Page 1: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to


~ fran (,) I ;~ . . qt. r J.. 1) ~ \.-- 'lj. <c, s') " J

rr-;~~-~.~?-·-~'-"'-·V_'<v~A'-~~_~ l~~·~~~"~·"·L~~~~~-·'1 ~~~""~--"'~~~""~~--"'~ __ "'_"'_" __ '~"'W_,~_ ... .-.-~. ___ "J • __ .. ""_ .... 4c."rtG;;V "I"~~ ____ , __ • ,~", __ . _____ '_~. __ ..... _ .. ___ .~ _ _.. ..... _ .. "", ... ___ .. _' _______ -~_~_.-_____ ~_~ __ ..... "_-__ •

PRESIDENT'S ~!ESSAGE We'11:-ih(;"~~w'i~over JiI It is hard to believe this, but it f. S

true. And what a show it wnsl We c~n be justly proud of our­selves; we put together one of the finest shows in the h;l.story of our club~ E v (\ I' Y 'thL'J.g clicked; we made money; lll1d it was a thjng of bonuty fI Cliff George and Lester Kent - - and all their nssist[~ts nnd char­men d:!.d n beo..utiful job", There was not a hitch any\'I'here- - [:"s

fnr <1S I could sec" OllrthtJlks to each and everyone c:f yell -,'Iho worked (10 hard to mrdce it suc­ceasft1l 9 I add my congratula­tions to Cliff Georgels for a job well-done"

HAPPYEAS~f.L \.\ 1/1, ~~I\ ' .. Ii Now9 lot's turn to the futuro 0

\ \, ~l\; Our E<1ster trip is juS'1:. round \ y- ~\'--": the corner.. I ho,re IPI:my 0 f \' 1/"" .... \3 ..... _J you vTill join me on t, h i B

\ f}',,;(1~ great udventurc.. Re[,d thedi~ ,"'<',! rcctions and come prcpr:l'ed" It

?.: will be an experience youtll

•,:~\I/( I(·.}. ::':0 novor forget" The Bel' k e ley t.l'~.\:1 '.' ~~, Club will join us C'..t B 0 ro ll.;. /~) ~~ 7 and from thon on - it will be ( U~..-;~~,. J ~> \Tile:r Yfells, here we come! ~ \ I ) ~/,~.< .. ~.. \ \ ~,* .... ", 1 • .1 (0 II .•

_-"::: ,. ). ~\I""_ ~ ........ J =.Then, we hrwo our elect~o n s - - \'" .' - - - f ::t • ~f' '-. .::: - .: _ - _- =., _:: 0 ne1~ yenr • s or leers ~ I

Thundereggs? ~ ') hope oach und everyone cf you Age,tea? l~/ 1Irill be there in April n n d Jasper? Mew to vote" This is <1 ve r y

? ~npol~unt aspect of our demo-process, and IT VI ILL ~~ou take an interest II'

One of our own good and fc.ithful members will bring us part of our progrrun for Fri­day, April 15, (note this is the third Friday) Q GALE FENGEL is going to present n movie about a Grotto in Uta!14 According to Bill naish, this was a trip that Gale made during [\ vacation" It is ano.rrated movie Vlhich includos music.. The approxi­mate t:ime allowed for this is about' twenty minutes ..

A short movie by .John:';.')!:'! o:C Hayward who has helped to develop a neVi rOu.g~1 tl"t:t'­r<1in vehicle wXl..oh shmlld p:t'Qve to be a great ';)oon to rocldlou::lds a.."1d others who wo~k in ha:rd~·~to<;·:.reat'ha:reas.) 'l'i'1is is a new idea iL, equipnent of tihe fOUTwowheel driv~ typo - you must see it to believe itS

!h~wiP. J?Un!lh2rt _l!lmd~~. &~l.L!-:Nn!L.!2t.Jl..ft1l~§t~2a...~nE..2.P.~[~;L.E~:~i9P.,.;;'}!~"yX'!¥g '.:­APRIL 15 MEETING ~ TIllS ]JJEI:;'rING HAS BEEN DESIGNA'I'£U t1 ANNIVEB[iA..Ttfd 1"-1~r.·rIIn" 'I'I-lE CHARTER IS DATED APRC'!.r".19h9::, ANNIVERSARY CAKE WILL BE S!i~RVF.1l) THERE WILL HI!.: 'JWO OCCASIONS IN JUNE TO HEMEMJ1E:R: ONE IS THE PICNIC AT GHABOTPARK; 'raE: OTIffin La A SPECIAL MEETIKG FOR INSTAIJNl'IONS AND HONORIKG PAST PRESIDENTS ') iA.EE'l'OO DATE Hl\.8 BEENCHA1lGEl!) FORAPRIL' TO ' THE THIRD FRIDAl77 APR·-li,-· -, ~15-'-· __ rf?F5-p; :&i:


Page 2: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to

Duos MiscelluJ.).eous Sh01'!' IucoIne C<c,se Fund

~!P-91lcLi. tur.9.§.: Shop Expense ~aisc cllruleous ShOVl EXpense Rent

"" ~~··o ,-" '<d A.J"''';'''~ 'it\..; t..,',:::/t:: ·Z-!;:1

1'1 A+'~CI"

-' hJ. •• Al~S;JER I •

c', "('" ')" ~p nc,·.G

, r U~ THE SHOP ~ Only 65; a visit ... , Buy a , ;book ,of 10· tickets for ~i;5 ~OO.. SAVEe

f< " i I y):~y 'hot' st<1l"J~, YC?:t~ o::c.-'1,:ibi'~ f or ,0ur:~cA'"t .".. __ fl:;?,(..Q.~_._ ' ." . .:...._ 1/ show l1'1d ;:;tvo~d last nnnute rush t '

30,,00 41l,,53 '~4"OO

~;215 ~25 ~~ 757 !!i69' ! Tnke lessons in jewelry mcldng, c[',stinih , Ii o.r. cutting <:, stone!J ~p 43 0 16, ti l: ',' . , ',', ""'----GIL FOSTER---330!)09~!- , . I " ·'7, ' "GArl\x:rEGOURMlfTtt ." "-233030,; " , 'i; Yes; there ~:l,re s'orne· ,cook books avail- '

_lQq oQQ____ -, I uble 01 They mclce a nice hostess gift ~~706Q55;$ 51.14 ' when you go calling. Mail one to a

.jl>Includes ~131 .. 64 nOVf cases" !lfI'iend:who, lpces to cook or collect ro- . ~pI27 .. 75 Fed.DU~S(l IF cipes" , Keep QneQr two on hand II just,

