Page 1: Friends of Forman · shelves installed in the student rooms, doors and windows either replaced or refurbished, and sandblasting and repointing the outside of the building. When FCC

Friends of FormanI s s u e 1 2 F a l l / W i n t e r 2 0 1 6 A Look Inside

Educating Leaders In An Environment of Grace P.1

The Falak Sufi Scholar P.2

FFCC Welcomes New Executive Director P.2

Progress Report: Light of Hope & Mercy Health Care P.3

Student Hostel Renovations P.4


Dear Friends of Forman,

For the past fifteen months I have been acting as the Executive Director for Friends of Forman Christian College

(FFCC) along with my job as Rector. Despite the extra work, this proved to be a delightful experience working with our small FFCC staff of Sandy, Susan, Gail and Pamela, three of whom are part time and one full time. Most of our meetings took place through regular conference calls. They did a wonderful job taking initiatives in multiple areas. You will have seen some of the creativity in the newsletters and the web site. I can assure you that did not come from me. Through their hard work and your generosity, we were able to meet all expenses, pay staff and missionary salaries, build up a minimum reserve to cover low months and to hire a new Executive Director, and finally, transfer more designated and undesignated funds to Forman Christian College during the past fiscal year than ever before - $2,255,464. What I have appreciated most, however, is that for each her work is a calling, not just a job – and none of them has even had a chance to visit. A big thank you to my colleagues and to you, our generous partners for this good year.

At Forman, we are educating leaders for tomorrow’s Pakistan. We strive to have this education take place in an environment of Christian grace where human dignity is extended to every person regardless of his or her background. The testimony in this newsletter from one of our former students bears witness to this environment.

Recently, I was struck with how our mission affects people as on my short walk home for lunch I was greeted warmly by three men.

The first was an employee who came from a terrible family background. He had thrived at Forman, but recently I was compelled to take disciplinary action, and moved him to less prestigious position. He was beaming from ear to ear at succeeding in his new job and the problem that led to the change had been completely dealt with. The second was a senior teacher from a large Muslim Sufi order. Representatives from this group have asked me how we maintain a peaceful atmosphere with so many different ethnicities and religious groups. He had enrolled his son in Forman Christian College because he so admired our values. The third was a brilliant faculty member whom I had fired for not showing up for classes some three years ago. In a long, humble letter he wrote of his struggle with a bi-polar disorder and begged me to reconsider. We gave him time off, and then on his return, set up an accountability plan for taking meds, etc. Prior to coming to us, he had bounced from University to University but with us he has stayed. These were all individuals whose lives FC College has touched. And that was just one walk on one day! There are thousands more. You, who partner with us, are part of this great institution.

Thank you.

Jim TebbeRector, Forman Christian College

Hostel Renovations at Forman Christian CollegeBuilt in the 1940s, there are seven hostels on campus currently being used for male students.

Baccalaureate students are housed in Shirazi and Ewing Halls. Intermediate students live in Velte, Newton, Kennedy and West Halls. Shirazi and West have been renovated, and Griswold is nearing completion. Once it is complete, students from Velte Hall will move into Griswold, leaving Velte unoccupied, next in line for renovation.

On-campus hostel space is in great demand and is beneficial both to the students and the university. For students, living on campus provides great opportunity for them to see first-hand the diversity in faith and geographic regions represented at FCC. When not living on campus, students tend to cluster with other students they know from their home region, often living in substandard housing. Not having them live on campus also means a missed opportunity to actively mentor these students during their personal time, which we have found to be a very valuable part of their experience at FCC. Having more students on campus boosts the budget, helping Forman toward financial sustainability.

We have created more housing by renovating and using existing space wisely. In each of the three hostels already renovated, beds have been increased from 94 to 141. This 50% increase was accomplished by reassigning space previously used for other purposes, remodeling them into student rooms, and by turning some larger rooms from singles to doubles.

These nearly 75 year-old hostels have served the campus well, but the brutal Lahore weather and time have worn them down. Included in these renovations are replacing all plumbing and electrical, completely rebuilding all bathrooms, new subfloors topped by terrazzo tiles, closets and shelves installed in the student rooms, doors and windows either replaced or refurbished, and sandblasting and repointing the outside of the building.

