Page 1: Flight Planning via the Internet - Jeppesen

Flight Planning via the Internet


Page 2: Flight Planning via the Internet - Jeppesen

Choose between Secure (SSL) and non-secure connection..

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Intuitive GUI access for simple flight plan requests.

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Advanced pages for more complex options. Access to most flight planning features Including ETOPS, Reclear, Tankering

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Option to validate inputs prior to generation of Flight Plans.

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View and Print Jeppesen’s Graphical Weather Maps.

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Retrieve Text Weather & Notams

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Manage Flight Plans and other transactions via the Dispatch Centre.

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View Plans, File ATC plans.

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Transmit Plans & Flight Brief via SITA, Arinc, AFTN, Fax and Email.

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Basic Route plots for quick checking of routes against ETOPs and other constraints

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Database Management

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Flight Planning Information Retrieval

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Enroute Charges Reports

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Context Sensitive Help Pages

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No Application Software Needed. Just Your Browser and a Connection to the Internet

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