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PHONE: (03) 9589 2619 FAX: (03)9589 1957 Email: [email protected]


School Community Thank You. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed to the many programs and initiatives at Beaumaris Primary school throughout 2017. We appreciate your assistance and look forward to working with you all again next year. IMPORTANT: Working With Children Check Parents require a Working With Children Check if they are attending camp, excursions and volunteering in the school e.g. classroom reading, literacy groups, garden club, etc. Applying for a WWCC is done online and is free if you click on the volunteer category. A volunteer school worker is a person who without payment or reward voluntarily engages in: • School Council functions; • activities for the welfare of the school at the request of the Principal or School Council; • school work. To be a volunteer at a school a Working With Children Check card provided by the Department of Justice is required. This card is: • valid for 5 years • transferable between volunteer organisations • free of charge for volunteers, but cannot be used for paid employment. Please note: Parents need to have a WWCC card before they can volunteer or help in the classroom in 2018. Year 6 Graduation: The Year 6 students are busy finishing off their memory books reflecting on their time at Beaumaris Primary School and polishing their performances for graduation. We wish them the very best for their special evening on Monday the 18th. Final Step Up Day On Wednesday, we have our final step up session, with students meeting their class and teacher for 2018. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff, for their hard work in placing students for 2018. A huge amount of effort and consideration is put into this lengthy process. Your child will receive a letter from their new teacher, including a 2018 class list at the end of the meet the teacher session. Final Assembly Our final assembly for the year will be held on Friday 22 December commencing at 9:00am. We look forward to the opportunity to celebrate the 2017 school year and farewell our Year 6 students. Please come along to join us in this celebration of another fantastic school year. Dalgetty Road Disruptions Due to the Bayside City Council, Dalgetty Road Flood Mitigation Project, there will be disruptions to Dalgetty Road, as pipes will be delivered next week. These works will commence in January and are expected to be finalised by February.

DIARY DATES Please refer to term newsletters

for more detail on year level important dates:

SNACK SHACK Open Mondays, Wednesdays &

Fridays (excl. 1st & last day of term)

Monday 18 December Year 6 Graduation 6pm

Tuesday 19 December Year 3 CARP Production incursion

Year 6 Beach Day/Break Up Year 4 Life Saving/End of Year


Wednesday 20 December Step Up Day - Meet the Teacher

—————— Whole School Carols night 6-7pm

—————— Last day Snack Shack open

Thursday 21 December Year 6 Bike Ride

Friday 22 December Snack Shack closed, reopens 2018 End of Term 4—1.30pm dismissal

Tuesday 30 January Uniform Shop open

10am – 1pm

Thursday 1 February Term 1—students commence

Years 1-6 9am Prep 9.15am

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PHONE: (03) 9589 2619 FAX: (03)9589 1957 Email: [email protected]


Prep-2 Parents – Library books and Take Home Readers A reminder to all parents to please check at home for any overdue library books and take home readers. Students have been asked to return all books this week, however we are still missing quite a number from classrooms and the library. We understand that this is a busy time of year and sometimes school books can get mixed up with books at home, we ask that you please check your shelves at home for Beaumaris Primary School library books and take home readers and bring them back for other children to enjoy!

Louise Neave Acting Principal Village Cinemas Ticket Vouchers

With school holidays looming on the horizon we have stocked up on our Village Cinemas movie ticket vouchers. You can purchase your vouchers from the school office Adult $17.00 and Children $13.50. Simply redeem the vouchers in person at the cinema box office or you can also use them when booking your tickets on line, by entering the unique barcode of the ticket when making payment. We have some children’s tickets that expire on 31 December 2017 for $10 please call into the office for these tickets. All other tickets expire 31 July 2018 so you have plenty of time to use them or they make great gifts. You can purchase tickets via Qkr! and they

