Page 1: Founding Fathers of the Internet

Founding Fathers of the InternetG6Y Annie Wells International School

Page 3: Founding Fathers of the Internet

Vannevar Bush

• March 11, 1890 - June 28, 1974

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Vennevar Bush• Vennevar is the one who invented one of the earliest huge

computers that can solve complex equations. He also established the personal information processor, which is a device called the rapid selector that is skilled of high-speed retrieval of information stored on microfilm. Vennevar had also published As We May Think which is about "exclusively new forms of encyclopedias will appear and ready to be dropped into the memex and there improved” that he predicted. Vennevar died before the World Wide Web. But people also think of him as a Godfather of publishing As We May Think.

Sources: nndb/ wikipeida/ibiblio

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J.C.R Licklider

• March 11, 1915 - June 26, 1990

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J.C.R Licklider• Licklider (most people called him Lick) job was to develop the

Internet contains ideas not inventing. His ideas of graphical computing, point-and -click interfaces, digital libraries, e-commerce, online banking, and software that would exist on a network and migrate to wherever it was needed. He has a well-deserved nickname called “Computing's Johnny Appleseed“. Lick was the first person to know the fullest possible that computers can help humans to improve by understanding, thinking and making decision. He also wrote a paper, Man–computer symbiosis that tells about the interaction between humans and computers.

Sources: ibiblio/ thocp/ Wikipedia

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Larry Roberts

• 1937- unknown

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Larry Roberts• Roberts was also called as “father of the ARPANET.”

sometimes. He got this name by leading the engineers team that created ARPANET. He is also the principal architect of ARPANET. In October 1966, Roberts published a paper called Toward a Cooperative Network of Time-Shared Computers with Marill.

Sources: ibiblio/ livinginternet/

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Paul Baran

• April 29, 1926 - March 26, 2011

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Paul Baran

• Paul was a Polish American engineer and the one who establish the computer networks. He invented the packet switching techniques. Before ARPANET created, Paul has two important ideas: one, building a distributed network and two, a technique for data program that afterward called packet switching. Paul completed his work in packet switching to wireless-spectrum theory which, he called it Kindergarten Rules. He was also credited to invent the metal detector that is used in the airports.

Sources: wikipedia/ ibiblio/ wikianwers

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Bob Metcalfe

• April 7, 1946

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Bob Metcalfe• Bob is an electrical engineer from the United States. He co-

invented Ethernet, founded 3Com and created Metcalfe's Law. Ethernet is for connecting computers in a local network. Metcalfe did great on writing his instructive booklet and was chosen to take ten AT&T officials on a virtual tour of the networ Metcalfe had done a good job writing his informative booklet and was chosen to take ten AT&T officials on a virtual tour of the network. Unluckily, the system was not working while Metcalfe was giving his presentation.

Sources: wikipedea/ ibiblio

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Doug Engelbart

• January 30, 1925

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Doug Engelbart

• Doug is an inventor and an early computer and internet pioneer. He is famous of the challenge in human computer interactions. He invented the computer mouse and developed the hyperlink networked computers, and pioneer to graphical user boundaries. Doug found out that technology especially computers are the answer of the dealing with the modern complex world and has excited his life to search of developing technology to increase human intellect. After his retirement, he led the Bootstrap Institute, researching ways to support cooperative work by computers.

Sources: wikipedia/ ibiblio/

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Vint Cerf

• June 23, 1943

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Vint Cerf• Vint established the TCP/IP protocol technology that gives us URL

and web addresses to surf to. Now, he is the vice president of engineering Google. He spoke with Brian Wolly which is the secondary Web editor about how the Web will evolve.

Sources: Wikipedia/ wikianswers/ smithsonianmag

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Ted Nelson

• June 17, 1937

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Ted Nelson

• Ted is an American sociologist, philosopher, and pioneer of information technology (IT sociolosopher). He was credited to be the first one to use the words transclusion, virtuality, intertwingularity, and teledildonics. He has many brilliant ideas but never did completed them. His biggest project was the Xanadu, which is the world-wide universal library. The Xanadu software which it was named.

Sources: wikipedia/ ibiblio/ virginia

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Tim Berners-Lee

• June 8, 1955

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Tim Berners-Lee• He is British computer scientist and the invented the World Wide

Web. He had successful of the communication between an HTTP client and server via the Internet. He was ranked as the world’s greatest living genius the British newspaper. Tim also had wrote other things typesetting software for smart printers, and a multitasking functioning system.

Sources: idea finder/ Wikipedia/famouseoplelessons

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Bob Kahn

• December 23, 1938

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Bob Kahn• Bob is an American Internet developer, engineer and computer

scientist. He cooperated with Vint Cerf. He formed the source of open-architecture interacting, which would allow computers and networks all over the world to communicate with each other.

Sources: Wikipedia

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Marc Andreessen

• July 9, 1971

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Marc Andreessen• Marc is an American businessperson, depositor, software engineer,

and multi-millionaire. He is also co-founder and chairman of Ning and an depositor in some startups including Digg, Plazes, and Twitter. He is an active member of the blogging community.

Sources: Wikipedia/crunchbase

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