Page 1: FRANCISCAN FEDERATION MUSINGS MARCH 2020… · 2020-04-08 · FRANCISCAN FEDERATION MUSINGS MARCH 2020 CALLED TO THIS HOUR If Christ deemed us worthy These words of Pope Francis have



MARCH 2020


If Christ

deemed us


These words of Pope Francis have inspired

us in our preparation of our ‘Invitational’

Conference planned for June 5 -8, 2020

in Denver, CO. These words have taken on different meaning

as our country, and our world, and our ways of

life have been challenged and threatened, as

well as inspired and honored, in these few

months. Our National Board and our Planning Group

have tirelessly proceeded with the necessary

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to live

in these times,

at this hour

- the only hour

we have -

we cannot

let ourselves

be overcome

by fear,

nor allow

this time

to pass


living it fully

conversations and tasks to carve out a

schedule, plan locations and meals, and

monitor the impact of the Coronavirus

Pandemic on our near future. We have been working closely with our close

Meeting and Conference Planning colleagues

from NIX every step of the way. After waiting

out a significant cancellation fee, we plan to

meet with Molly Hackett and Lynn Zoellner

during Easter Week, and our National Board

will meet on Monday, April 20, 2020 to consider

our options and decide what to do. Over the course of these weeks, and months,

we have experienced the importance of the

program and the process of this planned

‘Invitational’ Conference for 2020 in Denver. We confirm that the path we are on, with the

Facilitator and Speakers who are accompany-

ing us, is a ‘call’ that is one to heed, and we

continue to discern the ‘hour’ when it will be

best for us to meet. As soon as a decision is reached concerning

the Denver Invitational Conference, we will

inform you. We count on your prayer and welcome your

comments by e-mail in view of the decisions

we will soon make. Carol Woods sfma / Lilia Kagendo lsosf

Co-Executive Directors, National Office

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joyful fidelity.

Pope Francis,

September 24, 2018

[email protected] / [email protected] Frank Scornaienchi TOR / Suzanne Kush CSSF National Board, President / Vice President Margaret Carney OSF / Corrina Thomas FSPA Co-Chairs, Charism Services Commission


THREE "THREADS" OF FOCUSED MEETING GROUPS (Each Registrant will choose one group on the form.

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Those who choose 'Franciscan Federation' will select one commission meeting they will attend.)

� FRANCISCAN FEDERATION COMMISSION MEETINGS AND FULL ASSEMBLY MEETINGS at this Annual Gathering of our members, so as to include approval of our Annual Report, discussion of proposals, and discernment on our being "CALLED TO THIS HOUR."

� EXPLORERS GROUP* Invited Representatives of Franciscan Organizations in the US who will seek ways to plan and witness together to foster Franciscan life for all. (*Franciscan Collaboration Exploration Group)

� � EMERGENT GROUP Invited Participants who will engage in conversation to

foster the emerging possibilities for incarnating (embodying) the Franciscan charism and values.


� Dr. Bryan Froehle, a guide for the whole assembly, as well as working with our EXPLORERS' GROUP to explore the issues of the future sustainability of our Franciscan organizations, and finding the way to insure that a Franciscan voice responds to issues in our society and our church.


� Dr. Brian McLaren, an author, speaker, activist and public theologian who advocates working with people of all faiths for the common good.

� Kerry Robinson, global ambassador of Leadership Roundtable, former member of the national committee for the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops’ Catholic Campaign for Human Development and prize-winning author of “Imagining Abundance: Fundraising, Philanthropy and the Spiritual Call to Service.


� A PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE led by Patrick Carolan, past director of FAN, who currently serves as the Catholic Outreach Director for Vote Common Good. They will inform, challenge and inspire us.


� a 'Resource Room' where information about our "Explorer Group" organizations will be available

� a variety of Franciscan vendors, artists, publishers - both local and national -

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� liturgical music provided by Cathy Tisel Nelson, an associate of the Sisters of Saint Francis of Rochester, MN, in person, with friends and family

FOLLOW this link: TO: The Registration Page for our Conference June 5-8, 2020 This page also provides the direct link and phone number

for the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel where we will gather. PAY for Registration by Credit Card or Check.

WRITE checks out to Franciscan Federation and MAIL TO: NIX MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES ATTN: Franciscan Federation P. O. Box 430157 St. Louis, MO 63143

Sister Mary Francis Lewandowski, CSSF for sharing your gifts as an artist to call us to our


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Joyce Shanabarger OSF

To say that Lent of 2020 has been like none other is an understatement. I must admit

up front that I have never been a fan of Lent. This is mostly because I am not disciplined

enough to do anything for 40 days straight. So, having a moving landscape during Lent

has not been a concern for me this year. However, watching the disciplines of Lent take on

such different and unpredictable paths has had its challenges for all of us, even me.

