  • First Parish Church, Congregational On the Village Green

    Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts

    Rev. Dr. Marlayna Schmidt, Interim Pastor

    Donald R. Dunn, Director of Music-Organist

    Jessica Skidmore, Christian Ministry Coordinator

    Tori Potter, Sexton

    Nancy Klebart, Office Manager


    [email protected]

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    Sunday, July 29, 2018, 9:00 a.m.

    PRELUDE: Canon in D Major (piano)

    by Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706)



    (adapted from Whole People of God curriculum)

    Leader: The world has billions of inhabitants.

    People: Yet God says to us, “I know you and I love you.”

    Leader: The societies of this world assign numbers and categories;

    People: God says, “I know you by name.”

    Leader: The values of this world count our worth in dollars and cents;

    People: God says, “Priceless.”

    All: We are not strangers any longer. God, who loves us each and

    every one, welcomes us home.

    *HYMN: “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” PH #228 blue

    PRAYER OF APPROACH AND CONFESSION (adapted from Whole People of God curriculum)

    Leader: O God, you love us and long for our return. Forgive us when

    we forget to turn to you in our need.

    All: There are no limits to your love. (You are invited to stretch your

    arms out wide.)

    Leader: Forgive us for worshiping the false gods of money, power, and


    All: There are no limits to your love. (Stretch arms out wide.)

    Leader: Forgive us for hurting one another.

    All: There are no limits to your love. (Stretch arms out wide.)

    Leader: Forgive us for saying we love you and yet failing to act on that


    All: There are no limits to your love. (Stretch arms out wide.)

    Leader: This summer, remind us once again, O God, to love you with

  • our whole hearts.

    All: There are no limits to your love. (Stretch arms out wide.)

    THE LORD'S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on

    earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we

    forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

    For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen.

    *GLORIA PATRI: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is

    now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen



    Questions to the Parents and Godparents

    Question to the Congregation

    Baptism and Prayer

    Presentation by the Deacons

    *HYMN: “Jesus Loves Me” NCH #327 black


    SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 15:11-32

    Then Jesus said, “There was a man who had two sons. The younger of

    them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the property that

    will belong to me.’ So he divided his property between them. A few

    days later the younger son gathered all he had and traveled to a distant

    country, and there he squandered his property in dissolute living. When

    he had spent everything, a severe famine took place throughout that

    country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to

    one of the citizens of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed the

    pigs. He would gladly have filled himself with the pods that the pigs

    were eating; and no one gave him anything. But when he came to

    himself he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired hands have bread

    enough and to spare, but here I am dying of hunger! I will get up and go

    to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven

  • and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me

    like one of your hired hands.”’ So he set off and went to his father. But

    while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with

    compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. Then

    the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before

    you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to

    his slaves, ‘Quickly, bring out a robe—the best one—and put it on him;

    put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. And get the fatted calf

    and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and

    is alive again; he was lost and is found!’ And they began to celebrate.

    “Now his elder son was in the field; and when he came and approached

    the house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the slaves and

    asked what was going on. He replied, ‘Your brother has come, and your

    father has killed the fatted calf, because he has got him back safe and

    sound.’ Then he became angry and refused to go in. His father came

    out and began to plead with him. But he answered his father, ‘Listen!

    For all these years I have been working like a slave for you, and I have

    never disobeyed your command; yet you have never given me even a

    young goat so that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this son

    of yours came back, who has devoured your property with prostitutes,

    you killed the fatted calf for him!’ Then the father said to him, ‘Son,

    you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. But we had to

    celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has

    come to life; he was lost and has been found.’”

    STORY SERMON: “Sharing in Forgiveness”


    OFFERTORY: Air from Orchestral Suite No. 3 (flute)

    by J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

    *DOXOLOGY: Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below, Praise God

    above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


  • *HYMN: “Day by Day” from Godspell

    by Stephen Schwartz (b. 1948)

    Day by day (repeat 2x)

    O Dear Lord, three things I pray: to see thee more clearly, love

    thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, day by day (repeat 2x)

    Day by day by day by day by day.

    *[The “Removal of the Flame”, which symbolizes the Spirit of God accompanying

    us out into the world]


    POSTLUDE: What A Wonderful World (piano)

    by George David Weiss (1921-2010) & Bob Thiele (1922-1996)

    * * * * *

    After the service join us in the front of the church for hospitality.

    The greeter and lay reader is Jen Powers.

    The Deacons are Barbara Smith and Lynda Griffiths.

