions have been successfully completed is the paper published. Customarily, journals also publish the date on which the paper was received, the dates on which each subsequent revised draft was received, and the date on which the paper was finally accepted for publication. Once the paper is published in a learned journal, if a scientist who reads it wishes to rebut it, the custom is that he sends a draft of his proposed rebuttal both to the journal and to the lead author of the paper. The lead author is then given the opportunity to draft a refutation to the rebuttal. Thereupon, if the Editors consider that the rebuttal and any refutation deserve to be published, they are published simultaneously in a subsequent edition of the journal. The IPCC’s four Assessment Reports (19990, 1885, 2001, and 2007) are the primary source relied upon by agencies of the US Government, such as the EPA, NRC, NAS, CCSP, etc. It is important to understand that, at least in the following respects, neither the IPCC’s Reports nor those of the various taxpayer-funded scientific bodies who rely so heavily upon the IPCC’s Reports are peer-reviewed in the accepted sense. In particular – The authors of the IPCC’s Reports are chosen and appointed not by any scientific process but by


The IPCC has been known to interfere in the appointment of authors by taking careful steps to exclude eminent authors whose views are known to be at variance with the political stance of the IPCC. For instance, Professor Paul Reiter of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, one of the world’s foremost experts on the epidemiology of malaria and yellow fever, was nominated to the IPCC by the United States Government to contribute to the sub-chapter of the IPCC’s 2007 Fourth Assessment Report on climate change and vector-borne diseases. Professor Reiter suspected that the IPCC would do its best to exclude him and, accordingly, he obtained four copies of his nomination papers and sent them by registered mail, with proof of delivery, to four separate senior officials of the IPCC. As he had anticipated, the IPCC denied having received his nomination papers and refused to appoint him. However, he applied pressure and was eventually appointed a reviewer of the sub-chapter in question, discovering that the two lead authors were not malaria scientists. He later told the story to an investigating committee of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom.

Authors who wish to contribute to the IPCC’s scientific discussions are often excluded if the IPCC considers that they are likely to disagree with its political stance. When I wished to attend the Hawaii “scoping meeting” for the IPCC’s 2013 Fifth Assessment Report early in 2009 to draw the IPCC’s attention to some serious defects in its methodology that I had published in the scientific literature, I was peremptorily told that I should not be welcome because I “disagreed with the IPCC’s position”.

The reviewers are appointed by the IPCC itself. Many of their comments and suggestions, therefore, tend to reflect the IPCC’s political stance.

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The IPCC’s authors are generally not permitted to work in their own environment and in their own way, free from political pressure or interference. Much of the drafting of the IPCC’s reports is done by groups of authors at sessions held in exotic locations around the world. Some authors have reported that staff of the IPCC had intruded into scientific discussions and had pressured scientists into accepting various aspects of the IPCC’s political stance. For instance, Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT testified before Congress to the effect that in IPCC sessions that he had attended the IPCC’s staff had frequently applied pressure on participating scientists to accept the IPCC’s contention that numerical modeling of the climate by complex (but error-prone) computer programs was a permissible alternative to observation, measurement, and calculation. The pressures to conform to the IPCC’s political stance are real and considerable.

The authors are permitted to ignore – and generally do ignore – the comments and suggestions made by the reviewers, particularly where what the reviewers say runs counter to the IPCC’s political stance. This departure from the process generally recognized as peer review is particularly serious. For instance, in the sub-chapter on glaciers in the IPCC’s 2007 Fourth Assessment Report, a scientifically-unqualified environmental campaigner whom a government had nominated to the IPCC wrote that the Himalayan glaciers would all have melted away by 2035. Various reviewers pointed out that the campaigner’s absurd but alarming claim had no scientific foundation, but the campaigner simply overrode the reviewers and his draft was retained. When this error was exposed, the IPCC admitted that the correct year should have been not 2035 but 2350. The lead author of the sub-chapter in question also admitted that he had known the campaigner’s statement to be scientifically unfounded, but that he had deliberately left the incorrect date in the published final version of the IPCC’s 2007 report because, he said, it was the intention of the IPCC politically to influence governments.

If the final draft of one of the IPCC’s reports is not acceptable to the IPCC’s staff in that it does not accord with the IPCC’s political stance, the IPCC’s procedures permit a single author to rewrite the final draft on his own so as to make the Report “politically correct”. This, too, is a very serious defect in the IPCC’s process. For instance, the 1995 Second Assessment Report concluded, and stated on five separate occasions, that there was no discernible human influence on global temperature and that it was not clear when any such influence would become discernible. The IPCC’s staff did not find this conclusion congenial. Accordingly a single author whose conformity to the IPCC’s political stance – Dr. Ben Santer of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – rewrote, and subsequently admitted that he rewrote, the final draft to remove all five “politically-incorrect” statement and to replace them with a single statement to the effect that a discernible human influence on global climate was now evident. To prevent this statement from appearing incongruous, Dr. Santer also found it necessary to make several hundred consequential amendments. The result was that the 1995 Report came to a conclusion precisely opposite to that which the scientists’ final draft had drawn. This conclusion – the opinion of one man – has been the official conclusion of the IPCC ever since. Yet only a small minority of the 1995 Report’s authors were told of Dr. Santer’s revisions before the Report was published, and the final draft as revised by him was not subjected even to the attenuated and defective process of “review” normally followed by the IPCC.

The IPCC’s personnel, whether or not they have any scientific qualifications, are also permitted to tamper with the scientists’ final drafts of the IPCC’s reports. For instance, the final draft of the IPCC’s 2007 Fourth Assessment Report was leaked to the Sunday Telegraph, a major Sunday newspaper in the United Kingdom, before publication. The newspaper revealed that the IPCC had revised its estimate of maximum global sea-level rise over the 21st century from 3 feet to less than 2 feet, with a central estimate of little more than 1 foot. This welcome news was

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widely reported around the world, but did not accord with the IPCC’s political stance. Accordingly, the IPCC’s staff altered the scientists’ final draft of the IPCC’s 2007 Report by inserting a new table of figures that had not appeared in the final draft. By the redeployment of four separate decimal points, it was made to appear that the observed contribution of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to sea-level rise over the past 40 years had been ten times greater than that which had actually been measured. Whether or not this error was deliberate, the offending table was published in the final draft of the 2007 Report. On the day of publication, I noticed the error, reported it to four separate IPCC officials, and insisted that the table be removed or corrected. The IPCC’s staff thereupon hastily corrected the error themselves, changed the units in which the table was denominated, retitled the table, moved it, and quietly posted up the corrected version on the IPCC’s website, without openly declaring – as is the correct academic practice – that any change at all had been made.

The final decisions on the principal conclusions in the IPCC’s Reports, which are incorporated into a Summary for Policymakers in each Report, are taken not by scientific authors or reviewers but by political representatives of governments. This is a very serious defect of scientific process. For instance, the IPCC reached its decision in its 2007 Fourth Assessment Report to assign at least 90% confidence to its finding that most of the “global warming” that has occurred since 1950 was anthropogenic not by any scientific process of measurement, observation, or calculation conducted by scientists, but by a show of hands on the part of political representatives.

Climate scientists, whether part of the IPCC process or not, are subjected to enormous pressures to agree to the IPCC’s politicized, pseudo-scientific viewpoint. For instance, when Dr. Garth Paltridge, an eminent climatologist in Australia, first said publicly that he disagreed with the IPCC’s central findings, within 24 hours the IPCC had contacted its point of contact in the Australian Government, which had in turn contacted the official body responsible for funding scientific research in Australia, which in turn contacted Dr. Paltridge and told him that if he ever again went public and expressed disagreement with any of the IPCC’s conclusions he would never again receive any funding for scientific research.

For these reasons, the IPCC’s Reports are in no way peer-reviewed in the generally-accepted sense of that term. In like manner and degree, the reports of the various scientific institutions upon which the US Government relies are also not peer-reviewed. The leading scientific institutions in the United States have substantially or absolutely relied upon the IPCC. In particular, they have appealed to the IPCC’s “authority” in that they have adopted its principal conclusions in an insufficiently critical manner. Key decisions of the IPCC were taken not by scientists but by scientifically-unqualified representatives of governments, or by environmental campaigners, or by campaigning journalists with no scientific qualifications. On any view, these government representatives and campaigners – however noble their reputations in their fields – have no reputations in the field of science, and, scientifically speaking, the IPCC should not have founded its position upon their decisions on the basis of their reputations. Even where the conclusions upon which the IPCC relies were drawn by scientists, the scientific method – whose essence is verification and scrutiny of scientific results, and not mere belief or acquiescence in those scientific results that are found politically expedient, socially congenial, or financially profitable – demands that the IPCC should take careful steps independently to verify that the scientific conclusions on which it relies are justifiable, particularly where it is evident – or has become evident from comments received – that the conclusions in question are questionable.

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The United States should withhold all further funding from the IPCC until it institutes a rigorous process of proper peer review of its own past as well as future work by independent scientists, and until it gives an undertaking that it will never again rely upon any sources other than peer-reviewed papers in the learned journals. Not the least of the reasons why the IPCC is not functional is that the current chairman of its climate science panel is a railroad engineer now under investigation by the UK Charity Commission for having filed false accounts three years in a row for a charity of which he is the trustee. His defense is that he is financially inexperienced: yet he runs an 800-strong NGO in India. Key IPCC personnel should in future be appropriately qualified, and of unquestionable probity, and should not have any financial conflicts of interest.

6. By its own admission, EPA has said that its Endangerment Finding for greenhouse gases relied on IPCC data and reports. In light of the errors revealed within the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, how can this Congress and the current administration justify implementing legislation that will lead to fewer jobs and cost taxpayers more money?

Article 1, Section 1 of the US Constitution says –

“All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

Standing this clear wording, which is repeatedly amplified throughout the Constitution, the manifest intention of the Founding Fathers was to ensure that no laws were made for the people of the United States except by representatives whom the people themselves had elected and could remove at will. Accordingly, it is not clear to me that the US Congress has the right under the Constitution to transfer to the EPA or to any other “executive” agency the legislative power that the Constitution, in its opening words, vests in Congress alone. Arguably, therefore, the Clean Air Act is illegal: and it is certainly illegal for the EPA to introduce regulations selectively, targeting the largest businesses first and exempting businesses falling within the remit specified by Congress, and hence distorting the market in a manner not contemplated by Congress in the framing of the Act. It is indeed apparent from a close study of the Technical Support Document produced by the EPA in defence of its proposed regime of Draconian regulation that the EPA has relied almost exclusively either upon the various reports of the IPCC or upon the documents of various US scientific bodies that have themselves relied almost exclusively upon the IPCC’s reports. It is also apparent that the EPA has done little or nothing in the way of independently verifying whether the conclusions of the IPCC are robust. In this regard, I have direct evidence that the EPA is acting in bad faith. One of the commentators on the EPA’s Technical Support Document had mentioned that the following graph, reproduced three times in large scale and in full color in separate IPCC chapters, was gravely defective and misleading. The graph, which purports to show that the rate of “global warming” is itself increasing, relies upon a well-worn statistical fraud known as the “endpoint fallacy”, by which multiple trend-lines with arbitrarily and capriciously chosen start-dates or end-dates are superimposed on a single stochastic dataset, in such a way that any desired conclusion as to the trend in the underlying data can be demonstrated.

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The EPA, even when the statistical fallacy had been carefully explained to it, decided willfully to adhere to its adoption and reproduction of the IPCC’s grievously defective graph, inferentially either because its technical advisers were insufficiently literate in applied statistics to understand the nature and gravity of the defect or because it did not wish to cast any doubt whatsoever on the reliability, veracity, and competence of what was, in effect, the sole originating source of its entire “scientific” case, or both. The IPCC draws the stated conclusion from the defective graph that the rate of “global warming” has been inexorably increasing and that, accordingly, humankind must be to blame. Even if it were true that the rate of “global warming” is accelerating, it would be absurdly illogical to conclude that merely because “global warming” is accelerating one could – or must – ascribe the acceleration to the enterprises and industries of Man.