� Our fasting

became being satisfied with whatever happened to be found on very picked-over

grocery store shelves or located in the back of the cupboard or the bottom of the

freezer. We fasted from hugs and friendly greetings, from co-workers we enjoy and

from the traditional Lenten fish fry. For many, there was the fast even from daily

Eucharist, the very Bread of Life for us. These are all fasts we might never have

chosen for ourselves. Fasting from chocolate or coffee pales in comparison.

� Our almsgiving

became very different, too. There were different causes flashing across our TV and

computer screens. I had no N95 masks to give, no expertise in healthcare to offer

and no PPE at my disposal. Everyone was being asked to stop the spread of the

virus with social distancing. Almsgiving for the world meant staying home. It was

alms I had never been asked to offer for the world before, and it seemed way too

easy to call it Lenten almsgiving—until the days marched on and on.

� Our prayer

took on a different flavor this Lent also. No Soup and Stations on Friday night were

being held. No Lenten programs to attend, filled with words of wisdom and sharing

and greetings. No Holy Week services to stir my imagination with the yearly rituals

that remind me of the core of my Christian faith, the paschal mystery. The church

bells seemed to ring louder, calling me to silence. The words of Scripture became

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the real presence in my prayer life, and the sorrow of the world sat on my doorstep, asking me to believe once more that God’s mercies are never all spent.

Lent is not just Ash Wednesday; it is a season of 40 days. Easter is not just Easter

Sunday; it is a season of 50 days and every Sunday of the year. As I write this, I know not

when Easter will arrive in 2020. What I do know is that it will arrive. That is what we

believe during Lent and during Easter and during very ordinary days, from death comes

new life! Life and love are stronger that death and stronger than any virus.

We, as Christians, are called to dig deep into our faith experiences and to acclaim with

loud voices a message of hope. It is a message that proclaims, “Christ is alive and walks

with us this day!” Joyce Shanabarger OSF




Jesus’ words and actions come to mind this Holy Week even as we experience,

and reflect on, the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Before his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemani at night, Jesus is with a few of his disciples among the

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olive trees. In Matthew’s Gospel, He separates himself from them so as to pray: ‘Sit here while I go over

there and pray.’ Then, He returns, and He hopes for their company: ‘Remain here and keep watch with

me.’ He then advances a bit to pray, and returns, three times, to find them asleep.

These three indications of the need to be alone, and the need to be alone in prayer, and the need to be in

touch with others, assures me of the dance that I, too, must do to whatever music life presents us.

The ‘social distancing’ strategy has its positive effects in ‘flattening the curve’ and lowering the spike of a

high number of persons infected with the virus. But staying at home keeps me away from the ‘here’ I feel

called to be at with others on any given day. Another parishioner is in the hospital. My sister-in-law is

returning home from her shift at the hospital in the delivery room. A friend wishes she could visit her

elderly parents in their home. She also longs to hug her nine-month-old grandson again. These are all

the ‘heres’ that are not to be shared right now.

‘Face time,’ phone calls, online liturgies, and concerts all bring us into each others’ ‘heres’ where we are

invited to stay for a time. Facebook contacts’ initiatives to sew masks, reveal scams, renew hope, point

out deficiencies, unite hearts, and call to responsibility all contribute to our common ‘here’ in this

crisis. And the Zoom video calls, e-mails, and Ring Central conference calls within the Federation circles

bring home the ‘here’ that we are facing together.

We share the Triduum liturgies this Holy Week. We experience the Paschal Mystery continuously as we

are rooted in Christ’s love and example, in relation to the Father and in response to the Spirit. May we

each always find the ‘here’ where our God is near, whether we are awake or asleep, and where our

brothers and sisters seek our presence and prayer. God bless!

Sister Carol Woods, sfma

Co-Executive Director



A philosopher that I appreciate very much, musing on the

interruption that society is experiencing by way of COVID19,

offers this reflection: this interruption is also an opportunity

offered our world today — the opportunity to remember who

we are: not separated selves, but, Interbeing.*

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I want to share with you some of his reflections from an essay called Coronation.

“For a long time we, as a collective, have stood helpless in the face of an ever-sickening

society. Whether it is declining health, decaying infrastructure, depression, suicide,

addiction, ecological degradation, or concentration of wealth, the symptoms of civilizational

malaise in the developed world are plain to see, but we have been stuck in the systems

and patterns that cause them. Now, Covid has gifted us a reset.”