Trnnsf-cr from S~V~ to ¥heck .. ", t-i-Q.Q:.QQ, \,in case .. " Some people he.;ve. be~m he~,rd. ~ Bulnnce Commerc1i:ll ACe 28 Feb ~l> ,551 .. 1h ' to sey that one or two of t,hose r~(,J..p0s.1 Balance Savings (Bldg). ZS Feb ~~2068~?5 L: iil?ne, are VfO~th the price of <; d ")11c.X'(t Balance ,2S Feb 66 , t>26l9.19 I Want one? Gm;, 'jne at the moet:u1g,. See __', ~ " •• , • $. n ~. .t.,.~J.::..:Yir.f;i!l~.~_Q;!1~2;~~"(;:;:j~:i1eep2erg~£s0E~.: __ A.~N-A-R-D-S pwL-I~S .. ·T 1 9_..2 6 !,~I:-N,,:l?::~~_:.jt:,]::>1; ',W", ,.Q£~~)J2,,"9::'Dlf:!@,,,-AI> M!Itffi;RALS:· A-I Any Size; Ernie Nun(;s ..; blue "... :l"ci';:,,~·rJ'.ii. ,,-cPop., A'V'!b)~d,? P~'BfO'~

blue, Dorothy Grekcl ,-, l<'!l~ ::,t:'lr~~:mund McCully - r'od, Nunoy Pierce - red;l 1),' .. ],0 :;h,d\.:6::.d.yke - red." "

A-6Persono.lly Collecte4; Jean Pf0fo,c ' I 'bJ.I.YJ" A-7 One St.c..ta, Oliver For:t;'er - l'lhi:t"f) "

Bo CABOCHONS and POLISHl!'"D M..IlTERIAL: . , B~J. General; Art ZUgnoni u 'tC!),LP v

B-3 Cabochons, All O,leMateriaJ.~ 1l1ir;.e Hrhn - bJue, Ke:qAlmond c~ Ted '1t1. I. C b he V'~ ~ ,t '~.p lU'!'ltt:f.r';rtl' \"~~'rr':l'I':}l rtnd Ben Owens' ._ ')"lt1'" .0 ..... n. oc, ns, ""'r ..... e y VJ. m.:., "" ..... <:. '.' ,,',0. C)''', ..... ~ <...", . ',. ,U':"V J

PhilClurke "" blue, 1I:1.c i.otte - blue, BiD. Wo'lsh - blue, Bruce JohnSO::1 'u t,lx;.€, j Ed Peters - Blue J, O1i vel'

, Forrer - red.. , B--5Cnbochons And Corresponding Rough; Ailecnn.nd, Rus~ Bergersen .•

r~.. -., . B.,;.6 ·Fo..ceted NQtural Gem stones; Lloyd Conner;" blue - First in Div~ .. B-IOa Single Novelty; Hnl WQtson- reid.

, B-ll CQrvingo; Frnnces Amundson. - white.. , . B-14 PoliShed Petrified Wood; Virginic. nnd Ben ,Owens, - bluo, Richutd

Cwens - red@ . ' , , ni..17 Generul Lupidary; One Mo,teriD.,l; Art Zugnoni - blue"

C e JElNEtRY:' C-l Hnnchnt'.de Jewelry Wit,h Stones ; Dorothy Grekel- red ,- First 'in

D .. FOSSILS: . Division, Del Jones .,;;" red .. " .' . '. .

,\ . b.-I Fossils; Scott Fiefer - blue.., First in Division -'r~irst in Juniors, Boh Cnlvert .- vJhite ..

E" EDUCATIQNAL:' . , . , :! 'E-1 Educutionul; Jean Fiefer - blue:"" F:irst.-:tn D:ixisicm, j'he 13 C[1]­

verts - red, Pat Welsh ~ red, Jeannette (md Vera Korstad - rcti 9

F .. MIXED'DIVISION: ,. '. , ~ F-I Mixed Division; Hn.l 13ickerdyke "" ,blue -First in Division.,

SPECIAL AVlARD : Sea Shells,; Tom Pnnta,ges.. " ,.

iZ~IviE1vIDER TF ... l\'T ~11E'=AprtIL l:iEETII~G WIIL"BE aN APRIL 15;1" TI-U{ TlfIRD~'FlfIDAY--6F~M-­DUE T0 TIJE EAS7ji:;R VACl;,'rION" THE MAY ME'J"'ETII'D WILL RS ON THE FIRS1: FRIDAY IN l'JAY - ' k~f:u.. CHE1:11~.iLiJ1:[l ·9PH091..:JLllJ~vT.E: .. §..'rEBlL= __ 1;)fLJ'~ES'~,.r~11}l]PL~:4FJ:I'l'$_,:-_< __ ~.~

. - ':'


Page 3: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to

1966 EASTI?R TRIP TO THE DESERT 1966 DffiW.QTIQtJ§= We will explore tl1017ilGY-11eIi-:~;·lncruding P(~,lo Verde Mta." Coon Hollovf.ll Chocolo.te Mts Q ~ Chuckwitllcv ].tIts 0" Ghuckvn:flla Springs 3 Indi'::l1 Pass, etc ~

We vdll meet at Boron, Californin, east of Mojtwe on Saturde.y, 2. MondGY and Tuesday we will, explore the Wiley Well artia,}V'Jedn$sday.,. it. will be either Chuckvfclla Springs or 1ndil),n Puss = depending on leadership I h,we Errr.nged to meet us thero, Thllz'sday will be further explor2.tion of '(,lie P[1.10 Verde Mt" areG; Friday home via Krmne:c Dud Mo,jnve or Los Angolss ': R0m8Jlfber - Friday or Saturday in Boron; then Sunday we will drive to the W:Uey'Nell ar8(;'1" ,