The IPCC’s defective graph falsely purporting to show an inexorable increase in the rate of “global warming”

However, it is easy to demonstrate definitively that the technique relied upon by the IPCC to produce its bogus headline graph is defective. The following graph, which takes the same underlying global-temperature dataset, the Hadley/CRU dataset relied upon by the IPCC, and shows two arbitrarily-chosen trend-lines, shows that the rate of warming from 1905-1945 was twice as great as that from 1905-2005, indicating that the rate of “global warming” is slowing down, when the IPCC’s different and equally-arbitrary choice of trend-lines purports to show that the rate of “global warming” is speeding up –

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From 1905-2005 (red) the rate of “global warming” was half that from 1905-1945 (green).

Since we have deployed the same technique on the same dataset, but with a result that is precisely the opposite of that which the IPCC had reached, it is the technique itself that is defective, and the IPCC ought not to have relied upon it. Nor should the EPA have relied upon it. And, most certainly, the EPA should not have continued to rely upon the flagrantly defective IPCC graph after its attention had been explicitly drawn to the defect. Yet the EPA adhered to the defective graph and, in so adhering, demonstrated bad faith. The key practical question in connection with the climate is whether any proposed measures to mitigate the anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases will be cost-effective. I shall briefly consider the scientific dimension of that question.

Scientifically speaking, the question is how much future “global warming” will be forestalled if a given proportion of the world’s current emissions of greenhouse gases is in future prevented. Brevitatis causa, this analysis is confined to emissions of carbon dioxide, and, except where indicated, is conducted on the basis that, ad argumentum, the IPCC is right to find that a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, expected sometime later in this century, will cause 3.26 ± 0.69 K (6 ± 1.25 F°) “global warming”.

For the past 30 years, the relationship between CO2 emissions and resultant CO2 concentration has remained broadly constant at ~15 billion tons CO2 per part per million by volume CO2 concentration increase. Thus, currently the world is emitting ~30 billion tons/year CO2. Consequently CO2 concentration, now 388 ppmv, is rising by 2 ppmv/year. As noted in my testimony before the Select Committee, the equilibrium “global warming” that might arise from this increase in CO2 concentration would be as below. This equation will be proved later, at Eqn. (15) –

Annual warming forestalled = (8.5 ± 1.8) ln[(388+2)/388] = 0.044 ± 0.01 F°.

We now consider a reductio ad absurdum.

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Suppose that all CO2 emissions were to cease worldwide for an entire year, with the widespread death, disease, and destruction that would follow. As the above equation shows, the warming forestalled would be less than one-twentieth of a Fahrenheit degree.

Suppose that the US accounts for as much as 20% of world CO2 emissions. Shutting down all CO2

emissions in the US for a year would forestall just one-hundredth of a Fahrenheit degree of warming.

Suppose that the EPA’s regulations would shut down as much as 10% of all CO2 emissions in the

US. Then, in each year, the emissions reductions mandated by the regulations imposed by the EPA would forestall one-thousandth of a Fahrenheit degree of “global warming” – a warming so small that it cannot be reliably discerned by any currently-available or foreseeable method of measurement.

Suppose that the IPCC has overstated climate sensitivity to atmospheric CO2 enrichment by as

little as a factor of 2, rather than the factor of 4-5 suggested in Lindzen & Choi (2009, 2010), or Spencer (2010). If so, then the “global warming” of the 21st century would be below 2 K and would, on any view, be generally harmless and beneficial. In that event, full implementation of the EPA’s regulations would forestall one-two-thousandth of a Fahrenheit degree of “global warming”.

The very structure of the IPCC – with separate working groups considering mitigation of “global warming” by reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and adaptation to “global warming” by coping with its consequences as and if they occur – militates against proper consideration of the question whether mitigation or adaptation is likely to be more cost-effective. Given the negligible warming that would be forestalled each year by even the fullest implementation of the EPA’s regulations, and given the inevitably heavy economic cost of full implementation, it is very likely that focused adaptation to any consequences of “global warming” that might occur, as and if those consequences occur, will be orders of magnitude cheaper and more cost-effective than the attempted mitigation advocated by the EPA and targeted by its regulations. Secondly, I am aware of declarations by governments such as that of China that they do not propose to impose upon themselves emissions-control policies anything like as onerous as those proposed by the EPA. If these declarations are true and are given effect, then it is necessary to consider the likelihood that economic activities that now take place in the United States would – if they became unduly expensive or even impossible as a result of the EPA’s imposition of its regulations – be transferred to less-regulated nations. In this sense, the phrase “green jobs”, recited with naive enthusiasm in certain quarters, may come to be regarded among the general population as a synonym for “mass unemployment”. It would be the height of folly to continue closing down functioning and inexpensive methods of electricity generation, such as coal-fired stations, and to prevent new stations from being built, without having already developed affordable alternative sources of power. It would be irresponsible merely to assume, vaguely, that somehow the new technologies will spring into being if only we stamp out the old. That way lies economic dislocation and environmental disaster.

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Where, and to the extent that, the activities prevented by the EPA within its jurisdiction are merely transferred to less-regulated jurisdictions, even the minuscule forestalling of “global warming” that we have here demonstrated would not be achieved. For these reasons, scientifically speaking one must conclude that the climatic implications of unilateral and full imposition of the EPA’s regulations on the United States would be negligible. Even if all nations adopted such regulations, the impact on global temperatures would barely be discernible, even after a century. The EPA has insufficiently considered that its regulations would have no discernible effect upon the climate, and has insufficiently considered the possibility that, unless its regulations were implemented worldwide (which they will not be), enterprises that are capable of removing themselves from the EPA’s jurisdiction to less-regulated jurisdictions will be very likely to do so, rendering all of its attempts at regulation expensively otiose. For the same reasons, scientifically speaking one must conclude that the financial cost of focused adaptation to any consequences of “global warming” that might occur would be very considerably less than that of implementing any approach which, like the EPA’s regulations, is directed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases rather than at focused adaptation.

Measures as far-reaching and potentially costly as those recommended by the EPA would only be justifiable if they were likely to have an appreciable effect on the climate, and if they were not likely to prove disproportionately more expensive than alternative measures that are readily available, such as focused adaptation.

I am conscious that the EPA’s remit under the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts is confined to the assessment of risk to human health and to consequent regulation: however, in view of the fact, simply but definitively demonstrated above, that the maximum climatic effect of the EPA’s proposed regulations would be immeasurably small, the health benefits of those regulations would also be immeasurably small. In that event, an Agency acting reasonably would decline to regulate and, arguably, has no right under the Clean Air Act to regulate, since a “pollution” (in the form of slightly warmer weather) that is so small as to be immeasurable by any modern instrument cannot properly be held to fall within the scope of the Clean Air Act.

An Agency acting reasonably would have carefully considered – whether the regulations it proposed would have a sufficient climatic effect to be worthy of


whether unilateral imposition of its proposed regulations would transplant American enterprises overseas, with a consequent nil benefit to the climate; and

whether adaptation when and if necessary would be very substantially cheaper and more cost-effective than implementation of its proposed regulations.

However, the EPA has not considered any of these matters properly. In particular, it has not considered the question how much warming its proposed regulations would forestall, a question that should have been addressed in a quantitative analysis such as that which has been outlined here.

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Accordingly, for this reason also the EPA has manifestly acted not only arbitrarily and capriciously but also in bad faith. The question arises whether the EPA has become too nakedly ambitious for America’s good, and whether it should now be disbanded.

7. The Climategate e-mails scandal reveals a troubling pattern of behavior among a group of scientists influential to the IPCC process and reports that have been issued thus far. The e-mails sent between scientists at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit show a pattern of data manipulation and secrecy that undermine the British academic body’s credibility, and even demonstrate CRU researchers violating UK law by plotting to avoid Freedom of Information requests. For example:

From: Phil Jones, Date: Thu Jul 8 2004: 16:30:16

I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow – even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!


Do these e-mails raise any concerns regarding scientific integrity? Do you condone this behavior?

Shortly after the Climategate emails were first revealed (the BBC having sat on them for six weeks because it could not bear to admit that the climate scientists in whom it had so naively and credulously placed its trust were incompetent and politically-motivated at best and corrupt at worst), a Professor of Physics from the US telephoned me, in tears, and said that he had been mentioned 71 times in the Climategate emails. The story he told was disfiguring. He had published a blameless paper drawing attention to the fact that, in a crucial respect, the computer games relied upon by the IPCC had failed to predict what was happening in observed reality. The Climategate emailers constituted so powerful a clique that they had succeeded in delaying the publication of his paper by a year until a dataset could be fabricated that purported to show a dozen other datasets to be wrong and a paper could be contrived, based on the fabricated dataset, apparently overturning the Professor’s result. The gang had leaned upon the editor of a learned journal to delay publication of the Professor’s paper so that their furtive and dishonest stratagem could be made to work. However, the two enquiries that have been held so far into the Climategate affair both found the emailers blameless. For many years, I had been following the output of many of the key Climategate emailers. I had suspected that they were connected, because their behavior exhibited a common pattern, characterized by several instantly-recognizable features. First, the emailers were thoroughly unpleasant people. The sheer nastiness of far too many of the Climategate emails is what first strikes anyone from outside who reads them for the first time. Secondly, they were ruthlessly unscrupulous, and did not care whom they trampled as they pushed their scientifically-nonsensical theories. Thirdly, they were dishonest, and had produced science that was demonstrably and often laughably bad, but had passed peer review because, in effect, the emailers owned and controlled the peer-review process as well as the major rent-seeking scientific pressure-groups, as their mistreatment of the Physics professor had demonstrated. Fourthly, their scientific errors all pointed relentlessly in the same direction: towards inventing a problem where there was no problem, and exaggerating it beyond all sense or reason where there was. Here are some illustrations of the unsound science perpetrated by some of the Climategate conspirators –

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Professor Phil Jones (University of East Anglia) actively encouraged the other Climategate emailers to destroy scientific data so that other scientists would be prevented from verifying the emailers’ results:

“Mike, - Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4 [the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report]? Keith [Briffa] will do likewise. ... Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don't have his new email address. We will be getting Caspar [Ammann] to do likewise.”

Dr. James Hansen (NASA) wrote in the British Marxist daily propaganda-sheet The Guardian

that as a result of anthropogenic “global warming” sea level would rise by 75 meters [246 feet]. The IPCC’s best estimate is 1 ft 5 in by 2100. Hansen also helped to get the “global warming” scare started by predicting before Congress in 1988 that global temperatures would rise far more rapidly than they have. Temperatures have in fact generally undershot Hansen’s “CO2 stabilization” case (C), in which he assumed (incorrectly) that as a result of drastic action by global governments carbon dioxide concentrations would have ceased to increase at all by 2000. In fact, CO2 concentrations have continued to increase in a straight line at 2 ppmv/year, yet temperatures are in no way responding as rapidly as Hansen had alarmingly predicted: –

James Hansen’s three 1988 predictions of “global warming” from 1988 to 2020, with observed warming in red. The observations are below Hansen’s “CO2 stabilization” case, with CO2 concentration stabilized in 2000. Hansen also supervises the NASA GISS global-temperature dataset, where it has been noticed that in several of the land-based stations the raw data have been adjusted in such a way as to turn falling trends into rising trends –

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The raw temperature data (left) show cooling. The data after adjustment by GISS show warming, because data from the 1930s have been altered. The reason for this alteration of historical data is unclear and requires investigation.

