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Allysia Trindade

Honors Seminar

Robert Arnold

1 Dec 2012

Final Reflective Essay

Throughout the course of a lifetime, we will face many changes both good

and bad. We must learn to adapt, to blossom, and to burst out of our cocoons to face

the challenges that life sends our way. Like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, I

have made the transition from a small town high school girl into a diligent college


On the first day of class, I was frightened and slightly overwhelmed. Afraid of

getting lost or ending up in the wrong classroom, I clutched my schedule and my

map tightly as I walked through the halls of the unfamiliar buildings. This place was

to be my school, my home one hundred and some miles away from home, and I

knew absolutely nothing about it. Compared to the fear of arriving in the wrong

classroom or having chosen the wrong classes in general, adjusting to sharing my

space with three other people seemed to be the least of my worries. Over time, these

worries faded, and I became comfortable in my new surroundings and began to

forge friendships. I began to adapt to the workload and find my college rhythm. The

assignments did not seem so bad once I learned to time manage and prioritize

effectively. I learned to stick by a strict schedule and to discipline myself into

abiding by it. I conquered my fear of speaking to people that I did not know, and I

now pride myself in the ability to strike up a conversation with anyone who

approaches me. The interview profile paper was one of the first assignments that

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really forced me to sit down with someone other than my roommates and have a

long, informational conversation. At first, I was nervous about meeting my partner,

but after a few minutes we began to have an actual conversation instead of strictly

answering the questions for our papers. I began as a caterpillar and then I broke out

of my cocoon to learn things about myself that I never would have guessed. I know

that I have the confidence to meet new people and make new friends, the ability to

do well under stress, and the determination to do the best I can no matter what the

circumstances may be.

I attended the small discussion with Warren St. John, the author of Outcasts

United, and during the talk he mentioned the parallel that one could draw between

the refugees in his book to freshman year of college. This idea intrigued me, and so I

continued to think more about the metamorphosis that the refugees made when

they came to America and how that could possibly be anything like the changes that

I had to overcome when beginning my year at UNC Charlotte. The boys came to the

United States from a dark and depressing past, and many of the came from war torn

countries or without their entire families. They were forced to adapt in an

environment where they were not tolerated or welcomed with open arms. The

entire world of the refugees was changed and the boys were forced to learn to

function in a new society on their own. Some of them chose the wrong paths, while

others strived to educate themselves and to provide for their families. The refugees

made the transition from young boys to young men with the aid of Luma, their

coach, who kept them motivated and on the right track. The boys came to rely on

each other and forged many unexpected friendships. Much like the Honors Program

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was there for me, the refugees had a soccer team that brought them all together. The

boys learned to conquer their differences while striving towards a common goal: to

be their best. The University Honors Program contains many talented and intelligent

individuals, every one of them striving to have the brightest future possible.

Together, we learned to coexist in an extremely diverse community and we are all

united in our quest to better ourselves through a higher education.

This first semester of college has been an extremely valuable learning

experience. Not only have I absorbed new knowledge from countless lectures and

readings, but I have also learned plenty about myself in the process. I have

discovered a new level of self-confidence and independence. I have transitioned into

an environment where I am wholly responsible for my actions and I alone must deal

with the consequences. I no longer have my parents around or my friends from high

school for support or help. I am ready to spread my wings as a butterfly and to set

sail for a bright and successful future. I am ready to reach unimaginable heights and

face all of the challenges ahead of me.

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