    Receiving the Sacrament of Baptism this morning are;

    Carson John Benoit, born March 18, 2018 in Manchester, CT. Carson is

    the son of Abigail and Jesse Benoit. Godparents are Molly Melanson

    and Sean Hurley.

    Townsend Shepherd Parsons, V, born July 27th, 2017 in Midlothian,

    VA. Townsend is the son of Sarah and Shep Parsons. Godparents are

    Rachel Frye and William Moncure.

    Welcome to all who are new to our worship. To join our mailing list fill

    out a “Welcome Card” to place in the collection plate or contact

    [email protected], 978-526-7661 ext 1.

    Readers and greeters are always needed, to volunteer speak to the

    Deacons, or you can also sign up online.

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  • Please welcome our Guest Musician, Bonnie Anderson, this

    morning. Bonnie Anderson made her debut with the Boston Symphony

    Orchestra at age 14, first as flute soloist and several months later as

    piano soloist in the Grieg Piano Concerto. She has performed on both

    instruments in the United States, France, Germany and South America.

    A frequent soloist, she has appeared with the Boston Pops, Peoria

    Symphony, Bach Society Orchestra of Harvard University, Northern

    Illinois Philharmonic and the Bach Festival Orchestra. Ms. Anderson’s

    honors include the Young Pianist Award at Tanglewood, top prizes at

    the Young Keyboard Artists Association International Competition and

    the San Antonio International Keyboard Competition, as well as

    competitor in the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. As

    chamber pianist, she has performed in Alice Tully Hall, Jordan Hall, the

    Austrian Embassy in Washington, D.C., the Shalin Liu Concert Hall in

    Rockport, MA and numerous universities around the country. She

    enjoys collaborating with members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra,

    Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, New York

    Philharmonic and National Symphony Orchestra. She performed on the

    Nantucket Musical Arts Society Concert Series with Branford Marsalis

    and the Walden Chamber Players. Ms. Anderson recently released her

    debut solo recording, featuring piano music by Bach, Mozart, Chopin,

    Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Ravel and Ned Rorem. Her recording of music

    for trumpet and piano with Joseph Foley was released in 2014. She

    joined the piano faculty at Phillips Andover Academy in September

    2012. She lives in Manchester-by-the-Sea with her husband and two


    FPCC CARE TEAM Have you shared the experience?

    We support FPC families with meals, rides, & visits through

    times of illness and loss. Please contact Sue Pick

    ([email protected] or 978-548-0145) if you would like to

    share your ideas, time, and talents with the FPC Care Team.

    Listening devices are available for those in need; they are at the back of

    the Sanctuary. Feel free to address a Deacon should you need help.

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  • Cut flowers from your garden would be most welcome

    this summer for the church altar on Sunday

    mornings. The arrangement does not need to be

    large. Call Penny to donate, 978-526-7128.

    MY STORY We each have unique journeys of faith. One

    way to deepen our understanding of them is to share our

    stories with each other.

    Once per month, the Vitality Committee welcomes one of

    you to share your faith journey during Sunday service in

    brief 2 to 3 minute remarks. We hope you will consider sharing

    yours. A simple way to organize your thoughts is to answer these 3


    1. What is your early faith history? (1 minute)

    2. How did you come to First Parish Church? What is meaningful to

    you about your participation? (1 minute)

    3. Can you share a specific moment of faith, an experience of divine

    intervention or God's or Jesus' presence in your life? (1 minute)

    We are eager to hear your faith stories! Please talk with Mary Ellen

    Cook 978-526-7178 or Allison Moir-Smith 978-526-1904 to learn more.

    BOOK GROUP We continue with a summer read “Leaving

    Before the Rain Comes” by Alexandra Fuller. Looking to

    rebuild after a painful divorce, Alexandra Fuller turns to her

    African past for clues to living a life fully and without fear.

    A child of the Rhodesian wars and of two deeply complicated parents,

    Alexandra Fuller is no stranger to pain. But the disintegration of

    Fuller’s own marriage leaves her shattered. Looking to pick up the

    pieces of her life, she confronts tough questions about her past, about

    the American man she married, and about the family she left behind in

    Africa. Fuller soon realizes that what is missing from her life is

    something that was always there: the brash and uncompromising ways

    of her father. “Tim Fuller of No Fixed Abode”—familiar to readers

    from Alexandra Fuller’s New York Times–bestselling memoir Don’t

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  • Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight—was a man who regretted nothing and

    wanted less, even after fighting harder and losing more than most men

    could bear. Amazon

    Mary Ellen Cook will be hosting the next book group, Monday, Sept.