The best route is 395 S01):'ch; t[,ke th0 read a!:, Kr~'Jnet'J\'\n~t~on (after we visit the Society Claim in tho,t m~ea)) th'3n sou:t,J:t to San Bernardino on Highw1'.Y I t:. h' k 6""'" t· t ' h " . Q B d' . , ,,;; J.guNC.YG :)'~"1.::> lU"SG!.'sec JUS' 1101'1:. 01' uc~n 0.J:'naT' lDO; go eC'.st, you lellve San B eJ~'l1drdtno on h5.ghway 10-60" "rhj.s 'lee,da to Indio ond then Desert Center' ~ 'Vfi.3 will stop in Incho foY.' 'fNc1ter,. gl'.s.? ice, suppJ,ies" et,e" Then on to D0seX't Conte~c; thei1 abou:\:, 31 plus miles eC\st of DC') you ydll find e. dirt 0:(' oiled lsp.ding sonth~ j'.lS'!:' C\fl~01' you p"iSS BriJge 50 u .1S (LherB should be Q ~ign pcint.:lng to Wiley Wells) " Go 9 o:;~' 10 miles to Goon Ho:D.o~\f road on the left. c 'l)hisil'ril~ be a w •

bout, :3 miles after you cross the l\T.Lland~nC'r.nells :r:oad., Tbem 3 more miles nI:J:ng C" H" :coa.d to camp gJ:'oul1d~ Watch for ou:>:: C.) V,," B.Lgn 2.nd fl[',gs of the societ,y~ ?,£mH;~Jl<~'tT'l:: Bring sledgGs} h2romel"8:. gads; chia2la, Shovel" ),'ake:; small picks. (G" I? coJ..lap8ible picks and Bho'vels aX'(~ b8,st);:. Have ['.t;, least 30 gel10as of w[ \ . .1."'-'£,=)1.

BE1\ THIS AREA IS DRY ~ NO Wl\,'I'ER V'JI'J'HIN FIF'IT OR SO MIlES" WA'rEHl WATER;) Fm'­chase or ge'\:' the clo[o:x: 'oot,t::.GS 01' any 0';,1101' contcdT:ers~ Gas cans would be helpfvl.. M.l\TBR:::I1.I"S:~*' !lTJ:16 region c':>.11Gd ','ll'he Wiley Well Dist:d.0'(:. ~ hes derhred its n2me fi,'0ir. a~'-~velI':'knryNn J.andma:-:k (sh:nm on mos'b mC).p;3 ),' Wiley Well:; situat,od on the. junc'l~:;, on of Nil(;nd~·Rani1el1.s :;'.1. and the turn=off road from 60" The vvell is usually in a stat.e of disrep,dr.9 but may be cleon for cattle orsheepo The water is not 'fit for human consUt'llption"

. liThe country e,round 'IHiley Well is mountainous (C1:1ucbmllas, Mules:; Palo Verdes~ etc,,);> and these form a m:tural gntewC'.y at the well" The mo:unt,;dnsare be.sically metmno:;:,p~ic schist \':\l1d ancient granite Vd' have been covered by masses of rhyolite, andesite, b;::'sf,lt, and contain many pegmatlt{iS of sem.i-preciol1s gem stones" Here'yot.1. will find fire agate, sagen~.teJ peb~ified wood, fos-sils, nodules; geodes, chalcedony,' desel't roses; mt'.ny geodes drusy Cjuartz and co.lcite lin~,llgs; banded, and many oi~hl~r types of agate andja$per" 'rhe nodules are not round but ova:!. and generally laX'ger at one' end e The cclo;rs 8nd putterns aX'e far too va:ded to describe, but many are blue:; ,r5ink, red" green, and white.,11 See Map on reve):'se., '. -t: GEMS AND M1l\JERALS, lvi<.'.:r'ji' F" B (I Strong" " Field trip urticle was submitted by Vern Korstad.. This includes map bEllvwand on rm.r:n;'se side a

~.,t'~~ ....

,~~ \ \ '1\ (Continued) \ \

Page 4: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to

Miles 3L plus Desert Center

I ,

/ I

, /-

Chu6kvvalld Mot'intahlS

vi)nsn f \

IlIac; k H .... "-~_ o.J


I /

HAUSER BEDS (Mos-t ffilllOUS

geodo beds in the.

! Vein , . POtci:t.O

PGtch world)

38 End Agate

1",3 j/"'~




i (

x " Agate

" Sardonyx "". ", t .' ;,~.~.~g[. e

! Nodules


t~·.rLL AREA

I i





5 :8ig

To Palo Verde Rd o

To Blythe

\, .\ ~. ;, ' ! "

Mule Mts,

.;\:0 (h.l

["Jts,=, .[\. t~ i1 t .\.\

ndles Iuilos


, \ )

I mile ' ..

! i ,



ld~JeS Verde Area Map as

Page 5: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to


March 7th, 1966

Last Week, "The Show' was the '1'lUNG! Now it is behind us for another year, AND, WHAT ! SHOW!

For several years I have been amazed at the tvay our shot. goes together, and, above all at the talent that we have available in our Club, and, the many hours of hard work that so many people are willing to give to make our show a success.

I tried to express my appreciation individually to as many people as I could find the time to talk to during the show but there wasn't time enough to do the job. Now that it is over it is still impossible to name people without leaving out many who gave generously of their time and energy.

I do want to say, however, that everything went together perfectly and made a very successful and colorful show. Many favorable comments made by visitors were passed on to me. I wish I could remember all of them. Here are some of the remarks I do remember:

1. A well put togethertcolorful & spectacular presentation 2. A clean~cut$well c~ordinated and balanced show 3. Beautiful Guest Exhibit.s 4. A very efficient floor arrangement and effective method of presenting the displays 5. Terrific Lighting Arrangements (One couple said: "And the lights never flicker or

go out like they do at some of the other shows we've seen") 6. The food here is exceptional 7. The people in the Cafeteria - in fact all of the people we talked to were so

friendly and wonderful to us B. The movies were well selected - Very interesting 9. The theme is sure obvious when you look around the show·· The entrance, the Telestar

and all of the wonderful gemstones displayed in the cases 10. Many said the flower cart arrangements were very artistic and added considerably to

the decor of the show 11. What exceptional door prizes 12. I have never seen such unusual guest awards and trophies 13. From some of our members - The draping of the case stands was certainly well done.

Added a lot to our show 14. From visitors, dealers & members - We certainly enjoyed the background organ music 15. This show certainly has an air of dignity - Some are so noisy you can't enjoy yourself 16. Also from members - I think our posters ~lere very ~ and what other club

could afford silk-screened post.ers? 17. The show is being operated so smoothly. Everything is timed so perfectly that it is

a pleasure to be here 18. Looks like a lot of members put in a lot of time on their cases Very good quality displays.

The set-up and dismantling moved in a very efficient manner. It was like some one had a magic wand. It seemed like it went up and came down in minutes. Experience and good planning were certainly in evidence on these operations.