When FCC began this process of renovating the hostels, the first job was hired out to a contracting firm to handle at a cost of over a million dollars. We’ve taken the job in-house and the campus engineer manages the process of hiring and overseeing the subcontractors. This allows us to do more, and stay on top of quality control. West Hall, done by an outside contractor, was completed for $675,000. Griswold Hall, managed by FCC, will be less than $500,000 with many additional improvements. Fundraising is underway to begin the renovation of Velte Hall!

“By Love, Serve One Another.”

We are a 501(c)(3) organization formed

to support the work of Forman Christian College

in Lahore, Pakistan.

Questions? Contact us:

[email protected]



3434 Roswell Road NW Atlanta, GA 30305


Check out our new website!

Friends of Forman Christian College3434 Roswell Road NWAtlanta, Georgia 30305866.460.6313 [email protected]

Next issue: Highlights from Sam’s November 2016 visit to FC College

Connect With Friends Of Forman On Facebook:

Page 2: Friends of Forman · shelves installed in the student rooms, doors and windows either replaced or refurbished, and sandblasting and repointing the outside of the building. When FCC

FCC class of ‘16 graduate, Shandana Waheed, was granted the fully funded Falak Sufi Scholarship awarded by the Hagop Kevorkian Center at New York University. This prestigious award offers

a Masters degree program in Near Eastern Studies. It is highly competitive as one student out of hundreds of applicants from South Asia is selected for this honor. She began her studies at NYU in September after spending some time this summer at Noroton Presbyterian Church in Darien, CT.

Originally from Rawalpindi, Shandana came from a middle class family, and was fortunate to attend school that taught classes in English. Always a good student, her family thought she might attend medical school, but she had other ideas! Her love of learning and desire to study social sciences led her to Forman Christian College. She will be the first to tell you what an accomplishment this was for her and her family; Shandana cites her parents for helping her “to become the first, not only female, but first person to attend a university” in her family. This was no small task, as this was a very unpopular decision among her male relatives, who thought she should conform to traditional Pakistani female stereotypes. Upon graduation, Shandana has this to say about how her education at Forman changed her family’s view, “many of my male cousins who were upset with my father for sending me to the university have admitted their daughters in the schools because they now have someone as a role model.”

Shandana, a Muslim, talks about the diversity and acceptance she found at FCC when she says they are the “features of Forman that absorbs everyone irrespective of caste, color, religion and region from which you belong, because from then onwards you have a homogenous identity of being a Formanite bonded with the core values of FCC.” “In a world full of chaos, differences, extremism and, of course, terrorism we have a Formanite family that connects us all with the bond of love with equal respect and equal opportunites.”

To read more about the Hagop Kervorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies at New York University, visit:

To read more about the Falak Sufi Scholarship, visit:

Shandana Waheed Receives 2016 Falak Sufi Scholarship At NYU

To view past FFCC newsletters, latest updates or to donate online, visit our redesigned website:

Friends of Forman Welcomes New Executive Director Executive Director, Rev. Samuel Schreiner III, is traveling to Pakistan in November. He first visited Forman Christian College in 2007. Dr. Peter Armacost was then College Rector. This is what Dr. Armacost wrote to Sam about his new role at Friends of Forman:

“This is wonderful news. Forman Christian College is very fortunate, indeed, to have you leading the FFCC operations. I remember well your visit to Lahore, and your active and effective involvement on the FFCC Board. Thanks for all that you have done and will do. Success in raising funds and in securing the prayer support and encouragement in the USA is of extreme importance to the continued success of FCC.”

We are so grateful for the response we received on our stories in the last newsletter about Mercy Health Care and

the Light of Hope School. These two causes struck a chord with many of our donors, and thanks to you, we have wonderful updates to report. With funding in hand, this summer Forman began the planned expansions to both facilities!

