  • 7/21/2019 Final Process Paper (Art Therapy I Final)




  • 7/21/2019 Final Process Paper (Art Therapy I Final)



    For the first part of the final, I was a participant in an art therapy session. Josh and

    Maria were the co-leaders of this session. The directive was divided into two parts. The first

    part involved drawing a dream house. Any perspective of the house would work in this

    particular eperiential. After twenty minutes passed, the participants were instructed to draw a

    secret room in the dream house! we were given thirty minutes to complete this process.

    Admittedly, I almost drew a "lank #pun intended$. At first, I didn%t know how to

    illustrate my dream house. After a few seconds passed, I remem"ered that I recently

    redecorated my "edroom and "ought a full-si&ed "ed. After sleeping in a twin "ed for most of

    my youth, adolescent, and adult life, this was a dream unto itself.

    In my drawing, the "ed was drawn with red sheets, red pillowcases, and a "rown

    comforter, as these were the sheets I purchased "efore having the "ed delivered. The walls

    were green and the carpet was "lue-green, as this is how my room is currently decorated. I

    added a window over the "ed with "lue curtains, as well as a view of the clouds and my front

    yard. There was a "ookcase against the right wall. 'hen the first part of the session

    concluded, we were asked to draw the secret room.

    (efore proceeding with the secret room, I drew a trap door on the floor of my "edroom.

    The door led to a fireman%s pole with which I could slide down and enter the room. The pole

  • 7/21/2019 Final Process Paper (Art Therapy I Final)


    had a "lack light installed, as my real room currently has a "lack light. Inside, there is also a

    disco "all that flashes a multitude of colors. Another feature in the secret room is an orange

    and green portal to heaven. This would "e a place where I could visit my deceased relatives

    and friends, including my father and my "est friend. The portal glows in the "lack light. I also

    included an altar with a crystal "all, a candle, and "urning incense. There is also a )en garden

    with rocks, a fountain, and *eiki sym"ols drawn in the sand. +ver to the left is where I am

    located. I am meditating while amantha, my dog, stands kitty-cornered to me #mied

    metaphor intended.$ he is near the garden and I am at the edge of the carpet upon which I am

    meditating and I am serving as a *eiki channel.

    This process was enlightening. There are still more elements I would like to add to my

    art, "ut I felt that it got to the route of what I desire for my personal comfort. I imagined

    myself seeking peace in a sacred space, so this is what came to mind as I was drawing my own

    room, as well as my secret room. Josh and Maria picked a great directive, "ecause it

    encouraged imagination. In most cases, it elicited a positive response in the drawings of other

    participants. I noticed during the discussion that Josh took the lead. Maria seemed hesitant

    throughout the eperiential. oticea"ly, Josh had more eperience with group facilitation than


    +verall, this directive was effective #rhyme intended.$ In most cases, it encouraged

    positivity in that people want to have positive dreams, even when negativity looms around

    them. 'hile this eperiential was taking place, I reali&ed the need to have a sacred space for

    myself. (oth rooms were designed for pleasure and pleasure alone, and pleasure was surely

    derived from participating in this directive.

  • 7/21/2019 Final Process Paper (Art Therapy I Final)



    For the second part of the final, I was a co-leader in an art therapy session. adia and I

    were the co-leaders of this session. The directive was an eercise in free association. 'e

    instructed the participants to write a word on a piece of paper. et, we instructed them to

    take that word and draw or paint a picture directly associated with that word. The group had

    forty minutes to complete the eperiential.

    The participants umped right into the process. It appeared that no one was stumped "y

    the directive and that they had immediate connections with their words. 'hile I was looking

    around the room, I saw participants deep in thought. For adia and I, this was pleasing.

    I "arely intervened, "ut did make a couple of suggestions during the session. The first

    one was that any medium could "e used. I forgot to mention this at the "eginning of the

    session, "ut I made it a point to mention it minutes after the fact, in case it wasn%t clear.

    /nowing that the group came prepared, it seemed as if that prompt was implied. The other

    prompt involved the possi"ility of finishing early during the forty minute session. I gave the

    participants the option of creating more than one solution to the directive. ome seemed to "e

    pleased, as it appeared some were finishing early.

    The room was 0uiet. adia kept the time for the group and kept a record of how much

    time elapsed during the session. he mentioned the elapsed time in ten minute intervals, which

    may have "een one of the few interventions made during the group. As mentioned previously,

    everyone was focused and hardly anyone made a sound. +ne participant, /risten, was

    humming while she was drawing, which added a nice dynamic to the group%s climate.

    After forty minutes passed, adia and I led a discussion on the eperiential. The words

    picked were diverse. ome words included1peace,weather, music, andschool. There was one

  • 7/21/2019 Final Process Paper (Art Therapy I Final)


    that stuck out to me the most, and that was imone%s choice. he picked the word carousel.

    2er picture featured a white horse that was shaded with different tones of gray. A"ove the

    horse was a foray of green leaves drawn in what appeared to "e soft pastels. The green and

    white accents were vivid and it especially drew me in. It seemed as if imone thought fondly

    of the memories spent in 3alifornia riding a carousel in her youth.