“All over the world we hear stories of solidarity and healing. One friend described sending

$100 each to ten strangers who were in dire need. My son, who until a few days ago

worked at Dunkin’ Donuts, said people were tipping at five times the normal rate – and

these are working class people, many of them Hispanic truck drivers, who are

economically insecure themselves. Doctors, nurses, and “essential workers” in other

professions risk their lives to serve the public. Here are some more examples of the love

and kindness eruption, courtesy of ServiceSpace:

"Perhaps we're in the middle of living into that new story. Imagine Italian airforce using Pavoratti,

Spanish military doing acts of service, and street police playing guitars -- to *inspire*.

Corporations giving unexpected wage hikes. Canadians starting "Kindness Mongering."

Six year old in Australia adorably gifting her tooth fairy money, an 8th grader in Japan making 612 masks,

and college kids everywhere buying groceries for elders. Cuba sending an army in "white robes" (doctors) to

help Italy. A landlord allowing tenants to stay without rent, an Irish priest's poem going viral, disabled

activists producing hand sanitizer. Imagine. Sometimes a crisis mirrors our deepest impulse -- that we can

always respond with compassion."

“Every act of compassion, kindness, courage,

or generosity heals us from the story of separation.”

This philosopher is Charles Eisenstein ( At the heart of so many of his reflections

I find the concept of “Interbeing.”

— a word coined by the buddist Monk Thich Nhat Hahn.

More than interdependence, or interconnectedness,

Interbeing declares, "I am because you are."

Interbeing is not a word Francis used,

but it is a practice that he lived

and is nowhere more eloquently expressed

than in the Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon.

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Mary Littel OSF



Margaret Carney OSF, Co-Chair

We are grateful to all who took part in the survey we conducted in December. You will get

a full briefing at the assembly.

In working with early reviews of the survey responses our commission received, we

see certain “threads” emerge clearly. One is the call for engaging more “young”

Franciscans. This is not a new theme. It goes back several years as a hope voiced at each

assembly. It was –at least in part—the hope that motivated the work done to look at new

options for membership just a few years ago.

So, what happens if we try to turn this oft-repeated hope into a strategy?

What happens is a lot of hard work.

We are doing that right now in preparation for the next national assembly. As we planned

for an “invitational” assembly, the question of how to go about making sure “young”

Franciscans got that invitation rose up. We asked Sr. Corrina Thomas and Sr. Michelle

L’Alier to tackle this question. Together they worked to create a specific letter of invitation

and a list of the persons they felt fit the description of a younger person whose life, work,

spirituality is based on Franciscan principles. We did three things to make the invitation

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more appealing. We are offering a separate track of meetings. We are offering specific

hosting of this group. We are offering some amount of financial subsidy for those who

might need it.

That is what we have done. Now the question remains.

What is it that the members themselves can do?

It seems to me that the most powerful key to this goal is in the hands of the members—particularly those in elected leadership.

If the Federation is to have a future, that future lives in the members of our congregations

who are now at an age where they can expect to have another 20, 30, 40 years of

Franciscan life and work.

o Are these the members who are given priority when registration for the Federation


o Are these members included in budgeting for Federation participation?

o Are these the members encouraged to join in Federation activity so that creative

new ventures can replace old models?

o Are these the members who will find encouragement, support and inspiration by

having a Franciscan community of companions that is nation-wide?

o Are these the members whose capacity to imagine new futures will preserve the

charism into the 21st century?

If the answer to those questions is YES, then these are the members whose participation in creating a shared future is essential.



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Sturdy, deep green tulip shoots.

How did they know it was time to push up through the long-wintered soil?

How did they know it was the moment to resurrect,

while thick layers of stubborn ice

still pressed the bleak ground flat?

But the tulips knew.

They came, rising strongly, a day after the ice died.

Joyce Rupp / Easter Poem

Like the tulips, we will rise strongly in the coming days.

The COR Executive Committee continues to meet via ZOOM. At our March meeting we

discussed the many challenges related to the 2020 Assembly. We continued our

conversation regarding using technology (Webinars, Zoom) as a means of maintaining

contact and sharing information with membership. Regional / Cluster Chairs joined us in

this fruitful conversation. We are pleased to share the following comments, questions and

words of wisdom:

� Regional / Cluster Chairs will find topics of interest and use Zoom to connect with

small groups. Some examples: prayer and Lectio experiences.

� Plan topics per year for the entire Federation, using a Zoom conference to present

it. Pope Francis’ presentation “Urbi et Orbi” was truly moving. Can the Federation

present a topic with such effect?

� Prepare Webinar and video clips to present rewarding topics and materials unique

to Franciscan reality.

