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F I V E D E A D L Y M A R K E T I N G S I N SThese are the most common and detrimental mistakes that medical

businesses make, and how to easily remedy them.

N E E D M O R E G R O W T H ?

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M I S T A K E # 1 Not knowing your true data & user behaviour

Know your figures, know your business.

These points are just as crucial as you knowing your financial data – as they affect

your sales and bottom line directly.

If you don’t know these, you’re flying without instruments.

Do you know quantifiable increases/

decreases of conversion rate (users

> enquiries) changes/additions on

your website are making?Do you know what percentage your

traffic increases/decreases due to

seasonal fluctuation and are you

using this to predict ahead of time?

Do you know the month on month,

quarter on quarter, and year on

year increases/decreases of each of the above?

Do you know what the conversion rate of

visitors to enquiries is across each traffic

source? IE- what percentage of your

website visitors are actually enquiring?Do you know what portion

of your traffic is coming

from which source?

Do you know which pages on your website that users

are most frequently exiting your site from?

The chances are you already have Google Analytics. But, do you actually use it or know how to use it properly?

Google Analytics is one of the best tools you can use for monitoring

traffic to your website.

You can see all of the figures right there in front of you; how many

website visitors you’ve had, where they are coming from and most

importantly, the percentage of those visitors that are enquiring in

your business.

You may think you can answer all of the above questions without using Google Analytics. But, you will find that most people are surprised when it comes down to the real figures. What you thought you knew goes completely out the window.

A lot of people underestimate what knowing your true figures can

do for a business. When it comes to monitoring the exact number of

people coming to your website and the percentage that are enquiring

into your business, Google Analytics is going to be your best friend.

Common misconceptions.


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M I S T A K E # 1 | Not knowing your true data & user behaviour CONTINUED

These aren’t just “cool figures” — this is data that evaluates what

marketing initiatives are working for you and which ones are not.

Crucially, they show you where your sources of new client acquisition

are and where you should be focusing on for the future.

All these numbers might sound complicated to calculate, but it

is all done for you and with only a few minutes of attention each

week, you can gain an invaluable insight into online acquisition and

the behaviour of your website users. Without Google Analytics, all

figures are just guesswork and that is not what business is about.

For example, in May 2017, a clinic was adamant to us that the majority of their traffic and enquiries came from social media. In fact, the real data showed that 69.1% of visitors came from Organic Search Traffic and only 3.4% came from social media — their gut feeling of where their clients were coming from couldn’t have been more wrong.

We have found that after dealing with hundreds of clinics, over 95

per cent of them do not monitor their website figures and statistics;

in fact, an amazing 80 per cent have never even logged into Google

Analytics before. If you don’t have the time or ability to look at these

figures by yourself, all is not lost. You can get someone who has the

time and knowhow to do it for you.

So, the questions to ask yourself is where do most of your leads

come from? Is it your social media and your SEO or perhaps it is

your magazine ads and referrals? If you don’t know the numbers with

accuracy, it is time you start using Google Analytics.

The Google



Here is a real example of how this tool can help your business. We were engaged by a clinic in Perth to use our

expertise to increase their level of enquiries. They had implemented highly aggressive SEO strategies, as well as

paid marketing measures, though they had a lot of room for growth. The measures they had in place were successful,

but there was still a lot more opportunity.

By using Google Analytics and closely observing user behaviour, we were able to map out a “critical path” that

users could follow to convert. By implementing the best conversion practice measures into their new website,

created using actual user activity and behavioural data, we more than TRIPLED the clinics enquiries overnight.

It is all about using real data, not your gut feelings.

Real-world example

3xincrease in enquiries

Don’t rely on the reports you receive from your agency - know the figures for yourself.

We’ve seen our fair share of horror stories of clinics receiving reports that have an endless list of green arrows and ticks- when in fact the true figures

show minimal to zero (sometimes negative) growth.


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It’s a figure that rivals your traffic count in terms of importance. Why isn’t this being focused on? Why isn’t it front & centre of clinic marketing focus?

Your website can generate all of the traffic and views to be the most

popular site on the web. But, without an optimal conversion rate, all

people are doing is visiting then leaving.