My biggest worry, (which was shared by others), was the effect the flu epidemic might have on our attendance. Again, the right people were in charge of this phase of our show. We received publicity with pictures on Thursday in several papers. Then an article, complete with picture of the Queen and the Mighty Opal in the Oakland Tribune on Friday night. The previous Saturday several members had placed 6,000 handbills under windshield wipers in parking lots. Then there was the TV & radio publicity. All together the net result was one of our best attendance records. So with the right people working together - "Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Flu?"

Good Transportation operations were certainly in evidence. Everything moved in and out so smoothly. It was a pleasure & education to watch this phase. Again experience & planning really counted.

Most of you probably weren't aware of some of the things happening around you at the show. But believe me our Security people were, and did an excellent job - Very quietly and unobtrusively. They have reached the point where they can qualify as experts.

Based on my observation I would say that our Floor Manager chose his judges very well. In my opinion they judged close but very fairly. I did not hear one complaint on this Bcore.

It was especially gratifying to have so many members & guests extend a warm welcome, congratulations and compliments to the Queen of our Show, Miss Linda Pinana. A special thank you to those members who supplied jewelry for Linda to wear during her six appearances.

We will have one more show committee meeting for final reports from all of the Chairmen. I will then give my final financial report on the show to the Executive Board. This will end my responsibility for the 1966 Show presentation.

My personal thanks to all of you for your cooperation and for the untiring effort expended to make our show the pleasing and financial success that it was.

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!lp,rgJ,d ViJ3~l!l£!l.. hus been building h:i.s mm version of D. C2mper in n:.1 Ecenoline Ford Truck. It features 11 telescoping :roof for hend 1"00m" Get. him t.o ;j~10W" :" . .t to ;fe.uf',

Among those pl2.nning to go to I,:v~ Vegl1s are: Q1-£r~~ the !!.9~~,~~, ~~L P;:'Cj", 1:<;' [mel h€l~ m~) perhnps som:e o~',hors who ttl"..; :'fj e)l!. to;'::

VJ.rginil1 (ri'T-e';.;; :Ukes to 1,'vork<i :l'l; 8 ccf;'GtG :<)'0 ,'alW hD;/{')

t'):e~~,n~l~4u-:-'l) -'w;T'::::~' 'J"'Y ':'l'lO-~'e c~'~ !A, I~: -....... fJ 41_~ .... ~ 1/ S-",.. ,) \.:1 ~ ~\_),\t1

Vi{' -1- h 4 i .JI<.. pc,t""'I'';''': ')[" ".,,, 0 "'~ lJ, ... ,,, \OJ.;: c; i. ..... t.,y"": ..... "f :~f;j 1.:..J. e .::"l')y-d. 'Vf',;J;~,Ke:r i ~ "'\ ~

r~ <-\ri'lolt3 PI 0:[ I,:~\(e Cn1 • .,nt,:r', I) i .. i)IrJ f )! lclf) ~ 1'rlt~ Yfi[<b t. 0:' aDd~ , G'V8r


[l>;~e;~c;,d~:~::)g t:,h[::.·l.J.~ ,(.['18--2.:1 f'u.r.' ·'tJOflgb. COhtl-Jot,i:G~; .. \)n ti;'0Jr ex:)co~t,

f C:[;3,) ~C:tJ· :"

lJC~)}tle C~:('e :l.rllTi.C:-rv:j~!~~~;2\ to Pl~t :1 n a C£.kSG of ,Tewelry m;xt y,~2r c' Hi-; 'ikV:8

cnae" Th:~s hees happmwj to 30me pe,~t):1.0

Did YO'l '-;,30 t,h",t bc::~:ub.ful Iit,tle dell r,i::, thq, Elhow? Her gr<J.ndm'CthAI: ') V~(L~0 .:1 ::;,niJ:;;i nhil~ held.inp; he::.' fm;' 8.11 to see" T'n.s'yeD .. T;::

'b;,lDY Tri·;.J1 t.his J.:'].a flowGr, l1nd. won.t fi-no. nmon for ,~ I ?}l Those G'ra'!:> Bag ite:n,s VWl'O gO.'le in jnst <1 VeJ:Y m:i.hd.tC~8, :t'hat W8.S the fLI .. btest $25"GO "':,hi8 Glube7er Inrde" H .1111.0. they vlere ... peggi.v:g for more.

Th8:ro were quite a fevr ti:cerl, 0ve;;'--work(xl peor,j.e on t1.0 floor atshOi'l t5JTLo,,? Q

those who vmreU I t sick W~~ th flu be! o:~e the ,show t ended up ,bei:ng n:i:t,,,:::, 'j',Le '·'~'.r A~,~c(.) i';n"'ly PJ"~" i'11" '''Iu fl)".a.1 TOt, ""mo :)-"'111'\·"·1."·j'h "''''C''<lCn''''''i" SL1,~jt'v (\ ,":;.~ ... ;}_<,,_.,:. ... "...h (.",,:" .. ~J.... J t . .,..L J <.-" J; ~;'...":J.:"" V(.;..l'l.V '~r\..lV, y. \.1, •• j:)..!.4 .I~4. ,J ........ ~\,. .. ,\

Have you OYe!' t!1sted a Every l".Jck hcund BhO'l'd.d 6 Q (;)01;: oook: vu:s shaVf working' in 'the tch3n~ Her huslx.u:ld hns Ind

C:c noart. attack end 1)(;)8!1 on the quJet~ ':;[,:;:'8::'ul libt'o The IG8.virlg on or abot:.t M1.'.:rcl1 18 for a three month tour of

Ii T.beir phone tempo:C'arily di.SGo:t:lh6cted-H'"'_'~' c0111dn r::, c;heck 0:,1 SGme ir:i'o:mation to tho effect thr.t they nr~ taking the keys of the city to a sister city' in Gllntcrnr.lD,e 'l'hey must hl1VO left by' this writ,ing"

(Ask Y;k,9~,;;~]2:i:(~.'X to do somathir!g,; and by golly, you pY.'ncG:l~5al1y never got <J. re'­fUSD.L. Thnt is good membershipo There aJ.~e.qutte n fe'l': ilCho::rt RidGrs li in club. When they needed for <1 job, they diGappe[hr~ ... but they get their just, the S3me. Hnve you ever worked 011 C), nomim ... tlng oommittee? you h8V0., you k~1.oW what I mdan" MP) . SOD, .l,{:~n..t~J.mgnq,· is·str:::tio11ed at FoIt Bcngg o Thore aTe qu:tte a few fam:ilies where more '(:-hali one gOller;~ti.on nre :1.'o\.1>: 11ounds.. Lot f shear i'ro~n flome" Who h<:' .. s a f2111tly of ':,hr'cJO gene:,«:~i::,:1.0rli3 Gf X'OC';f, ' .... 1(,l>mdi3?