    Another selection of drawings that captured my attention were from 2arriet. he picked

    three words during the span of the session. Those words were crisp, copyleft, and color. The

    first word showed that she has a flair for organi&ation and neatness. The second word denoted

    a penchant for wanting to share. The third word displayed a desire for hope. adia and I "oth

    picked up on the fact that each of these words "egan with the letter 3.

    The group discussion was insightful. adia and I "oth offered commentary on what the

    people in the group created, and we offered feed"ack on the feelings these drawings evoked. I

    felt like I slipped into the role of the leader effectively, as I worked as a counselor at outh

    (each 4sychiatric 3enter for nearly five years. In this time, I facilitated self-help groups and

    lead poetry workshops every month. adia and I agreed that I might have felt a little more

    natural leading the group, "ut I enoyed working with her. 'e put our heads together on a

    num"er of occasions. 'e had three ideas for directives, "ut eventually picked the

    aforementioned directive used during this session. I wanted to see adia step up on some

    occasions and was glad she did. I know that I can "e the type of person who can take charge,

    "ut I didn%t want to "e domineering in this proect, so I wanted us to share the responsi"ilities. I

    felt that this was surely achieved.

    In summary, this was a successful group. adia and I worked well together. The

    participants enoyed the directive, and it was good to see all of the vivid solutions in this

  • 7/21/2019 Final Process Paper (Art Therapy I Final)


    eperiential. ome say a picture is worth a thousand words, "ut sometimes it takes ust a

    solitary word to start the process of creation.


    For the third part of the final, I was an o"server in an art therapy session. 2arriet and

    imone were the co-leaders of this session. The directive involved thinking of an event that

    occurred in the past week. After giving thought to the events, participants were directed to

    "uild a 5-6 collage. The co-leaders provided supplies. These supplies included a "rown paper

    "ag, one "lack sheet of paper, one white sheet of paper, a glue stick, scissors, and a stick of

    chalk. There were also supplies in the middle of the ta"le arrangement, including feathers,

    ri""ons, and paper "eads crafted "y 2arriet. The only medium re0uired was a set of oil pastels.

    The group had forty-five minutes to complete the eperiential.

    2arriet and imone added a few elements that were different from the previous groups.

    +ne of them incorporated the use of music. imone "rought her laptop and played slow and

    soft elevator music while the participants were hard at work. (oth co-leaders provided

    assistance to those who needed more supplies and and needed to dispose of scraps of paper left

    from cutting with the scissors. This proved to "e useful, as there was a lot of interaction

    "etween the co-leaders and the participants. This was also the noisier of the three groups, as

    paper crumpled throughout the duration of the session.

    Another element to the eperiential was the e0ual division of responsi"ilities. As an

    o"server, I could tell that the two co-leaders worked well together. They "oth asked engaging

    0uestions after the eperiential concluded. There were a num"er of common themes in the art

    pieces, many of which involved Thanksgiving weekend.

  • 7/21/2019 Final Process Paper (Art Therapy I Final)


    The participants "egan working on their proects immediately. They were not shy a"out

    asking for any kind of assistance from the co-leaders. In the prior groups, this did not occur.

    This was primarily due to the fact that the other proects were 7-6 and re0uired less assistance.

    As a result, previous groups were less talkative.

    The 5-6 most emphatic collage was created "y Joe. 2e had a lot of emotional

    connections to Thanksgiving and sculpted a ta"le where a Thanksgiving feast often

    commenced. 2e was especially connected to the dining room ta"le, as it was an integral part of

    his youth. 2e made place settings for his relatives, as well as a shrine for relatives who passed

    away, including his parents and his "est friend from college. +ne could tell he had strong ties,

    as he talked at length a"out his eperiences and needed the release.

    For many of the participants, it was their first Thanksgiving in America. Inga, a woman

    of 8uropean descent, spent her Thanksgiving eating a regular meal on the holiday, as she was

    not familiar with the traditions. he focused on 3hristmas, as she made a "eautiful sculpture

    including a wrapped present and an angel. 3hristal, a 3anadian woman whose Thanksgiving

    takes place in +cto"er, created a collage featuring fireworks using curled ri""ons. It depicted

    a strong sense of vi"rant sentiments. 2aylee, a native of Mississippi, made a scupture of a

    plane flying home for the holidays. +ther collages included arah%s (oston terrier and nest

    made from the paper "ag, Maria%s heart and "ou0uet for a future lover, *oshni%s feathered mask

    and flowing a"stract design, and 9loria%s chaotic collage from which she gained clarity.

    'hile the participants felt relaed "y the music, I felt it to "e a distraction. In a few

    instances, I felt sleepy during the eperiential. I was also distracted "y the crumpling of paper.

    'hile some found this to "e relaing, to me it felt like a cacophony against the music. 4erhaps,

    had I "een participating in the session, I may have felt differently. ince I am highly sensitive

  • 7/21/2019 Final Process Paper (Art Therapy I Final)


    to sound, I felt somewhat anious. Aside from this, I felt the group was effective. (oth 2arriet

    and imone were active in the facilitation of the session and that made for an entertaining and

    imaginative eperiential. +verall, it was a great process.


    The entire eperience of participating in the three sessions in three different capacities

    was enlightening. It gave me insight into "oth how to lead an art therapy group and to

    understand what the participants in such a group would eperience. I look forward to learning

    more a"out the art therapy process in the net semester.


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