You have got to implement the right marketing measures to make

them stay and encourage customers to enquire with you when they

are on your website. This way, traffic results in revenue- not just


In marketing talk, a conversion rate is the percentage of your website

viewers who are fulfilling a “goal” that is set; most of the time this

means enquiring and booking an appointment, or even calling you to

find out more about your services. In other words, conversion rates

are the most important figure when it comes to successful marketing.

“I don’t need to know my conversion rate, we’re getting enough enquiries” Wrong!

“Traffic levels are

more important than

conversion rate”


“I want more enquiries,

the first thing I should look

at is getting more traffic”


“The most important thing for our clinic website is for it to be beautiful” Wrong!

M I S T A K E # 2 Not being aware of, or not working towards increasing website conversion rate

Conversion rate is the most crucial figure that dictates how good your ROI is on

your marketing.

Having traffic on your site with a low conversion rate is like having a store filled with people who aren’t

buying anything.

Do these sound like you?


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Clinic A had spent several times as much on online marketing (and several times the traffic) than Clinic B had done, yet Clinic B gained more enquires because they paid great attention to their conversion rate.

Market smart, not hard.

(Clinic A) that has not had CRO performed before who has over 10,021

monthly visitors, but only a 0.8% conversion rate.

Real Clinic A

10,021 Visitors

0.8% Conversion of

10,021 visitors

80 Enquiries p/mth

Real Clinic B

(Clinic B) who has had CRO done to their website has only 2,996 monthly

visitors to the site and but has a 3.4% conversion rate.

2,996 Visitors

3.4% Conversion of

2,996 visitors

102 Enquiries p/mth

Improving your conversion rate is by far the quickest and easiest

way to increase your inbound enquiries.

In regards to website conversion rates, we have seen it all. We have analysed the data and

statistics for hundreds of clinics, so we are knowledgeable on what benchmarks for conversion

rates look like. We see conversion rates for clinic websites ranging from 0.05 per cent (extremely

poor) up to eight per cent in some cases (incredible). There are a variety of contributing factors for

this, including traffic relevance and acquisition source through to website speed and content.

But, the commanding factor is website design and the use of best practices when it comes to

conversion rate optimisation (CRO).

We have observed old and bland websites that produce amazing conversion rates, just as we have

seen stunning websites create horrendous rates. It is apparent that very few agencies know the

ropes when it comes to CRO. That is why it is important to find someone qualified and experienced

to do this for you, if you don’t know a lot about conversion rates yourself.

Not sure how to work out your true website conversion rate?

Ask us and we’ll perform a conversion analysis free of charge for you with a

full report & action list of how to make improvements.

0%—1% 1%—2% 2%—3% 3%–4% 4+%

Extremely Poor Average Good Fantastic Exceptional

where do you sit?

M I S T A K E # 2 | Not being aware of, or not working towards increasing website conversion rate CONTINUED

Conversion rate example Real clinics, Real examples.


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M I S T A K E # 3 Slow Enquiry Response Time

You know what they say; strike while the iron is hot. This also applies to your website and your enquiry response time. Just five minutes can be the difference between a client looking and a client booking.

When we have asked clients about their enquiry response time, a

lot of them respond with something along the lines of; “we always

contact our leads within five to ten minutes”. Yet, when we use our

tracking systems to capture the average response time on their

website, it is never accurate. In fact, it’s rare to see an average

enquiry response time of less than 30 minutes for clinics which don’t

have tracking systems in place to gather these metrics.

Be the first responder.

Whether you like it or not, potential new clients are shopping around and most often

enquiring with multiple clinics.

“Do you want the best chances of converting them into a patient? Be the

first responder, not the 2nd or 3rd”


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A study conducted by the sales acceleration program

with Dr James Oldroyd, discovered that:

From this you can see that timing really is everything.

If you do not have measures in place to track your response time

data, there are countless products available online and many of them

are free. This can track inbound and outbound responses and the

time between them, which will give you an accurate and transparent

internal report. You have got to make sure your statistics are

measured, not estimated.