~!J:?~~. Qg..]::,{~~"'i!§. Iilothor hea been in t,he hos})itnl. for SOTO tyimo They c1;1n't seem to f,:1_nct out what her tr'orible -:5,.9" She 8uffer:'i.Dg froln lCNf01' back pains ~

0:.<":' JUt.'1iors are a kick to ,have <1J.:oul1cL Thoy lltl.~rG 6ueh lw..J,Yf,wsui5:ting fnces" H~ p. Y , l-A' ,,,,, 'P+' ","'- '''''·).1- ·.t .,':-' ."~, ,-. . ""1-' , ·1',": ""f'''' 'I -I ~ll <,N,-, ou ever seen ;~~\:_.:rtn",Jq~.,.i;>",;::t ... 1.') ,011 ... ,,', 131lU,J.!.'? .O~1. J, • .:...., .. u. ne '.p.L c, .• vt.n, L.. •

t,he time?- as well as th;:;;t;, c.-,J.te IJ. 1'1'.8,Y' wore Yt3"o-:;V Pl"~l>.C of tl:J\:;l~b:, case. IvIa:'(DathbY w:\:11 :1';: '·:'.on" 1i'!(Y.l1d 1:1':<:.€ to seo seme 110\'J jW:cL01"S up, ('lhey vr()h~L hD:;~e tv Bl"1,;'.C3-~)

Page 8: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to

MOEE SCREENnnS We are sorry to hear thut U.r.s~" Te(L1L~orflqi~een hospit[',lized recently., However, she is o,t home, recuperatings D.nd we wish her a speedy recovery I> (VK)

Al AV8X"'1J h<.ls had' a long seige of illness, and Vie hear thL'ct he is on the mend" vre think of you often, AI, [Iud hope you soon will be bC'.ck with us., (VK)

The last report has it that our ,Jp.e, Engbecl< is now sitting up in bed.. GOOD 1 "Our ovm Joe Engbeck - the Editor of this Bulletin - has been ill.. We are sorry to hear this Joe., Get well quickl WE NEED YOU 1" Vern I\orstad,,'

The winners of the Co.b-of-the-Month for March were: Llo,;y:d Conner, first; Phil 9JC'.:r:~" second; and, !(irbX Pr,~~, third e GO, BOYS, GOl -

"K NOTE=·F.l~5j!1 JEAN PFEF;EP, :' I 'wish to thank' all the" womerl who" were on myrecei:£ion committee.. Everyone did a fine job of greeting the visitors as well as giving ()l't

inf ormation and keeping track of the money" Thanks ngnin - Virginia. Owens, Pr':7 Culvert, Louise Po..lmer, Shirley "Harren, Joy Mcpute" 'Glel1l1u Stephens, Doro'i',/" C Stella Zugnoni, Edna Pittenger, Florence'Bickerdyke~ Mi~d:,:,cd Pierce, Mau;"'L, C Lillian Dowell, Edith Jensen, Miss Nunes, Vivi~.n PODre 1 I A lice Rahn, \L,:L811, n and Agnes Hall., NEW MEMBERS

"<;: I'i

Fred and Marjorie' Acker 471-2845 31957 Olean sto, Hayward

Ken and Julie Bryant, None' 526 Tiffany Rd .. , Snn Leandro

Ben,jd'nin Dicus, jr..· 537-6$$2 ":', ",'74 l,"Ie"tern Blvd H"y1d r~,c~,,,,,,, J \ 0 .. , c. ... e.r. -

Andrea Forrest (a junior) 782-2915 22643 Tealo'ood St .. , Hay1d

Boyd and ,To,/r;o Frybarger 581 ... 0006 192''31 C:hhbot Rd", CQV.

Don and Ci .. 'een 2')L~t'l nll·ff····'(Jd Ave '-I :f ... r .... ~ •• " v \' .. J, O',

Milton [l,nd Irene Gyte ' ~~.0,) Lewelling Blvd Q ,

Leandro ..


Bailey, correct telephone PnntE,ges, Tom It

Fenz, Joe and Maggie II

stepka, Al and Irene 15453 Mc,Ureen st."



. Elton e.nd Sr:l:t:n;), ]ephinger r.~3-3764 61)l..:, ·Pid,:;:,dot,. {"va". S" Leandro

Thome:.s ,:lY'. :,;" '",n":';ls· Ingebretsen 12 )·)";"L:'j,, 1\ 're $, #28, SE:':d I ·,;'::.r::i,:o ~

Pete iCtl."d.?::..a.;K 'l:C" PDx: .. lson f3B~ij5~O 951:7 ',;:'he:ctl1::::.1 .::;::- ~, Oakland,

,:~~ 94605 ;()~,"ft~68

lC~~2) J\ '.~~r;?t '" ·San IJennd.~o Eug(..~'::' ~';1\~~ 'h.llortijara :~()l·"C!+ql

2{,J', , C" V" VliI11'.:m, b,?-ucte iJ, l;I:{+,··/")..j.!.7

JJ.J~ C,'.;!Ji.'T:l ,l SQ.n Ler:mclr') Ll' ."\(; '1 ';.To·r':.rrl'l") : ~\ .,. ",-ior) J~c:')·,·ry7l4 .L-,_'",,, \'1 _.lU'~~.L \'--' dl .. L . .,t.. 41"Ch..o !

195M Parson.s A'vG J C .. V 8, 94546


Page 9: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to

Minutes of Gcn'l lViooting, March 11, 1966 Mooting c d to ordor at 7:30 P.,lVI" by Pros .. Varnon Korstad@

MSC/Do1Noll/LaFollotto th[t roading of r;1imltos bo dispos of., Harold and Natl'lalio Mahonoy prosontod a vory intoro sting pro-

gram of for)::1ations in Gonyonlond P fl>

Dorothy Grokol introducod Donbors and guos EO Vvo added alnost 12 now nombors!