can be collected from the school office. We will not send tickets home with the children due to their monetary value. Sport Trials for 2018 Beaumaris Primary had a fantastic year in sport with Charlie Harrop (Football), Aiden McCarthy (Basketball) and Lulu Stansby (Hockey) representing the school in state teams. The details about opportunities like this can be found at the School Sport Victoria site (see below). You will be able to find out about the cost of trials, venues, training and cost estimates from SSV. If you have further questions please contact the sport office. School Sport Victoria State Team Trial Registrations are open; Australian Football, Netball, Basketball, Football (Soccer), Softball, Tennis, and Volleyball. These trail registrations close Thursday, 1 March 2018. You can find all the details via School Sport Victoria’s website. If you are looking for a document that details the process please download the Team Vic Online Registrations Process. This will give you all the information you need to know before registering. Library Thank you to everyone who have returned their books to the library. Borrowing books has now closed for the year and all books need to be returned immediately. Julia Jones Important information for Year 6 and exiting student’s parents. Access to Compass once your child has left Beaumaris Primary Once your child has left Beaumaris Primary School you will no longer be able to log into the Compass portal. This means you will not have access to your child's Semester 1 and 2 reports from 2016 or 2017. If you wish to have access to a digital copy in order to retain these for your future use, you will need to download and save the reports. Your child will become inactive on Compass at the end of the final school day of 2017 - 1.30pm on Friday 22 December. The Snack Shack Volunteer forms for next term must be in to the office by Wednesday 20 December as I will be completing and circulating the final draft to all volunteers the following day. Last day of trading will be Wednesday 20 December. Frozen yoghurts have returned and are now available for ordering. Frozen watermelon slices are not available any more until next term. Thank you, Ellie. The School Project This year we are supporting “The School Project” which is an initiative from Melbourne Homeless Collective which provides essential school items to children displaced by domestic violence. We would like to donate whatever new, unused stationery items we have in classrooms which our students haven’t used yet, such as pens, glue sticks and exercise books if parents are happy for this to happen. If you would prefer any unused items to be sent home with your child please let their teacher know by the end of next week. Used stationery will be packed and then collected by the Pencil's Community who send pencil packs to children in 15 different countries including Australia. What a lovely opportunity for our children to learn about being humanitarian and giving back to the world.

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PHONE: (03) 9589 2619 FAX: (03)9589 1957 Email: [email protected]



This week the Preps have been getting into the Christmas spirit. We have enjoyed decorating homemade gingerbread, creating our own wrapping paper and making special Christmas hats during Investigations! We are looking forward to our special Christmas lunch next week and singing 'Go Santa Go' at Christmas Carols next Wednesday night.

Year One (see next page)

Year Two It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! The Year 2s have consolidated several skills this last week. A letter was written to persuade Santa to employ us as elves, we wrote fabulous Christmas acrostic poems and we practised our transactional writing when we planned our letters to our parents. We also went to a basketball clinic so Michael Jordan may soon lose his reputation as the most well-known player! Competition is on its way!

Year Three

We are on the countdown to our Christmas Carol’s night. We have been practising our song that is sure to wow you! On Monday the Year 3’s enjoyed finding out a little bit more about what it will be like in Year 4. We have been doing Christmas activities that involve research, creating, making writing and drawing. Our letters to Santa will be completed this week.

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PHONE: (03) 9589 2619 FAX: (03)9589 1957 Email: [email protected]


Year One

The Year Ones have been busy doing some activities from Santa's Workshop. These activities include 'Compliment Presents' in 1V, 'What I would NOT like for Christmas' in 1C and a procedural report on 'How I put up my Christmas tree' in 1W. We can NOT wait until Christmas! Did you hear that Santa knows Karate? He has a black belt. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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PHONE: (03) 9589 2619 FAX: (03)9589 1957 Email: [email protected]


Year Four Wow…what a week we have had in Year 4. Last Friday the Year 4s and 21 parent helpers visited the Queen Victoria Market to buy produce for our Healthy Breakfast EXPO on Monday. The day was a huge successful with all students buying the necessary items on their shopping list. Thank you to all the parents that came along and assisted on the day. On Monday morning the students arrived bright and early to showcase their learning and delicious ‘healthy meal’ at the Healthy Breakfast EXPO. The students discussed the health benefits of their meal and how they prepared it. Also on Monday the students begun their Year 4 Bike Ed program with Mrs. Dale. Thanks to all the parents who offered their time to help out with the program as well as Mrs. Dale for her expertise in this area.

Year Five On Tuesday, the Year 5s had the ‘Bike Hike’ to celebrate the end of Bike Ed. They rode from school to Bicentennial Park in Chelsea. It was a fantastic day with perfect weather. As always, the students were extremely well behaved and we would like to thank all of the parents that assisted on the ride. This week we have also been having fun at Aspendale beach for the lifesaving program. The students have been involved in beach sprints, flags, boards and water safety. We would like to wish all families a safe and happy holiday and we will see everyone at the beginning of 2018!

Year Six This week the Year 6’s have participated in life saving. We have been doing all sorts of activities like survival swims (in shirts and pants) and learning about how to stay safe in the water. On Tuesday most of us attended a transition day at our new high school. We met our Year 7 teachers and found out a little bit more about what high school will be like. It was very exciting but also nerve-racking. Next week Year 6 will be super busy! On Monday evening we have our Graduation ceremony. We have been working very hard to get our writing for our Memory books finished. O n Tuesday we have a ‘Beach day’ and on Thursday we will be going on a ‘bike hike’ to Elwood.

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