
• In September 28 of 2013,

Shichung a 40 year old monk

self immolated resulting in

death. This was in protest

against the Chinese. But do the

two kids he left behind think so

honorably of their father?

• An 18-year old monk called

Kunchok Sonam set himself

on fire on July 20 and died

outside his monastery in

Dzoege, Ngaba, where the

crackdown has been among

the most intense in Tibetan

areas. Kunchok Sonam was

regarded as ‘exceptional’ in

his studies. He had told

friends that living under

Chinese rule in Tibet had

brought too much suffering.

• As more and more Chinese government officials are beginning to crack down on this practice and monitor Tibetan monasteries, this seemingly only fuels the fire to which these monks already have burning inside them.

• We think that there are many other effective ways to channel their disagreement through a more positive message.

• After deeper investigation of Buddhist tradition we believe that there are alternatives to burning in protest of the Chinese laws. We would propose marches and peaceful gathering. This represents their religion more accurately than self immolation.


• As a result of our analysis we have come to the conclusion that although we can’t say that we know what they believe is right or wrong, we, like all other people in this world have the right to our own free will. Making the right and moral decision about issues in society that make the world a better place is a constant struggle within the Buddhist religion. Ultimately it is there divine right to make the decision on how to handle an issue that they feel is holding them back from not only a better life here on earth, but for the afterlife later on. One thing is true in that there is always a positive solution to such a severe showing of disagreement to government policies and religious setbacks.

• This is a problem in todays society and we as westerners should understand and respect others’ viewpoints on how they live their lives through their religion, much like millions of Americans live our lives throughout our own religions, rituals, Ideas and practices. We should promote people to learn more about what is happening to these burning monks and understand the motives before we pass judgment on such a complex tradition.

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