� Develop our Franciscan Federation Facebook page by posting short clips and

encouraging all participants to be active.

� Consider using the topic of “Synodality” (theme for Synod in 2020) for the

development of a Franciscan Forum. Pope Francis is an advocate of this

method. Basically, it supports mutual listening more than simply

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hearing. Synodality is a type of collegiality: “A path of solidarity, a journey


� In order to break into regional cluster groups via Zoom, we would need an email

distribution list. Does the Federation have a master list of the email names and

contacts per cluster? Can the Federation host a Zoom conference?

Pat Millen OSF

- Member, COR Executive Committee



This year, as Franciscans, we have much to celebrate in April 2020. Earth Day is

celebrating its Golden Jubilee – 50 years in existence. Fifty years of renewing people’s

love of creation and a commitment to care for our common home. St. Francis was one of

the first to intuit the oneness of humans and all creation. It was St. Francis who prayed in

gratitude and praise for our Brother Sun, Sister Moon, Brother Wind, Sister Water, Brother

Fire, and Sister Mother Earth. What a unique understanding of how our world – and the

entire universe – works.

If St. Francis was present in our world today I think he would have a broken heart.

Because of the suffering of Mother Earth and the near-sighted vision of so many of us

humans, we continue to pollute with plastic, ignore the removal of government protection of

clean water and air and choose convenience rather than acting in ways that would protect

Mother Earth for the health and well-being of future generations. But, as Franciscans, we

know we can change - because conversion is basic to our spiritual journey.

Another celebration in 2020 that has impacted how people see Mother Earth is the 5th

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Anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical: Laudato Si: Care for Our Common Home. Pope Francis states in the encyclical, “This sister (Earth) now cries out to us because of

the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with

which God has endowed her”. (2)

The encyclical uses St. Francis as the model of how to relate to creation and how we

need to hear the cry of creation and the cry of the poor (the two always go hand in

hand). Pope Francis states:

"I do not want to write this Encyclical without turning to that attractive

and compelling figure, whose name I took as my guide and inspiration

when I was elected Bishop of Rome. I believe that Saint Francis is the

example par excellence of care for the vulnerable and of an integral eco-

logy lived out joyfully and authentically. He is the patron saint of all who

study and work in the area of ecology, and he is also much lovedby non -

Christians. He was particularly concerned for God’s creation and for the

poor and outcast. He loved, and was deeply loved for his joy, his gener-

ous self-giving, his openheartedness. He was a mystic and a pilgrim who

lived in simplicity and in wonderful harmony with God, with others, with

nature and with himself. He shows us just how inseparablethe bond is

een concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society,

and interior peace. "(10)

During this month of April, as we Franciscans see our Mother Earth come to life, let us

renew our personal commitment to keep hope and joy alive as we care for the first book of

God’s revelation – our Sister Mother Earth.

Sister Sharon Goodremote, FSSJ

Member, JPIC Commission

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February 10, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May the Lord give you peace!

At the last Council meeting of IFC-TOR, the Council was able to make more definite

plans for the upcoming General Assembly. We are sending this information now so

that you can SAVE THE DATE:



MAY 20-26, 2021 at DOMUS PACIS, ASSISI

We will send the usual convocation, registration materials and other details after our

Council meeting in September. This is a notification of the dates so that you put it on

your calendar. We look forward to seeing you there.

Pace e bene!

Sister Deborah Lockwood,

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President IFC-TOR

Franciscan Mentors invites you to our 2020 Conference


From Anger to Joy: The Role of Emotions

in Franciscan Experiences of Conversion

Our days together will explore the role emotions play in our lives of faith as Franciscans.

� The caricature of Francis as a sentimental animal lover belies the important role

emotions had in Francis’ own on-going conversions throughout his life and hides

the rich variety of personalities in the Franciscan family, especially among lay


� Their gritty stories of ongoing conversions give us ample material to explore our

own complex experiences of emotions, conflicts and their resolution, and


� In addition to stories from the tradition, our time together will include experiential

meditations, optional gentle meditative yoga, and space for personal reflection and

much fellowship.

� Our presenter will be Darleen Pryds, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History and

Spirituality at the Franciscan School of Theology at the University of San Diego.

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� In addition to excellent sessions offered by Darleen, the conference will include

some practical ways of implementing this knowledge in your ministry, as well as opportunities to share with those who mentor others in the Franciscan life.

Dates: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 to Thursday, June 18, 2020

Location: Pallottine Renewal Center

15270 Old Halls Ferry Rd, Florissant, MO 63034

Cost: $395 Early Registration by April 1, 2020

$430 Registration due by May 15, 2020

For additional Conference information and registration, please go to our new


Registration includes conference, housing, meals and snacks.