Expansion construction for Light of Hope began in June. When school opened last year in September 2015, the first floor was complete, and housed grades K-5. The original plan was to add one floor during summer 2016 and the final floor in summer 2017. Because of you, FCC is able to add both floors at once. The external work was completed in time for the start of new school year in September so as not to disrupt the teaching. Finishing work is continuing.

Once completed, the school will have 16 classrooms, 2 science labs, 1 digital/computer lab, 1 reading room, 1 staff room, 2 offices and bathrooms for boys and for girls. The school will grow one grade or two grades per year, graduating the first class of 10th graders in 2021. Due to demand, they are already expanding the number of younger children they can take. The staff has grown as well, now with a Principal, an administrator, 13 teachers, and 2 teaching assistants plus custodial personnel.

The second floor addition to Mercy Health Care began in July and should be complete soon. The work is actually ahead of schedule, a most unusual phenomenon! This floor will provide dedicated spaces for a counseling center, a dental clinic, and a pharmacy, if we can attract one. (There is a shortage of pharmacists in Pakistan!) The dental clinic and pharmacy are new to the FCC campus, and will be welcome additions. Prior to this expansion and added services, Mercy Health Care was seeing about fifty patients a day for medical and counseling issues. They have already added another fulltime counselor, bringing the total to two full-time and one part-time. With a dentist available hopefully at least weekly, and additional space and personnel for the counseling center, we expect this number will rise as more members of the Forman community take advantage of these services.

Mercy Health Care does more than handle colds and sniffles. In the last year they have also done the following: compiled vaccination records for campus resident’s children and providing routine vaccinations for them; distributing first aid kits to all hostels and academic buildings while providing training sessions to resident directors and assistants; setting health guidelines and giving assessments for the Daycare Center and all food and beverage employees; providing regular monitoring of the growth and development of the children attending the Daycare Center; began publishing a series of informational health brochures and held a blood drive which set a record for number of donations given in a day.

A Progress Report on Light of Hope School and Mercy Health Care

Questions? Contact us: [email protected]

November 29, 2016 Great News! We have secured a matching gift for Giving Tuesday

which will double all donations, up to $20,000.

Rev. Sam Schreiner III And Shandana Waheed

Page 3: Friends of Forman · shelves installed in the student rooms, doors and windows either replaced or refurbished, and sandblasting and repointing the outside of the building. When FCC

FCC class of ‘16 graduate, Shandana Waheed, was granted the fully funded Falak Sufi Scholarship awarded by the Hagop Kevorkian Center at New York University. This prestigious award offers

a Masters degree program in Near Eastern Studies. It is highly competitive as one student out of hundreds of applicants from South Asia is selected for this honor. She began her studies at NYU in September after spending some time this summer at Noroton Presbyterian Church in Darien, CT.

Originally from Rawalpindi, Shandana came from a middle class family, and was fortunate to attend school that taught classes in English. Always a good student, her family thought she might attend medical school, but she had other ideas! Her love of learning and desire to study social sciences led her to Forman Christian College. She will be the first to tell you what an accomplishment this was for her and her family; Shandana cites her parents for helping her “to become the first, not only female, but first person to attend a university” in her family. This was no small task, as this was a very unpopular decision among her male relatives, who thought she should conform to traditional Pakistani female stereotypes. Upon graduation, Shandana has this to say about how her education at Forman changed her family’s view, “many of my male cousins who were upset with my father for sending me to the university have admitted their daughters in the schools because they now have someone as a role model.”

Shandana, a Muslim, talks about the diversity and acceptance she found at FCC when she says they are the “features of Forman that absorbs everyone irrespective of caste, color, religion and region from which you belong, because from then onwards you have a homogenous identity of being a Formanite bonded with the core values of FCC.” “In a world full of chaos, differences, extremism and, of course, terrorism we have a Formanite family that connects us all with the bond of love with equal respect and equal opportunites.”