The data tampering appears to have left the recent data unaltered, inferentially because independent satellite records prevent substantial alteration of terrestrial records. Instead, without apparent good reason, temperatures from the 1930s have been altered so as to reduce appreciably (by 2 F° in the above example) the values that were recorded in that era. Two questions arise. First, does the adjustment of the temperature data by GISS apply only to a few stations, making little difference to the global trend? Secondly, has the adjustment of the data become greater over time, indicating prima facie that a systematic and unjustifiable bias has been introduced? These questions may be simply answered by making a second comparison: this time between the GISS global dataset after data adjustment as it stood in 1999 and the same dataset after adjustment as it stood in 2008. Any difference between the earlier and later versions of the adjusted dataset would be prima facie evidence of a bias that would require further explanation before any reliance could be placed upon the dataset –

Bias over time: The GISS global-temperature dataset, after adjustment, as it stood in 1999 (left) and in 2008 (right). The data peak in the 1930s has been reduced in the later version of the dataset, and the 1998 peak has been markedly increased, artificially increasing the warming rate over the period. I am grateful to Dr. Anthony Watts for making these graphs public.

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The data adjustments by GISS, therefore, are sufficient to affect the entire global database, and the comparison between the earlier and later versions of the adjusted global database over time shows that the adjustment that produces a warming bias has been increased over the years. It is considerations such as these that cast doubt upon the reliability of the NASA GISS global-temperature dataset, and hence upon that of the very similar NOAA NCDC dataset. The Committee may wish to investigate this and other apparent defects and irregularities in the compilation of the official terrestrial global-temperature datasets, particularly in the period preceding the satellite temperature record that began in 1980.

Dr. Ben Santer (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) was the Climategate emailer responsible for the rewriting of the principal conclusions of the 1995 IPCC Second Assessment Report so as to produce a conclusion opposite from that of the scientists who had delivered to the IPCC’s bureaucracy their final draft of the report. The scientists had concluded, and had stated their conclusion plainly on five separate occasions in the final draft, that there was no detectable anthropogenic signal in the global temperature record, and that “global warming” could not (a point later effectively confirmed by Lord Hunt’s Parliamentary answer to my question mentioned earlier in this letter) –

o “None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed [climate] changes to the specific cause of increases in greenhouse gases.”

o “No study to date has positively attributed all or part [of observed climate change] to anthropogenic causes.”

o “While none of these studies has specifically considered the attribution issue, they often draw some attribution conclusions, for which there is little justification.”

o “Any claims of positive detection of significant climate change are likely to remain controversial until uncertainties in the total natural variability of the climate system are reduced.”

o “When will an anthropogenic effect on climate be identified? It is not

surprising that the best answer to this question is, ‘We do not know.’”

Yet, remarkably, the “procedures” of the IPCC permitted – and, indeed, facilitated – a rewrite by just one scientist on whom the bureaucracy could absolutely rely to come up with the result it wanted: Dr. Santer. He deleted all five of the inconvenient truths that the world’s scientists had incorporated into their final draft of the 1995 Report, and, after making hundreds of consequential amendments throughout the text, inserted the following entirely opposite conclusion –

o “The body of … evidence now points to a discernible human influence on global climate.”

It points to no such thing, or the scientists would have said so. Yet that – the opinion of one man, which was shown to only a handful of the thousands of participating scientists before publication of the 1995 Second Assessment Report that set their work at nought, has been the

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official line ever since, regardless of the considerable body of science to the contrary. The much-vaunted scientific “consensus” is, therefore, essentially one man’s view. Dr. Santer has also been responsible for rearranging the science that relates to the crucial question of temperature change in the tropical upper troposphere. In the 2001 Third Assessment Report, as the following altitude-vs.-latitude plots of computer-model-predicted temperature change demonstrate, it was predicted that the atmospheric fingerprints of solar and anthropogenic greenhouse forcings should be broadly identical in the troposphere, with doubling or tripling of the tropical surface warming rate at altitude in the tropics (the tropical upper-troposphere “hot-spot”) –

Computer-predicted fingerprints of temperature change by latitude (x axis) and altitude (y axis: hPa) for solar forcing (left) and anthropogenic greenhouse-gas forcing (right). Source: IPCC (2001).

However, by the 2007 IPCC report, Dr. Santer had updated a paper of 2000 in which he predicted that solar forcing, in panel (a) at top left below, would lead to a near-uniform distribution of temperature change throughout the tropical troposphere, with no warming differential between the surface and the mid-troposphere (i.e., no “hot-spot”), while anthropogenic greenhouse-gas forcing, in panel (c) at middle left, would exhibit a strong “hot-spot” in the tropical upper troposphere, with warming at close to thrice the surface warming: a pattern so dominant that it would persist even when five separate forcings were combined, in panel (f) at bottom right. The IPCC adopted Dr. Santer’s result as its own –

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Modelled zonal mean atmospheric temperature change (Cº/century, 1890-1999) from five distinct forcings (a-e), and from all forcings combined (f). Altitude is in hPa (left scale) and km (right scale) vs. latitude (abscissa). Source: IPCC (2007, after Santer, 2003).

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Indeed, all of the models on which the UN relies predict that most of the atmospheric warming that arises from greenhouse-gas enrichment of the atmosphere will occur about six miles up in the tropical upper troposphere. At that altitude, the warming rate is predicted to be 2-3 times that at the tropical surface (Lee et al., 2007) –

Zonal mean equilibrium temperature change (°C) at CO2 doubling (2x CO2 – control), as a function of latitude and pressure (hPa) for 4 general-circulation models. All show the projected fingerprint of anthropogenic greenhouse-gas warming: the tropical mid-troposphere “hot-spot” is projected to warm at twice or even thrice the surface rate. Source: Lee et al. (2007).

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Four of the UN’s computer models, shown above, predict the “hot-spot’s” presence. However, the model-predicted tropical upper-troposphere “hot-spot” does not occur in reality, as Figure 8 shows. It has not been observed in 50 years of radiosonde and drop-sonde measurements. It has not been observed in 30 years of satellite observations. It has not been observed at all. It is not there (HadAT, 2006) –

Altitude-vs.-latitude plot of observed relative warming rates in the satellite era. The greater rate of warming in the tropical mid-troposphere that is projected by general-circulation models is absent in this and all other observational datasets, whether satellite or radiosonde. Altitude units are hPa (left) and km (right). Source: Hadley Centre for Forecasting (HadAT, 2006).

In a lecture given in 2008, Professor Lindzen of MIT concluded from the absence of the “hot-spot” that –

“... A doubling of CO2 leads to surface warming of from about 1.5-3.5 C. By contrast, the observed warming over the past century or so amounts to only about 0.6-0.8 C (not all of which need be due to increased greenhouse gases). ... Using basic theory, modelling results and observations, we can reasonably bound the anthropogenic contributions to surface warming since 1979 to a third of the observed warming, leading to a climate sensitivity too small to offer any significant measure of alarm ...”.

In short, the absence of the model-predicted “hot-spot” requires us to divide the UN’s climate-sensitivity estimates by at least 3. Lindzen’s result is in line with that of Scafetta & West (2008), who attribute more than two-thirds of the past half-century’s “global warming” to the Sun. Douglass et al. (2008) analyzed a dozen different radiosonde and satellite tropical-troposphere datasets, and concluded that the “hot-spot” that Santer and hence the IPCC had determined was the characteristic signature or fingerprint unique to anthropogenic greenhouse warming was not present in any of them. This result was a grave threat to the IPCC’s contention that recent warming must be attributed chiefly to anthropogenic factors. So important was this issue that the US Climate Change Science Program devoted its first lengthy report to a discussion of the discrepancy, concluding that it was possibly attributable to uncertainties in measuring

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upper-troposphere temperatures. In short, the theoretical computer models that predicted the actually-absent “hot-spot” were preferred to the real-world data. Dr. Santer swung into action again. First, he and his fellow Climategate emailers conspired with journal editors to prevent publication of the Douglass et al. paper for a year, so that a new dataset could be fabricated with the objective of showing that – contrary to all the other datasets – the tropical upper-troposphere “hot-spot” might perhaps be present after all. Dr. Santer and various fellow-emailers then set about writing a paper unfairly excoriating Professor Douglass and his colleagues for having displayed error-bars on their graphs of model predictions that were too narrow, given that some of the models had only been run once. Repeatedly in the Climategate emails, Dr. Santer snidely condemned Professor Douglass and his colleagues for having perpetrated a “fundamental statistical error”, which he, Dr. Santer, had heroically pointed out in a rebuttal paper that – thanks to the delay he and his conspirators had occasioned in the publication of Professor Douglass’ paper – appeared almost at the same date as theirs. However, as is so often the case when the venomous stridency of the Climategate conspirators in condemning diligent researchers who dare to disagree with them reaches a painful pitch of screeching, the bluster conceals the fact that the “fundamental statistical error” is simply irrelevant to the question in hand. The truth is that the models are so unreliable that the error-bars applicable to their outputs are so wide as to be meaningless: Dr. Douglass and his colleagues could, with perfect justification, have omitted them altogether from their paper without in any way undermining the strength of its conclusion, which was that all tropical-temperature datasets obtained by real-world measurement rather than by the expensive guesswork that is climate modeling showed that the model-predicted characteristic fingerprint of anthropogenic “global warming” in the form of the tropical upper-troposphere “hot-spot” is simply absent in observed reality. In this crucial respect, the Douglass paper is fatal to the IPCC’s theory. By questionable methods, as has done before, Dr. Santer has attempted to rescue the situation for the IPCC: but all the datasets except that which appears to have been brought into being specifically for Dr. Santer’s paper (and which had not been published in any peer-reviewed journal before Dr. Santer found it expedient to rely upon it) show that the IPCC is wrong. Whatever caused the “global warming” that ceased in the late 1990s, it was not Man.

Dr. Michael Mann (Pennsylvania State University) is right at the heart of the Climategate conspiracy, judging by the number of emails to and from him on the file released by the whistleblower at the University of East Anglia. His chief contribution to the unsatisfactory science behind the “global warming” scare was his strange graph of 1998/9 purporting to abolish the medieval warm period, when temperatures worldwide were warmer than the present. His “hockey-stick” graph was reproduced six times at large scale and in full color in the 2001 IPCC report, and was even adopted as the IPCC’s logo for a few years until it was comprehensively debunked and discredited in the peer-reviewed literature. This graph and the unfortunate methodological and statistical errors without which it could not have been contrived are considered later in this letter, in response to the Select Committee’s specific question on this topic. The Attorney-General for the State of Virginia is currently investigating whether criminal offenses have been committed in connection with the fabrication of Dr. Mann’s “hockey-stick” graph.

