  • 1. FOSS Development in Africa: The AVOIR Perspective James Njenga, University of the W. Cape

2. 3. The Africa Virtual Online Initiatives and Resources (AVOIR)

  • Collaborative human capacity development
  • FOSS development and support

4. Unity in scarcity and diversity Creating an ecosystem to foster innovation

  • Innovative software

5. Innovative processes 6. 7. AVOIR Building Pillars

  • Collaboration

8. Networking 9. Software development 10. Software projects implementation 11. Ecosystem Principles

  • Growth and sustainability

12. Replication 13. Collaboration 14. Products: Chisimba

  • A framework for rapid software development.

15. About Chisimba: MVC, Modular View User input System output Controller Process user input Handles communication Model Store state informatin ModuleTemplates Logic Data Access ModuleTemplates Logic Data Access 16. Chisimba Based Products

  • Discussion Forums

17. Content Management systems 18. Blogs 19. Online surveys 20. Wiki 21. Committe Manager

  • Postgraduate Management

22. Learning Management Systems 23. Presentations Manager 24. Example: 25. Presentations: 26. And many more


27. 28. 29. 30. 31.


32. 33. 34. Most Visible Results

  • Over 100 developers have participated in AVOIR.
  • Most of them got training either as interns (including me) or in a workshop set up.

35. Most of the AVOIR trained developers who have left, did so to 'greener' pastures. Lasting networks of developers 36. Challenges and Opportunities

  • Ownership
  • Failure to take ownership by all nodes
  • Creating business models

37. Strategic partnerships 38. Continuous human capacity development Qualified software developers

  • Lack to keep the best developers
  • Continous human capacity development

39. Buy-in from other developers, even leisure developers 40. Mentored interships 41. Challenges and Opportunities

  • Getting the required user-base to support development
  • Lack of use of software products developed.
  • Improving user satisfaction and experience

42. Proper marketing 43. Building for the users, involving them in the porcess 44. Progress I haveseen in government in theimplementation ofFOSS 45. What, in your opinion, can the South Africangovernment do to accelerate implementationof the Policy? Walk Talk the 46. Procurement strategies

  • Embrace freedom and openness

47. Consult widely (and the right people) 48. Strategic partnershipsWhat procurement strategies, in your opinion,can government implement to enable the useof FOSS in government? 49. Questions? Comments? 50. Thank You 51.

  • James Kariuki Njenga

52. Department of Information Systems 53. University of the Western Cape 54. Tel: 021 959 3243 55. Fax: 021 959 3522 56. Email: [email protected], [email protected] 57. Twitter: @karitz 58. Skype: carice2 59. With Thanks!

  • The huts, african village

60. Building pillars, barn 61. Networks, nodes 62. Foot prints

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