Email [email protected]. [Franciscan Mentors was formerly known as Next

Generation Franciscan Mentors].

CONSIDER the impact of CLIMATE CHANGE as a violation of HUMAN RIGHTS!

And a Call to Care for the Earth and Each Other!

From the United Nations:

From Franciscans International:


From Pope Francis in Laudato Si: Care For Our Common Home:

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Thanks to our dedicated authors,Elise Saggau OSF and Kathleen Uhler OSF,

we now hold the story of our last fifty years in our hands... in one book!

Remember the challenges and graces! See familiar

faces! Read about people who have formed and shaped our


This wonderful resource is available for purchase at $15.00 each.

TO ORDER, send note and payment by check to


Remsen Street Brooklyn,

NY 11201

OR Call or E-mail: sr Carol

at [email protected] / (929) - 207 - 3653

OR sr Lilia at [email protected]

/ (929) - 207 - 3654

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May we remember all of our +brothers and +sisters all over world,

who have died due to the Coronavirus Pandemic,

who have been committed to the values

who have accompanied us with love and prayers on our Spiritual Journeys,

and who have served with us in mercy and compassion in our Ministries,

and have left our hands and gone to God in this year 2020!

They have gone, like Saint Clare, with the One they have known and loved.

to the place they have longed to be!

May our Lord continue to guide us in this life,

and lead us to where they are in the next!

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WE OFFER THIS LIST OF RETREAT HOUSES AND SPIRITUAL CENTERS according to our Geographical Regions. Please contact the individual retreat houses for their offerings and/or

cancellations at this time. REGION I

Church of Saint Francis of Assisi 135 West 31st Street

New York, NY

Blessed John Duns Scotus Franciscan Library

125 Thompson Street

New York, NY 10012

Siobhan O'Dwyer, OFS

[email protected]

Center of Renewal Retreat and Conference Center

4421 Lower River Road

Stella Niagara, NY 14144

(only 10 miles north of Niagara Falls)

(716) 754-7376, Ext. 2


NEW E-MAIL: [email protected]

CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER GROUP typically meets first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Call for details.

REGION 2 FRANCISCAN CENTER 3030 North Perry Avenue Tampa, FL 33603 813-229-2695 Centering Prayer Group

Page 21: FRANCISCAN FEDERATION MUSINGS MARCH 2020… · 2020-04-08 · FRANCISCAN FEDERATION MUSINGS MARCH 2020 CALLED TO THIS HOUR If Christ deemed us worthy These words of Pope Francis have

Eileen Strawser and Jill Biebel Tuesdays, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer in which we experience God's presence within us. This contemplative practice follows Thomas Keating's methods. The group will meet weekly with Eileen and Jill. If you have any questions 'and/or' are new to centering prayer, e-mail Eileen Strawser at [email protected] OR Jill Biebel at [email protected]. Please e-mail [email protected] to attend. Donation will be accepted. FRANCISCAN SPIRITUAL CENTER 609 S. Convent Road Aston, PA 19014 (610-558-6152) Email: [email protected] Visit our websiteat We offer 3 registration options: (US mail, Credit Card on or drop registration off at the Spiritual Center). Deposit with registration form needed at time of registration.

Weekend Programs Friday, 7:00 p.m. to Sunday, 11:00 a.m.

Unless otherwise indicated $190 residents (overnight accommodations) / $140 commuters, $50 deposit

Directed Retreat Weekend May 1-3, 2020 Julia Keegan OSF Kathleen Gannon OSF, Mary Walsh OSF

Day Program 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. $40 (includes lunch) $10 deposit Professional Day for Spiritual Directors: Nurturing a Discerning Heart: Gifts and Capacities for Spiritual Discernment May 1, 2020 Karen Doyle SSJ $50 (includes Lunch) $20 deposit

Weekday Retreats for Seniors 7:00 p.m. first night; 11:00 a.m. last day $80 ($10 deposit)

Morning and Evening Program Options

($75 for series with $20 deposit unless otherwise noted) Bio Spiritual Focusing II: Inner Listening May 7, 14, 21, 28, 2020 9:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m. or 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m. Mary Walsh OSF

Morning, Afternoon, and Evening Programs Men’s Spirituality Group Gatherings Tuesday evenings (Bi-monthly) September, 2019 Facilitator: Fritz Haas Free Will Offering