Show Ghairman9 CliitrGoQrgo announcod Show attondllt' of approxill 4,600 fl Aftor oxponsos, vw should not about :;'p2,,200,> Thanks havo boon oxtonc1od to tho Tol .. Goo for 0 rrolstar Displ ,9 tho flowor carts and to tho Victoria IvIusic Cent~r for tho organ", . 10. trl.lp C]~ rl12n Art Zugnoni announced a i"iold trip on E:U:1()

March 13 for Berkoloy ag OS6 Vorn Korstfld 'w'11.1 load tho fio:ld trip to tho desort at Eastor wo to \i\!il Wo r1.roa,~

Dennis ancl Batty Pr:ltt orson announcoc} 30~~1{o loy Sod 0 ~ s 3rc1 annu21 Show as of !Vb.rch 19th and 20th n +; G COi.:lOnt Hc)tul~,

Show ~uoen Linda P:~nana w~s son';j 81101"1", Sho was prosont WJ:th hor paronts [lS ou r C,luoo 11. (j

S!~Op Porotwn Gtl PostaI' spys shop ne I;).:'tt Coole books woro nado availctblo to nr~(l "['0:::':1.:


[t t 'bond en:)<) () 11 bobrong:']'G

oach nonbh t:ill tho no ing Hfly l"Lbrn n Albo:;:,'i;a Bobo s announcocl t}';Ei,; fl C of II Gons tono s

or No llnol"ica ll b~rm donatod to o'L'u:oLl :r~'" b';)i" tho rolativ015l for'no I' Do:nbo r.l' GI,;UY'((O A;;hby I>

lVlombors in :r'()(t~ 0 I.:rt tofi 11 ou:-: for Lend 1'Ilan on t L.ct () Wo ous t ow 11S0 of l)ub l:bc ])nels or VJO rilL1.J. so many hunting aroas u

Cab of tho Month ,,'Ii nnor was Lloyd Conn::n":./I 2nd, Phil Cllmrko anti 3.rd, rby Prono.

D~;l ·Jonos announcodsovoral itotls lost by Rock

0. t the Show (j Sovornl cloor prizos wor 0 donc'God

pair of snfoty glo. ssos fror:l Johnson's ~ ,J 0 s S:'iD rs ch and a

Pr:i.zGs were Ywon C",:,rrio an:1 by E":"y Piorcc" Ploronco ckordylw,

Vic LaFollotto. . n Ockos;.

Guost p:r'izos woro gt von to Ann li':;l'gOS (c1o:cntion by Pet ria and to Jay Vollo:r'tigara ((:onatod by Viola CuttOl");) .


Mooting udjou:r'rlod 9:10 P.,M" Rospoctfully subni ttod; VJl"g'I. a Ow ons"


All pcrsonSintorest'o-d in pre-registrn­tion for tho Federntion Show - contact Virginia OvITonso Tho fec is $1 .. 50 for four (4) days} including 0. badgo •

• ____ '<e __

SUBSCRIPTIONS 'rhe societY11D'.;'an ngl:."oomcmt with Q:,.I&M§ AND IvIThTEHJ\LS magazine which provides for ~L,"vro~~;6.--;":;bscription rntc of $2.,00 for melIlbers" '1\10 l'ngulnr rat.e is $4 c OO .. l:Jew subscr~l:'J0r3 may got Uris reduced :ratc by rec~ucst to the ('llib troasurer and a deposit of $2 c OO to cover the sub­scription. For renewals at the $2.00 rate, have your renowal card initialed 12::~Lj;Jl0' mornbershiR..£hgirma.n p , ___

May 29, 30, 31 Society Field Trip to a new location - Vol A T C H

CC1ri.I~G I~'VB:NTS ApI':11 2 &-:r~'Sln ";J'3aqulrl tfem' &<; Min";"'Hh0;'T

at '''l'OC'K~~ON April 1 thru 10 Dosert Trip = meet n:t,

J:3')RON April 16 &: 17 Mothor Lodo Mi.n~ & Gom

April 16 & :17 Jvlu[rtorcy Ba:y- Min SOC ,'. sho:\" Ll:l~ SAL "[NAS

April 23 & 24 Sacrarrh:mto Valley Rock RustleJ.~s shoW in SACH..AMr:N-Ir() 0

April 23 & 2!~, ,JJ.:~ )",i\kY'3 tC:h',.Y'a a..:,:~(l }.·td~Lc~ tfx-,

at Amccrior Com1ty - ~~)~I:':·"

MOUTH" May 12 thru 15 1966 Convention nnd Na,·,

tional Show nt Las Vogas() May 19 thru 22 Cal<:woras Gem & Ilflino Soc)

show at Angel r s Cnm:p May 21 end 22 Festival of Gems - Oakland

Page 10: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to

Minutes of Gener 1'lJ.eeting - Feb a ,1966 };ioat called to order Ht 7 ~ P uIvl o by Pre sldent Vernon Kor-

stad Qj ROt1inc1er mado lTIeetingswill now start at 7 ~ 30 P ",Ho Pl"oc;ram VJas pro s entod by 11 Walsh and lInl ckercI~l{e:~ os

were shovm ace ing the goo d and bad points of sett ing up and displaying a show case~

RuIns were defined certain areas Q A,yi.xod splay was add-ed consisting of lapidar'l", jewelry and/or MSG/B:tll Wrlsh/Del Jones thEt in Class B~2, exceed a 2 inch cuboo

s Is in equal parts" niniature S [;lhould not

Any point made by judges at ~how t , and not undorstood), should be reported irJDediately to theperson instructing judges.?>

Vic LCl.Folletto mado a plea projectionists at the S1,1O'o'I fo:.. .... the films IIR1.delon E:::,2th ll

, and "In tho BeGinnIng"," Dorothy Grekel introduced visi toro and guest S I>

BrmE'.. Goorge, standing in forShow GilL'irn18n Cliff'lI annOUD.CH;('l, S~·!()t.{ pro[;ross Q l\fo\:uspapor IJublicity hee1.. boon sont ou"to vV:1J,J::or~3 large opal will be shovmil> COY'.1plimontary tickots and Cor:1i:Yiittofj) Chuirnan badgos are availablo <it

In theintorest of further use of sctlOol fac:tl:.'Lties, moro od!J.~ cational cases aro requosted Q

JmJ.o Probst's offor of a rotating bre ast was discuss and it was do cided to wait; on a oision until ':\.ftor ShoVJ time ..