    24, 6:30 pm at 23 Harold St. Manchester. Please RSVP to Mary Ellen at

    978-526-7178 so she can plan accordingly. All are welcome!

    STEWARDSHIP New date and location! Thank

    you for pledging Beach Party! Today, Sunday, July

    29 at 5 PM. At Tuck’s Point! Bonfire, simple

    supper, First Parish Fizzels, body surfing, sand castle

    contest, fellowship and fun.

    Bring a beach chair and a bathing suit.

    RSVP to Mary Ellen 978-526-7178.

    VITALITY Festival by the Sea will be

    Saturday, August 4th. This is a great

    opportunity for our church to open its doors and

    welcome all to FPC both inside and out. We

    need volunteers for 2 hour blocks of time; 9-11

    AM, 11 AM - 1 PM, 1-3 PM, 3-5 PM. We will

    have people inside to greet visitors and chat and

    oversee sidewalk chalk art. Please see Allison or Mary Ellen to sign up.

    This is a lot of fun and an easy mission to our community of


    MISSIONS Weekly Food Donations When you go to church Sunday

    mornings remember to take one item that can be donated to Open Door

    through the food basket placed in the Narthex. It is easy to forget, but

    you can think ahead and bring one food item that will be much

    appreciated by folks who really need our help.

    This Green Church on the Green knows

    Our Missions Include RECYCLING ...

    When we are done with something

    - Recycle, - Redeem at Redemption Center

    - Re-use or - Compost in the Good Earth


    END OF THE SUMMER Do you feel called to serve? First Parish

    will soon begin the process of searching for a new pastor. Council

    agreed that ideal criteria for serving on the committee include: regular

    church attendance, positive outlook, good listening and synthesizing of

    information skills, not being shy about speaking up in meetings, and

    looking to God for guidance. Further, the chair of the

    committee should have strong organization, motivation, and computer


    Our hope is to create a cohesive committee that is representative of our

    faith community with a balanced mix of ages, gender, family contexts,

    and theological perspectives, and with a shared commitment to the

    future of our church. Once the search starts, it will likely take six to nine

    months. The main components of the work include developing

    interview questions that help us assess whether a candidate would be a

    good match for our values, purpose, and vision; reading through

    candidates’ profiles; deciding who to interview; conducting interviews;

    and then recommending a candidate to the congregation. The committee

    will meet once or twice a month to prayerfully work through their tasks,

    and individuals will be expected to read candidates’ profiles in between

    meetings. There may also be a few visits to other churches to hear

    candidates preach. Our UCC Area Minister, Rev. Wendy Vander Hart,

    will help guide the committee through the search process, and Rev.

    Marlayna can be a guide as well—but only on the process itself, not in

    the choosing of candidates.

    If you feel that serving God in this capacity might be a natural fit for

    your talents and interests, or if there is someone you would like to

    nominate who would also be a good fit, then please feel welcome to

    speak with, or to email church moderator, Nancy Peterson

    [email protected]. (Note: As a balanced mix of various

    components is required, not all people who volunteer for the committee

    may be appointed to serve.)

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    Building on our four congregational meetings in the Vision Process, we

    (the Transition Team) have drafted a Vision Statement, which the

    congregation voted to affirm at our Annual Meeting. With the

    congregation’s blessing, the Vision Statement will be used to form the

    basis of a strategic plan, which the Executive Committee and Council

    will put together in the fall of 2018. Once a strategic plan (with goals

    and objectives) has taken shape, it will be presented to a “special

    meeting” of the congregation for approval.

    We (the Transition Team) are also using the information we have

    gathered from the Vision Process to help form our “Church Profile,”

    which is the document used in the search for a new settled

    pastor. We plan to have the Church Profile done by the end of July.

    Thank you for keeping our church’s Vision Process in your prayers!

    Your Transition Team (Paul Driscoll, Lauren Gudonis, Mary Lumsden,

    Jeff Parker, Jason Smith, Lelly Smith)

    Church Council minutes, Congregational Meeting minutes and

    documents can be found online.

  • Upcoming events can be found on our website

    ( ) under “News” and “Calendar” and on our

    Facebook page (First Parish Manchester-by-the-Sea) under “Events”



    10:00 AM COA Yoga

    10:00 AM Staff Meeting


    10:00 AM Health Clinic


    8:00 AM Yoga


    Manchester by the Sea Arts Festival

    9:00 Open House @ Church & Sidewalk Art


    10:00 AM Worship

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