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Yoga May 4, 11, 2020 7:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m. Maryanne Williams $75 ($25 deposit) each series “Dancing With the Spirit”: The Seven Joys of Our Lady Morning Series 2nd Tuesday of the month May 12, 2020 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Clare D’Auria OSF $15 Each Session Centering Prayer Group Third Saturday of each month Beginning September 21, 2019 through August 15, 2020 10:30 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. Julia Keegan OSF, Free Will Offering Taize Prayer T’ai Chi Chih Celtic Spirituality Celebration of the Passover Seder

Longer Retreats $475 (unless otherwise noted) $75 deposit Triduum Retreat April 9-12, 2020 $175 ($50 deposit) Preached Retreat: TBA May 18 to 24, 2020 Fr. Tom Hartle OFM Preached Retreat: “Our God Tells Stories” June 12-18, 2020 Fr. Anthony Ciorra Franciscan Solitude Extended Experience (at Clare House and the Hermitages) June 12 to 18, 2020 Jean Ustasiewski OSF Guided Retreat “A Spirituality on Film (Part 3): Creation of God’s Redemptive Love” July 13 to 19, 2020 Michael Laratonda FMS Directed Retreat July 25-31, 2020 Mary Walsh OSF, Kathleen Gannon OSF, Theresa Firenze OSF Guided Retreat “The Four-Fold Way”: A Woman’s path to Wisdom Following in the Footprints of Jesus August 22 to 28, 2020 Clare D’Auria OSF

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T’ai Chi Chih Retreat August 16 to 21, 2020 Antonia Cooper OSF $425

Clare House Opportunities Contemplative Mornings Second Wednesdays, through May 13, 2020 Jean Ustasiewski OSF $20 (due with registration) Directed Retreat Weekends Guided Retreat Weekends May 8-10, 2020 Jean Ustasiewski OSF $180 Weekend, ($30 deposit) $120 overnight $60 Day only RETREAT IN EVERYDAY LIFE Mary Walsh, OSF Call 610-558-5310 for more information Have you always wanted to make an extended retreat but cannot get away from home and/or job? God’s love is unconditional, merciful, personal and intimate. This retreat enables you to make the Spiritual Exercises as compiled by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the midst of your everyday life. You will be invited to open yourself more completely to the experience of God’s personal love for you. Extending over a six to eight month period, the retreatant meets once a week with the director and commits to one hour of prayer each day. Those interested must already be in spiritual direction for one year. An Advent and/or Lenten Retreat Series can be a part of the Retreat in Everyday Life. Centering Prayer - Group Session of Quiet Prayer 3rd Saturday of each month from 10:30 - 11:30 AM Cost: Free will offering A group gathering for those who have been practicing centering prayer. In the space of one hour, there is a short reading or instruction, a 30 minute period of quiet centering prayer, a 10 minute walking meditation, and a 20 minute concluding quiet centering prayer. We close with the Our Father. Prior to, or after this hour, there can be time for supportive discussion and encouragement around centering prayer for those who wish. For those who have never experienced centering prayer, the Franciscan Spiritual Center offers a Fall and a Spring one-day introduction to Centering Prayer. Facilitator: Julia Keegan OSF Clare House If you ever wanted to take as small group (not more than 6) away to a quiet space, surrounded by woods, for a nice retreat experience, you might want to explore Clare House. It's a little fam house in the woods that is part of our Spiritual Center. There are stairs, so it is not handicapped accessible. To explore it further, or to make a reservation, call Sr Jean Ustasiewski at (610)558-5372. Hermitages If you are looking for a quiet place for reflection, you might want to consider booking

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one of our hermitages for a few days. They are comfortable and right on the edge of the woods, so you can truly be one with nature. McGLINN CONFERENCE & SPIRITUALITY CENTER The Canticle Gift Shop 460 St. Bernardine Street Reading, PA 19607-1737 484-334-6807 / Fax: 484-334-6808 Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace: Reflections on the Peace Prayer A Silent Retreat with Fr. JohnPaul Cafiero, OFM June 21-27, 2020 Sunday 4:30 pm through Saturday am Liturgy Private Rooms with Bath $500.00 for Bernardine Franciscans / $525.00 for Other Congregations ST FRANCIS CENTER FOR RENEWAL 395 Bridal Path Road Bethlehem, PA 18017 Tel: 610-867-8890 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

REGION 3 CHIARA CENTER Web: A Franciscan Place of Spirituality 4875 La Verna Road Springfield, IL 62707 PORTIUNCULA CENTER FOR PRAYER 9263 West St. Francis Road Frankfort, IL 60423 [email protected] 815-464-3880 SISTERS OF ST FRANCIS St Francis Spirituality Center 200 St Francis Avenue Tiffin OH 44883 Phone: 419-443-1485 Note: Private retreat or individually directed retreats can be scheduled for 1-8 days in length. For more information regarding available directors, accommo-dations, or cost, contact St Francis Spirituality Center. Meditation classes and day-long retreats are also periodically available. See the website for current offerings. REGINA SPIRITUALITY AND CONFERENCE CENTER Sisters of St Francis of Sylvania 6832 Convent Boulevard, Sylvania, OH 43560 For more information, contact: Sister Joan Jurski, 419-824-3528, e-mail: [email protected] web: Seeking the perfect setting for solitude, individual or directed retreat?

