
Five Effective Ways of Custom Office Furniture to Relieve Stressin Workplace

Mental stress during working hours is an ever increasing problem faced by employees today. It is quite unfortunate that despite taking utmost care when designing tasks and processes for each employee, modern organizations are not adequately able to address the problem of workplace stress. Sometimes, employees are under agonizing pressure due to myriad reasons like looming deadlines, office politics and technical troubles. Tensions arising from family and lifestyle problems also affect one’s mood at the work desk.

Although the issue needs to be addressed with a holistic approach, there are some very simple tactics to minimize workplace stress. One ofthe simplest tactics is the redesigning of office furniture. Custom designed office furniture can certainly prove to be a great stress relieverfor employees.

Here are five effective ways of custom office furniture to relieve stress in workplace


The office furniture must be flexible enough for the employee to use it in his/her own way. The height of the desk and chair need to be as adjustable as possible. Desks that allow for switching between sitting and standing postures while working at the same workstation might be a good idea as well.

Adequate storage

Ample space for sorting and storing objects needs to be provided. A cluttered work desk can disrupt a person’s mental clarity. It can also lead to feelings of claustrophobia. Ideal custom office furniture includesspacious drawers and cabinets where things can be stored with ease.

Paint it bright

The last but not the least, modern custom furniture needs to be paintedin colors which are soft and soothing to the eyes. Dark and dull colors

take away the joy of working. On the other hand, bright colors help in increasing the illumination and make the workstation look smart. Different colors can also have an impact on a person’s mental outlook; while some bright colors can enhance productivity, others can influencemood so use colors well to reduce stress at the workplace.

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