To read more about the Hagop Kervorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies at New York University, visit:

To read more about the Falak Sufi Scholarship, visit:

Shandana Waheed Receives 2016 Falak Sufi Scholarship At NYU

To view past FFCC newsletters, latest updates or to donate online, visit our redesigned website:

Friends of Forman Welcomes New Executive Director Executive Director, Rev. Samuel Schreiner III, is traveling to Pakistan in November. He first visited Forman Christian College in 2007. Dr. Peter Armacost was then College Rector. This is what Dr. Armacost wrote to Sam about his new role at Friends of Forman:

“This is wonderful news. Forman Christian College is very fortunate, indeed, to have you leading the FFCC operations. I remember well your visit to Lahore, and your active and effective involvement on the FFCC Board. Thanks for all that you have done and will do. Success in raising funds and in securing the prayer support and encouragement in the USA is of extreme importance to the continued success of FCC.”

We are so grateful for the response we received on our stories in the last newsletter about Mercy Health Care and

the Light of Hope School. These two causes struck a chord with many of our donors, and thanks to you, we have wonderful updates to report. With funding in hand, this summer Forman began the planned expansions to both facilities!

Expansion construction for Light of Hope began in June. When school opened last year in September 2015, the first floor was complete, and housed grades K-5. The original plan was to add one floor during summer 2016 and the final floor in summer 2017. Because of you, FCC is able to add both floors at once. The external work was completed in time for the start of new school year in September so as not to disrupt the teaching. Finishing work is continuing.

Once completed, the school will have 16 classrooms, 2 science labs, 1 digital/computer lab, 1 reading room, 1 staff room, 2 offices and bathrooms for boys and for girls. The school will grow one grade or two grades per year, graduating the first class of 10th graders in 2021. Due to demand, they are already expanding the number of younger children they can take. The staff has grown as well, now with a Principal, an administrator, 13 teachers, and 2 teaching assistants plus custodial personnel.

The second floor addition to Mercy Health Care began in July and should be complete soon. The work is actually ahead of schedule, a most unusual phenomenon! This floor will provide dedicated spaces for a counseling center, a dental clinic, and a pharmacy, if we can attract one. (There is a shortage of pharmacists in Pakistan!) The dental clinic and pharmacy are new to the FCC campus, and will be welcome additions. Prior to this expansion and added services, Mercy Health Care was seeing about fifty patients a day for medical and counseling issues. They have already added another fulltime counselor, bringing the total to two full-time and one part-time. With a dentist available hopefully at least weekly, and additional space and personnel for the counseling center, we expect this number will rise as more members of the Forman community take advantage of these services.

Mercy Health Care does more than handle colds and sniffles. In the last year they have also done the following: compiled vaccination records for campus resident’s children and providing routine vaccinations for them; distributing first aid kits to all hostels and academic buildings while providing training sessions to resident directors and assistants; setting health guidelines and giving assessments for the Daycare Center and all food and beverage employees; providing regular monitoring of the growth and development of the children attending the Daycare Center; began publishing a series of informational health brochures and held a blood drive which set a record for number of donations given in a day.

A Progress Report on Light of Hope School and Mercy Health Care

Questions? Contact us: [email protected]

November 29, 2016 Great News! We have secured a matching gift for Giving Tuesday

which will double all donations, up to $20,000.

Rev. Sam Schreiner III And Shandana Waheed

Page 4: Friends of Forman · shelves installed in the student rooms, doors and windows either replaced or refurbished, and sandblasting and repointing the outside of the building. When FCC

Friends of FormanI s s u e 1 2 F a l l / W i n t e r 2 0 1 6 A Look Inside

Educating Leaders In An Environment of Grace P.1

The Falak Sufi Scholar P.2

FFCC Welcomes New Executive Director P.2

Progress Report: Light of Hope & Mercy Health Care P.3

Student Hostel Renovations P.4


Dear Friends of Forman,

For the past fifteen months I have been acting as the Executive Director for Friends of Forman Christian College

(FFCC) along with my job as Rector. Despite the extra work, this proved to be a delightful experience working with our small FFCC staff of Sandy, Susan, Gail and Pamela, three of whom are part time and one full time. Most of our meetings took place through regular conference calls. They did a wonderful job taking initiatives in multiple areas. You will have seen some of the creativity in the newsletters and the web site. I can assure you that did not come from me. Through their hard work and your generosity, we were able to meet all expenses, pay staff and missionary salaries, build up a minimum reserve to cover low months and to hire a new Executive Director, and finally, transfer more designated and undesignated funds to Forman Christian College during the past fiscal year than ever before - $2,255,464. What I have appreciated most, however, is that for each her work is a calling, not just a job – and none of them has even had a chance to visit. A big thank you to my colleagues and to you, our generous partners for this good year.