Borkoloy Sociot-y Show will Ed Harch 19 and 20 .. Cab of tho month for opal was VJon by Lloyd Connor", Door prizes woro won by Gorraaine Kont, P;:ul ophens

tors II Gale l"ongol,il Ernost inc Wisoman and Don Groon 0


Meat adjournod at 9:45. Ro ctfully subndttod" Virg:!.niD. CX"Jens, S. c''J


Minutos of E::;:t.;cutivo Board - Fob. 25~ 1966 lYIooting callDd to ordor by Pros a V~rn Korstad at 8 P.lvI. at

homo of sand Ailoon Borgorson. 'rroas .. Ed Poters road report: Hocoipts: ;w336 ,,35., Disbursononts~

$687 ",,55~ Total bank balancos ,J3,?110¢'53 o MSC/L1cFatv/Duarto thaI:; bi bo naidC)

JiISC!Dowoll/IVlcF~,to thDt minutos bo o.ccoptod as ro by Soc!Yo No ;;"iold trip sot for March" Bill Walsh has a nmv a at

\'Vcntworth'so Scmplos boing sont., Collocting on honor of ~h .. oo~ MSC/lv1cFfo.te/Borgorson th1iI prohlbi tion on loaning Kunt casos bo

rOMovod for Burko y Club onlYIt C/WGlsh/VV~',rron that neVJ Foc1 o t casos not be loanod!> Ex., Board grnnts pormission for Borkoloy to pi ck up Kcrnt cases at t:tl'10 of Show toar dovvn l)

Mo.honoys will osont I':Iarch progran o

Alborta Reborts announcod purchase of fol n8 bo ~ "Mln' oralogy for Amateur's" (0. menorial ropJu coment for L[ill rod Morgan) <1'<>

"'Eho Agates of North Ai'1orica lf, monorial for J~i~rl A;n.mcison" .

Bob vort said Si'ow !'.:wmrds ordorodfj' Ftl.turo considorat ion wi be gi von to soparat sono cntogol"ios.. Nathalia Nir~honoy and Bruco Johnson nill domonstr 0 faooting at Sho'v'J~

Rofund tlado by Co .. op of .00 on error last Y oar I s8ow ... All r.ol'1bors should fill out ion shoot about eol1o(~+:ing

dono on pl1bli c Ju nds:. C/Dowoll/Bon 0;"1On8 thu.t; oloGY Concributo pOI' haad for 365 t1Drlbors as of .. Tun u 1, 1966 to su l'

Mno+Jng ~djnurnod 11:00 PeMe H("::~I) snbl':1;i ::to<l,£' v-; 01~'Onq Q 80~" ;),,-

Page 11: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to

~QR§. 'pARTJQJ:fATItlN .. l'l1E Gll~;W: OF ~~§ Who were the j'\.ln~.ors 'id:>.o displayed in the jUnior case at . thash6w? . ,. '

'Nancy Pasi~3".f Dav1d H~:.(' Susan McFate D:Vl;;);,;.,je,Lfo1t.

l;t~:,:\~;. Rusty McFate Coffelt. }::.~:i;.' ,

~_ MEMORIAL BOOKS 'WI?;· have a;t ... !a;;t""cl;t~,In~ all but one of ·thB l:li.',Y!la~ial bot.:!;.;:[; \ire were supp.')scd to

bu;;;".:: fhesebooka are autstantling books on ;301ilBphase O!OUl;"hobby; minerals, ,collJc;(r~i:t1gg .t'ac~ting,;hons~ cut ...

arJd polishirt.g.)l u:nuS"l.l.aJ. materi '''1.(:(:13 to go to co:Uect ma;t~/:..", fort,b.o .

_ WIif c;,,~_.'_' .... '''''''''''~ ___ '''''._' -_- .. -.""' .... ~,~-...._ ..... _.fH'n ..... ,....-~~~...".''-v .. ~

GIL FOSI'l':R .. ~1HC~ ::"O~l!:rJAN" SAY'S tH!:i , ON AU" IJ;)}:~I)


j'('(/4, ~· ... O·J. j;(;f;~~~. -s·rrre ~ ';-rf):J(TE " ..... \.,; /V,-.,ll11'l;'{'·!·"' ", U~:..;'. IJ ) \. \' v \,' ~'.,./_. ,,"

DG;,l\{'t look fox txoiJ.ble, look fo';' friends (or rocks?) You" find what you look for~

Page 12: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to

EXe Board Minutes ll March 25,. 1966" , [resent: Vern j\orstncL, Bon 01i18ns,. Virr;=tnia Ollens$' Ed & IvIsrtha Peters, Bill ~Jalsh, Loron D6\1/011, George lmrren, III:>: G:tl F'ostOl", Del &; l'{ery Jones, Louise Falner,? Aileen Berc;ersen, Ed C(, j)orothy Grel=e1, Austin ({:, Alterta l10b ert s} J' ean Pfef or, T30b IVicIl' a te, Cliff Cc Err.18. n V"''i L • , t " """ 1" " ~ , ,', ,;reorge, lola \.Ji)t'IJor ,. .hosen ~ J 00 l:.',ugooCK, LTcorgo l-ilCl rao.o, X~VD.

Fittenger, Bob Calvert, Fbil Clark: , J'oo Dual"'to ll Gus lViollinll Art' Zugnoni" .

Tro as t' )..itl ~p ot ors ro[~d report & IrlcC;r:1C!; }~;15 025, DJ. sburser~lont,3 ~. ~706,,55Q Bal. Cbock~ acr)t; ~;p51014.!' 138.1. Sav" Acct~ :j;2,668 0 05 J 'I'rans o

t c1"oc'- "cf"t -"C:;C)(\ 00 12~1 JO n ('a\T i"cct ;n cC~"Ila 1 0 }ilnb 1 28 o ,~\':I H .. ". U. -,v e '-;jJv,.!? IS )c:l 0 ~ "..)- 1)":').. C trP~-', .,J; ...... 0 1.10 ·0 Ii -, G

M.:'lC/Don Cl\JOn8/~job JAc.8'ato that Berkoley So Co not bo roquil"od to rop leco glas s sho If broL((;n in cas 0 borrc)\Jod, froEl IJGSCV 0

Rocord of 8.SS0SGlilont viorJe in ICrsn:or HillG Clair,l l"lt:ls boon roc) Bob 1V1cFat8 will addl'Gss croup of Boy SCO'LltS 0.8 rop., of Li03CV. SliOI) \lILL J3I~~ C~LCSIi~~) J~;.rs~eJ!l{ 'vV·EJ.BIC (:£ I~iJIJ NA/~I ~ IIC)LIDJ-1YS III l~TI_fIl).HE tl ...... --"'"-""'""~ .. -.>.~--" _ .... ---~-~.&-.-.-.,...-". "'-~.&--'---'-- --, - -,...---~- .... ~---""---"''''---'--- ... '''' .... "... --.. -..-~ ... -'---.:-.,-