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In the spirit of Francis and Clare, our lovely campus provides indoor space and gardens for spiritual experiences on 89 peaceful wooded acres. 22 Overnight Rooms 2 Hermitages - reserve for a day, a weekend, or a week Daily Liturgy at Queen of Peace Chapel The Portiuncula Shrine Chapel, Grotto, and several other shrines While on campus, visit All Good Things Gift Shop! OLDENBURG FRANCISCAN CENTER Oldenburg, IN 812-933-6437 Email: [email protected] Website: Blog: REGION 4 SHALOM SPIRITUALITY CENTER 1001 Davis Street, Dubuque, IA To register, call 563-582-3592 E-mail: [email protected] Browse: Centering Prayer Monday, Third Week, please call to confirm. Quiet, wordless prayer together followed by reading a piece related to contemplative prayer, contemplative worship, or other topics on contemplative living, which is followed with time to share our thoughts and reflections regarding the reading. Facilitator: Marilyn Dansart, who completed a 3-year Spiritual Direction Preparation at the Franciscan Spirituality Center in LaCrosse, WI Newcomers to the Centering Prayer Group are always welcomed! No Offering Required To Attend. Donations Welcomed. Monthly Writer's Group Tuesday, Third Week, please call to confirm. Facilitator: Mary Potter Kenyonis Program Coordinator at Shalom. She graduated from UNI and is a certified grief counselor. Monthly writers’ support and critique group allows time to share up to two pages of writing with an opportunity for feedback and critique from other members. Offering: Donations Accepted Registration is Appreciated, But Not Required. Franciscan Way of Life Fourth Tuesdays, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Meets at Mt. St. Francis, 3390 Windsor Avenue, Dubuque, IA Facilitators: sr Carol Hemesath OSF & Sr Marci Blum OSF This is a two-year program available to men and women of all faiths, religions, and traditions who want to learn more about Franciscan Gospel values and how to incorporate those values into daily life. In the first year, participants learn about the lives of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi, in medieval Italy, as well as the Franciscan values of conversion, poverty, and contemplation. In the second year, the focus of the program is on the integrity of creation, peacemaking, the development of the Franciscan community, and the history of the Dubuque Franciscans. For more information, contact Sr Marci by email: [email protected] or phone: 563-663-3829. FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF LITTLE FALLS 116 Eighth Avenue Southeast

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Little Falls, MN 56345 (320) 632-2981 MARYWOOD FRANCISCAN SPIRITUALITY CENTER 3560 Highway 51 North Arbor Vitae, WI 54568 715-385-3750 [email protected] ST. ANTHONY SPIRITUALITY CENTER 300 E Fourth Street Marathon, WI 54448 715-443-2236 [email protected] SPIRITUALITY CENTER SISTERS OF SAINT FRANCIS ASSISI HEIGHTS 1001 14th Street, NW ROCHESTER, MN 55901 Congregational Retreats: Register by April 15, 2020 $450 per person (meals and lodging) OR $250 per person (commuter discount rate) per person per retreat Questions: 507-280-2195 or [email protected] Redemptive Presence Presenter: Joseph P. Chinnici OFM Sunday, May 24 (6:30 PM) - Saturday, May 30, 2020 (12:00 PM) Using the spiritual and experiential approaches of the Franciscan tradition, the retreat will focus on particular challenges that are given to us in today's world. In this light, we are asked to embody God's presence in our midst and our correlative mission to be a redemptive presence in the world and with each other. Consideration will be given not only to the context but also to the holy operations of God in ourselves, in creation, in others, in the saints, in all people, and in the Church. We as followers of Christ and Francis are called to make that experienced presence of the Risen Lord alive and redemptive in the world of today. Joseph P. Chinnici, OFM is President emeritus of the Franciscan School of Theology at the University of San Diego. He is currently professor of history and tries to be useful in teaching, writing, giving retreats, and daily life. Joe has authored multiple books on the history of the Church in the United States and numerous articles on the evangelical roots of Franciscan spirituality. He has been teaching since 1976, served in provincial administration for eighteen years, and chaired the Secretariat for the Retreival of the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition for ten years. Today, he is trying to slow down and reflect. Pilgrims Along the Way of the Canticle: New Stories and Lessons from Our Brothers and Sisters Presenter: Sister Marya Grathwohl OSF Sunday, June 14 (6:30 PM) - Saturday, June 20, 2020 (12:00 PM) We cherish Francis' Canticle of Creation as a window into his soul and song from his heart. We have prayed and pondered it for years. During this retreat, we will tenderly follow the footprints of our sisters and brothers, many of whom suffer from Earth's degradation, climate chaos and war. We will listen anew to the Universe, to the elements, to our sister, Mother Earth, to the communion of all life, to vulnerable people, to our own good hearts. We explore new stories and discover the Holy Spirit's dynamic and challenging movement in our lives and times. What fresh lessons and renewal of energy does the Canticle offer us today? The ever evolving mystery of God's love unfolds! Sister Marya Grathwohl, OSF, served on the Leadership Team of her congregation for eight