At Forman, we are educating leaders for tomorrow’s Pakistan. We strive to have this education take place in an environment of Christian grace where human dignity is extended to every person regardless of his or her background. The testimony in this newsletter from one of our former students bears witness to this environment.

Recently, I was struck with how our mission affects people as on my short walk home for lunch I was greeted warmly by three men.

The first was an employee who came from a terrible family background. He had thrived at Forman, but recently I was compelled to take disciplinary action, and moved him to less prestigious position. He was beaming from ear to ear at succeeding in his new job and the problem that led to the change had been completely dealt with. The second was a senior teacher from a large Muslim Sufi order. Representatives from this group have asked me how we maintain a peaceful atmosphere with so many different ethnicities and religious groups. He had enrolled his son in Forman Christian College because he so admired our values. The third was a brilliant faculty member whom I had fired for not showing up for classes some three years ago. In a long, humble letter he wrote of his struggle with a bi-polar disorder and begged me to reconsider. We gave him time off, and then on his return, set up an accountability plan for taking meds, etc. Prior to coming to us, he had bounced from University to University but with us he has stayed. These were all individuals whose lives FC College has touched. And that was just one walk on one day! There are thousands more. You, who partner with us, are part of this great institution.

Thank you.

Jim TebbeRector, Forman Christian College

Hostel Renovations at Forman Christian CollegeBuilt in the 1940s, there are seven hostels on campus currently being used for male students.

Baccalaureate students are housed in Shirazi and Ewing Halls. Intermediate students live in Velte, Newton, Kennedy and West Halls. Shirazi and West have been renovated, and Griswold is nearing completion. Once it is complete, students from Velte Hall will move into Griswold, leaving Velte unoccupied, next in line for renovation.

On-campus hostel space is in great demand and is beneficial both to the students and the university. For students, living on campus provides great opportunity for them to see first-hand the diversity in faith and geographic regions represented at FCC. When not living on campus, students tend to cluster with other students they know from their home region, often living in substandard housing. Not having them live on campus also means a missed opportunity to actively mentor these students during their personal time, which we have found to be a very valuable part of their experience at FCC. Having more students on campus boosts the budget, helping Forman toward financial sustainability.

We have created more housing by renovating and using existing space wisely. In each of the three hostels already renovated, beds have been increased from 94 to 141. This 50% increase was accomplished by reassigning space previously used for other purposes, remodeling them into student rooms, and by turning some larger rooms from singles to doubles.

These nearly 75 year-old hostels have served the campus well, but the brutal Lahore weather and time have worn them down. Included in these renovations are replacing all plumbing and electrical, completely rebuilding all bathrooms, new subfloors topped by terrazzo tiles, closets and shelves installed in the student rooms, doors and windows either replaced or refurbished, and sandblasting and repointing the outside of the building.

When FCC began this process of renovating the hostels, the first job was hired out to a contracting firm to handle at a cost of over a million dollars. We’ve taken the job in-house and the campus engineer manages the process of hiring and overseeing the subcontractors. This allows us to do more, and stay on top of quality control. West Hall, done by an outside contractor, was completed for $675,000. Griswold Hall, managed by FCC, will be less than $500,000 with many additional improvements. Fundraising is underway to begin the renovation of Velte Hall!

“By Love, Serve One Another.”

We are a 501(c)(3) organization formed

to support the work of Forman Christian College

in Lahore, Pakistan.

Questions? Contact us:

[email protected]



3434 Roswell Road NW Atlanta, GA 30305


Check out our new website!

Friends of Forman Christian College3434 Roswell Road NWAtlanta, Georgia 30305866.460.6313 [email protected]

Next issue: Highlights from Sam’s November 2016 visit to FC College

Connect With Friends Of Forman On Facebook:

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