Shop nOQd.s nov) gJ'1ndlnc 1:11.00121 Q Exco 110nt V,} hoc Is ney bo h cd by buy-ing in ql),t:lnti ty Q In order to aV8J lours elvo ,'3 of tho bOE! t r.;rico ~ in­volvOG norD ti:1an 'i~50~00. 1'.13C/1)01 Jonos/Goorgo.inrron, III, tIllt do­tai Is of purch as 0 bo pro scnted to ncmbor[3hip. Cov~r ing for"] in sllvor class rOOD will bo nrovidodo

LSC/Bon Or;onfl/G:11 I'"ostor- tba llnnivCJl'sary colobrc,tion bo hold in kiJl'il and past frOB" honored I,t Juno instel.l~ltion"

Joan. l'fcfcr, nOt1borship$' [mnouncod 15 no'.'! {,orabel's fr01:1 Sr.lOwt,; B ill \Val~lh will UD-cl, BroctlUIc &:, L'),'-:Guws f>

B ab BcF'nto, nnnou~cod Jrso will not ~out till aftor EaGtor. In noar futuro, Jrs. will have mvap vIl .. t.h S" Loan .. Boys Club. l\~arth8. Potors voluntoerod 8,S ro1i of [',ss·ist[~nt on Sat 0 tb["t Bo:) 1:12':7 bo unable to attond o 0 thor voluntoors will bo gre tofull-y- rocoiv ode>

L:LbrD.rion~ Alberta HobortG announcod pu.rch[~so of W[i:Ls to]:".)' of B:;sGarch aTI S~~.t-',rktooth H:1.11 it

, b:;;- Edvi. I\ll.tcholl,. Now sholvos will bo providod to [LCCOInf'10cl.D.t 0 nol"O rn gazlno s"

ShoVJ ChD.irrJan, Cliff Goorge .kinnouncoc1 tot D.l S' 'o'\} In© ,:10 of 'f,<jf;3,855 .. 28, Expo iH,531 D 90" 1'Tl:t profit~ \:;2,323,,38. l!lSO/Bon Owons/ Dol Jonos tbat chock for ;;1)296,,99 bo paie} C. Vo Bleh School. Hucom'l.cmG.-,

, ~ 1.....-) ,

stion rwdo tlwt:i futuro school dono.tion l')e 25/0, not to oxcood ,;?300~()Oo I~lSC/Bill \/o.lGh/Dol ,:T:';"os that Show CCrJ.c".1" il:P01"'t bo acco].Jtod"

BorkGloy Socioty vdll join us on g:Gtor F'IlaJ) 'I':2ip., May Piclc1 trip announced by ]3111 YJ~-l:Clh f,:C VD." (j~':ons to D. noVi D.roPe for 'llrono lito, magnusito at Porost Hills &, crystals .Q:P I,l01'1, .. D~~y VJoc.;};wncl, llay 28} ~~9 & 30. Dotails to bo announcod in Potrocraph.

Nominating Connittuo will offfcr sUi3gosted D8.r.',OS to incoulng Prosidont I for considoration of DTJpoiD,ti vo off:':.. cor So No,.:,,, Conm" Vi/ill sponsor a "Big BH(y:n~.2;Hil S:;'8 ton for nOVl nombors.. l.~xrld noel by hc,rthn Potors.

II'iSO/La Potors/Bon O'.'ons tl'Ll t tho S:)cioty r,;,cvo 8.n offlcial £\-'0tO­graphor, to bo ['cppointod by tho Pro SO)

Mooting adjourned at 11:15 p. D.

ROGpoctfully subnittod p

Vir [iniet U~.on3, S, c ly

Page 13: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to

PRESIDENT '4W m:;;;wlll ... t __ _

Vernon Korstad, 17917 Bm'.,rdsley st", Valley, Calif(;

VICE-PRESIDENT----Ben Owens, 17120 Via Piedras, Sun Lorenzo, Calif ..



BOJUID OF D IT~CTOHS ----creo;"Jnrron-III Bill Wnlsh Loren Dowell


165-<68 934-2351 r63- t66 351-·6237 ?64- f 67 581-6876

Virginia Ormns, 276-",,256 _. Dnei-~J'ones 782-1895 17120 Via Piedras, 1338 Shoridan Ln., Sen Loronzo, Calif. Ho.yvn::.rd, Calif (I

FEDERATION DIREC,!'On Joe Engbeck, -~ , t63=766'" 632-6215 164 BogieI' Avo<), San Lo[mdro, Calif (I

APPOIN'IED COlf;ITTEE CHAIRrlEN EDITOR - Joe Engbeck ' ., 7~jUNIOR h'lli:NTOR ... Bob lIoFate FIEID TRIPS - Art Zugnoni iifE1iBERSHIP • ... Jean Piofer 'Hfs"'rORIAN - Louise Palmer *P.ARimENTJIJUAN- Ev. Pittenger ~i-SI-fdr- _ Cliff George ';"" .. " - • - Les.. Kent lJFriTlRIAN - Alberto.. Roberts - Gus lJollin and SHOP - Gil Foster Bob Calvert **CO-ORDINATOR ~ Joe Duarte "~DOOR PRIZES - Phil Clnrke -~ ... ~. u.. ~~RECEPTIONISTS _ Dorothy Grekel & Carrie Du.rkoe

.,}These connnittoe hee.ds arc without voting privilegos within the scope of the Exocuti ve Board.

lill.1'1.illi!: Hemborship meetings arc held every second Friday of the month, unless otherwise noted, at the Cherryland School, Hestern at YTillo'Vl streets, Ha,ywnrd, California, convening at 7:30 po illo Refreshments are served, movies or guest speakers on pertinent subjects follow the strictly businoss session(>

There are no membership meetings in June, July, or August,

Field trips m'e announced through the ,PETRCGJtjlJ,.ti.

DUES: ~6:o0 per fnmily per year; sinele membership ~p4.00; junior ~l.OO

Page 14: fran (,) ;~ - Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley 1966-04.pdf · wo~k in ha:rd~·~to

, i

BELCH IS THE NEH SHOP SITE ~'-__ (II 1\ ; .... :

Enter through the allcyvfD-Y off Uistcria $treotal.ld turn right at rear of parking "lot" The shop is yellot.'1-tiled building directly behind Jonnats Pizza Parlor"". ~"O I> .lots of pnrking ape.ce"

Mrs. Loiise Palmer 3778 Lorena AVe. Castro Valley, Calif. 94546

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