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Dr. Susan Solomon (lead author, IPCC 2007 report), another figure integral to the Climategate nexus, wrote a paper in 2009 in which she maintained that, as a result of humankind’s influence, “global warming” would continue for thousands of years. However, based on the A2 emissions scenario of the IPCC that comes closest to today’s real-world emissions of carbon dioxide, it is simple to demonstrate that most of “global warming” that is projected to occur this century will have occurred by 2100, leaving approximately 1 F° of warming “in the pipeline” that might emerge later:

Equilibrium warming from 368-836 ppmv CO2: 4.7 ln(836/368) 3.9 K – Transient warming predicted to 2100 (Scenario A2): 3.4 K = Warming “in the pipeline”: 0.5 K (<1 F°)

As is often the case with the climate-extremist viewpoint, a little math soon puts the scare in perspective. It would scarcely be problematic if less 1 F° of warming “in the pipeline” were to occur over the timescale of thousands of years envisaged by Dr. Solomon. Let us prove the above result, since the Select Committee has been kind enough to express interest in my workings: What is the difference between transient and equilibrium climate sensitivity? To make the imagined “threat” of anthropogenic “global warming” sound far more serious than it is in reality, papers such as that by Solomon et al. follow the UN’s climate panel in suggesting, without explicit quantification, that once the concentration of CO2 has become elevated significant increases in atmospheric temperature will be “locked in”, and, worse, that further increases in temperature will occur for hundreds or even thousands of years even after the concentration of CO2 has ceased to rise and has become stable. For this element of the scare to work, it is essential to conceal from the general reader just how small is the difference between transient climate sensitivity (the warming that occurs initially in response to a perturbation of a presumed pre-existing equilibrium in the climate) and equilibrium climate sensitivity (the final warming once the climate has settled, after perturbation, to a new equilibrium. A little simple arithmetic is sufficient to demonstrate that, even on the basis of the flagrantly-exaggerated climate sensitivity imagined by the UN’s climate panel, the difference between transient and equilibrium climate sensitivity must be very small. First, we recall that equilibrium climate sensitivity, at its simplest, is a logarithmic function of the proportionate increase in CO2 concentration. In passing, we shall overlook the fact that use of a logarithmic function will lead to an overstatement (and perhaps a considerable overstatement) of climate sensitivity: a radiative-decay function allowing for eventual CO2 saturation would be less inappropriate. The IPCC uses a logarithmic function, which implies an equation of the form –

ΔTS,eq = c ln(C/Co) K (13)

where the term in parentheses is the proportionate increase in CO2 concentration, and c is an appropriate coefficient. We need to find the UN’s central estimate of that important coefficient, which is nowhere made explicit in the 1600 pages of its 2007 climate assessment. On page 798 of the UN’s 2007 report, it is stated that the central estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity ΔTS,eq to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration is ΔTS,eq = 3.26 ± 0.69 Kelvin.

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From this value, noting that by a strange coincidence the IPCC’s given standard deviation 0.69 is approximately equal to the logarithm of 2, we may derive the central climate-sensitivity coefficient c –

c = (3.26 ± ln 2) / (ln 2) ≈ 4.7 ± 1. (14)

So now we have our equation to convert any given change in CO2 concentration directly to what the IPCC would predict, as its central estimate plus or minus one standard deviation, would be the consequent change in global mean surface temperature, after allowing for the amplifying effect of all temperature feedbacks –

ΔTS,eq ≈ (4.7 ± 1) ln(C/Co) K (15) ≈ (8.5 ± 1.8) ln(C/Co) F°

It is astonishing that this equation nowhere appears as simply as this in the IPCC’s 2007 Fourth Assessment Report, and does not appear at all in the Summary for Policymakers, which is the only part of the report that most politicians and journalists read. It is almost as though the IPCC did not want people to be able to calculate easily and quickly the warming effect that the IPCC predicts in response to changes in CO2 concentration. We shall shortly see why not. Next, we visit page 790 of the 2007 report and discover that the UN’s central estimate of the atmospheric CO2 concentration in 2100, on Scenario A2, is 836 parts per million by volume. Since we know that the concentration in 2000 was 368 ppmv, we can swiftly calculate the UN’s central estimate of the equilibrium increase ΔTS,eq in global mean surface temperature over the whole of the 21st century (remarkably, the UN does not provide any central estimate of this value) –

ΔTS,eq = c ln(C/Co) ≈ 4.7 ln(836/368) ≈ 3.9 K. (16)

Now we go to the Summary for Policymakers, where we find, at Table SPM-3, the predicted central estimate of transient global surface temperature increase in the 21st century, again on Scenario A2 –

ΔTS,tr ≈ 3.4 K. (17)

The difference between the central estimates of the equilibrium (ΔTS,eq) and transient (ΔTS,tr) climate sensitivities is accordingly no more than 0.5 C°, or comfortably below 1 F°. This simple calculation removes the central plank in the thesis of Solomon et al. – namely, the suggestion that even after stabilization of atmospheric CO2 emissions there will be an unspecified and implicitly large locked-in further increase in global mean surface temperature occurring over the subsequent millennium. On reviewing the simple steps in this calculation, we note that most of the intermediate values that led to the final result are simply not reported in the 2007 report of the UN’s climate panel. Yet these values are central to an understanding of whether or not there is, even in theory, a “climate crisis”. Inferentially, the arithmetical obscurantism that pervades the report is far from accidental: it is designed precisely to hinder calculations such as that which we have just performed, for such calculations swiftly demonstrate that the problems darkly hinted at in the text, and subsequently luridly cited in papers such as that of Solomon et al., are too small to be significant.

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Why does the IPCC not provide the simple function at Eqn. (15) for the benefit of policymakers? There is a simple, and devastating reason why not. Even if, ad argumentum, the IPCC were right in imagining that the warming in response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration were as extravagantly great as 3.26 K, or close to 6 F°, the truth is that we can do remarkably little about it. As noted earlier, we are only adding 2 ppmv/year CO2 to the atmosphere. That value has remained broadly constant for a decade and is, if anything, declining a little, perhaps in response to worldwide economic recession. If, therefore, we were to shut down the entire global carbon economy for a year, with all the death, disease, destruction, and disaster that such a widespread and profound economic shutdown would cause, Eqn. (15) allows us to calculate immediately the amount of “global warming” we should be able to forestall, assuming 388 ppmv CO2 in the atmosphere today and a 2 ppmv/year growth rate –

ΔTS,eq ≈ 8.5 ln[(388+2)/388] ≈ 0.044 F° (18)

At that rate, it would take half a century of total worldwide economic inactivity to reduce global temperature by just 1 F°, and only then if China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, and other emerging nations could be persuaded to cut off their economic growth just as they are beginning to take the opportunity to lift their populations out of poverty. It is fanciful in the extreme to assume that alternative technologies will become available in time totally to replace fossil fuels whose combustion emits carbon dioxide, and still more fanciful to assume that destroying the cheapest form of electricity generation, and therefore the fastest method of lifting the world’s poorest nations out of their poverty and hence of stabilizing those populations, will be a net creator of so-called “green jobs”. For present purposes, though, it is necessary only to say that Solomon and other members of the Climategate clique who have gloomily foretold thousands of years of “global warming” as a result of Man’s activities are severely exaggerating the problem – if, that is, there is a problem at all.

Dr. Kevin Trenberth (author of a much-cited 1997 paper on the Earth’s radiation budget) is

another active member of the Climategate clique. One of the emailers’ many unpleasant habits is to rubbish any learned paper that threatens the supposed “consensus” view. An important paper demonstrating that the “consensus” is very probably very wrong is that of Lindzen & Choi (2009). The authors of that paper found the simplest method yet of directly measuring – rather than merely of modeling – the atmospheric changes that allow the true warming effect of CO2 and other greenhouse gases to be simply and reliably determined.

Lindzen and Choi decided to examine two closely-related datasets: the observed changes in sea-surface temperature and the observed changes in outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere. The two researchers chose sea-surface temperatures to remove the contaminating effects of the urban heat-island effect, which has been shown to distort land-based temperature measurements. They selected 13 periods over the past two decades during which sea-surface temperatures rose or fell by at least 0.1 K (~0.2 F°) over a few months, so as to exclude the effects of statistical noise. They then observed how outgoing radiation changed over each period, and scatter-plotted changes in outgoing radiation compared with change in sea-surface temperature. They also forced 11 of the IPCC’s computer models with the observed changes in sea-surface temperature, to see what consequent changes in outgoing radiation the models had been told to predict.

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The results indicated that, although the “consensus” theory reflected in the IPCC’s documents held that warmer temperatures at the surface would cause a reduction in outgoing radiation because additional greenhouse-gas concentrations would retain some of the radiation in the atmosphere, in truth more outgoing radiation escaped to space, so that very little remained in the atmosphere to cause “global warming”. From these observations, Lindzen and Choi concluded that the “global warming” to be expected from a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration would be between one-third and one-sixth of the IPCC’s central estimate. Dr. Trenberth and his Climategate colleagues acted swiftly and with characteristic venom. They published a viciously-expressed rebuttal paper written in language so impolite intemperate that it should never have passed peer review – except that the Climategate faction largely controls the peer review process. As with Santer’s mean-spirited attack on Professor Douglass’ paper, so Trenberth and his colleagues inflated inconsequential statistical infelicities in Lindzen and Choi’s paper into a major issue. Patiently, Lindzen and Choi rewrote their paper to address the minor points raised by Trenberth and other Climategate conspirators, and concluded that the IPCC’s central estimate of the warming to be expected from a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration was a fourfold to fivefold exaggeration, rather than a threefold to sixfold exaggeration. Based on the revised scatter-plots of the outputs of the 11 IPCC models and of the real-world observations by the ERBE and CERES satellites (center panel), the stark difference between what the models predict and what real-world observations demonstrate is painfully clear –

Measurements from the ERBE and CERES satellites show a result that is different in essence as well as in degree from the outcomes predicted by 11 of the models relied upon by the IPCC in its 2007 report. The models all show positive feedbacks amplifying the initial warming caused by additional CO2 concentrations, while the measurements (center panel) show that there is a significant increase in outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere in response to an increase in sea surface temperature, so that temperature feedbacks in the climate system will be negative. This result suggests that the warming to be expected from a doubling of CO2 concentration would be not the 3.26 K (5.9 F) imagined by the IPCC in its 2007 assessment report but just 0.7 K (1.3 F). Source: based on Lindzen & Choi (2010).

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Though there are uncertainties in the measurements, and though Lindzen and Choi’s result cannot be said to be definitive until improved measurements are proven reliable, they have provided what will be perhaps the most reliable method of obtaining a reliable estimate of climate sensitivity once better measurements are available. Their result, upheld after the unconstructive and impertinently-expressed attack by Trenberth and other Climategate conspirators, is potentially fatal to the IPCC’s central contention.

Tom Karl (director of the NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center) is another active member of the Climategate clique. We have already described how he failed to admit, when specifically asked by the ranking Minority member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, that there had been global cooling for the best part of a decade, and how his less than honest conduct before the Committee was subsequently exposed by the use of his own NCDC global-temperature dataset, which clearly demonstrated the small decline in global temperature that has occurred in the first decade of the 21st century.

Mr. Karl also seems to be behind the NOAA’s response to my testimony last year before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Less than honestly, that response, which in breach of normal courtesies was not copied to me by the Committee staff, takes me to task for putting before the Committee a graph showing that atmospheric CO2 concentration has been rising for the past decade in a straight line at ~2 ppmv/year towards ~570 ppmv (with something of a slowing in the past couple of years), while the IPCC (on the A2 scenario) predicts an exponential acceleration towards 836[730, 1020] ppmv. I say “less than honestly” because the NOAA submission makes much of the statement that (on some unspecified scenario) the IPCC currently predicts a 1.7 ppmv/year CO2 concentration increase rather than 2 ppmv/year. Since the last IPCC report was published in 2007, and CO2 concentration had been rising at 2 ppmv/year for several years already, it is difficult to know on what basis the IPCC could have made such a prediction (if it did so), still less on what basis NOAA regarded that prediction as credible enough to serve as a basis for challenging my graph. Perhaps the simplest way to demonstrate the point is visual. First, here is my graph:

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CO2 concentration (monthly deseasonalized data: dark blue curve) is rising in a near-straight line, well below the IPCC’s projected range (pale blue region). The deseasonalized real-world data are shown as a thick, dark-blue line overlaid on the least-squares linear-regression trend. There is no sign of the exponential (i.e. ever-accelerating) rate of growth the IPCC predicts. Instead, for almost a decade CO2 has grown in a straight line at just 2 ppmv/year. If anything, the rate of growth is decelerating a little. Data source: NOAA. The graph is constructed thus. The raw data, in dark blue, are overlaid on the thick pale blue straight line that is the least-squares linear-regression trend on the data. The two are almost coincident. The pale-blue region above the data curve is the series of exponential curves that commence at the starting-date of the graph and continue towards 730, 836, and 1020 ppmv respectively. These are the IPCC’s lower, central, and upper estimates based on the A2 emissions scenario, the closest scenario to today’s actual emissions. A2 is essentially an exponential scenario, so exponential curves are appropriate. To show the extrapolation of the exponential curves to the values the IPCC predicts for CO2 concentration in 2100, the exponential curves representing the IPCC’s projections are carried forward to that year on the following graph, with a visual verification (inset curve) taken from page 803 of the IPCC’s 2007 report. –

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The IPCC’s projections (pale blue zone) carried forward to 2100, reaching 730, 836, and 1020 ppmv respectively, with the linear trend on the actual data heading for just 570 ppmv at present. The terracotta curve on the inset graph is taken from IPCC (2007), p. 803, with the aspect ratio adjusted to conform to that of the main graph. The close similarity of the two graphs can be clearly seen.