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years. In 1998, she founded Earth Hope, which provides programs and retreats to "Care, Protect, and Restore Earth." She is currently writing a book that connects faith and spirituality with her passion for care of Earth, our common home. It will be published by Riverhead/Penguin/Random House Books. Marya earned a certificate of spiritual direction from the Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction, Tucson AZ. She enjoys hiking, bird watching and visiting wildflower meadows in Montana with friends. THE FRANCISCAN SPIRITUALITY CENTER 920 Market Street La Crosse, WI 54601 608-791-5295 [email protected]

REGION 5 Il Ritiro Franciscan Retreat Center P.O. Box 38 - 7935 St Francis Lane Dittmer, MO 63023 [email protected] “Exploring the Wisdom of Thomas Merton” April 28, 2020 – April 30, 2020 The presenter is Fr. Patrick Collins, a Jesuit priest who is an author whohas presented Retreats around the world. This Retreat Experience includes 4 Presentations:

� The Journey from the false self to the true self � Contemplation � Prayer � The Desert: Solitude & Silence

Retreat Schedule: Tues. 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Arrival 2:30 pm. “Prayer” 6:00 Dinner 6:00 Dinner 7:00 “The Journey from the 7:00 Discussion (Optional) False Self toward the True Self.” Thur. 7:30 am Mass (Optional) Wed. 7:30 am Mass (Optional) 8:00 Breakfast 8:00 Breakfast 9:30 “The Desert: Solitude 9:30 “Contemplation” and Silence” 12:00 Lunch 12:00 Closes with a Lunch Overnight Registration Fee is $210 ($50 non-refundable) per person and includes 4 Presentations, 7 meals and 2 overnights with private rooms. Commuter Registration Fee is $120 ($30 non-refundable) and includes 4 Presentations and 7 meals. "The Four Commandments of Contentment"

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May 9, 2020 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Presenter: Father Ed Shea, OFM Do you want to be happy for the rest of your life? Do these four things. If you're not happy ever in life, I bet you're not doing these four things. Want to know what they are? Come, listen to Fr. Ed Shea share some stories, songs, and reflections on thse keys to happiness in life. Registration Fee is $30 for Presentation and Lunch. Registrations are due by May 1, 2020. Registration is non-refundable. To register, please call 636-274-0554 or email us at [email protected] Visit us at Overnight accommodations are available for retreat attendees at $25 per night in a designated Hospitality House. (Limited space available.) Tau Center Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help 335 S. Kirkwood Road St Louis, MO 63122 REGION 6 Franciscan Spiritual Center 2512 SE Monroe Street Milwaukee, OR 97222 Phone: 503-794-8542 FAX: 503-794-8556 [email protected] St. Clare's Retreat 2381 Laurel Glen Road Soquel CA 95073 San Damiano Retreat 710 Highland Drive Danville, CA 94526 925-837-9141 [email protected] Franciscan Renewal Center 5802 E. Lincoln Drive Paradise Valley, AZ Sabbaticals: Make the Franciscan Renewal Cener a part of your sabbatical. Spend time in an atmosphere of quiet beauty and a space to develop a stronger sense of spiritual self-awareness and consciousness. Rest and take time for reflection; create your own program from our many workshops, courses and retreats. We are happy to offer you a wide variety of options to nourish your mind, body and

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spirit. Call 480-948-7460 to plan your stay.

Franciscan Federation of the Sisters and Brothers of the Third Order Regular of the United States

135 Remsen Street Brooklyn, NY 11201

Telephone: (929) - 207 - 3653 OR (929) - 207 - 3654 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

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