It is important to remember that SEO, SEM and social media

campaigns are great at producing leads. But, the trust cost per new

client acquisition far exceeds what it should be unless those leads

are given the attention that they deserve.

M I S T A K E # 3 | Slow Enquiry Response Time CONTINUED

The odds of successfully getting in contact with a lead decreases by over ten times in the first hour of receiving their online inquiry.

10xfirst hour



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Sending reports with jargon and green arrows that don’t actually represent any real progress.

Disclosing all figures in an Adwords campaign OTHER than the most important which is COST PER ACQUISITION (which if they aren’t emphasising on it, they’re hiding it).

Performing hopeless campaigns in

general, which the only true gains are a

small handful of non-competitive and low

volume keywords (which are magnified in

reports to give the appearance of success)

“Our online marketing agency is telling us that

our campaigns are doing really well”

Have you done your own figures to support this and quantify

lead costs for each acquisition source?

“We get 100 enquiries a month with a online

marketing spend of $2000 a month, this

means our cost-per-lead for our online

marketing is $20 a lead.”


Claiming natural clinic growth from

referrals and other ATL advertising to be

caused by them.

Don’t trust your agency - (This may sound odd coming from us, an agency).

We see TOO MANY reports which clinics show us that put them under the impression that

they’re kicking goals… when in fact it’s quite the opposite.

M I S T A K E # 4 Not knowing your true cost-per-lead, and the true success your online

marketing agency is producing for you.

This doesn’t scratch the surface. Clinics are getting ripped off by digital agencies left and right every day, being fed reports

that give a false sense of success.

Know your figures.

Do you think the cost per lead is accurately calculated by dividing your marketing spend by the amount of leads you receive? Well, unfortunately this is wrong.

Read on to see a real-life example of what you should NOT do.


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This year, we encountered a reputable and

well-known clinic paying a major, national

marketing agency $30,000 per month for

PPC/Adwords marketing, or $360,000 per


In return, they performed 15 specialised

procedures each month. The clinic

quantified their CPA (cost per acquisition/

procedure) at $2,000 per patient.

Aside from the fact that for a cost per lead

to be this exorbitant- the campaign would

have to be running at an EXTREMELY poor

efficiency, here is what they didn’t consider

in this equation.

They are the best-known clinic in their

field, as well as in the country and their

name is synonymous with the procedure,

with search volumes in the hundreds each

month. In addition, they receive referrals

from patients very frequently. These

two points would provide enquiries of

an extremely high converting nature and

would most likely produce the majority of

enquiries which eventuate into procedures.

Long story short, the clinic was under the impression that all of their procedures were a result of this campaign, when in fact most of them would have resulted from the clinics stellar reputation.

With the above points taken into account,

how many of those 15 procedures per

month would have originated via referrals

or would have found the clinic based on its

stellar reputation? A conservative estimate

would be 10, meaning that five came from

the Adwords advertising (an extremely

poor performing campaign) giving a true

CPA of $6,000 per procedure. We can all

agree that this is too expensive.

That is why it is important to accurately

break down your true CPA and segment

costs based on marketing initiative. Always

know the difference between your SEO

CPA, PPC CPA and FB CPA. Balance the

figures and know what each lead truly

costs you.

Aside from what this clinic SHOULD have

been paying per-lead ($50-$100), they

didn’t know their true cost-per-lead for

their campaign. Adwords is a powerful

and incredible tool if used correctly- if not

used correctly, money can be wasted at an

alarming rate.


Note: A cost per lead and a cost per client are 2 different figures. Ensure you’re calculating these independently.

If you would like a confidential, comprehensive, complimentary and honest

analysis and appraisal of your online marketing.

Contact Azuri and we’ll do it on the house. No cost, no obligation.

We see it all to often- online marketing agencies taking

advantage of the fact that you’re not an online expert (and usually

taking advantage via direct debit).

M I S T A K E # 4 | Not knowing your true cost-per-lead, and the true success your online marketing agency is producing for you. CONTINUED

* Before performing any analysis on a clinic's figures, we execute an NDA to ensure confidence of the security of all clinic's data. Your figures are safe with us.