Finally, NOAA/Mr. Karl say that I drew inappropriate conclusions from the visible discrepancy between the model-predicted and actually-observed outgoing long-wave radiation as measured by satellites –

Outgoing long-wave radiation (ERBE: W m–2, 1985-1999) as predicted by models (black dashed curve) against measured outgoing radiation (solid red curve). Upper panel: not corrected for orbital decay in the satellites. Lower panel: after correction. Center panel: mean altitude of ERBE satellites (km), showing the orbital decay.

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It will be seen that even after correction in 2006 for orbital decay the very substantial ocean warming of 1998 caused by the Great El Niño of that year caused a very much greater emission of radiation than the models would have predicted. It was on the basis of this observation that Lindzen & Choi (2009, 2010 op. cit.) decided to investigate the relationship between changes in sea-surface temperature and corresponding changes in outgoing radiation. The adjustment for orbital decay reduces the IPCC’s overstatement of climate sensitivity – the warming effect of CO2 and other greenhouse gases – from sevenfold to fivefold, but the overstatement remains, and remains substantial. That is the central point.

I have thought it right to spend a little time providing the background to some of the tricks and data tampering to which several of the Climategate emailers have resorted, by way of illustrating how it is that quite a small number of manifestly ill-intentioned scientists in high positions, working – as we can now prove – in concert, have been able to capture and control the climate debate, and to influence governments unduly. The implications for the credibility of science are profound. Until the “global warming” scare, the public had thought that scientists were largely free from political ambition, and were diligent researchers merely getting on with their work. Now, as the climate continues to fail to respond as predicted by the climate extremists, the public are taking the increasingly cynical – and substantially correct – view that powerfully-placed scientists, businessmen, media, politicians, and academics are forming a coalescence of financial vested interests with the aim of taxing and regulating the citizen for the mutual profit of the governing class at the expense of the governed. The conduct of all of the scientists I have named here, and of many others I could have named, falls well below the minimum standards of academic probity, impartiality, and honesty. I am asked whether I condone the deceptions and manipulations and data destructions organized by the Climategate clique. The answer is No.

8. [with q.12] What recommendations would you make to regain public trust in the climate science discipline? What should climate scientists do to regain the public’s trust in their work? What should they do to ensure transparency and accountability in the climate science community, especially as we look towards the development of the upcoming IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report?

Science has become what economists call a monopsony: there is only one paying customer – the taxpayer. As Professor Lindzen has testified before the Senate, everyone these days is reclassifying himself as a climatologist for the sake of getting the substantial and too-available taxpayer funding that is available for often half-baked “Save-The-Planet” research. In short, the profits of doom are enormous and, while they remain easily available, climate science will remain dishonest. Remove the cash incentive to over-predict catastrophe and much of the nonsense will stop. Then, and only then, will confidence in climate science be restored. To bring climate scientists to heel, then, the first step is to make it plain to them that the gravy-train has tipped into the gulch. Make it plain that all special programs for “global warming” research will be terminated at once, and will not be resumed unless and until global mean surface temperature, taken as the least-squares linear regression on the global satellite temperature data, shall have risen by 2 F° above what it was in January 2001.

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The UN’s climate panel is not the only organization that has made it clear that warming of up to 2 K (3.6 F°) would, on balance, be beneficial. Therefore, it would be good for the planet not to prevent a resumption of the “global warming” that ceased in the mid-1990s, so that, if and when “global warming” resumes, we shall get the benefit of it. Indeed, there is no particular reason to believe that warming of more than 3.5 F° would do more harm than good: but it is widely agreed that a rise of up to 2 F° would fall well within the “net-beneficial” range. How long will it take for global temperatures to rise by 2 F°, even on the assumption that the IPCC has not exaggerated the “global warming” to be expected in response to increases in CO2 concentration? We adopt the ever-useful Eqn (15) to tell us the answer, taking today’s concentration of 388 ppmv CO2 and increasing it by 100 ppmv to represent half a century of emissions growth at the past decade’s rate of 2 ppmv/year –

ΔTS,eq ≈ 8.5 ln[(388 + 100)/388] ≈ 2 F° (18)

Of course, it is possible that, with the rapid growth of carbon dioxide emissions in China and other third-world countries, concentrations in the atmosphere may begin to rise over the coming decades. In that event, and always provided that the IPCC has not exaggerated the warming from CO2 as the literature increasingly suggests it has, the world may reach 2 F° in less than 50 years. In any event, the 2 F° warming is not going to arrive anytime soon, so there will be plenty of time to monitor the situation. What Eqn. (18) shows is that, contrary to the relentless propaganda of the climate extremists, there is in fact no hurry. We have time to begin to see who is right long before anything but good will come of rising temperatures worldwide. In general, too much policymaking these days is on the hoof – hasty decisions taken by over-pressured politicians leaned upon mercilessly by well-funded single-issue lobby groups who have long learned that telling the politicians that immediate action to avert some imagined catastrophe. As Schulte (2008) has pointed out, however, of 539 papers in the peer-reviewed literature containing the phrase “global climate change”, not one provides any evidence of any catastrophe arising from Man’s influence on the climate. A further step towards the restoration of some sort of credibility for climate science would be for the US to cease to fund, contribute to, or participate in the IPCC. That discredited, over-politicized, and self-serving body no longer deserves support and – though this is not in the gift of the United States alone – it should be disbanded forthwith. At the very least, the United States should insist that the founding document of the IPCC be revised to make it plain that the IPCC is obliged to consider all scientific points of view carefully and not, as at present, to take for granted that Man’s influence on the climate will be catastrophic, and should also insist on the changes in IPCC procedures for peer review that I have described in the answer to an earlier question.

9. It has been acknowledged that certain sets of primary data have been intentionally destroyed and other sets of data are not shared within the scientific community. Do you believe that sharing of primary data sets will lead to more transparency in scientific work and is a step towards climate scientists being held more accountable?

Yes. It is a disgrace, and ought to have merited instant dismissal, that Professor Jones refused to share his data and methods with other scientists on the stated ground that he did not want to give them the chance to find fault with his research. It is fundamental to the operation of the scientific method that scientists – especially when they are in receipt of over-generous funding for questionable research at taxpayers’ expense – should be compelled to share with other scientists, and with the taxpayers, the data and methods for which the taxpayers so generously provide.

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Perhaps the most certain way to ensure that in future the operations of climate science are more transparent and hence less prone to the corruption and data-tampering that I have outlined in answers to earlier questions is to make it plain to the editors of all learned journals in climate and related fields – indeed, in science generally – that if they do not have a sufficiently rigorous policy of insisting that all data, programs, and results are fully and publicly archived with the journal so that they are available to all then they will not be regarded as competent journals and the United States will take no note of their contents. The Climategate emailers, when discussing how to do down one of the eminent scientists whose conclusions demonstrated the falsity of the notion of catastrophic “global warming”, discussed at some length how desirable it was to their rebuttal paper published in a journal that did not require archiving of data, programs, and results. Therefore, in future the full and public disclosure of all relevant material supporting papers published in the journals must become the iron and universal rule, not the occasional and commendable exception.

10. Can you address the Medieval warming period and why temperatures were much higher in recent pre-industrial time periods? Are you able to model why such periods took place?

The Vostok ice cores show that in the past 650,000 years the correlation between greenhouse gases and temperature was close. Al Gore said in his sci-fi comedy horror movie that whenever CO2 changed, temperature changed. However, it was in fact the temperature that changed first, and CO2 that followed 800-2800 years later. The latter change cannot have caused the former. Carbon dioxide was arguably a temperature feedback: as temperature increased, warming the atmosphere, CO2 was outgassed from the oceans, amplifying the warming to some extent. However, some other natural factor, nothing to do with CO2, must have triggered the changes. For 7500 of the past 11,400 years, global temperatures were warmer than the present. There is, therefore, nothing exceptional about the absolute magnitude of today’s temperatures worldwide. Nor is there anything unusual about the rate of change in temperatures. As we have seen earlier, the warming of the 26 years 1976-2001, at 0.16 K/decade, was exactly parallel to (and not, as Dr. Holdren had falsely attempted to claim, substantially greater than) two previous periods of warming at exactly that rate – 1860-1880 and 1910-1940. In the two earlier periods, CO2 concentration simply did not rise fast enough – even on the IPCC’s exaggerated estimate of the warming effect of CO2 – to cause the rapid temperature changes. Therefore, we know that some natural cause must have been at work. One possibility is that the rapid rises in temperature over all three periods were caused by the positive phases of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, an influential pattern of ocean currents. Certainly, the most recent positive phase of the PDO commenced in 1976, just as global temperatures began to rise sharply. For the past few years, the PDO has been in its negative phase, and global temperatures (despite Dr. Karl’s best attempts not to admit the fact before Congress when questioned) have been falling a little. Furthermore, in the 40 years 1695-1735, temperatures in central England (a reasonable proxy for global temperatures) rose by 4 F°, while in the 100 years 1906-2006 global temperatures rose by little more than 1 F°. Once again, natural factors must have been at work to cause the rapid rise in temperatures over the earlier 40-year period, which preceded the onset of the Industrial Revolution. From these and many similar observations, it is necessary to deduce that CO2 was not and is not the principal driver of climate.

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Current interglacial period

Holocene optimumMR

300 years' "warming"

Today's Antarctic temp.YoungerDryascooling


15,000 5,000 years BP 010,000

Adapted from Cuffey & Clow (1997)

-- 45 °C

-- 40 °C

-- 35 °C

-- 30 °C

“Global warming” in perspective: The recent 300-year period of “global warming”, nearly all of which cannot have been anthropogenic, is insignificant in comparison with the Holocene climate record. Throughout much of the past 10,000 years, including the Minoan, Roman (R), and Medieval (M) warm periods, global temperatures were up to 5 Fahrenheit degrees warmer than the present. Today’s temperatures are not unprecedented. Source: based on Cuffey & Clow (1997), with adjustment of aspect ratio for clarity. Unfortunately, the IPCC has made a determined effort artificially to abolish the medieval warm period, inferentially with the intention of making it appear, falsely, that today’s global mean surface temperatures are unprecedented in recent history. By focusing the debate exclusively on the medieval warm period, the IPCC has succeeded in drawing public attention away from the Roman and Minoan warm periods and, above all, from the Holocene Climate Optimum. It is only when one examines the reconstructed temperature record for the whole of the 11,400 years since the end of the last Ice Age (see the graph above) that the very small warming of the past 300 years (during 270 of which we cannot have exerted much influence over the climate) is put into its proper perspective. Let us, however, play the IPCC’s game and concentrate on the medieval warm period, the most recent of the four great warming periods of the Holocene era. The IPCC’s 1990 report shows the existence of the Medieval Warm Period quite clearly –

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Medieval warm period? Yes. This drawing of a graph in the IPCC’s 1990 report shows it clearly.

