Page 1: First aid survival guide


CONTENTSFirst Aid PrioritiesDangerInfection Prevention & ControlCardio-Pulmonary ResuscitationBreathTypes of FractureFracture RecognitionTypes of BurnHospitialisationChokingChoking treatmentHeat Exhuastion


• Asses a situation• Protect yourself• Prevent cross infection• Comfort and reassure• Asses the casualty• Give early treatment• Arrange for appropriate help

Before you approach a casualty, consider the following:Saftey - What are the dangers and do they still exist - Are you wearing the protective equipment - Is it safe for you to approachScene- What factors are involved at the incident?- What are the mechanisms of injury- How many casualties are there- What are the potential injuriesSituations- What happened


Ways to minimise the risk of cross infection

• Do wash your hands • Do cover cuts and grazes on your hands with wa-

terproof plasters• Do not breathe, cough or sneeze over a wound

whilst treating a casualty


With an unconscious (non breathing) casualty, your priorities are to:• Maintain an open airway• Breathe for the casualty• Maintain blood circulationThis can be achieved by performing cardio-pulmonaryresuscitation (CPR) which involves giving:• Chest compressions• Rescue breaths


Normal Adult Breathing Rate: 12-16 bpm. There are four things to consider when assessing a casualty’s breathing.Rate - Count the number of braths per minute (bpm)Depths - Are the breaths deep or shallowEase - Are the breaths easy, difficult or painfulNoise - Is the breathing quiet or noisy? If noisy, what are the types of noise

• Pain• Deformity, swelling and bruising• Difficulty in moving the area• Shortening, bend or twist of a limb• Crepitus-A coarse grating of bone ends that can

be heard or felt by the casualty• A wound, possibly with bone ends protruding


Stable Fracture• A stable fracture occurs when the broken bone oc-

curs when the broken bone ends do not move.• Such injuries are common at the wrist, shoulder, an-

kle and hip.Unstable facture• In an unstable fracture, the broken bone ends can

easily that there may be damage to blood vessels, nerves and organs around the injury.

Types of BurnDry Burn • Flames contact with hot objectsScalds• Steam, hot liquids• Electrical Burn• High and low voltage currents, lightingCold Burn• Frost bite, contact with freezing vapourChemical Burn• Industrial chemicals, domestic chemicals• Radiation Burn

• Sun burn, over exposure to UV or X-Rays


If the casualty is a child, seek further medical assistance or arrange transport to hospital, regardlessof how small the burn appears

If the casualty in an adult, transport to hospital should be arranged for:• All full thickness burns• All burns involving the face, hands, feet or genitals• All burns that extend around an arm or leg• All partial - thickness burns affecting 1% of the

body surface• Burns comprising a mixed pattern of varying depths


A foreign object that is stuck at the back of the throat or cause muscular spasm.

Young children especially are prone to choking. A child may choke on food or may put small objects into their mouth and cause a blockage of the air-way.

If the blockage of the area is mild, the casualty should be able to clear it , if it is severe they will be unable to speak, cough, or breath and will evental-ly lose consciousness

choking treatment for adult or child

Your aims are to remove the obstruction and to arrange ur-gent removal to hospital if necessary. If obstruction is mild:• Encourage them to continue coughing• Remove any obvious obstruction from the mouthIf the obstruction is severe:• Give up to five back blows• Check the mouth and remove any obvious obstruction

Heat Exhaustion

Heat Exhaustion occurs when a person becomes dehydrat-ed and the body produces more heat than it can cope with

It usually develops gradually and often affects people who are not acclimatised to hot, humid conditions.

Some non-prescription drugs (e.g. Ecstasy) can affect the body’s temperature regulation system and when combined with the exertion of dancing in a warm club environment, can result in heat exhaustion

Heat Stroke

Heatstroke is caused by a failure in the ‘thermostat’in the brain which functions to regulate body temperature

The body becomes dangerously overheated and cannot be cooled by normal regulatory mechanisms (e.g. sweating)

Heatstroke can develop with little warning, resulting in un-consciousness within mintues of the casualty feeling unwell

Call 999 for Emergency

Page 2: First aid survival guide

AirwayHead tilt, chin lift.

BreathingLook listen and feel for 10 secs.

CPRGive 30 chest compressions

Rescue BreathsGive 2 rescue breathsand repeat CPR

• Move the casualty away from the cause of the burns• Help the casulty to sit/lie down.• Flood the burn with cold liquid for a minimum of 10 minutes.• If possible, remove any restricting jewellery or clothing• Cover the injured layer with cling film and secure with tape.• Treat for shock if necessary.• Arrange urgent transport to hospital if necessary.

Heat exhaustion• If possible, move the casualty to a cool shaded

area• Lie the casualty down and raise and support

their legs to improve blood flow to the brain• Encourage the casualty to rehydrate• Monitor and record the casulty’s condition• If you suspect the condition has developed to

heat stroke. Seek medical advice immediatley.Heat stroke• Quickly move the casualty to a cool area and

remove as much clothing as possible • Call 999 for Emergency help• Wrap the casualty in a cold wet sheet until

their temperature returns to normal (37.5C)• Keep the sheet wet and cool by continually

pouring cold water over it• Monitor and record the casualty’s condition

• Advise the casualty• Immobilise the joints below and above the fracture site• Place padding around the injury for extra support• For firmer support, secure the injured part to an unnaffected

part of the body (using slings or broad-fold bandages)• Treat for shock if necessary • Arrange transport to hospital• Monitor and record vital signs

Lean the person forward slighlty and stand behind him or her.

Make a fist with one hand. Put your arms around the person and grasp your fist with your other hand near the top of the stomach, just below the centre of the rib cage.

Make a quick hard move-mentinward and upward

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