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M I S T A K E # 5 Not knowing that the devil is in the detail.

If you think that small adjustments and minor changes are not worth your attention, you are very wrong. In fact, it can make a monumental difference.

Any improvements to a call to action (CTA) colour or placement,

variation of adjective choice or tense for a header phrase can make

a difference for your website. In addition, the inclusion of new

features such as live chat, click to call functions, translation tools or

improving your load time all account for between a 0.01 per cent and

0.75 per cent conversion increase. If this doesn’t sound like much to

you, consider this; if a 1.5 per cent conversion rate is increased by

0.75 per cent that means your enquiries rise by 30 per cent.

The captivating part of this is that these points mentioned are only

scratching the surface when it comes to conversion rate optimisation.

There is so much more that can be done to improve your website.

“A 1% to a 2% increase of my website conversion rate doesn’t

sound like much.”Wrong, this will double your

current enquiries. How achievable is this? Simple.


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The above actions and results far exceed

the benchmark of doubling the number of

enquiries received. By initially optimising

Google text (wording that appear when

a Google search is performed and your

website displayed) it can easily grow the

click through rate (a conversion of viewers

who view the ad to clicking the ad) from 10

per cent to 15 per cent, increasing traffic

from the ad by per cent.

The remaining basic adjustments to the

website deliver a combined 75 per cent

increase in on-site conversion rates of

viewer > enquiry.

To improve the success of your website,

make sure that someone attends to these

conversion points, as well as the hundreds

of other contributing conversion rate

optimisation factors that can be used. This

is proven to grow your business instantly

By employing a comprehensive, yet precise approach to marketing,

you can identify opportunities for improvement. This can be

achieved by breaking down each aspect into a granular form.

Below is a hypothetical, but realistic example (using common

benchmarked figures in a conservative capacity) of how dramatic

improvements can be if every factor is taken seriously:

M I S T A K E # 5 | Not knowing that the devil is in the detail CONTINUED

Conversion rate example

Web Traffic (Per/Month)

Conversion Rate

Enquiries (Per/Month)

1000 1.5% 15 epm

2000 1.5% 30 epm

3000 1.5% 45 epm

4000 1.5% 60 epm

5000 1.5% 75 epm

Before Optimisations

Speed Optimised

CTA Optimisation with AB testing

Intro of automated conversion aids

Click Through Rate Increase

17 epm 19 epm 23 epm 35 epm

34 epm 37 epm 46 epm 70 epm

51 epm 56 epm 70 epm 104 epm

68 epm 74 epm 93 epm 139 epm

84 epm 93 epm 116 epm 174 epm

Enquiries After Optimisations

Live chat introduced to website

1.5% 2% Website Conversion Rate

Website speed optimised

2% 2.25% Website conversion rate

Call to action optimisation based on AB testing

2.25% 2.5% Website conversion rate

Google listing A/B-tested & optimised for to discovered data

10% 15% Click through rate

Note: epm = enquiries per month

Conversion rate of

users seeing your ad/

listing, to clicking on

your ad/listing

1Conversion rate of

users visiting your site,

to users enquiring on

your site

2Conversion rate of

enquiries that eventuate

into bookings.














2% – 3%


1% — 2%


0% — 1%

Extremely Poor

3% — 4%




The 3 conversion pointsFrom initial impression to lead acquisition.


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We are given access to your Google Analytics, copies of your previous marketing reports, and a breakdown of your current marketing initiatives.


We analyse the information and data provided in great depth, using the vast amount of information provided by Google Analytics, our own analytical tools- and our years of experience.


We extrapolate successes, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with your marketing from the data and information at hand.


We give you an honest and comprehensive appraisal of the initiatives undertaken by your agency


We provide you with a true cost-per lead for your various procedures.


We provide you with a comprehensive list of opportunities for improvement, and the to-do list to execute them.

We’ll give you an honest, comprehensive, transparent and confidential appraisal of your marketing figures and data to give you some true insights — and it won’t cost you a cent.

We’ll analyse and give an honest opinion on the progress of all your marketing efforts - for as long back as your data allows us to.

Find out the truth behind your figures

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