However, by the time of the IPCC’s 2001 report the warm period had been eradicated by a computer model that produced the following graph, which appeared six times in large scale and in full color in the report and was then adopted as the iconic symbol of the IPCC itself –

Medieval warm period? Not any more: the UN purported to abolish it in its 2001 assessment report. The above graph appeared six times, in full color, and at large scale, in the 2001 report, the only graph to be so favored. The IPCC notoriously abolished the medieval warm period in its 2001 report, having explicitly acknowledged its existence in its 1990 report. Its justification for the purported abolition was questionable. The unique prominence that it accorded to the 2001 graph suggests a political rather than a scientific motive. The graph is taken from a paper in Nature (Mann et al., 1998-1999) that relied upon a number of abuses of sound statistical practice. The paper drew heavily upon bristlecone-pine proxies

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for pre-instrumental temperature change, even though a previous UN report had explicitly recommended against the use of such proxies on the ground that the width of the tree-rings is influenced not only by temperature change but also by changes in precipitation, and most notably by changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration. Recent attempts by Mann et al. to revive the unsound graph regrettably suffer from the same central defect as the original: removing the bristlecone proxies and a further defective outlier (the Tiljander proxy) from among the proxy datasets clearly shows that the medieval warm period was real, and appreciably warmer than the present day. The unsatisfactory statistical methods in Mann et al. were thoroughly exposed by McIntyre & McKitrick (2003, 2005). In all material respects, the findings of McIntyre & McKitrick were powerfully endorsed by a detailed investigative study by three statisticians at the instigation of the US House of Representatives (Wegman, 2005). It is of particular concern that the compilers of the now-discredited graph upon which the UN unwisely placed such undue weight in its 2001 report were extremely reluctant to release their computer programs and data. Nature failed to require them to produce the data; and it was only after numerous requests by McIntyre and McKitrick that Mann et al. eventually parted with the information necessary to allow a proper, independent, academic review of the graph that the UN had been so willing to accept without any real peer review. It is worth demonstrating one or two of the statistical abuses that led to the false abolition of the medieval warm period. One startling abuse was the disproportionate weight given to temperature proxies that provided Mann et al. with the “hockey-stick” profile they desired, in comparison with the lesser weight given to proxies that demonstrated the presence of the medieval warm period. An instance –

In the compilation of the UN graph purporting to abolish the medieval warm period, the upper data, showing the present day to be warmer than the previous 600 years, was given 390 times the weight of the lower data, showing the Middle Ages as warmer than the present. Source: McKitrick, R.: testimony before the Australian Parliament, 2005.

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The computer model which was used to generate the defective UN graph was tuned to generate data curves showing the present day to be warmer than at any time over the past 600 years, regardless of whether the graph were based on genuine temperature proxies or on random red noise –

The computer model that generated the UN’s graph that “abolished” the medieval warm period generates “hockey-sticks” that show today’s temperatures as warmer than for 600 years, with the post-1900 temperature increase serving as the blade of the hockey-stick. Remarkably, the model generates “hockey-sticks” even if, instead of the genuine temperature-proxy data (upper panel), random red noise (lower panel) is used. Source: McKitrick, R., testimony before the Australian Parliament, 2005. The EPA, in the Technical Support Document that it has prayed in aid as justification for its “endangerment” finding in respect of CO2 and five other greenhouse gases, disregards the overwhelming majority of the papers in the scientific literature, and also denies history by finding that there was no medieval warm period –

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Notwithstanding official attempts either to eradicate the medieval warm period altogether or to show that it was not as warm as the present, in the past 25 years at least 670 scientists from 391 institutions in 40 countries have contributed to peer-reviewed papers in the learned literature establishing that the medieval warm period was real. Their distribution estsablishes that the warming was global. Many – if not most – find the Middle Ages were warmer than the present.

Here are graphs from a few of these papers –

Huang et al. (1998) Dansgaard (1969); Schonweise

(1995) Tyson et al. (2000)

Kitagawa & Matsumoto (1995) Noon et al. (2003) Gupta et al. (2005)

Wilson et al. (1979) Keigwin (1996) Esper & Schweingruber (2004)

The medieval warm period is as well established in the scientific literature as it is in the historical record.

It was only after the UN’s use of the defective graph had been challenged that a suspicious spate of papers supporting Mann et al. in their attempted abolition of the medieval warm period appeared in the scientific literature. However, the Wegman report showed that most of the authors of these papers had previously been co-authors with Mann himself. This incident illustrates a central difficulty. Many of the scientific journals have declared prejudices in favour of the “official” position on climate change: therefore, they are far more indulgent of authors who support the “official” position than of skeptics.

This declared bias among the journal editors allows supporters of the “official” position to knock down any skeptical paper by dashing off a quick rebuttal, which is eagerly printed after a minimum of scrutiny. Then the IPCC, which claims to operate by reviewing the literature, can concentrate on the rebuttals rather than the skeptical papers that question its position.

At any rate, the IPCC, in its anxiety not to admit its mistake in attempting so prominently to abolish the medieval warm period in 2001, failed – and continues to fail – to take any account of the overwhelming

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majority of papers in the literature that demonstrate that the medieval warm period was real, global, and appreciably warmer than the present.

Most of the papers in the literature that suggest there was no medieval warm period do so on the basis of computer modeling. By contrast, most of the papers that find the Middle Ages warmer than the present do so on the basis of measurements.

The saga of the IPCC’s questionable attempt to abolish the medieval warm period illustrates in microcosm one of the central defects in the IPCC’s approach: its undue reliance upon modeling, too often to the extent of subordinating real-world measurement to expensive, defective, and in any event necessarily ineffective computerized guesswork.

We conclude that today’s temperature is not exceptional. It was warmer than today in the medieval, Roman, and Minoan warm periods and during the Holocene climate optimum; it was up to 7 Fº warmer than the present in each of the four previous interglacial warm periods; and 12.5 Fº warmer than the present throughout most of the past 600 million years. Yet Earth did not fry and the oceans did not acidify.

11. All of the climate research seems to be focusing on the previous 100 years and examining the recent rise in atmospheric CO2 levels. Given the incredible complexities associated with the global climate, is it possible that this timeframe is not adequate? How can one overcome the lack of accurate data dating back before 1800?

This perceptive question one of the central difficulties in climate science: the data, even today, are simply inadequate to support the often extreme conclusions that are being drawn from them. The reason why research into global temperatures tends to concentrate chiefly on the last couple of centuries is that before the Central England Temperature Record was established in 1659 there was no reliable regional instrumental record of temperature change anywhere, still less a global record. The global instrumental record was only compiled from 1860 onwards, and – as the Climategate scandal has revealed – it has been tampered with. Much of the original data have been lost or (if the Climategate emailers meant what they said in some of their emails) deliberately destroyed to prevent verification of what has been done to the data. In a number of regions – such as Australia and New Zealand, as well as the US global historical climatological network as a whole – there is disturbing evidence that temperatures in the early part of the 20th century have been rewritten at lower values, without any adequate explanation or excuse, inferentially with the aim of making the 20th-century warming rate seem a great deal steeper than it actually was. The global temperature record only became reliable in the early 1980s, when the first well-calibrated satellite measurements became available. However, even with the satellite measurements a degree of uncertainty remains, as we have seen when considering the various records of changes in outgoing radiation and in cloud cover. Before the instrumental record began, the position was still less satisfactory. We now have to rely upon what are called “proxy temperature reconstructions”, where climate scientists analyze the greenhouse-gas concentrations or isotopic ratios of air trapped in layers of Antarctic or Greenland ice going back hundreds of thousands of years, or the varying widths of tree-rings, or the strata visible in speleothems (stalagmites and stalactites), or the shells of tiny foraminifera in the oceans, or the sediments at the bottom of lakes, or the variations in the extents of glaciers.

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All of these proxy records are subject to large uncertainties, and also to subjective interpretation by scientists making use of them. For instance, the tree-rings from bristlecone pines are widely used as temperature proxies, but are unsatisfactory because it is not only changes in CO2 concentration that widen them: in addition, increased rainfall or warmth or both will widen the tree-rings. Likewise, the mere recession of glaciers does not necessarily indicate unprecedented warming. Nor, of course, does the mere fact of the warming indicated by glacial recession tell us anything about the cause of the warming, which, as we have estsablished, may very well have been chiefly of natural origin. For instance, many Alpine glaciers are receding, but as they fall back they reveal medieval mountain passes, forests, and even an entire silver-mine that were overrun by the advance of the glaciers as recently as the end of the medieval warm period. Many Andean glaciers are also receding, but the evidence is that for most of the Holocene all but the very highest peaks were ice-free (Polissar et al., 2006). In truth, the vast majority of the world’s 160,000+ glaciers, most of them in Antarctica, have never been visited or measured by Man, so we have no sound scientific basis for the oft-stated conclusion that all or most of the glaciers are “threatened” by “global warming”. Furthermore, though the paleoclimate has a place in helping us to understand the present and future climate, its value is often more limited than its protagonists are willing to admit. The central question to which we need the answer – and on which there is no “consensus” (not that science is or was or ever could be done by mere head-count: to suggest that a supposed “consensus” matters is to perpetrate the shopworn Aristotelian logical fallacy of the argumentum ad populum, or headcount fallacy) – is not on whether increased CO2 concentration causes warming (it does), nor on whether its concentration in the atmosphere is rising (it is), nor on whether we are responsible for the increase in concentration (we are), but on the quantitative question how much warming the foreseeable doubling of today’s concentration can be expected to cause. The paleoclimate can shed some light on this question. For instance, in the neoproterozoic era, some 750 million years ago, mile-high glaciers came and went, twice, at sea level and at the equator, as geological researchers in Australia, southern Africa, Thailand, and Sweden have reported. However, we also know that at that era the dolomitic rocks (containing 44% CO2) were first deposited: and that dolomitic rock will not precipitate out of the ocean, involving not only the superabundance of oceanic calcium ions but also the magnesium ions, unless the partial pressure of CO2 above the ocean is at least 300,000 ppmv, or more than 720 times its present concentration. Though the Sun was 5% less bright than today, and though more of the sunlight than today would have been reflected back to space by increased albedo, it is highly unlikely that glaciers could have come and gone at the equator and at sea level with 300,000 ppmv CO2 in the air, if CO2 had anything like as large a warming effect as the IPCC would like us to imagine. However, the further back we look in geological time the more difficult it becomes to draw definitive conclusions. If we cannot safely draw definitive conclusions about today’s climate, then a fortiori we cannot draw definitive conclusions about earlier climates whose true states we can only infer, in a strictly limited degree, by paleoclimate proxy data. To settle the most urgent question in climate science today – how much warming will a given increase in the concentration of CO2 really cause? – we shall have to concentrate on improving today’s methods of

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measuring and recording what goes on in the real climate. All previous climates are too inaccessible to us to give us the definitive answers we need. How, then, can we improve current measurements of the climate to overcome the limitations imposed by the lack of sound, comprehensive data even in our own era? First, it is necessary to understand the limitations on forecasting the future evolution of a complex, non-linear, mathematically-chaotic object such as the climate. As Lorenz demonstrated in 1963, in a chaotic object such as the climate the slightest perturbation in the value of just one of the parameters that defines the object at some chosen starting point can cause bifurcations in the future evolution of the object, and those bifurcations – though in principle predictable – cannot in practice be reliably predicted over the very long term unless the values of the millions of defining parameters of the object are known to a precision that – in the climate, at any rate – is and will forever be unachievable. Even if we had the capacity to obtain all of the necessary real-time data fast enough to make use of them in a computer model, to make a reliable forecast for more than a few weeks ahead would require computing power greater than anything currently foreseeable, as well as so much time that, to get next year’s weather right, we should have to run the program from now till eternity. Computer models, therefore, cannot tell us the answers we seek, not least because we tell them. The supplementary material supplied with the IPCC’s 2007 report reveals that five of the 23 computer models on which the IPCC so heavily and imprudently relies are pre-programmed with the IPCC’s own declared central estimate of the radiative forcing in response to a CO2 doubling – i.e. ΔFT,2x ≈ 5.35 ln 2 ≈ 3.71 W m–2. If we are telling the computers what values to assume, they cannot tell us what values are right. The IPCC and its adherents often claim that the models are telling us significant things because, if we do not pre-program them with the very high warming effect of CO2 in which the IPCC would like us to believe, they cannot reproduce the “global warming” of 1975-2001. This notion is, of course, nonsense: as we have already seen, the warming rate of those 26 years was no greater than the warming rates of the 20 years 1860-1880 and of the 30 years 1910-1940, and yet we know we could not have caused those two previous periods of rapid warming, because the rate at which we were adding CO2 to the atmosphere was manifestly insufficient. So we know that those two periods of warming were naturally caused. That, at least, raises the question whether the third period was also naturally caused: and we have already examined in some detail one mathematically-plausible natural explanation for much of that third period of warming. Therefore, we cannot assume that the influence of Man’s CO2 emissions is the only possible explanation for that warming. With that necessary background, we must accept that the limitations on what we can learn about the evolution of today’s climate from palaeoclimate research require us to direct most of our research efforts to today’s climate. What measurements in today’s climate would give us the best opportunity to determine correctly the true amount of “global warming” to be expected from any given increase in CO2 concentration? We can now take it that satellite measurements of global temperature change are respectably accurate. However, there are only two sets of global satellite temperature data available – those from the University of Alabama at Huntsville, under the formidable John Christy and Roy Spencer, and from Remote Sensing Systems, Inc. The United States would be doing the world a further great service if it were to ensure that a third global temperature monitoring satellite system were made available, to ensure the secure continuance of the satellite temperature monitoring program. The intercalibration of successive generations of temperature monitoring satellites is a complex and highly specialist art: for

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secure and reliable future temperature measurement, it will be necessary to ensure that enough trained analysts with the necessary specialist knowledge and skills are available. The landmark paper by Lindzen and Choi, referred to in an earlier answer, which carefully compares changes in sea surface temperature to changes in outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere, provides a simple and elegant method of coming as close as we can, given the known limitations I have already outlined, to measuring anthropogenic warming effects directly. The authors of that great paper would be the first to concede that there remain considerable uncertainties in the measurement both of sea surface temperatures and of outgoing radiation. However, sea surface temperatures are now quite reliably monitored by the 3300+ automated bathythermograph buoys of the ARGO project, which, however, requires continuous maintenance if it is to continue to deliver reliable data. Some 800 of the buoys have to be replaced every year. In the long term, this project – if it can be maintained – will tell us much about changes temperature and salinity of the world’s oceans. Can the satellite measurements of outgoing radiation be improved? This is certainly an important priority, because it is the rate of change in outgoing radiative flux per unit change in surface temperature that is the key climate sensitivity parameter that tells us how much warming any past changes in greenhouse-gas concentrations has brought about. The ERBE and CERES satellites have done well: but a new generation of satellites will give us the additional confidence necessary to refine and confirm or deny the results obtained by Lindzen and Choi on the basis of the technologies now available. It will also be important to improve measurements of changes in cloud cover. All of the IPCC’s assessment reports have admitted that clouds are perhaps the greatest source of uncertainty and unreliability in climate projections. At present the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project is providing some interesting data, as are other satellites: but no one is yet content that we are able adequately to capture, for instance, such subtleties as changes in cloud cover at different latitudes and altitudes, which have different implications for warming or cooling the Earth. One need not rely solely upon satellites to determine the effects of changing cloud cover on surface temperature change. Pyranometers mounted at the surface, that continuously monitor the hours of sunlight incident upon the instruments, can produce some revealing results: for it is clouds, of course, that are the chief reason why the flux of sunlight actually striking the surface of the Earth changes, at least over the short term and possibly over the long. My distinguished colleague Dr. Willie Soon, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Institute for Astrophysics, who has done much work on the complex connections between changes in solar radiative flux and changes in climate, has compiled the following interesting graph, which shows an apparent – and by no means counter-intuitive – correlation between changes in the number of hours of sunlight measured by surface-mounted pyranometers at various places in Japan over the past 100 years: probably the best long-run record of its kind that we have –

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Sunshine hours over Japan (red curve: left axis) compared with annual-mean surface temperature anomalies in the region (blue curve: right axis). Source: Dr. Willie Soon, Harvard-Smithsonian Institute for Astrophysics (personal communication). In most regions of the world, such excellent correlations do not appear in the data: however, in most regions, the length and reliability of the pyranometer record are not as good as they are in Japan. Dr. Soon’s graph demonstrates how important it is to establish whether (and, in due course, why) centennial-scale net increases or decreases in solar flux reaching the surface, chiefly moderated by changes in cloud cover, are occurring. If, for instance, there has been a net reduction in cloud cover over the 20th century, then it could – on its own – have been sufficient to account for much, if not all, of the observed warming over the period. Though we cannot now hope to reconstruct past changes in global cloud cover, we shall not be able to determine climate sensitivity reliably in the future unless we become able to measure these changes to a precision that is not presently available, but is theoretically achievable – without too much expense – by the installation of standardized and automated side-by-side thermometers and pyranometers at land and, if possible, ocean locations worldwide, reporting their position, status, and measurements directly via satellite much as the Argo temperature bathythermographs do in the oceans today. The potentially major influence of changes in cloud cover, at least over the short term, is all too evident from our earlier discussion of the measured changes in cloud cover from 1983-2001, and of the substantial influence that those changes may have had on global temperatures over the period. That is why an Argo project for measuring the effect of changes in cloud cover on changes in solar flux reaching the Earth’s surface is a priority. Uncertainties also remain in the measurement of changes in temperature at altitude, which is performed partly by satellites and partly by balloon-borne radiosondes or drop-sondes. In view of the discrepancy between model-predicted and actually-observed changes in upper-tropospheric temperatures, and given the major importance for the determination of climate sensitivity that a correct measurement of upper-troposphere temperature change will have, it will be important to task new satellites to address the problem, and also to co-ordinate, standardize, and improve the international gathering of temperature and other climate data by the use of sondes.

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I am conscious that I have outlined a long and quite costly list of expenditures at a time when austerity is inevitable. However, it would be very much cheaper to determine climate sensitivity reliably over the next half-century by proper measurements of the parameters that our previous researches have shown are of the greatest importance than to waste any more time or money on the vast computer models which, even if we were able to provide them with reliable enough information to describe the past and present climate properly, will forever be unable to answer the central question about how much warming a given increase in CO2 concentration may be expected to cause. That question can only be properly answered by measurement. It cannot be answered at all by modeling. And it would certainly be cheaper to spend a decade or two improving our capacity to measure the vital characteristics of today’s climate, and hence to determine climate sensitivity to a reasonable precision, than to spend trillions on selectively shutting down the economies of the West in the specious name of Saving The Planet, when it is arguable that the planet does not need to be saved, and it is certain that our present climatic information is wholly inadequate to allow the principal alarmist conclusions of the IPCC to be reliably made. I am also conscious that very nearly all of the key satellite and other measurements and analyses of the climate that are germane to the debate about the climate are generously provided to the world by the United States, and I should like to thank your great nation for this further and characteristic example of her generosity in the interest of the wider world.

12. [formerly q. 13] Given the EPA’s heavy reliance on IPCC climate science, much of which has been called into question, do you think the U.S. government should conduct a full scale investigation into the state of climate science and the certainty thereof?

Yes. The IPCC’s approach to the climate question is incurably defective, since it is a political and not a scientific body, which Sir Maurice Strong – a Canadian bureaucrat – set up a quarter of a century ago with the specific and stated intention that it should provide the basis for the establishment of a world government. The UN and its officials have a lamentable record in championing democracy. In effect, the UN too often behaves as a dictators’ club. Its draft Copenhagen Treaty dated September 15, 2009, envisaging a world government with absolute powers over the economies as well as environments of all nations, including the power to set the rules of all markets, so that the free market would become a mere memory, does not mention the words “democracy”, “ballot”, or “vote” anywhere in its 186 pages. The IPCC, therefore, is fatally parti pris. It makes not the slightest attempt at objectivity. As noted above, its founding document actually requires it to assume that “global warming” is a global crisis, rather than to check whether or to what extent there is a problem. It excludes from its deliberations those who disagree with it. Its senior officials are corrupt. It has an overwhelming financial and political vested interest in pursuing the climate-extremist viewpoint to the exclusion of all other scientific opinion and in increasingly open defiance of scientific results and data that it finds uncongenial. Let us recall some instances of the IPCC’s behavior. Glaciergate: The IPCC’s 2007 Fourth Assessment Report said that the Himalayan glaciers would

all be gone by 2035. In fact, the (non-peer-reviewed) source for this assertion had used the year 2350. Nevertheless, 2035 was what appeared in print. In effect, the IPCC was saying that within little more than 25 years all of the Himalayan glaciers would be gone.

Several of the IPCC’s own “reviewers” [note that the IPCC’s documents are not peer-reviewed in any accepted sense of that term] pointed out that the data 2035 for the extinction of the

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Himalayan glaciers seemed incorrect. However, the authors of the sub-chapter in question merely overrode the reviewers (one of many fundamental respects in which the IPCC’s procedures are contrary to true peer review), and reasserted the nonsensical figure. The figure was widely challenged in the public forum after publication of the IPCC’s 2007 report, but the chairman of its climate-science panel, a multi-millionaire railroad engineer whose only relevant publications are in the soft “science” of ecology rather than in the mathematics, physics, or chemistry of climate, treated anyone who criticized the figure as a “flat-earther”, and refused to allow the manifestly incorrect figure to be corrected. Meanwhile, the glaciologists in his own country, India, were expressing bafflement at the notion that all of the Himalayan glaciers might disappear in little more than a quarter of a century. They had the advantage of 200 years’ records, going back to the days of the British Raj, and they knew that – except in areas of local geological instability – the glaciers were coming and going much as they always had (Prof. M.I. Bhat, Indian Geological Survey, personal communications, 2006-2010). Eventually, in the aftermath of Climategate, the IPCC admitted in a surly fashion that the Himalayas would still have their glaciers for hundreds of years, adding that this was the only mistake in the 1500 pages of its science report. In passing, there were many more, and more fundamental, mistakes, in particular in the IPCC’s method for determining the amount of warming to be expected from increases in greenhouse-gas concentrations. Once the IPCC had admitted its “single” mistake, and not until then, the lead author of the chapter in question, admitted he had known that “2035” should have read “2350”, but added that he had left the incorrect value in the text because “I wanted to influence governments”. In those words lies the incurable problem with the IPCC. It is, first and foremost, political. It is no longer in the least capable – if it ever was – of providing objective, dispassionate advice to the governments who so expensively subsidize its officials’ junketings to all the most fashionable resort hotels around the world. It has no intention of providing impartial advice. It is there to enrich and empower itself by pretending that the non-problem of “global warming” is a real problem.

Trendlinegate: When I confronted the railroad engineer who runs the IPCC’s climate-science

panel with the bogus and thrice-repeated headline full-color graph purporting to demonstrate that the rate of “global warming” was itself increasing, with Man as the culprit, he said that the point I was raising was “very deep”, but – although he himself was relying upon the graph in his presentations – he simply did not have the scientific or mathematical knowledge to understand, still less to answer, what I was talking about. When I asked him to get back to me within 48 hours to let me know whether I had misunderstood something, he failed to contact me – then or ever. Instead, he began making speeches in which he attacked me, by name, for having dared to criticize the IPCC. If that is the “openness” and “transparency” which the IPCC claims, I am less than impressed.

Greenlandgate: When I reported to four officials of the IPCC, on the day of publication of its

2007 report, that its bureaucracy had inserted into the scientists’ already-complete final draft a new table of figures that overstated tenfold the true observed contribution of the Greenland and Antarctic ice-sheets to sea-level rise, not one of the officials responded. Nor was there any public announcement that an error had been found and corrected. Instead, the officials quietly moved, relabeled, and corrected the table, changing the units of measurement to provide further concealment, and then furtively posted up the new version of the report on the IPCC’s

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website, two days after publication, without telling anyone that the originally-published version had been altered.

Mosquitogate: As noted earlier, when the United States Government nominated Professor Paul

Reiter of the NIH and the Institut Pasteur to be the lead author of the sub-chapter on “global warming” and malaria in the 2007 IPCC report, four separate officials of the IPCC pretended that they had not received Professor Reiter’s nomination papers, when in fact he could prove they had all received them.

Modelgate: As we have seen, Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT, who attended the discussions

that led to the 2001 IPCC report, said in testimony before Congress that the IPCC’s bureaucrats had continually circulated throughout the scientific discussions, putting undue pressure on the scientists to accept the IPCC’s central contention that computer models (long proven to be ineffective for reliable long-run projection of future climate states) were a reasonable and proper way to approach the climate problem.

Hurricanegate: Dr. Christopher Landsea, an expert on hurricanes, reported to the IPCC that his

lead author, the Climategate emailer Kevin Trenberth, had been appearing on a public platform saying that hurricanes would become more frequent and more intense because of “global warming”, when the evidence did not support that contention. When the IPCC’s bureaucracy took no action, Dr. Landsea resigned.

Everyone who has come into contact with the IPCC has similar stories to tell. The IPCC is irreformable and should be ignored, defunded and, preferably, disbanded. It is a costly luxury that can no longer be afforded. It is precisely because the IPCC is irremediably prejudiced, and because the learned journals that were once the home of true scientific research can no longer be trusted to present all sides of the climate question fairly by the selection of papers in their pages, and because scientists who believe that “global warming” is a global crisis are unwilling (and unable) to debate those who do not, that an independent enquiry at national level into the climate question is now essential. I respectfully recommend that the following steps be now taken, either by the United States Government or at least by one or other House of Congress – Judicial Commission on “global warming” science and economics

A Royal Commission on “global warming” science and economics should be appointed under a senior Justice. Advocates should be heard on either side of the case, to examine and cross-examine the science and economics of “global warming” with all the evidential rigor of a court of law. The IPCC’s process lacks rigor. So, regrettably, do the peer-reviewed journals, now that the Climategate emailers have been revealed as cynically tampering with the process. Given the very high levels of expenditure demanded by a host of “global warming” profiteers, it is essential that the US Government should not merely abdicate in the face of pressure from the IPCC, from other governments, or from its own scientific vested-interest groups such as the NAS, the NRC, and the AAAS. It must find out for itself whether or not a “bandwagon effect” has come about as a result of the very substantial funding for “global warming” research that has recently become available.

It is for these reasons that I advocate the appointment of a Judicial Commission. In any other forum than a formal, quasi-judicial proceeding, it will not prove possible systematically to subject the “official” line to real, independent, competent scrutiny. Not a penny more of US taxpayers’ money should be squandered on “global warming”, and no cap-and-trade Bill should even be considered, let alone

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passed, unless and until a thorough and genuinely independent enquiry has been held, and has given access to those to whom the IPCC has sullenly, relentlessly, and deliberately denied a fair hearing.

The remit of the Judicial Commission would be to decide –

Whether and to what degree the IPCC has exaggerated climate sensitivity to CO2 or other greenhouse gases (for this is the central question in the entire climate debate, and there is no consensus as to the answer);

Whether and under what conditions, if any, the IPCC’s imagined consequences of the present rate of atmospheric CO2 enrichment will be beneficial or harmful (for at least half a century, even on the IPCC’s own analysis, they are likely to be beneficial);

Whether and under what conditions, if any, mitigation of “global warming” by reducing carbon emissions will be cheaper and more cost-effective than adaptation as, and if, necessary (almost every economist, other than Stern, considers that adaptation would be cheaper by orders of magnitude than attempted mitigation);

Whether and under what conditions any emissions-trading scheme can make any appreciable difference to the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, and whether and to what degree, if any, any such difference would affect global surface temperature (in practice, not one of the measures so far advocated to mitigate “global warming”, including the current US Administration’s proposals for cap and tax, would make any measurable difference to global temperatures).

Other climate-change measures

Pending the report of the Judicial Commission, the United States should immediately –

De-fund climate research exceeding pre-“global-warming” levels until it is 2 F° warmer than in 2001;

Halt all US contributions to the IPCC and to the UN Framework Convention; In any event, the US should immediately –

Commission enough fossil-fueled and nuclear generating stations to meet demand;

Legislate to curtail the activities of environmental lobbies opposing new fossil-fueled generating stations;

Cease to subsidize wind-farms, on environmental and economic grounds;

Cease to subsidize any environmental or “global-warming” pressure-groups at taxpayers’ expense;

Forbid public authorities to make any “global-warming”-related expenditure;

Relate NASA/NOAA funding to the accuracy of their forecasts;

Ban blatantly inaccurate “global warming” propaganda, such as Al Gore’s movie, in schools;

Abolish the EPA, and return environmental lawmaking to Congress, where it belongs;

Divert a proportion of the billions now wasted on the non-problem of “global warming” towards solving the world’s real environmental problems.

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CONCLUSION I hope that the Select Committee will allow me to end with a few words of caution. Certain members of the Committee have adopted a generally frivolous, trivializing approach to the matters that the Select Committee was established to address. They have attempted to politicize science. That way lies great danger, not least for those foolish enough to think that, merely because they have politicized and poisoned much else that perhaps ought not to have been dragged into the political arena, they can get away with politicizing objective scientific truth. It is time to end that pointless and futile Christmas game. Know this: as global temperatures continue to fail to rise anything like as fast as the climate extremists of the IPCC have so confidently and yet so baselessly predicted, it is already becoming increasingly difficult to prevent a skeptical electorate from discerning the scientific truth, which will become inexorably clearer with each year that passes, however much Mr. Karl and his colleagues may try to deny, complicate, or conceal the abject failure of global temperatures to match up to the IPCC’s foolish, excessive, and alarmist predictions. The United States economy is fragile, the currency a fiction, and the Treasury bankrupt (I do not crow: the United Kingdom is in the same case). Now is not the time to inflict upon the American people the largest and least justifiable increases in their cost of living that any government has ever imposed in human history. Even if Hon. Members of the Committee genuinely believe (for whatever reasons, whether scientific or merely political) that the IPCC is broadly correct about the supposed menace posed by the natural trace gas CO2, elementary and decisive economic calculations demonstrate that the suggestion of the climate-extremist faction that we must act now or doom the planet are entirely without foundation. We can well afford to wait, and, even if “global warming” is a problem, no – repeat no – damage will come to the planet even if we wait up to half a century before taking any further steps to shut down the economies of the West in the name of addressing the supposed problem. It is now time for the Administration to put aside forever the foofaraw of pusillanimous, pork-barrel whigmaleeries that is the cap-and-tax legislation. The scarce and dwindling resources of your nation are sorely needed for other and more pressing matters. Energy security is one such matter. Some Hon. Members of the Committee have spoken and acted as though the only way to achieve energy security were to do without energy. By contrast, what is the policy of China, now the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide? China is adding the equivalent of the total carbon emissions of the United Kingdom to her electricity grid every year, and proposes – according to the annual statistical communiqués of the dictatorship in Peking – to continue to do so until at least 2030. That policy is correct. And how is China addressing energy security? Not by condemning her population to continuing poverty, but by going quietly around the world doing binding bilateral deals with suppliers of raw materials of every kind, including the fossil fuels that will long provide for the vast majority of her rapidly-growing energy needs. With respect, the Committee should now learn from the Chinese regime, which is rightly determined that its people shall not be imprisoned in poverty by shortages either of fossil fuels or of other raw materials. My final recommendation, therefore, is that once the distractions of the mid-term elections are out of the way the Select Committee should reconstitute itself as the Strategic Resources Committee, should abandon all discussion of the now-dead issue of “global warming” unless and until global mean surface temperatures shall have risen by at least 2 F° over their value in 2001 on a linear-regression basis, and should instead concentrate on ensuring that reliable and affordable supplies of all commodities and raw materials necessary to the function of a modern and growing US economy will be available to the nation’s industries and enterprises in future.

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The Committee could do worse than to start by removing the regional and national bureaucratic blockades on the now urgently-needed construction of at least 150 fossil-fueled and nuclear generating stations. Already, one of the world’s largest aluminum smelters has had to close down in the US because the national grid cannot supply it with enough electricity. Yet, as far as I know, the Committee has not yet addressed the urgent and immediate threat to energy security demonstrated by this regrettable closure, and posed by the sinister and undemocratic activities of lavishly-funded environmental-extremist groups whose first concern is not the environment but the economic destruction, selectively and exclusively, of the free West in general and of the United States in particular. The funding of these environmental-extremist groups should be investigated with particular care. How much of that funding is in fact sovereign wealth from nations not friendly to the United States? To the Chinese regime in particular, with her growing population and rapidly-developing economy, the principal objective of economic activity has long been the securing of substantial forward supplies of raw materials. If she could knock the West out of competition for finite natural resources, she could secure those resources for herself at a far lower price than she could otherwise obtain. Pursuit of natural resources was, for instance, the chief reason why China trumped up an excuse to invade Tibet, over which she had no conceivable legitimate claim. The present Administration, in a move apparently co-ordinated with the previous but politically-similar Government in the UK, seems to have decided quietly to recognize China’s brute-force hegemony over Tibet. That move was perhaps unwise, and may even encourage further ambitions of territorial expansion on China’s part, not so much for lebensraum as for treasure. The vast and mountainous plateau of Tibet is rich in copper, lithium, and other minerals, which the Chinese are now rapaciously extracting and shipping out on the newly-built railroad from Lhasa into China. It is time that these and other hard strategic realities of the new world economic order were properly considered – or, indeed, considered at all – by the Select Committee. Energy security does not lie in the rampant and enforced reduction of energy consumption by the enterprises of the United States that a narrow political faction is senselessly and cruelly demanding, but instead in intelligent and far-sighted planning for the extraction of new resources wherever they can be found and safely and profitably developed. What sense does it make, for instance, to flare off (with a huge “carbon footprint”, not that that matters) enough natural gas to power and heat the whole of Europe every day from the oilfields on the North Slope of Alaska, when the addition of a gas pipeline from the frozen north to the ice-free ports of southern Alaska, following the corridor of the existing oil pipeline so that the environmental impact would be negligible, would allow the gas to be shipped daily to Europe rather than extravagantly and foolishly wasted? It is real, hard, practical, down-to-earth questions like this that the Committee should surely address in future. The “global warming” question certainly does not need to be addressed now, and arguably does not need to be addressed ever. Security of energy and resources does need to be addressed now. If the Committee is willing to take up the new and more vital purpose that I here propose – securing the resources that America needs for her continuing economic development – then it will have made a great contribution to the future prosperity of your nation. If America remains prosperous, she has the chance to remain free. If she remains free, the rest of the world has the chance remain or become free. If America fails, freedom fails. If the Committee continues on its present misguided course, be warned: America will fail, and those Hon. Members who would not act on this warning will be held to account by the electorate for that purposeless failure.

Monckton of Brenchley

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